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The Happy RP Salesman
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Magical Academy for Gifted Individuals and Combatants

———:Samantha Oculara:———

Samantha looked down the mineshaft entrance leading to the school subway station where she would be going to school. taking a few steps inside it, she was about to call the whole thing off and address the bull she went through until a ringing sound was heard and she was suddenly standing in a bustling subway station.

"Trippy way to hide a train," she muttered before taking another step and promptly faceplanting and dropping her stuff.

Tau Tau (PLEASE have Alex help her up because he doesn't notice she only has one eye until she looks up... just PLEASE.)

———:Ryan Slithmyre:———
"Ssssso thisssss isssss a ssssubway?" Ryan's tongue flicked out as he slithered along, careful to make sure his tail wasn't stepped on. He could have made it a pair of legs with illusions but he wasn't keen on hiding anymore than he had to. seeing a train pull up, he slithered inside and almost dropped his jaw at what awaited. the huge room inside was as big as a basketball court in width and as long as an aircraft carrier with stalls full of food and other things being sold from around the different areas of the world.

There was even a smoking section for the Fire sprites and Demons who had to do so to sustain themselves. He didn't much care for smoke so he avoided that area, and chose to go see about an ATM. Changing his Saudi Riyals for Kell:
Kell Coin.png
He noticed Kell's resemblance to Japanese and Greek money. sitting down and counting his money was easy with all the seats... it was almost like a food court to be honest.

———:Raphael Kreitor, Levi, Letos:———
Hell's train pulled into the station and Raphael literally bolted inside yelling, "OhboyOhboyOhboyOhboyOhboy! First day of school! First day of school!" while The Sin of Wrath just sighed and walked to the train's teacher's lounge. "Raph, don't get into trouble, got it?" Daegan swore under his breath as Raphael excitedly quite literally BOUNCED off the walls as if physics had no power over his being.

When he got bored of that, he noticed a short little girl with a cigarette in her mouth.

"What? you want one, ya bratty summon?" she lit another and tried to give it to him. Raph hissed EXACTLY like a cat, and the girl shrugged, her fire-red hair bobbing a bit as she took another puff before a guy who looked like he had some sort of color coordinate sideshow going on saddled over.

"Letos, don't try to start a fight before we even get there..." he sighed. "Oh hey Raph... I didn't realize you'd be here..."

"Levi? Small afterlife!" Raphael smirked and looked at his friend. the two of them knew each other from a young... death? essentially Raph was the reason Levi was blind in his right eye, but they were more like friendly rivals than enemies. Letos frowned, "I need to find better friends... stupid summon." she muttered before going off to find a food stall to buy something sugary from a stall. on her way away from the two hell-mates she bumped into someone due to being distracted by Levi's sudden chummyness with the cat boy.

Tau Tau feel free to have her bump into someone of yours

———: Drake Schriker:———

Drake had gotten to the train much earlier than the others and had been sketching passing patrons of the subway car, his book quite full of people by now. He hadn't said a word and was quite fine with not being noticed... until a demon grabbed his book and torched it. His eyes remained calm as the demon and his croonies hurled jabs and insults. He was used to it... but those sketches... he would have to draw them again, but the spawn of a dragon and an elf didn't have a reason to not be ridiculed... it was just his luck... Wait who was that coming up behind the demon?

Tau Tau just a bit of info, Dark Elves are a by-product of dragons and Light elves, so I think the obvious choice here is Eija
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———:Alex Baker:———

Alex felt a knot in his stomach. It was only natural to be a bit nervous on the first day, especially if it was one's first time visiting a new school. This, however, was something different entirely. Alex had always had a knack for prying into things he shouldn't; the proverbial "Pandora's boxes" of the world, and in so doing he'd already uncovered enough insanity to last a lifetime. A real-life ghost, a talking dog, food poisoning... admittedly, that last one wasn't supernatural, but it sure felt like it at the time!

When he'd received the letter, he was about to write it off as a scam: an elaborate play for money. Despite the vague wording, his father had taken it way too seriously, and next thing he knew, Alex was shipping off to Transylvania despite mountains of protests. Here he was, a kid who'd barely left his home state of Virginia, let alone the country, now halfway around the world: deep in the heart of Romania. At least people looked normal. No vampires, as far as he could tell, though there was a girl holding an umbrella in broad daylight. Suspicious, but maybe she was just a Dracula fan, roleplaying for the funsies.

Double-checking the map, Alex stared forward into a deep, dark mineshaft. He raised an eyebrow. Was it a prank? Only two clues said otherwise: the mailbox in front of it, and the abundance of people vanishing into the dark cave. He supposed it odd to convert an old mineshaft into a school. It was just a strange Romanian custom, he thought. Those Europeans just ticked differently, he thought. Those thoughts quickly vanished, however, as he stepped into the dark, and the dark was immediately replaced with a sight right off the cover of a fantasy novel...

There was a shiny, black, and mildly-terrifying train, a deep tunnel for it to travel through, and other such common subway sights. What really caught his eye were the slithering tails, fluffy ears, hooves, and so much more. Maybe vampires weren't off the table after all...

He wasn't sure where to even begin in a place like this, but he did see a good place to make a solid first impression. There was a girl: a perfectly ordinary-looking, human looking one at that, who'd scattered a bunch of books and papers over the floor. He also noticed more than a few gadgets mixed in: phone, headphones, another glowing rectangle he didn't recognize. She was an oasis of normal in a desert of weird, and Alex desperately wished to get on good terms by making a good first impression!

Hurrying over, Alex bent down to help gather the scattered item into a more manageable pile. "Here, let me help you with that," he led with, reassuring her of his intentions. Once the papers had been gathered into a pile, he stood up and turned to the girl to hand them over, at which point their eyes finally met. His eyes, and her... "Eye... eye... Iiii like your hair!" Saved it. Was he sweating? "Sorry, uhm... let me try that again. Eye uhh... I'm Alex Baker. I'm new here to all... this. I mean... Romania! Because eye-- I'm... an American. Is that the train to Stowerling Keep? I just get on? Or... something?"

Well it was about as smooth as he was with girls back home. After realizing he was still pinching the stack of paper like a crab, he shoved them forward, offering them back to the one-eyed girl.


5 glanced around at all the students in the 'food' section of the train. They were a great variety, to be sure, but 5 was less focused on racial features, and more so on emotions. There were a few laughing: happy. An awkward girl was puffing her cheeks at passersby: presumably that one was jealousy. Another was moping off in the corner. 5 wasn't sure what that one was. Sadness? 5 had thought he'd already learned what sadness looked like, and this wasn't it. Very interesting; perhaps he'd have to approach and ask.

Before he could do so, however, a nearby food vendor, who appeared to be distributing food, singled him out. Likely, it was because he happened to be standing motionless nearby. Next thing he knew, 5 was holding a small sample cup of some soft, creamy food substance. Ice cream? Yogurt? Sorbet? He didn't know, nor care. If he had a mind to swallow it, his throat would work perfectly well, but the 'exhaust functions' would not. It was a major annoyance he was determined to never go through again.

Suddenly, he was bumped from behind by a small one. Female, red hair... very interesting emotion: hard to place. Anger? Not quite, but adjacent to it. He'd ask.

"Take this," he said, handing over the soft biofuel for the small bioperson. "What are you feeling? Your face is interesting." Some might have called 5's words awkward, but 5 hadn't quite grasped the concept of 'awkward' yet. A simple question; a simple reason for asking.

———:Eija Svendrheim:———

Eija slowly wandered around the room, flipping a gold coin in the air with her thumb, eyes falling on each student with a stare so judgmental, most teachers envied it. Not a dragon, not a dragon, not a dragon, hardly even a person. Astonishing to think a living legend such as Draconius would stoop the level of teaching these soft, chattering numbskulls. Then again, Stowerling Keep was prestigious enough to pay handsomely, and a dragon's first loyalty was to his, or her, gold. She flipped the coin again. Ahhh... the beautiful sheen, the satisfying ring, the nice smack as it struck her hand again: nothing could replace that special feel of a dragon's first piece of gold.

