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Realistic or Modern Let's Travel (Accepting possibly)

Tempest looked up at Drew and said "Getting trampled isn't on my agenda." She seemingly forgot what she was going to say next when she heard his laugh, it was a great laugh and she had never heard one like it, like it was a mystery. She slowly pushed herself away from him and said "So Drew, how about that dance?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, bitting her lip in thought as she looked towards the dance floor.

Miss Mack Miss Mack NightQueen NightQueen idalie idalie KingofAesir KingofAesir Skylark Skylark Truff Truff
Axil heard Tempest ask him to dance and jealousy rose but he was pretty good at hiding it. He would normally just clench his fist really hard for a moment and then he would reales it and there he would be back to normal. But just watch out cause he's the kind of person who pushes his anger away but when he explodes its like an atomic bomb. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and tried to give the new girl his attention.

Skylar sat at the bar with the guy he was honestly starting to freak her out just a bit but she was too nice to leave and honestly she wouldn't know where to go she didn't want to be alone and look lame so she stayed. Every now and then he would order her something to drink she would try to refuse but he would insist.
LindsMagee LindsMagee Miss Mack Miss Mack

For one, Sol wasn't completely dressed up. He'd preferred letting his hair down, whilst pulling on a leather jacket and jeans in preference to the situation of the bustling club. It wasn't that hard to get past the doormen when you had a beard either, no one bothering to check his ID as he slipped in alongside the main group. Cameron, all dressed up in his wig and high-heels (which was near enough from beating Sol's own height at 6'4"), whilst most had gone for a more less time-consuming option. Glancing toward Eleanor, he gave a nudge. "I ain't judging you. I stress smoke. I also have smoked a lot of things I shouldn't have." He grinned, till crossing the clubs threshold.

The thump and pulse of music and lighting was the lifeblood of the place, where men and women wildly danced. Throngs of people raising their arms in the air to scream and laugh, whilst a few began to hit it off for one-night hookups.

And of course, he couldn't miss the fact that Cameron was up on the table, which was easy enough to see over the crowds. Sol, gave a quick wave with a small grin, giving his friend a big thumbs up as he waded through the people to the bar. Getting a beer over all the noise, which he popped the cap off and began to swig.

Till the scream of course, which had everyone struck with immense fear and uncertainty, till it was Sky who approached the issue to ask what was wrong. Clearly soon afterwards, they'd adopted the two troublemakers.


Truff Truff LindsMagee LindsMagee NightQueen NightQueen Skylark Skylark Miss Mack Miss Mack
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The girl looked up at Axil, squinting a bit as if she was trying to figure him out like a puzzle. "Why does it matter to you if I'm 'okay'?" She asked simply, her head cocked to the side in a confused manner. "Your life will not change regardless of how I am feeling in this moment." She mused, slowly uncrossing her arms and placing them behind her on the pavement. I cannot seem to understand his motives. Talking to me out of spite, perhaps? She thought, looking up and down at Axil, inspecting him.

Andrew let out another laugh and winked at Temptst, slowly taking her hand and pulling her closer to him. "You know, miss, you're awfully pretty. Are you sure your boyfriend is okay with us dancing?" He asked, sincerely concerned about Axil's well being. Drew slowly guided his hands gently around her shoulders and then down to her waist where they rested perfectly on her hips. "I just don't want to make anybody upset is all." Andrew said, biting his lip for a second and then flashing a smile at Temptst.

LindsMagee LindsMagee
Skylark Skylark
Kade and September
Kade had bought a drink and sat down at a table, finger running over the rim of the glass ss she scanned the crowd and watched out for her friends. It seemed Axil and Tempest had taken to some people she'd thought she'd heard yelling Italian earlier. Ksde was fairly certain September was supposed to be with Axil. Kade started searching for him and shook her head when she spotted him flirting the hell out of some girl.

Brown eyes continued sweeping over the place until they landed on Sky. Some guy was all leaned up on age counter next to her and it seemed he was buying her things. Skylad looked uncomfortable and, knowing her, she wouldn't have the heart to tell him to leave. But you now who would?

