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"....That seems really wierd... But okay..." his lackluster responce hid the fact he felt a little bit of pride about being called a leader... Even if he didn't feel like one. "...Locks... A gift..." he mumbled as he thought of something.

"Mr.Ssard... How do we use our mana and gifts... Also... Why did I get a stick?" He asked his teacher the main questions popping in his head at the time.

"...And why are these clothes made like a cheap castle...?"

No ballroom.

NeonFlow NeonFlow
Sarrd chuckled a bit before answering questions. "teaching you to use your individual mana types would be difficult for me as I simply have never used such mana. My own mana is of light, I use this staff made from the godstone inside to help souls like yourselves. That is how I can read your information from the marks. I can give you all the basics in this, as your magic as well as power comes from your mana... but let me tell you your staff is no mere stick, that is a versatile weapon as well as a magical conduit! All of your weapons are! However I've never heard or seen a giant pipe, it is like a club yes?"

Kan looked a bit annoyed but stayed quiet as he wanted to know more about mana.
After leading the four somewhere safe and remote away from the gathering crowds.

Sarrd gave a demonstration and a verbal lesson, it took a bit over half a hour before everyone could form their mana. The main point taken from this lesson was...
imagine your mana as a ball in your stomach, roll that ball slowly up into your palm getting larger as it moves. Visualization of what you want to achieve once you feel that mana, chanting or shouting might help you concentrate and imagine what you want to happen.

With that everyone could manage what seemed the basics. Be it moving earth, sparks of electric or dripping poison.
enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
The spearman's relief at averting a crisis is short-lived. Not long into Sarrd's jubilant explanation, Randolf becomes subued. He listens quietly to the powers of each in turn. All the others seem quite excited about the gifts they've received, but Randolf can't help but feel otherwise. 'Sturdy and reliable,' Sarrd had called him. The fox had been positively beaming about it - not to mention the awed crowd. It finally began to dawn on Randolf that, to these people, his arrival was a genuine miracle; a ray of hope in a world that, to warrant this reaction from its inhabitants, is sure to be struggling. There's another concern, as well:

He's the only one who can heal.

Of all four otherworlders, only Randolf has the ability to treat the injured. No matter the time, the place, or the struggle, these starstruck believers will look to him as the man given a holy power to rebuild the wounded. And should he ever fail...

The weight of expectations begins to settle on Randolf's shoulders. All too familiar. All too fatal. But, this time, just how heavy is the burden?


Earth rises, slowly but surely, along with Randolf's palm. After just half an hour of practice, this seemed to be good progress. At his current level, he could probably trip - or at least stagger - an unsuspecting runner. Once satisfied with his control of mana, he decides to next satisfy his curiosity.

"Hey Sarrd," Randolf addresses the fox, "you still haven't told us the nature of Karma's problems. What's the trouble, exactly?"

enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo NeonFlow NeonFlow
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“Lines to beat and then a bed to fall into,” Phor added while adjusting his headband. His head tilted up a bit, the light revealing eye bags. Smooth as it all went, he was a bit fatigued... and starving! “Think we should split up? Two of us grab our pay and two of us hold a table?” He thought about it for a second, stroking his chin.

After a brief moment of deliberation, he glanced at the church. “What’s all the fuss?” he questioned his comrades. “I’ll go check that out. Um... do what you must.” With that, the guild officer strolled over to examine the commotion. His curiosity got the better of him this time; of course, it wasn’t like he was in dangerous territory. What he saw was a handful of people playing with magic. Their weapons looked extraordinary, though the trainees themselves appeared to be nothing particularly special. He had a nagging feeling he had stumbled across something major, so he circled around and dipped through gaps in the audience until he reached the beastkin(?) directing them. “Pardon my interruption. Are these your protégés?” he muttered from beside Sarrd during a pause. Those who noticed the half-elf could likely guess he hadn’t received the proverbial memo yet.