Unfortunately, Eija was losing hope in finding a mate here, so that was half her mission down the drain. There were a few dragons here, to be sure, but she could tell a half-breed from a mile away, and the idea of her together with a fire-breathing dragon was absurd. Not worth a second thought although that one guy over there was irresistibly cute. The train of thought was derailed by the train of demons. A specific group, to be precise, who were doing what demons did best: pestering respectable people. Eija strode over and swiftly smacked one on the back of the head. Demons, being demons, weren't perturbed much by physical threats, but her icy-cold skin felt like heaven on theirs' and it was enough to cut their laughter short a bit.

"I didn't realize this school accepted chortling baboons," she jabbed, tail thrashing aggressively like a whip. "I suggest you move over there with the rest of your ilk, before hell freezes over..."
———:Samantha Oculara:———

Samantha smiled. awkward in a nice way... she seemed to have at least met a normal, not scary person after all!

"Oh don't worry about it! It's my first year... Uhm... legally? I was supposed to come here last year but I thought the letter was a scam due to my habit of only using e-mail for important stuff like retro consoles and PC parts! I was even able to build an infinicube!" She picked up the rectangle that was glowing. "I keep my videogame collection in it!" she had a large smile on her face as if she hadn't realized he was semi-traumatized.

when she finally took note of his panic, she also panicked. "Did I hurt you? wait here, I can go get a healing potio-ack!" she toppled over for the second time in her attempt to help out her new friend.

———:Letos Protski:———

Letos looked up at 5 with an irritated expression. "Great. another idiot. Well, at least you ain't hyperactive... thanks." she took the food. the way to an occultist recluse was truly through her stomach...

"I'm feeling a mix of annoyance and curiosity... that Neko guy just walked over to my smoking buddy and even though Levi lost his eye to the bastard, they act like best friends most of the time. It's baffling to me... so what's your story? lab experiment? animated corpse? you don't look undead so I guess you ain't a ghoul." she finished her food, but didn't seem like she was going to leave without an answer to her own question.

Over with Raphael he was buying obscene amounts of sugary foods and just shoveling them down, saying something to the effect of it helped him not melt into the void... whatever that meant...

Levi? he just found a seat and waited for the train to get ready to depart.

———: Drake Schriker:———
He looked up and sighed, "So this is how I die... figures the dragons would send someone to remove a mistake..." Drake muttered, immediately assuming he was on a hitlist somewhere. having been bullied forever didn't help. His parents were his only supporters, so maybe it was just once they couldn't save him that some purist dragons had gotten the idea to be rid of him...

"Just get it over with, madam. I suppose even a young ice dragoness has their priorities," he said almost as if he were a butler. He seemed to maintain a calm air about him as though he were thanking her, though he looked miserable. After all, he had no one who could possibly care about him. Dark Elves were discriminated against heavily.

So how did he know she was an ice dragoness?
———:Alex Baker:———

The girl hit the floor again. Thankfully, no more papers scattered everywhere, since he was still holding onto them. Still, Alex had to wonder how much more these delicate glass screens in her bag could take before they started cracking. That, and whatever an infinicube was. An emulator? Not one he'd ever heard of.

"U-uhh... here," he offered a hand to help her up, looking off to the side. It was still a bit difficult to look her in the one... big... singular eye, but he couldn't just leave her there without helping her up. She seemed awfully nice after all. More approachable and relatable than literally everything else. He thought of asking if she needed glasses, but thought better of it. Who knew what was and wasn't insulting to mono-eyed folk...

Once Samantha was up, he was quick to let go of her hand. Maybe a little too quick. It felt like a normal hand, but once one feature you took for granted suddenly turned out to be different, everything was up for questioning! "I'm fine! Just a bit nervous..." Alex insisted. Wait, had she said healing potion? One thing at a time. "You know how it is: first day, new school," girls with one eye... He left that last one to himself. "So... uhm... excuse me, I need the toilet...!!"

Alex tore forward at full-speed through the station, looking for a bathroom sign. He passed a couple harpies, a griffon, some guy with horns who was who-knew-what. He finally found what he was looking for, although the 5 separate doors were not expected. Thankfully, he recognized the 'male' symbol and ran on in, locking himself in one of the stalls. Now that he was alone for a while, he was free to hyperventilate for several minutes. The library ghost was nothing compared to all this.


"Golem. I am 5," 5 answered. 5 was not the name 5's creators had in mind, but it was the first thing anyone had ever called him, and by his own internal law, that was now his name. He stared at the girl who had yet to introduce herself, basking in these emotions that were described as 'annoyed' and 'curious.' That was ultimately the problem with most people: they never had simple, single-faceted emotions, they were always entangled with each other in these complex webs. Which parts of her face were the annoyed, and which were the curious? Hard to tell.

"I was made in a competition. Not idiot, just can't do emotions good. " One look at his face made that second part pretty darn obvious. "I come here to get good emotions."

———:Eija Svendrheim:———

Truthfully, Eija had hardly even noticed the dark-haired man standing there until he started brooding about something. In a place such as this with all this... diversity, clearly she'd have to get used to speaking to all these creatures. Pathetic creatures, but then again, someone had to mine all that gold for dragonkind. "Be kind to your serfs," or something like that; she generally tuned parental advice out.

"Do I look like some kind of assassin to you...?" Eija asked, arms crossed. She had just threatened to turn a bunch of demons into popsicles, so that probably wasn't helping her case here. Be that as it may, Ice Dragons commanded a certain elegance, the more purist of which guarded this appearance jealously. "The idea that I would assassinate someone like you myself is preposterous! That's what money is for? Paying lesser creatures to do foul deeds such as that."

At this point, Eija was attracting a lot of disdainful looks from the students around them. Dragons had a certain infamy for pride, but this was a special sort of... well, there were plenty of words for it, and none of them were flattering. "What are you anyway? A human?" Even asking said question made it pretty obvious just how sheltered Eija was...

The young phoenix always walked in a confident manner, always seeming sure of her next step even when she wasn’t. This was one of those times. The underground train terminal was huge, and while Erin was used to being around people, both supernatural and human, even she felt overwhelmed by this. She sidestepped to avoid a much larger person before ducking onto the train, she had eaten a large breakfast before leaving so she wouldn’t need to visit the food court, and the train had any other facilities she might need. So with nothing else to do finding a good seat seemed like her best course of action.

The car Erin stepped into had some kind of… disagreement going on between some of the passengers. A group of demons, what appeared to Erin to be an ice dragon, and a… well Erin wasn’t quite sure what he was a subspecies of elf perhaps? Either way Erin caught the comment about “lesser creatures” and rolled her eyes before stepping up towards the group. “Excuse me?” Erin said, tapping the dragon’s shoulder and giving her the sweetest of smiles. “ but I don’t think there is enough room for your ego on the train. Also you and your petty elitism is blocking the walkway. If it's not too much trouble I would very much appreciate it if you moved.”


The young vila sat on one of the train station’s many benches with headphones firmly placed over her ears and a fidget cube in her hands. She didn’t like this place. As a samodiva Veera had spent almost her whole life in the seclusion of a forest, rarely socializing with anyone who wasn’t her mother, aunts, sisters, or cousins. Since her kind was so uncommon outside their covens most people would probably have no idea what she was. Those who did would have trouble recognizing her as a vila since her appearance… diverged from what was considered typical. Veera had already been mislabeled as a human several times that day despite having golden colored eyes, and all the people and different races were starting to make her head spin. She would get onto the train soon, she just needed a minute to collect her thoughts first.


The oni had spent the entire morning- no the entire week complaining to his brothers how he did not want to attend this school. None of them ever attend it, why should he? Unfortunately the youngest oni’s protests fell on deaf ears, and he was all but dragged down the steps into the station. Kage honestly just thought about leaving, not like anyone would stop him, but he knew his brothers would just drag him back, might as well preserve some of his pride.

