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Fantasy Iron & Fire: 2338 AD

thanks for explaining the rp so well after I read up it all made sense
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Yes I do, captain of forwards and I play prop, and second line for scrum, lifter and jumper for line out depending on situation.
Sorry for the impromptu delay. Rugby game was especially brutal. Pretty sure I lost several brain cells going head to head in a ruck. But I won, crown of forehead beats nose anyday of the week.
Lets see if we can get some people to post before I move things forward again. For those that have yet to post. I'll be sending out messages to see if people are still participating.
I am interested in joining but I'm going to have to read everything through a few more times again because its so detailed XDD

I love the idea though, wonderful. What kind of gets me is the ranks. I dont exactly understand them very well.
[QUOTE="Verse Zero]What on the ranks are you confused on?

How they work, if that makes any sense. I saw in the overview that there were Terran Army Elite Soldiers. Can you play as one of those in the Valkyrie?

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