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One x One It's all about connection

Juliet is me. Super talktative, can't be quiet, and doesn't let other people speak for that long. :P

Eh. I did well on English, reading, and science, ok on math, and I bombed the essay. :/
I really like her xD She's keeping it real interesting!

Oh no! Can you do it over or get a better grade for your essays?

I'll be back in a few hours. I'm trying to talk my dad into getting new internet because ours really suck right now :/
Thanks! We need someone to keep everyone on their toes!

Each test costs like $40 and happens only once a month so I could, but I don't want to. :/

Alright, good luck!
I don't know the score yet. :/ It was done on paper and had over 200 questions and an essay so they'll tell me in five weeks.

Welcome to America.
Good lord. I hope you did okay!!! Sometimes you do better than you thought you would and you get surprised! Just keep your spirits up! :)
Yeah, I know. :/

I need to do hw, by the way, so I won't be able to respond for the time being. I think you ought to go to bed for now. :P Talk to you tomorrow!
Damn, but wouldn't that be pretty interesting? Garret would be left with people surrounding him, bombarding him with questions. God, he'd be so scared xD

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