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Fantasy Lakoria High school

Current Mood: Mostly Confused (but also happy)
Familiar's Form: Not currently visible
Interacting with: OceanBunny OceanBunny NyxDarling NyxDarling
In the area: everyone around House Journey

Elliott had finished his food quite quickly, he was a little nervous about having to interact with the two he had just met again and he really was quite hungry. Seeing nothing better to do he worked his way around to one of the doors that led into the Journey common room. He was surprised that more people hadn't shown up by then, although that thought didn't last long as a... student (?) barged through and made it's way around the room. It looked like some kind of half-bird half-person thing, something that he had never heard or read about before. Whatever it was seemed to be minding it's own business, and so Elliott decided to leave it alone. What was more interesting, and startling at first, was the sudden sound of crunching metal coming from the other side of the door he was currently standing near. The noise had sounded quite awful and he was glad when it passed quickly. When it was followed by a quiet female voice saying " well uhm....shit", Elliott paused and listened more intently. A little while later someone knocked on the door and a different, yet still quiet, voice spoke. "Anyone home? Sorry about the handle." While Elliott wasn't entirely sure what had happened to said handle, he wasn't going to let that stop him from simply opening the door from the inside.

He grabbed onto the inside handle and pulled on it, then frowned as it refused to give in. He gave it a little jiggle before trying again, this time successfully, and opened the door before stepping to the side and holding it open for whoever was there. Who he did see however was not what he had been expecting, two girls were standing on the other side of the door. One, the closer of the two and presumably the one who had knocked, had... cat ears and a tail? Elliott was just about to pinch himself to make sure this wasn't some kind of dream when he caught a whiff of drying blood coming off of the other girl. He gave the bloodied girl a once over and, once he saw that he didn't have any visible wounds, decided that whatever had happened simply wasn't his business. After all, it would be rude to just ask someone's life story the first time you see them, right? He did however take a moment to think to himself about what he was seeing, "This would be one hell of a dream, but I know my brain can't just make this stuff up. So it must be real." After getting that thought out of his head, he looked back at the two girls and gave them both a sincere smile. "Welcome to house Journey", he said. It was quite an interesting feeling to go from being the new kid on the block to welcoming new housemates, but it was still an enjoyable one none the less.​
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Kareek the cute snek
Haven House

Jon ignored the guy who walked in and claimed he was the only important person in the school, he didn't want to get into another ''fight'' with anyone, almost dying once today was more than enough for him. He took a moment to look around the room, he was that there was a centaur girl, who seemed to be getting into an altercation with the arrogant boy. Jon's attention was pulled away from everyone else in the room when he felt something start climbing up his leg. He looked down and saw an adorable snake climbing up his leg. A smile started tugging at his lips as he looked down at the snake winding its way up his leg. "Aww, you're so cute" Jon kept his voice quiet as to not draw any attention to himself; He didn't want to look like any less of a bad ass but he just found the snake too cute to simply ignore, plus after the day he'd had he was happy to do something to cheer himself up. He reached down to pet the Snake "What's your name?"

[/div][div class="tabsContent1 tabsContentTabTwo" style="display: none;"]


House Haven

"Calm down Horise. There's no reason to get uptight, I know it must be quite disheartening to know that you'd be worth more as a tub of glue in the art class. But It's just a truth you've got to acc-" Before Nyx could finish his sentence, He heard someone shout his name before being dived and hugged. "I'm glad I'm here too.This school would be worthless if not for me.. some of the people here, like that horse seem to even think they're worth something" Nyx started attempting to push Pluto off of him, being caught in a hug was just plain annoying especially when he was trying to relax, though if it was anyone other than Pluto, Nyx wouldn't have given them a second thought before stabbing them. "Pluto can you get off of me? Now. Otherwise I will give you a free haircut" Nyx didn't particularly like Pluto, though he was one of the few tolerable people in the School.


Umeki Shou

Umeki tipped her head with a smile on her lips. She thinks, interesting, she looks pretty human to me.. wonder what else she could be. Her tail swished behind her a she happily walked beside the girl. A pang of sadness went through her as the girl shortened her name, no one had used a nickname with her since her parents, but she shook the feeling off concentrating on the Elusia's inquiry. "Are you a Freshman? Or a new transfer this year?" She elaborated on her initial question, "This will be my first year here at Lakoria." Her voice rose slightly at the end, showing her excitement at being on campus. Noting the change in the girls demeanor at her next words, Umeki became more serious as well. "I don't mind at all. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable." She smiled genuinely up at Elusia.

How come they find her scary, looked like she was in need of help to me.. She thought as she followed the girls lead through the school grounds. An amused smile crossed her lips as they came upon the House Journey buildings. Nodding in agreement at Elusia's words. "It would definitely be nice to find House Haven." She mentioned absently as the girl reached for the door. She winced, her ears flattening against her head at the sound of grinding metal. "Wholly crap," Umeki mumbled as she rubbed her ear. "I guess we need another way in." She said louder with a slight grin, before walking up and knocking on the door. "Anyone home? Sorry about the handle." She called out.

NyxDarling NyxDarling
And anyone near Journey ^^

Current Mood: Mostly Confused (but also happy)
Familiar's Form: Not currently visible
Interacting with: OceanBunny OceanBunny NyxDarling NyxDarling
In the area: everyone around House Journey

Elliott had finished his food quite quickly, he was a little nervous about having to interact with the two he had just met again and he really was quite hungry. Seeing nothing better to do he worked his way around to one of the doors that led into the Journey common room. He was surprised that more people hadn't shown up by then, although that thought didn't last long as a... student (?) barged through and made it's way around the room. It looked like some kind of half-bird half-person thing, something that he had never heard or read about before. Whatever it was seemed to be minding it's own business, and so Elliott decided to leave it alone. What was more interesting, and startling at first, was the sudden sound of crunching metal coming from the other side of the door he was currently standing near. The noise had sounded quite awful and he was glad when it passed quickly. When it was followed by a quiet female voice saying " well uhm....shit", Elliott paused and listened more intently. A little while later someone knocked on the door and a different, yet still quiet, voice spoke. "Anyone home? Sorry about the handle." While Elliott wasn't entirely sure what had happened to said handle, he wasn't going to let that stop him from simply opening the door from the inside.

