• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Lakoria High school

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Kareek the cute snek
Haven House

"It's not letting him get away with it... Only a loser would let someone get away with something like that.. It's just.." Jon went silent for a few moments as he tried to think of a valid reason, to.. not go back after The nekomancer. "It's just that he's not worth going after.. He's a lame loser.. yeah. That's why I'm gonna completely avoid him as well.. Yep" As Kareek asked for him name and let Jon know what type of food he wanted, he realised two things. One, that he forgot to give Kareek his name, and two, he had no idea where he was gonna get any rats or any type of food for Kareek at this time, at least not already dead things; Jon didn't want to even think about the snake eating something alive. "Oh, My name is Jon.. and also I don't think I'll be able to get you any rats tonight.. But I'll definitely get you some tomorrow.. Is that okay?"

[/div][div class="tabsContent1 tabsContentTabTwo" style="display: none;"]


House Haven
Nyx is now a fox, for anyone confused, take a look at his character sheet

The last thing Nyx expected the Kitsune to do, was to pull him into her chest and ''cuddle'' him. He was expecting her to bat him away or move away from him, not just cuddle him like he hadn't just bitten her hand! As the kitsune started speaking, Nyx had a better idea of why she didn't react in the way he was expecting. She just thought he was hungry. 'Are you calling me stupid?! I know your hand isn't food. You're fucking retarded not me. You dumb cat bitch' Nyx was once again taken by surprise as Rae buried her face into his fur and started.. sniffing him? Nyx decided to just deal with it until he could find a way to get free. Though when she mentioned pinning him to her wall and using him as an air freshener, he started trying to squirm out of her grasp. 'Let go of me you bitch.. I will fucking murder you'

As Nyx was trying to get free, he heard the snakes talking to pluto, he wasn't sure how Pluto dealt with them all the time. He didn't really hear much of what they were saying, except that they should ''take care'' of the smaller kitsune. Upon hearing that and seeing Pluto kitnapping the smaller kitsune, he redoubled his efforts to get free from the taller Kitsune's surprisingly strong grasp; He wasn't sure why, but he felt like he had to be close to the smaller kitsune, and that if she did get ''taken care of'', he would receive the same fate. He was sure that it had something to do with the fact that he was now a fox. 'Pluto! Don't take her away you fucking idiot... Well do get her help, but take me too! Don't leave me here with this fucking freak' Nyx tried to call out to Pluto to get him to maybe help, but he was most of the way gone. He just had to hope that he could get free of Rae's grasp soon enough to catch up to him.

Haven common room
Current form: Human
Interacting with: SpiritOwl SpiritOwl
Mentioned: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity NyxNightmare NyxNightmare Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai

Cayman was starting to feel more relaxed around the Ohom, his earlier nervousness lessening as he watched the funny little gestures it made as it spoke. They seemed as surprised as he was at the recent turn of events, which made more sense the longer he thought about it. “Yes, I managed to get my hands around you and carry you away before that Kitsune over there could flick your flowery frame.” He nodded over at Rae, who was currently holding the fox Nyx close to her and... sniffing him? Did she usually do that to people she was upset with? It was a peculiar scene indeed. He watched as Pluto carried the smaller Kitsune off towards the nurses office, hopefully she would be alright. It wouldn’t be surprising if she didn’t make it, however. Head injuries are notoriously fatal.

He nodded in agreement with the Ohom’s words about respect and teaching others the value of it. “A guardian such as yourself did not deserve to be treated like that. I’m correct in calling you that, right...?” His voice trailed off at the end of his sentence, worrying that he was wrong about who he was speaking to. As the Ohom spoke again, this time about thanking him, he listened carefully. He would have commented on the fact that thanks were not necessary, he was simply helping someone who needed it, if he hadn’t cringed at the tone she used instead. She sounded quite angry, as anyone would be if they had just been prodded repeatedly and almost slain, and that only made Cayman more nervous. Was she truly angry with him? Was she simply venting her anger at the nearest thing she could? Either way, he simply hoped not to end up on the receiving end of her fury. Hoping to distract her from her anger, he asked the first question that crossed his mind. “Uhm, what should I call you?”​
Tags: SpiritOwl SpiritOwl metalcity metalcity NyxNightmare NyxNightmare
Location: Journey Commons
Mood: 'I've still got it after all'...
Mac took a deep breath as he finally managed to move more than six feet away from Éanna without the bird running back towards him and getting glass in his eye or something, meaning that as much as it made him look soft, he could take a step away from Éanna and go back to his room and get some shut eye-

Wait a moment, was that Asad? Why was he carrying a weird looking green haired girl? Why were they calling her a goddess, and wait was Éanna actually buying what they were saying?! AND NOW THE BIRD WAS ABOUT TO GIVE THE GIRL MONEY ALL BECAUSE SHE SAID SHE WAS A GODDESS, ALL OF THIS AFTER MAC HAD PUT ÉANNA ON HIS DO NOT SCAM LIST AND EVERYTHING!!

He shouldn't have cared really, after all the no scam list was almost purely exclusive for women and children, but it wasn't like he'd stop others from having their fun and getting their cash, and while he was perfectly fine with Asad's teasing, the green haired 'goddess' and her extortion efforts didn't sit well with Mac for some reason. He'd extorted plenty of gullible people, hell they were the easiest to scam! But to do so to someone who wasn't just gullible but also as sweet as syrup was wrong.

If it was an extortion job the girl was doing, Mac did have over thirty dollars. Mac pulled out the eighty dollars in cash and stared at it, debating about whether or not to give it to the green haired girl....

...and Éanna was sweet....


"Nah, that's stupid." Mac shoved his money back in his pocket, he wasn't about to go THAT far for someone he just met basically. He was however, very capable of overcoming a situation like this 9/10, and although being around Asad and Éanna made him feel weird in two very different ways, the selkie was sure that if he just focused on the witch girl he'd come out of the situation fine. So Mac ran past the trio for a second before dashing back to Éanna, faking heavy breathing as he looked down at the bird, "Oh thank goodness I found you again Tweetheart, I couldn't find anything to help you out with you're arm but-Oh my god is it really you?!" Mac turned his head towards Angelica mid sentence and bulged his eyes as if he recognized her before bowing before her presence, "Oh great and mighty Aine, you humble goddess of love and growth, why would you of all people be here? Are you here to bestow upon these lovely mortals one of your famous blessings that you give out of the kindness of your heart?" Mac quickly strung the words together and went with the flow, only really going off information he'd overheard old fisherman back home tell tales about. Mac quickly turned towards Éanna and Asad, whispering to them as if it was something only they were supposed to hear, although he clearly spoke loud enough for Angelica to hear, "This is such a big deal you guys have no idea, Aine is a goddess back from where I come from, and she's all about supporting people for absolutely nothing in return, I'm testing her because everyone knows only impostors of the real goddess would dare extort someone..."
Omen King

Location: Logica House Commons || Interacting: N/A || Mentioned: SpiritOwl SpiritOwl & Logica House Peers

Age of Weakness' head drooped ever so slightly, "Ah, right then." The socially inept being attempted to return to the stall at a snail's pace, his personal Valhalla. Did something he say warrant the demanding response? Certainly, he must return if commanded to do so...Omen King's speed was regained when Mistral gave into the sweet, sweet, temptation of vanity. In a lapse of obedience, perhaps onset by the ethereal boy's curt manner, Age of Weakness decided to quickly leave the restroom rather then return to his prior local. He left the bathroom door swinging on its hinges. Life is full of endless wonders. He meandered down the Logica hall, to the commons. Totally unaware of the scene that had occurred moments before. He spun about with ideal rotational inertia, causing a shimmering effect to his skin and robes. He sought out an ideal place to loiter, Omen King chose to -not sit- but stand on one of the seats in the room, making his already alarming height even more monolithic, whatever floats your boat my man. He gazed about the room, the best that a thing without any discernible eyes can, observing the layout and memorizing it, he was eavesdropping without a doubt. Rude.​
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Savva Wolfe

Savva watched wearily as the scene progressed in front of her. Apparently the fox was a kind of person, though she wasn't sure who it could be. She flicked her tail in agitation. Mr. Plum didn't seem THAT concerned, just, you know... concerned? Looking around she counted how many people were in Haven silently, but lost track. Everyone was meeting and greeting each other, something she just didn't wish to do right now. Huffing out a sigh, she waited for a good moment to talk to someone, however that didn't come any time soon.

