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Koralia Stormcaller
Interactions: DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK Goonfire Goonfire

"I arrived a few days ago to await those chosen, but I didnt expect the group to be so large. Or so diverse."

Koralia nodded as Alithea fell into step alongside them. She recongised the tone as one similar to her own. A reluctance to let their guard down around creatures that would spill their blood in return in a past life. But there seemed to be something else in her face. An acceptance, a peace that had come with burying the hatchet.

Not to worry, what was buried could be dug up again.

She almost missed the woman’s question. “Travelling? About a week at this point, not a huge amount of time, but it’s never dull,” She replied with a smile. Alitheia was trying to read her in return, Koralia could see it on her face. “Sorry about the lack of details, there’s only so much information I guess the Goddess wants to trust out in the open,”

“This stop was necessary because two of us are cursed, in fact."

Koralia ignored the jab. “Korro, the wolf looking man, he was slashed a while back. Hasn’t been quite right since,” She explained to the new trio. “I’ve been in contact with a…something…related to the demons pursuing us. Not sure what yet,” She explained carefully. If she could present it as not a big deal, the girl was quietly hoping the opinion would rub off on others. She followed as the attendants took them to a small isolated house, notably away from the bulk of the activity. Several of the surrounding people seemed nervous at their arrival, and Koralia stifled a laugh as the natural reactions of the mortals led them drifting away from them. Inside, Korro was lowered gently onto the bed with various nurses around them. Sweating, tired.


Koralia felt her muscles tense, and adrenaline started kicking into the system as Korro was prepped for…whatever he was being prepped for. It was certainly an opportunity that would’nt come up again, but she couldn’t win that fight, especially with Finyagur beside him. The man was an enigma, but chivalry be damned, he would probably defend his rival. Koralia felt her body lurch forward without her direction, and, in a start, excused herself from the room to head back to the steps outside their designated building, glancing at the comers and goers.
None of the people currently working seemed to be wearing any protection bizarrely, though their attitudes suggested this was per the norm. “Why be so worried about a plague but take no precautions to stop yourself from getting it?” She mused aloud.


Xie Dongmei

Healing the Sick
: The Seven Manor, Town of Bajie
Time: Morning
Wolf. Xie Dongmei's pursed her lips. Subtly, briefly, but her gaze lingered and erased any illusory assumption of her complicated heart. The few news of wolf packs activity north always sent the temple palpitating with worries. Villages were distant and people were sparse. The pack could arrive and flee long before the temple raised alarms. The wolf demons were not the most brutal nor did they kill the most, but they were the most feared.

Who knew that what she needed to do when she met one, she had instead to heal him?

"I have not heard of the name." Xie Dongmei shook her head at the God's question. "Staying here for two months time, it is no wonder that news have spread."

Xie Dongmei lent a listening ear to the group's experience. She glanced at Koralia as the notion of another cursed was brought up, but she said nothing. Someone who could still walk and banter and someone who fell unconscious, it was clear who she should prioritize.

Through the gate and into the house, creases lightened on her forehead once she was reminded of the plague. The group's timely arrival and urgent need for help, could that not be part of the Goddess' arrangement as well?

Xie Dongmei sat by the low bed and unwind the tassel from her waist. Its silver weight pressed cold on her skin and, once the wound was revealed, Korro's back. Deep, but not something she had not dealt with before. Xie Dongmei steadied the tassel. Countless prayers flew by as she searched for one would be fitting for the act. To heal a demon from a demon.

Koralia's chime cut her thoughts. Xie Dongmei's glanced over. Perhaps she should explain first so those idle would have something else to do. "This plague spreads not by air or water. All victims have a small wound on their body, small and coarse not unlike rat bite, yet not identical either. We have hid it from the public, but this plague," her gaze turned to the pavilion beyond. "it does not feel natural."

Natural. Xie Dongmei paused. Yes, instead of removing the evil, she should instead request a return to the whole, a recovery from ailment, and freedom from coercion. Her hand pressed against Korro's back and prayers flowed from her lips,

"Oh merciful, compassionate Zima,
We are here to inform you
Of our sickness and ailment,
And we long for your blessing, support, and protection.

Gains and losses in the world are the effect of causes,
Hardship and happiness are the results of past conditions.
We hope that the sick will obtain blessings,
the pained to be alleviated from suffering,
the wronged to be returned pure.
With great sincerity, we wish to dedicate our hearts on their behalf,

To prostrate, pay homage, and to repent to you."

Interaction: Korro, Koralia
SilverFlight SilverFlight Arai Arai

Mention: -
Eteri Eteri DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK Monday Monday Lioness075 Lioness075 Kibaa Kibaa Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Goonfire Goonfire
Ranger of the Nameless Shade
Alitheia Sera'lios

Location: Bajie - Manor
Aesthetic: x
Playlist: x
Arai Arai Lioness075 Lioness075 Goonfire Goonfire
SilverFlight SilverFlight Damafaud Damafaud

Alitheia listened with mild interest, though her gaze was elsewhere. She watched the people of Bajie scatter and begin to shrink. The city had just begun its early morning bustle, but word was spreading in a wave before them. Koralia offered what information she had. “...there’s only so much information I guess the Goddess wants to trust out in the open.”