Kage wondered the station, maybe if he got lost and missed the train he wouldn’t have to go. Other trains were pulling in and departing, one of which had a very loud… cat human thing exit, best to avoid that he thought as he continued walking the station. Glaring at anyone who tried to talk to him.
———: Drake Schriker:———
"I appreciate the help miss, but I must say, if no one is here to kill me, she's not necessarily egotistical here... a dark elf such as I can only be grateful to be spared as I was!" Drake gave a curt bow in the two female's direction. geez... one moment he is sulking in the throes of death, the next he's thanking them as if he were nobility?

"Freaky Dark elf accident." One of the demons taunted, "Gotta get your harem to rescue you pathetic keister from us! pathetic."

Drake looked between the demons and the two(admittedly beautiful) girls whom had saved him, and decided he would rather just ignore that comment. Or he WOULD HAVE if Tau Tau Ren126 Ren126 INSERT (What I assume are the) GIRL'S REACTIONS HERE. hadn't just happened.

"Uh... thanks?" Drake looked at his nonexistent enemies before sitting down and asking, "Might I put you both to paper?" as if he was used to asking this question whilst he took out a pen and notepad.

———:Letos Protski:———
"Ooooo! A real Gollem?" Letos looked like she was just handed a mountain of candy. "Do you have any special functions? What magical affinities do you have? Can I open you up? Uhhh... purely for scientific reasons! I won't break anything! Promise! Heheh! no really!" she was literally clenching her fists in anticipation. yeah that wasn't creepy at all...

"Just a peek?"

———:Ryan Slithmyre, Samantha Oculara:———
"It'ssssssss too cold in here... and most of thesssssse guys have clawssssssss... huh? wait isssssss that just a normal guy? Sssssssscore!" Ryan slithered over until Alex disappeared into the restroom. "Hey kid! I hate to asssssk, but I kinda need a favor!"

Samatha hurried over, "He said he needed the men's room! buzz off!"

"But I need a heat source!" Ryan frowned. "Itsssss freezing in here!"

By the time Alex was out of the restroom, Ryan was wrapped around Samantha, and she waved over at him(which probably freaked him out even more...) "Alex! over here! come on, the train will leave soon!" she called out.

———:Raphael Kreitor:———
"I smell Oni blood..." Raphael suddenly froze and surveyed the crowd. It was no secret that Oni and Celestial beings had power over summons to a degree, so he could tell when one was around. singling out the one guy who looked like he didn't want any decent interactions, he comically waltzed over and held out a hand. "Hiya boss! did they send the big guys to watch out for little old me?" he smirked playfully.

Levi, however, had noticed there was someone who hadn't boarded yet... looked like a Punk rock 101 chick with golden ey-oh...OH, holy shit... what DIDN'T this school accept into its system?

Before he could approach her, a loud chime sounded out.

DING DONG!!!! "Hello, this is your vice headmaster speaking. Yes, I am a f*ckmo**ering vampire, I did a lot to get this title and I deserve to be called as such, now that that's out of the way and I am done with my snack... Please do not exit the train when it goes through the barrier to the school or you will suffer 100 percent chances of death by dismemberment and subsequent conversion to the Queen of Ghoul's subordinates. this does not excuse you from classes, it just means you might have to deal with some... undesirable impediments. Next order of business, do NOT expect any one hit kill avada kedavra nonsense or dementors. This is not a game, ITS LIFE. we are here to help you learn, not to help you learn to kill. please keep this in mind when casting spells on races that cannot auto regen. Anyone attempting monster genocide will become my next meal. Any questions? No? good. not that you could ask through a PA system anyways... Find your dorm assignments so that you may unpack today, and see you at the assembly tomorrow! I wonder who I will get to sink my teeth into first? I hope it's a smarta** little wannabe demigod b**ch!"

Levi sighed... THAT was Alucard? he sounded like he watched too much Anime to be honest... then again the immortals of the world could binge things easily. "Hey, miss? we should probably get on the train!" he called to the Vila chick.
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———:Alex Baker:———

After several minutes, Alex had gone from hyperventilating, to a majorly elevated heartbeat. This was a small improvement in that he could finally think about things rationally. So basically, all those mythological races were real... and they were all right outside the door. Great! So according to the myths, how many of them ate humans again? Off the top of his head: sirens, dragons... cyclops-- oh heck no! Would she really? Could she even? It was hard to imagine given she'd smacked straight into an immobile object... twice. And played video games! Then again, maybe it was all a play to get him to lower his guard...!

But nah, that'd be crazy! These were just normal schoolkids! They'd all been given an acceptance letter and everything: surely students didn't just drop dead out of nowhere! That'd be... against some sorta Romanian law or something! This was an opportunity! Explore the unknown world, go where no man has gone before, and all that jazz. He'd do it!

With newfound confidence, he threw open the door to the men's room and was quickly met with the cyclops girl, now completely surrounded in a snake dude. A snake dude. Just surrounding her like a weird... scaly arm-chair! His first impression was to see it the same way anyone interpreted a snake surrounding someone: he be squeezin' her to death. However, the idea quick went in the trash as she calmly beckoned Alex over.

"Uhm..." he started, sheepishly approaching like a lion tamer to his beast. "Is this your... boyfriend...?" he said the second guess out loud. It certainly looked intimate, whatever it was. The thought was interrupted by the announcement. "Well... no genocide, haha, that's... comforting," he forced a light laugh. "Erm... right! Train!" Alex nodded and headed for the train, nearly falling backward as he went through and experienced a TARDIS moment. "Bigger on the inside... right, of course. I'm okay. I am o-kay."


"Your emotions changed," 5 stated. This was the second major issue with emotions, because emotions changed... rapidly. All that effort he made to not trigger any such emotional shifts were for naught though. That said, 5 honestly had no idea what he'd done to shift this girl's emotions. Was it something in the environment? Had he said something strange? He didn't think so...

Before he could answer, the announcement cut him off. He took note of the instructions, though he also figured the vampire's threat of drinking him dry didn't apply much in his case. Not unless he liked the taste of rock and metal anyway. Most biopeople didn't.

"I don't open easy," was his only response to the girl. Maybe it was a convenient excuse, but it was certainly true. His head was screwed insanely tight, to the point where nothing short of super-strength could get it to open. Whether that was a good thing or not in this moment remained to be seen...

———:Eija Svendrheim:———

Eija felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see... she wasn't sure what it was actually. Fire sprite maybe? That was some pretty red hair. Yuck, more fire races. Eija crossed her arms at the mention of her ego-slash-elitism. "Thanks, I suppose," she nodded, not only remorseless, but even proud of it. She was about to move when the word 'harem' struck her ear. "Harem!? Excuse me...?!" she growled, glaring daggers at the demon.

Her hands stretched out into claws, head down as she took a deep breath. The air around grew bone-chilling and the demon, along with any others students in that direction, made a beeline for the door to the next room. In one blast, Eija's jaw flashed open and a blizzard of sub-zero air and ice shards shot out, creating a long streak of frosted floor ending at the door, which was now frozen shut. Having done so, she took a few moments to calm down. "Oh, right... in the way," she shrugged, stepping off to the side for the fire-sprite-or-whatever girl to pass. Granted, at this point, the entire path forward was now covered in slippery ice, so unless she was confident in her skating abilities, perhaps taking a seat nearby was the safer option.

Eija paused a moment to listen to the announcement, shrugging and largely ignoring what the annoying leech man had said. An offer to draw her, however: now that was interesting! "Hm... I suppose you may, as long as you have skill~" From the way she was preening, it was obvious she was all-in for it, despite playing coy. "I suggest you include this girl too," Eija insisted, as if Drake hadn't made the offer to both of them, pulling Erin closer. "She can provide a nice... contrast~"

Erin’s eyes went wide at the dragon girl’s display, not at the force or power of it, but the sheer audacity and lack of self control. “Was that really necessary? The original meaning of that word isn’t even offensive. A harem is just the part of a house reserved for women, it's nothing worth getting worked up over. Honestly, I thought fire dragons were hotheads.” Erin said rolling her eyes.” To Drake she gave a shrug and nodded. “If you wanted to I have no prob- Hey-! Its rude to grab onto people like that!” She was cut off by the dragon girl and quickly shrugged her off.