After a bit of boredom, Savva pulled out a phone from her black purse, and started flicking at the screen. If she wasn't going to meet anyone, might as well entertain herself. With that she was completely instilled in her game, nothing but her ears occasionally twitching once or twice. Well, today was going... interestingly.

Free to interact!
Haven House
(Sorry short >.<)
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Tags: okmelonn okmelonn Lotusy Lotusy TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Shagranoz Shagranoz Silvis Silvis Sizniche Sizniche AI10100 AI10100 (I think that's everyone...)
Location: House Logica
Mood: I need this job
'Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap! I can't lose this job!' Ms. Littell sped through the Lakoria gates on her Moped, weaving through the large congregation of students at the front, some of which jumped out of her way as she drove through the school ground with reckless abandon, one hand on the handles of the rather dopey looking bike and one hand on the cold slice of mushroom pizza she was chewing on. Ms. Littell broke through the crowd, finally not having to swerve as badly to get to House Logica, 'Maybe I can give Plum a good excuse! Like uh...hey, sorry I was late but I was trying to get my lesson plans done! Wait no, he wouldn't buy that, after all it's not like I've ever made a lesson plan in the past...' Ms. Littell took a massive bite out of her pizza as she had to practically drift underneath a harpy student who was only flying about three feet off the ground. 'I could say I was trying to finish moving into Lakota! Wait...I've been living in Lakota for three years now, dammit!' Ms. Littell face palmed with the hand she'd been using to steer the moped as she continued speeding, 'Shit, I have to make this up to the students! How am I supposed to be the cool teacher if I'm late on the first day?!"

Ms. Littell took another big bite of pizza as she began to panic, looking around desperately for a good excuse or gift to give the kids at Logica. It was then that she spotted two Journey kids hoisting two big boxes full of unopened cans...wait...Journey kids....unopened cans. A light bulb went off in the orange haired teacher's mind, 'Delightfully devilish Littell...'

Doing her best to copy all of her favorite scenes from Initial D as she drifted towards the students on her shitty wannabe motorcycle and heaved the two boxes onto her lap before calling back to them, "IMGH VEWHY SOHHIE!" Which sounded like nothing to most people, but to somebody fluent in the English language even when somebody had a mouthful of pizza, she had very clearly said, "Tell Schmetterling to pay for it!"

With that, Ms Littell eventually made it to Logica house, not even bothering to properly park her moped, the head teacher looked at her appearance on her phone, desperatly attempting to wipe away the thin film of sweat clearly on her brow, 'Okay let's see, wild orange hair? Check. Classy red bow tie that clashes with the grey hoodie but is most likely done ironically? Check. Lack of makeup on that says not only do I not care about my appearance but that I also support a beauty positive image? Check. Alright! I'm ready to be the coolest teacher ever...'

Quickly shoving the rest of her pizza in her mouth, Ms Littell grabbed the two boxes and kicked down the door to House Logica, "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE'S FAVORITE TEACHER IS BACK WITH A GIFT YOU TERRIBLY AWESOME STUDENTS YOU!" Shuffling inside the door, Littell ignored all the students staring up at her with quirked brows and waddled into the common room, slamming the boxes down and making a few students jump. Ms Littell looked at the crowd of students gathering and smouldered, "Sorry I'm late House Logica, but I saw a black cat on the way here and had to go the long way around....eheheheheheheh....eh....a-anyways." Littell cleared her throat and tore open a box and began throwing cans to House Logica students before taking a can of her own, "I was actually out getting you all this, after all why not break the rules a little?" With a wink at some of the more confused students and cracked open the can and slowly began to bring it to her mouth, "Why does House Journey get to have all the fun..." Ms. Littell closed her eyes before they widened and she spit out the liquid before looking at the can in horror, 'I-it's all RC Cola?! WHY WOULD JOURNEY KIDS HAVE RC COLA?! I JUST WANTED TO IMPRESS THE KIDS HERE BUT NOW I'M A FAILURE AND I LOOK WEIRD! AUGH!"

Littell rubbed the back of her neck as she realized the odd looks she was getting, realizing she had already messed up first impressions. With a sigh, the orange haired teacher took out her phone and began to read off the list of roommates sent to her by Plum, "Anyways, here's a list of your roommates, I don't know if everyone is here anymore so I'll just forward you all the email...*ahem* the dorm pairs are as follows: Kyra and Erika Doublot are rooming, as are Raziel and Mistral, Wayne Atwater and Tac Yussp, Lilith Blackheart and Nikkiri Elms, Claude Summers and Nevore I'm not even going to try and pronounce any of those names. Oh, and also welcome to Logica where we value being smart and trying to get smart and all that and yeah...I'm going to go die in a ditch now."

With the recent events thoroughly unfolded, Wayne found himself amazed at how much disgust could appear on Mistral's horsey face, and most importantly, at how quickly he could run - even as a human. He watched the unicorn-turned-boy's quick escape, letting out a low whistle all the while. "Does Lakoria have a cross-country team?" He asked, slightly out-of-touch with the current mood. "Because someone definitely needs to recruit him."

Of course, the fallout from Mistral's retreat could hardly be stopped by an out-of-taste joke. It wasn't long before Nikiri had turned to the demon girl with a stern reprimand, which Wayne could only nod along to, deciding it was best to keep his trap shut for now. Of course, he felt a bit guilty at what the neko said - after all, he hadn't been so respectful of Mistral's boundaries himself, given his elaborate scheme. Eh, it's whatever, he mused. Maybe I did something right, or this girl did something terribly, terribly wrong... He shook his head. And then there was Raziel. Wayne's heart hurt as he watched the demon girl who had caught his friend's eye swerve him not once, but twice. Even despite his reassurances and forgiveness, this demon girl still had the cold shoulder readily offered. He contemplated giving Raziel another bold shove towards her, but eventually refrained. There's just some things you just can't fix, Wayne. As the knightly man attempted his third introduction, Wayne could only give him a sad pat on the back. You go get 'em, champ.

"Well don't worry your pretty little heads off," he chimed in, filling in the silence as the initial confrontation died down. "Raziel's right. He may be just a bit skittish, you know? Actually, is that horse-ist?" The water elemental didn't ponder the semantics of horse adjectives for too long. "Besides, I'm sure I can find him! Once his makeup runs out guess where he'll have to go?" Wayne's smile faded into an uneasy grimace as he realized where he'd find the unicorn. "Oh. I-I mean, I'll still do it! C-count on me!" Flashbacks of the filthy Lakoria sewers ran through his mind, but he shook them away, steeling his resolve. "C'mon Car- I mean, Nevore!" He called, grabbing the koi-boy's arm and dragging him on (another) wild quest. "He'd be a pretty afwul model if you lost him after a day!"

Once the two boys reached the water fountain, Wayne let go of Nevore's shirt, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "Alright, here's the plan. I'll check the s-sewage, and once I give you the word, go and get him back!" He stifled a gulp on thinking of the sewer systems again. "Ready? Let's go!" Bracing himself against the fountain, Wayne extended a water tendril down the fountain's drain, groping around and finally relaxing once he hit water again. "Aw, yes. Score!" Once connected to the larger water source, Wayne sent his consciousness through it, fumbling and probing about for exits and unicorns.

Well, there's a bathroom - ah, is that Coach Coro?! Ew!

How about here? No...

What about - ew, why is this chunky?