Alie hummed her agreement. The scars that tugged on her lips made the subtle turn of the corner of her mouth difficult to catch, but she offered a grim if crumpled smile.
“The Gods work in shadow as much as in light. Even the God Queen herself. Do not apologize on Her behalf,”
she offered the woman.

"This stop was necessary because two of us are cursed, in fact.” Alitheia’s gaze jumped to the burly man at that. She rather liked the look of him, his breadth of shoulder and lacking garb reminding her of her northern home. She followed his gesture and studied his quarry, who began to explain. The ranger watched with those unsettling silver-braided eyes. That dark thing in her was weaving between her ribs, a shadowed tension that sucked the warmth from her marrow. Her shadow, soft and diffused in the clouded morning, tucked closer to her.

“I’ve been in contact with a…something…related to the demons pursuing us. Not sure what yet,” Koralia said. Alitheia’s chest was caught in a vice. Suddenly she felt as though she were looking in a mirror. What was she to say? That she had met her god or her demon or curse a decade ago and still it did not have a name? That still the thing wrapped its long fingers around her throat at night and whispered from the shadows in wordless song? That her heart remained shaded and beloved by the darkness even after all this time? No.

The thought was echoed by the impression of the word. At her back, her living bow warmed, a reassurance between her shoulder blades. She would say nothing. Not yet. These new companions did not need to know of her long carried burdens. It would not change anything.

Alitheia kept her expression carefully controlled.
“Curses and demons in pursuit,”
she surmised dryly with a faint smile.

"Of course, the Queen bestows unexpected blessings, placing new allies in our path."

“Aye, I'm one o' those blessin's, naturally. Name's Falarion, by the way.” Alitheia returned the woman’s grin more gently, her scars pulling at the corner of her mouth, tipping her head in greeting.

“Blessings on blessings,”
she agreed, tone serving to swallow the uncanny shadow weaving in her chest.

As they entered the grounds of the manor, Alitheria had new interests, though her gaze occasionally flickered over Koralia. ’I’ve been in contact with a…something…’ The words bridled the back of her mind. But the plague was what lay before them, and Alitheia was a healer by trade. She watched the Cultivator closely, and followed the group to the plague house.

Scents bombarded her - herbs she recognized, and other she did not. Her fingers ached for her journal and ink, but she resisted the urge. She would write on what she saw later. It was during that idle thought that she again found her gaze pulled to Koralia. The woman was tense, staring at the demon on the bed. That itch blossomed at the base of her skull, Alitheia’s grip tightening 5on her spear instinctively. And then Koralia started and stopped all at once. Alie’s eyes widened. The look on her face… The way she turned away… Alitheia watched her leave, but had to force herself to keep her feet rooted.

The Cultivator spoke, and Alitheia let herself slip back to the situation at hand. Were she to show too much interest in the other woman’s affliction, suspicion may turn to her just the same. She considered the ethereal woman’s words, her knuckles white on her spear haft. A rat bite, yet not. That didn’t bode well.

And then she was praying. It made a chill dance across her skin. Alitheia was a healer by all rights, but certainly not of the soul. She couldn’t heal her own, much less that of others. She was a master of the body, nothing more. Somehow she got the sense there would be very little she could offer, and yet she found herself leaning her spear against the wall, her bow following. Her bracers were loosened and pushed up her forearms. She was prepared should she be needed.
Code By Nano

Amidst the dread and chaos of a town rife with the plague, the manor was a bastion of tranquility... at least superficially. Perhaps more interesting than the veneer was the new company that joined this party—namely, Alitheia. Fin peered back at her following her responses. It was not only the gods who worked in light and shadow, but she as well. Both light and dark danced together in her, the latter not necessarily wicked. He resolved to not pry, lest he sour an already tense moment.

Fin made sure to heed the warnings and steer clear of the other patients. What good would it do to disturb them, after all? After setting down Korro, Fin stroked his beard. Perhaps Yue referred to a different cultivator, but he cared little, so long as Xie Dongmei could lift the curses and help restore her realm to its former glory.

"A bite?" Fin echoed once Koralia received her answer. "This concerns me. It seems to align more with a curse than a true plague. If that is the case, then perhaps destroying the source will help us lift it." He drew his spear and held it upright, indicating he was up to the task.

Interactions: SilverFlight SilverFlight DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK Damafaud Damafaud
Mentions: Arai Arai
Last edited:

Name: O'Korro - "Wolf"
Location: The town of Bajie, Eastern mountains
Time: Morning in the town of Bajie

Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Damafaud Damafaud

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Monday Monday @ShadyLady Lioness075 Lioness075 Kibaa Kibaa Arai Arai Eteri Eteri DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK

The sensations came to him in small bursts: being carried. Strong arms carrying him like a child. The soft touch of silk, the chill of mountain air. He only saw shapes, peering over him. Korro tried to move but his body felt numb. Then the pain began. It jolted him awake as the prayer called forth divine magic. It burned its way into him, searing the wound in his back like hot iron. Korro heard his own voice crying out. He felt the silk tear under claws. His human form was slipping from his grasp. The demon drew in a breath and tried to focus. Tears stung his eyes. It felt like he was being engulfed in flame. He held his form but barely.
Wisps of dark smoke coiled off the skin of his back. The gold ring about his neck glowed white hot but left no mark.