Straightening her clothes, Erin took a seat across from the two other students and crossed her legs. “With any luck the car will thaw out before we arrive at school. If not, I suppose I can clean up dragon girl’s mess.” With that she then leaned over and offered the dark elf her hand. “Erin Hawkings, I look forward to studying with you, hopefully with fewer volatile incidences in the future!”


Veera was able to hear the loud chime of the intercom through her headphones, which was the only reason why she had taken them off. The announcement was rather… interesting, but it just made the young vila excited that this school might not be as uptight as she feared it would be. It was then she noticed the man talking to her, she wasn’t even going to try and guess what race he was, only nodding at his suggestion to get onto the train.

“My sisters never mentioned a vampire that ate students… leave it to them to leave out the best parts of the school while telling me about it. Well come on, we don't want to miss the train!” she said before walking with the man to the nearest car and boarding. It was clear Veera didn’t know anyone on the train like other students might have, as she made a beeline to the nearest empty seat and once again covered her ears with her headphones. She might not know anyone now, but hey! Worst case scenario she could just hypnotize people into talking to her! That surely wouldn’t have any negative repercussions.


Kage did little to hide his look of disgust at the cat creature's appearance and subsequent attempts to make conversation. “What? Leave me alone, can’t you see I’m busy?” Kage huffed before sidestepping around the cat, or at least he would have if the announcement hadn’t gone off right then. “What the hell kind of maniacs do they have running this place? Whatever guess I’ll get on the train.” he mumbled begrudgingly making his way towards a car, mumbling obscenities the whole while.
———: Drake Schriker:———

Drake looked up at the two of them and down at his paper without a word, though there was a faint smile on his face as his pen danced. It took him a total of twenty minutes to finish his work, and by that time the train had begun leaving the station. as they whizzed by the dimensional disruptors that would take them to the actual location of Stowerling Keep's dorms, he turned his finished work over to show the two girls.

Curiously he had drawn them smiling and posing in a friendly manner rather than the distant frienemies they seemed to be in reality.

Another oddity was that the minute the train moved, the ice on the floor(along with the dead weight of frozen demon corpses) vanished as if never having been there.

"What do you think?" Drake asked. "I know it's not my best work but..."

His skill was evident, as the line art was a flawless copy of what could happen if the two were not so different from each other. It was scarily photorealistic... just pencil-shaded.

———:Ryan Slithmyre, Samantha Oculara:———
"Boyfriend? No! not at all! have you never met a naga before? they need heat or they can get like... really sick!" Samantha explained while walking next to Alex into the train.

Ryan's nose flared and said, "You know he's normal right?"

Samantha looked over at Alex and shrugged her shoulders, "I wasn't sure, but if he got a letter to the school there must be SOMETHING he did or a reason he's here. Besides, all that's different between him and me is one hole in our faces. Well, that and depth percep-Ack!"

She faceplanted again. "I'm okay!" she quickly stood up and found a seat. Ryan slipped over to an area where there was a heater closeby.

Samantha rummaged through her stuff and pulled out a small electronic cube, which she input a series of digits into, and it just... yep... it just kinda glowed and literally materialized some sort of handheld gaming console. "Oh, this? this is my Infinicube! I carry all my technology in it!" she explained before booting up a game and getting way too into it to not be considered a nerd.

———:Letos Protski:———

Letos pouted slightly when 5 effectively stopped her from getting what she wanted, and she started poking him all over, "Oooooo! so you're made of mineral compositions and how tight did you say that head was? did they use a human brain or are you purely running on the Third Law of Mana Distribution? Do you require a shutdown period? Have you tasted food before? I bet I could run some numbers and optimize some stuff if you just let me in on those juicy deets!!!"

Yeah... not creepy at all...

And by that I mean they were being whispered about and stared at by people who were muttering "Looks like the geek found a new science project!"

and yet she was strangely intelligent if she actually did study Mana, to begin with.

———:Raphael Kreitor:———

"So the big G didn't send 'ya?" Raphael acted like he hadn't just been shot down. "Nice choice of swears, though," He smirked, took a deep breath and said, with a massive smile on his face, "Je préfère utiliser de vrais gros mots comme enculé." then he literally vanished before he could be slapped across the face. as a summon he didn't necessarily have to be on the train to be ON the train because his master was already in the teacher's area.

(translated from French: "I prefer using much worse words like mot**rf**ker")

———:Levi Markus:———

Levi shrugged, "I wouldn't worry about Alucard... I mean as long as you don't hear him say he's going to take a long enthusiastic walk through the woods I don't think it will get too serious..." He sat down near the Vila girl, "So what's a Samodiva doing outside her coven? that is what you ladies have right? I'm not thinking of the wrong race here?" he raised his hands defensively. "Me? my mom was... kinda the reason I'm here... the family business is... complicated. It's why she wants me in school. didn't want me to follow her career choice or something to that effect. What music were you listening to?" He made an effort to bridge the awkwardness between the two of them.
———:Alex Baker:———

Alex listened to Samantha’s explanation of coily-boy here. It didn’t do much to satisfy the curiosity. "So you go around snuggling people…? That sounds, uhm… nice. Sort of… I mean it sounds rough needing to, but… yeah." He might’ve put that a better way, but Alex had long given up hopes of not offending anyone. From now on, he’d simply try to minimize the damage that was all but inevitable.

"So… I’m Alex Baker," he introduced himself to the two as he took a seat next to the cyclops girl. He’d already told her his name, but her eye was pretty sharply focused on the game anyway, so it was more for the Naga guy sticking by the heater. If he wasn’t sitting in a magical train across from a guy with a snake butt, Alex might’ve had his mind blown at the magical tech-holding cube. As things were, it was just more insanity to add to the pile. "And yep, I’m just a normal human. Wait, is that offensive? I mean, normal is kinda relative, isn’t it…?"

The game was a nice oasis of familiarity in all the insanity. Infinity Star! Crazy to think the extraordinary girl next to him played games so popular in the ordinary world. Peeking at her screen, Alex’s eyes widened briefly upon noticing the level of her character. Jeez! This was one of those moments where he could drop a nice complement, mention he played the game, and blossom a budding friendship.

Instead, he… didn’t do that.

Come on, she’s nice!
But she has one eye!
So what?
One! Eye!
We both play the same game!
One, giant eye!
She’s cute and totally harmless~
She’s weird and will stare straight into my soul…

Alex sat quietly, staring off into the distance and fingering the piano part of the main battle theme. Infinity Star had some of the best music, so naturally he’d found piano covers for the main songs. His fingers had a tendency to tap these out on his knees when he was nervous.


5 simply stood there motionless as he was constantly poked and prodded. This was… unconventional, to say the least. It wasn’t like he was totally unused to maintenance, but that was usually in a less public area, and more often than not it was a grumpy dude who just wanted it over with to get his pay. This one was asking complicated questions, and he got the impression she’d pay him if he asked.

"Very tight. Mana only. 2 hours each day; pure mana recharge required. Felt; not tasted." He answered each question quickly, without getting tired out by her massive barrages of inquiry. "You appear unusually intelligent," he stated, not recognizing both the complement, and the unintended insult he‘d just implied toward everyone around them.

———:Eija Svendrheim:———

"…And the original meaning of Fire Sprite wasn’t ‘irritating,’ but here we are," Eija snipped back. "My name is Eija, of the noble Svendrheim family, not ‘dragon girl.’ To think you would refer to me with such common language… You lesser races have no respect for the reputation of pure lineages…"

Eija was torn as she gazed upon the finished artwork. It was technically incredible and captured her in a flattering light, but what was with that pose…? That expression…!? This made her look warm and approachable! "You have a lot of practicing to do, but it’s not horrible. Just not very realistic." It was, of course, very realistic; just not in the way Eija imagined reality: with the fire sprite bowing before her.