Gah, I don't ever want to touch another thrown-up burrito again - ah, here we go! Wayne perked up as he finally found Mistral, catching a glimpse of the unicorn as the water running out of his faucet. "Mistral!" he gurgled, splashing in the sink and trying to catch the boy's attention, though it seemed he had already moved on, admiring himself in the mirror once again. "C'mon!" Impatient as always, Wayne didn't wait for an answer, sucking himself back into the water fountain and spitting himself out, panting and thoroughly scarred. "Alright, Carpy. He's in the Logica bathroom! Ugh, why didn't I check there first? Hopefully you can get him back and... I dunno, get him to wear horseshoes? You're the fashionista here."

As he relaxed, however, something else caught Wayne's flitting, watery eyes. Some strange being had just wandered by, on its way to the Logica commons, and Wayne was intrigued. He turned to catch another glimpse of it, immediately becoming transfixed on second sight. It was beautiful, unnerving, and awe-inspiring all at once, with it's sparkling body and it's strangely-shaped head. Was it an egg? If so, Wayne pitied whatever creature had to lay that egg - gah, that wasn't the point! Entranced, Wayne began to follow the mysterious Omen King, like a child following a haunting, eggish Pied Piper. He let out a low "whoa..." when the being spun, riveted by its perfect balance and dazzling twirl. Still wrapped in a trance, Wayne eventually bumped
into the Omen King, not noticing that it had stopped. He would have done it again, too, had Ms. Littell not suddenly made drom announcements, rousing him from his stupor. With his wits about him (and after hearing his awkward House leader for the first time), Wayne turned to apologize to the figure he'd just bumped into "O-oh, sorry about that!" He said, bowing profusely in apology. "And here I thought I was the slick one." He paused, then turned to look at the being's strange head. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask. What kind of shape would you call your head? It's not an egg, is it?"

Silvis Silvis NyxNightmare NyxNightmare Shagranoz Shagranoz okmelonn okmelonn SpiritOwl SpiritOwl Foxu Foxu Loony_Bin Loony_Bin


"What do you mean, 'a magical frog bit off my toes'? How much of a sucker do you think I am? I know Mr. Freddo, and I know for a fact that he would only go for fingers! What kind of story are you telling, kid?" Caught up in a fiery tirade, Nurse Jay stood imposingly over a crying Journey student, who rocked back and forth while nursing his disembodied toes and toeless feet.

"B-b-but Mr. Jay-"

"No buts! And don't call me 'Mr. Jay"! How old do you think I am, you whelp?"


"25? 25?! Heaven's sake, Cameron, I just graduated last year! Also, weren't you in my Home EC class too?" Cameron could only sob more in response, to which Jay let out an exasperated sigh. "Alright, fine. Hold your toes on and I might just be able to get the nerves back in time. The Journey student let out an unintelligible whimper, which sounded vaguely like "But I can't hold all 10 toes at once," but Jay quickly shushed him. Stepping back with a flourish, he let more orange light fly, slowly gluing the toes back together as fast as Cameron could re-attach them. Unfortunately, the strain became too much for the student, and he passed out on the floor just as the last toe began to wind back. With a disappointed tut, Jay walked over, twisting the toe to its correct position and zapping it one more time for a clean fix.

"Another job well done," Jay remarked, standing smugly over his success, though his satisfaction was short-lived. Before he could turn to the Haven door, it burst open again, revealing Pluto cradling an injured kitsune girl in his arms. Slightly startled, he kicked Cameron's unconscious body under the bed before facing Pluto. For a moment, Jay's eyes lit up, though he quickly reminded himself that he was still supposed to be mad at his gorgon friend for never visiting. "Well well, look what the snake dragged in," he said, mustering up the best fake cold-shoulder that he could. "And hey, Jason." His cool facade melted for a little bit as he winked at Pluto's hair. "Oh, and of course it's Nyx's fault. The bastard know's he's making more work for me, huh?" Jay stepped forward, taking Kast from Pluto's arms and carefully placing her on one of the infirmary's beds.

Scanning up and down the kitsune's head, Jay muttered to himself and took mental notes. "Hm, skull fracture? Okay. Hold her head still while I get this, okay?" Without waiting for a response, more orange light flew from his hands, and Jay went silent. In this void of conversation he looked to Pluto, then to his patient, then back to Pluto. "Well, Pluto, I'm so glad you decided to show up with another injury. I mean, of course you come to me when someone's dying. It's always someone dying, isn't it? Everyone keeps asking, 'can you save them, Jay,' but they never ask 'can Jay save himself?' I mean, would it kill you to - whoops, I'm losing her." Jay's concentration broke for a second as he realized he had stopped healing Kast, quickly reinvigorating the orange stream and slowly closing the bite marks on her head. Too embarrassed to restart his rant, Jay tried to steer the conversation in a different direction. "So, uh... how're classes going?"

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai
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Omen King

Location: Logica Commons || Interacting: Lotusy Lotusy || Mentioned: Loony_Bin Loony_Bin

Ms. Littell’s distractingly scrambled entrance had captured Omen King’s attention, so much that he hadn’t noticed he was being shadowed by Wayne. When the disorganized teacher began chucking cans of insipid cola at her unsuspecting students one just so happened to hit Age of Weakness at the exact time he turned to face Wayne, it struck him with an almost comical sound, falling to the ground immediately after.

The sparkling entity's light frame had been knocked back by Wayne somewhat, but did not seem to care all too much. He tilted his odd head forward, as if to indicate that he was listening. It was fortunate that Omen King didn’t have the capacity to smell; crawling through a school’s waterways may have left some unsavory scents behind. “It is quite alright, I hardly noticed.” The harmonically polyphonic voice of Age of Weakness rang out softly. He torpidly brought up a hand, resting it upon his own chest, his head beginning to glow as he thought. Had he ever considered the shape of his head? He’d certainly seen it in the mirror just moments ago, but he'd not taken the time to think about his visage. He remained silent for slightly longer than he should have, weighing the question. “I heard it described as teardrop shaped before, however, the description of an egg may be more accurate, yes.” As he said this, three slightly translucent copies of his black face appeared, circling about the original until they evaporated ,” At the advent of my death my head will hatch open and my next life will emerge, as is the way of my brothers.”, he said this statement so causality it was almost astonishing.

The being began to kneel, it took some time, but Omen King was eventually able to reach the beverage that had hit him earlier. He righted himself with the same slowness, offering the canned soft drink to the elemental, “I have no need for drink, perhaps this would be better suited for you?” Omen King’s attempts at natural interaction were progressively improving, if only he’d introduced himself!​
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Interacting With

the all-powerful hec witch
Current Location
haven house commons
..bullied twice in one day and feeling kinda bad.


Mikaela sat on his broom as if he were a puppy with his tail in-between his legs after having been snapped at. He supposed that things.. Weren't going so well for the girl unlike she had said. "Ah, robes? I don't see many witches wearing robes.. Well, at least where I'm from it's not very customary! Unless its like, you know, a cool holiday! We typically just wear these little cloaks, and even then I'm really the one who wears the-" He was cut off by the small snort that had come from the girl. He paused, looking puzzled for a moment. The witch had been so lost in his own rambling that he hadn't noticed the girl examining his broom. "Oh! My broom! Isn't it neat!? I've had this one since I was.. Hm, 13? Yeah, 13, I think." He beamed, absolutely elated that someone had noticed his broom, as he was especially proud of it. Mika did a quick twirl, sweeping up some dust in the air around him though careful not to hit the other in the face. "Oh? Hecate? That's a really pretty nam-" He then paused, hearing her next words. "Oh.. Well, I'm pleased to meet yours! I was hoping to become friends with another witch like me.. Could we be friends, Hecate?"