He grabbed onto the inside handle and pulled on it, then frowned as it refused to give in. He gave it a little jiggle before trying again, this time successfully, and opened the door before stepping to the side and holding it open for whoever was there. Who he did see however was not what he had been expecting, two girls were standing on the other side of the door. One, the closer of the two and presumably the one who had knocked, had... cat ears and a tail? Elliott was just about to pinch himself to make sure this wasn't some kind of dream when he caught a whiff of drying blood coming off of the other girl. He gave the bloodied girl a once over and, once he saw that he didn't have any visible wounds, decided that whatever had happened simply wasn't his business. After all, it would be rude to just ask someone's life story the first time you see them, right? He did however take a moment to think to himself about what he was seeing, "This would be one hell of a dream, but I know my brain can't just make this stuff up. So it must be real." After getting that thought out of his head, he looked back at the two girls and gave them both a sincere smile. "Welcome to house Journey", he said. It was quite an interesting feeling to go from being the new kid on the block to welcoming new housemates, but it was still an enjoyable one none the less.​
Elusia glanced at umeki as her reaction came out rather obvious and expected. Hell if she hadnt had any broken metal falling from her fingers and down to the cement beneath her she would have most likely let out a giggle. "well, ume. Im not sure what any of that means. But this is my first time being here. Wherever here is of course." Elusia paused as she looked back tkwards the door, a flickering thought of what umeki had stated earlier. Something about lakoria high. So this waa a school then. What sort of school teleported there students randomly without telling them..or was that just the case for her. Shaking her head, she frunted heftily. Thinking about it to much would only give her a headache....man to many things gave her headaches nowadays. The fact that umeki said she would take care of any initial conversations was endearing and surprising; She was beginning to like the little neko. her breif yet hearty companionship had made her forget about all that had happened, which ultimatley was a blessing...for now. "seems that way doesn't it...sorry, never really have had this problem before. Dont remember things being so fragile." she let out a belated sigh as she wiped the rest of the metal from her fingers, feigning any sort of.innocence and keeping her face straight and stern as umeki's voice rang out for someone to help them on inside. To her surprise...it was a rather husky looking...man...boy? She couldn't discern his age. But it had taken him a bit to open the door, so either his stocky appearance was a facade, or he hadnt tried hard enough.

" I can assure you this, boy. This aint no dream, but it sure as hell seems like it today"
her haughty voice echoed into the common room, her eyes lifting and dragging over the boy before flitting over him and inspecting the area around him. And from what she could see it was currenrlt only him. But there was traces that there had been others, which meant that this place wasnt just a randomly assorted mess of fantastical and illogically sound beings. Her eyes flicked back to the boy as he spoke, his words comfirming to her that this was the place she was ordered to be. "Hey...umeki. Can you tell him ehats going on. About your whole deal. And i mean...i honestly dont even know why im here. Im just trying to find someone in charge. Also...can you tell him who you and i are...please." she had leaned down and whispered this to umeki, her ears flitting to the side to listen to the boy, wary of him. Yet intruiged. Her eyes rising again and resting in him momentarily. This drew out for almost a minute, that is before her eyes saw his hand on the door...he hadnt broken the door...so maybe..."i..wonder" she cautiously reached out and grabbed the frame of the door. Pulling it from his grip and swinging it back and forthforth..no breaking...no snapping. "AHA YES!" her excitement was a mistake. Her hand clecnhing and flinging up...the door still in her hand, splinters of wood sprinkled every where. The door now lay within her right hand. Being seperated from its hinges effortlessly ".....ok, just... Fuck."

OceanBunny OceanBunny Mistborn Mistborn

Luminatti Digiix
male-possessed tv(nightmare demon)-pansexual

natti watched as the next few people had come in. the first being a girl who had seemed broken the door. from his calculations of which probly shouldn't have happened. his eyes darted across his screen as he noticed there were way too many people now for his liking and not one seemed to have acknowledge his presence or even greet him back. he didn't know what to do in a situation like this and his comfort levels were dropping drastically making him switch from playful puppy to a rather lost and scared puppy. natti's screen started to glitch out erratically and his tail went between his legs as he started to walk away from where he was standing trying to sneak off to him room. he was trembling and rather surprised that nobody had even remotely noticed hi when he probly stood out the most being a tv and all. A WALKING TV! it wasn't a moment but someone kicked him and his torso flew across the room and smacked right into elliot before floaty bouncing off and smacking right into a wall hitting it hard busting his arm breaking it. his celestical form phased out of his body and fell through the wall getting stuck. there was a loud whirring sound followed by a yelp. electricity sparked off of natti and ectoplasmic goo had covered a good portion of the wall and floors. natti found a way to get back into his body and his legs got up coming over and attached back underneath him before pushing himself up. he got up quickly and held onto his broken arm running into the hallway and quickly went to his room. he was shaking and his tail was low as he sat his stuff down. he scrambled through his things changing into a pink top that had a green alien on it and a pair of galaxy leggings. he tossed his clothes into a plastic sack before grabbing a screw driver removing his broken arm and setting it aside before sitting down trying to think of what to do. he narrowed his eyes and exhaled. he started to hurt again from both physical pain and the emotional kind not understanding it. he tried fixing his broken arm but it wasn't going to well.

metalcity metalcity
NyxDarling NyxDarling
NyxNightmare NyxNightmare
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Mistborn Mistborn
SpiritOwl SpiritOwl
Foogels Foogels
Tags: Anyone Anyone (Soft open to interaction] Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai GingerBread GingerBread
Location: House Haven
Mood: Nervous but Optimistic
'Want to know something sad? We've spent so much time in here that I can no longer smell the lemon pledge...'
You'd be better off uncorking a bottle of pledge and drinking it you waste of space
Dibe nodded absentmindedly, not really hearing Próvlima as she stared dead ahead and continued to mindlessly pet the dog sitting by her, lost in a deep thought.
'I shouldn't be here, I don't deserve this second chance...'
'Dibe, I'm a dog, that's not natural. We can't spend every waking moment hiding in the janitor's closet just because you're afraid of talking to someone...'
I gave you the chance to run, yet you chose to stay for your precious 'second chance', stupid girl
Again, the witch girl just stared ahead, nodding as if she heard the puppy she was petting but never once looking over at it.
'I know I'm trying to change, but it never works! All that happens is I end up more broken and worse for trying than before...
'...and great, you're not even listening to me are you. Oh well, you asked for it...'
Every time I get to inflict pain on you, I feel a little bit more joy...
With a bit of a growl, the dog bit Dibe's hand, causing the pink haired girl to yelp and rub her hand before sighing and smiling at Próvlima "Sorry boy, I kinda drifted off there for a second. We can leave the closet soon, really soon, it's just that being here helps me um...i-it helps me concentrate on my art and stuff so..."
'If I just keep smiling, maybe nobody will notice the fish hooks I have to use to keep it there...'
With a sigh Próvlima put his head on his paws, his tone taking on a bit of a worried edge despite how lax the dog seemed, 'We both know that's a lie Dibs, after all you haven't drawn a single line in the past hour.' Próvlima pointed towards the sketchbook Dibe had in her hands, the paper she was opened up to was still white as snow, 'Dibs, look, I know you better than anyone, after all I can read your thoughts, and I just have to say that you can't spend your time hiding in here being afraid of the world!'
'I didn't mean to do it, the village was burning and I saw someone dragging mama's body away so I just stabbed and...I'm so sorry...'
Dibe refused to look Próvlima's eyes, instead becoming suddenly invested on the white sheet of her sketchbook, "I mean, I-I'm just not ready to meet any new people is all. Right now it's just weird because I'm new and-"
That's right, make excuses and never address the thoughts at the edges of your mind. We know you can hear us...
'But you're not new, not anymore.' Dibe went silent at that as Próvlima put a paw to his forehead, 'Dibe it's your second year now and you're still in the same place you were last time. Heck, now you're worse off because you don't have Mr. Lacy here to talk to! I'm not asking much here Dibs, I'm just asking you get out there and talk to someone, heck right now is the perfect time, you just heard the announcement, new blood is in House Haven, perfect practice for talking to others...'
...yet you still choose to not listen. Continue to see how well that works out for you Skinwalker. Now silence...
Dibe sat still for a few moments before slowly nodding, beginning to gain confidence as her smile grew larger before she shot up, her fists clenched as she took in deep breaths, "You know what? You're right Prov! I-I can do this! I'll try to not be a complete and utter failure this time, just watch." Dibe turned to the door mentally readied herself, "I can do this...just gotta open this door and make an good impression on everyone...I can do this I think."