Eija flicked her special gold coin through the air a few more times to calm down. This whole place was a very different environment than she was accustomed to, and it was all so uncomfortable. Hopefully, Stowerling Keep at least had comfortable hoards to curl up on at the end of the day.

“Fire Sprite?” Erin mumbled in confusion before raising her brow at Eija. “Pure lineages? You know, human royalty practiced that too, through inbreeding. Is that what makes you so superior? Is your mom also your aunt?” She jabbed before glancing at the picture Drake had drawn. “Looks fine to me. Amazing even. Though I guess we shouldn’t judge you too harshly, what with your condition it shouldn’t be a surprise that you’ve developed genetic defects, poor eyesight could simply be a result of that.”


Veera didn’t notice someone was talking to her until she glanced up and saw the same individual from earlier. She took off her headphones just in time for her to hear his question about her coven, at least some people here knew what she was. “Ya I’m a vila, and ya it's weird for us to be away from our sisters, but grandmother was very adamant that her daughters and grandchildren get an education. I’m hardly the first vila to be accepted here so it's really not a big deal…. As for your last question I listen to just about everything so…” Verra shrugged, again pulling out her fidget cube as the train started to move.


Kage paid little mind to the disappearing cat, more focused on finding an empty seat in the car with the least amount of people. “I already hate this so much…” The oni growled as he flopped down onto the chair. Kage rubbed his eyes in an irritated manner as the train started to move, why him? What had he done to deserve this as a punishment? His brothers were probably laughing their asses off at his misfortune. The thought enraged him and he pulled the hood of his jacket up to cover his face. When he got back he’d find a way to make them pay.
———:Ryan Slithmyre, Samantha Oculara:———
Ryan smiled, "Name's Ryan, thanks for asking. If by offensive you mean did I insult you, then no. if you hear someone call you a muggle, THAT is when we're insulting people." He explained. "And I guess you're pretty freaked out by all this considering the scent you are secreting. Just relax. how many humans would be left if we all went around eating them like barbarians?"

Samantha finally caught on and promptly shut off her console. "Wait... you thought we were gonna eat you? that's HORRIBLE!!! I would never even want to know what people taste like!" she seemed awfully disturbed at that thought. "My name's Samantha by the way. Sorry. I didn't realize how terrifying this must be for you! If you need anything I would be glad to help!" She really was trying her hardest to help calm the poor panicking kid down.

———:Letos Protski:———
"Fascinating!" Letos tapped on his exterior a few more times before she stopped and had to sit while the train started moving. taking out a notepad she scribbled out what she had just learned on one of the pages. the front cover had an upsidedown pentagram on it. "Hey metalhead... Uhhh, I mean 5? What do you say I help with that emotion research of yours? I happen to like using that intelligence you mentioned!"

She wasn't trying to deceive him at all, giddy at the prospect of new fields of research and discoveries for golem-kind.

———:Levi Markus:———
Levi shrugged, "Listening to everything doesn't mean liking everything. What sort of music do you enjoy hearing more than others?" he asked. "In an ironic twist of fate, one of my favorite songs is by The Offspring. I blame mom."

His mother was a succubus, which made him 1/2 Incubus though he hated that fact.

———: Drake Schriker, Raphael Kreitor:———
"I see. maybe next time I draw you I should have it be a catfight." Drake said thoughtfully. In an instant, Raphael poofed into existence, "CATFIGHT! WHERE?" he shouted a little too animatedly.

Seeing the dragoness in front of him, Raphael's face fell, "Ah, shit. Its the elitist championship gold medalist. I saw you freeze some people earlier. congrats on the murder. bet that makes your parents REALLY proud. Waita make an impression." he slow clapped like he didn't fear death. To be honest he could be summoned over and over again should he cease to be materialized.

The perks of having Schrodinger blood.

the fear of permanent death was not something he worried about, even if he felt pain and had died before in several gruesome ways. semi-immortality had its downsides after all. He also was TERRIBLE at socializing. I mean, first, he smoked with a firebrand, then he pissed off a literal Japanese Deity, and now he was taunting a dragon... in short, Raphael was an anomaly, but also an idiot. which was why he was sent to the school. he needed to learn how to become a model student even if it meant he would suffer until he got it right... at least according to Wrath's report to Astaroth.

He took a look at Drake's picture of the two and made a REALLY stupid assumption. "Wait is that really how they were posing? Huh... fire and Ice... Who knew... I'm just gonna... go and..."

Two demons grabbed him and held him down, "Come on your eminence. freeze him solid!" Okay... obviously these particular demons were ass-kissing to gain favor with Eija.

"F*ck. Lemme go!" Raphael started panicking, totally forgetting he could vanish. he tended to forget this fact a lot.
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———:Eija Svendrheim : Alex Baker:———

Eija glared back at... whatever her name was; she didn't care enough to remember. What a pest. "I wish you could hear how ignorant you sound right now, but it seems the society of common folk lacks the capacity." Once she started talking about eyesight, defects and worse off: genes, Eija really lost it, totally tuning out the nekojin who'd popped in to comment. Her eyes glowed bright red, and scales began to creep up her arms. "I have an idea. Maybe an annoying little fire sprite just happened to fall out of the train past the barrier. The way it was described makes it sound like the perfect cure for your treasonous ignorance...!!"

"Wait is that really how they were posing? Huh... fire and Ice... Who knew... I'm just gonna... go and..."

The Nekojin's voice cut into her rampage, causing her aggression to sharply turn focus. She held out a hand which extended into a dark claw and look ready to lunge for him when two others took care of it for her. Oddly, hearing this calmed her down a bit, as if simply being told to do what she was already planning to do made it less desirable. Either that or it was the complements...

"At least someone in here understands respect," she growled, returning her claw back to a normal hand. "I'm finished wasting my energy on these plebeians. Freeze him if you want. It's time I had some lunch." Thwacking miss fire sprite with her tail on the way past, Eija wandered off in the vague direction of the food vendors. On the way, she caught the end of a conversation, ironically about food...

"I would never even want to know what people taste like!" ...plus some other niceties the Cyclops was blithering out.

"N-no, I'm fine! Thanks, you two. I just h--" Alex was promptly interrupted.

"Humans taste mostly savory, with a bit of saltiness, depending on the diet," Eija answered Samantha, glancing over Alex inquisitively. Any comfort Ryan and Samantha had given him had been thoroughly eviscerated by this lady's ice-cold stare. It was a shame, because he might've found her incredibly beautiful if not for alluding to cannibalism right in front of him. Was she a dragon!? Those were definitely on the top of the people-eating list! Thankfully, unbeknownst to Alex, this particular dragon had largely grown out of her rebellious, human-terrorizing years, and was now content to rule them benevolently through the power of commerce. Plus, she was really craving ice cream...

"You'll also want to snap the neck before you start munching," she advised nonetheless. "They can poke your gums and give you a toothache if you're not careful." With her helpful advice dropped, Eija continued onward to grab herself a nice, chocolate ice cream cone, leaving Alex shell-shocked in his seat.

"'You'll be fine mah boy,' he says..."
"'You'll meet new and exciting people,' he says..."

If Alex was faintly secreting a fear scent before, now it was full-blast.


"Okay," 5 answered, glancing over the notebook. "You are a demon?" he asked. "You are less trouble than most demons I meet."

Erin grinned almost predatorily as she stepped closer to Eija so she was now in her space. “Ignorance? That's funny, considering you obviously have no idea what you're talking to. You can certainly try to throw me out of the train dragon girl, even if you did succeed you might find I’m a bit more resilient than your typical ‘fire sprite’.” To tell the truth Erin wasn’t even sure if she could heal from injuries that major, she’s never had to before, but the dragon didn’t know that. So long as this dragon didn’t know what she was she had the element of surprise if the hot head decided to do something rash.

