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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

Renee with lion mane hair and a beard, Minnie with long sleeves and gloves, Echo with baggy pants, no antlers, and a beard.
Renee can dye her hair and wear a hat... maybe Echo can wear actual pants, cut her antlers back down, and wear shoes. xD as weird as that is. lol Minnie's can be hidden under clothes, Chenglei can dye his hair.

I'll go with the both of them. XD

roflmao everyone is getting a beard. xD
Yea, everyone really is getting a beard. XD
Lion's mane. I searched lion mane hair and found this. So cute!!! XD

I was actually gonna write that Renee was mostly seen by the infirmary since they can get shortage of healers who were sent in and out of the battlefield. Zer0 Zer0 XD Oh well. I'll try to think of something else.
"When she got that beard he wouldn't stop laughing every time they got romantic, "Honestly, Lydia, you make me forget about all the bad things without even trying."; Seifer commented that James looked like he was hugging his short hillbilly boyfriend, which earned him a clonk to the head from a flying bedpan." pahahahahahahaha xD
Watchu want me to edit?
Her possibly overworking herself. Since she's out in the battle field when they tell her to go and she usually comes straight to infirmary to help them, despite having an arrow to her wings or small cuts and bruises. She's not using her magic either since she's saving that for the healing with Mica. So I don't think she's going to do heroics either, even if she wanted to because she's going to fight with her bow and arrows. Though she's gonna get injured from her and a small group at collecting more healing items and gardening stuff to create antidotes and stuff.
Her possibly overworking herself. Since she's out in the battle field when they tell her to go and she usually comes straight to infirmary to help them, despite having an arrow to her wings or small cuts and bruises. She's not using her magic either since she's saving that for the healing with Mica. So I don't think she's going to do heroics either, even if she wanted to because she's going to fight with her bow and arrows. Though she's gonna get injured from her and a small group at collecting more healing items and gardening stuff to create antidotes and stuff.
Her possibly overworking herself. Since she's out in the battle field when they tell her to go and she usually comes straight to infirmary to help them, despite having an arrow to her wings or small cuts and bruises. She's not using her magic either since she's saving that for the healing with Mica. So I don't think she's going to do heroics either, even if she wanted to because she's going to fight with her bow and arrows. Though she's gonna get injured from her and a small group at collecting more healing items and gardening stuff to create antidotes and stuff.
It's Lydia James was worried about overworking herself. I changed the heroics part.
Isn't two in the morning for you? Why aren't you sleeping? I know, ironic that I'm the one asking but still. XD It might take awhile for me to write all of this.
I'm depressed about something, but I don't want to talk about it. So I'm playing pc games/ watching a movie/ RPing to get my mind off it.
I have what I want to write but now I have to re-edit it into order because it's all over the place. XD

I usually go paragraph by paragraph when I have a lot I have to respond to. xD then I go through the next person's post the same way and edit in my responses to their stuff wherever it will fit with whatever I originally wrote.
Finally!!! I'm done writing and most of it is in Ren's point of view (No way I'm going to write more for Echo and Minnie and Chenglei because Oh my goodness, I will died first before I can ever finish posting this.) XD So yea! Woo! Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0

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