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Realistic or Modern Highschool Bites [Official RP]

Hanah Solo

As Hanah was heading to her locker, she was pulled to closet.
"Where is my money, Clumsy?" asked boy from her class.
"I don't have."
Boy punched to Hanah's stomach.
"Don't lie."
"Mom is at hospital, we paid bill with money that Mom had."
Boy punched to Hanah's stomach again.
"I will ask from my mother, your mother's name?"
"Linda Solo" Hanah gasped.
"If you lied, you will regret." Then boy left.

After gasping to breath, Hanah get out and walked to her locker, that's lock was broked at first day, so she couldn't hide anything there and her bullies had easy access to her stuff, that they stoled or hide often.​
annie 4.jpg
Location: Parking lot
Mentions: jinkx jinkx
Annie looked up at the sound of someone approaching and before she spoke tried desperately to wipe her tears away, it was oddly comforting the way the other girl spoke and moved. Not to mention it was very kind for her, Evie, to risk being late just to make sure Annie was alright. "I'm Annie, and you're right about thigs definitely sucking." She let out a shaky breath before rubbing her eyes, she might have heard a rumor or two about Evie in the past but she wasn't one to pay attention to them. Brushing hair from her eyes she gave a weak shrug, "it's like, everything is happening at once, you know? Like no matter where I look I'm getting hit with something groundbreaking."

After a quick second of choosing her words Annie continued, "it's my family, something happened that really upsets me and my parents are over the moon. Then they want me to do certain things that I can barely imagine going through with, I love them and their great parents but I just- I don't think I can be what they want me to be. I don't want to either, if I did then I would stop being- well me." The words left in a rush and Annie realized how little sense they made when put together, "sorry for just unloading like that, it probably didn't even make much sense. Thank you for listening though, it really did help."

It had helped, perhaps Evie didn't know what she was talking about exactly but it had felt therapeutic to get even a small portion off of her chest, maybe she would talk about it further with Remy later. She dismissed that idea quickly, Remy was drowning in his own troubles and didn't need his little sister unloading hers onto him. Finally standing up Annie brushed away any dirt that clung to her and offered Evie a small but genuine smile, "thanks again for listening to me unload, if you ever need a shoulder to cry then I'm your girl."
Evie Cruz
Location: School
Interactions: Moka-chan Moka-chan
Mentions: Bill Nein Bill Nein

She listened to Annie pouring out her problems with brilliant patience, nodding slightly as she took the girl's words in. To an extent, she guessed she understood what it was like for your parents to want you to do something you don't want to do. She'd never met anybody that didn't have a problem with their parents. However, she got the impression that Annie's problems were more serious than the usual teenage "I hate my parents" angst. She could see it in her eyes. She'd learned to recognise things like that.

"It's okay," Evie smiled reassuringly at the girl, getting to her own feet and brushing herself off to make sure she didn't look dirty from sitting on the ground, "I know it doesn't help but your parents probably just want what they think is best. But I think I get it... What they think is best isn't necessarily what you want," She readjusted her backpack, looking thoughtful, "You should probably do what you want, not what they want. You aren't going to be happy pretending. And being happy is probably the most important thing in life."

She watched cars pulling into the lot absentmindedly, her eyes fixed for a moment on one in particular. Jackson Andrews stuck out to her amongst the people arriving. She watched him lighting a cigarette for a moment, eyes unfocused and hazy. She knew him; he was in the same grade as her. Mostly, she had avoided him. Everybody said he was mad, bad, and dangerous to know. People called him crazy. She hated the way that word sounded and the way it tasted like disinfectant in her mouth. When she had gotten worse at covering up her own sickness, other people had called her crazy too...

