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Fantasy Iron & Fire: 2338 AD

Well I'm not sure what's up with the other members of this rp. There are plenty of opportunites to just shove your characters into action on something. @Verse Zero Might want to go through the sign-ups and make sure whose still with us and those that abandoned their CS.
No problem. I know work schedules, school starting up, and RL in general can cause problems. Thanks for letting me know in advance :)
Will be posting tomorrow and be sending out messages. I'll also be doing a time skip so that we reach the AO tomorrow.
LEMME POST FIRST BEFORE YOU DO! Dx I've just been swamped. Haven't had much time to bunker down and type out a response.
Well, that's certainly going to take most of the squadrons advantages away. It's probably a good thing that Alexis can follow orders exactly as they are worded. No DSI missiles, but the SAR missiles are part of an Oracle classes standard loadout. Sorry commander, I guess I forgot to mention that. But no DSI's.( ;) )
Question, what would a mechanic be doing right now in the RP? Just working on maintenance? Or helping the smaller craft get into the air so to speak
I'll be looking forward to reading it. Lol.

So, how many pilots do we have? I know we have Alexis but i don't see any others... Unless I'm blind.

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