Keeping her sketchbook in front of herself like it was some kind of shield, Dibe kicked down the door and began to yell, "Hello everybod-" But was quickly shut up by the sound of the house Haven doors opening as a dhampir came in and took any and all confidence she had and tossed it to the side as he easily commanded the room. He strode over to the couch and plopped down before getting hug tackled, drawing his attention away. At this point, Dibe was hiding her face fully behind her sketchbook and glancing at the inviting looking closet, it's lemon pledge scent beckoning her...

Dibe shook her head and stood tall, taking in a deep breath once more, "No, this is fine, I can still do this. I just have to go up and say hello to someone and then I don't have to smell like chemicals all the time and get some real friends for once...alright, easy peasy lemon squeezy." Dibe walked forward slowly, beginning to make her way from the crowd and towards the dhampire, she stood before him for a few moments before smiling weakly, "U-u-um...h-h-hi there mister...my name is Dibe, a-and I thought you entrance was really cool and I just wanted to be freinds wait that was to soon to ask that I should try again...Um *ahem* w-would you like to b-be um...m-my...my...ah..." Dibe found herself losing her confidence very quickly as she desperately tried to salvage the conversation before in a desperate bid to turn the conversation around she turned to the boy hugging the dhampire, "Hitheredoyouwannabuysomeartfromme?!" With bright red cheeks Dibe attempted to make it seem as if the conversation was never going to be about asking to be their friend, but instead a business transaction, 'It worked Próvlima! I salvaged the conversation, so now it's not weird and everyone thinks I'm just a starving artist!'

Erika Dubloit
Interacting with: Lily ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ), Kyra ( The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof )

"Lily, what a cute name~" Erika claimed, the smile on her face spreading. She wasn't about to ask what they were. That was a question reserved for later on in the platonic relationship. She's made the mistake of asking before, which caused the other person to suddenly turn tail and not talk to her for quite a while. Sometimes, they aren't too open about their races. Though in Erika's case, it was much too obvious to hide. Besides, she isn't about to start getting shy about being a ghost. "I hope you find Lakoria a great place to study in, and not just an escape from the 'natural world'." She air quoted the last two words as if ridiculing it. While she spent a lot of time with the normal humans, she wasn't exactly fond of hiding her witch abilities before. Though she doubted she'd be let out frequently now.

She then turned to the doll with the gigantic metal arms floating beside her. By this point, Erika didn't even find anything surprising nor is she bothered by it. If she was going to let that bother her, then seeing that unicorn earlier would have freaked her out. Four years of going to Lakoria means you get to build up some resistance to these kinds of things. She's pretty sure she's seen it all by this point. "Junior huh? Almost getting to the last year here in Lakoria." She mused. So Kyra and Lily. She felt like she could make friends out of them, though Kyra seemed more aloof. But not too much.

"So, Lily," She started, deciding not to involve Kyra too much since she seems engrossed in her book. Though Erika suspected she was still listening to the conversation somewhat. "What pushed you to go to Lakoria? To get a handle on your powers or just to learn more about the supernatural world?" She asked. "Personally, I just came here so I could practice witchcraft freely." Erika forgot to elaborate how she came here as an actual witch, and not already a spirit.
"Nice to meet you. Kyra." As the doll turned to bury her nose in a book, Lily let her be. She didn't want to disturb the other student.

"It' short for Lilith, actually. And as for your question, a bit of both, really," Lily responded. "See, I'm... Lucifer's daughter, and in order to unlock my powers, I have to truly understand the Seven Deadly Sins. It's hard going- so far I've only mastered wrath." The demon blanched a little bit. Her royal heritage was out in the open now, and she wondered how Erika would react.

"What kind of witchcraft do you specialize in, Erika?" Lily asked, trying to change the subject. "I mean, there's so many different kinds- herbalism, necromancy, divination. I doubt you could learn it all in one lifetime. Though I suspect that's not a problem for you anymore."
Kyra lowered her book a bit, looking at the two. Especially at Lily. "Lucifer usually describes either the devil, the king of the hell, or the morning star. I however doubt you are the morning stars daughter. That means you are, quite literally, the devils daughter, leading to some questions on my side. The first and most important one being the following. Lucifer is usually displayed as being the incarnation of all evil. As his daughter, are you evil as well?" Kyra´s tone displayed pure curiosity. It was obvious the doll did not mean it in a bad way and asked simply because she wanted to know. Kyra did not know that question like that might, but must not, be somewhat unpleasant to Lily.

Erika Dubloit
Interacting with: Lily ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ), Kyra ( The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof )

Lilith, now there's a name she was familiar with. Though that was from some Christian Mythology from way back when she still mingled with her human friends. Of course, she thought it could merely be a coincidence. After all, people used all sorts of names these days regardless of where it came from. She can't judge someone by name either. However, what did strike the nail into the coffin though was the fact that Lily told them that she was, indeed, a demon. Lucifer's daughter, nonetheless. Before she could speak, Kyra had already spoken as well - commenting on how Lucifer, the devil, was the manifestation of evil and by relation, Lily was as well.

