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Realistic or Modern Let's Travel (Accepting possibly)

Tempest shot him a nasty look for taking her drinks and then said "I am not leaving without at least one of my friends. Like I said, they wouldn't leave me without something happening...And trust me I know my limits when it comes to alcohol. Shouldn't you be getting to your cousin anyways?" She carefully took the shots back and downed them, looking him straight in the eye. She could become very stubborn and sometimes rude when the safety of the people she cared about was involved.

Miss Mack Miss Mack
Andrew grabbed her wrists forcefully and said, "You are still young, think this through and be smart. I know your friends would abandon you but clearly something serious happened. You need to stay safe before you do something reckless!" The last words came out in a terrifying shout, almost scaring Drew himself. He had a dark look in his eyes, daring Tempest to be rude again. "I will not put up with some stuck-up little girl who thinks she's fine when she's not. Let me buy you a hotel room. Use the phone in the room to call your friends in the morning." Andrew let his voice grow faint as he realize exactly what he had just said.

LindsMagee LindsMagee
Tempest shrank away from him in fear as he shouted and had a terrifying look in his eyes. When she gained her composure back she ripped her wrists from his hands thinking 'great, this will leave a bruise' and slowly backed away rubbing her wrists. "I am leaving don't you dare follow me again." She turned and basically sprinted into the crowd of people, losing sight of Drew. When she left out the back exit she was shaking out of worry from her hands and what had just happened. She started walking down the streets of Newark after realizing she left her wallet in the van and took no money for a cab. She somehow found her way to a part of Central Park and sat down by a tree. Had her friends really left like her parents did?

Skylark Skylark idalie idalie NightQueen NightQueen Truff Truff KingofAesir KingofAesir Miss Mack Miss Mack

Keeping his eye on the road, Sol reached back for the mobile. Glancing down every so often to pull up her memos and find the address. Right past Central Park. Glancing out the window he almost made the mistake of slamming on the breaks. Through the fence, against a tree he saw Temp. Who looked neglected - if anything. As if a child curled up in a ball. "I just saw Tempest in the park, we've gotta pick her up." He declared, clearly not to be questioned, as he safely pulled over. "You guys stay here with Sky, put the hazard lights on too. This is technically a no parking zone." He called, putting the clutch down to undo his seatbelt and leap out the van. Slamming the door behind him. Rather haphazardly he vaulted the iron-wrought fence, rushing to the curled up figure. "Temp! Didn't you get the message about Sky? Hun, come on you'll catch a cold out here." He crouched down infront of her. "We're going back to the hotel. Baths and warm beds, as well as a minibar and possible chocolate. I'll pay." Sol put his light, friendly hand on her upper arm. "Let's get in the car, and then you can tell me how you managed to get so far from the club and end up here of all places."

LindsMagee LindsMagee Truff Truff KingofAesir KingofAesir Skylark Skylark

Cameron had spent the night drinking away his insecurities, so by the time everyone was heading away he was completely hammered. Slouching into a chair in the back of the van he let his head roll slightly and closed his eyes to sleep. Eventhough
he was hungry, the tiredness was too much and he fell asleep,Still in full drag.

He stopped paying any attention as soon as he was asleep, snoring gently.

idalie idalie
KingofAesir KingofAesir
LindsMagee LindsMagee
Skylark Skylark
Truff Truff
Miss Mack Miss Mack
(So if i get something wrong sorry I was gone most of the day sorry. Just correct me lol)
Axil looked at the girl "Yeah me and my friends are on a road trip probably will be leaving new york soon but if you and your cousin want to get out of here just call me, God that sounded way too creepy I'm sorry" He told her while he rubbed the back of his neck. He soon go a text about Sky "Oh crap! Sky's not doing good I have to go. Here is my number if you want to call um you don't have to but if you want to get out of new york well you know who to call," Why am I so creepy He handed her a piece of paper with his number and headed outside to call an uber.
Miss Mack Miss Mack
Sky laid in the back of the car until her eyes opened and she shot up. She soon felt dizzy and like she was going to throw up. She climbed to the back of the car and opened the door and quickly hurled. "Yuck, man I shouldn't have kept letting that guy buy me drinks," She said as she sighed. She laid back down "Also I should have known that my first time drinking shouldn't have been as much as I did. Wait is it just me or is this car not moving, wow now it is, It's moving in circles, woooahhhh a magic car?? SWEET!" She rambled on. I guess this is what happens when Sky is drunk she's not her introverted self and she's pretty out there
NightQueen NightQueen Miss Mack Miss Mack KingofAesir KingofAesir LindsMagee LindsMagee Truff Truff idalie idalie
Temp looked up at the sound of her name and almost burst into tears with happiness at the sight of Sol. "No, I dont know where my phone is. And what happened to Sky is she okay?" Tempest asked and shot to her feet, looking around alert. Seized with a sudden fear that one of her friends, her best friend was hurt because of the clubbing made her feel sick and guilty. She thought to herself 'I know Sky never drinks, I should have been with her the whole time watching her'.

