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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

Jason needed to play nice, at least for the time being. It wasn't any surprise when he was pulled on by Clint and told that he needed to go to his father's office (and that his jacket was waiting there) for his hour in detention. For what exactly? Lord knew. Probably the lack of uniform, he couldn't truly be in trouble for cutting himself open in class, not when he wasn't outright called out for it. But that was fine, really. It may have put a small bump in his plans, but he could handle a bump in the road. After the day's events, it was more than just welcomed to have at least some normalcy.

The borrowed hood was thrown over his head as he made his way to the office, doing his best to keep his face completely impassive as he walked into the principal's office for his hour. And just as Clint had said, his coat was waiting there for him. Clint was a good man.

Scooping up the article immediately and slipping it around his shoulders, he had absolutely no intention of staying behind. He had much better things on his mind, pointedly avoiding the bat as not to drive a bullet through his temple. That is of course until he spotted the girl that had come to his aid, and three boys beside her. It seemed that he wasn't going to escape her any time soon. His brows near shot into his hairline. It seemed that Bruce had a full house today. Surely, his leaving wouldn't be too sorely missed.

He looked over the first, the boy seemed to be playing with a deck of cards and rambling on about.. God knows what. Jason had no interest in that. Beside him was a boy in a long coat, looking more annoyed than anything to be caught in the room. The book in his hands was sign enough that he wanted to get the hour done and over with, with as little conflict as possible. He liked the guy already. But that last, the one smirking like he knew something the rest of them didn't, that was something he just couldn't get behind.

Cool. Composed. He needed to act like he wasn't at all bothered by B, needed to seem like he didn't know about the chip that was ripped out of his arm like a leech, or the others in the arms of the other three.

Jason went for the only window in the office, opening it so that he may sit on the ledge with a cigarette placed in between his lips. Good god, he didn't realize how much he was craving the tobacco until he was so far away from it. Not a complete animal the raven had some decency to blow the smoke out the window as not to disturb his fellow delinquents. He finished the first without a word. It wasn't until he was lighting the second that he thought to make contact with them.

"You look familiar," Jason stated after a long drag, the hand holding the stick now pointing towards the smirking boy. It wasn't necessarily the looks that had him perplexed, rather it was the attitude that radiated off of the boy in multitudes.

EldridSmith EldridSmith Nik
LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Joe
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Elliot
(I'm sorry this is so bad guys, I just couldn't think of a way to put this since it deterred from my original train of thought. Please don't banish me.)
Nik recognized him from an alternate universe. Jason Todd aka Red Hood. Dr. Doom didn't bother seeing him as a threat so his looks and name and that his power level wasn't a threat from the Doom bots reports. "I know of you but how do you know of me?"
Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
The sound of voices and a door opening had caught Tabitha’s attention, her door had been left open since she’d arrived. Part of her nosy nature was a need to know what was happening just outside of her door, today would be no different.

She stood up and walked to the door, in time to see a young man wearing a grey hoodie pass by. Of course this could be nothing more than someone leaving their friends room, Tabitha stood in her door and watched him leave.

Partially tempted to follow after him, Tabitha also knew there was little to no way she would be able to successfully tail him, the hallways were too small.

Shifting back out of sight, Tabitha soon heard the bell ring and sighed some, she was going to have to go make her way out into the student population.

Closing the dorm behind her, Tabitha ventured off into the now slightly more crowded hallway. She wanted to use her time to learn the layout a bit better, she had arrived a day earlier than expected, taking her time to settle in before she was due in class.
EldridSmith EldridSmith Nik
Lotheralaix Lotheralaix Jay
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Elliot
@Miasmith17 Kaito

Joe looked up at the new comer and her heart sunk a little, it was Jason... She wondered how Dick was and she gently pushed her hair behind her ear not to hide her face anymore.

She glanced over her shoulder at him realised he was smoking...
For the love of Australia... why was he so hot???