It felt like an age, but slowly, the wound began to close. The fire subsided. Korro all but collapsed back on the bed. He coughed, breathing hard. Wisps of white-grey hair were plastered to the sweat on his brow. He was weak, but he was alive.

After his breathing slowed, and he was able to regain some composure, he sat up, conscious of the fact that his shirt was sitting, neatly folded, on the end of the bed.
His deep yellow eyes lifted to meet those of the cultivator who had saved him.

"That wound...the curse...would have killed me today. You didn't have to help me, but you did. For that, I owe you a debt."
Then Korro did something that would surprise his old enemy. He dipped his head in a respectful bow.
Korro, the demon wolf of Frostbreak did not bow. He had been a warlord, a conqueror, a tyrant, but now, humbled by mercy, he did.

He looked around slowly, noticing the open door and some of their companions milling outside.
"Was...everyone watching this?" He asked awkwardly, colour rising in his tanned, freckled cheeks.

Location: Town of Bajie, Eastern Mountains
Time: Day 4, Morning
Interactions: Sovann, Finyagur, Xie, Korro, Koralia, Falarion, Khatiy, Alitheia
Mentions: N/A
Eteri Eteri Goonfire Goonfire Damafaud Damafaud SilverFlight SilverFlight Arai Arai Lioness075 Lioness075 Kibaa Kibaa DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK

Korro worried him. Immensely.

It took Xe’lik back to when he was with his family. Whenever someone fell ill or injured, the affair was either dealt in one of two ways. The ill or injured tried to brush it off like it wasn’t that bad and they usually took care of it themselves when they weren’t busy - likely to the detriment of their performance - or their nearby siblings put down what they were doing to help immediately, while their other siblings took on the tasks to make sure nothing was forgotten.

This situation reminded him of that. It left him feeling homesick, but he wasn’t about to let that suck him up into la-la-land. He actually glared as the new demonic addition to their ever-growing “happy family” tried lifting Korro’s arm. He didn’t say anything, just glared at him to show his disapproval. Korro wasn’t a ‘thing’ to just play with the remains of, he was dying.

He should find more care before Xe’lik found himself strangling the demon with his vines out of sorrow.

Falarion’s own mutterance was not lost on him, and his disapproving glare changed into a short chuckle. “You’re one of the cattiest of the bunch. I didn’t know if you were gonna use me as a cat-scratching pole or drop me off a cliff if I actually went and put the bandage on for you, which was what I was wanting to do.”

Someone passed out nearby, but Xe’lik didn’t care. He was more concerned about Korro. Fin picked him up, earning the giant god a raised eyebrow full of confusion and a wry smirk graced his bandaged features.

They were then called away to be guided by Xie and the acolyte, while Koralia made idle chatter with their new human friend, who felt odd. The slight odd movement of the shadow was not lost on him, and he even got her name by eavesdropping.

Finally, they made it to the building, and Xe noticed the apparent lack of safety being taken by the people here. It must’ve been spread by some other way. At least it wasn’t by air or touch, that was good. He was beginning to wonder if this plague was even normal, and he thought he heard a rat earlier, but wasn’t sure if that was what he heard.

As Korro was placed down, Xe’lik stood by his side, knowing that getting rid of curses from a demon was like putting wax paper on a wound and peeling it agonizingly slowly and in pieces. He looked over and saw Koralia, eyes dead set on Korro. The look in her gaze was one he was most oft familiar with, as he held the same gaze before.

Was she turning into a demon?

She started, then left as soon as she held that predatory gaze upon the dying demon. His eyes narrowed.

First, Korro, then Koralia. She could fight him all she wanted, but he was starting to grow sorrowful, which meant his vines would be easier to control if she ever did so much as fight the curse she seemingly wanted to consider a “gift”.

Xie explained the lack of security against this plague, something Xe had pieced together, but didn’t know it was by a bite. He began to pull the bandages away from his arms and face and let them drape about uselessly from his form, at least showing parts of sore, reddened patches of his skin so that he didn't look like a dying plague-filled patient. Before he had time to ponder about the plague any further, she started praying to Zima.

He didn’t know of this deity, but he sure knew this was going to hurt.

Others looked on or stayed away, but Xe stood there, keeping his hands on the side of the bed to not touch Korro until it was absolutely necessary. He can feel the heat radiating from Korro’s god-bind, and he went to grab Korro’s wrist to preemptively hold him back from accidentally hitting anyone nearby or hurting himself.

Once the last bit of pain eked, Xe let go, and let Korro breathe. He looked around, found a small towelette, and went to get it damp so he may wipe Korro’s brow for him, something that seemed almost mechanical with the way he did it so quickly and automatically.

