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Fantasy Iron & Fire: 2338 AD

Errr. Do I need to go back and advance the time line on my last post significantly? At 0905 Alexis was less than 2 minutes away from the CO's cabin. Now she needs to arrive after 0920. Possible resolutions?
My fault. I'll edit that. Usually I catch such things xD

Fixed. 0910 is the new time limit for time lapse in posts.
Works for me. Post will be up tomorrow, well, at least getting to her cabin for grilling anyway.
I'll post Gallen tomorrow. I lie. I won't post Gallen yet.
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When you post, but then the screen reloads and you lose everything....ANGER

Ugh I'll get to it when it's not like 7am where I am.
Before I post I need to know a couple of things. Will Starling allow Alexis to activate her DA in her office, and if she does, will she allow it to connect to a wall screen so it can display the missile diagram while Alexis explains?
*Evil Grin* Well, glad to see the roleplay starting up again

Alexis is a bit... cold? Poor Takashi, just on the bridge, doing commander stuff xD

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