She looked back straight ahead and then composed herself before asking. "How's Richard?"

Bruce didn't even look up from what he was doing at his desk. His office was filling up more and more with students and he felt like crushing the breath out of Clint.
Seriously! Why send then all in at once?

He heard very familiar foot steps and then it was followed my a familiar smell. That had to be Jason, but he wasn't going to say anything to him... Bruce deserved to be punched in the head for what he had done. He was going to let Jason's smoking slide.

Dick opened his eyes and looked around the nurses office.
He let out a sigh and looked down at his arm that he had cut into and Jason had fixed for him.
He sat up and ran his right hand through his now messy black, locks.
He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment and let out a breath. He had to get back... just a few minutes more tho.
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Kaito kuroba kept shuffling cards, the special pen in his uniform top pocket still recording every conversation, it was well hidden
He keeps shuffling his cards wondering why bruce asked about his home life
Clint open the door:"hey i came to appoligize...i just needed to find a room to put the trouble students in. Which ones should i take with me?"
Clint also wondered why oliver hasnt returned yet (but oliver is still stuck in a cage unaware to anyone at the school)
LibbyM098 LibbyM098
Voice spoke in his mind:'you know you can speak to me by thoughts, first you need to find a way to open your ceil door, look for a hair pin or something small enough to unlock the door. If not then i can help'
Vlad takes wires carefully off the old nightmare chip and removes it, putting it beside the metal plate
Second man in white hands him the new chip
Vlad starts attaching the wires from inside her brain to the new nightmare chip
Lily lays there not moving or speaking
First man in white still cutting her old scar wound, its bleeding some red and bit of green
LibbyM098 LibbyM098 (i decided to copy it here so it would be easier)

Oliver nodded slightly and looked around until he found a loose nail and pulled it out of the wall.
He then proceeded to silently pick the lock.
He grinned to himself when he slowly opened the door.

Now to save Lily and get back to school...

He stepped out silently and made his way over to a guard who was leaning up against the wall. He hit him in the neck where a pressure point was that would make the white guard fall unconscious.

He silently dragged the white guard into the cell Oliver had been trapped in and then took his gun off.

He walked silently into the shadows and then aimed the gun at one of the guards beside Lily.

Stuff his no killing policy.
He shot the man straight through the head and then quickly shot the one standing on the other side of her before he could even react to his partners death.

Oliver nodded slightly and looked around until he found a loose nail and pulled it out of the wall.
He then proceeded to silently pick the lock.
He grinned to himself when he slowly opened the door.

Now to save Lily and get back to school...

He stepped out silently and made his way over to a guard who was leaning up against the wall. He hit him in the neck where a pressure point was that would make the white guard fall unconscious.

He silently dragged the white guard into the cell Oliver had been trapped in and then took his gun off.

He walked silently into the shadows and then aimed the gun at one of the guards beside Lily.

Stuff his no killing policy.
He shot the man straight through the head and then quickly shot the one standing on the other side of her before he could even react to his partners death.
The one cutting lily back look up and sees his two partner dead, vlad noticed as well and pressed a button on a remote
Four men in white rush in
Vlad goes over to the computer and starts activating the new nightmare chip by typing in some codes
The one cutting lily old scar wound on her back stops and grabs metal plate with bolts in it
Voice:'he is gonna attempt to put the metal plate back on her head we need to stop him and prevent the chip from being activated....'
LibbyM098 LibbyM098
It was strangely comforting for A.J. to know that his roommate was as confused about everything going on as he was. He leaned back on the wheelie office chair and sighed. It was a sigh of confusion, exhaustion and relief. Confusion at what had happened, exhaustion for kuch the same reason and relief that he could finally start working. He'd been jittery all day with the thought of what the chip could tell him. The article in question was currently sitting on his desk contained in a small box.

