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Realistic or Modern Instant Family

Pedro gave a small smile as he listened to her talk to him giving a small nod before he fell asleep against her. Once he woke up he could hear Carlos and Carmen in the living room chatting away about his day at school. He got up slowly and made his way to them smiling"Hey there bud."

Max gave a heavy sigh and shook her head some "You can't hold her right now Jeff, they don't want you to exert any kind of energy right now." She said quietly keeping Ana close to her still while she slept "She is okay for right now. I'm not going or taking her anywhere."
He let out a loud grunt, just wanting her at least next to him and tapped the space that she would fit into, frowning some as it hurt to breathe against the broken ribs, the painkillers not really doing enough for him. He didn't particularly want Max there but she was a better option for Ana than anyone else he could think of and he wasn't about to dump a baby on the Pascals with everythin they were going through.

Carmen smiled, setting down a juice box for him and a snack bar as well, leaving him and Pedro to it while she went to sort dinner, worrying about him. He'd slept through from 10am all the way til what was now 3:30 and he still didn't look so great.

Carlos looked over and smiled "Hey Dad, can I have some friends over on Friday? Mom said yes but that I had to check with you too." He told him happily. "There's two Mexican kids in my class and they can speak spanish too and we won our soccer game today cause we could talk to each other without the other kids understanding." He grinned at him, making space on the couch.
Pedro chuckled at him and smiled some "Sounds fine to me, you better not be cheating though okay? Cheating is not good." He explained sitting down and smiling softly at Carmen "So school was good today then?" He asked winking at Carmen

Max sighed softly but gave a small nod and placed Ana in the small space next to him smiling some as she snuggled right up to him "They're going to keep you over night and if you're doing okay from the surgery they said you could be out of here by tomorrow evening possibly." She explained
He nodded and got up to go wash his hands so he could sit next to him having had it drilled into him that they had to be really careful about germs around his dad while he was going through these treatments. “Yeah. One group of kids asked if you guys are drug dealers cause we lived in Colombia... I told them yes and they ran away.”

carmen snorted a little. “Oh Mijo you’ve got that from me.” She laughed getting up to go get dinner sorted for them all,standing at the stove half an hour later when she feltarms snake around her waist and she leaned back into them some smiling. “Mmm.... you can stay there a while.” She told him quietly. “He had a good day... my fried nerves were all worth it.” She mumbled, relaxing more as she felt his chin scruff scratching at her cheek a little.

he just nodded a little before the painkillers finally kicked in and he passed out, his arm still wrapped protectively around ana while she curled up to him all the way until his nurse told max that visiting hours were ending
Pedro laughed loudly shaking his head some "You sure did." He said before he started to chat with him for a bit until he ran off to go play. He got up and made his way to Carmen wrapping his arms around her from behind "Hey beautiful, he seems to be getting along just fine." He said quietly to her

Max gave a soft sigh and nodded softly picking up Ana before she brought her back to Jeff's and fell asleep in Ana's room next to her crib
She nodded tiredly, spending the rest of the evening with both her boys until she got Carlos to bed and went to bed with Pedro after locking up, managing to sleep mostly through the night for once, needing the energy for the hospital visits for the next day.

Jeff woke up around 9, a lot more coherent but also in a lot more pain that morning, laying there exhausted already and just anxious to see Ana again, worried that max would keep her away the whole time he was in there.
Pedro woke up the next morning and groaned softly as he woke up making his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day sighing heavily as he looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were sunken in, he had lost so much weight already, and he was getting worried about how much worse this would get.

Max came in about thirty minutes later with Ana smiling softly when she saw Ana reach for Jeff "Hey...sorry we're here a little late, Ana didn't sleep well so I wanted her to get as much sleep as she could." She said softly letting Ana lay in the spot next to him "How are you feeling?"
Carmen came in and pecked his cheek, getting herself ready quickly. “Hey, he’s having his breakfast then I’m taking him in. I’ll be back in a little bit okay?” She murmured and went through her morning routine at the speed of light and took Carlos to school before heading back home and went to find Pedro in the couch, reaching for his hand. “You ready?”

he just nodded a little. “Like I got crushed by a tractor.” He muttered keeping her right up to his side. “They’re sending me home either this afternoon or tomorrow morning though. Long as I don’t end up with anymore internal bleeding.” Heexplained
Max gave a small nod and sat down giving a small frown "Do you have someone to help you? Is Sarah out of town?" She asked not knowing they had split up. She just wanted to make sure he had someone to help him with Ana and himself.