Interacting With
unicorn boye and moistest boye!
Current Location
logica boy's bathroom


There was simply too much happening in the room for Nevore to even begin to comprehend. He had simply asked the rather handsome unicorn if he would ever consider modeling, then something with some.. Cat-people happened? Then he supposed that Mistral has simply.. Poof! Transformed. Then ran off. He had been simply standing around. Vacant. Empty. It seemed like four days that he had stayed this way, even though it had been though it had only been but a moment. He was snapped out of his daze as the water-boy spoke once more. All he could do was huff and wonder what type of adventure he was about to be dragged on once more. Though, determination and passion filled Nevore's eyes as the other spoke. "I refuse to loose a promising model! Let's go get him back, Wayne!" He proclaimed with fire in his eyes, following the other over to the water fountain.
Upon reaching it, he listened to the other's plan. Perfect! He'd be making millions in no-time! "I'm on it!" He replied, giving a thumbs up to the other male. He waited patiently for a few moments, glancing down the drain of the fountain and wondering how the other was doing. What if he.. Pressed the button? Would it flush the water-elemental out in a stream of rushing water? Would he be lost forever? Nevore's finger hovered over the metallic button.. He felt so much power in that moment. He could possibly end a student's life. Though, before he could convince himself to drain the other away, Wayne returned to consciousness and the fish-boy's finger flew away from the button, then playing koi, as if nothing had ever happened. "Yes! Yes!! Bless you, Wayne. When I strike it rich due to my fantasy-creature model, you'll be sure to get a mention!" He yelled behind him, running off to go locate the bathrooms.
The minute he found them, he burst in with a rather loud shout. "MISTRAL, MY GOLD-MINE! COME TO ME! WE HAVE BUSINESS TO DISCUSS!"


Interacting With
open for interactions!
Current Location
journey house commons
..hoping that nobody finds out her lies.
a little satchel, mostly filled with forks.



Atourr's large feet padded throughout the grounds of the Lakoria Campus. The girl had been there for a fair amount of years and knew the place like the back of her hand, but somehow she had found herself on opening day, late for the gathering ceremony. "Stupid Atourr, sleep in late and miss friends!" The tall Orc girl pouted, crossing her muscular arms across her equally muscular chest. Her quiet pads increased to a small trot, now jogging towards her location. She assumed that the students had already gathered at the commons. Daia, Daia, Daia, No Atourr The girl repeated in her head, afraid that this would be the year she slipped up and was booted from the school she adored. Where else would she go? There was no way she could return to that, that cult..
With a push and creak of the doors, the girl now stood inside the Journey House Commons, looking over all she saw there. Quite literally, actually. She tended to be taller than most people. Stepping into the room with a smile, her fanged teeth bared as she grew more and more excited for the year to begin. She wondered who she was to room with..

Time passed at an alarmingly slow rate for the madman, his eyes sweeping over to the clock on the wall like clockwork as he waited impatiently for the day to near its end. As he flipped through the pages of his beloved scripture, Nekomancer couldn't help the giddy feeling welling up inside of him. Why was his heart beating so fast at the thought of meeting up with the purple-haired cat girl? Why did Nikiri fester inside of his mind to the point of obsession? His mind replayed her words on repeat, the syllables sinking into his soul and enrapturing him in their tender embrace. She wanted him. She wanted him.

Believing that he lingered for long enough, Tac stood up abruptly, his towel flapping about as he rushed to scrape up whatever clothes he had lying around that weren't covered in stains. "No time, no time, no time," he chanted to himself, feeling pressure to be at the gym earlier than what the girl had recommended. She didn't even give him an exact time to go by, handing him a simple "after school" remark that was only befitting in the manga or a low-quality chick flick. How was he supposed to rig the gym with traps if he didn't know when to arrive?! Frettingly biting his nails, Nekomancer ended up dressing in only his face mask, everything else exposed for the world to see as he ran out of his room and down the hall in his bath towel.

His feet scampered down to the main lobby, the boy peeking his head out from behind a wall to get a good look at where everyone was at. There was, of course, a large blob of people in every direction, each doing their own thing and living their own lives, not that it mattered all that much to Tac. The only significance he felt was when his eyes rested on the two nekos that were bickering among themselves, and the pesky knight that stood between them. Digging his nails into the wall to the point where he scraped the paint off of them, Nekomancer bit his bottom lip, wishing that the girls had turned all of that aggressive fervor onto himself. If only they yelled at him like that, then he could safely say that his life was complete and go ahead with killing them with no remorse. Ah, what a dream that was.

Suddenly, a shocking revelation hit him on the head. He had never, not once, been asked out before. Hell, he wasn't even sure that his heart was prepared for something so tantalizingly euphoric as having a neko come to him, rather than the other way around. Placing a hand on his bare chest, the man grimaced in pain. Was this fear? He hoped so. That was when his eyes caught sight of the ethereal being from before. If he wasn't mistaken, they had tried to talk with him earlier. Maybe this was his chance to gain experience before the main event. Nekomancer didn't want to be seen as some sort of ignorant nutcase when it came to relationships. He was the cool and suave character in this lame high school harem anime, obviously.

Rushing to the ghost's side, he didn't care how the others saw him, puffing his chest out in pride as his bath towel hung loosely over his waist, the weakest of winds risking the chance of scarring the entire room with his glorious body. "Specter!" he declared with a shrill cry of enthusiasm. "It's about time you put yourself to good use and teach me a thing or two about your romantic experience. Quick, come here and support me, so that I may bolster my courage and continue in my attempt to seduce my feline friends!" Pointing an accusing finger at the woman, he waited with little patience. There wasn't much time before his fateful encounter with Nikiri was to unfold, and he needed everything to go perfectly.

AI10100 AI10100
Lily chuckled at the human... until she realized that she was one of the teachers. Joy. Shame complete idiocy isn't one of the seven sins- she'd be able to help me with that, at least. As the teacher left, the water elemental offered to bring the unicorn back, which caused her to shudder in fear. She couldn't face him so soon after her flub. She needed to bail, and fortunately the teacher offered her a chance. Going into her room to unpack, Lily wondered about this Nikkiri Elms she would be rooming with. Maybe I can get her to make my half of the room like home. Eh... probably not.
Mistral Aquilo
✧・゚:*Magical Uniboy*:・゚✧
Current Location: Logica House Restroom
It came as no surprise to anybody that Mistral failed to recognize Omen King flee or Wayne rush pass, a stream of sentient water. He was too busy getting beautiful, or more so, just realizing the fact he was; not that he ever forgot that - ah, but it was a shame some had to try to ruin that. In his reflection he found all the peace one could hope to seek in their life. If he hadn't lapsed into tranquility Mistral might have reverted back into a stampeding animal with Nevore's spontaneous hollering, but he had found contentment. Besides, it was good news. Mistral knew, that despite all his glamour, he was utterly lacking in the skills department - and, becoming a model seemed like an easy way for him to garner some amount of acclaim as well as gain, hmm, whatever the reason was for him to delve into schooling in the first place, he imagined. But he needn't release that information at once!

Mistral did not go to Nevore as soon as he was called, perhaps he truly was so very invested in making sure he appeared just-so; perhaps, it was also a calculated pause for the purpose of s u s p e n s e . Mistral didn't really comprehend the reason behind being referred to as a 'gold mine,' but he supposed it was a positive thing. If Mistral was one to be easily intimidated, he may have been made so by the use of the word business - what a foreign and mysterious topic; but he was nonchalant as he turned around in a timely manner, having stilled long enough for non-existent spectators to wait with bated breath.

"Of course," Mistral replied levelly to the star-seeking Mr. Pinata.
okmelonn okmelonn

Syke Cria
Miniature Mage

Current Location: Haven House
"Oh my," Syke expressed in a near panic, "How rude of me not to introduce myself to such a gentlemen!" Syke rose to the tips of her toes, and, with a deft turn of the arm, gave a tinty bow. "I am Syke Cria!" She pronounced as if she was trying to guide her voice across an auditorium of people, rather then just whisper to the one. Perhaps it was a habit picked up from being so easily overlooked but having quite a lot to say. She let out a strange little noise as she rocked back onto her heels, or at least, the back part of her stumps. "And I'm certainly not a guardian," Oh my, perhaps, if she was diligent, she'd be able to become one!