"Honestly? It looks intact, but there could be all manner of things wrong with it. Data corrruption, an EMP could have fried it, it could have been deactivated years ago. I don't really know. But it is weird, why would he want the chip to be broken? What possible advantage could there be to that? Surely the whole point of the chip is that it is meant to work and meant to track you?"

A.J. for the life of him couldn't figure out why, but he knew that the thought would gnaw at him for days. There was also something else on his mind, and he decided that he had to ask, even though he guessed that Scott mighn't be willing to tell him. "I gotta ask this, you don't have to answer. That scar on your arm? The one in the same place as Jason carved up? Was that from a chip too?"

He left the question hang, trying not to look at Scott or sound too nosy about asking what was probabaly a very personal question. He wasn't even sure if his roommate would answer.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ (Scott)
It was inevitable that A.J. would ask, he'd seen the ruins of his back yesterday and the chip scar today. And with Jason's being in the same spot, it was inevitable that his red-headed roomie would connect the dots. He was as Jason had put it "a smart guy", although smart was probabaly an understatement, considering where they were.

He hadn't intended to tell anyone his past and the stories of horror that came with it. But A.J. wasn't just anybody. Despite barely knowing the guy a day, Scott, like Jason had just a while earlier chose to trust the Irish boy. There was something about him, a sort of internal goodness that made Scott decide to take a leap of faith and answer. It had taken him a few minutes of mulling to make the decision.

He nodded almost imperceptibly before realising A.J. wasn't looking at him. He drew one knee up and tucked it under his chin. "yes, it was from a chip. And probably one not to different from Jason's too. I cut it out myself" He spoke quietly, but it was only the two of them in the room, so A.J. was bound to hear it. What he did with that information was up to him.

Concord Concord

Elliott didn't pay any attention to the others in the room. His book was one he had reread many times and the margins were littered with commentary in small writing, most of it his, but not all.

He was only vaguely aware of their presence. It wasn't that important, he decided, to look at them. If they wanted to make a conversation with him, they could start it themselves.

The smell of tobacco made him look up. John was a chain smoker, it was no secret and he had nearly dies of lung cancer at one point, but that was another story involving various princes of hell and a classic Constantine screw over.

The culprit was one of the bloodied guys from earlier. He was dressed differently, but Ellliott recognised him none the less. Skyla asked him how Richard was, and Ellliott took that to mean the other boy from earlier. Now this was worth listening too. He lifted up his pale grey-blue eyes and watched the exchange with renewed interest.

EldridSmith EldridSmith Nik
Lotheralaix Lotheralaix Jason
LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Skyla
@Miasmith17 Kaito
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Snarky. Jason didn't expect for the male to welcome him with open arms, but he also didn't think that he was going to be looked over like cattle at an auction. Cattle that was clearly not making the cut for the male. It brought a smile to the lips around the cigarette. He didn't mind being disregarded, if anything he would prefer it. In his youth it was entirely out of his ego, now it just meant that he could be left alone (and if better secrets were a part of that, he needn't mention it).

"You just remind me of someone." Jason mused, not finding any real reason to continue their conversation. At least, not finding any way to keep things civilized. Just because he had a mouth on him didn't mean that it wasn't exhausting to even himself at times.

No, no. What he wanted was sitting between his fingers and filtering through his lungs. He really shouldn't be smoking as much as he was, already halfway through the second and taking out a third to light for when it was too short to continue. If Dick, or even Damian was around they would take the stick and throw it out the window. The older would likely take the pack in general. Peering past the hood he was pleasantly surprised that he didn't get a greeting or a scolding for the actions. If everyone else was going to be fine with it he saw no reason to stop.

As for Skyla however, that was a multi tier question. He could be honest and tell her that he'd bandaged up his arm like the good brother that he was, however that would bring light to a situation he would rather seem oblivious to in front of the scowling man in the room. Then again, if B was going to ignore him, there was no reason for him not to have at least a little fun. The man was a proper mast of manipulation, but that didn't mean Jason didn't have a slithery tongue of his own.