As he set the towelette aside, he noticed Korro giving the human a debt. A life debt? Xe smirked as Korro looked around to see who noticed, and Xe let out a snicker. “Shh, we’ll keep your secret safe.” He patted him on the shoulder, smiling now. He then looked up at Xie, his eyes darting over to the entrance of the room where Koralia should be. “Thank you for healing him, but we have one more curse afflicted. I’ll get Koralia, if you don’t mind healing her, as well. I’m starting to think she might turn into a demon. She had that same look when she was staring at Korro; the same look demons get when they see human prey.” He said, then looked over at the entrance, preparing to give chase if she started to run because he was sure she heard that.

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The god of the hunt chose to not interfere as the prayer caused Korro agony. Fin knew, past the short-term suffering, this would restore the wolf's strength. After all, a warrior should die a warrior's death, and this gave him the chance to go with some shred of dignity later.

As he stood at a distance, it came as a shock to see Korro bow. A quick turn of his head towards the others revealed an unmistakable look of utter bewilderment. It was as though the normally stoic deity needed validation that his senses hadn't failed and deceived him. Had Xie Dongmei done the nigh-impossible? Of course; Fin was wrong to doubt it. Gods and demons held great physical and magical power, yet humans had a way of succeeding at challenges even a god found difficult. This feat reaffirmed why Fin had risked life and limb on this supposed fool's errand. It brought a rare and easily overlooked smile to his face.

Funnily, one of the first questions from Korro expressed concern that his companions watched the ritual. "Watched what?" Fin retorted, folding his arms. At that moment, sarcasm or goading felt inappropriate... utterly wrong, even.

It wasn't until Xe said something that Fin snapped out of his reverent stupor. Now that the immediate problem was resolved, Koralia needed her curse lifted... lest she bend to the will of a manipulative demon and cause irreparable harm. "Do you want help?" he inquired as Xe readied himself to go fetch the Stormcaller.

Interactions: SilverFlight SilverFlight Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Mentions: Arai Arai Damafaud Damafaud
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Koralia Stormcaller
Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Goonfire Goonfire
Mentions: DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK SilverFlight SilverFlight

"A rat bite...that's not going to be the easiest thing to track down, regardless of if it's a rodent or something bigger," She pointed out to Finyagur, looking around the city from their monastery vantage point. Even from this small area it was clear to see the size of the place would make finding such an animal a difficult task, one that would require significant coordination and effort. Did they have the time for such a task? Koralia shook the thought free. Their destiny was to the Goddess, but if people needed help then they should do what they can, surely.

Exactly. And that's exactly what you're doing talking to me. Looking to help the greater good!

Koralia tried to look for fault in the prescence's arguement, and found none. She had tried tirelessly to find fault in its reasoning, to uncover hidden motives, but it had been steadfast in its unwavering help. At this point, she could feel herself getting closer to the answers it coveted so closely. And she had been blooming in strength with each passing day of their travel. Alitheia, though they knew little of her, seemed to understand her viewpoint in some way. An unspoken connection. At the very least she hadn't looked in disgust like she kept catching some of the others at her.

Leering, whispering, planning behind your back. What would cause them to turn on you this way? Or is it just their nature?

Koralia pondered the thought for a few seconds as Korro gasped and panted on the cot belwo them. Coughing and spluttering. Weak. But her opportunity had passed for now. He'd likely lose if a fight did break out between them now. Xe seemed to be looking at her again, that same look of pity and suspicion. It was starting to irritate her. All these opinions of people who treated her like a child. Preparing to make moves against her should she run. She took a step outward onto the cold stone of the exterior of their building. Even with their skills, Koralia had proved one of the best climbers and trackers in their group. She could lose them for a day or 2 if she had to. She took another step forward onto the steps and felt her legs turn to stone, disobeying her will.

Running isn't going to solve any problems.

Koralia fought to move her legs, but found herself forcibly turning on the spot to face the building with the demons in. The prescene had asked her before about her strength, forewarning her weakness among the group amidst thse warriors. His question of if the demons turn on her was now a when the demons turn on her. And the when looked to be now. Koralia was bearing this curse to gain information, and was instead was treated as a child playing with forces she couldn't comprehend. She'd come here out of choice, not from servitude. That might not have made her better than the demons, but certainly more noble.

"I’ll get Koralia"

He'll get you? Even the little one, for all his kindness and pity, sees you as a helpless maiden that they need to carry to these temples. My friend, the time to show them you are more than that is now. Maidens run. Warriors fight.

"I'm not going to hurt them," She said aloud, though her head was buzzing with noise. It made her blood boil and static fill the air around her, a deep ozone smell filling her lungs. She felt sparks dance on her finger tips, flexing them as they arced with tiny strikes of lightning. There were still others within the group. And besides, surely the demigods and humans amongst them wouldn't side with the demons they so regularly had fought in the past. Her hopes were dashed when she heard Fin's voice from inside.

"Do you want help?"

The prescence laughed, and Koralia's heart sank. She'd thought that when this conversation took place, perhaps Finyagur would take her side, but here he was next to their foes. She felt a wave of cold splash over her chest, slowing and calming her breathing. But the demons had twisted even him. She felt her mind drawn back to meeting the Goddess against her will, had she known this would happen? Koralia was crucial to their task, they were just her bodyguards, no, her soliders! She should be leading them.

If the Goddess gave you some power over these monsters, perhaps that is your key to defeating them?

