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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

Elliott nodded. He was frankly surprised by how well everything was going. ,aybe he wouldn't get into trouble for this at all. And that would be kind of awesome of it did happen. But he wasn't going to hedge his bets just yet.

He looked at Tony again, then spoke. "Zatanna teleported them there, shortly after I arrived."

LibbyM098 LibbyM098 (Skyla) @Miasmith17 (Tony)
An academy on Earth wasn’t quite where Alecto had pictured herself, if another being had asked her a few years ago, she wouldn’t have known what Earth was. Today however, the celestial girl was going to be learning to coexist with the more solid forms in the universe.

Many did share similar talents and gifts, some she had seen across the galaxy and some that were astoundingly new.

Nothing could surprise Alecto now, the universe had proven far too vast for anything to be outside of the realm of probability.

Now as the celestial found herself entering this strange academy, she was going over her mental list of things to do.
At least she had a note excusing her late arrival, interstellar travel could be tricky when an atmosphere blocked a great deal of her traveling abilities.
Clearance had also been needed from the Justice League and Shield to allow her to enter Earth and stick around.
No doubt her desire to respectfully navigate the channels would prevent the higher ups from thinking she was there to cause harm to Earth.
It was extremely rare that a being like her would willingly stay on a planet for an extended period of time, let alone blend in with human society.

At first glance, the place was lovely but seemed so ordinary, though it was easy to feel the sheer levels of power surging through some of the students she’d pass. A thousand questions per minute rushed through her as she saw so many different varieties of gifted being.
Part of her wondered how many were native to Earth, and how many others came from far off worlds, she couldn’t possibly be the only one.

1569177374549.pngChecking in to the administration for her schedule and dorm key had been the first order of business, she wanted to get herself settled as soon as possible. Of course she wasn’t fond of the idea of sharing personal space, Alecto was willing to trust the academy in choosing who to place where.

If she truly wanted privacy, there was nothing holding her back from going to space for some serenity and solar energy.
Perhaps part of the charm would be close quarters with another gifted being, there hadn’t been many interactions for her in the past decade of traveling, the outposts of the universe weren’t exactly friendly.

Long legs carried Alecto to her first stop, the very first class she would be attending with her new peers. She wasn’t particularly nervous about meeting anyone, self confidence had always been one of her stronger traits. Alecto knew that once her time at the academy was finished, the universe was hers to explore and enjoy, this was a wonderful opportunity to make connections.

Arriving at the door, Alecto knocked gently before opening the door to the classroom where she was to make her first appearance as a student.
Awkward was the only word to describe the conversation she would walk in on, namely the teacher calling attention to two students and one taking offense to the choice vernacular. An interesting way to meet a few of her fellow students, Alecto just waited for the teacher to sort out the conversation before introducing herself politely.

"Hi, I'm Alecto, I'm joining the academy today" Her voice was strange, like a gentle tone was echoing beneath her words, only slightly distracting but nothing one couldn't get used to after a few conversations. She was hoping her timing hadn't been all too terrible, it was clear that she'd burst in on something close to discipline.

(I'll just tag everyone in the room, sorry if that's not cool) [ Edit finished ]

@Miasmith17 LibbyM098 LibbyM098 _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ EldridSmith EldridSmith
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He'd rejoiced too soon. Typical, but whatever, it's not like he actually had any grand life plans at the moment. "Where, when and with who?" was his quickfire response. There was no point arguing, he would end up doing that at some point, but for today he just wanted to get through it without collapsing from tiredness or doing anything too stupid.

It was just as he asked that the door opened and yet another new person walked in, this one clearly alien. Elliott, being alien himself had a knack for identifying other aliens. And fate seemed to be working his way too. She wasn't an Inhuman. Had she been an Inhuman, he probably would have straight up walked out of they recognised him. And even if they didn't, he still would blank them. His people hadn't accepted him, so why should he accept them?

But if he recognised her as alien, than chances were, she did too. And that would lead to questions, which would lead to answers. His magical senses could tell that she was powerful. No doubt more powerful than him. Elliott wanted the earth to open up and swallow him. This was going to be extremely awkward.

@Miasmith17 (Tony) LibbyM098 LibbyM098 (Skyla) Lyth Lyth (Alecto)
It looked to be in tact. In tact.

