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Fandom MH: Voyage (Lore/Reference)



The Eight-Legged Norse Horse
In a world full of monsters, wyverns, and dragons of all types, roaming the wilds, safety can be found nearly exclusively inside the walls and gates of villages, strongholds, and even the occasional city, scattered across the continent. Behind their walls, mankind can find refuge from the beasts which stalk the world beyond, across tundras, oceans, forests, swamps, and deserts. Few are brave enough to push through the wilderness beyond -- traders peddling goods from one village to the next, mail carriers delivering messages from one guildmaster to another, vagabonds hunting for work or a home... and of course, the hunters who slay massive beasts to ensure save passage for the rest.

For a few years now, there has been peace throughout most of the continent, as calamity after calamity has been curbed by brave hunters. And, beyond the normal quarrels with the average monster, things have been quiet.

Rumors of sightings of dragons have taken hold in some of the larger cities. Large and more dangerous wyverns have cast their shadows across high mountains, and tales of elder dragons and Nergigante, dragon-eaters, have begun circulating. Even so, there hasn't been a reliable sighting of the worst of such creatures just yet... only rumors and fears. Some settlements, especially larger ones, have been plagued by more frequent attacks, more monster sightings, and more trouble, all with no clear cause. Word across the roads and between villages has been that these attacks have felt targeted. Occasionally large wyverns and higher-threat monsters have been found dead by hunters riding out into the wilds, with their killer nowhere to be seen, leaving rumors, speculation, and mystery in their wake.

What's killing these monsters? What's causing these attacks? Why are they targeting these towns and cities in particular? There are questions to be answered, and surely some dangerous threat to be dispatched at the end of the trail. Will your weapon be lent to the journey to find out?

Lore and Reference

This will be the hub for new world lore, as well as reference material for different locales and monsters we come across -- just in case we need to double-check something, or someone runs across a monster from a game one player has played, but another player hasn't!

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