She felt the prescence draw her mind back to that meeting. The Goddess in front of them, Korro coughing and snarling on the ground like the beast he often claimed to be. I have bound them and, for their freedom, they will protect you on your journey. The ornaments they bear will prevent you from coming to harm, if it is within the demon’s power to prevent it, but their will is still their own.

Ah, I understand now. Thank you child.

Something deep inside Koralia shouted out a warning, then was caged in the deepest recesses of her thoughts, and faded. Koralia raised her fists, lightning pulsing through her veins with fire and fury. It was time to talk, and she would be heard. When she spoke her voice vibrated with another tone beneath it, the low rumble of the prescence beneath her skin. Simultaneously her own and so much more than. Her skin was slightly different as well - less colourful in the glow of the afternoon, and her eyes glowed with a piercing blue that drowned out her natural hue. Sparks danced across her front like a protective cuirass, weaving in and out of the folds of her jacket.

"This one is not a tool you have to cart around, or a child that needs teaching!" She fired at Xe and Fin as they came outside to join her. Her voice drifted between her own familar tones and that of another. "And your scoldings have created your destruction," she shouted slowly. One hand raised towards her assailants, the other toward the sky above her. "Your baubles bind you, because you can't be trusted. Approach her as you wish," She started, snapping her fingers. A lightning bolt arced from the sky, pushing it's way through Koralia into the ground, shaking the stonework. "And the stormcaller will burn from the inside out," She finished. Smoke drifted from Koralia's raised arm, and parts of her forearm and hand were charred with burns.
Ranger of the Nameless Shade
Alitheia Sera'lios

Location: Bajie - Manor
Aesthetic: x
Playlist: x
Arai Arai Lioness075 Lioness075 Goonfire Goonfire
SilverFlight SilverFlight Damafaud Damafaud

As Alitheia assumed the role of ready observer she began to feel somewhat out of place among the divine and demonic alike. For not the last time, she questioned how it was she had been chosen. She was the shamed heir of a fallen city - a would-be queen of ash and rubble. She did not have a place in the desires of gods.

Yet… As the cleansing came to a close and the afflicted demon dipped his head… There was a glimmer of purpose there. His thanks were sincere, and though she didn't know him she got the sense she had just witnessed a being humbled by mercy.

"Was...everyone watching this?" A smile tugged at Alitheia’s mouth and she relaxed, leaning against then wall more casually.

The moment of levity did not last. The shade within her stirred, turning spectral eyes to the conversation being held among bodies of flesh. Koralia was next. Alitheia held her suspicions close, but where her companion was often content to remain little more than a whispered notion or a guiding hand, Koralia's burden was perhaps not so at ease.

Xe was right. The ranger's mind had gone to the moment of wild thirst, where she had lunged and only just resisted whatever drove her forward.

All that followed came quickly. Alie hesitated only a moment before resolving that if she were a threat because of the shadowed thing living within her, that she would want some driven band to take it from her. The tendrils of darkness in her chest constricted, amused. Liar. She followed after Xe and the northman, forcing the shade and its laughter down with a bitter edge.

And then everything got so much worse. Lightning cracked down to touch Koralia, threatening the life that wielded it. The demon or whatever it was that had deigned to possess her gave little care for it's host.

Alitheia bared her teeth.
Help me, you useless smear.
She didn't know what she was doing, but the shade bent laughing to her will all the same. Without considering what may come after, she darted for Koralia, her spear in one hand, her other free to reach for Koralia's burning wrist above her head.

Tendrils of shadow clung to Alitheia's hand and forearm, making a gauntlet of darkness that touched not only flesh, but the thing beneath too. She wrenched her hand down to her side, while pushing Koralia's outstretched arm away with the haft of her spear.

"Release her,"
she snarled, face to face with the possessed woman and the thing within, silver eyes lit with white fire.
Code By Nano
Korro wolf form_icon.jpg

Name: O'Korro - "Wolf"
Location: The town of Bajie, Eastern mountains
Time: Morning in the town of Bajie

Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Damafaud Damafaud DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK Arai Arai Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

@ShadyLady Lioness075 Lioness075 Kibaa Kibaa Eteri Eteri

Korro looked at Xe skeptically, but didn't argue for once. The expression on Fin's face made Korro bare his teeth, but the god's words shocked him. There was no scathing comment, no snide or haughty barb. Korro wondered if being close to death had somehow affected Fin. He surely couldn't be relieved, perhaps he was just disappointed.

Xe moved then to check on Koralia. With a start Korro's yellow eyes darted to him. "Who is watching her now?"
His question was answered not a moment later. He heard the lightning mage speak, but only some of it sounded like her. The other presense he could not sense fully, but he knew without a doubt it was the same presence that had granted Veruul his powers...and the one that destroyed him.

Korro struggled to rise. A shock of pain sent him rolling off the bed and to the floor. He feet were unsteady, he couldn't stand. With a growl, Korro changed his form, took one of the white wolf and followed Fin and Xe.

Korro was in no condition to fight. He knew that, but the demon that had cursed her was taking control. They had to do something.
"Healer, ready your prayer." The fangs of the wolf parted oddly as he spoke.

