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Realistic or Modern Let's Travel (Accepting possibly)

Kade and September
"Annd, that would be my cue." Both Kade and September jumped into the small circle that had cleared due the crowd watching the fight. Kade rushed up to Sky to help her off the ground while September went over to the guy Skylar has punched to admire her handy work.

Once Kade had helped Sky up she made her way over to Eleanor and squatted next to the offending girls head. "You should really think before you fight, cause the girl you just hurt has friends that will literally rip you apart." She leaned down and whispered in the girls ear, "Oh, and by the way, you might want to go check on your man whore of a boyfriend." She looked up at Eleanor and smiled, "If she wants to let you go that is."

Kade straightened up and turned around. "Oh, bad move asshole!" Kade rushed forward at a rather uncharacteristically fast speed and had the guy holding Sky around his throat in mere seconds. It seemed he'd gotten past September and a glance in that direction had her spotting him rubbing his head as he attempted to get off the ground. The offender threw his elbow back against her ribs and she choked back a yell.

"You just sealed you fate, dude. No one messes with my friends, especially not her." Kade had the guy on the ground in seconds, his body still. She stood back up, arm rapped around her abdomen and scowl on her face. She poked the guy with her boot. Nothing.

"You okay, Sky." She asked once she was sure that guy wouldn't be getting back up any time soon.

(My life has been fulfilled. Kade got to go all wrestling move on that guy.)
Skylark Skylark
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Sky felt a little sore her hair was a mess and she tried to straighten it out. "Yeah I think I'm fine. Woah that was some rush!" She said as she put a hand to her head "Oh and thanks for helping me. I would probably have been knocked out if I got hit one more time," She said she was a tad bit unstable but she did her best not to fall over. The girl who had attacked Sky left and the guy on the floor stayed there. "Is this a normal thing that happens in clubs?" Sky asked since it was her first time. She smiled over at El, Sol, Kade, Axil, and Sep.

Axil saw that Sky was ok. He turned his attention back to his new possible friend. "Sorry about that..." He told her as he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground. He looked back up and wondered if she would still answer his question


KingofAesir KingofAesir Miss Mack Miss Mack
idalie idalie Truff Truff
NightQueen NightQueen LindsMagee LindsMagee
Eleanor grinned at Kade "Oh we'll be having a little discussion before I let her go," She said sweetly, before looking down at the girl, who's eyes had gone to fear as Eleanor increased the pressure on her chest. She knelt down, her knee on the girls chest and her arms pinning the girl down. She got really close to the girl. "I want you to understand a couple things ok?" She spoke quietly, "Number one. That girl you attacked? Thats my friend. I don't appreciate people doing that to my friends." She pushed harder, making the girl cough. "Number two. I don't come from a great part of town sweetie. I can make you disappear overnight." The girl started crying. "Now i'm going to let you get up and you're going to leave," She stood up and the girl scrambled to get her boyfriend and leave.

She faced Sky. "No. It's normally not. But we should probably get out before they call the cops"
Kade and September
Kade nodded at Eleanors words as September sauntered over, head in his hands. "She's right. Here, need help?" Kade stepped forward, holding her hands out to help Sky to keep from falling. September stopped next to Eleanor and groaned.

"That guy hits hard, I tried to keep him from getting to Sky. I feel bad."

Suddenly distracted by the commotion, Eleanor slipping away to join the fight whilst Sol merely observed a few moments till getting involved. Sky was in trouble, of course - then again she didn't seem sober, and no one had been watching over her as closely as they should've. "Oh shit-" He began to quickly jog over, weaving through the crowd and shoving past the onlookers of the fight. "Come on, Jesus Christ guys!" He exclaimed glancing around quickly. However glad to see Sky and the rest safe and sound. Looking back to Ellie and the girl beneath her boot, threats exchanged till the girl got up and fearfully reached for her boyfriend to move away.

