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Dice Legends of Aestlyn (D&D 5e) - OOC

Umbrie Umbrie If you're interested, I've attached some form fill-able PDF character sheets you may be interested in to keep everything well organized


  • Character Sheet - Form Fillable.pdf
    149.2 KB · Views: 1
  • Spellcasting Sheet (Optional) - Form Fillable.pdf
    161.1 KB · Views: 0
  • Character Details (Optional) - Form Fillable.pdf
    93.4 KB · Views: 0
It's generally more convenient for everyone (especially the GM) to have all the information easily visible on the main character sheet page. If you guys want, I can write up your sheet similar to the style I've done it, then you can just copy and paste in on the main page for everyone to see.
It's generally more convenient for everyone (especially the GM) to have all the information easily visible on the main character sheet page. If you guys want, I can write up your sheet similar to the style I've done it, then you can just copy and paste in on the main page for everyone to see.

okies. i would prefer to use myth weavers. but i can't load it for some reason. i used a google doc because you can store a lot of information on one. i suck at coding, and find it easier to keep each sheet on a separate accessible tab.
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WlfSamurai WlfSamurai
I'm probably not going through with this RP, as everyone seems to be shooting down my character concept.

What I was trying to go for won't work with hidden undead or even most living races. If you want me to try to explain the idea again I will, but in the past I've had parties against my ideas and that usally just ended up with me getting moody, and an hateful argument breaking out. I want to try to avoid that, one of the things that I expected (in game) was fear and hate towards the character. But when I get with a party who seem that their first reaction with be "kill it with fire." I just don't think it'll mesh, no offense.
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai If you don't mind me asking, do you have a clear idea of when you're going to start the campaign?
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai
I'm probably not going through with this RP, as everyone seems to be shooting down my character concept.

What I was trying to go for won't work with hidden undead or even most living races. If you want me to try to explain the idea again I will, but in the past I've had parties against my ideas and that usally just ended up with me getting moody, and an hateful argument breaking out. I want to try to avoid that, one of the things that I expected (in game) was fear and hate towards the character. But when I get with a party who seem that their first reaction with be "kill it with fire." I just don't think it'll mesh, no offense.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I wish you the best and hope that we can play something in the future.

WlfSamurai WlfSamurai If you don't mind me asking, do you have a clear idea of when you're going to start the campaign?
I don't mind at all. Soon. I was waiting for all the characters to be complete. It looks like they are, though I can't get to OceanBunny OceanBunny 's because of some permission issue or something.

Once I look that sheet over, we can start.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I wish you the best and hope that we can play something in the future.

I don't mind at all. Soon. I was waiting for all the characters to be complete. It looks like they are, though I can't get to OceanBunny OceanBunny 's because of some permission issue or something.

Once I look that sheet over, we can start.

You can't see it? I'll try to fix that...
If you want, I can write up a sheet for you like I'm going to for Umbrie that you can just copy and paste on your initial post. I should have time tomorrow to write them up.
Alright so who still wants me to write up a sheet for them like mine, and who is able to manage on their own? I got some free time at the moment, so I can take a crack at it.
Alright so who still wants me to write up a sheet for them like mine, and who is able to manage on their own? I got some free time at the moment, so I can take a crack at it.

a Sheet like yours would be nice to have. but i suck at coding and don't know how much information an RPN post can hold. so if you want to help me, that would be nice,
An RPN post can hold a lot of information, and there isn't much coding at all, just hitting the B and U buttons in the upper left corner for bolding and underlining. It's be pretty easy for you to just copy and paste my own sheet and edit your post to fill in all your information, but if you really want I can take care of that.
An RPN post can hold a lot of information, and there isn't much coding at all, just hitting the B and U buttons in the upper left corner for bolding and underlining. It's be pretty easy for you to just copy and paste my own sheet and edit your post to fill in all your information, but if you really want I can take care of that.

please. take care of it. okies? i suck at the tables and stuff like that.
Alright, here's the sheet. Note that because of your race and class, you have six skills that you can pick to be proficient in. I already included the skills from your background for you. Also, you should pick two skills and tag them with a (E) or something to show that they are your Expertise skills, which will let you double your proficiency bonus for them.