Kade stepped up from her table, taking her drink with her. She sauntered up next to Sky and sat down beside her, wrapping an arm over her shoulder. "Hey, babe, hope this guy isn't giving you any trouble." Kade eyed him from around Skylar, "Yo, buddy, you wanna leave my girlfriend alone before you lose something you don't wanna lose?" Kade winked at Sky, a small knowing smirk spreading across her face.
Axil looked at the girl. "I don't care who you are, and you might think it's weird I care," He paused for a moment. "Please don't think of me as some scary guy trying to flirt with you. Me being me it would matter I would go home thinking why couldn't I have just talked to her. Do you need someone to talk to?" he asked her. all of a sudden her remembered september. Looking over at him he tried his best to say sorry and one minute. Turning back to the girl he gave her a friendly smile.
Sky sat there with the guy who had become creepier every minute she kept feeling as if he would slip something into her drink. She then felt an arm around her shoulder she was happy it was one of her friends. The guy looked at kade nervously got up and walked over to some new girl. "thanks so much," she told kade. "I kepy feeling as if he was going to slip something into my drink" she then looked over at September who was just over there. "So who's this friend of yours?" She asked Kade

Miss Mack Miss Mack KingofAesir KingofAesir
NightQueen NightQueen idalie idalie Truff Truff LindsMagee LindsMagee
Kade removed her arm from around Sky and leaned against the counter, tipping the rest of her drink back. "You're welcome, not the first time I've done that." At her next words, Kade turned her head to where September was still talking to that girl.

"September? Oh, he's an old friend of mine. He was in foster care for a while, that old couple that lived on that farm outside town. I didn't meet him until they died. Ozzy,a musician friend of ours, picked him up and let him stay at his apartment." Kade shook her head and turned back to Sky, "Some guy named Gustav has been following him around, apparently he's Septembers parents nephew. He feels like he deserves their money more than Sep does. I guess he's trying to get away from him."

She tapped a finger on the rim of her glass and smiled at Sky, "Tragic. I know."
Sky listened to Kade as she looked at Sep "He's sort of cute" she all of a sudden said without thinking she awkwardly looked over "didn't mean to say that out loud..." she said to Kade as she looked over at her. She couldn't believe she said that ugh she thought as she looked back of at him and then at her also.
KingofAesir KingofAesir
Eleanor leaned against the bar, watching all of this happen with a beer in her hand. The trouble makers seemed to join their group and she shook her head with a smile on her face. She looked up to see cam dancing on a table. "Cam!" She yelled, "don't get too drunk! And for the love of god don't fall!" She laughed. Her friends were so quirky and she loved it. She looked at sol, who popped the top off a beer and tipped hers toward him in a small toast. After watching everything happening, she turned to him. "Assuming we both hate this music and will continue to hate it, do you wanna dance?"

idalie idalie KingofAesir KingofAesir Skylark Skylark NightQueen NightQueen
Kade shrugged with a grin, running a hand through her hair and laughing slightly. "I guess he is. To you, at least. He's a total pig though. I wouldn't get your hopes up." Ok, so, maybe those were selfish words. Maybe, she didn't want Sky all rubbing up on September. In her defense he was kind of a pig.

"He's emotional aptitude is broken. Watch." She nodded toward September leading the girl he'd been smiling at toward a closed door. "He's just looking for company, nothing more. Don't get me wrong, he's a good guy, just not a super relationship oriented one."

Maybe Kade was being selfish. But, quite honestly she didn't care and that was kind of scary.
Sky bit her lip that wasn't what she was hoping to hear. "Oh..." She said as she noticed him with the other girl. "I mean yeah what was I thinking I don't even know the guy..." She said as she messed with the tips of her hair. Sky didn't know why she had even taken an interest into this new guy. Maybe rebound? Nope it's been too long for him to be a rebound. She attempted to think of other reasons why. In her mind set she began to overthink things. Soon she decided that she should just go out and dance. "I think I'm going to go dance. Also maybe find a hot guy," She said with a small laugh. Skylar walked past September and the girl quickly she shot the girl a look that was hard to notice and she pushed past September since the room was tight and there was only a small bit of space for her to squeeze through she accidently put her hand on his back. Once she noticed she put her hand down and began to head onto the dance floor.
KingofAesir KingofAesir

Clinking his bottle against hers in the small toast, Sol took another swig. Listening to Ellie's suggestions, whilst leaning back on the bar, to give a small, rich laugh. "Correct, I'd rather have my ears stabbed rather than put them through this crap. I think dancing might be one way to somewhat allieviate that." He grinned, wrapping his significantly larger hand around hers as he nodded to the dance floor. Bright eyes, both filled with mischief and excitement. "How 'bout it then, flower? Although I should warn,I can't dance for shit. Only the ballroom four step and that was thanks to prom." He joked.