Syke pushed both her hands straight out before her in what she assumed to be a sorcerer's stance, "but, with plenty of practice - I'll be able to cast barriers no Beast," eep! she nearly shuddered at the word, "dare to pass!" Perhaps they would dare... but they wouldn't be able to get through! She was sure of it! "Why, if I had barrier magic strong enough, I'd send that rouge," Syke thought of that insistently prodding girl, "up, up, and," Syke stood once more on her toes, her arms up in an attempt to show how up she would possibly send her - Syke didn't know where she'd put the fox girl next though! She imagined there'd be nothing left to do but place her back down on the ground where she rightly belonged. No need to dally on what she'd do with that girl though - "Ah, and that man! Why," she said, not seeming to comprehend that maybe Cayman wasn't omnipotent to all going-onings in her small but eventful life, "I could deflect his knife before he even thunk to throw it! Imagine that," Syke cheered as she imagined that, wow, what a hero! Nikiri would be so proud of her! "Ah, once I'm strong enough to be a Keeper, I shall of course defend my community with my life," Syke expelled bravely, before remembering, "Ah, I suppose, I'd do that now, too." Syke absently gave Cayman's mask a pat - my, did his face get chilly or something, or was it out of how stylish it looked. Syke was certain such a thing would look goofy on her.​

"What about you Cayman? What are you studying to learn?" Skye was sure you couldn't tell what anyone in Lakoria practiced just off looks alone - well, if they didn't wear a pointy hat and wield a flying broom, but that didn't mean she couldn't try! "Oh! Wait let me guess you're a, a," this was harder then she thought it'd be, "a being with the ability to fly, no - more like, you can parallelize people with your stare - ah that doesn't sound right!" Syke frantically tried to recall something, "you're a light mage?" Syke could think of no more guesses and so simply blinked in intrigue.
Mistborn Mistborn

Last edited:

Erika Dubloit
Interacting with: Nekomancer ( TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity ), Ms. Littell ( Loony_Bin Loony_Bin )

Erika had tuned out the conversations around her, only watching as the crowd grew. She had flown back to make space for the others - not that she really did occupy any of it but she figured that the others wouldn't like to sit on a chair she was 'occupying'. She was putting a mark on those she was interested in - but most of them caught her eye. Not so much that she would go out of her way to talk to them, but she wanted to make sure that she'd at least try to talk to them. Besides, they were all in this house. That was enough of a reason to talk to them. Maybe they could aid her in her magical pursuits. Lily had already offered her help - though she wasn't sure how a demon would fare in summoning but maybe she could help with the control. Her eyes had caught the two nekos - not because they were bickering and that Raziel was trying to keep them calm - but mostly because she thought about how lucky Nekomancer was. Surely, he had his eyes on them.

Though the thought of what he would do to them didn't settle well in her... or well, it shouldn't, though she kept thinking about what kind of results would come out of Nekomancer's rituals. She caught herself staring for a little too long and she quickly averted her gaze. She began to wonder when Ms. Littell would get there. As much as she loved to observe, shoving her in an entire common room's chaos was not her ideal position. Too many things to take note of and -

She blinked as she watched the easygoing teacher enter with a box. Erika liked Ms. Littell even if she was the type of teacher she figured would fit in House Journey. She was a cheery person who she could count on to bring some fun. The woman threw them each a can - Erika quirked an eyebrow as she spread a hand out to catch the can. It floated harmlessly in front of her. She watched as their teacher open hers and then drink what it contained - only to be surprised and spit it all out. She wondered what it was. Considering she couldn't drink it or even taste it, she wasn't sure what Ms. Littell was expecting. Booze perhaps? Composing herself, she then began to talk about who their roommates were going to be.

Oh, so Kyra was her roommate? Good. That's good.

She floated towards Ms. Littell. "Don't worry Ms. Littell." She said cheerily. "It wasn't that bad." She didn't exactly want the woman to suddenly up and leave. However, before she could say anything else, she saw Nekomancer bolt down.

There were many things she didn't expect in life. Two of those things were happening right then and there. A half-naked man telling her to teach them about romance. And then, the second one was the fact that it was Nekomancer telling her to do it. It was not even a question or a request. It was an order. She took a deep breath, slowly looked around to see that no one paid him too much attention. Floating towards Nekomancer, she crossed her arms and looked at him straight in the eyes. "I sure do hope you remember my name, if you're going to be requesting extremes, Nekomancer." She said. She will definitely not know who he was talking to had he not pointed an accusing finger at her.

"But I'll help you." She said with a small smile. Erika would probably not have any other chance where Nekomancer would ask for her help. Besides, she was pretty sure that while her romantic quests weren't the most memorable nor did she really care much for it, she could still help. She then scrunched up her nose. "But please put on some clothes first. I do not believe anyone would appreciate seeing your... private parts and bad reputation means... well, it means not even your beloved nekos might like you if they hear you were running around stark naked." Now, let's see if this kind of psychology works.
Haven common room
Current form: Human
Interacting with: SpiritOwl SpiritOwl
Mentioned: N/A

Ah, so the Ohom’s name was Syke, a cute name for sure. As he listened in he took note of her manor and tone in which she introduced herself. Cayman guessed she wasn’t used to addressing people individually or maybe she was used to just being ignored, he knew the feeling quite well. Although, he actively worked on being ignored rather than seeking attention. When she mentioned that she wasn’t a guardian he froze up, was she offended that he called her something she wasn’t? It didn’t seem so. She had quickly moved past it and onto talking about her magic, so he decided to ignore it and pay careful attention to her words from now on. Being able to create barriers was a much tamer power than some of the others he had heard of, although he was glad that Syke couldn’t summon great balls of flame akin to what he had been told of in stories. He spoke with obvious curiosity, he knew very little of the magical world and it sounded oh so interesting, albeit oh so dangerous as well. “What kind of things can you do now?”

His curiosity was halted however at the mention of a man who... threw a knife at her!? Why would someone ever try to harm such a peaceful being!? It sent shivers down his spine just thinking about it, he really did not have a stomach for violence. What made it even worse were the next words that came out of her mouth. Keeper!? I’ve been addressing her wrong this entire time!? He silently hoped that she wasn't bothered at his incorrect speech, she hadn't said anything about it so hopefully she had spared him from her wrath. Syke’s words on protecting her family and community resonated with him, one of the main reasons he came to Lakoria, besides being exiled from his village and having nowhere else to go, was so that he could learn how to protect those he cares about and eventually return to his homeland having redeemed himself.

After musing on the thought of returning home for a while, Cayman found himself facing a question from his flowery companion. “Oh, well...”, his voice trailed off as he pondered the question more. Why was he here? “I’m working on learning how to better accustom myself to ‘regular’ society.” He emphasized the word “regular” by adding air quotes, something he had picked up on last year. For the most part he was telling the truth, the time he had spent around regular humans had been less than ideal, his spineless attitude being the biggest issue. “Maybe once I graduate I’ll be able to go back home...” He looked down with an almost defeated look in his eyes and, although his mask was covering it, the nervous smile he had once had now faded to a small frown.

He didn’t let the feeling linger as Syke tried to guess at his abilities, too much moping around and he’d start feeling like that all the time. He let out a quiet chuckle, his smile returning once more, “Nope, I just have the ability to hide in plain sight and catch stuff with my mouth. Pretty simple if you think about some of the stuff everyone else here can do.” Cayman blinked and looked up, had he really said all that!? He wasn’t sure what had come over him, usually talking about himself made him even more shy and uncomfortable than normal, but he felt fine with telling it all to Syke. Her energy was just something he wasn’t accustomed to, he enjoyed listening and watching as she danced around on his collar with every word she spoke. He relaxed a little, carefully leaning back into the plush armchair he was occupying in a way to disturb his tiny friend as little as possible. “So, I take it that you’re here to practice your magic?”​
Kerry Stayne

Kerry was bored... Had she gotten into a sort of argument with another Neko? Yes.... But that was a few minutes ago! She wanted to learn more about people, not wait endlessly to hear their complaints. Her tail seemed to agree with her, swishing gently from side to side. She was about to spit out a question at the Neko Girl when suddenly someone busted into to the room. The quick surprise of it made her jump atlas 2 feet in the air, making her tail fluff up in surprise. Quickly trying to compose her self, she forced her tail flat and looked at the person in surprise. She was apparently a teacher. Kerry's ears twitched at her, trying to make out who and what this person was.