NeonFlow NeonFlow Noble Scion Noble Scion Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Sarrd's enthusiasm was drained as randolf inquired about problems. But to his surprise a man interrupted what he was about to say. "Ah you must be from the guild, Shiki's man yes? This is fortuitous indeed, these are no students of mine dear sir, these are souls sent from the gods! With just a small lesson they have grasped mana control and and their weapons, i saw them locked in the church but even if I hadn't... I'd believe them just from the sight of them. Almost otherworldly despite being human"

Kan looked at the archer who appeared and couldn't help but feel a bit of pride as the fox gushed.

"as one who fights the green plague, surely the guild is best suited to take these souls in and teach them to hunt!"
Sarrd was connecting dots in his mind that led to karma being free of evil. The half elf wasn't a mind reader but could probably guess this fox was set on making this arrangement happen.
"the knowledge you could share about the orcs would surely serve best with these potential heroes"

Phor indeed knew a bit about orcs.

How resilient a orc can be, the strength and agility that some seem to sport,
The terrifying way they multiply and the cruelty they are capable of...
How a orcs only desire is self preservation and evil intentions.

Kan looked into his pipe as he sat and blew into it like a didgeridoo. Didn't sound like a proper one...
Shiki had left for the long house to be paid, phor left to scout out the noise,
Mar and kholis were left standing at the square
Phineas Forge Phineas Forge noble had to drop so your Dragon is technically alone. It's safe to say the spider got her bit of pay soon after and left for home
enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
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Rhewi didn’t like this place, it was too warm and dry. She just needed to be paid already. She walked into town, a blanket of cold followed behind her. She was glad the darkness was her cover; she wasn’t in the mood for people this evening. She had just returned from an obnoxious mission. She saw a group of people in the distance in front of the town church. It only caught her attention for a moment as she soon found Fieful’s longhouse. That’s where her money was. She entered the building; someone was there before she was. She tapped her foot impatiently. She wanted out of this town and soon, there were way too many people around.
Jack watched the smell lesson on how to use his... uhh... Magic?

Opening and shutting locks.



Other guys get cool shit and he gets to play the doorman.

With a heavy sigh Jack let his eyes wander to the new person joining them... A... Pointy eared fellow... "...Guess we can add elves to the growing list...." he mumbled softly, watching as Kan... Did.... "...Umm... It looks like a smoking pipe dude..." he commented on the fact it did, in fact, look like one. "...But... Its all magical god stuff so maybe... Maybe you can smoke stuff?" he wodnered what his own stick did, feeling like a fish that was taken out of water and dropped directly into a vat of molasses and expected to swim.

"...I guess you are already tired of teaching us huh...? We.. need to learn alot about this world... And.. I'm no survivalist... I'll admit that my home was... safer..." he began to get more worried about the upcoming days ahead of them all... And wondering if he was gonna actually survive this experience...

"...What happens if we die here...? Do we get transported again...? Double isekai...?"
Shiki was halfway through getting paid and having rumours forced into his ears when it suddenly got very cold. Looking behind him revealed what looked like a snow spirit, but as the woman had legs and what seemed to be a attitude the half dwarf could determine that this was just... an elf maybe? A snow elf. A elf left out in the snow that "oi that's to cold! Your gonna freeze the floor and cause people to slip. That'll make you sorry when a old man or fragile lady slips and breaks a bone. Who will be to blame? The beautiful snow elf that's who... Don't think you can get away with everything just with a cold stare"
"Shiki sir it's fine, more importantly please find Sarrd! If he is correct the gods have sent souls to karma"
"oh yea I heard something like that..."
Shiki took his pouch of gold coins and stepped aside to let the ice witch do what she was after.
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Sarrd however was starting to feel a tad worried again. "You all might be to sensitive, I just said I have little to teach you as you all have different mana. I am not Suited to fighting the green plague. It's not a matter of me being tired or rid of you. It's a matter of making sure you all survive... I'm sorry but if you die you shall probably remain dead correct? What's this term you speak of... double isekai?"
The fox mage couldn't help but wonder what the gods think. Are they truly doing what's best for Aerth? Or is this just throwing rocks at water hoping to make one skip. Are these all sinkers? Or can they reach the other side...