Erin was fully prepared for her rebuttal when her attention was turned to the Nekojin as Eija and the demons started harassing him. “Hey! Leave him alone!” she snapped, flinching at the sudden sting in her arm from the dragon. She shot a glare in her direction as she left before pulling the demons off the other student and standing between them. “Don’t you have any shame or dignity for yourselves? A person like that doesn’t care about your supposed loyalty. Hell she doesn’t even care for you as living creatures! She is a spoiled, selfish brat that would have you thrown into the ice depths if it benefited her in the most miniscule way. She isn’t worth your efforts!”

The mark from Eija’s tail had broken Erin’s skin, causing a small stream of blood to collect on her forearm. The wound wouldn’t last for long, no sooner had the blood started dripping off her arm did the area ignite with a small yellow flame. The flame cauterized the wound and in a matter of a few seconds the mark was gone, leaving behind skin that looked like it had never even been touched.


“Anything loud with a kickass base, that narrow it down?” Veera asked while raising an eyebrow to the man whose name she had yet to learn. “I’m Veera by the way. How come you're the only person here who knows what a vila is? Most others seem to wanna write me off as a human. Usually I wouldn’t mind, but from what I was told, a lot of these werdos eat human flesh? Like what's up with that?”


“You have got to be kidding me.” Kage said loud enough for the people on his train car to hear. He had been listening in on the conversation the cyclops, naga, and human have been having and out of what was probably sheer boredom decided to cut in. “You’re worried about being eaten and you're hanging out with a cyclops and a naga? Two creatures whose stories you humans tell firmly establish that they eat human flesh. I give you… a month tops before something tries eating you.” he finished with a cruel laugh, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat. “Honestly, unless you’re here by mistake these are all things you should have considered before deciding to come here.”
"I'm a Firebrand if you wanna get technical. Mom was a fire sprite, dad was a demon. I am also trying to get into the Occult club. And I don't like trouble unless it involves dad... he kinda left when I was 347 years old. never saw him again. come on, the train is stopping." Letos stood up, though she only really came up to 5's midsection.

"So punk rock and dubstep and heavy metal then? Oh... I met a Vila before a while back... mom had a momentary rebellious streak and to spite dad had a side relations-I MEAN FRIEND! She was friends with one!"

Yeah... nice save...

———:Ryan, Samantha:———

Samantha frowned... how best to diffuse this situation? Alex was panicking and nobody here was helpi-

DING DONG "Attention students. This is Headmistress GAIA. Yes, I am exactly who that makes you think and more. We are now on school grounds. If you attempt to eat anything sentient on school grounds NOT prepared in the cafeteria BY THE CHEFS, then kiss your life goodbye and apologize to them if you both end up in hell. If you really need to eat another entity to survive, there is a surplus of body parts Alucard has graciously—I can't believe I am saying this—Donated, from his multiple billions of poor sinners who have the poor misfortune of being his victims."

"Now then, Those of you thinking 'Humans are fair game' will be disillusioned to note that our most powerful students AND most powerful spellcasting Librarians are 100 percent human. so fighting them is ill-advised. Since first years cannot control Mana, if they blow themselves up, resurrection is on the table but we won't be resurrecting any bullies. If you have the balls to become a mindless drone for Professor Merideth through your atrocities be my guest. For those of you unaware, she is the Queen of what the outside world would label Zombies. We civilized people call them Ghouls, and they do not eat brains by default, they do so IF TOLD by their hive mind Queen. Piss Merideth off at your own peril."

"While I would love to hold a court session every second of every day, I would much rather have the NOT first years appointed to your dorms as upperclassmen know how the world works. if they find out you attacked another student—again, I can't believe I am saying this, but I am legally required to mention we have a torture chamber clause in our terms of scholarly consent, which your parents signed. That is all." DING DONG

———:Raphael, Drake, Ryan, Samantha, Levi, Letos:———

Samantha was now just baffled. Literal resurrection was on the table... wait wait wait, A TORTURE CHAMBER??? WHAT KIND OF SCHOOL WAS THIS???

Ryan sighed, "See Alex. they have systems in place. if a literal goddess can guarantee you won't be eaten by students, it means... though I may just be guessing here... she has a foothold in the afterlife. Most of what she said in all that is to dissuade delinquents. If you don't try to kill someone unlawfully, you'll be fine."

Raphael, who had just literally been saved by a phoenix girl, took a knee, "My thanks, milady." he said before looking up at the intercoms, "At least the dragon chick won't eat me... still, what constitutes "Chaotic good" here is what worries me..."

Drake sighed and stood, opting to get out of the train as the doors opened. How could this get any crazier... oh...

There was a large section of the floor missing where a waterway was leading towards and under the train. The river ran parallel to the walkway leading to the school and had Mermaids, Sirens, and several other fishlike peop-WAS THAT A LITERAL SEAMONSTER??? swimming towards a large building labeled "Joint dormitories."

The skies were filled with soaring students, and the areas leading to the first year dorms were soon filled with noise as people of all races filed down towards their separate buildings.
"Alex... I think I can relate to your fear, but we NEED to pull ourselves together. if we don't make it to the dorms, we don't want to piss off the teachers, so let's just not give them a reason to-ACK" Samantha faceplanted on the ground again as she pulled him along, causing them both to fall. Fortunately for him, Ryan was close enough to make sure Alex did no more than slightly stumble as he helped stabilize the freaked out kid before he could plummet to his doom.

Samantha picked herself up and saw fluffy cat ears zoom past her in a flash as Raphael ran past screaming "LAST ONE THERE HAS TO CLEAN THE DRAGON TOILETS FOR A WEEK!" for absolutely no f**king reason at all other than to piss Eija off.

Levi, having heard Raphael over the other noise, panicked, "OH HELL NO!!!" and he just straight bolted out of the train.

Letos rolled her eyes, "Stupid summon, as if he dictates how magic waste recepticles function... C'mon 5, let's go find our room assignments! I hope they have a big yard! I need space for summoning circles!"

Yeah, not any less freaky... then again, when were geniuses ever not wierd.

"They’re just myths, right…?" Alex answered Kage in the least confident manner possible. "They said they wouldn’t…" He declined to answer the circumstances of his arrival, though he was really starting to feel the imposter syndrome hit hard.

When the announcement dropped, Eija was busy licking an ice cream, Alex was still trying to remember how to breathe, and 5 was… well, not breathing, but that was fairly normal. Given the variety of races that were here, it was clearly just a blanket statement of school rules, but Eija being Eija, naturally assumed the entire announcement was directly specifically to her and narrowed her eyes in protest. "Pfft, as if a human could rival a dragon’s power," she snarked back at Gaia, getting a few strange looks by people who questioned if she understood how the PA system worked. That said, even Eija wasn’t crazy enough to directly defy Gaia. She knew her limits. Mostly.

As the doors opened, all three were met with differing responses. Eija still appeared disgusted at the mix of people, but she was a bit relieved to see a few more dragons attending who’d opted to fly rather than take the train. 5 simply followed Letos along, studying the varying facial expressions as he went. It was Alex who, understandably, had the most dramatic reaction, nearly falling off the edge of the platform if not for a quick tail-grab.

"Woah…kay whew… Uhh, thanks Ryan…" he nodded. Close save there. Even the catkid‘s banter didn’t do much to boost the enthusiasm for moving forward. "Okay… Okay!" he repeated twice. "Lots of guarantees… Guarantees by powerful people… You guys have a point! This is an opportunity!" Alex reached for Samantha’s hand. He still felt a but sheepish about it, but somehow, this geeky cyclops was one of more relatable people here. "I’ll lead until we get off the platform… uhh, if you don’t mind," he offered. His hand was still a little shaky, but it seemed to have improved just a bit from earlier.

"I wonder if there are more golems," 5 considered as he followed Letos. Golems didn’t have many racial bonds to speak of, but 5 was a curious golem, and meeting others could be a valuable learning experience.

Eija meanwhile wasted no time in leaping off the platform, transforming into her full dragoness form mid-flight. Spreading her wings, she soared just above the water for a brief moment, before darting upwards in just the right place to create a wind to jostle the disrespectful nekojin. Whether he fell or not was none of her concern as she quickly rushed in to claim a good room.