Her name was apparently Ms. Littel, which mean't that she was probably a teacher. That and the fact that she had mentioned she was their favorite teacher. Kerry was about to say, "Hey your not my favorite teacher, I don't know you yet!" Though she closed her mouth, and remembered that her parents told her that it was rude to say stuff like that to other people. Anyways, snapping her attention back to the teacher, she had apparently brought in some refreshments. Though as soon as Ms. Littel took a sip, she spat it out. What was wrong? Were the drinks bad? Kerry started biting her nails, though caught herself from the bad habit. No, they seemed fine enough.... As she soon saw other students taking them.

Another thing that happened was that Ms. Littel had called dorm mate assignments, and Kerry wasn't on there. Few! wait? What did that mean? Did it mean she didn't have a dorm mate? Of that was so, she sure was happy Ms. Littel was her teacher. Walking up to the teacher, she could see that a ghostly student was trying to comfort her, though Kerry didn't see anything wrong? Maybe it was traditional! If it was good she should also try it!

"Yeah, Ms. Littel, that was cool, and scary but cool!" Kerry said, with a smile on her face. Yay! She had comforted someone, this was the best! Reaching down to the soft drinks, she grabbed one and popped the top, trying to drink it, though it seemed a bit too fizzy for her taste.

Loony_Bin Loony_Bin

Mentions : Anyone Anyone at Logica
Greed Mcknob

Greed had a frown on his face as he tried to find the journey dorm. Honestly after looking around the courtyard for so long, he kinda felt like he had gotten lost. Maybe it had to do with how he hadn't anything at all, that he was really getting tire out, that he almost felt like eating the mushrooms and nuts that was placed inside. It took him a while, by a while, I mean a long time, for him to finally arrive at the Journey dorm. Greed felt all giddy knowing that now hewould finally meet this giant people that he was always told about, people who weren't 3ft tall like him when in the village. He slowly opened the door before taking some steps forward and feeling like him he collided with a stone wall. "What the hell? Did someone block the entrance door?" He questioned himself. He had to look at who it was before seeing someones ¿legs?,forcing him to look way up, that he almost felt like he was gonna fall.
Mentioned: Atourr( okmelonn okmelonn )
Interacting: Noone
(This is Rex Archer, just different user name)
What was her name again? The maniacal prodigy racked his bright mind, listing all of the possible names that this girl might have possessed, but not one of them had clicked in his mind as he stared at her, his expression vacant. Clapping his hands together, Nekomancer stood with a dignified grace, once more restoring the immortal bravado that he established from before. "Names are of no importance, my ghoulish partner," he explained, taking a step forward and invading her personal space, and then some. "Just know that once you've assisted the great and powerful Nekomancer, your name will be remembered for generations to come, and they will sing hymns of you in Heaven." Agreeing that his evidence was successful enough in drawing Erika in, he continued onward.

Adjusting his bath towel over his hips, Nekomancer wiggled his body to where the cloth sat comfortably against his body. With a single huff, he spun around once, airing out the towel and exposing his hairy legs for all to see. "A body is no more than a shell that houses the makeup of a being. One is not birthed into this world wearing garments, so why should it matter that I do not have mine? Just as a body is made to crumble, so is its reputation. There is no shame in exposing that which is only skin deep. Instead, it is wiser to look beyond the manifestation of man and peer into the deeper dwellings of the psyche. Only then will you reach true immortality. That is what I build my work from, and what I spend many sleepless nights pondering. So, instead of mocking my choice in fashion, how about we progress this conversation in a direction which benefits both parties and-"

Suddenly, the man stopped himself, his eyes glued to a certain cat-eared individual as they made their way over to where he currently resided. Similar to a being struck down by their own speech impediment, Nekomancer was unable to find the words he wished to convey, for what stood before him was none other than a neko in the flesh, speaking nonchalantly with the teacher "Ms. Irrelevant". Ah, what a sight to behold. Akin to that of a goddess that flew down from the sky and blessed all that had the luck to witness her, Nekomancer felt his own body quiver. He praised the way her voice mimicked that of an orchestra, construing itself into an angelic symphony of words, each syllable etching itself into the very pores of his body and filling his mind with untainted happiness.

"MAGNIFICENT!!!" he cried out, curling in on himself in a spotty fashion. How was it possible that he missed such a benevolent creature in his time at school? How was it that only now he was able to lift the veil over his eyes and truly uncover what true beauty was in its purest form? It was impossible, that's how. Forgetting that Erika existed, Nekomancer rushed back onto his feet, dusting himself off with a flurry of pats and ruffling his hair in a crude manner. Soon, he was standing next to Kerry, holding a calm demeanor as he casually went to reach down for a drink as well, their hands touching. "A-Ah, sorry about that!" he said through his facade, extending a hand to the rapturous creature in front of him. "My name is Nekomancer. I don't believe we've met before. . ."

AI10100 AI10100 Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Deathpelt Deathpelt

  • zzzzzzz.jpg


    The man was mentally relishing in the success of his little game. Eanna appeared to be completely, and utterly duped. His newfound goddess almost tore the divine veil he had so graciously bestowed upon her. However, some gears must have spun within her mind, as she was quick to change her mind and embrace her new identity. It was only when the bird politely grilled him about his own offering to the goddess, that Asad felt a tinge of resentment towards his plan.

    Turning to gaze at the lack of cash the man possessed, his heart faltered, if only slightly. Ahh...what a sly individual. The gentle tug on his sleeve was undeniably adorable, and even if the Jinn felt wary of the bird, his earnest way of speaking had a way of winning his favor. Something only few could manage to do against Asad.

    But his gaze didn't linger long, as he trained them back onto Angelica. I suppose it is a simple feat for someone like myself to conjure up $30. Given as she did wish for it. I must admit, why $30? Was there truly nothing else on her mind? An awkward air of silence filled the air around them. The Jinn had withheld an answer for far too long. Long enough for Mac Daddy to pop into the scene. Raising his eyebrows at his nickname towards bird boy, Asad questioned the man's relationship with Eanna. Still, he couldn't help but feel relieved by Mac's sudden presence. Saving him from a proper reply to Eanna's question, he wasted no time in immersing himself into the conversation.

    Playing into the story Asad had created around Angelica, Mac added his own twist. But why? The man was a con artist, taking pleasure in extorting others. His reason for placing a safety net around Eanna and his's wallets was a current mystery. Perhaps the misdirection wasn't intended to save their moolah at all, but for conning the witch herself. Asad welcomed any and all of Mac's ideas, and he would, play right into this one.

    "How insightful of you. How devastating I would be if I had, all this time been following such a deceptive individual." Asad spoke in a slightly disappointed tone, his eyes revealing nothing but feigned concern for the matter. It was only then, that he noticed another figure within the four-some. The blonde boy he had the pleasure of teasing earlier. Except now, holding the boy's gaze for a few moments, it was apparent Elliot had downed a drink or two. Wondering if he could string the poor soul into the manipulative game, Asad took his arm and wrapped it around the boy's shoulder, bringing him closer to Eanna and Mac. "Oh? I think you're confused. The real party has always been right here." He spoke coyly.

    Interacting: Mistborn Mistborn Loony_Bin Loony_Bin SpiritOwl SpiritOwl metalcity metalcity


Syke Cria
Miniature Mage

Current Location: Haven House
What kind of things could she do now? Well, Syke ... wasn't really confident enough to test that... She did know one thing for certain, however, "Mrr, regular society is no where for me." There were so few magical beings that asked before, perhaps, relentlessly prodding such a small creature that Syke was sure someone with no comprehension of magic would be far worse to meet. She became quite excited at the prospect of graduation, to her it seemed just around the corner despite her first day waning before her, "Graduation from Lakoria is surely an honor; any would be proud to know such an alumni!" Syke had heard the countless tales of the weak being grisly murdered by more competitive students; she knew the risk of throwing herself into a mass of terrifying beasts of the nether - but through her terror, she was resolved. She didn't notice Cayman's expression change, it was hard too with such beady little eyes.