"Oh god, Richard." His head fell back into the frame of the window, his eyes closing as he allowed himself to laugh. It had no right to be funny; any other day he would just roll his eyes and get on with the conversation. But now? A laugh was welcomed warmly. "Dick is sleeping - or he better be. Lord knows ya can't ask him to sit still for a bloody minute."

Keeping the hand with the stick outside of the window, the rest of his body leaned forward to properly engage the girl. It wasn't hard to feign distaste over his features when he still felt like vomiting. "We're adopted you see, and our father can be quite the control freak. Insane actually. He doesn't trust easily. Actually, I don't think he's ever trusted a soul in his life." The last part wasn't entirely directed at B, more of his own realization. "I can see him not trusting some kid he picked up in the bow', that makes sense you know. Even if that kid spent all of his life keeping his nose as clean as possible as not to screw things up - he slips sometimes yeah, they don't have the same conscience per se, but he isn't despicable. Even that, makes sense."

"But to not trust your oldest son - the one who's dedicated his life to pleasing the man, even going to lengths that most would consider unhealthy. Shit - the son that would stick up for him while his other children wanted nothing to do with the man, no matter how irrationally he was acting - to not trust him? He could ask Dick to kiss his feet, and I'm sure the idiot would actually consider it." Thought alone had him snorting. He could practically see the scenario taking place. That didn't stop the ache budding in his chest. Didn't stop the resentment creeping into his voice like blood to water. "To put a god damn tracker in that kid, un-fucking-believable."

Flicking the remains of the smoke out the window Jason stood, no longer feeling the need to be in the room. His next words carried venom, but they were spoken like he was paying a compliment, tone gentle and light. "I'd rather return to the grave than to be that disgusting."

Jason was halfway out the door by the time that he was finished speaking, stopping just so that he may catch eyes with the boy closest to Joe. God, it was far too obvious who this boy was related to - or wanted to look like. It was shameless. He dare smile. "Constantine, say hey to your old man for me."

And if he was wrong, it didn't matter as he left the office. He did what he had come to the office for, and now it was really time for him to search for the youngest Wayne. If luck was on his side, the little troll would be up in his room.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Elliot
LibbyM098 LibbyM098 B & Joe
EldridSmith EldridSmith Nik
@Miasmith17 Kaito
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_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
EldridSmith EldridSmith
LibbyM098 LibbyM098

Kaito listen to the conversation and shuffles his cards more, he look at skyla with a bit of a smirk after jason left:"hello miss, whats a nice attractive beauty doing here in a trouble markers room?"
Clint wait for bruce response letting hin calm himself
Kaito pen in his top jacket pocket recorded the whole conversation
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Elliot
Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
EldridSmith EldridSmith Nik
@Miasmith17 Kaito

Bruces blood ran cold. All he could do was listen to Jay and... accept it.
Bruce had been the boys Guardian, Teacher, Trainer, Discipline giver, Protector and now Principal. He had been everything but a father to them... but he didn't know how. He didn't know how to show his affection for someone and he was afraid if he did... He would loose them.
He stayed silent until Jay left... He just let the boy walk out without a word to him.
"They can all stay here, Clint." His tone had no emotion in it... but his dark brown eyes said everything. He was hurting and hating himself for what he had done... and what he didn't do.

Joe's amber eyes filled with sadness for both Dick and Jay. Jay was obviously hurting as well. She wanted to help... but will half the school in the room she couldn't do anything but listen to him.
Then he walked out and as soon as he was gone she was being hit on again by another horny teenage boy.

Her jawline tighten and she sat back in her seat. The boy shuffling the cards was well dressed yes... but she felt her blood run cold.
"Maybe I like trouble." She glanced over at him with a cold look.
Her blood lust was rising again and she knew she had to control it. She didn't want to be bad... but the very essence of bad was pumping through her veins and she knew she had no way of controling that.

