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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

Lydia: Why not? Do my whiskers tickle? *Proceeds to give James kisses all over his face, tickling him with her beard*

James: "Hahaha, yes they do!" (Looks at Lydia's face) "That is one magnificent beard, good lady, pray tell how it grew so beardiful ." (looks at her amused, like 'Oh you')
James: "Hahaha, yes they do!" (Looks at Lydia's face) "That is one magnificent beard, good lady, pray tell how it grew so beardiful ." (looks at her amused, like 'Oh you')

Lydia: *Snort giggle and says in an exaggerated deep voice* lots of meat! Meat is manly!
Lydia: *Snort giggle and says in an exaggerated deep voice* lots of meat! Meat is manly!
James: "I'm imagining you with muscles and chest hair like a lumber jack." chuckles, then kisses Lydia affectionately. Realizes something. "Lydia, why do women not have chest hair?"
James: "I'm imagining you with muscles and chest hair like a lumber jack." chuckles, then kisses Lydia affectionately. Realizes something. "Lydia, why do women not have chest hair?"

Lydia: *Flexes and giggles, returning the kiss then gives James an owl eyed look* erm... maybe... so their babies don't get a mouth full of hair? *James probably can't see it but her cheeks are almost as red as her hair*
Lydia: *Flexes and giggles, returning the kiss then gives James an owl eyed look* erm... maybe... so their babies don't get a mouth full of hair? *James probably can't see it but her cheeks are almost as red as her hair*
James: (points at Lydia like 'you're right') "Good point. Now that I think about it, even in animals that part doesn't have hair . . . Except for monkeys, I think. I can't believe we haven't seen monkeys in our adventure . . ." (looks at Lydia. Makes thoughtful beard strokes on her beard while recalling if they have seen monkeys)
James: (points at Lydia like 'you're right') "Good point. Now that I think about it, even in animals that part doesn't have hair . . . Except for monkeys, I think. I can't believe we haven't seen monkeys in our adventure . . ." (looks at Lydia. Makes thoughtful beard strokes on her beard while recalling if they have seen monkeys)

Lydia: *Nod nod* we haven't really gone anywhere that we would see monkeys... and if I were a monkey, I know I wouldn't want to be most of the places we have been. *Laughs and looks at James funny* why are you stroking my beard?
Lydia: *Nod nod* we haven't really gone anywhere that we would see monkeys... and if I were a monkey, I know I wouldn't want to be most of the places we have been. *Laughs and looks at James funny* why are you stroking my beard?
James: Because I am thinking and I don't have a beard. (Looks at Lydia again) Do you like red hair?
James: Because I am thinking and I don't have a beard. (Looks at Lydia again) Do you like red hair?

Lydia: Then... grow a beard? *Rubs James' chin and imagines a beard on it* I mean, it's an excellent disguise and you've already been hurt more than once. *Strokes her beard just because she likes to* I never really thought about it.. hair color... I don't have a preference. You?
Lydia: Then... grow a beard? *Rubs James' chin and imagines a beard on it* I mean, it's an excellent disguise and you've already been hurt more than once. *Strokes her beard just because she likes to* I never really thought about it.. hair color... I don't have a preference. You?
James: "Black." he nodded. "It matches with everything. Hmmm . . ." juts out chin. "I'll grow a beard," he nodded at her again in agreement, "And cut my hair shorter like a military haircut. You find that attractive, right, Lydia?" he smiled.
James: "Black." he nodded. "It matches with everything. Hmmm . . ." juts out chin. "I'll grow a beard," he nodded at her again in agreement, "And cut my hair shorter like a military haircut. You find that attractive, right, Lydia?" he smiled.

Lydia: *Grins at his answer and continues to grin through her beard* haven't we already been through this? If it's on you, I'm sure I'll like it. *Gives him a tickly whisker smooch*
I have no clue on what sort of disguises any of them would have. Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Cause Ren has her wings, Echo's a satyr, Minnie has a gun for an arm, and Chenglei is probably gonna wear feminine clothing as a disguise....maybe.
Lydia: *Grins at his answer and continues to grin through her beard* haven't we already been through this? If it's on you, I'm sure I'll like it. *Gives him a tickly whisker smooch*
James: "Alright, then I'll have the military haircut!" (fist pump)

I have no clue on what sort of disguises any of them would have. Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Cause Ren has her wings, Echo's a satyr, Minnie has a gun for an arm, and Chenglei is probably gonna wear feminine clothing as a disguise....maybe.
Renee with lion mane hair and a beard, Minnie with long sleeves and gloves, Echo with baggy pants, no antlers, and a beard.
I have no clue on what sort of disguises any of them would have. Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Cause Ren has her wings, Echo's a satyr, Minnie has a gun for an arm, and Chenglei is probably gonna wear feminine clothing as a disguise....maybe.

Renee can dye her hair and wear a hat... maybe Echo can wear actual pants, cut her antlers back down, and wear shoes. xD as weird as that is. lol Minnie's can be hidden under clothes, Chenglei can dye his hair.

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