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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

XD Hahahah! I live under a rock. Like I don't even pay attention to celebrities or what happens in the other states (sadly) unless it's something really big.

Okay, both of those make total sense to me because I could care less about that stuff... but Arby's it's... it's food. xD
Yes! I would say battle of the...yea, but I can't say the word here. XD I think.

Hahahahaha yeah, that's why I had no idea what you were talking about. xD you were using a name I'm unfamiliar with. You can try kids born out of wedlock because that's literally what it means. xD lmao or Battle of the Illegitimate Children!
Hahahahaha yeah, that's why I had no idea what you were talking about. xD you were using a name I'm unfamiliar with. You can try kids born out of wedlock because that's literally what it means. xD lmao or Battle of the Illegitimate Children!
XD But that's too long!!!! XD Battle of the Illegitimate children work though! XD
They put mayo on everything! XD

That's just... strange. xD like at Burger King anywhere I know they put mayo on all the burgers, Dairy Queen too. I don't know of another fast food chain (well Good Times and Carl's Jr.) but like McDonald's and Arby's don't. At least not anywhere I've been. xD
That's just... strange. xD like at Burger King anywhere I know they put mayo on all the burgers, Dairy Queen too. I don't know of another fast food chain (well Good Times and Carl's Jr.) but like McDonald's and Arby's don't. At least not anywhere I've been. xD
They do in NJ and in NY. I know Five guys doesn't! Those are really good burgers. White Castle is just a horror and disaster.
They do in NJ and in NY. I know Five guys doesn't! Those are really good burgers. White Castle is just a horror and disaster.

Hahaha you know, next time you go to a fast food restaurant and you order your burger, tell them that you are allergic to mayo. I mean, if they feed you something you're allergic to and you tell them so they could get into legal trouble so they might actually listen. Otherwise you can always bring it back to them, show them the mayo and tell them you want your money back because you asked for no mayo.
Hahaha you know, next time you go to a fast food restaurant and you order your burger, tell them that you are allergic to mayo. I mean, if they feed you something you're allergic to and you tell them so they could get into legal trouble so they might actually listen. Otherwise you can always bring it back to them, show them the mayo and tell them you want your money back because you asked for no mayo.
I should do that from now on. I really should.

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