Goonfire Goonfire Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Phineas Forge Phineas Forge enterelysium enterelysium
Rhewi raised an eyebrow and scoffed. “You seem to think I'd be sorry; you’re mistaken.” She said in a tone that could kill. She overheard the gossip of the gods sending souls. Just like them to send in outsiders... More people to populate the world. She sighed sending a cloud of cold mist out of her dark lips. She wondered if perhaps that’s what the commotion she saw earlier was about. Then she realized that she recognized that name... Shiki. She turned around swiftly, sending an icy wind toward him. “Shiki. Of The Hunters Guild?” She questioned. “Killer of orcs?” She stepped closer to him.
NeonFlow NeonFlow
She spent her time being taught by Ssard, doing as well as she could by the end of it she could create sparks and small illusions, but not very well.

Seeing the conversations Ssard was having, and the slightly worried look on his face, she holds out her hand and lays it on his shoulder. "Im sure we'll do fine Ssard. You've done your best. Where do we need to go next?" She flashes him a reassuring smile.
Shiki felt the cold breeze and wondered if it was on purpose. Could this woman be a fan? Trying to show off her power? Perhaps it was a enemy, a assassin hired to kill a impossible target. can't really say I'm impossible to kill... more just very difficult.
The leader of the hunters guild may have been in a slight mood. "aye, Shiki Naza guildmaster of the hunters... ill have to ask you stop breathing cold on me. You wont find a man if you cause shrinkage by trying to introduce yourself. Your lucky I'm from the mountains or I could get embarrassed."
Shiki muttered the last part adjusting his pants with a cheeky grin.
"perhaps you have a request? I won't turn it down but it may have to wait, I only have seven active members I can send away safely..."

Sarrd more or less had no clue as to what these souls should do. Practice combat? Learn more magic? No. "I should introduce you all to the council. From there we can determine the best course of action for the God sent party. Hopefully allow you some funds to ready yourselves. Those rags you all arrived in seem, uncomfortable."

"what can we smoke around here?"
Kan asked anyone bluntly as jack mentioned his pipe
"I will meet individual needs when we have decided on how to proceed sir Kan."
" oi oi... I wanna drink wine an such to... mix honey and fruit into mead"
"I have a odd feeling that you aren't paying attention."

"oi if I spit poison will I be effected? Or would it need to enter my blood... if I imagine a ball of poison from my guts that means I can... stomach it right?
This is all spew to me so I'm not sure."

Sarrd seemed to have enough of the puns. "right how about we push forward, let's go to the long house and find the council"
Sarrd clapped his hands as if rounding up children. "we can worry about problems in the morning for now we should get formalities out of the way and get you into a attire that's more suited. I'm sure we can find everything you need, naturally the council shall provide it as you have naught but your weapons."
(Time skip inbound unless y'all have direct questions or posts to make)
ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler Orikanyo Orikanyo Goonfire Goonfire FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat enterelysium enterelysium Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Men.” She huffed. “I’ll can blow my air wherever I please.” She took another step closer and out reached her hand. “My name is Rhewi, I’m from Blador. I’d like to join you in the quest of ending Orcs.” She wasn’t sure if he’d shake her hand or not, he seemed to not be overly fond of the cold. “Maybe you’ll warm up to me.” Her lips curled into a smile.
NeonFlow NeonFlow
Oh, dear gods... Phor felt the pain of every single pun. He struggled to provide answers in a timely fashion; Shiki had vanished into the longhouse, leaving him in a tricky situation. “Would the gods really send them to help us purge the green plague? I mean, our efforts have brought a lot of attention to us, but...” he rubbed the back of his head before stopping dead and staring at Sarrd, a hopeful grin forming. “Who am I kidding? Of course I’ll take all the help I can get. This could be a great boon... or a terrible curse if that one continues making puns...” Now to find someone with muting or deafening mana...

“Shiki went to the council’s longhouse, so we’ll be killing the proverbial two birds with one stone,” the half-elf stated, pointing the way. “My guess is that he’ll start you with more menial tasks and training exercises before moving you up to the actual orc purging. I mean no offense, but... well, none of you strike me as experienced warriors...” He preferred they prove him wrong, but he felt his doubts were well-founded.

