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Maid Roleplaying Game

Have you heard of Maid?

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So i've heard of this system before, jsut never was able to really read up on the rules and such, stupid question but any ideas where I can grab a rule book to read about this before i throw my hat in the ring?
Ah! Alright, and I imagine you telling me this means there's a spot open, I shall check it out once I get home. Phones are not the most wonderful things to do this sort of thing on.
[roll] 36d6 [/roll]

come on lolita faerie with black hair and blue eyes

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okies. i will say i am late because i was too busy tending to the Vine monster in the greenhouse. can you tell me what my characters stuff is because i don't have the books but watched a few playthroughs on youtube.
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Lol, we don't have a vine monster, but we do have a shark in a outdoor pool. >.> @Umbrie And I am working on it. It takes a little while and I am working on other stuff too.
@Umbrie Just so you know, once Mary finds out you dare come between her and her true love, she will attempt to poison you... 50% of the time, this will not be distinguishable from her regular cooking.

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