Erin was one of the first students off the train once it came into the station, eagerly taking in the sights of the school. She saw the dragon girl shift and take off and couldn't help but be relieved. This was a big school after all, hopefully now she only ever saw her for brief periods in passing. Deciding it wasn’t something worth worrying about, Erin quickly made her way to the dorms where her luggage had already been sent to.


“Must have been some rebellious phase. You know everyone in my race is female right? Get that image out of your head now.” The vila laughed before melding with the crowd of people to get off the train. Veera thought there was a lot of people at the train station, she couldn’t help but be completely amazed at the sheer number of beings coming into the school from all directions. Not caring, or perhaps already forgetting where she was to report to, the curious samodiva immediately took to exploring the school grounds. Because of this distraction, Veera would be one of the last students to arrive at the dorms.


Kage was one of the last, if not the last person to disembark the train. “Did you just learn how to walk yesterday?” he called in passing as he watched the cyclops girl stumble and fall. He didn’t care if they tried to talk to him. Right now all he wanted to do was find his room and lock himself away. He hated crowds, or maybe it was just the people. Either way the young oni had enough socializing for one day.
Due to his sprinting, Eija's wave of air did little more than slow him down for a few seconds until he got going again. when he reached to dorms, there was a... plant standing in front of the door. "What are you supposed to be?" Raphael asked curiously.

The plant in question said nothing until all the others arrived, and when they did it surveyed the grounds in front of it, looking down at a clipboard in one of its vines... hands?. "Hmmm... an Oni, a summon nekojin, an Ice Dragoness, a Pheonix, a Samodiva, a sentient golem, a firebrand, a half incubus, a mixed-blood naga, a dark elf, a cyclops, and a human? interesting mix this year... at least it beats watching a bunch of ogres. When we call your name, please step forward, and we will assign you all rooms. there are three beds in each bedroom, and a bathtub the size of a human swimming pool in the men's AND women's separated washrooms for those of you needing to clean your rather large true forms. The common room adjoins to all of them. If you try to cut any of us down in this estate, you will be reprimanded. I will now call out the sleeping quarters arrangements.

"Kage Noboru, Letos Protski, 5, you're in room A1."
"Alex Baker, Samantha Oculara, Ryan Slithmyre you're in room A2."
"Erin Hawkings, Eija Svendrheim, Drake Schriker you're in room A3."
"Veera Alexeev, Levi Markus, Raphael Kreitor, you're in room A4."

"If you are going to complain about changing clothes in front of someone, we have a spell written inside the dorms that will automatically remove and swap out clothing without the need to be in view of your peers. Any questions?"

"What are you? a sentient venus fly trap?" Samantha asked, her one eye looking at his feet-roots.

"We are a mandragora, and we are planted in each room as security to make sure none of the students try to kill each other. Does anyone else have a question?"

Ryan raised his hand, "Are we allowed to ask for some of your leaves for cooking ingredients?"

"Though it pains us to say it, we are required to answer yes to that question. Anyone else? DO NOT bottle up your curiosity. If you need to know something please ask one of us. Last time we were disregarded as a source of information, there was some rather nasty racism that ended in Alucard himself deciding to eat an entire dorm of students, and I quote, "Because I was bored and they were acting like wannabe demigod b**ches, so I ate their f**king legs". We would rather not have someone not know the rules and violate one. Ignorance of the law is not innocence."
Alex awkwardly led Samantha forward and they eventually joined the semi-circle that'd formed around the plant guy. "We...?" he asked aloud, but not quite loud enough to be heard as a legitimate question. Was it comforting or a massive breach of privacy to have plant-people constantly watching in their rooms? 'Both,' he answered himself internally. It was both.

"Okay," 5 answered. "Okay," it answered again as more information was dropped. This repeated several times, every time the mandragora's speech paused for even a second.

"Uhm... sooo... do you have a name?" Alex slipped in his own question, but before an answer could be given, Eija cut in. "Quit wasting our time with these inane questions," she snapped in disgust, turning to Fire Sprite Girl, and then to Plant Guy. "I demand to be moved to another room, away from this disgraceful fire sprite!" Evidently, she hadn't been listening when Plant Guy had listed 'phoenix.' There being an actual fire-sprite, if only partially one, complicated things even further. "Let the dullard construct deal with this shrew!"

"Okay," 5 answered again, not caring in the slightest where it was placed. Meanwhile, Alex's stomach lurched. He'd been rather relieved to be paired with two of the nicest and most sane people he'd met thus far. The idea of trading either one of them-- or even himself! --for this snob who'd casually described the taste of 'people,' felt like a nightmare waiting to happen. And yet, he knew full well that if there was such a switch to their room, it'd be a lose-lose situation: either remain silent and suffer, or protest and have this awful girl loathe him for the remainder of the year.
"We are known as Mandragora. Call us Sandra if it helps you assume we have a gender. We do not in fact have one. We are asexual and are a collective consciousness as long as a root remains.."

Sandra turned to Eija, "Would you rather sleep in a toilet?" she? shot back with a dead serious glare. "B**ches will be leashed. Even draconic ones. If you wish to be a problematic wench, expect a visit from Alucard. We have a mind in his office."

"Woah... so you are here to keep us in line?" Raphael asked.

"That is correct."

"...And you are legally allowed to spy on us?"

"That is correct. do not tempt us. we have poisonous spores that can paralyze you in seconds. any dissidence will be dealt with in proportion to the idiocy involved."

"We're doomed," they exclaimed.

"Is ANYONE going to reprimand this racist b**ch?" Letos shouted. Levi was holding her back as she flailed back and forth in a rage. "RACIST ICEY MOTHERLOVING DAUGHTER OF A DRACONIC WH*RE!!!" Letos wrenched herself free, and... fell motionless to the ground.

"Example. Spores can be attuned to any particular person. This is the only time I will not attune them to both offenders. any other questions?" Sandra's eyes were colder than the size of Eija's ego.
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Erin was also not thrilled to be placed in the same room as the dragon, and let her distaste be shown by crossing her arms. She would not throw a tantrum like Eija was, as far as Erin was concerned, the girl was embarrassing herself both by her actions and words as it became clear that she was incapable of listening. The mandragora clearly just identified her as a phoenix, and she had told the girl her name earlier. “Nobody else wants to deal with you so you might as well just sit down and shut your mouth dragon girl. You can stay out here and continue throwing your fit. I’m going to go choose my bed.” And with that Erin walked off into her assigned room, caring little of any remark Eija or anyone else might have made.


Room assignments meant little to Veera, she was more interested in the talking plant before her, would she get to learn how to grow a mandragora? Not seeming to mind the chaos around her, the vila raised her hand. “Will they teach us how to grow talking plants? And can you talk to other plants? It would make caring for mine a lot easier if they could tell someone what was wrong with them.”


Kage didn’t stay for, or hear about any of the fighting after the rooms where assigned. Once he knew where he was going the oni went straight for his assigned room and chose the closest bed. Flopping onto the mattress he tossed the blankets over his head and lay still. Maybe if it appeared he was sleeping people would leave him alone.
"That is correct. Someone has to tend to us after all." Sandra answered with a kind smile to Veera. "I can indeed talk to all manner of flora and even to an extent some fauna. It is usually our species that tells the dorms when a plant needs tending to as well."

"We see that this will be an interesting year if nothing else... Now then, please do as the Phoenix and Oni have done and familiarize yourselves with your rooms. as soon as you have scanned into our systems, your rooms will accommodate you based on DNA samples."
Sandra did not make any motion to follow them inside at all, preferring to stay where they were... or rather they COULDN'T MOVE...

Raphael quirked a brow... "Cats are fauna, right? I can talk to those!" he said mostly just to be relevant. The fact that a DNA scan was mentioned flew over his head.

Levi just shrugged and went to his room and started unpacking.

Drake however walked over to Erin, "Do you want me to talk to her?" he asked her expecting to be the defacto mediator for their room and thinking it would be an interesting job as long as he was up to the task of keeping them both from attacking each other.