Being a peaceful sort, and detesting any kind of violence, Solanum threw his hands up. "I can't deal with this shit. You're all as bad as each other." He scowled. "I'll wait by the van." And incredibly uncharacteristically, he stormed out the nightclub. Which storming anywhere - well that was rare for a guy like him. Alas, he punched the entrance doors open and walked out onto the street. Finding their teal coloured van, to collapse on the curb and pat himself down for a spare cig. Finding one and lighting it up, he took a long inhale, sulking with his knees pulled up to his chest as he let the smoke of the tobacco create a veil of smoke. Concrete cold beneath him, as he crossed his arms over his legs. Only retrieving his mobile to then scoff at his reflection in the black screen, till it flickered to life.

Truff Truff LindsMagee LindsMagee Skylark Skylark NightQueen NightQueen Miss Mack Miss Mack
Sky took Kade's hands to balance herself. "I think a room at a hotel I rented out. seems as if some of us our still having fun." She motioned to Axil and the new girl and then to temp and the new guy. Also to Cam who was having a good time "How about some of us go back and some stays? don't want to ruin everyone's night" She said with a small smile. "The address is in my phone." She said. Sky heard Sol and she got confused but she wasn't completely sober to really understand. "Yo my head is feeling weird," She said as she then fell onto the ground with a small thud.
KingofAesir KingofAesir
idalie idalie
NightQueen NightQueen LindsMagee LindsMagee Miss Mack Miss Mack Truff Truff
"Woah!" Kade dropped down to keep Sky's head from hitting the floor and sighed. "Yeah, she's done." She looked up at Eleanor, "I don't think you want to stay here any longer. I'll drive us back to the hotel."

September had floated off, saying something about getting a girl home. Kade lifted Sky off the ground with a grunt. She was heavier than she looked. "You ready?"
Sky was half there and half not she attempted to help Kade but if Kade let go Skylar would probably fall onto the floor and not want to get back up again. Her mind traveled to many different places as they began to leave the building first night clubbing and this is what happens? well I'm gonna have an amazing story to share one day She thought as they left
KingofAesir KingofAesir NightQueen NightQueen idalie idalie Truff Truff LindsMagee LindsMagee Miss Mack Miss Mack
Eleanor watched as Sol yelled at them. She suddenly felt that familiar pull in her chest. She glanced at the others and followed him out. "Solanum..." She said quietly, using his full name. She missed Sky passing out, as the doors closed behind her. She followed him to the van and watched as he sat on the ground. "Sol..." She stopped in front of him. She had never seen him angry before. "Please talk to me..." She knelt down in front of him. She couldn't help but feel like he was angry at her directly. She knew in her head he wasn't, but she couldn't help but feel hurt. She turned as Kade carried Sky out of the club. She sighed. Sky had drank too much and the blow to the head didn't help.

Skylark Skylark idalie idalie KingofAesir KingofAesir
"Here we go, we're gonna get to a bed." Kade made it up to the van, too worried about the girl in her arms to pay attention to what was happening between El and Sol. "On second thought, does one of you mind driving so I can take care of her?" She asked as she attempted to open the back door.

"Damnit. Sol, can you help me here?"
Tempest had been dancing with Drew when she realized she hadn't seen any of her friends in a while. She looked around nervously and told drew "this has been really fun but I think I might need to go." She had lost count of how many shots she'd had and thought her friends might have left her.

Miss Mack Miss Mack

"I'm fine, I just don't do fighting. I don't do violence. You could've hurt yourself, and some people went above and beyond that." He exhaled heavily a moment, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "I don't want anything to happen to you. Or anyone. Things get out of control, and what could I ever do?" Tapping the cigarette ash off the end of his tobacco, Sol glanced up at Kade and the unconscious body of Sky. Stubbing out the embers, to tuck the butt in his pocket, Solanum patted Eleanor's cheek, cupping it for a few seconds. "It's not your fault. It's just the way the world works I guess."

