IC Area

lion_tamer_by_leerer_raum.pngLyon Granville

Inching toward the kitchen doors, Lyon tip toed up to the threshold. Just as his hands  brushed the door handle did he hear a not-so-pleasant voice boom from down the hall, "MASTER GRANVILLE".

Lyon grimaced, turning ever so slowly until his eyes fell on the towering figure of the Head maid looking sternly down at him from not more than three meters away; quickly hiding his hand behind his back trying to look nonchalant he forced a smile,

"Grenda! How nice to see you!", he said trying to make pleasant conversation as he inched towards the stairs, "I was just about to leave so I'll be on my way now, you know, summons and such." Making a break for the doorway he was stopped by a hard yank on his waistband. The woman towered above him narrowing her eyes obviously seeing through his deception. Natasha plopped down underneath the stairwell to watch and licked her paws, obviously amused by the situation. The Head maid surveyed him up and down clearly displeased with what she saw, clicked her tongue in disapproval.

"YOU mister are not going anywhere until we get you cleaned up.", her accent was thick and European. It was clear that she would not take no for an answer. Without any hesitation she picked up Lyon by the waist and threw him over her shoulder like a child. He kick and struggled to get free but it was obvious he wasn't going anywhere soon.

The woman looked over to where Natasha was grooming herself and beckoned to the creature, "Come on, you too Natash-ski. Let's get that gore out of your nice coat, yes?", getting up from her spot the wild cat happily followed her up the stairs to the washroom. Grenda was the only one besides Lyon that Tasha would listen to and with good reason. That woman spoiled that cat so much you would think SHE was the one wearing the crown.

Making it up to the washroom Lyon was stripped of his clothes and thrown into the soapy water. As he started to protest rough hands silenced him as they scrubbed his face and hands mercilessly with cloth and suds, working out the stains and dirt. 

Tasha sat to the side, looking much too pleased. In seeing her Lyon felt a surge of annoyance, he picked up a bucket of soapy water and threw it across the room spraying water all over her and landing directly on top of her head. The boy leaned back engulfed by a fit of laughter, too amused with his little prank to be preoccupied with his situation as he watched Tasha shake her head trying to dislodge the bucket.

Then, before he knew it they were both clean. The stains on Tasha's coat were gone as well as the ones from his hands and face. Grenda put her hands on her hips and wiped her brow, "There! Now, isn't that better?". Lyon didn't respond, not wanting to give her the satisfaction that she could be right. She gathered up his dirty clothes and set some dry towels to the side. 

"l'll have one of my girls come and bring you a fresh pair of clothes. I trust you can dress yourself?", she exited the washroom and Lyon climbed out of the tub to go dry off. "What are you looking at?" he accused Tasha, "Some friend you are."

((Sorry for the novel, it's honestly just fluff))
Lulette took several deep breaths to try and calm down. "And just what" She accentuated the what "Where you doing invisible in the path. And no, the king would not order strippers. That is beneath him." She rolled her eyes and brushed off her outfit. Tonight she was wearing a leather jacket with fur at the top and her bow slung across her shoulder. Her pants were just plain brown, simple but easy to move in and work with. Lulette drew herself up taller and looked at the girl. "And why are you so skittish... It's rather bothersome..." She remarked, studying her bow in disdain. This rude personality was a cover. She didn't want anyone near to her, no one close to her so she wouldn't fall again. She wanted to save all affection for her Chara.

Calista Flowei 

"I am so so sorry! I should've-" Calista suddenly looked up angrily at Lulette. The girl was being so damn rude! "This is not the path, this is the ballroom floor. There is no path here, just you happened to make your own path and you bumped into me! Regardless of whether  you could or could not have seen me-" at this she made herself visible, soft expression twisting into one of pure annoyance "-you should have apologised! I couldn't see you either! It's a matter of being polite....How would you know what is 'beneath' the King, you don't even know him!" Chest rising and falling in anger, she felt her lip quiver. Yes, she felt bad for snapping at the girl, but she was being so obnoxiously impolite. Not only was this girl being rude, but she was trying to make herself seem bigger too! Not that she needed to seeing as Calista was a short woman anyway. Eyes narrowing, she listened to her speak. "Your attitude is rather bothersome! How hypocritical and arrogant can a single person be, my goodness! You're completely and utterly full of yourself aren't you? Well, get your head out of your backend- it is not a hat, darling." Calista felt an ache in her chest as she said that, remorse for snapping at Lulette, but the girl always had a tendency to snap and ridicule others. Karma, perhaps? The will of god? "Look, I don't know why you're being so rude to everyone, but if you want to enjoy your time here, I suggest you take a kinder approach. I apologise greatly for my being impolite,  but you have to come to notice that not everybody is against you-" Calista moved forwards, holding the girl in a friendly hug. "I know how you feel about this place, but you've got to make the most of it." 
Calista Flowei 

"I am so so sorry! I should've-" Calista suddenly looked up angrily at Lulette. The girl was being so damn rude! "This is not the path, this is the ballroom floor. There is no path here, just you happened to make your own path and you bumped into me! Regardless of whether  you could or could not have seen me-" at this she made herself visible, soft expression twisting into one of pure annoyance "-you should have apologised! I couldn't see you either! It's a matter of being polite....How would you know what is 'beneath' the King, you don't even know him!" Chest rising and falling in anger, she felt her lip quiver. Yes, she felt bad for snapping at the girl, but she was being so obnoxiously impolite. Not only was this girl being rude, but she was trying to make herself seem bigger too! Not that she needed to seeing as Calista was a short woman anyway. Eyes narrowing, she listened to her speak. "Your attitude is rather bothersome! How hypocritical and arrogant can a single person be, my goodness! You're completely and utterly full of yourself aren't you? Well, get your head out of your backend- it is not a hat, darling." Calista felt an ache in her chest as she said that, remorse for snapping at Lulette, but the girl always had a tendency to snap and ridicule others. Karma, perhaps? The will of god? "Look, I don't know why you're being so rude to everyone, but if you want to enjoy your time here, I suggest you take a kinder approach. I apologise greatly for my being impolite,  but you have to come to notice that not everybody is against you-" Calista moved forwards, holding the girl in a friendly hug. "I know how you feel about this place, but you've got to make the most of it." 