NeonFlow NeonFlow enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Shiki shook the woman's hand briefly saying "im always accepting new members, we can start your apprentice period right now... wish you asked last week as i could have held both trials at the same time but we move on... funny you say your from Blador, I assumed Rockhold was the last place to hold life."
The snow elves must have hidden on the icy peaks in blador, similar to the hidden city in the iron mountains.
Sarrd was quick to shake the archers doubts away "I assure you these souls may not have experience but they have the raw potential from the heavens. You may not be familiar with the system... I heard the hunters guild operates differently to the various churches of Aerth. But a adventures card is issued to any would be hero for hire. It's like a diary keeping track of your progress... my point being is these four here have nothing but eights and tens for their stats. Strength, speed, skills, mana... nevertheless let us continue on!"

The isekai souls joined Sarrd and phor in the uneventful journey to the long house.
They would find Shiki outside talking to a ice sculpture of a woman.
Apparently Rockhold was the second last city in blador, the snow elves village still stands but no one calls it home anymore...

Once at the long house Sarrd excuses himself to assemble the council for a meeting. The isekai souls are left out the front to enjoy the view.... it was different, the green moon and animal people would be the easiest thing Kan can point to and say the fuck is that?!
But other things catch the eye... A man rode a big yellow bird, something out of a final fantasy it looks like. I bet it's delicious.
The souls and the guild were something like instant celebrities, many would stare and exclaim as they walked past or simply gawked at a distance. Kan began flexing somewhat and posing dramatically which made some closer civilians gasp.
Unknown to the souls but they looked out of this world, almost like they had a different aura or a slight glow.
(Pillarmen theme goes here)

It was a quick fifteen minutes but the isekai souls and the members of the hunters guild are escorted into the long house hall to meet with five out of the six council members. Lady Nerva couldn't make it but everyone wishes her well during childbirth.
The council was made up of Sarrd the fox mage,

Yobei the chief, dragonkin (with actual wings!)

Jindal the dwarf, a aging warrior.

Hans Gurd, a bland average looking human Mage but seeing as we have a fox with a staff made from a God stone it's obvious to see who is the superior mage.

Alixi the elf is the fifth seat on the council. A aged woman despite the common knowledge elves live a absurd amount of time.
(Fiction on earth is similar to fact on aerth it seems)

They offered to answer any questions and provide whatever they can within reason to these God sent souls.

ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler Goonfire Goonfire enterelysium enterelysium FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Orikanyo Orikanyo

Phineas Forge Phineas Forge (safe to say you followed shiki or Phor as noble dropped out.)
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Jack... Couldn't help but feel embaressed by the new attention. He had people looking at him and not just through him. It... kinda made him encomfortable... A giant chicken, a snow woman, a crowd of equally strange people... Really he just wanted to have a sit down and absoeb all of this... He could unlock stuff, and make people stronger... And Now he had stats? The actual fuck? Could he up his charisma, if it was a stat, so he could actually talk to people normally...?

...Though he kinda doubted Kan had high intelligence... Not that he'd say that out loud.

Wait was intelligence a stat either?

Fuck whatever...

Though they wete hurried along to the council, all of whom looked... Unique at least. Though an old elf woman brought to question how old she was... Was she a grandma? Great grandma?


Greatest Grandma?

"...Holy shit a dragon guy..." Jack sputtered out, jealousy and amazement clear on his face. Damn he was cool. Why couldn't he be a dragon dude too? Goss didn't have that much get up and go to make them unique in physical form to? Nope, give them a stick gun and a novelty pipe they had laying around.

Though a question did arrise in his mind.

"...What do you all want from us? We don't know this world and barely have an idea of what is possible here. We were plucked from our own worlds and tossed here... You all know more than us in this world. We are strangers, gawked at on a the walk here...

I can tell you now I have had no true training for combat... Only magic in our world is in myths and legends...

If we were granted power, the gods have done a terrible job explaining anything... Very foolish on their pat..." he just let it sort of all spill out.