One more time to really mull over what that could possibly mean; the casing looked in tact.

That didn't necessarily mean that it wasn't broken he tried to reason with himself. There were plenty of objects that he came into contact with (read;broken) and it didn't look the slightest bit like it was defective. If he could just keep his head cool for a little longer -

Scott. Scott was talking. Was it to him? He could see the boy's lips moving, the evident emotion in his face, but Jason just couldn't put the words together. Even with the ability to read lips, whatever was coming out of his mouth was foreign tongue there was no other explanation! God, he felt so sick. He was still crouched there before the desk, perfectly still in his wake, yet he felt as if his body was swaying. He was spiraling, his head was light, his stomach threatened to empty the pityingly low amount of contents in that very moment. When did his ears start to ring? Was Scott's lips really moving that slow, or was his eyes playing tricks on him?

They weren't moving anymore. When did they even stop moving? Chances were he looked like a complete fool with his eyes glued to the male's lips like they were the most complex puzzle the world ever bestowed upon him. In another scenario this may even seem like he was flirting (being bare chested didn't help his case), but as of right now the raven haired male looked down right creepy.

When he swallowed his throat felt like it was constricting over goat-heads. Never had his mouth been so dry - even the time that he - well, nevermind that.

He should respond now, Jason knew that he should say something. To acknowledge the pair that were so graciously helping him despite his earlier convictions. If Alfred could only see how rude he was being -

But what had they said? If only Jason listened after the word laptop..

"How long do you think it'll take?" Again, he was licking over his lips in attempt to wet them despite his mouth of cotton. Surely, it was something that wasn't too far fetched of a response. Line of sight finally breaking from the lower half of Scott's face, Jason was finally able to make eye contact with the Irish boy. "I can pay for it - anything you need, you'll have it."

The emotions that were so clear not a breath before were evolved back into the stoic face, completely controlled. Anything that he previously felt melted away like frost in the spring. He'd been weak before, but now was the time to be smart.

Lord knows how the last time he allowed himself to be ruled by emotions went.

Jason didn't plan on seeing the grave so soon again.

A lock of white clouded his vision. No, he wouldn't be so careless.

Paying no mind to the wound on his arm, Jason stood at his full height, shoulders back like the good little soldier that he was. His hand came to rid the white streak of hair from his line of sight, effectively messing up the already disheveled hair more than previous. Slipping the soiled sweater back over his frame he ran his hand through his hair once more in another futile attempt to tame. God help him, he needed to smoke.

He caught a glimpse of the girl - the fly killer not far behind the duo. The key in his pocket dead weight. If he could wade through the swamp of his mind, he knew there was something to do with blood. Alas, he couldn't remember. His attention ended with a subtle nod of gratitude to the girl.

"I have a few other things to take care of," Jason mumbled, eyes flicking to either pair for a moment. "What is your room number?"

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Scott
Concord Concord A.J.
He'd rejoiced too soon. Typical, but whatever, it's not like he actually had any grand life plans at the moment. "Where, when and with who?" was his quickfire response. There was no point arguing, he would end up doing that at some point, but for today he just wanted to get through it without collapsing from tiredness or doing anything too stupid.

It was just as he asked that the door opened and yet another new person walked in, this one clearly alien. Elliott, being alien himself had a knack for identifying other aliens. And fate seemed to be working his way too. She wasn't an Inhuman. Had she been an Inhuman, he probably would have straight up walked out of they recognised him. And even if they didn't, he still would blank them. His people hadn't accepted him, so why should he accept them?

But if he recognised her as alien, than chances were, she did too. And that would lead to questions, which would lead to answers. His magical senses could tell that she was powerful. No doubt more powerful than him. Elliott wanted the earth to open up and swallow him. This was going to be extremely awkward.

@Miasmith17 (Tony) LibbyM098 LibbyM098 (Skyla) Lyth Lyth (Alecto)
Tony look at elliot: after school with the principal or clint...."
He looked at the new student:"take a seat and take notes"
Lyth Lyth _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ LibbyM098 LibbyM098 EldridSmith EldridSmith
A.J. was begining to suspect that overnight he had somehow fallen through a portal into an alternate dimension, where everybody except him was a mirror version of themselves. Or maybe he had accessed an alternate timeline? Or maybe this was all a dream and he'd be woken up any minute now, by his twin sister blaring loud music into his face, just to see his reaction.