"Though I will admit there is logic in your reasoning, Kyra, I do believe you could have worded it a bit softer?" The senior said. But even Erika knew that the doll had asked it in a fashion that didn't mean to hurt anybody or to accuse her of anything - but one made out of curiosity. A strive for knowledge that she had some way of knowing. Erika looked back at Lily, giving her a soft smile. "Aside from that though, I am surprised that Lucifer has a daughter. Quite interesting, no?" Truly, the girl didn't think that the devil himself would get a daughter. Perhaps an offering from some foolish mortal who decided something else was better than the soul of her own daughter? It was a possibility, and she wouldn't deny that there was also sound logic in that course of action. "I do hope that you do get to master your other powers. It's quite a hassle when you haven't. But what made you choose House Logica? If control was what you were seeking, perhaps House Haven is a better fit?" Not that Erika was driving the girl away from the House. She was very glad that she was here! But most of the time when she questioned why people decided to enter this house, it was to strive for something... 'scientific' in a sense.

Once the conversation went back to her, Erika floated off the ground and then placed a hand on her chin. "I have been dabbling in a lot of arts, even the more destructive parts such as creating spells for fireballs and whatever. Ah, but I specialize in summoning." She replied. "Quite dangerous actually, if I'm anything to go by." She gestured to herself. A spirit, like the ones she called out to before for power or knowledge. She then let out a light laugh. "Oh it isn't anymore, that's for sure. But the problem does lie in the fact that I can't practice it anymore. Sadly, I've lost whatever witch potential I had when I died." Erika didn't sound too sad so there was that. Ah, she admitted that it was a shame, but what could she do? Things beyond her control, though undeniably still her fault, had happened and there was no turning back now.


That walking fish just called me a liar and rejected my offers of a kiss. "That siren will rue the day he rejected me. I will get my revenge so I'd better start planning. I'll call it operation Siren's Lament." Of course she spoke quietly so nobody would hear. In all honesty she knew she was being ridiculous because she was actually lying after all and she'd never offered the kiss. That didn't matter though because pranks, revenge, and sex were all better with a sense off righteous indignation. Her thoughts were abruptly pulled back too the land of the sane when she saw Nero dodge the water. Looks like this little fishy doesn't like the water. She was already working this new information into her plan when she turned to walk toward Journey house as the announcement ordered.

She had a pleasant stroll there but the place itself was chaos. A lady breaking the door, a flying tv person getting broken, and people everywhere meant the only thing needed now was alcohol. Though when without alcohol she was pleased because places with a natural disposition for chaos were also easy to incite to chaos. She looked around before putting on a cheerful if slightly cocky smile. "This is the infamous party house? Where's the party at then?" If she was lucky she might get to learn about the people here.

Interactions: Open
Mentions: Nero ( Emmi Emmi ), Natti ( N Nonexisting ), NyxDarling NyxDarling

Current mood: In minor pain
Familiar’s form: Not currently visible
Location: House Journey common room
Interacting with: NyxDarling NyxDarling OceanBunny OceanBunny

Elliott laughed at the girls words, “You betcha, this has definitely been the strangest day for me in a while. By the way the names Elliott, glad to see someone who’s normal around here.” He was glad to see that they were at least acting like it. He watched as she whispered something to the other girl, warily eying him the whole time. He smiled back at her, doing his best to not listen in on her conversation. He was a little surprised however when the bloodied girl stepped forward and pulled the door out of his hands, moving it back and forth on the hinges before getting really excited at something. It was just a door, but he wasn’t going to judge her on first impressions. He thought that he heard the sound of cracking wood when something crashed into him from behind, knocking Elliott forward and into the doorframe. After a solid smack against the frame Elliott fell down onto his back, sprawling out on the floor. After trying to get up once he gave up and stayed on the ground.

He guessed that he had hit his head at least twice, once on the doorframe and probably more than once on the ground, and given the dull ache he was starting to feel he knew better than to rush himself and try getting up again. He stayed there for a little while, giving his head enough time to recover before sitting up. He looked over and saw the remains of the door held in the girls hand, and wasn’t totally surprised at the sight given what had happened to the handle earlier. Realizing that someone might be watching him after he was knocked to the ground, he raised his hand with a thumbs up and managed to hold in a groan before saying, “I’m good.” He bowed his head and shook it slightly, which turned out to be a bad idea as his vision swam.​
Lily shook her head at Kyra's comment. "It's not so simple. There are some good demons, and some rotten angels. It takes all kinds, you could say, and I wouldn't call myself evil- though I admit to being biased in that regard." She chuckled at her little joke.

"Oh, a summoner!" Lily's eyes lit up. "We demons are just a more tangible form of spirit. Ever call up anyone I'd know?" she asked. "And as for your question, I didn't really care where they assigned me, but Logica seems to be the best choice for me, now that I think about it. To unlock my powers, I have to truly understand the sins, become them, for lack of better phrasing, and that is knowledge, after all."
Elusia glanced at umeki as her reaction came out rather obvious and expected. Hell if she hadnt had any broken metal falling from her fingers and down to the cement beneath her she would have most likely let out a giggle. "well, ume. Im not sure what any of that means. But this is my first time being here. Wherever here is of course." Elusia paused as she looked back tkwards the door, a flickering thought of what umeki had stated earlier. Something about lakoria high. So this waa a school then. What sort of school teleported there students randomly without telling them..or was that just the case for her. Shaking her head, she frunted heftily. Thinking about it to much would only give her a headache....man to many things gave her headaches nowadays. The fact that umeki said she would take care of any initial conversations was endearing and surprising; She was beginning to like the little neko. her breif yet hearty companionship had made her forget about all that had happened, which ultimatley was a blessing...for now. "seems that way doesn't it...sorry, never really have had this problem before. Dont remember things being so fragile." she let out a belated sigh as she wiped the rest of the metal from her fingers, feigning any sort of.innocence and keeping her face straight and stern as umeki's voice rang out for someone to help them on inside. To her surprise...it was a rather husky looking...man...boy? She couldn't discern his age. But it had taken him a bit to open the door, so either his stocky appearance was a facade, or he hadnt tried hard enough.