Pedro nodded some and went on with his daily routine before he went to sit on the couch waiting for Carmen. He gave a soft smile as she came out and nodded taking her hand "Yeah lets go." He said quietly
She drove them there in mostly silence as she was just worn out and thinking over everything but while they were in the room waiting for his doctor to come in and run a physical she sat next to him resting her head on his shoulder. “You were breathing really funny last night.” She mumbled squeezing his hand.

He shook his head with a shrug. “Don’t know where she is. Don’t care either. It didn’t work out.” He muttered leaning back and just watching his daughter while she tugged on his fingers and insisted on putting them in her mouth like she was prone to do with everything lately. “Oh Ana ew.” He smiled tiredly at her pulling her a little closer.
Pedro kept her close as they sat waiting for the doctor and gave a small frown when she mentioned his breathing "Was I?" He asked softly kissing her cheek gently sighing softly "I feel like I'm sleeping okay." He muttered

Max frowned some and gave a small nod "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that." She said softly before she looked at Ana laughing softly "She is teething, pretty sure thats why she slept so bad." She explained before reaching in the diaper bag and handing her a teething ring smiling again when she started chewing on it "So do you have anyone to help you out?" She asked softly.
She nodded. “I think you’re sleeping okay but you’re just... breathing pretty shallow.” She mumbled and sighed quietly, standing up once his doctor came in and she stayed to the side a little while they did the quick once over before they made him get changed into a hospital gown for the scans. “Maybe we should do date night with you in these.” She winked at him.

he sighed quietly but quickly regretted that and winced some. “No.... just Adam on the farm. My mother has moved across the country so she’s out of the question.”
Pedro laughed some and shook his head "Only if you're my sexy nurse." He said winking over at her before he got in the bed and let them take him off to get the scans done

Max gave a small nod and frowned some "Well um....if you need anything I'm here okay? My work is very understanding with children so if you need me to watch-" but before she could finish he had cut her off quickly with disapproval causing her to fall silent.
“We will be fine.” He muttered and kept ana close to him watching her stare out the window and point at the birds flying past. “We don’t need help. I just won’t be on the farm much the next couple weeks.” He muttered and turned away from her some.

carmen smiled shaking her head some. The day he lost his sense of humour was when she would really start worrying, going with them though and waiting outside each room with a book for him and eventually went with him to the doctors office to wait to hear what the outcome was of the latest scans. “Mmm... Ernie called late last night. Said Matthew Vaughn is trying to get ahold of you and wants to speak to you in person about a role in the new kingsman movie” she told him, squeezing his hand.
Max frowned more at him and shook her head some "Jeff you can barely breathe right now! How the hell are you supposed to keep up with her?! I'm not saying you can't but Jeff it'll only make you worse!" She said frowning more as he ignored her "You know what, this is fucking bullshit and I'm done with it. I will be at your house until you prove to me that you arw fully fit and able until then I will be there to help with OUR daughter." She said sternly glaring at him some

Pedro gave a small nod as he glanced through the magazine "I did enjoy the first one, but I'm not sure if I'm right cast for it. Especially with my body the way it is." He muttered giving a heavy sigh. He had lost faith in him being able to act again and he didn't want to take jobs with the fear of not being fit enough to do them.
She frowned watching him some. “Will you at least talk to him? He’s asking for you specifically babe.” She pointed out and sat up some more frowning a little. “He’s taking a while to come talk to us.” She mumbled frowning a little and fidgeting.

“You won’t be anywhere near my place. Do you understand me? You show up on my property and I will call the cops for trespassing“ he spat at her. “Don’t you get it?! You need to stay out of our lives. For good.” He spat at her.
Pedro gave a small nod and smiled some at her "Alright I'll talk with him." He murmured and looked at the time frowning some "Yeah he is taking a bit." He mumbled giving her hand a soft squeeze "Its okay though, I'm sure everything is alright."

Max glared at him and shook her head again "No! No I'm not dealing with this anymore Jeff! You will never be rid of me understand?! I will not leave her life until the day that I fucking die and that is a promise you get that? I will fucking go back to the courts and tell them how you're violating my visitation rights! Those papers said I have a right to fucking see her! I have done nothing but try to proove to you I changed and I'm tired of it! Now you let me be there for my daughter god damn it!" She spat finally standing up for herself for once and putting her foot down.
She just nodded chewing on her lip a little and kept fidgeting until he came in another ten minutes later. ‘Sorry for the wait. There was an emergency down the hall... right... I have food and bad news.” He told them. “Good news is we can still help you fight this and we aren’t diagnosing terminal... bad news is that treatment isn’t working as we’d like. Brain tumour has grown and so has the one in your left lung... I would like to propose a more aggressive treatment schedule and really push for it over the next couple months and then we can revisit and see where you’re at.’ He explained to them both.