He looked at Scott, he certainly semmed the same as yesterday. His roommate was rubbing a scar on his arm. A scar in the exact same location as the cut Jason had made to get his chip out. Had Scott been chipped at some point too? And if so, why? And by who? He was under no false pretences that his roommate had had a normal life.

He looked back at Jason was acting extreeemely weird, even by A.J.'s standards. And A.J. had seen some strange stuff in his seventeen years on planet earth. Jason was a complete and utter mess, the words "hot mess" mess weren't really applicable in this excat situation. Although it had not escaped A.J's attention that he was bare chested in front of them and that he clearly worked out.

"It won't take that long to access the code, analysing will take longer, so I'd put ot at anywhere between 45 minutes and an hour. Unless this has some kind of high encryption, in that case, it'll take longer." The idea of being paid didn't sit right with A.J., he mostly worked for free or for favours. "a word of advice, don't go cutting out anymore of these chips if there are others with them, I know a better way to do it".

If Jason said one more strange thing, he was probabaly going to give him a punch to the face and see if it would restore normal brain function in the teenager. It could hardly make him any worse. He told Jason their room number, hoping that his neurons were working enough for him to remember it. (I actually don't know what it is).

He curled his fingers around the chip, careful not to break it, befire zipping up his bag and hoisting it onto the table. When all was said, he wanted to be ready to get to his room as fast as possible, so he could begin the analysis.

Lotheralaix Lotheralaix (Jason) _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ (Scott)
Elliott nodded, he could just imagine the look on Bruce's face when he, Elliott adopted son of Constantine showed up for a detention he had recieved after being on the premesis for less than an hour. So much for proving everyone wrong.

Elliott returned to his seat and sat down. He didnt feel as tired as before, so he sat straighter. It was then that he realised just how hungry he was. He probabaly should have eaten something before portalling over, but he had been too busy trying to get out of coming to Xavier. He considered eating right there and then, but decided that he didnt need to give the teacher further ammunition to present him with more detention.

@Miasmith17 (Tony) LibbyM098 LibbyM098 (Skyla) Lyth Lyth (Alecto) EldridSmith EldridSmith (Tyler)

Jason looked like he was about to keel over or collapse, not that surprsing considering the blood loss he had suffered. And the psychological trauma of cutting out the chip wasn't helping things either. It was hard to believe that one tiny piece of metal and circuitry could cause so much chaos.

He could tell that Jason's mind was elsewhere, it was pretty obvious. He was staring at Scott with the kind of detatchedness that people portayed after being pumped full of all kinds of drugs. It was making him quite uncomfortable and this cretainly wasn't helped by the fact that his attention seemed to be focused almost entirely on Scott's lips.

He found himself relieved when Jason finall, after waht seemed like an eternity, moved his focus to A.J.'s face. He doubted that Jason had even head a single word he (which could refer to either Scott or Jason himself) had said in the past few minutes.

The teen kept trying to pull himself into the shape of a vaguely functioning human, but it didn't seem to be working. Scott had a feeling that once Jason returned to normal, he was going to regret almost everything he had said to A.J. But for now, he needed the red-heads help.

Jason's shirt was in pieces, quite literally. Putting it back on only drew more attention to his current state. A guy walking around with no shirt was probabaly socially acceptable in Xavier, espescially of said guy had a chest worth showing everyone. But a guy running around in blood splattered, ripped clothing? That just screamed crazy guy.

Scott reached into his backpack and pulled out his spare hoodie. It was baggy on his Scott's slim frame, but it would fit Jason well. He held out the dark grey hoodie. "Here borrow this, your current clothing is only fit for the trash now."