I didn't include the backstory because I figured you'd want to add that in yourself and make changes. Feel free to just copy what I have here and edit your first post in the character sheet thread to include this information.

That'll be nine payments of $999.99, I'll expect the money within the next few months. :xFtongue:

Name: Umbrie Shadowsong
Level: 3
Race: Half Elf
Class: Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Background: Noble

Str 8 (-1)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 14 (+4)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 14 (+2)

HP: 18/18
Hit Dice: 1d8
AC 16 = Base AC = 13 + 6 (Mage Armor)

Dark Vision - 60 feet
Fey Ancestry - Advantage vs Charmed, Cannot be magically put to sleep

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Saving Throws
Rogue Class: Dexterity, Intelligence

Equipment Proficiencies
Rogue Class: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, thieves tools

Skill Proficiencies
Rogue Class: ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???
Noble Background: History, Persuasion

Class Features

Core Features
Expertise - Double proficiency bonus for two skills / thieves tools at 1st level
Sneak Attack - 1/turn, gain +1d6 damage (scaling) on attack rolls w/ advantage or of enemy is flanked, must use Finesse/Ranged weapon
Thieves Cant - Speak in a roundabout, obtuse fashion that can only be understood by other thieves.
Cunning Action - 1/ turn w/ bonus action, Dash, Disengage or Hide

Arcane Trickster Features
Cantrips and Spells - Gain access to magic, specializing in Illusion and Enchantment
Mage Hand Legerdemain - Mage Hand trickery

Cantrips and Spells
Mage Hand - Minor Telekinesis
Minor Illusion - Conjure small scale sounds and images
Message- Brief, ranged, private communication

Charm Person - Magical Mind control, subject will know it was charmed
Mage Armor - Magical protection, sets base AC to 13 + Dex mod
Silent Image - Big visual illusion

Spell Slots
1st - 3/3
2nd - 0/0
3rd - 0/0
4th - 0/0
5th - 0/0

Saber, 1d6 Slashing, Finesse, Light
Shortbow 1d6 Piercing, Ranged (80/320), two handed
Two daggers 1d4 Piercing, Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60)
Thieves' tools
Fine silk dress
Wizard academy students uniform
Signet ring
Scroll of noble lineage (essentially noble identification papers)
Arcane Focus (Hair Ribbons)
Tailor’s Kit
Healer’s kit
Donkey with pack saddle and a set of saddlebags
Purse containing 5 gp

A Dungeoneer’s pack, Includes a backpack, a crowbar, a bedroll,
a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 lorches, 10 days of rations, and
a waterskin. the pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope
strapped to the side of it.
thankies. i substituted some of the background skills. as permiitted in the player's handbook to represent her goal of becoming invited into the Spellcloaks and training to become an initiate. and at the moment, she is a nobleman's niece and an alchemist's daughter. so i figured spellcloaky skills made more sense for what she had been learning and developing herself for rather than gaming sets or history. because she doesn't care about the past, she cares about the here and now and prefers to focus on the present due to her childish nature. she wants to be a spellcloak, not a politician. a spellcloak is typically a spellcasting spy with a knight's title.
...you know, you really should just edit the first post you made in the character sheet thread to include the new sheet, rather than just posting three times.

Honestly, you should probably do that and delete the last two posts you made, to avoid cluttering up the thread.
funny thing a lot of new 5e players don't realize. you choose the skills, languages and tools from your race before you choose your background occupation. then after you choose your background occupation, if you have any duplicates, you can swap out those duplicates for any equivalent you wish, skill for skill, tool for language, language for tool, tool for tool, language for language. and that you don't even need duplicates to swap out unwanted skills, languages or tools from your background occupation at character creation.

for example, the standard noble is best suited to a politician, but maybe you want a noble blooded character that is not a politician. so you swap out the politiciany skills and say you want to play a knight specialized in covert operations, so you pick up covert skills and you aren't even forced to keep the politiciany skills. you still have to keep the position of privilege or retainer feature. but your noble could easily be a covert operative with a knight's title by swapping out some of the skill and tool proficiencies

for Example, even though Umbrie is a Noble, she will likely be going with the Knight Variant and a specialty in covert operations. so i swapped out some of her politiciany skills because i don't imagine her as a politician, but i do see her as a scout and spy with a title. she might still persuade people and still might tell lies, but her general role is reconnaissance, gathering intelligence and countering the intelligence of her enemies. a nonthreatening youthful and innocent appearance helps her with this.