He glared at her refusing to back down as well. “Those visitation rights are supposed to be organised so that the social worker picks her up and drops her off. You are not meant to have any contact with me at all. Learn to fucking read.” He snapped back at her as he felt something tear and just fell back panting.
Max glared at him and shook her head frowning as he fell back in pain quickly pressing the call button and picking up Ana while a nurse came in to check him over

Pedro listened to him and frowned feeling his stomach drop before he gave a small nod and took a deep breath before he squeezed Carmen's hand "Everything is going to be just fine." He said quietly to her before he looked at her
She chewed on her lip til it was raw while she listened to Pedro go over everything with the doctor and soon drove them home in silence, worrying about everything now. She got inside once they got home and went straight to her study, sitting at her desk and glancing over at their wedding photo breaking down into sobs for the first time.

“Out. Now.” She told the woman harshly and got him laid back while they were checking over to see what had happened as Jeff was blacking our and Ana has started crying not liking not being in her dads arms.
Pedro got home and sighed heavily moving to sit on the couch. Though when he heard her sobbing he got up and wrnt in to her holding her close "Shhh baby shhh its going to be okay I promise." He whispered softly to her rocking her back and forth

Max took Ana out of the room bouncing her gently as she tried to get her calmed down sighing softly singing to her like she used to smiling as she started to calm down in her arms.
She grabbed onto him desperately, burying her face into his neck and just cried into him shaking some not even attempting to talk it out, still shaking badly. She was losing her husband and she had no control over it.

She looked up at her then back at the room and pointed. “Dada!” She told her reaching to try and get down so she could toddle in there to go see him again but it was his nurse that came out, shutting the door behind her. “Ma’am you cant go back in there. He needs to rest and clearly you’re putting him under far more stress than is necessary right now.” She told her seriously. “You need to leave.”
Max frowned more and held Ana close to her a nodding some as she listened to the nurse "Alright umm..I will get someone to come up here to check on him." She said softly before she left with Ana and calling Adam up "Adam could you...could you check on Jeff? I got kick out..I'm trying to help with Ana but he won't let me." She said softly

Pedro just held her close letting a few tears fall as he sat there with her "I love you so much baby, I'm not going anywhere I swear to you." He said quietly
She frowned and eventually calmed down, not really wanting to argue with him right now but she knew he couldn’t make promises. The next few weeks before Christmas went by far too quickly and even on Christmas Eve she was finding it hard to enjoy it because she was still doing all the running around for everyone. Christmas morning at least they managed to get a lie in until 7:30 and then they managed to hold off on presents until 10 when they got up going downstairs with Pedro while Carlos was getting everyone drinks as he was so excited to dive into the Christmas tree. “Pedge you need your inhaler?” She asked. He’d started needing it every morning now to clear his airways but she smiled a little when he said he was feeling good

Adam was the one going back and forth between max and the hospital while Jeff was recovering but eventually after a lot of disagreements and arguing, Jeff eventually allowed max to stay in the guest room once he got home to give him a hand with Ana. He was just glad to be home for Christmas and seeing Ana excited over the pretty wrapping paper even if she didn’t really understand what was going on. He had a few bits set up at theirs but the three of them would be spending the day at carmen and pedros and he was only half looking forward to it at this point. Just stressed about having max around
Max sat at Jeff's place smiling softly as she sipped her morning coffee watching Ana crawl around in her christmas onesie trying to get to the tree but they kept her back for the time being. After all the arguing and fights she was thankful that Jeff had finally let her stay with Ana for the time being. Things had gotten a little better between the two of them but nothing was fixed yet. They could atleast hold some sort of conversation without yelling at eachother now "You want to let her open a few before we head out?" She asked seeing Ana pouting at the two of them.

Pedro had gradually been getting worse as everything progressed but today thankfully he felt the best he had felt since the diagnosis. He sat on the floor with Carlos handing him a few presents to open until everyone came "Here bud you can open these but you gotta save some for when everyone else comes." He said happily before looking at Carmen kissing her cheek gently when she asked if he needed his inhaler "No babe I actually feel really good right now." He said happily pulling her close to him "I told him to leave a few for when guests come so he isn't fully left out just in case." He said happily

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