Concord Concord (A.J.) Lotheralaix Lotheralaix (Jason)
anya finishes unpacking in her room and checks her laptop, she has recieved a message from a unknown sender
harry was still unpacking when he also received the email
Send New Email
New Email Received
unknown sender
Re: your mission...
your first mission has begun.....you must follow these rules carefully:
1. keep a low profile....stay as a good student, dont cause any trouble or else bruce will keep an eye on you........
2.dont let anyone find out who you are working for.....if any student finds out either find a way to keep them quiet or let us know and we will give u device to remove that memory.
3. stay away from the principals sons......as much as they are charming, they are part of bruce way of keeping an eye on some of the troubling students.
4. report anything suspicous to us......
5. there are cameras in most of the hallways in classrooms. if you need to disable any of them, use the wire cutters in your multi tool.
6. in your room is a special pen, this pen is a voice recorder and a normal pen, if you twist the top of the pen where the clicker is it will start recording any conversation you have
on friday night we will be having meetings with the leader and intitate you both if you promise to follow these rules, we will tell you more instructions later on until then begin investigating
also dont worry this email will disappear in ten seconds
from G​

harry look at the schedule and sees the name of his roommate on the top right:"elliot huh.....ok hopefully i can be careful around him"
he checks his bed and finds the pen, he puts it in his upper suit pocket of the uniform and changes into the uniform..he wondered why anyone even wanted to wear uniforms

anya notice the pen on her desk and changes into uniform, placing uniform jacket pocket
“Too slow, you’re dead. Reset!”

“Too slow, Tab, you’re dead. Reset!”

“Better. Still dead. RESET”

Hours, she had been training for what felt like hours and her muscles were screaming and her willpower was leaving her.

The last few years had been spent this way, intensive training and little room or patience for error. No excuses no weakness, no hesitation, and she would make it through what Cable referred to as ‘intermediate’ training.

“Good, RESET”

Tabitha was sure she’d be carving the word ‘Reset’ into the man’s tombstone, it seemed to be one of his favorite words during training. She was sure the intention was to hear his voice in the base of her skull for any potential combat instances, not that she could imagine being in any kind of extreme battle.

Since the last major conflict that had required a few different heroes to intervene, Tabitha hadn’t heard of much that could possibly involve her.

“Good. Reset”

The voice never wavered, never changed in tone, it was hard to really tell what he was thinking as he watched her move. It stayed somewhere behind and above her, no doubt her surrogate parent was up on the catwalk, arms crossed and not moving as he watched her move around the warehouse.

Tabitha did as she was told, moving back to the starting position at the head of the maze of walls. The targets and tracks would reset and scramble, meaning a new order and variation would be popping up each time she moved through the exercise.

It was the first time she’d used live ammunition, it seemed she had proven responsible enough to have a full clip and backup in her belt.

The alarm to start the exercise sounded and Tabitha moved immediately to the first section of cover, a whirring sound caused her to spin and let two shots fly. Two metallic clangs sounded as both bullets struck true, it was an automatic reset if she missed.

No cheating was possible in Cable’s training grounds, her adoptive father had been pouring his attention into the remaining ward of his.

A metal post swung at her face, something Tabitha hadn’t seen yet in the exercise and narrowly missed being potentially concussed by. She didn’t have time to examine the post, instead having to quickly fire off at two more targets that were flying by on a controlled line, three more metallic clangs were heard before Tab slid into a darker section of the maze.

The walls were moving, changing, targets flying out at her randomly.

It was truly amazing that Tabitha hadn’t quit by now, but she knew better, being under Cable’s teaching was one of the best opportunities she could hope for.

Minutes passed as Tabitha moved through the maze, shooting varied targets and avoiding different traps. She was wide eyed and focused, driven by a competitive streak that had kept her alive for this long.

She knew she was near the end of the run but was far from relaxed, she had nearly been killed by a few end traps already.

Sheer luck struck once more as Tabitha heard the sound of a shoe squeaking and spun, only to be met by a strong arm blocking her from pointing her weapon directly at the oncoming attacker. Her arm stung as the dark stranger wasn’t particularly gentle, Tabitha wasn’t about to retreat, she had expected some kind of twist to be coming for her.

A vicious elbow from the young blond connected with her attacker’s throat and she heard the dull sound of him trying to inhale. No hesitation, she raised the gun once more and was struck from behind, the weapon skittering across the floor and Tabitha reeling as she tried to find balance.

The impact had hurt, badly, she was sure it had been another metal bar trap, until she felt arms wrap around her waist and she was thrown like a ragdoll.