[Interactions] Truff Truff
The girl raised an eyebrow at Axil and then sighed softly, realizing defeat and that he wouldn't leave her alone just yet. "Thank you for caring, but do not go around hanging too much of it out. Or else there will be none left for the ones you love." She said simply, standing and brushing off her jeans. She rubbed her eyes and looked towards the bar, unsure of what to do after her little emotional breakdown.

Andrew nodded and said, "Then let's not waste any time, dear." He took both of her hands in his and slowly pulled her towards the dance floor. He hasn't felt this happy in quite sometime, he can dance like this with his cousin around. Drew winked at Temptst and took one hand and spun her around until her back was to him, and he placed his hands on her waist once again and began dancing with her. His hips swaying side to side in tune with hers.

LindsMagee LindsMagee
Skylark Skylark
Axil smiled at her. "You do have a point, but still I care" He said he paused for a moment. "I'm Axil Wood by the way," He said to her offering his hand to shake. His blue eyes twinkled and his smile was bright. "So are you guys a couple, or are you related," He asked motioning over to the guy dancing with Tempest. He studied him once again. The guy looked like a bad boy but it seemed like he had a different side to him. At this moment Axil couldn't tell if he was actually jealous.
Miss Mack Miss Mack
LindsMagee LindsMagee
KingofAesir KingofAesir NightQueen NightQueen idalie idalie Truff Truff
The girl slowly took his hand and shook it, saying, "Nice to meet you Axil. I'm Adelina. Adelina Descaux." She then glanced over her shoulder and Andrew and said, "He's my cousin. So no, we are most definitely not a couple." Adelina laughed softly and then said, "What about you and the girl my cousin has seduced? Are you guys a couple?" She figured this was a touchy subject for Axil so her voice was kind and quiet, trying to invoke trust and willingness in Axil.

Skylark Skylark
Axil smiled when he heard they weren't a couple. He then heard her ask if he was with Temp. "If I was with Temp I would have gone over there and tried to hurt your cousin," He made tried very clear. His jealousy feelings were starting to simmer down. Maybe it was just him being over protective. He continued to smile he ran a hand through his hair and looked at Adeline. "Do you live in New York?" He asked her friendly.
Miss Mack Miss Mack
LindsMagee LindsMagee
Eleanor laughed and nodded in agreement. "Exactly my thoughts," She squeezed his hand as it wrapped around hers and looked at the dance floor. "Well. I can't ballroom four step. But maybe you should teach me?" She looked up at him. Ballroom dancing in a club wasn't something Eleanor would be caught dead doing with anyone else. But it was almost like Sol protected her from embarrassment with his total disregard of what people thought of him. Without waiting for a response, she pulled him onto a less crowded part of the dance floor, and put a hand on his shoulder with the other still holding his. "Teach me," She grinned.

Interacting with: idalie idalie
"Yeah, see ya." Kade shook her head as she watched Sky walk away. "What the hell was that? Get yourself together, West." She called over the bartender, asking him to fill her glass and handing him a five simultaneously. She needed a distraction, and fast.

"You have a funny name. *hic*" The girl he was slowly leading away from the crowd giggled drunkenly, almost stumbling over her own feet.

"I know, right. My mom must've been super weird." He was so close to the door, just a little further.... someone ran into him. Sep turned on his heel, ready to yell at whoever it was when he caught sight of a familiar face. Skylar.

"Oh, hey, Sky! Having fu-" He was but short as she moved past him. "Hmm, weird."

A giggle caused him to turn, "Wh-*hic*-at?"

He sighed, "Nothing. Come on, lets find you and ride home."

"Ballroom dancing to dubstep nightclub music. Beethoven would be rolling in his grave." Solanum chuckled, resting his warm palm upon Eleanor's waist as hers was put upon his shoulder. Interlinked hands, remaining as they were when she gleefully pulled them through the crowd. "Ah, young padawan. My knowledge is vast on the four step." He joked, beginning to count them in at the next bass drop. "And right foot forward, left foot back - follow my lead. It's easy." Sol grinned. Focusing on her, rather than the odd looks they were receiving. However, most drunk clubbers either ignored it or thought it was cry worthy as if watching Casablanca all over again. Sol even threw in a few twirls, just to catch her in the crook of his arm and seem both proud of himself for the suave move, as well as merely enjoying the hell out of their odd little dance. Even to dubstep. If anything Sol wasn't a fan of anything requiring autotune or rapping. Which of course, got teased relentlessly as being an old soul at school. Not that he'd ever care. Because Sol being Sol, never cared unless it meant something.