"...Long story short...

What do you want from us?"

NeonFlow NeonFlow
"Your babies"
greatest grandma Alixi stated with a confident nod before anyone could start.

Hans stuttered a bit to correct her "Alixi means she wishes you all to save this world, live fulfilling lives andand build a happy family."

A collective "ahhh" was heard from the other council members. Shiki barely held in his laughter. Kan could not and he excused himself to a corner so no one heard him covering his mouth.

Greatest grandma spoke again.
"These souls need to take elf partners." Again she nodded as if this was obvious and she was the only competent one in the room.

Hans sighed. "Elves of blador created the green plague hundreds of years ago. Since then elf population is a small number, while orcs have only grown in numbers and strength. A orc is a monster that walks like a man... The green plague is a blight on all of Aerth. A orc makes it's army by finding a unwilling partner, the elves who created the first orc soon gave birth to the next batch. We have been fighting the orcs for years, but it was only in the last ten years the orcs invaded Karma."

Yobei the chief growled "if our ancestors had attacked we could have crippled them"
Alixi laughed "if the elves couldn't your people would be made into skirts and spears"
The dragonkin growls further but doesn't argue.
Jindal mentioned that orcs should have taken over years ago, his theory was that the orcs somehow managed to get overseas. Be it learning to build and sail in ships or making a orc that can survive underwater.

Shiki hadn't considered Orcs having their way with a octopus or sea creature. A mermaid wouldn't dare come close enough...

Alixi broke the arguments again with immense wisdom.
"Islands fall from the skies, angels will help defeat the orcs but only if the darkness is kept at bay"

"What have the nightspawn got to do with orcs?" The council asked.

Greatest grandma looked at the isekai souls again, her answer made Kan laugh but shiki wondered if the woman was senile... perhaps some meaning is behind her answer. That answer being
"your babies"

Orikanyo Orikanyo Phineas Forge Phineas Forge enterelysium enterelysium FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Goonfire Goonfire ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler
Jack stared straight forward with a unreadable face.

Was.. he hearing this right...?

"...Erhm...." he.. didn't have to many... occurances back in his old life... But.. was this isekai one of those... lewd ones? Was... he gonna be tied down and used like a stud!?!?! ...He.. can't really say what he'd think of that... Though... He might try and keep the... elf thing in mind... He finally broke into a blush, wondering what, why and how in hell this was helping them in their current situation... At least they gave information about the orcs, their propensity for unwanted multiplication and now just...

A presedent to expect from future elves.. he suppoused... Should he worry that they will be coming onto him... Or all of them?

Was... making children important to saving the world somehow?!!?

...Why was he god damn thinking about this, it's almost like that one jrpg he played that involved something about star gods and making children from magic and stuff? God damn wierd game...

"...What... exactly about our babies? I'm only getting more and more confused..." Jack admitted, sighing and scratching the back of his head. "...Or... I... Screw it..." he sighed heavily, knowing he was falling into some old lady's trap. "So orcs? we need to deal with orcs. What are nightspawn first?"
“Elf partners...? Oh dear... Phor grimaced, realizing there was an elf at home, and... Oh shit, did his sister count? The scout grew visibly uncomfortable at the thought of someone courting Elin, despite having no clue as to what Alixi meant by ‘partner’. Adding to his unease was the old councilwoman emphasizing ‘your babies’ with no further context. Was she talking about making a new generation of half-elf warriors, or sacrificing one’s firstborn children?

NeonFlow NeonFlow enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Phineas Forge Phineas Forge ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler
Randolf didn't mind the icy woman's cold. In high school, a teacher once told him that the optimal external temperature for the operation of the human brain is about 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Given his inexperience with this new world, it couldn't hurt to stay frosty.