" I can assure you this, boy. This aint no dream, but it sure as hell seems like it today"
her haughty voice echoed into the common room, her eyes lifting and dragging over the boy before flitting over him and inspecting the area around him. And from what she could see it was currenrlt only him. But there was traces that there had been others, which meant that this place wasnt just a randomly assorted mess of fantastical and illogically sound beings. Her eyes flicked back to the boy as he spoke, his words comfirming to her that this was the place she was ordered to be. "Hey...umeki. Can you tell him ehats going on. About your whole deal. And i mean...i honestly dont even know why im here. Im just trying to find someone in charge. Also...can you tell him who you and i are...please." she had leaned down and whispered this to umeki, her ears flitting to the side to listen to the boy, wary of him. Yet intruiged. Her eyes rising again and resting in him momentarily. This drew out for almost a minute, that is before her eyes saw his hand on the door...he hadnt broken the door...so maybe..."i..wonder" she cautiously reached out and grabbed the frame of the door. Pulling it from his grip and swinging it back and forthforth..no breaking...no snapping. "AHA YES!" her excitement was a mistake. Her hand clecnhing and flinging up...the door still in her hand, splinters of wood sprinkled every where. The door now lay within her right hand. Being seperated from its hinges effortlessly ".....ok, just... Fuck."

OceanBunny OceanBunny Mistborn Mistborn
Current mood: In minor pain
Familiar’s form: Not currently visible
Location: House Journey common room
Interacting with: NyxDarling NyxDarling OceanBunny OceanBunny

Elliott laughed at the girls words, “You betcha, this has definitely been the strangest day for me in a while. By the way the names Elliott, glad to see someone who’s normal around here.” He was glad to see that they were at least acting like it. He watched as she whispered something to the other girl, warily eying him the whole time. He smiled back at her, doing his best to not listen in on her conversation. He was a little surprised however when the bloodied girl stepped forward and pulled the door out of his hands, moving it back and forth on the hinges before getting really excited at something. It was just a door, but he wasn’t going to judge her on first impressions. He thought that he heard the sound of cracking wood when something crashed into him from behind, knocking Elliott forward and into the doorframe. After a solid smack against the frame Elliott fell down onto his back, sprawling out on the floor. After trying to get up once he gave up and stayed on the ground.

He guessed that he had hit his head at least twice, once on the doorframe and probably more than once on the ground, and given the dull ache he was starting to feel he knew better than to rush himself and try getting up again. He stayed there for a little while, giving his head enough time to recover before sitting up. He looked over and saw the remains of the door held in the girls hand, and wasn’t totally surprised at the sight given what had happened to the handle earlier. Realizing that someone might be watching him after he was knocked to the ground, he raised his hand with a thumbs up and managed to hold in a groan before saying, “I’m good.” He bowed his head and shook it slightly, which turned out to be a bad idea as his vision swam.​

Umeki Shou

Umeki nodded at Elusia's words more than happy to get some answers. She smiled, amused, as the girl played with the door, it soon coming off in her hand. She had to turn to talk to the boy when suddenly he was knocked over by what appeared to be a walking tv.. This place is cazy.. she thought, shaking her head as she knelt down next to the boy. "I'm Umeki, this is Elusia." She introduced after the boy said he was alright. "She belongs here at house journey, looking to talk to someone in charge. I'm looking for house haven, if you could be so kind as to point me in the right direction." She continued in a sweet voice, tipping her head slightly to the side.

NyxDarling NyxDarling
And anyone near Journey ^^

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Upon returning to the common house he shook off his thoughts and came back to himself and realized there were three women here he didn't recognize. A pink haired cute one that reminded me of a demon, a strange one with metallic things floating beside her, and a kind looking ghost were happily chatting. It sounded like the demoness was saying something about not being evil and something to do with summoning. Hearing a pause however sight in the conversing he took the chance to make himself known. "Good evening ladies, my name is Raziel." He introduced himself with a polite half bow.

Having introduced himself he looked toward Mistral. He hesitatedonly whether to introduce him but his manners won over his consideration for the unicorns shyness. "My companion here is called Mistral." Now that he had introduced himself he seated himself near enough the ladies could speak to him but distant enough that he wouldn't listen in on their conversion. The chair gave a slight creak in protest as he settled into it trying to support him and his armor together.

Interactions: Lily ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ), Erika ( AI10100 AI10100 ), Kyra ( The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof ), Mistral ( SpiritOwl SpiritOwl )


Kareek- Little
images (1).jpeg

The prey wasn't afraid of him. It also called him cute. What was wrong with this prey? Thoughts were filtering through his head before it fully registered what had been said. "I am not cute. I am a basilisk, king of all serpents! I may not be as intimidating in this small form but in not cute." Kareek didn't let the necklace translate and instead spoke in his native serpent tongue. He was venting frustration, not having a conversation. With his frustration vented he went back to pondering this prey. There were many prey that pretended they weren't afraid while voicing praise in hopes of not being eaten but this was the first that truly didn't smell afraid and sounded genuine. While he still didn't believe he was cute he did appreciate the honest praising intent but reminded himself the important issue is why wasn't the prey afraid.

Interactions: Jon ( GingerBread GingerBread )
Current Mood: Still in a little pain
Familiar's Form: Not currently visible
Location: House Journey
Interacting with: NyxDarling NyxDarling OceanBunny OceanBunny

Elliott took a few more minutes to recover from his little spill, using the time to listen to what the cat-girl was saying. She had a kind voice and had knelt down next to him for the time being. "Umeki and Elusia. Those are nice names," he idly commented. He raised his head back up when Umeki mentioned finding the person in charge of house Journey. "Yeah, I've been waiting here too. Hopefully they'll show up soon." He looked up at Elusia, wondering why she had quit talking. She had seemed fine with it when she addressed him. It wasn't really a big deal to him, maybe her nerves had just gotten the best of her. After Umeki asked about house Haven he collected his thoughts and spoke again, "Uhm, yeah, it's got a banner with a deer on it, at least that's what the announcements said. I think it's a few buildings over, past house Logica."

Elliott rubbed the back of his head where it had hit the ground, biting his tongue to avoid cursing. Although thinking about it, his fall had been less problematic than he had thought, now that he had been sitting for a few minutes he was starting to feel much better. He stood up and raised his arms above his head to stretch, only feeling a little lightheaded in the process, before offering a hand to Umeki to help her up. Maybe he'd get to see these two again, well, he'd at least be seeing Elusia more since she was in the same house. At the very least he wanted to try and salvage something from the first impression he was giving them. "How's your first day at Lakoria been?", he asked to both of them, hoping to lighten the mood after his little tumble.​


Interacting With

the all-powerful hec witch
Current Location
haven house common room
thinking absolutely everyone is cooler than he is


Mikaela had spent a good amount of the time stationed in the Haven House common room floating on his broom in place. There was a space cleared around him, as he was sure that nobody would have liked to be hit in the face with the wooden object yet again. He glanced around the room, once more his admirable stare plastered onto his features as he scoped out the diverse characters. Everybody was so... Interesting! A bubbly feeling rose up in his chest as his gaze fell upon someone in particular, and he decided to answer to it. He had viewed a certain individual earlier, one that undoubtedly gave off the feeling of a witch! His instincts were correct approximately 89% of the time, and this fact gave him the encouragement he needed to talk to her. Still laying with his back on the broom, Mikaela zipped quickly across the room above the crowd to reach the girl, pausing just in front of her. Well, above her, too. Hanging himself upside-down over the broomstick with the crook of his knees holding him, he bore a wide grin just in front of the other's face. "Are you a witch!?" The excitable boy blurted suddenly.