[Interactions] Truff Truff
Sky quickly found a guy to dance with. It wasn't too hard since she was a girl. Dancing with this new guy she was having fun for once. Skylar had this innocence about her and it made guys who well weren't into her for the right reasons very interested. She was also straight up way too nice to ever push someone away unless she had too. Skylar found herself in a group of different guys most of them were pretty drunk. She looked over at September and noticed he was attempting to help the girl instead of hook up. at leasts that was what she thought. Skylar was not sober especially since she had never done any drinking before. One drunk guy who was eyeing her came up and started grinding on her. Sky quickly moved away and punched him in the face. WOOAHH did I just do that. Man I must have super strenght. She thought to her drunk self. SUUUUPPPERRRR STRENGHTTTTTT. She continued to think Sky wasn't a complete drunk mess unless you could read her mind...
KingofAesir KingofAesir
Kade and September
Kade hadn't ceased watching over her friends while looking for cute girls at the same time. She laughed at El and Sol ballroom dancing to the dubstep pumping through the place, only they would do such a thing. She watched Sep leading the girl from before towards the door outside, phone pressed to his ear, he seemed to be calling and cab. Cam was having a heck of a time doing whatever it was that he did, Axil was talking to the girl who'd yelled and Tempest was dancing with some darked haired guy with gauges. Her eyes floated to Sky who was punching some guy. Kade nodded turning back around.... HOLD UP.

Kade spun back around, her feet hitting the ground. Punching someone? Sky didn't hit people, she was totally drunk. Kade took off into the crowd, trying to get there before that guy blew up on her. "Sol, El!" She yelled as she brushed by them, "Sky just totally punched some guy!"

Off not to far from them, September heard Kades call. He spun around, telling the girl and can would be here any minute and going to catch up with Kade. "Yo, what happened?" Kade looked to him briefly and pointed to where Sky was.

"She punched the shit out of that dude. I'm trying to make sure he doesn't blow up." Kade stopped just before reaching Sky, watching the scene cautiously from a distance.

A girl came up behind Sky and turned her around. "Why did you just punch my boyfriend?" She yelled at Sky. Sky shrugged "He grinned me. Wait why was YOUR boyfriend grinding other girls?" She asked the girl who had just come up to her. The girl looked Sky straight in the eyes then at her boyfriend on the floor. "I don't have any idea," the girl yelled back. "How do I know that you didn't lead him on," She added. Sky laughed, she really wasn't being herself. The girl then attacked her and Sky's face when she did was just straight up confused. The girl running at her was way more drunk then Sky. She ran at her and attempted to hit her but sky side stepped away and continued to watch the girl. Crashing into a table Sky thought it was over she turned around. The strange girl got back up and jumped on Sky's back from behind pushing Sky onto the ground.
NightQueen NightQueen KingofAesir KingofAesir idalie idalie LindsMagee LindsMagee Miss Mack Miss Mack Truff Truff
Eleanor was enjoying dancing and twirling with Sol, totally lost in her own little world. Her little world was shattered by Kade's panicked voice. Eleanor's head snapped in the direction of Sky. There was indeed a guy on the ground in front of her and people were starting to clear away from her. She stopped dancing with Sol, frozen as if they were in mid-dance. She watched the guy lay on the ground for a few seconds, then attempt to get up. He was obviously drunk and was having some trouble. She watched as the guy's girlfriend started attacking Sky. "That's it!"

She pushed herself away from Sol and strode over to the two girls. She reached out and grabbed the girl by the hair and threw her to the ground. She knew Kade wasn't far behind. When the girl tried to get up, she put her foot on her chest and pushed, making the girl start gasping a little. "Keep struggling and I'll push harder," She growled, her family roots coming back to her.

idalie idalie KingofAesir KingofAesir
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Axil saw what was happening "Hey I want to keep talking but um my friends might need me so um come with me," He said as he took the girls hand and hurried through the crowd to see Sky getting up and the other guy was now on his feet. Once she stood up the guy her grabbed tightly "What the hell why did you punch me!" He yelled in her face. "Well why the hell did you grind me." She said. He looked like he was about to punch her and Axil was too far away to get there in time if it was going to happen...
KingofAesir KingofAesir idalie idalie Truff Truff Miss Mack Miss Mack NightQueen NightQueen LindsMagee LindsMagee

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