"Oh my, if my people had the power to hide so valiantly, we would have no need for magic," Syke wondered if maybe this ability to hide so well was magickal in nature, or was it a skill trained after many years, maybe an innate skill?! Syke reasoned she must've been at least satisfactory at hiding. Else she'd've been eaten by now. Syke subconsciously toddled a few steps away from Cayman's masked mouth. "Oh yes," Syke piped, "I imagine it will take a lot of practice," Syke, wasn't all too sure practice would help her, "but I'm much more anxious to study." Even if she wasn't very good at magic, well - the control of it - she could at least pass the knowledge on to her people so they could test their affinities and save their society. "The library is so extensive! I've never seen anything like it," If the library had been a shelf, it would've been extensive to Syke.
Mistborn Mistborn

Puppeteering Parrot

Current Location: Journey House
Éanna was thoroughly ruffled by Asad's delayed response and tried not to shiver, were they both to be rawr'd at under the firm punishments of a dissatisfied goddess?!? The suspense rushed to palpitate his birdie heart.

Éanna let out several drawn out chirps at Mac's reappearance - had he been rushing in effort for the safety of Éanna? "Tíre does not worry need for Éanna; Éanna has many strongs." How poofy could Éanna make his feathers? He was sure the ruffling of them showed off much of the strength he believed himself to harness in his feathered frame - even whilst in fear over being rawred at. Éanna was most surprised by Mac's proclamation, a goddess which didn't demand alters, sacrifices, offerings, groveling and destruction of her enemies?! Didn't even grotesquely exaggerate of her battle feats in a show of unabashed pride?! That didn't seem like the actions of a mighty goddess, maybe - she was a minor deity? But, love was the strongest forces in the world! Or, so he heard once. Éanna wasn't too sold on the idea. You couldn't break bones with love. Still, didn't she want claim to something, just a little? Éanna felt bad for this goddess who made no demands from her title, why even be known as such when it was as worthless and as trivial as being a not-goddess? He whistled a series of sad whistles, poor goddess. She was weak. Mac and Asad seemed to this this was a desirable character trait of their idol, and though Éanna could not in any fiber of his person figure out why that would be, he didn't judge them for praying to an entity so meek.

Éanna chirruped through Mac's whispering all the same as if he could find a reason as to why Aine would be little more then the victim in the epic of another. Éanna liked whispering. Éanna also thought that maybe the extorters were the true goddess and they hid under the guise of eccentric mortal girls throughout the ages to build a repertoire of being harmless. Such seemed a very godly thing to do; that was something he would commend. They were so deceptive, they even deceived their disciples! How dubious this goddess, perhaps she was strong, and only Éanna knew. What a smart bird; Éanna snuggled into his own feathers, assured that the goddess was secretly a very clever and chaotic individual. Mac and Asad crafted their allegiances very well.

Éanna slipped an arm around Elliot to help the lad to stand without incident. He seemed quite dizzy, hopefully he wouldn't be sick - Éanna had recently learned that bothered some people. He blinked curiously over at the pint-sized witch, who perhaps to him seemed adequately and normally-sized, and inquired, "The Goddess Aine, is generous," he meant it as a compliment, to boost the moral of her sorry excuse for an all mighty being, but, it came off as more of a question. I mean - who would want to give away stuff?!? It destroyed the purpose of having it in the first place. It was near instantaneous after this statement, that Éanna's feathers gave way into a field of mushrooms which were in no way edible and highly irritating to the skin. He trilled in a mixture of surprise, awe, understanding, and just a little bit of pain. These mushrooms were surely full of dark powers! Surely this was a sign, that the goddess was one of the greatest of generosities! What great collection pieces! He wondered if he could dry them, burn them? What could've caused the potion effects to take hold so suddenly and dramatically (not that Éanna thought them of any relation to the potion)?! The bird tore his arm away from Elliot all to swiftly and became aware that, the poisonous spores felt far worse then a funny elbow.

He hopped back several times, not paying any mind to the 12 and half dollars that spiraled from his panicked hand. He hoped nothing would happen to the potion preciously seated on the ground as he began brushing off the many, seemingly hundreds of mushrooms with fervor! He wiggled with the power instilled with him through the school called life. Well, if one thing was certain, it was that he'd have no need to worry about the clipped ends off his feathers, they grew back in full! What a powerful being, never before had Éanna observed such power, he was too busy being impressed to worry about the consequences of coming into contact with such poisonous specimens but not drawn to out of it to keep pulling them off and chatter painfully as he did so. Even if Aine did not demand groveling, she surely was deserving of it.
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin , NyxNightmare NyxNightmare , metalcity metalcity , Mistborn Mistborn


Interacting With
unicorn boye
Current Location
logica men's bathroom
probably about to write a modeling contract on a piece of toilet paper


The merman had been so caught up within his own dreams and ideas. The thought of countless sketchbooks piled on his desk, money in his account, glamour and fame all around. Indeed, he had been so incredibly caught up with this that that he hadn't noticed that the once-unicorn had reverted into the form of.. A man!? Not any man, a gorgeous man. Adorned with jewels and gilding, with fabrics of the finest degree. His breath was taken at this display of absolute radiance. He felt that he would break out in sobs at the other's answer. 'Of course', he had said. Was he truly going through with this..? Would Nevore finally achieve his dreams, beginning with this singular model!? He regained his composure, now even more determined than before on setting a deal. "Mistral. My dear, precious Mistral. You're gorgeous, and I know you think so as well. Your beauty has attracted the eyes of people like me. People who want to strike a deal." His tone was calculating, cunning and precise. "Model for me, Mistral. Your reputation will soar! You'll take off, baby, oh yes you will. I'll admit, at the moment I've not much to give up front. But! Considering our situation, I'm certain you expect pay, yes? I'll make sure you get a cut of the goods, you're what's makin' it happen, after all!" He threw his hands up in the air at the purely elated state he was in. Nevore then lowered his hands, clearing his throat. "Let's rule this school. No, this world. C'mon, say yes."


Interacting With
small luck boye
Current Location
journey commons
oh no! atourr hurt tiny human?!
a small satchel, mostly filled with forks


Atourr held a bright smile on her face. How fun! There were so many people gathered in one place. Though, she felt that she would have to bend down to talk to any of them.. "Ah- Hello- Oh, okay, bye.." She would begin each time someone would pass her, only to have them walk on by a moment later. The Orc frowned, the expression coming out slightly more scary than she would had liked it to. It was then that she felt something bump against her legs, causing her to turn around and look down. "Ah! O-Oh no! Ato- I mean.. Daiamo hurt tiny human!" The girl exclaimed. She bent down to reach the other's height, "Daia very, very sorry! Is small human okay?!" She questioned, a look of utmost concern coming over her features.​

Kerry Stayne

Kerry was about to pick up another soft drink when she felt another hand reach down for the same one as her. Surprised, she left her tail fluff up just the tiniest bit, before flattening it back down. Shaking off the feeling she looked up to see a half naked man. At once she gave a small jump of surprise. oh, well um.. what should I do? Maybe I could say hi? First impressions usually aren't right.. right??? After much debate Kerry decided that she should try to speak to the man. Though he seemed start first.

"A-Ah, sorry about that!" he said extending a hand in front of him. "My name is Nekomancer. I don't believe we've met before. . ." Kerry looked at him up and down, deciding it was best to avoid the topic of his entire lower body being covered only by a towel or bathing robe like blanket. Slowly at first reaching for his hand she took it, shaking it vigorously. He seemed Okay enough, sure being half naked was a bit weird, but he wasn't in any way being rude to her.

"Hi! My names Kerry, but I guess you could call me Kerry, since I don't really have a nickname." She continued chatting, spilling most of her bubbly attitude, since he wasn't rude, she was glad to pour words out of her mouth, and have someone to speak to. "You said your names Nekomancer right? Thats cool, is it a nickname, or a friend name, or a parent given name? Mine is a parent given name, since you can't really imagine Kerry as a nickname." She was about to speak more, when she caught herself rambling on. Quickly her ears gave a shamed response, bouncing slightly towards the back of her head. "O gosh, I'm rambling aren't I? Sorry about that! Anyways is Logica your house too?" She asked curiously, hoping she could keep her mouth under control for the remainder of the conversation. While waiting she scooped down to take another can of the weird fizzy drink, and opened it. She then took a sip, giving her mouth a distraction.