His side burned, and black blood began to soak his fur. Their new ally had a good idea. Korro joined it:
"Koralia!" The wolf called, his voice low, barely above a growl. "I know you're there! This demon thinks that it is stronger than you. That it can take your mind and bend you to its will...Are you going to let it have you?"

Xie Dongmei

Subduing the Possessed
: The Seven Manor, Town of Bajie
Time: Morning

Prayers rolled upon her lips and an answer followed with rain, divine power that touched tenderly like spring warmth in a land of cold litany.

Of course, the same could not be said for the patient under her cared. Xie Dongmei had seen many responses against a divine prayer, but smouldering and burning was a first. She faltered, briefly, but with not a soul interrupting her prayer, she finished the ritual without problem. Xie returned a content smile as the Demon awakened, alive. Was he to disappear into a pile of ash, she would not know how to answer to the Queen.

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda, benefactor."
Nonetheless, Xie accepted the bow and the debt with a crystal gaze. In matter of achievements and glory, she liked them only second to beauty. Her mask cracked at the banter with Finyagur and Xe'lik. For Korro to get along well with others, she had done no wrong in saving him.

Still, like the others, she had been so focused on the fire near that she did not prepare distant water for the distant fire. Koralia had shown signs of possession by the time she and the rest noticed. Xie Dongmei reached for her swords, look tinged with anxiety. If the fight was to affect the patients, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I need her immobilized for the purification," Xie Dongmei reached for her sword. A breeze formed within the small room, cold as her somber gaze. "My expertise in divine magic is not yet sufficient for combat."

She had better affinity with cold wind and the divine; she was not a priest to begin with, more well known for her swordsmanship and cold magic art in the north.

Alitheia and Korro tend for the approach of persuasion, but the cold within the room brewed deep. If they could not persuade her, they would need to knock her unconscious. If so, she needed to be ready.

Interaction: Korro, Koralia
SilverFlight SilverFlight Arai Arai

Mention: Xe, Fin, Alitheia
Eteri Eteri DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK Monday Monday Lioness075 Lioness075 Kibaa Kibaa Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Goonfire Goonfire
Female Human Form.jpg
Name: FalarionRace: Demon
Location: The town of BajieCurrent Form: Female human
Falarion's mind had quickly wandered to mouth-watering meals and the mere idea of sleeping on featherdown beds that would have her floating in heaven from the comfort alone. They had traveled for so long, though it felt far longer to her, and all she wanted was a good night's rest and some actual food. Not the janky travel food they had to resort to. Hearing a commotion brought Falarion back to the present and she blinked as she watched Koralia seemingly being taken over by the curse she had acquired. Or something of that nature, Falarion could admit to having not been paying enough attention to this scenario. While some tried to reach out to Koralia herself, Falarion mindfully edged her way around to be behind Koralia. She narrowed her eyes at the human and began bouncing on her the balls of her feet in preparation for having to take swift action. While not overly keen on getting electrocuted by the human, Falarion knew the bleeding hearts of their group, mostly Korro in this case, would be charging in recklessly. She was not about to let any other demons get further injured because of the whims of this stupid quest they were shackled to. SilverFlight SilverFlight Arai Arai Damafaud Damafaud

Location: Town of Bajie, Eastern Mountains
Time: Day 4, Morning
Interactions: Finyagur, Xie, Korro, Koralia, Falarion, Khatiy, Alitheia
Mentions: N/A
Goonfire Goonfire Damafaud Damafaud SilverFlight SilverFlight Arai Arai Lioness075 Lioness075 Kibaa Kibaa DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK

Fin seemed ready to aid in Xe’s need to get Koralia. That was good. Seeing a god, who detested demons, working with one - even if it was for the benefit of a human - had Xe feeling more at ease with the god. He nodded at Fin’s question, his ears picking up a change in Koralia. Running out of the room Korro was in, he saw just how bad Koralia got it.

Anger - with some mental manipulation - became sorrow and fear.

One of their new humans came to stop Koralia from electrocuting herself, or at least attempting to, the shadows attempting to cover her arm and direct the electricity elsewhere. Korro yelled at Koralia to see if she could get some sense back into her. Then their other new human who helped Korro showed some otherworldly power, like chilling wind. It smelled like the north winds, similar in smell to Korro and Fin. Cold magic? Like Korro? Fal looked ready to make a swift action when needed.

He yelled at Koralia, his voice cracking from fear. “She was never a tool, nor a child! She's an ally who has our protection! And if I wanted her dead, I wouldn't share the burden of her pain!”

“Korro, cultivator,”
Xe started, looking towards the two. “If you can, freeze my vines.” His pitch shifted sorrowfully, sounding like he was going to cry. He zipped forward to Koralia’s side, grabbing the hand she was becoming electrocuted by as vines surged from underneath them to immobilize Koralia and take the brunt of the lightning, charring the vines into charcoal and preventing some from moving, until other new ones took their place. However, the electricity still surged towards Xe, and he grunted out in agony.

Despite what he was doing, he was trying to make sure Koralia didn’t get anymore hurt from herself than she was currently, and he was taking great care in not hurting her, lest he incur the wrath of the Goddess.

He couldn’t speak, as the electricity forced his teeth to grit.


