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Futuristic Malignant Powers (OOC)

Actually, the guy in the interest section had a slight point, but the way he pointed it was ridiculously dickish.
Not many rps with Xenos. Which is funny, cause Eldar was the first army I collected, then switched to Templars. And they still hold a special place in my heart.
I'm ready for your hate.
CatJones CatJones Whatever point he may have had went out the window because 1) he's looking for players for his dice-heavy game but in the non-dice section 2) he came off as a bit high and mighty. A simple "not my cup of tea, thanks though" would have sufficed.

But hey, that means there'll be more loot xenos to purge for us.
I've seen that like ten times today. It's haunting me.
Also, rules with a necrodermis fist?
You mean Dark angels?

First Legion - Best Legion. U jelly.

'Fallen' Angel.jpg

Oh, someone finally did coloring. I only had pencil art of that.

Here is the c-section of the same blessed schemata:

Tend to the Armor of the Dead and it will protect you.


Welp, time to hide the toasters from Zeth Zeth
Midrick Midrick

Too late!

Giant Toaster Relic.jpg

RayPurchase RayPurchase

Not to steal Feirros' thunder, I've specialized my Magos down the path of PER and CHA, so your Iron Hands Star Father got all the Tech to himself. I am pretty excited for some teamwork, so if you need some help with Intelligence checks you can count on Lord Ohm! ^^
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Did you play them back when they were silent stalking monsters or after they became Egypt in space? I've never played them or against them so I've always been curious which flavor was preferred.
Actually I can't/don't play the tabletop because of various reasons but I have read both silent stalking monsters and funky robo Egyptians with a hard on to kill all life.

And honestly both styles are my flavor.
What did y'all start out with tabletop wise? I never played an actual match but I did collect models. First ones I had was this old Tau Fire Warrior squad.
(Older version of these. Didn't have the rocket turret back in the day. Also way more long guns.)
I collected the Imperial Guard and Necrons for a bit. Never go around to really play the tabletop though.
I had a full Eldar Army, enough for about a ~3000 point army. Won three games with them, lost two.
I have some guard (gifted to me) that I used as an ally army for Templars when I started them out an didn't have enough for the bigger games my friends were playing. I had a baneblade since I wasn't gonna try and shell out the cash for a stormlord.
I have a squad of Skitarii Vanguards but never finished that army.
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian - Why thank you, there's more to come, just need to flesh it out with IC stuff.

I apologize for the wait by the wait everyone, just waiting for our last participants.

I'd like to start this within the next few days.
Alright, I've decided to kick this in full swing by Thursday or Friday. Expect an IC post by then.

To those who still have their characters in progress. You can still join in, we can integrate your characters on the fly.

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