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Realistic or Modern Magic Space Dragon Teens: OOC

My girlfriend loves that game and psychological horror is one of my favorite genres next to cosmic horror. I've been meaning to play it.
It's great but.. For someone that isn't used to anything even remotely related to horror. I found it utterly terrifying and it just shook me. I'm still shaken up about thinking about it xP
And another one.
Anise Sanguine
  • 15457e754a32ea3abfd54a5d14db5a51.jpeg

    Lovely evening isn't it?​
    Name: Anise Williams (It's actually Williams.)

    Gender: Female

    Age: 13

    Appearance: A dark skinned teen with pink hair and amber eyes. Anise frequently changes her outfit to suit the situation, and has a myriad of costumes which she makes great use of.

    Personality: Confidence, charisma, and some other c word. Anise knows she's better than a lot of people, it's just a fact. But at the same time she doesn't let that go to her head. She's been shown that underestimating someone never turns out well, so if anything she tends to overestimate just to be sure she'll be fine! She's still plenty confident though, and very passionate about what she loves. She's also curious, but will drop things immediately if they fail to entertain her. She's like an arrogant little sister who's better than you, knows it, but is still cool enough to respect you as a person at the end of the day.

    Backstory: Anise is a freaking child prodigy. She was gifted even from a young age, hence how she ended up skipping a few grades to attend high school at the age of thirteen! She's always been so good at her studies that she just simply doesn't even need to think about them. The epitome of natural talent!

    Because she didn't need to devote time to studying, she has gathered a myriad of odd interests. Her most notable passion is acting. Having such an open schedule makes it easy for her to fit practice for that in. And she learns her lines really quickly too! Gaming is another passion of hers, most notable video games. Though she has been known to dabble in tabletop gaming from time to time. What she enjoys most of all however, is making things. It's broad because her interest is that broad. Whether it's costumes, short stories, props, new decklists, dnd modules, even jewelry, Anise loves making things and working with her hands. This is also how she gets most of her money, making things for people.

    One day when walking home from high school the girls found a strange scale thingy. Thinking she could use it for part of a prop she took it. That was when her life got thousands of times more interesting.

Oooooh, a tabletop player.
Talk to me about dnd irl. Ask Welian or Nessy and they'll tell you that simply having me nearby warps the presence of everything to slowly change it into Dungeons and Dragons.
"Everything is D&D if you try hard enough" - Natealie
Talk to me about dnd irl. Ask Welian or Nessy and they'll tell you that simply having me nearby warps the presence of everything to slowly change it into Dungeons and Dragons.
I've always been kinda interested in it, but never bothered enough to read into it xP
Talk to me about dnd irl. Ask Welian or Nessy and they'll tell you that simply having me nearby warps the presence of everything to slowly change it into Dungeons and Dragons.
I am immune to such effects! I mean I have an excessivly high fortitude save... Ah,
Talk to me about dnd irl. Ask Welian or Nessy and they'll tell you that simply having me nearby warps the presence of everything to slowly change it into Dungeons and Dragons.
Haha. I'm a DnD player myself, or I would be if I knew anybody to play it with. Aaron is also a DnD player which is the one time he willingly gets social.
I dabble in other RPGs as well. So far I have knowledge of pathfinder, DnD 5e, fantasy flight Star Wars (edge of the empire), clockwork dominion, big eyes small mouth, and a rudimentary knowledge of the marvel heroic Roleplaying game.

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