Reaching his feet, Sol pulled open the van door and glanced back toward Ellie again. "I think a hotel sounds good anyway. Better environment than this hole in the ground. Why I prefer festivals. Grass beneath your feet and all that." He even managed a smile. "But that's just me, being a hippie. Right?" Nonetheless, he turned to help Kadence with Sky's unconscious form.

[Interactions] KingofAesir KingofAesir Truff Truff
Eleanor looked at him with sorry eyes. She hadn't meant to upset him. But at the same time, protecting Sky from violent people was more important. Her cheek felt hot under his hand. She nodded. "I guess the world works in funny ways, huh?" The feeling of cool grass under bare feet came to her mind. After this chaos, that feeling would be more than welcomed. Her life was never relaxing. She took a breath, coming back to reality. "Maybe being a hippie is better for the mind," she muttered, walking over the Kade to help with Sky. "We have to make sure she's on her side. In case she gets sick," It was a gruesome thing to mention, but also very important.
Adelina rubbed the back of her neck and said, "My cousin is just a big flirt and doesn't know when he crosses the line. I'm sorry about him." She rubbed one eye and looked at Axil square in the eye, trying to read him. Trying to figure out what he wanted and why he really was talking to her. "I don't live in New York, I'm staying to finish my last year of high school and then going back home. I'm living with my cousin and his dad, my uncle." She explained, glancing at her cousin once again and rolling her eyes at his clearly flirtatious body language towards his new target, Temptst. Adelina gasped a bit as he grabbed her hand and pulled her back inside the bar to see what all the hustle was about.

Andrew looked around, worried that somebody was pressuring Temptst to leave him. Most girls would faint at the idea of dancing with him, why was this girl so different? He sighed softly and slowly let his hands drop from her waist. "Can I at least get your number before you run away from me and pull a Cinderella?" Drew asked, trying to swoon her with his gentle and kind tone. "I just had such a good time with you and would really enjoy to hang out again, if that's alright with you." He said softly, slowly taking one of her hands in both of his and kissing the knuckles softly.

Skylark Skylark
LindsMagee LindsMagee

Her cheek was memorably soft, although warm. However, it was hard to see whether she was blushing or not in the dim light. "I'll drive
, if you and Kade look after Sky in the back. But Ellie is right - we don't need Sky choking." He remarked, glancing between both women. "Should I call everyone else? See if I can get their asses over here so we can all go back to the hotel. I'm telling you, I could use a warm bed and bath."
Sol, ran a hand through his thick locks of blonde hair, shoving it out of his face whilst stooping to help with the vehicle and unconscious friend situation. "If not I'll go back in, make sure they call a taxi to pick them up whenever they decide to leave."

[Interactions] Truff Truff KingofAesir KingofAesir Skylark Skylark
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Eleanor pulled out her phone, "I'll text them. I can send an Uber to them when they decide they're ready to leave," She started typing the text to the group. Hey guys, Sol, Kade and I are taking Sky to the hotel. Text me for an Uber when you're ready. Have fun and don't punch people. She hit send and put her phone in her pocket. She climbed into the back with Kade and Sky. They had folded the seats up so they could lay Sky across the floor. She sat next to her and sighed, before looking at Kade. At least Kade understood why Eleanor was the way she was. Kade was the only one who had met her family and saw how scary they could be. She reached down to Sky and tied her hair into a loose pony tail, just in case she threw up.

idalie idalie KingofAesir KingofAesir Skylark Skylark Miss Mack Miss Mack LindsMagee LindsMagee
Kade layed Sky as carefully as she could against a seat, laying Sky's head carefully in her lap.
Kade plopped down next to her, not bothering to buckle her own seat belt. She turned to Sol with a soft smile, "Thanks. I think she took a pretty hard hot from that girl that El scared half to death. She's gonna have a killer headache tomorrow."

Kade turned back to Sky and frowned, she pressed to fingers to the base of the other girls neck to make sure her pulse wasn't erratic or anything. "I drank a little more than I wanted too."