Lulette rolled her eyes at most of it, chuckling at some points. She still remained in that icy personality until Calista hugged her. Lulette's heart began to pound and she started to panic. She'd promised herself she'd never let anyone do that but Chara, that no one would get close to her. She had to be like Chara was supposed to be to deserve her. Letting Calista hug her was not going to do that. Lulette suddenly shoved the girl away, her expression murderous. She strood towards the girl towering over her with her arrow in hand. "Do. Not. Touch me..." She growled, clearly about to attack if anything else happened.
Calista Flowei

Calista grimaced as she felt Lulette's hand shove her to the ground, causing momentary panic. Head knocking the floor, she growled under her breath, watching as the girl strode towards her, towering over her own small frame, an arrow threateningly in hand. At this, she felt vulnerable, but clearly not vulnerable enough to allow her foot to trip Lulette up, grabbing her arrow in the sudden state of weakness. "Don't you dare threaten me or any other members of The Chosen," she mumbled softly, voice not living up to her words. Pixies usually were softly spoken, seemingly weak, vulnerable and easily targetable. Calista made a point to use her kind appearance to lure in and surprise her enemies. Hands tightening on the neck of the arrow, she snapped it in two. "You should know damn well the rules for The Chosen. You just broke one."  Calista felt her hands were shaky from the sudden fall previously, causing her to drop the two pieces of arrow onto the floor beside lulette. The impolite girl had her fall twice within 2 minutes, now that was unfair. If she didn't like to be touched, that was that, but there was no need to be threatening about it. No need at all. Eyes narrowing slightly, she felt the back of her head, a little blood coming off onto her fingers. Calista was never usually this angry, but due to the attack on everyone, and then another few attacks directed at her in particular both verbally and physically, she was seething. @Echo Dreamsong

Turning away, she opened up the castle gates at walked outside, into the forbidden woods. Decius did say they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, and Calista had taken it literally. It put her at peace to see all of the plants. Most of The Chosen would've been more severely punished than Calista was upon enetering the garden, but seeing as it was her speciality in particular, it wasn't as much of a bother for her presence to be with nature. Walking gently into the forest, she sat down, eyes fixated on watching the plants dance with the gentle breeze, occasionally making them grow, fatten, shorten, to be reborn upon withering. Calista kept the forest alive and fresh. 
Kielel Zielyr 

The Grand Ballroom to the forest.

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, oh you're cool. Just kidding, fuck you too."

Sheathing his bloody sword the decaying ceased and he kicked the last wrything archer. "And fuck you especially, Jerry." He sighed as he looked at the rest of the chosen. He'd chopped off the arms and occasional legs of the archers and for jerry he cut off a particular sensitive part. It's not killing if they just bleed to death, right? Running a bloody hand through his hair he teleported back to the others to see how it was going. Of course, the battle seemed to be at a end with their side victorious. He looked around the group, covered in blood, batted and some naked.

Watching as the king killed all the gathered betrayers in one attack he gor bored pretty quickly. Sure he hated seeing these guys die, but he didn't want to end up like them. For this he was going to stay quiet. Although he could see on some of the others faces that they didn't approve either.

Only half listening to the king, the advisor and Decius. Well better get to work. He cracked his knuckles and began teleporting to every injured soldier, delivering healing potions like he was a sexy Santa Claus or Oprah. After finishing up his duties he cleaned up and grabbed a quick bite to eat before returning. Free time was a rare occasion and he was going to make the most of it. Clean, full and ready to have some fun all he needed now was a pretty lady to spend it with.

Appearing back in the Ballroom he looked around for Calista. He'd seen her earlier, but with all the commotion he had no idea where she went. After watching those three strippers bound across the ballroom he couldn't help but crack a smile. This place is so weird I love it. He spotted Calista with Lulette, both looking a bit angry. He remebered Lulette's overall attitude wasn't the most pleasant, but she was certainly pretty. He teleported closer to them, using his camouflage to keep himself hidden, he listened to Calista stand up and suddenly change from angry to apologetic in a instant. Covering his mouth he did his best not to burst out laughing. Such a sudden shift! She's fucking amazing, I love her. But sadly it won't do much. The ice queen won't let anyone else melt that heart.

Watching the scene unfold as he predicted he teleported down to Lulette. "When people reach out to you they open themselves up to vulnerability just as much as you do. Keeping yourself so closed off hurts those who want to get to know you." He gave her a smile, "I'm sure your beloved wouldn't want you to spend your life without any friends. Later." He vanished appearing behind Calista in the forest. Wrapping his arms around her waist. "what a lovely forest, but not as lovely as the maiden who trends to it." He whispered in her ear with a smile. With his arms wrapped around her he couldn't resist the urge. He tickled her sides, wanting nothing more than to see her smile, or hear her laugh.


@Echo Dreamsong
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Calista Flowei

Calista found herself suddenly flinching upon feeling arms wrap around her waist. Her flinch was suddenly followed by a surprised, sharp intake of breath, obviously audible. Stunned for a few moments, she realised  she was pouting heavily, head turning to look back at the person holding her. Calista had a clear idea of who it was anyway, hence why she did not attack or attempt to. And looking at him, she was right. It was Kielel. His whispers sent shivers down her spine, causing her whole body to shake a little, mostly as her hearing was a little enhanced, her ears sensitive to noise. "My, how can a single person be so flirty? You never fail to astound me," she retorted with a soft smirk followed by a series of chuckles- these chuckles suddenly grew louder upon feeling Kielel begin to tickle her. "Kiel!" She squealed, trying to pull his hands away from her waist. It got to the point that her sides began to hurt, as well as her stomach from the extreme giggles. Anyone's who knew Calista knew that she was very ticklish. The trees around them began to rustle with her every laugh, causing a slight breeze.