Samantha smiled and called out "Come on Alex! I wanna show you my video game collection!" she called out as she ran into the house and her one huge eye scanned the common room, "AWESOME, 4K 70 inch TV!!!" she shouted as she took out her infinicube and immediately hooked up Smash Bros Ultimate, "PRE ORIENTATION TOURNAMENT!!!!" she called out to whoever would listen.

Ryan's tongue flicked out, "What are we betting?"

Raphael smirked, "How about a week of chores from the winners are divided up amongst those of us who don't place in the top 3?"

Letos still couldn't move, and slurred, "N'fur... cn't... muff...fve... elph meh." as she was largely ignored by the gamers.

Translation: "No fair... can't move... Five... help me."
Eija was, understandably, shocked and a bit creeped out at how easily the fiery redhead went down, but given how insulting she'd been moments ago, Eija couldn't fight back the smirk. No way a dragon would collapse so easily, right? ....right?! She'd remain silent on the matter. No need to call more attention to herself while the guard was still in the mood to flex those creepy spores. Ultimately, what she got out of it was: if the fire sprite was being annoying, she'd need to find somewhere away from this thing to 'reprimand' her.

"Oh no you don't! I will be choosing my bed," Eija corrected, fast-walking to try and pass the Fire Sprite as she skipped right past the common room to A3. Despite her obvious intention to pre-select the best part of the room, once they'd entered, it became clear that there was one obvious choice for her: a small pile of silver surrounded with never-melting ice. She was used to such accommodations during travel: silver was relatively cheap, but it was a decent substitute for a gold hoard, and you didn't need much of it to comfortably hold a compact humanoid form. The ice was a nice touch too. "It's not terrible," she nodded, settling in by lounging on the side of it.

As everyone began to file into the common room, and some to their sleep quarters, 5 casually picked up Letos and dragged her across the floor like a sack of potatoes, evidently never having heard of the princess carry before. 5 deposited Letos on the couch, adjusting her pose to look like a... 'gamer'-- or so 5 thought --and then wandered over to the Sandy in the common room. The spores had a crazy effect on Letos, and 5 wondered whether they worked on itself. "... You are ugly. I hate you," 5 threw some insults at Sandy, trying to mimic Letos, though the lifeless tone made it sound more like it was poorly reading the script from a play. He glanced over at Sandy expectantly.

Meanwhile, Alex had settled in, and was desperately trying to remember what race everyone was: partially because he was worried who not to mess with, but for the sake of not offending them. Phoenixes were typically fiery birds who healed through rebirth, so maybe no cooking omelets around Erin. The catboy-- what was it called? Nekojin? --looked impossible to offend in general, though talking to cats!? Jealous! Ryan had already mentioned his deal with needing heat, and Samantha was probably the second-most ordinary one here. On the opposite side, the dragon lady looked impossible not to offend. Sadly, Alex's grasp of mythology was starting to wane after that point. What was a Samodiva? A Firebrand? He had no clue. Oni? Wasn't that Japanese?

"Oh? Uhh... sure, that sounds fun!" Alex smiled, happy to engage in such a familiar activity. "I'm not bad at this game actually." It was obvious to anyone looking that Alex was still on edge, but the familiar couch, the TV, the game... it was all helping, if only a little. Losing could be a blessing in disguise: doing chores for these people might be a good way to learn how they worked and win some favor points.

“Talk to her?” Erin said with a raised brow to Drake. “No, that isn’t needed, she’s all talk, and well, there isn’t anything she could do to me even if she wanted to, that would be permanent anyways. You want to know a secret Drake? I’m immortal, which means I’m damn good at playing the long game. I am going to enjoy watching her worldview shatter around her as it is proven to her time and time again that it is much bigger than her prejudices. So let her talk.” Erin said as she opened the door to their room and walked in with her head held high.

Erin’s side of the room was simple, a bed, a dresser, some shelfs, and a desk. Perfect for all her needs while at the school. Her luggage was already in the room and she wasted no time unpacking her things. Erin started with placing her books on the shelves above her bed, most of them a variety of nonfiction with a few fantasy novels mixed in as well as some mythology texts. Next came her school supplies, binders, notebooks, pens, extra paper, scissors, crafting materials, tape, and paperclips. All of them went neatly into the desk drawers or into the large pencil holder Erin had brought with her. All together the phoenix had enough school supplies for two students. Her clothes were next, all folded neatly and placed meticulously into the dresser drawers. Finally she made her bed and decorated her side of the room. For bedding, her sheets, blankets and pillow cases were all a different shade of blue or black. Next she hung a few photos onto the wall, places around the world she had been. The last decoration she placed on one of her shelves was a framed picture of a younger her with an older red haired man. A cluster of brown feathers held together by a string with red and orange beads hung off of it, the feathers of a harpy to those with keen eyes.

Now unpacked, Erin sat on her bed and leaned against the wall, she pulled out her phone to check it for messages before playing one of the games she had downloaded onto it.


Veera decided to check out her room, peeking into it to find it shift itself into a form that would best suit her as Sandra had explained. Along with having places for her to store her school supplies and personal items, it had an outlet by the headboard and some vines creeping up the bed frame. Veera wasn’t nearly as prepared as Erin for this school, but she did have some school supplies and clothes she messily put away. Her last bag was the one she was the most gentle with, this one oddly enough was full of potted plants that eventually found a home wherever she could put them on her side of the room.


When left alone for a long enough time Kage eventually rolled over to see what the room looked like, two other beds so that should mean only two other idiots would be in here regularly to bother him. He had paid little mind to what the room looked like when he came in, but the decoration was similar to his bedroom back home, save for the luggage in the middle of the floor. He’d deal with that later, hopefully he wouldn’t be here long enough to actually need to unpack.
———: Drake Schriker :———

Drake looked around the room and noticed the silver and ice in one corner and the relatively normal bed in the other. Funny, he almost expected a bed of flames or a nest of some kind.

Unpacking his own supplies, he set up an easel and started drawing, paying little attention to anything going on while he sketched Eija as she had appeared flying towards the school from earlier as a majestic ice dragon. He made sure to make his art as faithful as possible while he would glance over at her every few minutes as if to remind himself of a detail.

When he was done he took out a frame and hung the image on the wall, then proceeded to draw a phoenix from memories of seeing them in history books, finishing that in much the same way, and hung that one next to the first. He looked at the two images and repositioned them, paying little attention to if the girls noticed.

———: Raphael, Samantha, Ryan :———
Raphael... sucked at this game... he lost to Alex even when Alex TRIED to lose to him. "If this had been Mario kart I would totally have wiped the floor with you!" he made a lame excuse for his own ineptitude.

Ryan smirked, "You ssssstill have to do our choresssssss now though. rulesssssss are rulesssss. that sssssaid... is anyone hungry? I brought sssssome cooking ssssssssupplies and ssssssome sssstuff with me ssssso if you give me about thirty minutesssss I can—"

Samantha's one eye widened, "You can cook? I would love to see how good your food is!"

Raphael just pulled out a milk carton from nowhere, "I'm good."

Ryan nudged Alex and whispered, "Wanna impresssss ssssomeone? the ssssstomach is a good medium for that."

———: Letos Protski :———

Letos finally started moving again and walked over to 5, "Hey 5, don't hate her. Sandra was just making sure a fight didn't happen. we'll go dragon hunting later. maybe if we kill one, the whore will realize she shouldn't mess with us. ehehehehe..."

She had a scary look on her face as she plotted how to get back at Eija for the insulting manner she had exuded prior to this.

———: Levi Markus :———
"I need to speak with whoever designed my room..." Levi muttered. it was best described as... androgynously sexy. there was even a jacuzzi in the corner.

"I hate it when people assume JUST because of mom, I am some kind of playboy..." he sighed as he lie down on his bed, which was built for two for some reason. then a horrid thought crossed his mind. Did his MOM tell the staff to do this???

"Even at school, she ruins my life!" he screamed as his fist hit his pillow.

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