Interacting With
the moistest boi
Current Location
logica common room
cant really see. still trying to get over having his bowl invaded.
i mean, if you count wayne being in his bowl then yes.


Somehow, even with his god-awful sense of direction as well as the fact that the fishbowl on his head was so adorned with decoration that he could barely see out of it, he had made his way to the Logica Household. He wouldn't admit that it was thanks to the map that the heavily water-based other had given to him, as he typically hated giving gratitude. Even now, as the other continued to keep his place in his fish bowl, he remained silent and without a show of thanks. Nevore huffed, a few bubbles flowing out with the breath, "Hey, water boy. Why are you still in my bowl?" He took an annoyed tone with the other as the fish now leaned against the wall, still finding himself to be looking at the image in the glass container on his head.

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Current Mood: Still in a little pain
Familiar's Form: Not currently visible
Location: House Journey
Interacting with: NyxDarling NyxDarling OceanBunny OceanBunny

Elliott took a few more minutes to recover from his little spill, using the time to listen to what the cat-girl was saying. She had a kind voice and had knelt down next to him for the time being. "Umeki and Elusia. Those are nice names," he idly commented. He raised his head back up when Umeki mentioned finding the person in charge of house Journey. "Yeah, I've been waiting here too. Hopefully they'll show up soon." He looked up at Elusia, wondering why she had quit talking. She had seemed fine with it when she addressed him. It wasn't really a big deal to him, maybe her nerves had just gotten the best of her. After Umeki asked about house Haven he collected his thoughts and spoke again, "Uhm, yeah, it's got a banner with a deer on it, at least that's what the announcements said. I think it's a few buildings over, past house Logica."

Elliott rubbed the back of his head where it had hit the ground, biting his tongue to avoid cursing. Although thinking about it, his fall had been less problematic than he had thought, now that he had been sitting for a few minutes he was starting to feel much better. He stood up and raised his arms above his head to stretch, only feeling a little lightheaded in the process, before offering a hand to Umeki to help her up. Maybe he'd get to see these two again, well, he'd at least be seeing Elusia more since she was in the same house. At the very least he wanted to try and salvage something from the first impression he was giving them. "How's your first day at Lakoria been?", he asked to both of them, hoping to lighten the mood after his little tumble.​

Umeki Shou

"Looks like you'll meet someone who can help you if you just stick around your house for a bit." Umeki said, smiling up at Elusia. She turned back to Elliot as he started talking about house haven. Past logica, banner with a deer.. yea I remember the cute animals saying there was a deer banner. She thought, glancing back up at Elusia as she realized she'd be leaving the strange girl soon.

Taking the proffered hand, Umeki allowed Elliot to pull her to her feet. Leaning back slightly she glanced one way, seeing an open expanse, then the other where she could see another building a little ways down. So that way I suppose.. She smiled, turning back as the boy spoke again. "I actually just arrived before the announcements. Haven't really had time to look around yet." She replied simply, turning to Elusia as she was curious of the girls response seeing as she had found her walking through campus covered in blood.

NyxDarling NyxDarling
Mistborn Mistborn
And anyone near Journey ^^

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  • zzzzzzz.jpg


    The Jinn couldn't have been more pleased or amused by the selkie's reaction to the situation. He played right along, even going as far as to plant a lingering kiss on Asad's cheek. If it wasn't apparent before, it was now. The two men were genuinely terrifying this poor soul before them. He seemed to revert back into his shell like a turtle, searching for any excuse to escape the duo. Lucky for the human, the announcements put a damper on their charade. "Catch you later Cowboy~" Asad called after him with a wink. It surely wouldn't be the last time they ran into him.
    Turning to Mac Daddy, he tilted his head a little quizzically. "You don't think that was considered sexual harassment on our part right? Nahh." He chuckled playfully. But suddenly, he closed in on the selkie, gently forcing him back against one of the walls. "That kiss was unexpected. It made my heart race; what if I seriously fall for you?"

    Asad's voice retained a playful edge, but his gaze was seemingly sincere. Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn't. That was the unfortunate luck one had when dealing with Asad Bellavaud. He was a true wild card with his true emotions. More people began to flood the room now, and the man removed a small key from beneath his scarf and flicked it into the air for the selkie to catch. "Don't lose this one." Though he said this, the man couldn't care less. There was a particular woman he needed to grace with his presence. Her voice echoed throughout the room with shock. Gliding towards this little angel, his garments jingled, making any stealthy approach impossible.

    "Tin foil? Is there a trend I'm missing out on?" He questioned casually. Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Mistborn Mistborn metalcity metalcity

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Savva Wolfe
Location: Haven House
Mood: Pissed off​

Savva steamed at his comment, horsie? What the heck, and that wasn't even that good of an insult! And tub of glue? Yeah he was right there, she probably wasn't worth as much. She let out a small sigh, before perking her head up. She was about to let out a nasty comment when Pluto came diving in and hugged the little Bi-each ball. She tried to betray no feeling, but her ears gave away and annoyed twitch. Rolling her eyes she decided it was best to not leave a comment and instead go find something else to do. Walking around however, it didn't seem like there was many things to do. Of course there were people to meet, and you know... talk to, but she didn't feel like that was appropriate. Launching one last stare and the egocentric douche, she hoofed her way across the room and looked around. People, creatures, more people. Savva realized that Haven wasn't the best place for her to be right now, and made her way to the exit.

Once outside Savva was glad she was out of the building. She had yet to explore all the parts of Lakoria and decided that just hanging out in the courtyard would have to suffice. Trotting over to a low hanging tree with a nice bench near bye, she sat down near it and looked through her bag, a custom that now seemed to follow her whenever she was nervous. Checking through everything for 3 times she finally began to calm down, and decided to munch on the apple Elliot had given her. It was a pretty good apple, it was more on the bitter-sweet side so she didn't feel like she needed something salty to counter the sweetness. In her mind a secret dairy opened up. "Dear Diary, today sucked. I met a few new people, but then a kid was stabbed, and as you know I don't like random stabbings they don't make me feel that happy. Some moron decided to become king of Haven, and that pissed me off, oh well."