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity

Anyone Anyone else at Logica Commons
Greed Mcknob

Greed had to steady himself before look at said person whose leg he had bumped to. He almost felt like apologizing but when said person started apologizing and calling him him a tiny human, he became annoyed. "Oi'm not a wee 'uman yer big green 'uman tree." "I'll 'av yer nu oi'm normal size in me family." That was true, considering that even though he was still just a young leprechaun, he had reached the normal size for a leprechaun, that it could be considered something odd when he was still young, not even reaching the normal age for an adult one. "But still, it wus me fault for not payin' attenshun wha oi wus 'eadin." He apologized, since it was him that had bumped into her even if she was tall as hell.
Interacting: Atourr okmelonn okmelonn

Erika Dubloit
Interacting with: Nekomancer ( TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity ), Kerry ( Deathpelt Deathpelt )

Erika didn't even look even the least bit uncomfortable when Nekomancer had gotten too close for most people's comfort. She rolled her eyes. He didn't even remember her name. This was going to be a very long tutorial. "First off, if you're going to impress someone, knowing their names might be something that would be good." She pointed out, wincing at being called 'ghoulish partner'. First Spectre, then Ghoulish Partner? He was just pulling all these nicknames from who knows where and they weren't particularly settling well with her. But she knew better than to lecture him on something that did not involve his nekos. After all, their previous talk did not go over so well when she tried to convince him to teach her necromancy. She then shook her head. She'll just introduce herself later again and hope that he remembers it the next time they meet.

When he readjusted his towel, she couldn't help but just shake her head in exasperation. Goodness, this guy just doesn't get it. He went on a rant about how the body is not what is important, but what is inside. Hilarious coming from someone who loved nekos and that was based on physical appearance but she's going to stay quiet about that. "Even so, Nekomancer, I'm sure everyone will appreciate some clothing." She said with a small shrug. Erika was about to agree to start their tutorial session, but Nekomancer had cut her and himself off when he spotted a neko. Gods he was a weird kid but she can do nothing about that. She floated back so that he didn't run into her as he bolted for the neko.

She followed behind him and was just surprised how quickly he can go from this odd boy to this bashful, shy person. Erika was just honestly impressed by this. The neko seemed very amicable and gave him her name and started chatting. What a nice person. Erika waved at her and gave her a smile as she floated behind Nekomancer, a few feet away from him of course. She did want to introduce herself, but didn't want to steal the neko's attention from Nekomancer. Because she was pretty sure the guy would not appreciate that. She played with the drink that she had caught earlier, turning it around and then spinning it. It looked like some kind of drink since most were drinking it, and it didn't seem like it was that bad. Maybe... Ms. Littell was just overreacting.

Wayne winced as he watched a can of cola collide with that strange egg-shaped head that had intrigued him so much. Taking it as a warning, he phased into a more watery form, allowing the can chucked at him to pass through with a splash. "Ah, geez," he grumbled, brushing the can's point of entry until it closed up again. "Are you okay?" Just then, Wayne also noticed that he'd managed to knock the strange being off-kilter while he wasn't looking, scrambling to help it - but it seemed like the Omen king had it under control in the end. "Yikes... uh, I'm really sorry about that."

It was around that time that the Omen King decided to speak, and Wayne found himself almost as hypnotized by its voice as he was by its appearance. "Oh, a teardrop!" He exclaimed, slamming his fist against his palm in an "aha!" moment, excited at this revelation. "That makes so much sense! I can see it now!" He took a couple paces back, using his fingers to put the Omen King's teardrop head in a little frame. "Now I feel a bit bad for the egg comparison, since, you know, eggs come from-" Wayne paused in surprise as the floating being confirmed this "egg" theory. His eyes widened in equal parts horror and amazement with its grisly description of its own demise and... hatching? "Whoa..." Wayne muttered, utterly awestruck. "That's pretty, uh, how do the humans call it? Rocky? Irony? I'll get it eventually..." He pondered the situation for a moment. "Oh, 'metal'! That's pretty 'metal'! Not that I know what that means. I mean, you aren't made of metal, are you?"

Once the Omen King presented the cola, Wayne gladly took the offered drink, though he really had no idea how to use it. "Thank you!" He said, giving his new sparkling acquaintance a little bow of gratitude. Soon enough, he was busy fiddling with the strange tab on top of the can, though manners eventually stopped him, setting his attention back to their conversation. "I'll have to say, though, you're pretty amazing! I mean, has anyone told you that your e- I mean, teardrop head is pretty enchanting? And your robes are pretty sweet - I think I have a friend who likes this kinda stuff! Oh, and how can you spin on top of these seats? Do you do ballet? It's just so cool!" Childlike wonder shone in Wayne's eyes as he fired off question after question. Eventually, (and with some difficulty,) the water elemental climbed up onto the arm of the same seat the Omen king had chosen, though he still found himself dwarfed by the other being. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you! I'm Wayne, just your neighborhood water spirit!" He extended a hand out to the looming figure before him, raising himself on the tips of his toes so the Omen King wouldn't need to stoop too far. "I usually don't ask too many weird questions, I promise."

Foxu Foxu


Nurse's office
Nyx is now a fox, for anyone confused, take a look at his character sheet

When Rae grasped him tighter all it made Nyx do was put more effort into trying to get free. 'You fucking bitch, just let go of me already god dam-' Nyx stopped struggling when Rae threatened to ''melt his paws together''. Surprising he wasn't keen on the idea of having his hands.. now paws fused together. He wasn't even sure if she could do something like that, but he figured that it was better if he didn't find out. 'This is all that little cat girls fault.. If she didn't headbutt my fucking mouth, this bitch would be dead and I wouldn't be treated like her stupid fucking pet right now' Nyx was starting to get pissed off at how powerless he was right now, and he was directing all his hate and anger towards the two kitsunes, as he was sure that it was completely their fault. 'I'm gonna make those fucking cat bitches regret doing this to me. She's so fucking smug right now that she has all the control.. I'll figure out what they did to me and they will fucking pay'

Nyx was so lost in his thoughts of revenge that he didn't even notice the people knocking Rae down until he was flung from her grasp and to the ground along with her. Realising that he was finally free from the Kitsune's grasp, Nyx quickly took the opportunity to get some distance from her. But before running off after Pluto and the smaller Kitsune, He decided to take a moment to gloat, even if Rae couldn't actually hear him. 'Hah! Take that you stupid fucking cat bitch. I'm free. Next time you see me, I'll make sure you're be six feet under moments after.' He turned tail immediately after taunting Rae, and started running towards the nurse's. 'Fuck you! I'm Freee!'

When he got to the Nurse's office, He was relieved to find that the door was left open. Nyx entered the office just in time to hear the tail end of Jay's rant, which seemed to be directed towards Pluto. Nyx decided that it was good idea to not involve himself in it, not that he could even if he wanted to. He figured that it was best if he didn't stay on the ground, and get stepped on or something. And as much as he hated to admit it, he doubted that he'd be able to get up high by himself, he knew cats could jump high up, but he wasn't about to risk failing and looking like an idiot, and also possibly getting thrown out the office by Jay, who would have no idea who he was. So Nyx decided he'd have to ask one of them to pick him up, and he figured that Pluto would be the better option. 'Yo Pluto you dick. pick me up and put me on the side or something' He then remembered that Pluto couldn't understand him.. even if he could talk to the snakes on his head. So Nyx walked over to Pluto and batted lightly at his leg to get the gorgon's attention, then Nyx figured that maybe the snakes could be of use for once. 'Yo, you shitty snakes. Tell pluto to put me on the side or one of the beds or something. I know you pieces of shit can hear me, so you better fucking do it'

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