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Futuristic Malignant Powers (OOC)

I like to think that Boreal and Diomedes are incompetent and literally carried by far better Marines who were to humble to take credit for their deeds and so they were passed on to Diomedes and Boreal.
That or Tarkus was always around and constantly giving them the honor just because he's a total bro.
I like to think that Boreal and Diomedes are incompetent and literally carried by far better Marines who were to humble to take credit for their deeds and so they were passed on to Diomedes and Boreal.
That or Tarkus was always around and constantly giving them the honor just because he's a total bro.
Or Davian Cool
I have news, I am not dead!

Sorry for the hiatus, I had a matter to deal with that came up rather suddenly. My mind has been rather preoccupied lately.
I hope my disappearance has not hindered your interest.

As it happens, the matter that has held my attention is still current.

However, I can say that the IC post will be soon. Maybe later tonight.
IC post is up!

If one' patience fails in reading Ekteliar's a tad lengthily introduction - all you need to know is found in the second scene (after the divider). Another note of importance is that the Techpriest in question has spent some time on-board the same starship as your character and as Ekteliar wondered around - your character is likely to have seen him. For players wishing to have had some interaction with Ekteliar Ohm, whatever and whenever it was, you can do so. I won't mind - I actually welcome it.

IC post is up!

May we all enjoy it and more importantly - may we manage to unravel the secrets of this mining world - and in doing so serve the Emperor!
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Zeth Zeth Masterful writing, techpriest! Truly you capture the scribe's spirit.

Thank you! Have an Omnissiah:

HE's got it!.jpg

The Deathwatch Kill-Team, "Gladius," has been selected to deploy first. You are all currently aboard the ship OBERON.


Just as I was listening to the the song below, I've read the name of the ship in your post.

Hmmm... freaky coincidence or divine providence? ^^

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