The situation had escalated in the mere blink of an eye. Fin had turned calmly, only to freeze at the voice intertwined with that of Koralia. Possession... It was exactly what he feared would happen, though he hadn't expected it to happen so soon. The others darted into the fray, seizing the opportunity Alitheia created. Finyagur followed closely. Some moved to restrain her, while others fought this battle with their words... but what of the lone god? Surely, even with the demons' help, Koralia's lightning was bound to strike someone.

"No," Fin interjected with conviction as he raised his spear over the others' heads. "More than an ally... She is our friend!" Holding the weapon as high as it could go, he waited to take the full brunt of the spell she brewed. He could recover from it quickly, unlike the mortals he backed.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Arai Arai
Mentions: DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK


Koralia Stormcaller
Interactions: DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK Goonfire Goonfire

"Release her,"

Not-Koralia's head dipped back, lightning coursing through her skin and dancing across her face. A faint scent of ozone emanated from her skin, as parts of it began to char and bubble. It gripped her hand around the haft of the spear, sending shocks along it's length. "Release her? You're missing the point. This isn't a relationship of taking without consent," It started, gripping the spear hard as it put herself behind Alitheia, blocking the other's view as best as she could. "But that seems to be something you know better than most, hmm?"

Whatever shadows clung to the other woman, it could sense they were not dissimilar. Curious, if nothing else that one such as itself would be fighting for good, or at least...submissive to it.

So there's a possibility I can still fix this.

The others were beginning to shout words of affirmation in it's direction, messages of hope and promise and value. It laughed and grinned a wide, too many teeth smile at Korro, failing to pay attention as Falarion inched her way around behind her. The storm was growing in intensity, lightning bolts being cast off in all directions, clinging to it's skin like ribbons tied to a pole. The jagged bolts thrusted and slashed at the vines forming beneath it, keeping them at bay to the best of it's ability, though eventually, it let go of the spear and began moving. It had seen her memories, the girl had trained her mobility and agility from birth. With it's own senses, escape should be trivial. And a large morale drop by killing one of the goddess' chosen would also be beneficial.

"I didn't take anything!" It roared, throwing wind and sleet and storm at the building the group were gathered in. "I was handed the reigns by a girl who wants a goal accomplished," It declared. "Humans are not helpless waifs for you to look after, or cattle for you to hunt!" She called out, voice shifting in pitch as she did so. Whether it was just Koralia's words or not was tough to tell. "Demons are nothing more than rabid monsters, and monsters get put down," The voice called with a final roar.

Rain began to pour, first slowly, then began a rapid downfall, the floor growing slick with water and the combatants difficult to see. It reminded her of home.


Home. Home had always been wherever they were in their travels. But the constant was always the storm. Koralia would watch the elders come together to form a torrential downpour, then divine their destination from the bolts that struck the ground around them. Eventually, she would be invited to partake in such a circle. But none of her kin had a power like this. So what if she had bargained with a force she didn't understand to obtain it? She was strong now. Stronger than she was alone.

And she felt embarrassed for her mistake. Her willingless to give herself up to this thing she had been tricked by. Embarrassed her...companions? Or friends? Fin had called her friend. And yet the rest of her likely saw her as just a trinket to be protected. They were right, that she was just a foolish girl. The thoughts frustrated her, what her allies must think of her. Stupid girl. Silly girl. Another problem we have to deal with girl. Whatever place she resided in seemed to shrink in size, unseen walls closing in around her mind, her soul. It was hard to think.
Ranger of the Nameless Shade
Alitheia Sera'lios

Location: Bajie - Manor
Aesthetic: x
Playlist: x
Arai Arai Lioness075 Lioness075 Goonfire Goonfire
SilverFlight SilverFlight Damafaud Damafaud

Alitheia's teeth grit so hard she tasted blood. The lightning caressed her but the shade that slicked over her flesh left her unburned. It would not last forever. She felt the dark thing in her roiling in its mirth above the cacophony. "But that seems to be something you are more familiar with than most."

Alitheia twisted, looking over her shoulder at Koralia, the woman who she had known for less than an hour. How weak was she, to already be shaken so? 'The Gods work in shadow as much as in light. Even the God Queen herself. 'The Gods work in shadow as much as in light. Even the God Queen herself.'

Alitheia resisted the instinct to curse the Goddess. Of course. The bow across her back sang against her body, the soft pink blooms at its grip opening wide despite the sudden downpour. Alitheia's nose scrunched and she bared her teeth. "I know monsters when I see them," she snarled, twisting to face her again. "Do you?" In a swift move she smashed her head forward in the hopes of connecting with Koralia's nose and forehead. If her bold move hit true, stars would explode across Alie's vision. Her shadow shrieked, but in delight or pain she could no longer tell. She and it were beginning to run together, the places it begun and ended becoming less definitive. "Do you?" her passenger parroted.

Copper bloomed in her mouth reguardless. The others spoke of friendship; of kin and companionship. She did not - she knew none of them, and would not pretend otherwise.

"Do not let this thing break you," she snarled. "It will give you what you want, and then take everything else." With a second raging move she rose her spear to create a block between Koralia and herself.