Her phone gave off a small buzz and she looked down to read what had been sent to her.
A small smile came across her lips as she started to read the message.
He had been off on another job again but when he could he would always message her to see of she was alright.
Clint nod and goes back into the secretary admin office
Kaito look at her with a smile:"seems so...though the reason im in trouble was because of a good reason"
Kaito still wondered why bruce asked about his home life....it caused him to not talk about it, so far bruce hasnt asked anything else about him
LibbyM098 LibbyM098
EldridSmith EldridSmith
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
A deep exhale left Tim as he looked at the impressive drop beneath the feet he had dangling in free air. Red Robin was doing his best to get the rush he always found in Gotham. Something about being up high comforted him, perhaps he was homesick, there was so much less to do during the year.
Of course, he could always plead for weekend leave, it was doubtful BruAce would allow Tim to head back to Gotham to patrol on his own. It would be obvious that Tim was only looking for a conflict, an outlet for the angry energy he could feel coiling up inside of him.

Sitting on the edge of the school roof was far from the high adrenaline of intercepting a bank robbery, it seems Tim had no choice but to take what he could get. Another exhale and Tim finally felt the rush he was seeking, perhaps this was a less than desirable way to medicate himself but what Bruce didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt him.

The sound of the bell ringing seemed to scold him from a distance, calling him out for missing class and acting out of character. Something about coming back to the academy had always put a damper on his mood, Tim wanted to travel and fight crime, he felt ready to be independent.
He shifted and finally got up, heading back to the roof access and back down into the school. His movements were graceful and quick as he flitted between the students in the hallway, eager to get himself back to his own dorm.

The sudden appearance of Jason ahead of him drew Tim’s attention, Jason was wearing a hoodie that didn’t fit him quite right. Something was off, or perhaps Tim really was this desperate to take up some detective work. Quickening his pace, Tim soon fell in step with his older adopted sibling.

“What happened to you?” Tim’s question was nothing close to subtle, he never was with his fellow Robins.

Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
Jason didn't expect for someone to fall into his stride, and much less someone that he beat bloody and pulpish not even two years ago now. Of course, that didn't count all the times that he was relentlessly dogging the boy ever since he had met the boy since his return. Was it wrong that he still wanted this dynamic to continue, that by saying something a little back handed might bring him some sort of pleasure. At least, it would reemerge him in the present rather than for him to succumb to the whispers at his ears.

"Replacement." It wasn't the most dignified response that he could give, but it was nothing short of natural between the two's dynamic. He was wary of what he should be saying, if he should say anything to Tim at all. Still, he didn't entirely dismiss the younger as he pulled the hood up higher over his frame and started up the stairs rather than to take the elevator.

If he could give the boy any props, it was for sticking around. Even if he wasn't always wanted. Contrary in this fraction of a moment. "Have you seen the brat around?" He spoke again as they turned the corner for the next set of stairs. His answer would be more as a courtesy, seeing as they were already headed to the youngest's dorm room.

TheSaint TheSaint
Tyler went to class with the rest of the students, sticking close to Skyla as he wanted to make friends with her... ok more like he wanted to date her but still. "I'm rather new to the school, mind leading the way to class?" He said, sure he knew the way but this was the perfect chance to talk to her.
LibbyM098 LibbyM098
*facepalm* skyla is still in detention))
Jason seemed somewhat surprised to see Tim approach him, he had his standard little barb ready. A smile actually tugged at Tim, at least Jason was consistent enough for this to feel like affection now.

They had indeed clashed some time ago, Tim had thoroughly gotten his ass kicked and learned a great deal about Jason. His parents had been killed not long after and Tim’s entire world inverted, his faith in the all capable bat shaken.

