• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.


Clowning around
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Welcome! This is a quick announcement before we go into the actual information and such. So during this, be warned: It is my first group roleplay. I'll be trying to run it smoothly as possible, and there will be a discord. Any questions I can answer, I will answer. Now, Let's get into it!

Eerie laughter. A stone cold, metal room. One desk. One chair. Are you alone? Or are there others? Where are you? What day is it? Where did the laughter come from? Why are you there? Who did this? Why was it happening?
Questions flooded your head, as you look around the room. You were not tied to the chair, and the room was blank. The table did have a file. What's in the file? Well.. That's for the story to unravel.

Alright! Welcome to Madman's game! I'm looking for around 3-7 people, to play the parts of characters! I have roles that need to be filled, and depending on how this goes, I might add more! Now, let's get into the character roles and the character sheet and requirements
-You must be able to write 2-3 paragraphs per response. No one liners.
-This is a horror roleplay, so I'd appreciate it if you were 15+ Fourteen is the absolute minimal.
-Please do list your triggers, as this is a horror roleplay.
-You need a discord, as the OOC is in discord. It's neater that way. The actual Roleplay will be on sight, however.
-You need to be able to write at least once a week.
|More to come|
Narrator/Madman: ??? | Played by: Randomized_Chaos
Character One: The Psychotic one| Played by: kai_the_goblin
Character Two: The Heartthrob| Played by: AceTheLizardKing
Character Three: The Spitfire | Played by: thich
Character Four: The calmer one| Played by: Steve Freeling
Character Five: The punk | Played by: Lunar
Character Six: The resilient one| Played by: Breakfeastclub
Character Seven: | Played by:

Age: (Must be age 19-36)
Gender: (Any)
Pronouns: (Any)
Appearance: (Can be a face claim, or description)
Trivia: (3-5 random things about the character)

Well, that seems to be all! Please post a reply below if you are interested, and we can figure something out! Remember to check the Requirements, and please put any triggers you have in your reply as this will be a horror roleplay. This does have a bit of fantasy, so be aware. All questions that can be answered, will be.

See you on the other side! ~Chaos (They/He/Xe)

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I'm a little confused but intrigued, I think I'm in!

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