Rolling once she struck the concrete floor, the attacker was nearly on top of her, Tabitha’s left hand glowed as she turned and slammed a handful of orbs the size of jawbreakers into her attacker’s chest. The explosion threw Tabitha and both of her unexpected sparring partners quite a few feet from one another.

Tabitha recovered first, though her ears were slightly ringing, she could see one person rip off their ski mask to vomit, the other holding their ears as they stood.

“Alright, that’s enough”

The voice of Cable boomed from above as Tabitha recovered her lost weapon and once more turned, ready, the muzzle aimed at the closest dark stranger. She lowered the weapon and took a few breaths, realizing for the first time that she was shaking slightly from the adrenaline surging through her.

Whether or not the round was viewed as a success was still unknown, she would no doubt have to sit through a conversation about tactics and any mistakes she might make.


A week had passed since her last intensive training session, Tabitha had obviously needed to come to school but she found the work a bit boring compared to what she was learning at home. The different rule structure was also a bit strange, she had different freedoms here, at home she was much more free to come and go, provided she was outside of training hours.

At the academy, it was much easier to sneak about and take little breaks here and there, though there weren’t any of the dangerous weapons she was used to training with.

‘At least you’re not up and running at 4’ She thought to herself, though she knew that she didn’t want to risk getting out of shape, lest she truly suffer through the next summer session.

Laying on her back on her bed, Tabitha had been hoping she would score a dorm to herself, she’d been firmly told this wasn’t an option by administration. Instead she would be waiting on the appearance of someone named Alecto, hopefully this new roommate wouldn’t mind Tabitha sneaking out at night.

Thankfully she didn’t have class, instead she was able to comfortably unpack and get herself ready before the next day, where she would actually have to start attending.

The idea of meeting so many new people was fairly concerning but, she would have to make it work somehow.
Jason's line of thought was broken with the article being presented to him. A part of him - the more dare he say human part of him wanted to smirk, to give a little bit of teasing to ease the tension that he had created the moment he set foot through the maths door. Alas, there was no reason to keep up the facade that he presented the group with beforehand. He'd shown the vulnerability of his nature to the pair and at that most of his peers of his grade. While unintentional for any eyes to see, it was already done. You can't scoop the blood up and put it back into the vein.

Even with that he stood there, totally unashamed of the tattered and bloody article that he wore. Surely, Scott would know that by accepting the sweater he would ruin this one as well. Though he at not show it through hardened features, he was shocked by the very sentiment. When he thought the day before that his peers would become important, he'd meant it in a way of entertainment, perhaps even malice in a sense. They were to be of use to him, not to actually show some sort of compassion towards the wayward teen. He miscalculated entirely.

He would regret this, he knew. But the deed was already done when the ruined hoodie was taken off and discarded in the general direction of the waste bin to be replaced with the soft fleece of the grey sweater. The fabric was grounding more than it had any right to be. Soft and pliant over pale flesh, so much unlike the material of Kevlar and leather. While he had every intention to lift the weapon from it's holster and head straight for the office not a moment beforehand, now he felt the parallels of his temper. Playing it smart would only mean one thing;


He needed to trust these two - as it had already been seen to some extent by coming to the Irish boy with his conundrum to begin with. He already chose to trust them. It was already embedded into the muddle heart swallowed by darkness.

He didn't regret trusting them. No, far from. What he would regret however, was the madness that they would witness from his tarnished soul. Showing weakness was only the very beginning. Now, a conflict of his interest brought upon by his brother. Later however? Who knew what sort of trivium would be stirred by the unlikely truce. He would be in debt to these two, without contradictions. What they chose to do with it sparked thrill down his spine.

The barest of smirks pooled through icy eyes, the corners of his lips upturning to match. It was gratitude enough. With a final nod to either male, Jason was out of the classroom, in search of the youngest member of their clan.

Concord Concord A.J.
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Scott
A mixed bag of reactions followed as Alecto entered the classroom and introduced herself, certainly she’d walked in on an awkward moment but her intrusion seemed to end it. Instead the tone of the classroom seemed to quickly lose tension, she took her time in assessing the group of gifted students before her.

Another alien sat among them, what seemed to be one of those very interesting Inhumans, though he didn’t seem very interested in even making eye contact with her. She would chalk it up to a shy discomfort, not one to pry into the affairs or motivations of others.