Savva let out another long sigh before looking around. Almost each student had gone to their clubs, so it was pretty remote right about now. The peace was pretty good, so Savva decided to enjoy it, because it wouldn't last long.

GingerBread GingerBread

Ignoring the fish-boy's huffs and lack of gratitude, Wayne performed another mid-water flip, smiling cheekily all the while. "Why Carpy, I'm positively hurt! Here I go, risking life and limb to guide you through the hell halls of this school, and this is what I get? Be glad I didn't take us through the sewer route..." Wayne swam a few more laps around the fishbowl before finally coming to a stop, deciding that he'd had enough. "Hm. And here I thought this made us cool," he tutted, answering Nevore's remark on his presence in the bowl. "I just thought you had some nice real-estate here, you know? Tons of water, a great view... but I will get out of your face, as Your Fishness pleases." Dripping equal parts sarcasm and genuine teasing, Wayne leapt out of the bowl, bringing a light shower down on students in the surrounding area.

"Now, where to?" Wayne asked, retrieving the drops from the surrounding area with a snap. "Don't just stand there! There's so many options - I mean, this is the great Logica house of legends! I can assure you, Carpy, there's much more to do around here than being a wallflower!" The water elemental scanned the small crowd gathering in the house, muttering all the while. "Let's see... there's boring couches, boring fireplaces - ew, is that guy taking notes already? It's the first day! What could you even take notes over? A nice banner, but that's boring too... aha! How about that group over there? They seem nice enough!" He pointed to the small collection of students at the front door, noticing Mistral amongst the bunch. "I've made up my mind - we're going thataway! I don't wanna hear any ifs, ands, or buts from you!"

Without waiting for Nevore's confirmation, Wayne jogged his way over to the other group, dragging his fishy acquaintance along with him as he went. "What's up, Logica kids! Are you guys ready to do... uh, whatever it is we do in this house? I sure am!" With a few happy waves and acknowledgment of his fellow students, Wayne noticed Mistral, the unicorn who had aided him earlier in pilfering thirty-five dollars. "Oh, hey, it's the unicorn! Yoo-hoo!" Dragging Nevore again, he ran over to Mistral's side of the group, taking note of the tough, knight-like figure beside the unicorn as well. "Lakoria's most beautiful mane strikes again, I see - looking as sleek as ever! And a pleasure to meet you, sir," he started, bowing to Mistral and extending a hand to Raziel. "My fishy friend behind me is Carpy! Carpy, meet - actually, I don't think we've introduced ourselves yet, either!" After knocking himself on the head for being so forgetful, Wayne extended his other hand to Nevore, and yet another watery arm burst out of his chest, extended to Mistral. "Nice to meet you all!"

okmelonn okmelonn

ur gey lol
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Syke Cria
Miniature Mage

Current Location: Haven House
As the Nekomancer swept himself away Syke could only imagine that he was a coward, forced to flee not by the signalling of teachers - he'd made it clear he wasn't one for authority - but by the moxie and strength Nikiri deftly wielded. "You must've given him a great fright Nikiri!" Syke piped in glee as she hopped into her open palm. Syke, always had difficulty reading into the behaviors of humans and alike beings, perhaps she'd get the hang of it eventually. Syke, as always, had to thank her friend for being such a kind and observant person, the ohom would never know where her dorm was were it not for her gentle guidance; though Syke was excited upon exiting the library, her feelings flip-flopped upon entering the Haven Commons. Oh did they ever.

Syke was full of trauma and confusion - why, why were so many spooky people hanging out in the designated-cutie-dorms?! Maybe, just maybe, they were sweet and pure on the inside, needing only a gentle nudging to bloom into beautiful citizens of society full of love and generosity. But maybe, they were horrifying monstrous people who destroyed millions and now sought asylum at the school, secretly plotting on destroying the weak! She gave a series of fluttery blinks out of nervousness. Though the busyness was quite surprising, in some chaotic way, it reminded her of her homeland - of her mission. Even the smallest village is never silent, well, at least in active hours. The havoc would remind her to always keep on guard for The Beast!

Syke glanced curiously around the dorms, finding some people very frightening, and others rather cute - who was that boy there with the glittery wings?! My, he must be very special to be gifted wings - and what of that lad floating on the broom?! Did he know tricks that allowed to suspend sticks in the air for longer then it took them to fall? What marvels surely! But there were frightening creatures too, why did was that boy so pale! His eyes so dreamy?! She sincerely hoped that the feisty girl with the hooves watched were she stepped. After being set down Syke lingeringly held onto one of Nikiri's fingers. Syke was surprised to find that she wasn't shaking with mixed emotions, as she surely quite felt vulnerable. She looked up at Nikiri, eyes a twinkle, she always knew just what to say! Not only to Syke herself, but to everyone really, "And if anyone's ever foolish enough to bother you, you'll know who'll dash to your side in defense!" Syke cheered this out rather bravely, and with the full-intention of it being true! Though, the dashing must've been metaphorical, as running wasn't one of the flower's strong suits. Syke pouted nearly as soon as the words had left her mouth, who threw that?!? If she had a circulatory system her face would've flushed red with rage!!! Didn't people know neko's had delicate hearing?! Syke could see the way Nikiri cringed, she vowed to right the wrong of whoever had done this! Though, who it was she had not seen. Some sleuthing was in her near future! "I'm certain the folks in Logica will be a bit more delicate," she huffed, sassing her own house.

Syke felt knots building up somewhere within her stalk, but she couldn't tell if they were born more of excitement or fear - she wouldn't be separated from her friend for long! But, well Syke herself would be rather short work to destroy if someone willed it. Syke would soon find out the source of the butterflies once the good bye was cemented, as well as whoever caused her friend pain!

Mentioned: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity , okmelonn okmelonn , GingerBread GingerBread , Deathpelt Deathpelt
Interacting: NyxNightmare NyxNightmare

Kareek the cute snek
Haven House

"Aww" Jon started petting the snake, finding it's insistence that it wasn't cute to only make it appear more adorable. "Well Mr. Basilisk snake king, Why are you here at Lakoria? Are you someone's pet?" Jon paused for a moment to let the snake reply, but quickly though of something else to add on. "Wait, are you a student here?" Jon couldn't help but smile brightly at the snake. Part of Jon was hoping that the adorable snake wasn't a student or someone's pet already, because how cool would it be to have a pet snake? And it would make him look more cool and bad ass if he had a pet snake. Jon started wondering about how it would work if the Snake was a student, would he have a room mate? Would they be room mates? Jon then realised that he hadn't got the Snakes name yet "So.. Do you have a name, I could give you one if you don't"
‘Oh fuck why are we so close to him!?’
‘Pluto please stop, he's gonna kill us!’