Upon arrival at the longhouse, Randolf began to inwardly critique the structure of the council. Admittedly, he had no knowledge of its inner workings, but it sounded like the six members were more or less equal in standing - meaning, if an issue ever came down to a vote, a tie could cause a deadlock. He hoped that, if council votes were at all a part of the governing of Fieful, there was some system in place to resolve such matters. Then Randolf's train of thought found itself completely derailed by Alixi. He managed to contain his laughter to a brief chortle. Babies? Was she for real? In a way, Randolf had only just been born himself! Well, at least Alixi's agenda seemed transparent enough. He could respect someone who stuck to their priorities.

But his amusement was drained once the explanation of the orcs began. Their method of reproduction was just... Randolf found himself utterly disgusted. And the orcs kept conquering and spreading, visiting their malice on innocent civilians everywhere. It was revolting. Abominable. Nauseating. Intolerable. Without realizing it, Randolf began to analyze the problem in search of a solution. Banter among the assembled went in one ear and out the other as he focused.

Details about the infestation came with disturbing implications. The method and speed of orc reproduction meant the only way to stop them for good was to drive them to extinction; and, as they were an engineered species, perhaps destroy associated research so that no more could be manufactured. Compounding the threat was Jindal's theory that they had managed to cross the sea. If true, that meant there was currently no way to accurately gauge or even ballpark the true size of the orc population, as they likely spread wherever they landed. Further, they could conceivably attack and open a new front to the war on any coast by landing a single ship. And if Jindal thought they could create an orc that could survive underwater... then he had reason to believe they could deliberately generate mutated versions of themselves, like some sort of intelligent virus. "Plague" was an understatement for these monsters.

Not to mention that the freaking sky was falling.

"We need information," Randolf began. "Lots of it. How intelligent are the orcs? Is it reasonable to think they could learn shipbuilding, or modify themselves so radically as to survive the ocean? Do they have any exploitable weaknesses? Can we get a map to see the geography and the land they hold?"

The words kept flowing. He couldn't stop himself. He needed to know.

"What are the nightspawn? Are they a threat, too? How powerful are the angels as allies? Do the fallen islands have anything we can make use of aside from the angels? Hell, why is the sky falling in the first place?"

Realizing that he had been rambling, he cut himself off, lowering his head slightly in embarrassment. Hopefully, some of his rapid-fire questions would get answered.
(Forgive my editing skills)

It took a fair bit of Hans whispering to Alixi before the elf elder realised what was being asked of her. With a snap of her fingers a visual representation of the land was shown. Where they are now is Fieful at the bottom of karma.

Blador is completely under Orc control. They build forts, checkpoints, camps and inhabit what stands of the elf ruins. They have crossed into karma, making a Fortress in Grimdar. Thanks to the Hunters guild the orcs construction and overall conquest was halted somewhat. By this time however the Orc army has turned Grimdar into their territory, sending parties in each direction.

Shiki took the floor from this point, a Hunter from the lost city of Rockhold this man has been fighting orcs from the tender age of six.
"my name is Shiki Naza, I am the leader of the hunters Guild"
"hi Shiki" Kan answered like one in a support group would have, the guildmaster kept going. Despite his tiny smirk
"I like you but be quiet, teacher is speaking..."
Kan shut up as it seemed like Shiki could murder him.

"alright... in the battle of Grimdar we learned a lot about these monsters. I'll get into that but first I'll explain the basics. For the quad squad...

Orcs are green skinned human like monsters. The average orc is faster and stronger then the average person. Human dwarf beastkin or elf... Orcs are the most resliant of all races... like all races on Aerth Orcs have mana. Some orcs have multiple mana similar to a elf. I used to think this was because the first orcs were made from the bodies of elves. This could be true but recently my guild and I learned a horrible truth... Orcs gain mana from consuming their enemies. If a orc eats The heart or brain of a creature they usually gain the mana of the victim...

A orc named Ashkur killed two of my apprentices. We found their corpses mutilated and missing organs, when we encountered Ashkur again he was able to turn invisible, as well as make shields out of pure mana. These were the abilities of my fallen friends...Needless to say I am still trying to avenge my comrades... The scariest part to this is how the Orc army grows. It takes a week at most for a orc to eat it's way out of the womb, depending on how much food is available the spawn can be adult sized in three days. Orc spawn take on traits of the mother. If a orc has it's way with a wolf, expect a furry orc with claws fangs and a tail... this is what makes me worry about the sea creatures like you implied Jindal."