She thanked the teacher before heading to her own seat, doing her best to politely move through the rows to the available empty seat. Her steps seeming to nearly float as she moved, at least any of her quirks wouldn’t be all too interesting among such a powerful group.

Once settled, the gently glowing young woman did her best to keep focus.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ LibbyM098 LibbyM098 @Miasmith17 EldridSmith EldridSmith
Kaito sit in bruce principal office waiting for bruce reaction, shuffling cards in his own hands
He notice another student enter
EldridSmith EldridSmith
Tony comtinue to write equations on the board
Steve plays slideshow
Skyla-Joe's heart sunk as she got up from the desk and made her way out the door.

Crap... damn... crap.

She had now gotten herself into a spot she never wanted to be in. Detention.
She hesitantly made her way to Principal Wayne's Office and walked in like a half tamed cat.

Bruce hadn't spoken in what felt like an hour. He glared up at the students that had just entered his office and didn't even speak to them.
He pointed to the chairs in his office and then looked back to his paperwork.

He will deal with these two when he was damn well good and ready.

Skyla-Joe sat down with her hair once again over her face. Hiding her emotionless face from the world. She was starting to come out of her shell in Maths class actually communicate with someone... now... She had crept back into her shell with no sign of coming back out any time soon.

@Miasmith17 EldridSmith EldridSmith
-Bruce hadn't spoken in what felt like an hour. He glared up at the students that had just entered his office and didn't even speak to them.
He pointed to the chairs in his office and then looked back to his paperwork.-"

He will deal with these two when he was damn well good and ready.-

Kaito look at bruce still shuffling playing cards:"why would you want to know about my home life bruce?"
He watch as the two took a seat near him
LibbyM098 LibbyM098 EldridSmith EldridSmith
Jason left and A.J. ran a hand through his hair. What on earth had he signed himself up for? How long before Jason turned back into his normal snarky self? How long before he would regert agreeing to help Jason? He had no idea, but he dragged into this jess now, as was Scott and he sure as hell wasn't going to stop until he had found out exactly what was going on.

As soon as a suitable opening in their timetable presented itself, A.J. grabbed Scott and the two made their way to their dorm room. He dumped his schoolbag by the bed he had claimed and rid himself of the school blazer. He kept the tie and wound it around his forehead, tying it in such a way that it stopped the strands of long red hair from falling into his eyes.

It didn't take A.J. long to clear a workspace on his desk. He booted up the laptop and pulled out some locked wooden boxes from under the bed. They contained his tools and supplies that would allow him to make pretty much anything. As the laptop configured itself he turned towards his roommate. "Well, that was weird to say the least. I don't think I even want to know what happened, yet I feel like we're gonna find out anyway."

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ (Scott)
Elliott made his way to Bruce's office for the sceond time that day. He could only imagine what underhand comments the bat would make. They probabaly wouldn't even be underhand at all, come to think of it. He'd just straight-off dismiss Elliott as nothing more than a troublesome mini Constantine. Well Elliott knew how to deal with that, he just wouldn't say anything. If the Bat wanted to know the full story behind Elliott Quin, he'd have to earn it.

He entered the office, noticing that Skyla was already there. Bruce was engaged in paperwork, so Elliott took out a well thumbed copy of "Six of Crows" and began to read it in silence.

@Miasmith17 (Bruce) LibbyM098 LibbyM098 (Skyla-Joe)

Scott honestly didn't really mind that Jason was going to ruin the sweater with his blood. It wouldn't be the first of Scott's hoodies to be destroyed by blood and it wouldn't be the last either.

The whole situation was just plain bizarre and Scott had considered the possibility that he was dreaming. He was thankful when Jason left and even more thankful when A.J. dragged him upstairs to their room. A.J. had evidently brought his stuff in that morning.

He sat on the bed and pulled off his shoes, deciding that it would be best to stay out of the way until his roommates was finished fishing god knows what out from under the bed.

"Weird is an understatement, he was properly screwed up by it. It must be serious if he came asking a guy he only met for help. And you're right, I don't want to know, yet I do want to know." He sighed. "this whole situation is just bizarre. Do you really think that chip is damaged? Cos it seems to me like Jason wants it to be."
Concord Concord (A.J.)
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