At last, she managed to slip out of his grasp, standing a good meter away from him to avoid any more sudden attacks. A wild grin plastered on her face, she tried to calm her breathing, a hand brushing through her thick hair. "You know you aren't supposed to be out here, it's forbidden." Eyes widening slightly, and her arms crossed over her chest, she cocked an eyebrow. Her mood had most definitely lifted after her encounter with Lulette. "And you also can't just tickle people without their permission. Completely absurd behaviour," she teased, shaking her head lightly. Eyes tracing the floor in front of her, a small series of bramble bushes grew around her. "You know, just in case you decide to test your luck again," grin wideneding, Calista found herself feeling a little smug. 

@The Suspicious Eye
Shiaria Fang

The Grand Ballroom to Dungeon

Doing the best to keep her calm, her chest nearly exploded as he took off his helmet. Before ever coming to the castle never had she seen someone with golden hair. Even as a child she was enthralled in its color and shine. Her clan all had either raven black or gray fur, never such a brilliant gold has been seen. Why did she feel this way? It was not right to feel such things for her superior, and yet it cannot be helped. Though she'll never confess, she is happy to simply be there. Feeling a bit calmer as he returned the helmet she gave a soft sigh. As he mentioned the interrogation she looked up, intrigued. Maybe this was chance to get some real answers, real answers she needed to know. Walking quickly to Decius's side, she gave a quick bow before speaking up. "If you do not mind I would like to accompany you." She wouldn't miss a opportunity to find out what is going on, since no one seems to want to explain it's up to her.

(Ugh. This is the best I can think of.)

Kielel Zielyr

The forest.

Kielel couldn't help but smile as he heard her laugh and saw that beautiful smile again. Letting her wriggle out of his grasp he slid his hands into his pockets and pretend to look innocent. "I'm not? Well since I'm here I might as well make the most of it. Besides isn't everythinga bit better if it's forbidden?" He raised a eyebrow as his smile only seemed to grow wider. He could tell just by looking at her that she was feeling better. Good. He was worried that the whole Lulette thing would get her down, but it seemed he had nothing to worry about. He wondered when be started to be interested in Calista. Sure she was beautiful, but there was so much more. It was a strange feeling that he still can't describe.

As the ring of brambles grew around her he chuckled and shook his head. Taking a few steps closer he stood at the edge of the brambles and reached out to her. "I'd risk everything just to touch you." He brushed her cheek, smiled and gave her a wink. "Besides I'm a pretty lucky guy. I get to see that pretty smile of yours almost every day."


(Brain needs more cake....)
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Calista Flowei

Calista watched him, clearly amused by his pretending to be innocent. "I suppose everything forbidden is more interesting that way," she grinned, eyes widening, glittering with bliss. His smile sent an unusual warmth to ooze the pit of her stomach, causing her smile too to widen. Whatever that feeling was she didn't know. It was almost unexplainable. Regardless of that feeling, she was evidently a hell of a lot more cheerful than she previously was. Her mind just had to be taken off of the small battle that had taken place before- deep down she was too soft to bear the fact that she had helped to end someone's life, whether or not they were evil. Kielel was making her forget it with ease, lighting up her whole mood completely. His presence alone had grown to be a comfort to her after those 10 years.

Seeing him grow closer, daring to approach the bramble bush. His chuckles sent her stomach to flip lightly, a blush tinting her cheeks. His hands were soft against her cheek, and she lifted her one of her own dainty ones to hold his hand where it was. "Everything?" She questioned with an arched eyebrow, breaking from her trance like stare at the cheeky wink Kielel gave her. "And me with your eyes. They're as green as the top of the trees in the early daylight. And no matter your mood, I can always see them," In her eyes, it was a great compliment to be compared to that of nature. Suddenly though, she heard the voices of knights armour bustling as they ran around the castle. "Shh," Calista pushed her index finger to her lips, signalling for Kielel to be quiet. The brambles dropped, but instead a large tree formed, a hollow inside, covering the two within its trunk. It was reasonably cramped, but that didn't stop Calista from moving around, eyes peering through a small hole in the tree from which she could see the knights, a smirk to her face.

"Enchantress!! Come on."

"Mrs Calista, you've had some time outside now-"

"Why not just leave her for a little longer?"

"She is in her element,"

"The lords have said before to leave her unless she's causing trouble...At least she isn't trying to invade the castle with plants again!"


With a satisfied grin, Calista watched as they scampered off. Her pointed ears twitched slightly in hearing the metal clank as they walked.

"Kiel," she began, turning to look up at him, the tree trunk slowly opening up on one side to show an exit big enough for someone Calista's height. Anyone taller would've had to have bent down to get out. "What are you? You look human, but your ears don't look human....but I'm sure most pixies and elves tend to be short...I can't quite put my finger on it," Calista meant it in a rather curious way, not meaning for it to come across as impolite. In their day and age, there were so many different creatures. 

(I always need cake)

@The Suspicious Eye
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Kielel Zielyr

The forest.

Smiling as he felt her hand on his, she felt so warm against his skin. "Everything." The brambles scratched against his armaments as he moved even closer. His words were steady, he didn't waiver, no jokes, it was a absolute for him. Smiling as she spoke about his eyes, he leaned in to say something but was stopped by her finger. His body heated up at her touch and he smiled. Suddenly he was encased in a tree with her, he could feel her lungs expand and contract with every breath. He leaned in close, wanting to feel more of her as he listened to the knights outside. He smiled, remembering that day the plants tried to claim the castle, it was pretty cool. Smiling as her ears twitched from the sounds of the metal armor the knight wore. Looking down at her as she turned to look at him, she was so small, delicate as a pixie should be, unlike himself. Well unlike the others around him now in this kingdom. 

Resting his against his elbows he looked down over her, a soft smile on his face. Tilting his head he looked at her a bit surprised, he hadn't expected such a question. Then again she's a intuitive one. He gave a soft sigh, "I'm actually surprised you asked. Well it's not like I keep it a secret, there's no way really to. I'm a elf, a Rune Elf to be exact. Its alright that you don't know, most of us are long gone. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only one." His eyes were a bit sad as he spoke. Pushing off the bark he bent down and exited it the tree extending his hand out for Calista to take. 

