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Let's Blow This Joint!

Yui smiled and looked at him. "Alright." She said, a hint of pain in her voice. She really wanted to stay with him.
Charlie thought he heard a hint of pain in her voice but he didn't want to make himself in pain too so he just flew up to her. His arms wrapped around her. "Don't worry Yui. We were together since the beginning. Nothing is going to change that," he whispered into her ear.
Yui blushed a dark shade of red, burring her face in the crook of his neck. "Ok." She mumbled into his shoulder, closing her eyes and gently wrapping her arms around him, staying there for a while.
Charlie didn't want his arms or body to move at all. Her soft hair against his arms comforted him. The scent of her calmed him. Yui just there was all he needed. But that meant he needed her safe. With much effort he pulled away. He turned his head away not wanting her to see an escaped tear from him. "Ryo. Let's go," Charlie said as he began to fly towards New York. The little critter chirped saying his good bye to Kyo and followed Charlie.
Yui pulled Kyo into her hands, flying off towards Canada. She sighed, her eyes welling with small tears. She shook her head, looking forward bravely as she shot off into the distance towards her house in Canada.

(Time skip?)
((Yesh I shall skip to where he is in New York and ready to fly back to Yui.))

Charlie hunched down on the corner of a New York skyscraper. Ryo landed on his shoulder and looked down at the New York streets with Charlie. The nightsky enhanced the beauty of the chaotic New York lights. Charlie seemed to glow of a yellow color up on the skyscraper. He was visible but not too visible. Only those who really looked could see him up there. His hand moved up and petted Ryo. "Alright boy. Now you need to hold up your end of the bargain. Lead me to Yui and Kyo," Charlie said. At the mention of Kyo's name, Ryo did a back flip in the sky and pointed his body towards a certain direction.
Yui sighed, leaning over the cliff edge by the river. Kyo was curled at her side as she looked off into the sunset. "Just wish Charlie was here." She mumbled, leaning back on the grass. Her wings where spread high behind her and different from last time, she actually looked sort of decent. She had her hair pulled into a small ponytail, looking up at the sky.
Charlie silently flew through the wind. His eyes scanned his surroundings though, feeling a sense of dread. Ryo kept flying peacefully in front of him, excited in heading back to Kyo. Charlie felt tense. His mind wandered back to Ret.

Charlie was frustrated at how useless he was. But he never showed it on the outside for he didn't want to alarm Yui. He sighed as his mind wandered back to reality. Yui was way out of his league really.
Yui sighed, looking up at the sky. She looked at Kyo, asleep on the grass and turned her gaze back to the sky. She began to hum, thinking of Charlie. He was sweet, to sweet for someone as angry as she was. But she couldn't have stayed away if she had tried.
Charlie's mind was so far off that he didn't realize that Ryo was flying faster. His eyes looked up to only spot a tiny red dot in the sky. "Hey yo! Wait up Ryo!" Charlie called out. He sped up catching up to the little critter soon. His tail twitched with impatience. Ryo gave a little rrrrroooo trying to tell Charlie something.
Yui could hear something in the distance, causing her eyes opening. She looked up into the sky, her eyes blinking at the direct light. She stood up, her toes hanging off the edge of the cliff.
Charlie turned his eyes in the direction where Ryo was looking at. There he saw her.


Charlie's breath was caught in his own soul as his eyes laid upon her. She looked even more beautiful than the moment before he left her. He couldn't help but grant her a huge smile. He could see that her hair up, an unusual but cute look to her. He grabbed Ryo and folded his wings diving down to Yui.
Yui heard a whistling sound, and she turned her gaze up. Soon, Kyo was hopping up and down. Yui could feel her smile spread wide as she saw his face, her eyes growing teary as she was finally reunited with Charlie. "Charlie!" She yelled, jumping off the ground and towards him, both of them smacking together and falling strait into the top of cliff.
Charlie once again lost his breath when he felt the impact of a body smash into him. But he didn't care for the pain for it was Yui who smacked into him. Charlie greeted her with a huge embrace.

Ryo too had a reunion of his own. He flew right into Kyo giving her tiny little licks as to show his sign of affection.
Yui immediately wrapped her arms around Charlie, holding on tight to him, and landing on the ground. She gave a grunt as she smacked into the ground, but she didn't care, and she didn't let go of him. She buried her face in his chest, clutching onto him tightly. 
Charlie puffed out some air like a squeak toy when he landed. He coughed a bit for air but then froze when he felt Yui's head on his chest. He wrapped his arms even tighter around her. Charlie moved his wings to enclose them in a small space. "That was the worst hours of my life," he whispered as he petted her hair.
Yui nodded, pressing her face close into his chest. She hummed softly, closing her eyes. "Never again." She mumbled, feeling her muscles relax underneath her as she let go all of her worries.
Charlie enjoying her humming. He let go of one arm but kept one lingering on her. He stretched his wings open to admire the ever bright blue sky. At his moment everything seemed brighter in Charlie's eyes.
Yui sighed and opened her eyes. She was greeted by the overwhelming scent of his body, causing her to flush deeply. Almost jumping back, she drew her arms close to her and backed up, very red. "Sorry." She mumbled.
Charlie looked at her a bit surprise. "Sorry for what?" he asked. His gold eyes curiously looked into her blue ones. Did I do something wrong?
"I did not mind having you tackle me, and only would I allow you to tackle me like that," he smiled at her. He found it adorable, Yui blushing. Charlie laid his head back down, sighing with content.
Yui perked at his forgiveness, smiling brightly. "Good." She said, still thinking about that kiss from earlier. She had really meant it, and she was not sure he remembered, but she didn't want to push her luck.
Charlie felt light. He held a constant smile on his face and everything was bright. He felt normal for once. Charlie wanted to stay like this forever. But as in every living story, a downfall must come.

His eyes were closing with content but were soon disturbed with sudden harsh winds and the cries from Ryo. Charlie lifted himself up, still clinging onto Yui. "What's wrong Ryo?" Charlie asked, a bit fazed from the sudden interruption.

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