idalie idalie @Haus Of Alaska Miss Mack Miss Mack KingofAesir KingofAesir Skylark Skylark Truff Truff
Eleanor cursed as Sol slammed on the breaks and huffed. "Ok do what you want but easy on the breaks," she looked at him and pulled a silly face. "You're gonna kill us all here," She leaned forward and hit the hazzards on the van. She sat back in the backseat and patiently waited in the dark. She leaned her head back and sighed. She eventually popped her head up to look out the window. How did Temp end up her?? She shook her head and chuckled a bit. This group was the definition of a hot mess.

KingofAesir KingofAesir idalie idalie Skylark Skylark
Drew watched her back out of the bar and quickly disappear from sight. He looked down at his hands, they were red and shaking. He took a shaky breath and slowly walked outside and stood next to his cousin. "Are you okay, Adde?" he asked, she was holding a piece of paper and her hands were also a tad bit shaky as well. "I'm f-fine." she said softly. "Andy why are you-" her voice cut off as he dropped his head and let a silent tear slide down his cheek. "I let her go, Adde. After just one dance I was so fucking happy- and I yelled at her and grabbed her hands- I hurt her Adde!!" Drew started to lose himself in his emotions as he realized what he had lost without ever having it.

LindsMagee LindsMagee
Axil had gotten to the hotel but when he saw he was the only one he decided to go to a cafe that was open late at night and was close by. He ordered a coffee and sat outside listening to the city noise he thought about how stupid he was tonight and he just wished he didn't act like an idiot. I guess slightly drunk Axil is a bigger idiot then normal. He looked up at the sky and tried to look at the stars but most of the buildings covered them. I have no idea what will happen next... He thought

Miss Mack Miss Mack
Kade turned her head around as Sky climbed back to throw up what little she'd eaten that day. "Sky, please, be careful. Your head could be hurt." She sunk back in her seat and ran a hand through her hair, sighing. What was she doing? She was acting like a concerned mother for gods sake. This was totally weird.
Sky laid there and talked about random things. "Is pluto considered a planet now or what like make up your mind! I want a huge pizza and then once I eat the huge pizza I can sleep in the box, LET'S DO IT!" She then started singing and not Sky's normally good voice kind of singing but her "drunk singing" "I'm in looovvveee I'm in lovvvveee so in loooovveee so in looooovveee, HA just kidding I'm not. AND I'M GONNA SWING FROM THE, wait what were the words."
KingofAesir KingofAesir LindsMagee LindsMagee NightQueen NightQueen Truff Truff idalie idalie Miss Mack Miss Mack

(Honestly I'm just putting my random thoughts into use here lol)​
Eleanor watched as Sky threw up. "She'll be fine, I've seen worse," She said in a mild, uninterested tone and turned back to Kade. "Kade. When did this trip become a source of drama for me?" She was stuck in her thoughts and wasn't sure how to sort them out. Kade was always that person to help her with that kind of stuff. "Also since when were you mom of the group? Did Sky pass that job onto you when she started drinking?" She looked at Sky, who was singing. "Beautiful darling!!" She yelled with a laugh.

Skylark Skylark KingofAesir KingofAesir idalie idalie
"Thank you," She said to Eleanor "Don't worry the rest of the trip is not as crazy I just wanted to start it off a bit crazy I have no idea why but i did," She said with a shrug "YO Kade you took my job, Come on! I need the money," Sky said as she lifted her head and slowly shook it she then laid he head back down.