Arianna stood and made her way back to room. A heavy limp and frown. She stumbled into her room and yanked off her boots. She dropped her bow and quiver onto the same pile. Her cloak and she clothes came off too and she washed herself with a wet cloth. Not daring to come near a tub of water. Then she lay on her bed just breathing and singing to herself. Strength slowly returned to her limbs. She hoped Fortune was okay as she drifted off to sleep.


Lyon Granville

Tousling his hair with the fluffy white towel he ran it across his arms, and torso, all which were covered in faint white scars just like the rest of his body from countless close encounters with wild beasts and foes alike. His muscles were toned but not large, he was lean with a short stature but his temper made up for that. 
Tasha took the other clean towel Grenda had left for her into her mouth and looked up at him.

He smiled grabbing the towel from her, "Alright, no need to use the big cat eyes, I'll dry you off too.", she purred as he went up and down her back with the towel. Unlike a house cat's purr Tasha's purr was audible from a good distance away and it filled the small bathroom. Lyon grinned, it made him feel good to know his animals were happy and healthy. Tasha pressed her nose into the inside of his hand and he scratched her muzzle in return causing her leg to go up and down and slap against the tiled floors. Lyon's laughter echoed in the chamber so loudly that he barely even noticed the quiet knocking at the door.

Wrapping the towel over his waist he went to answer it, standing in the doorway stood a surprised servant girl. Looking down at Lyon's bare chest her eyes grew wide, obviously she had not expected him to answer the door himself perhaps expecting Greta to still be fighting with him. Her ears quickly became a burning red to match her cheeks. Turning her head away she held out a stack of fresh clothing, wordlessly. 

"Oh.", he took them from her outstretched hands, "Thank you.", she bowed quickly, obviously relieved and ran off. 

That was strange, he thought to himself. He'd never gotten a reaction like that and he almost never wore a shirt. He brushed off the encounter, seeing no point in it and inspected the new clothes he had been given. Breeches, just how he liked them, baggy around the legs and cinched at the waist with a sash around the middle to slip things inside, pulling them on he surveyed what remained. A simple vest, a sleeveless fitted shirt, the usual, then something caught his eye it was like a collared sweatshirt but the arms had been removed, leaving it to look like a cowl neck with no sleeves. There was also a cut down the middle causing the two sides of fabric to meet in a V which would leave his middle free. He examined it the crimson light-weight fabric, and how it contrasted with his pitch black breeches, it was like it had been picked out for him. (x)

Slipping the sheer fabric over his head it fell over his shoulders, stopping at his waist. It was a perfect fit. Wow, he thought, Grenda really outdid herself this time...

Tasha grunted in approval and Lyon simply shook his head. That woman would go to any lengths to get him to wear more clothing. Tonight really must have been a special night. 

"C'mon let's go see if they saved anything for us in the kitchen.", he grinned and there was a twinkle in his eye, Tasha followed him out the door her tail flicking happily at the thought of fresh meat. 
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Calista Flowei

Calista stayed still for a few moments, the sound of Kielel's heartbeat thumping in her ears. There wasn't much silence before Kielel broke it, and Calista carefully listened, pushing her plump lips out slightly in interest. A small habit she had gained since she arrived to the kingdom. The way he had tilted his head had a smirk twist into her face, his reaction reminded her of that of a small puppy. "A Rune Elf?" She questioned, eyes widening slightly, "I think I've heard about Rune Elves- the ability to live to 100 years old. An 1000 year old immortality...." then, at his last comment, her eyes widened in bewilderment, "Oh! I'm ever so sorry to hear that," Voice softening, she lowered her gaze, feeling guilty as to even asking the question in the first place. Seeing the sadness in his eyes, she pouted lightly. It was almost positive that every Chosen member would've missed their homes, missed the culture they left behind, and it seemed as though, even after all those years, Kielel had too. He was always so happy that it wouldn't seem that way. 

Eyes trailing after him as he exited the tree, she analysed his hand, taking it within her own, using it to help her guide herself out of the tree, although admittedly it wouldn't be that hard. Blinded a little by the sudden light, she used her other hand to shield her eyes, letting them adjust before removing her hand away from her gaze. Smiling up at Kiel, she arched an eyebrow. "Okay, prettyboy, what now?" On her shoulder, a small owl perched, having landed their upon exiting the tree. It had big, yellow coloured eyes, a smooth, round face and warm, brown and white feathers. "Ki, don't be scared," she whispered, her hand lifting to stroke its feathers. "He's completely danger-less." The owl blinked, its feathers shaking as it moved closer to the crook of Calista's neck. "Everything, remember?" She mumbled gently with a soft grin. 

@The Suspicious Eye
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Kielel Zielyr

The forest.

Nodding he didn't even want to think about the long life he had ahead. A thousand years to watch everyone he loves grow old and die. It just sounds so lonely. It's why it is better to think about the here and now. Feeling the warmth of her hand, Kielel smiled at her as she took his hand. She is here now. His smile was genuine and reached to his eyes letting them light up as he brushed off the sad mood. "Oh, don't worry about it. It was a long time ago. Besides here I get to spend my time with lovely ladies like you." He leaned down and brought her hand up to his lips, kissing it gently. Tempted to pull her close and steal a kiss, "well, how about....." he looked up at her and his smile faltered as he saw two talons resting against Calista's shoulder. Eyes wide he was gone in a instant, appearing up in a tree hugging onto the branch for dear life. 

Looking down at the winged monster that sat on his beloveds shoulder, ready to eat her face any moment. Calista tried to calm him down, but he was having none of it. "Danger-less?! Birds are monsters they try to peck out your eyes and claw you to death!" He made eye contact with Calista only for the bird to give him the look. A look Kielel knew too well, he clung to the branch for dear life. He shook his head "Nope, nope, no way. Birds are evil. All birds are evil."

As she mentioned that he did say everything he grumbled and pouted. "But...but...he's evil..."