just because you are a "knight" doesn't mean you fight on the front lines. by pursuing a career with the "Spellcloaks" and currently effectively being a squire due to her youth, she intends to work her way up and do good from the shadows.

from there. i intended to develop a unique noble by stealing a little something from history. Grey Knights. Grey Knights had Knightly Titles, but their role was as Scouts, Spies and on Extremely Rare occasions, Assassins. they could generally be classified as rogues, but there were a diverse set of Grey Knights. they were called Grey Knights because they worked legally in a moral grey zone that most knights wouldn't. usually for the better of the kingdom and its people. good aligned, but deceptive and doing whatever it takes to help the people at nearly any cost. a Grey Knight (or a Spellcloak in this case) was working for the good of the people, rather than the needs of the ruler. they were the sacrificial lamb that allowed their name to be sullied so the more heroic people could be heroic and stand out. it is similar to how most Ninja were members of the Bushi Caste who did morally grey things.

there is a difference between a dueling saber and a scimitar, a scimitar is lighter and designed for dual wielding, a dueling saber is designed for being used either alone or with a buckler, is a bit heavier and has a bit more oomph to it. so i reskinned the rapier and swapped the damage type purely for aesthetic reasons. i figure there is actually pretty much nothing that is resistant to one of the three physical damage types without being resistant to all three so it didn't matter.

sorry if i snuck so many aesthetic reskins. it shouldn't matter too much in the long run.
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funny thing a lot of new 5e players don't realize. you choose the skills, languages and tools from your race before you choose your background occupation. then after you choose your background occupation, if you have any duplicates, you can swap out those duplicates for any equivalent you wish, skill for skill, tool for language, language for tool, tool for tool, language for language. and that you don't even need duplicates to swap out unwanted skills, languages or tools from your background occupation at character creation.

for example, the standard noble is best suited to a politician, but maybe you want a noble blooded character that is not a politician. so you swap out the politiciany skills and say you want to play a knight specialized in covert operations, so you pick up covert skills and you aren't even forced to keep the politiciany skills. you still have to keep the position of privilege or retainer feature. but your noble could easily be a covert operative with a knight's title by swapping out some of the skill and tool proficiencies

for Example, even though Umbrie is a Noble, she will likely be going with the Knight Variant and a specialty in covert operations. so i swapped out some of her politiciany skills because i don't imagine her as a politician, but i do see her as a scout and spy with a title. she might still persuade people and still might tell lies, but her general role is reconnaissance, gathering intelligence and countering the intelligence of her enemies. a nonthreatening youthful and innocent appearance helps her with this.

just because you are a "knight" doesn't mean you fight on the front lines. by pursuing a career with the "Spellcloaks" and currently effectively being a squire due to her youth, she intends to work her way up and do good from the shadows.

from there. i intended to develop a unique noble by stealing a little something from history. Grey Knights. Grey Knights had Knightly Titles, but their role was as Scouts, Spies and on Extremely Rare occasions, Assassins. they could generally be classified as rogues, but there were a diverse set of Grey Knights. they were called Grey Knights because they worked legally in a moral grey zone that most knights wouldn't. usually for the better of the kingdom and its people. good aligned, but deceptive and doing whatever it takes to help the people at nearly any cost. a Grey Knight (or a Spellcloak in this case) was working for the good of the people, rather than the needs of the ruler. they were the sacrificial lamb that allowed their name to be sullied so the more heroic people could be heroic and stand out. it is similar to how most Ninja were members of the Bushi Caste who did morally grey things.

there is a difference between a dueling saber and a scimitar, a scimitar is lighter and designed for dual wielding, a dueling saber is designed for being used either alone or with a buckler, is a bit heavier and has a bit more oomph to it. so i reskinned the rapier and swapped the damage type purely for aesthetic reasons. i figure there is actually pretty much nothing that is resistant to one of the three physical damage types without being resistant to all three so it didn't matter.

sorry if i snuck so many aesthetic reskins. it shouldn't matter too much in the long run.
...yes. There are a lot of options. It's one of the few things I think Wizards did right in 5e, though the missed the boat on so many things.

Anyway, let's get this started, shall we?

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