Sol, ducking into the driver's seat merely turned about and gave a thumbs up. "I only had two mouthfuls of beer, I can drive. No worries. I'm under the limit." Clicking himself in with a seatbelt, Sol grabbed the keys from the glove box. Starting the engine. Pushing down the clutch to move into first gear, before pressing on the gas and pulling out the parking space to hit the road. "What hotel is it, by the way, Kade? Any way someone could get up Google maps or GPS? Unless you know what way we're going." He called back, flicking on the radio at a low volume to fill the empty background noise of the city. "Sky really outdid herself tonight. Probably shots, they really catch up to you later on."

Truff Truff KingofAesir KingofAesir Skylark Skylark
Eleanor chuckled. "Poor girl probably thought she wasn't feeling anything and continued to take more," She shook her head. She loved Sky and her innocence sometimes. She always meant well. She leaned against the door to the van and took a breath. "What a crazy night." She commented. "Those walks through nature are starting to sound better and better Sol," She closed her eyes, imagining quiet. Even the hotel room would be a relief. She looked at Kade and laughed mischievously. "I did scare the life outta that girl didn't I? I didn't even do anything to her,"

idalie idalie KingofAesir KingofAesir Skylark Skylark

"That's why I wanted us to take a real road trip. Not just clubbing in some city where assholes punch girls in nightclubs. Just going down to the coast, or some epic mountains. Campfires, beer, teen stupidity and possibly serial killers. Y'know?" He glanced back. "You guys ever been skinny dipping? Because that is some seriously nerve-wracking shit." Sol chuckled. "Grass under your feet, dancing to your own tune. And some wacky eighties rock. And playing Eleanor Rigby on repeat to see if I get a slap for it."

"On the other hand, if anyone gets nightmares, there's space in my bed." He joked with a wink, continuing to drive down the main street.

Truff Truff KingofAesir KingofAesir
"Yeah sure, just let me grab my phone..." Tempest said and reached for her back pocket. "Oh my freaking gosh" She said and rubbed her eyes. "I lost my phone and my friends probably left me here too." She started walking over to the bar, distracted and not realizing she was leaving Drew.

Miss Mack Miss Mack
Andrew gave her a confused look, glancing around for somebody who Tempest might be friends with but he couldn't find anybody. He took a deep breath and slowly followed her to the bar, biting his lip. Don't be an idiot, Drew. Just try to help her- He thought before opening his mouth and practically stuttering out "You can spend the night with me and my cousin. I have an apartment a few miles from here and you can take out couch. Or I'm sure my cousin would give you her room for the night- please? I don't want to leave you here alone in New York-" Andrew cut himself off, forcing himself to shut his mouth and look at Tempest for an answer.

LindsMagee LindsMagee
"I dont know, my friends wouldn't leave me like this unless something was wrong." Tempest replied, unable to focus on anything but her friends. But she did notice his nervous stuttering and didnt know why. When she realized why what he asked could be taken multiple ways she flushed and turned away from Drew, asking the bartender if he'd seen any of her friends. When he said no she took two more shots, losing track of how much alcohol she had to drink tonight.

Miss Mack Miss Mack
Andrew lunged forward and grabbed the two shot glasses out of her hands before she could drink them. "No more drinking for you tonight okay? It's getting dangerous, how small you are and how much you've drunk..." He said, letting himself slowly trail off. He didn't know how to help her without making her uncomfortable or upset. "I just want to help you, Tempest." Drew said softly, taking a deep breath and then saying, "If you don't want to go to my place, at least let me call you a cab and pay for a hotel room."

LindsMagee LindsMagee
"Nature walks do sound good." Kade pushed hair out of Sky's face and recoiled at the heat. "Damnit, she's burning up." Kade yanked Sky's phone out of her pocket and handed it up to Sol, "She said she has the directions on here, and step on it, I don't want her getting sick in here."

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