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Calista Flowei

Calista arched an eyebrow once more. "Ladies?" She grinned teasingly, a blush sprinkling on her cheeks as his lips met her hand. His lips were so soft, but burnt through her hand even after he had pulled away. No one had ever payed such attention to Calista so the romantic gesture was alien to her,making her heart beat to increase rather dramatically. Just as he began to speak once more, his smile dropped. That was exactly what Calista had expected upon him seeing the bird. As he ran, the bird looked rather startled, screeching. Bewildered, but taking a calm approach, Calista looked to K, and then over to the bird. Gently easing its talons onto her palm, she softly brushed her nails over its back, slowly yet successfully calming the small creature down. "Kiiieeelllelllll," Calista whined with a pout, eyes narrowing slightly as she looked towards him. In all truth, she was beginning to admire the bird, and at that, Kielel too for not being afraid to show his phobia. 

Seeing him up in the tree, she grinned, shaking her head lightly. "May I remind you that there are probably more birds in that tree than over here in the- wait what?" A small series of chuckles escaped her plump lips. "He's tiny! He's not evil at all, are you?" She sent her gaze back to the bird, watching as it stared rather evilly back at Kielel. "Pecking eyes out? Well, I beg to differ." Calista brought the bird next to her face, holding him there. "See? He's not eating my eyes, he's not doing any harm!" The bird lifted itself off of her hands, and then proceeded to jump onto the top of her head. In doing so, it slipped, scratching the corner of her head with its sharp claws. Wincing lightly, Calista lifted her hand to the scratch, she caught a little bit of blood. "That was an accident," she muttered with a small smirk, gently holding the owl and placing it in a nearby tree, where it took flight and flew towards Calista's open window within the castle. 

Edging towards the branch Kielel was embracing, she leaned against the tree trunk, looking up at him. "Do you need help down?" 

@The Suspicious Eye 
Decius Vorgan - Grand Ballroom > Dungeons

Decius looked at Shiaria as she bowed. "Neat." He responded, facing towards the exit from the room. As the two left towards the dungeon, several servants and a small crew walked into the ballroom to start repairs. Decius led Shiaria down through the dark, groomy tunnels of royal dungeon. There were guards every corner, clearly the security was tightened. The two entered a room locked by a steel door. As soon as they did, the guard that was inside clenched his fist and put it around the place of his heart, on his chest. A form of salute in the Fenrisian regions, in northern Regum. "How is the prisoner?" Decius inquired. The guard then responded. "Awakened ten minutes ago, sir. Conscious and being interrogated, sir." Decius looked at the mirror on the wall, it had a spell on it that allowed them to hear and see what was going on in the interrogation chamber. Decius had a bad feeling about this, that's why he asked if anyone to accompany him, yet in a way that would not cast suspicion.

The torturer held an iron morningstar in his hand. A powerful mace with a spike for each 4 directions and one upwards. Then he asked. "What is the name of your master? His location? Troops?" The Dark Commander looked at him with a bloodthirsty facial expression. "I work for myself, you mongr--" but before he finished the sentence the inquisitor smacked him in the face with the morningstar, leaving behind a gaping hole in the Dark Commander's cheek. The latter cried in agony. Literally cried. The torturer walked around the chair, making one, silent lap that only filled the situation with an eery loominess. The Dark Commander's jaw opened and he was probably about to release the toxic gas, however then he yelled in pain instead. The inquisitor looked at him. "These binds are made out of phase-iron. Try magic all you like. All it will earn you is pain. Speaking of which, I believe physical methods are not working. BRING IT IN!" The torturer yelled towards the door behind him.

A pair of priests walked into the room, one of them holding an ornately decorated box. A heavy aura came off of it. Tons of protection spells against dark magic. The second priest put on a pair of metal gloves, handing another pair to the torturer. He opened the box and took out a malicious, black dagger. It was seethed with black magic, curses and all forms of darkness. So much that you could sense an emptiness in your heart simply by looking at it through the mirror. The priest took it in his hands then gave it to the torturer, explaining. "Do not take too long. Use of this item is forbidden, Inquisitor, you very well know why." The torturer nodded, taking the knife in his right hand and showing it to the Dark Commander. "This is the tip of the ancient spear, Gáe Bulg, crafted from the bones of a Leviathan demon. Used by Archdemon Overlord Asmodeus during the Third War In Heaven then passed onto the mortal King; Cu Chulainn, a Nephilim. Well, we hunted him down and now we have it. A weapon of renown and fame, that killed more celestial entities, having more angel blood on it than the amount of decadent saliva that you ever held in your mouth in your whole lifetime. This? It's corroding, cursed, malignant... corruption. When it touches you, it will rape your soul - not even talking about cutting. You have ten seconds to impart the secrets of your leaders onto me, or I will bestow you with pain that your rotten nerves won't be able to comprehend, you corrupted sonuvabitch."

The Dark Commander merely laughed, however as soon as he started to, the torturer put his left hand on his head and forced it in place, then forcefully stabbing it in the Dark Commander's chest. It glowed with a dark, blue light and flickered with taint. The latter screamed and writhed in all forms of agony, but the knife remained lodged inside until he yelled. "I'LL TELL! I'LL TELL! TAKE IT OUT!" however you could barely understand it over the screams of torment and nightmare he was enduring. The inquisitor kept it inside the Dark Commander's chest, but retracted it several centimeters letting the Dark Commander think. "MATHIAS! PETROS MATHIAS IS MY LEADER! HE ORDERED THIS! HE WANTS TO RESURRECT THE OVERLORD!" The inquisitor yelled back at him. "WHERE IS HE?!" and the Dark Commander yelled back. "FENRIS! HE'S AT FENRIS. THAT BRAT KILLED A FUCKING BODY DOUBLE. MATHIAS SURVIVED." The torturer argued back. "HE DID NOT SURVIVE! IT WAS CONFIRMED BY HIGH LORD DECIUS VORGAN HIMSELF." The Dark Commander cried, his tears falling to the floor. "I SWEAR. I SWEAR HE DID. HE SURVIVED. HE'S ALIVE! HE GAVE ME THE ORDER PERSONALLY! HE'S PREPARING AN ARMY IN FENRIS!" The inquisitor took the knife out, then turned around, still holding the bloodied, tainted blade and then thought-out-loud to himself. "That would imply resurrection. Huh, always knew Mathias is a traitor. Never suspected him to be a necromancer aswell. Oh, well." He made a quick, 360-degree turn and stabbed the Dark Commander in the forehead. "All I needed to know. Thank you." And retreated the dagger once again, handing it back to the priest and leaving the room.