A gruff "aye" sounded out in agreement

"As for the intelligence of these monsters... Like all life it varies, they have ranks within their race as they form armies and teams. Warchiefs, captains, and leaders is how they describe it i think... most orcs are cruel brutes only talented in combat but others are cunning, able to plan ahead further then gathering numbers and stomping about."
Shiki sighed deep before continuing, as if hard to accept what he was saying next.
"With that said... If a orc ate my bits they would probably be able to teleport. If a orc eats a God sent soul then I fear that orc would gain God given power"
The council grew deathly silent at this last bit of news.
Shiki returned to the spot he was standing in by the wall as Hans took the floor.
"Sort of wish you let me go first as what I say will seem pointless..." The human Mage muttered. Shiki shrugged waiting for Hans to continue.

"Uh right. Nightspawn... we know nothing about them. Slick black creatures, they range in size and shape as well as strength... Some are weaker then children but others rival ogres or giants. They appear from nowhere, the only clue to their arrival is a low hum or buzzing noise as they slip from the ground or air. Like thin wire frames of a Angel, or a blob of dark mass with limbs... nightspawn are less of a problem in karma. I hear Restag has more spawn then orc but THAT is rumour I'm sure. As orcs raid everywhere at this moment, surely the walled city of Dunwel in restag is the only safe haven. But Dunwel is a human kingdom, their country despise beastkin and elf similar to orcs"

Alixi cut off what was happening to say "The sky islands!.... everything to do with the darkness!!"
Almost every council member groaned as Yobei exclaimed

"Souls from God need elf partners, angels bring death to the darkness" Alixi managed to say after a bit of mental struggle. The old age was very apparent in this one.

Yobei sighed. "Like the nightspawn we know nothing of angels... If angels exist. Apparently winged humans live on these falling islands. One has fallen in the sea North of Restag, but with karma under siege we can hardly arrange to explore new lands. We can barely hold our own."

Shiki spoke up again. "first, I believe we should equip these souls with something other then leather and rags... If they are as inherently amazing as Sarrd believes it shouldn't be to long before they are in fighting shape, or at least able to defend themselves. I can escort them around karma to find suitable beasts to practice on."
The council agreed on this. Except for great grandma who waved over shiki and whispered something. She agreed after so whatever the secret was must have not mattered to much.

enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Phineas Forge Phineas Forge ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler
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Rhewi stood off to the side and listened to what all was said. She knew plenty about orcs already, but was horrified that were trying to breed with amphibious creatures. Also, the fear that they could get ahold of the god-like powers was not a pleasant thought. She’d have to make a note as to watch these new additions to the world. Her eyes scanned and analyzed each person who spoke, she’d need to learn of their names soon. These special chose heroes needed to be trained? That would definitely slow down the process of killing orcs. She crossed her arms and sighed. She decided just to wait to have a one on one conversation with someone before speaking up. There was too much chitter and chatter for her. All she wanted was a direct plan.
NeonFlow NeonFlow
Although he wasn’t one of the bigwigs, Phor could be called an expert after nearly three months of fighting orcs. He piped up in agreement to both Shiki and Alixi: “I believe among our first objectives are equipping the God-sent with better armor—er, any armor at all—and seeking the remnants of the elf population. I might understand the latter now; given the elven affinity for magic and the orcs’ nature as artificial magical beings, perhaps they could provide insight into orcish weaknesses.” He then folded his arms as he took a breath.

“Nature disguises its weaknesses as strengths, and some abhorrent facsimile of nature is no exception. Even the ultimate being will have some hidden weakness, which I think is why orcs are pushing to multiply and evolve at such an alarming rate. They will only win if no one with this knowledge is left to oppose them. Now, who better to reveal this invisible weakness than the kin of their creators? Perhaps a series of autopsies with an elven mage present would provide further insight.”