KingofAesir KingofAesir idalie idalie Truff Truff
Kade shrugged at Eleanor's question laughing slightly at Sky, but worry still etched in her features. "Whenever you let it. I'm not a big drama girl, you know that, I tend to just let things slide off my back. Maybe that's what you should do."

Kade laughed down at Sky and shook her head, "No, honey, I didn't take your job. You don't even get paid to make sure we don't die." Kade turned back to Eleanor and sighed. "I don't know. I'm just worried about her. This is so weird!" She shook her head as of trying to dislodge something, "I think I'm drunk too."
Axil....? I really need to see you. NOW. Adelina pressed send and took a deep breath, biting her lip and looking at her cousin. They were both in emotional shambles and just needed a distraction. "Let's go with that group, Andy. Let's get out of this city and go somewhere new!" she was started to gain hope for the near future, already picturing herself swimming on exotic beaches with Andrew. "No." was all Drew said, he plopped down on the curb and covered his face. Axil you need to help me here. How do I deal with a crying boy?

Skylark Skylark
Eleanor shrugged. "I guess I should let it roll off my back. It's just becoming difficult," She watched the exchange between Sky and Kade and burst out laughing. "You guys are fantastic," She shook her head. "You're both very drunk" She watched as Kade shook her head. "It's hilarious," She glanced out into the park where Sol had gone to find Temp. She hoped they were ok.
Axil leaned back in his chair he felt his phone vibrate it was Adelina I'll be there in a minute He texted as he called another uber and was dropped off where they were looking at Adelina he mouthed I'll try my best. He sat down next to Andrew "Temp?" He asked as he looked off into the distance. He ran a hand through and then looked back at Andrew. He sighed as he thought about how Temp could be at times she was a lovely person but her being drunk tonight well it wasn't the best idea.
LindsMagee LindsMagee
Miss Mack Miss Mack
Sky looked up "Wait no money??" She sighed as she then sat up "Where is Sol, Temp, Axil, and whoever else I'm not getting paid to keep track of people," She finished saying as she looked out the window like a kid looking into a toy shop. "Also why are they in central park? Is Sol mad? Is temp sad? Is Axil flirting with some girl?"

idalie idalie LindsMagee LindsMagee
KingofAesir KingofAesir Truff Truff
Adelina let out a sigh of relief as he replied with a quick I'll be there in a minute. She waved down his uber and pointed to her cousin who was still sitting on the curb. "Please help him-" She said softly to Axil.

Andrew looked up at Axil and met his eyes as he sat down. "What do you know about her? What did Adde tell you? Did she tell you about my pathetic emotions?" He asked, sighing softly but slowly nodded. His black hair was ruffled from his one dance with her and he wasn't prepared to fix himself up anytime soon.

Skylark Skylark
LindsMagee LindsMagee
Axil looked at Andrew. "Me and temp are great friends, we are on a road trip, I was told nothing but I just assumed, and your emotions aren't pathetic. Why are you letting this one girl come into your life a knock you down, you know what if you really like her why don't you chase after her but take it slow and get to know her." He told the guy. "Also don't you want to get out of this crowded city, by the way my friends aren't always that insane. Sky's just never drunk before and I guess she was feeling feisty," He said with a small laugh. He looked up at Adelina seeing if she approved with what he said.
LindsMagee LindsMagee
Miss Mack Miss Mack
"She was just so pure in those moments... I've never felt something like that before. And I've already lost it before I even had it-" Drew cut himself off and asked, "Would you be able to pass on a message to her for me? That I am really sorry for what I said to her tonight and that I want to get out of New York with your group. But I won't come along unless she's okay with it." He looked at his cousin who gave him an encouraging nod. "And I want my cousin to come. She needs to get out more." There was a pause as Andrew looked at Adelina and then at Axil, his heart was pounding at the thought of seeing Tempest again and making things right.

Skylark Skylark
LindsMagee LindsMagee
"Everything's okay,Sky, we've got it handled." Kade cooed at the intoxicated girl, coaxing her to lay back down. "Lay down. You could get sick again and I don't think you want that in this van." She grinned, glancing out the window, knee bouncing anxiously.

"Come on, Sol, I'd rather not have to clean up puke."

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