Soon after, the same torturer entered the room the two were in and said. "M'lord? You're already here. Then I guess you heard what he said." Decius looked at the individual before him. He had leather clothes with a trenchcoat, an oblong, leathery hat with a seal of the inquisiton and several weapons including swords, a morningstar, flintlock pistols and spell-scrolls on his suit. Yep, he was clearly an inquisitor. An agent of the Holy Order that hunts down all demons, monsters, heretics and mutants. A true zealot, serving the Gods. Decius then said. "Yes. If Mathias survived--" but paused and looked at Shiaria. "Apology, you must be confused. You see, eighteen years ago, the King sent me on a military campaign to Fenris. My first one, in fact. There I hunted down a traitor general of the kingdom, known as Petros Mathias. His troops turned renegade with him and they planned a grand civil war that would overthrow the King. Of course, thanks to our efforts this was stopped before it came to be. I had the honor of killing Mathias myself, but apparently he's still alive. He'll be surprised to know I'm not a ten year old boy anymore. Or maybe not. Who knows how long after the battle he was revived. After all, I ordered him and his troops to be buried under 50 meters of dirt just to ensure that they are too deep to be resurrected by a random necromancer, but... now I guess there has to be something more in the game." Decius turned to the Inquisitor who gave him a tortured look. "Inquisitor, prepare the troops. I want everyone ready to move out in two and a half hours. We're going to Fenris." Decius looked at Shiaria. "Go and find the rest of the Chosen, Shiaria. Tell them of our findings and tell them to prepare, a full debrief. I'll go inform the King."

@The Suspicious Eye (also known as: "forcing player interaction to push the plot onward.")
Arianna birch: Her room-

Arianna woke up and fixed her hair. She adjusted her rumpled clothes and slung her bow over her shoulder and attached her quiver to her side. She let her hair fall in curls down around her shoulders as she walked out and into the hall. She needed to take a walk. Her mind was tired of only thinking about fighting. She wanted more than that in life but it looked like she would be a fighter. Only that. She began to hum softly. 

(Open for interaction)
Kielel Zielyr

The forest.

Not afraid to show his phobia. If Kielel had a choice in the matter he'd brush it off no problem, but sadly this world is full of bird and all of them seem to hate him, and the feeling is mutual. He didn't know when he got so scared of birds, but he knows why. "Big, small, they're all evil and they all want blood. There isn't a bird in the world that doesn't kill for its food. Evil is what they are! That one included!" He pointed to the small owl, his body beginning to slip from the branch he quickly went back to holding on for dear life. Watching her bring the beast closer to her face he couldn't help but worry. Seeing it scratch her beautiful face he pointed again. "It's tasted blood and wants more! Evil I say! Eeeevvviiiiilllll!!" Flinching as the it took flight towards Calista's window he could feel himself slipping, he grabbed on to the branch again.

Waiting until the creature was completely gone before moving again. He looked at her as she leaned against the trunk he turned a bright scarlet, "No. I got aaaaaahhhh!" Slipping from his branch he fell on his head in the ground hard. "Ow..." Groaning he rolled around and laid on his back his blush not fading so easily. Looking up at Calista he gave a warm smile, "I guess I didn't have it, huh?" Stretching out he patted the ground beside him inviting her to join him.

Calista Flowei

Calista grinned, her eyes rolling jokingly at Kielel's remark. "Its mouth was no where near where it had scratch, Kiel, it didn't taste any blood at all," she chuckled at his reaction to the bird, "Okay, okay, the bird was evil." She finally mumbled, smirking still. It wasn't like she was making fun of his phobia, but more along the lines of finding it amusing how he had this everlasting hatred for birds, how he determined them all evil. Eyes lingering on his scarlet face, she her grin expanded. "That's a lovely shade of red you've gone there, Ki." Quicker than anything, Kielel had fallen out of the tree. Too quick for her reflexes to respond and attempt to save him. Calista felt herself wince when her friend hit the ground head first. Standing frozen for a few moments, she felt her lips twist into a smirk. "You're so silly," she chuckled, leaning in closer to him, "No, I guess you didn't have it," she smiled, her hand lowering to cup the back of his head. Other hand roaming her hair, she pulled out the same flower she had earlier, placing it in his mouth. "You need to be careful," Calista grinned, her hand combing through his hair lightly before pulling away. "Does your head still hurt?"

@The Suspicious Eye
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Chara Vervette: Palace

Chara had just arrived in the palace. Sure, she'd been there as a child, but when her father decided to pursue new things, she was dragged off to the wilderness. For years, she'd been in small village with her father as lord, but it wasn't the same. Chara adored the look of the palace. She thought it made her hair look better and her look more desirable. If she looked better, wouldn't she be able to find her soul mate if everyone was an option? She remembered her first relationship, with the oddest thing she'd ever known, but it just wasn't right for her. She found someone who was better, and everyone she tried got better after that! The teen took in the high ceilings and impressive art, all while she clung to the arm of a tall tan boy. He was her latest catch. The two laughed and until someone stumbled upon their path. Her eyes were a pale grey, and hair a long silky brown, but it was the head piece that set her apart. A silver woven bit with feathers and an orange gem. Chara frowned. "Lulette?"


Lulette: Palace

She stood frozen in shock, staring at the girl in front of her. How did she know her name? And why did she look so familiar? It slammed into Lulette with more force than the king's sword. This was Chara. She found her again. But was it really her? Lulette stopped her steps that she had taken towards her love and looked at every detail. She was dressed much more nicely than when they had used to be with each other. Lulette suddenly jerked back like a dog on a leash. Chara was with someone else... How did she know? The girl was clinging to the boy's arm. Also, she introduced him.