Pluto gave Nyx one last squeeze before deciding to just sit next to him. “What? Am I not allowed to hug my friend?” He joked.
‘He isn't our friend! He's a killer.’
As much as we love killing, we can't get near him. He's just too much. He's also a giant ass and I just can't deal with that right now.’

“Shush you guys.”
Just then another person walked up to them, she looked very nervous.
‘We don’t want any.’
‘Art is for losers. It’s dumb.'

“Art? I would love to see some of your art!”

GingerBread GingerBread Loony_Bin Loony_Bin


House Haven

Nyx was silently waiting to see the horse girl's reaction, ignoring Pluto's one sided conversation with the snakes. He was about to comment on the fact that Pluto called him his friend, though before he could another girl came up to him, and attempted to try to talk to him. Though she seemed to realise how bad a job she was doing and quickly changed plans and tried to sell art to Pluto. Nyx rolled his eyes and let his attention go back to watching the Horse's reaction, though she didn't seem to give much of one, she just gave him an annoyed stare before marching.. or rather trotting out of the room "Well someone's gonna get in trouble for not being here" He muttered to himself. He leant back and tried to get comfortable once again as some new people started filtering into the Haven common room, two of them being some sort of half animal people, which Nyx assumed to be Nekos

'There are far too many cat people in this school, I swear.. I thought rabbits were the ones who fuc-' Nyx's thoughts were cut short as a shuriken flew past his face, before turning into a pocky as it hit the wall. Nyx sat up and looked over at the direction that it came from. From the fact that it turned into a sweet, he assumed it was some sort of illusion. He didn't have to take any time to figure out who threw it at him as they quickly spoke up. "Look kitty cat, I don't know what you're going for here. But, you might want to think about your actions more carefully in the future. It'd be anything but simple to get rid of me, but you are right that this school would lose any worth were I to leave" Nyx smirked at the girl as he stood up and made his way closer to her. "But by all means, if you want me to euthanize you, you can carry on going the way you're going.. or if you suddenly decide that you want to keep living your pathetic life, then walk away and shut up. I'm fine with whatever choice you make, you wouldn't be the first cat I've put down.."

It was a lie to say that Kast felt a bit hurt by the dismissive demeanor that Rae had towards her. Rather than the friend that she wanted to be for her kin, she felt the indisputable fact that she was nothing more than extra baggage for her older relative. Even so, she continued to pursue her need to hold their hand, getting mildly annoyed at how well Rae was able to avoid her grasp. It got to the point where she was nearly glomping onto the girl, trying her best to reach for their hand as Rae went to touch her ear, a typical reaction she did when deep in thought. Finally, her persistence must've shone through, Kast being offered a measly sleeve, which she gratefully took into the palm of her hand. Beaming with delight next to her sister, they made their way into the Haven House, Rae taking out pocky like the weeb cool girl she was.

"Hey, you mind if I have one, Sis?" Kast asked, pulling on Rae's sleeve with pleading eyes. "I didn't get to eat nothin' since we left the house, ya know? I'm kind of starving over here-" Cut off by the sudden ninja showcase that Rae performed, Kast blinked a few times, mystified at just what happened, or why it was necessary, to begin with. That lasted about three seconds, for when she saw the pocky sticking perfectly into the wall, the little girl was left with her jaw wide open. "Holy smokes, didja see that?! The thing is literally sticking outta the wall because of you! You're so strong, Sis! You should, like, become a wrestler or something!"

Her admiration for her sister's overwhelming strength was cut short by the individual that had the luck of being at the other end of her onslaught. He was handsome, there was a sort of air about him that was mysterious and chilling to the bone. He was something that she thought was only in teen romance movies, his prominent ruby red eyes searching, calculating the ins and outs of his target. His harsh words were what assisted the poor girl out of her trance, venom falling out at an alarming rate, his words carrying only malice within them. Was he dangerous?

"Didja totally see what Rae just did?" she said suddenly, forgetting to bite her tongue. The previous excitement was still in her system and she just had to vent about how awesome her older sister was, no matter how much of an edgy brat she tried to portray herself as. Taking a step forward, Kast stood between the man and Rae, being miraculously smaller than both. Kast was wearing a red dress with the images of pink flowers embroidered on it. The dress had a kimono-like style, but not quite, it having been dragged along the ground, as it was much too big for the little Kitsune. Adjusting her short pink hair, she continued. "It was super cool, wasn't it, er, dude! Don'tcha think so, too?"

GingerBread GingerBread NyxNightmare NyxNightmare Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai okmelonn okmelonn SpiritOwl SpiritOwl Silvis Silvis Loony_Bin Loony_Bin (Not sure if these tags are right, so just tell me if I'm missing anyone.)
Mistral Aquilo
✧・゚:*Magical Unicorn*:・゚✧
Current Location: Logica House
Mistral was mainly indifferent to the gaggle of girls - indifferent to all, save the obvious and reeking demon. He totally didn't toss her a glare for a long enough to determine that that tail was sooo cliche. He kept his rude thoughts in check by gazing off into the distance, what was to be done except wait around for the head of the house to show up? Mistral contemplated absolutely nothing at all while managing to look very deep in thought. Is non-deep-thoughts were brutally interrupted however by non-other then the budding entrepreneur "Fall". As well as the company he was keeping.

"I'm always striking," Mistral agreed confidently. Fall was an amusing caricature of the common man, common sprite? With a goal. Despite that, all his offered hand did was remind Mistral that he hadn't anything to drink in the cafeteria. Mistral didn't acknowledge Nevore to any capacity - he did get a good internal chuckle out of his headgear though - what was it? He did not dip nor bow nor smoosh his head into that watery hand, but he did intentionally incline his head to the side just a smidge which is as much as one could ask from a unicorn. "Have you managed to acquire any patrons?" Mistral asked vaguely before continuing, "I don't believe any students from morning will be vying for your services anytime soon," he tried to say this empatheticly, he truly thought Wayne had made an honest mistake when he doused those poor unfortunate NPC's in water, "You must be careful where you place your magic, it came crashing down and ruined all you had put together." Mistral hadn't seen the aftermath himself, but some of those given an impromptu bath were very vocal about their displeasure. Mistral didn't seem interested in explaining Wayne to anyone, even if he had bothered to remember his pseudonym as Fall earlier on, he wouldn't've mentioned it.

Silvis Silvis , Lotusy Lotusy , okmelonn okmelonn , Shagranoz Shagranoz , AI10100 AI10100 , The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
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