NeonFlow NeonFlow enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Phineas Forge Phineas Forge ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler
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As the briefing continued, Randolf grew pale. Forget the country, orcs plague over half the damn continent! If it's already this bad, can a group of just four with heavenly gifts make any meaningful impact? Excepting perhaps a nuclear bomb, no matter how powerful a weapon may be, it won't be able to turn the tide of a war if a nation can't manufacture enough to deploy it consistently. Orcs themselves increase their numbers at an incredibly rapid rate - a new soldier in a mere ten days. That's not to mention that they gain mana by feasting on the corpses of their enemies. But perhaps worst of all was the true extent of their reproductive capabilities.

The freaks could breed with just about anything.

They're biological weapons, alright. A hand-crafted invasive species. Purpose-built to overwhelm and annihilate. It's almost like it never occurred to the orcs' creators that they would need to deal with their monsters after the intended targets perished.

Unless, perhaps... they did consider it?

That's it. A light in the dark. No half-competent engineer would design something so dangerous without some way to contain it. Randolf doubts it would be as convenient as a mass kill switch, like one might be able to implement in robots. However, it's completely within the realm of possibility that the orcs have an inherent weak point, a flaw deliberately constructed for exploitation in the event of an outbreak. The reasoning is inductive, but unless the otherworlders become powerful enough to rival even the demigods of Irish myth, it might be their only chance.

"I'm inclined to agree," Randolf said, supporting the ideas proposed by the hunters. "First we should ensure that we can survive traveling - equipment, supplies, training, whatever that entails. Then we should find the elves and learn everything we can about orcish biology. Only when you fully understand a weapon's construction can you develop the most effective counters."

Goonfire Goonfire NeonFlow NeonFlow enterelysium enterelysium ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler Orikanyo Orikanyo Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
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The council "um" "err" and "ahh" to each other as the gathered began to speculate. Sarrd hans and Jindal stood however and went to fetch something, returning with... A small bag of gold,
Some signed parchments -- apparently some sort of coupon or IOU
And some odd shaped dark coloured crystals.

Sarrd began to explain. "we apologize for the meager help we can provide. Two hundred gold coins, these parchments will provide the rest of what you need inside Fieful. These crystals are called Shadow stones. Simply forcing your own mana into one of these will destroy it, covering you in shadows. Use these as a last resort... or sell them. Many stores would be closed but in the morning you can ready yourselves."

"Enough doom and gloom for tonight, what say we welcome the God sent with a feast... I was going to pay for my guild but it seems I have four unofficial apprentices to take on as well"
Shiki clapped his hands and managed the charming grin he usually sported.
"gather your shit and follow me new friends and trusted comrades, I shall buy the best food and drink in Fieful aha!"

The guildmaster must have expected his offer to good to refuse or simply wanted to eat as he left quickly as if the school bell had just rung.
The wretched Wyrven was busy as it usually was but Shiki in his confident way soon had the largest table to seat a group and the patrons cheering for dead orcs.
The wine and mead taste more strong then delicious, but a fruity aroma is enjoyed before every sip. The vegetables seem exactly the same as from earth, as well as the meat. Very was similar to chicken or turkey but much bigger servings. A leg was the size of a earth chicken, needless to say it was all delicious... even with dire problems weighing on the shoulders of everyone, the night ended on a decent note...

((You can decide if you want to rp feasting, getting to know each other or asking questions starting a bar fight whatever OR choose to abbreviate how the night was spent and time skip to lunchtime the next day after everyone has gotten clothes and equipment))

Goonfire Goonfire enterelysium enterelysium ColoredSparkler ColoredSparkler Orikanyo Orikanyo Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
She had been standing in the back quietly for some time now, just watching the people around her avidly listening to the speech, quietly observing.
after the speech is over, she gets up and walks over and picks up her gold and supplies.

She walks back over to kan and the others with a thoughtful expression on her face.
Why do I have to be a hero here? I would much prefer to just settle down and live comfortably, but it seems like they really need us so I might just go along with it for now. as she reaches them, she drops the thoughtful expression and does her best to change it into a smile, although it comes out kind of crooked.

(sorry for not being as active as I could have been, am tired as hell)

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