"Lulette! Oh, it's sooooo good to see you!" Chara's sing song voice was starting to bring panic. Lulette had always imagined them hugging tightly and just crying in eachothers arms, not greeting each other like a mere acquaintance. "Johnny, this is my childhood-" Don't say it  Lulette thought mid sentence"friend! Lulette, this is my one true love John Beecher!" Chara didn't seem to know what was wrong, but Lulette took a step back. She could feel everything starting to crumble.

"Oh, um, good to see you too... N-nice to meet you, John." Lulette mumbled before forcing a smile. Then she took off, heading for the grounds. Tears flowed and she finally stopped under a tree. There she slumped down and tried to bottle up everything. It didn't work. Lulette slammed her head back against the tree and let the tears flow. She threw her head piece down, quick angry breaths came after and she picked up her last arrow. She couldn't deal with this well of emotion, she needed something else. The arrow dug a line through her arm, drawing a pale pink blood. More lines, more blood trailing down her arms. Sobs wracked her chest and she hugged her knees as the blood dripped everywhere.

(Open, yes, very depressing)
Shiaria Fang

The Dungeon to Just Everywhere


Following behind Decius her senses were on high alert. There were parts of the castle that made her very uneasy to be a Night Worgen in, and the dungeon was one of them. Of course she'd never let her uneasiness show, she did wish she was at full strength if anything bad were to come. Entering the dark room she smelled the familiar scent of the north and saw a soldier salute the Fenrisian way. Of course. He leads the 314th, 315th and 316th Legions as well, those of the men of Fenris. He must truly be a great leader to have them leave their homes for one here and at such a young age. Her attention was taken away from admiring Decius as he mentioned the prisoner. She'd smelled the Dark Commander long before they even started down towards the dungeon now looking at him she felt a small amount of pity for the creature. Then he uttered a familiar name she'd wished that she'd never have to hear again. Keeping silent as he was tortured, her eyes did not leave every second of the grueling torture. Seeing something so brutal was nothing to what she'd done in her own past or experienced herself. 


Looking at the torturer her eyes narrowed with hate. An inquisitor through and through she did her best to avoid these men and women who were nothing but a bane to her and her family's existence. Many a clan has been pushed into succumbing to their cursed fate by the so called 'service of the Gods.' Her hatred was deep, but in her new position she could no longer act. Holding in her rage her face was calm, serene and beautiful even. Only her eyes showed the fire of hate that shined at the man.


However the second Decius turned to look at her, her eyes softened and she was taken aback for a moment. She actually knew quite a lot, but feigned ignorance for a moments more of his attention. "I see, thank you high lord." Closing her eyes she did her best not to flinch as she heard they'd be heading to Fenris. "Yes High Lord Decius." Standing up she gave the inquisitor one last glare before leaving the dungeon.


Not one to waste time she summoned what energy she could and split her shadow into smaller versions of Worgen form. Dashing from crevice to shady spot the small messengers found their way to each Chosen. "Chosen, your respite is over. We have a mission. Gather your gear, gather your weapons we march to Fenris in two and a half hours. It has come to our attention that the recent attack was planned by Petros Mathias who is a traitor to the crown. Ten years ago it appeared he was defeated however, it seems he's been resurrected. We will accompany High Lord Decius in eliminating Mathias once again. Meet outside in the courtyard when you are prepared. Do not be late. For I will drag you to Fenris if need be." With that the shadow vanished and Shiaria wobbled and feel against the walls of the ruined ballroom. It was exhausting and she was putting her life energy within her shadows, something she should never do. But it's alright, she was strong on her own even with what she had to loose.


@Gabriel97[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Echo Dreamsong[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Squad141[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Firebright[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@SpiritualShrub[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Lost[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]@aja maji[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@SP3CT3R[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Arythra Thainspyre



Calista Flowei

Calista grinned, her eyes rolling jokingly at Kielel's remark. "Its mouth was no where near where it had scratch, Kiel, it didn't taste any blood at all," she chuckled at his reaction to the bird, "Okay, okay, the bird was evil." She finally mumbled, smirking still. It wasn't like she was making fun of his phobia, but more along the lines of finding it amusing how he had this everlasting hatred for birds, how he determined them all evil. Eyes lingering on his scarlet face, she her grin expanded. "That's a lovely shade of red you've gone there, Ki." Quicker than anything, Kielel had fallen out of the tree. Too quick for her reflexes to respond and attempt to save him. Calista felt herself wince when her friend hit the ground head first. Standing frozen for a few moments, she felt her lips twist into a smirk. "You're so silly," she chuckled, leaning in closer to him, "No, I guess you didn't have it," she smiled, her hand lowering to cup the back of his head. Other hand roaming her hair, she pulled out the same flower she had earlier, placing it in his mouth. "You need to be careful," Calista grinned, her hand combing through his hair lightly before pulling away. "Does your head still hurt?"

@The Suspicious Eye

Kielel Zielyr

The forest

Kielel looked up at Calista and smiled back at her. Letting the flower's healing ability take fold he pushed it aside so he could talk clearly. Reaching up to her he ran his finger down her arm. "It only when I don't feel your touch. Has anyone told you you've got healing hands?" His fingers ran down her arm to hold her hand gently. Pressing it against his cheek he smiled and looked back at her, "I mean it. I..." Suddenly he saw a tiny shadow of a wolf appear before him and he nearly freaked out again. "Gods!!" Sitting up he listened to the message. Honestly what is going on here? When the shadow vanished, he gave a sigh and then looked to Calista, "well at least we won't be cooped up in this castle."
Gallick Rowan - Ruined Ballroom > Barracks

Gallick blinked wearily, his head pounding painfully. The last thing he remembered, he was poised to defend the king from the invaders. Well, that was before he felt a sharp pain inside his head, and he blacked out. "Not that it mattered," He mumbled, eyeing the many corpses strewn across the ground. The guard had even managed to capture the ringleader of the band. It wasn't often things went this according to plan, and he attributed it to the presence the the Chosen.