As he grew he felt less pulled towards resentment, Dick Greyson would still permanently outrank the lot of them. Of course, Tim wouldn’t be pining for Jason’s approval, he wondered if the older Robin might consider letting his own anger go. Of course, he would never be stupid enough to say any of this to Jason, Tim knew that was a surefire way to poke the bear.

“No, but I gather there’s a reason you’re gracing him with your presence” His tone was polite, knowing this would be the only way he could tag along. The fact that Jason hadn’t told him to go kick rocks meant Tim might have some use in the immediate future and Tim couldn’t escape his own curiosity.

Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
Dick finally decided that he heard been sitting fare to long.
He stood up and walked out as if nothing had happened.

He walked to his room and opened the door to let himself in.
He grabbed his school jacked and slipped it over his shoulders before walking out and closing the door behind him.

He blinked his eyes and pressed his lips together.... His hair was a mess... He could sence it.
He walked back into his room and walked straight into the bathroom to make himself more presentable.
Tim would notice any stutter in his voice, any falter in his movement, hell, he would pick up on the little cocky facade that he would often put on for the public. Because of course he would, the boy was a damn genius. Even taking a beat too long to reply would raise suspicion in the young detective. While he was very effective with his lies, the didn't see the point in them. He would likely tell Tim something now, completely forget about it and end up in his own shitty little web later. That was a migraine waiting to happen. The question still on his mind; could he trust Tim with the information? Granted, the boy was going to find out one way or another. Whether it was the gossip of the school of his little emotional burst with a certain older raven, or if that very same raven stabbed him in the back and told the boy himself. It would be too typical for Dick to do something before he could get his ducks in a row. Expected to some extent even.

"I haven't kicked him around in a while. I'm pretty pissed off today, thought I needed some teeth to knock in." He explained with a lazy drawl of his voice. Technically, he wasn't lying. He hadn't bullied the youngster since he'd last shot at the boy for entering his territory three weeks prior. All in good humor.. Mostly.

Rounding the last corner to start on the hallway he looked down his shoulder to the boy beside himself. "Unless you're so willing to take his place."

Yet again he didn't wait for Tim to answer the invitation as they were standing just outside the boy's room. Common courtesy (and Alfred) reminded him that it wasn't polite to bang at the door with his dense fist, especially when Damian wasn't the only occupant of the room. That however didn't stop him from raising his fist and throwing it at the door hard enough that it shook.

"Open the door little shit,"Jason called from the other side, his temper was already getting the better of him. If Damian was going to be coming to that door, he better move in 3.. 2.. 1..

Patience be damned to high hell, Jason's boot clad foot was up and connecting with the knob of the door. It hardly took one kick for the lock to give way and slam into the wall adjacent.

TheSaint TheSaint Tim
icysubject icysubject Damian
Tim knew he was difficult to speak to, he couldn’t help but analyze everything said to him. The trait that had really drawn the bat to him, his almost self-destructive drive for answers. He suspected the others didn’t love how everything always became an interrogation of sorts.

Hearing the comment about taking his frustration out on Damian, caused a genuine laugh to escape Tim.

“It’s too early for me to be manhandled but, you can give me a shout tonight if you need help getting to sleep” Tim said, his words low and playfully laced with insolence. Tim stayed out of reach, knowing he was more than likely flirting with danger by now.

As they arrived at the youngest Wayne’s door, Tim knew there wasn’t going to be much of a way before boot was pressed to wood. Years of training had him turn to scan the hallway as Jason demanded entrance, witnesses weren’t something they needed since the bat was seemingly never far.

The warning hardly seemed to have a point when the door was nearly blown off its hinges by Jason, there was something to admire about his ability to solve most of his problems with violence.
Something about the way Jason had accepted Tim along with him in this mission had the younger robin choosing to follow his lead. The craving for excitement flared up, less so for the victimization of Damian but for more information on what had Jason behaving so strangely.
Hearing a noise down the hall, Tim cleared his throat to alert Jason, who would hopefully pick up on the signal.

Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
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