Alitheia was struck with the overwhelming sense that she was looking into a mirror. Pain and anger swept through her, not foreign necessarily, but not feelings of her own either.
Code By Nano
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Korro wolf form_icon.jpg

Name: O'Korro - "Wolf"
Location: The town of Bajie, Eastern mountains
Time: Morning in the town of Bajie

Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Damafaud Damafaud DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK Arai Arai Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Lioness075 Lioness075

Kibaa Kibaa

The situation was escalating. Korro gritted his wolf teeth. They weren't getting through to Koralia. His eyes darted about to take in the scene. Xe was doing his best to try and subdue their target, but the vines were met with lightning which burned them away too quickly. He caught sight of Falarion moving to flank. Korro needed to hold Koralia's attention to prevent her from seeing the other demon close in.

Xe called for his help. Korro did not glance back, but focused his power, the vines nearest him began to crackle, ice forming on them as he was directed, but he was weak. He could only hope is would be enough.

A figure rushed by Korro, surprising him. It was the woman they had met in town. The one from the North. She attacked Koralia without another word. He bared his teeth. It wasn't unlike the plan forming in his own mind. If this curse creature was feeding on her hatred of demons, well, perhaps she needed a demon to fight...

Korro looked around, he saw the acolytes running for cover, then the mother, her young son, who had been playing on the steps as they entered, clutched in her arms. There was the look of abject terror on her face and the boy was crying.

Once Koralia engaged Alithea, Korro was waiting. He lowered his head, hackles raising on his tall shoulders.
"Monsters?" His voice was low, guttural. "You speak truth, I am a monster, and now I am weak, this may be your only chance to slay me, so what are you waiting for? If you truly hate demons, hate me for the deeds done against your people, then strike!"

All he needed to do was hold her attention and wait for the others to spring their traps. It was a dangerous game; in his current state, it really would not take much to fell him...
Female Sun Wukong Human Form.jpg
Name: FalarionRace: Demon
Location: BajieCurrent Form: Female human

Unsurprisingly, chaos unfolded before Falarion and she could only grimace at what she witnessed. Koralia went off the deep end and just about everyone rushed to either aid the human or try to wear her down. Koralia, or rather the cursed entity within her, was quick to react as lightning and sparks danced across the ground. Shouts and attempts to communicate all faded into the background, as Falarion focused in on Koralia herself.

Rain began to pour and Falarion briefly glanced skywards to watch as the lightning now danced jaggedly across the sky, lighting up the darkness intermittently. Closing her eyes, Falarion breathed in the scent of rain and ozone intertwined all around her, the huffing and gasping of those interlocked in battle with one they had considered a part of their oddball team. Raindrops cascaded down Falarion's body, soaking her clothes and leaving her longer hair clinging to her neck and shoulders. In this moment, Falarion was reminded of how she had trailed behind the team in the beginning and yet, Koralia had been the one to wait for her to ensure she did not walk alone. Sometimes, all it took was a simple act of kindness to change the situation into something better. Something nicer.

She blinked just as a raindrop struck her eye and it broke her out of her trance, quickly bringing back the sounds of fighting around her. Falarion brought her gaze back towards where Koralia was wrestling against some strange female who Falarion had yet to meet. Or perhaps she had been in her head for too long to notice them.
Meanwhile, Korro and Xe combined their powers to try and restrain Koralia and Falarion narrowed her eyes when the idiot pup had the audacity to act like he would be of use in a fight. In his current condition, he was more likely to become a liability.

Which meant it was Falarion's turn to intervene. To do something, anything to stop this fray from becoming even worse. While she knew little of those on her makeshift team, Falarion knew that she had at least managed some weak connection with the human wrestling for control over her own mind and soul. It was better than nothing.

Letting out a small breath, Falarion began to walk towards Koralia, lightning frequently lighting her path as she neared her and the other strange female. Icy vines snapped and cracked around them all, Xe's attempt to restrain Koralia falling short. The wind pushed waves of the rain into Falarion's face and she felt the faintest shiver as the cold began to set in.
Still, she walked and her expression remained calm despite what unfolded around her.

Falarion quietly reached a point behind Koralia, who had been focused on everyone else and failed to notice her approach amidst the storm she had conjured in the town.
For a moment, Falarion hesitated, but then she tentatively reached a hand out towards the human and lightly placed it on her shoulder despite the increased likelihood of being electrocuted.
Instead of shouting, Falarion spoke as if herself and Koralia were the only ones present, an attempt at bringing calm to the warring storm within the human, "I see yer pain an' hear yer fear. Ye're no' alone, Koralia Stormcalle'. Ye're stronger than ye realize an' I doubt ye would've waited fer lil' 'ol me if ye truly believed all o' us demons were simply monsters tae be culled."
Maintaining eye contact with Koralia and doing her best to ignore the howling winds and torrential rain, Falarion did something she rarely offered to most: she smiled at her. A smile seen by few and one that was only ever genuine.

Interactions: Arai Arai
Mentions: SilverFlight SilverFlight Merciless Medic Merciless Medic DirtyBirdyAK DirtyBirdyAK
Nearby: Goonfire Goonfire Damafaud Damafaud Kibaa Kibaa [/imagefloat]
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