Tearing his gaze away from the string of corpses, Gallick listened to Decius' orders, then shook his head. He might as well head to the barracks. He had hardly spoken to the other Chosen. The only people he talked to on a regular basis were Decius and Magnus, and he'd hardly call the latter a close friend.

He cast one last glance at the dead, before slinking off towards the barracks.

[Sorry for the late response. Life's been a tad hectic >_<]

Randolf Elmore - Entrance Hall(?)

Randolf enters, escorted by 4 soldiers, into the castle. He sees nothing amiss, but he can feel it in the air. The spirit can, too.

There has been an attack here, he says inside his head. "Yes, it seems so," Randolf mutters. The soldiers are all told something by someone along these lines, and they all rush off. They're ensuring the safety of the king, the spirit says. Far too late to bother.

"Something just happened, that's for sure," Randolf replies. "They're probably just... worried." Only just now realizing that the soldiers escorting him had rushed off, he glances around. Were they to return soon? Should he wait here? Was this a test? "What now, sir?" Randolf asks the spirit. 

I keep telling you to call me Elenor. Randolf sighs. "I forget," he says lamely. Just... stay here for now. Look around. Isn't this place grand? Randolf knew he was just trying to distract him, but looked around anyways. Of course, nothing compared to aft- Actually, I change my mind.

"It is amazing..." he says to himself. This area of the castle seemed moderately deserted at the moment. Once everything calmed down, everyone would more or less continue with their lives.


(Not sure how to make the whatever interact with whatever and do whatever, so that's why it's this short and I didn't actually do anything involving anyone else because I'm not sure how this should go.. @Birdsie)

(I'm hopeless I know XD)
Shiaria Fang

The Grand Ballroom to Barracks/Quarters


Slowly making her way to her barracks she used the wall to help support her. Using her shadow power so quickly after depleting it was a mistake, but it was better than having to go to every person. It was a bother to say the least, being this weak. Clutching her necklace it took all of her willpower not to tear it off, but she made a promise, to keep her and the others safe. Little by little she regained her strength and was now slowly making her way to her room. Her fingertips sliding across the wall just incase she would falter. 


Hearing footsteps coming in behind her she gathered her strength and stood straight and turned to see Gallick Rowan. "Gallick, I haven't seen you in a while. Did you receive my message?" In all honesty there may be a few that she'd forgotten to send. For a group that's lived in the same place for ten years many of them have hardly met each other past their first arrival. She made a effort to at least see everyone once a year, as the eldest it seemed somewhat of her duty to look after the others. Even though they don't need her help. "Things have changed, we need to prepare to travel to Fenris in two hours. There is a traitor who must be dealt with. High Lord Decius's orders."


@Lost (I lied I ate like a bowl of ice cream and now I wanna crash.)
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Ergez arrived at the barracks soon after Shiaria. After the skirmish in the ballroom, it had taken him a while to re-braid his hair, find a new set of piercings, and get over the humiliation of being seen naked. The last one Ergez was still working on, which was made evident when he saw Shiaria, and his cheeks turned a sickly yellow- the Orc equivalent of blushing. 

Calm down, he thought to himself. Everyone's seen everyone else naked. This is nothing new. Ergez shuddered at the thought of that particular incident, so his brain tried a different tactic. You feel everyone else under their clothes all the time. Perhaps this just makes it fair. Ergez inhaled sharply. Thinking like that made him sound like a pervert. 

"So," Ergez said. "Do you know what Fenris is like?" Trying to put the fight out of his mind. 

@Soul Stealer @The Suspicious Eye
Calista Flowei

Calista felt Kielel's fingers run down her arm, catching her hand and placing it on his face. In all honesty, the young woman was uncertain of how to react to such an action, her confused expression portrayed this. Gently caressing the side of his cheek, she watched him talk with a shake of her head. "I don't have healing hands, it's the plants that heal, not me," she mumbled quietly, falling into his deep, green pools. Staying that way for a few moments, she looked up slightly at his break of sentence and then as he replaced it with a curse. "Wh-?" She began before her eyes caught onto a small, wolf like creature and she jumped back, the branches of a nearby tree catching and breaking her fall. Calista could feel her heart rattle once more, listening to the sound of the little wolf's voice.

"I knew our two hours wouldn't be true," she pouted, feeling disappointed. "I don't want to kill anymore people," she also admitted, scratching the back of her neck and pouting. It was, what seemed to be, an almost desensitised topic. It was after all what their lives as The Chosen had been building up to, especially after all that training they had to endure. But what once was something she least looked forward to grew to be her favourite activity of the day, and that was training. It made her feel more comfortable within herself to know she could defend herself and her friends. "But I guess we have no choice in the matter. I better get my stuff packed- I guess I'll see you later," Calista smirked before turning away and running to the castle tower. Jumping up, she became quickly attached to the wall, sneakily climbing up it to her bedroom. As she fit higher up the wall, she found herself grow nauseated, and quickly locked her gaze to the sky. Finding her open window, she crawled up into it, greeted by the small room.

Grabbing a small leather satchel, she threw in a few of her clothes for back up, a bottle of her perfume, a small teddy bear that she had brought upon first being transported to the castle and a few other essentials. After packing it, she scurried back down to the barracks.

"I hope i wasn't late," Calista mumbled, a little out of breath from running down the huge flight of stairs. With a smile, she shrugged her shoulders, pulling her hair out of its ponytail. Her long, thick hair curled down to her lower thighs. The maids at the castle had attempted to cut her hair once or twice, but she wouldn't allow it. She liked it long. "Shiaria, I know it's a weird question to ask, but my hair keeps getting in the way. Please could you braid it for me whilst we are waiting? Or perhaps you could, Ergez? Your braids look nice," She asked, feeling shy to ask. One of the maids have frequently done it for her, but now her hair was too long, and the maid too busy. "Heya Gallick!" Calista quickly added, a warm smile on her lips.

@The Suspicious Eye



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