Realising she was drifting, Evie snapped back into focus and turned back to Annie. She summoned up her smile with ease, brightly, "You want me to walk you to class? I mean, we're friends now, aren't we? You can tell me more about your parents if you want."
Location: Parking lot
Interacting: jinkx jinkx
Mentions: Bill Nein Bill Nein
Annie couldn't help but feel touched at how closely the other girl was listening to her problems, it was nice to be listned to by someone other than her brother. She was glad that Evie wasn't brushing off her concerns with something like, 'your parents know best' or 'you'll understand when your older'. Evie's consolation and advice was generic, yet it felt so genuine that Annie found herself nodding with a smile. "I know they love me, and want what they think is best. But sometimes it just makes me want to scream, ya know?" At the Evie's advice that she should just do what she wanted Annie felt a lump form and swallowed it down resolutely, "you're right, maybe what I choose to do my parents will deem wrong and maybe it will actually be wrong. It will at least be my choice though and not theirs."

So caught up with her newfound determination it took Annie a moment to follow Evie's line of sight to Jackson where he was smoking; she knew about him in only the most basic sense. It was a little embarrassing to say but she was almost straight up avoiding him, not that it was hard because of their grade difference, not because of any school rumors or his temper but because he was a fellow hunter. A part her was worried that if they ever had a conversation that he would start bragging about his hunts or asking about hers and Annie did not want to rush to that conversation, though now perhaps she should at least talk to him. After all maybe he was more like Remy and herself and didn't feel the rush of euphoria with each kill like her parents did, and if he did then she would avoid him with an actual reason.

Annie smiled and nodded before thinking for a moment, "I say we are, also do you know Jackson? He's in your grade right?"
Jackson Andrews
Location: school parking lot
Mentions/interactions: jinkx jinkx Moka-chan Moka-chan
Jackson burnt his cigarette down to the filter. He flicks the butt out of his car as he sees the stare of someone. That stare was Annie, a fellow hunter

“Well fuck me” he says under his breath. He should’ve expected it. He wasn’t sent here for no reason.

He flips the two females off as he lights a cigarette. His blank, emotional face decides to do somthing with himself

“You guys want one” he says with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, holding the full pack out.
Evie Cruz
Location: School
Interactions: Moka-chan Moka-chan Bill Nein Bill Nein

Evie supposed she shouldn't have been surprised that Annie had followed her gaze but she was, blinking a few times in response to her question. She had a tendency to zone out when she was thinking, forgetting that the world around her was still moving at the same pace. Something about Annie's question felt weighted, almost like there could be a wrong answer. She thought before speaking.

"No, I-" She started chewing her thumbnail, (nervous habits die hard), "I don't know him personally. I know of him. I think we've had a few classes together in the past. Not that he ever shows up. I doubt he'd even know my name! He's just one of those people that-"

Jackson flipped the pair of them the bird.

"- everybody knows." Evie said, tilting her head a little to the left.

She'd hoped that he might not have noticed the pair of them looking in his direction but evidently that had been nothing more than a pipe dream. She took her thumbnail out of her mouth and stuck her hand in her jacket pocket, wandering over. Although the sight of the cigarettes made her feel queasy, she took one anyway and eyed his lighter.

"Thanks, Jackson!" She said, cheerfully, "You know, I used to smoke regularly and then I didn't smoke at all because I was too worried at the risks. Now, I just kinda go back and forth between the two, I guess," She glanced back at the other girl, "Annie?" Then, returned her gaze to the boy, "You offering these to every pretty girl here or should I feel special?"

She grinned at him to indicate she was just teasing. It's odd the habits people pick up and put down. Smoking wasn't something Evie did a lot but the fact she smoked at all didn't seem to fit with her character at all; people were always surprised that she smoked.
Jackson Andrews
Location: school parking lot
Interactions/mentions: jinkx jinkx Moka-chan Moka-chan
Jackson remains quiet and lights his cigarette with his zippo. He holds out the lighter and lights the cigarette for her.

“Who said you were pretty” he snickers to himself. He doesn’t apologize. He leans back in his chair. “I’m skipping first period. I’m not gonna miss much I don’t already know. Might go and get drunk. Miss the whole day” he takes a deep hit of his cog before breathing the smoke out of the window.

“Life’s to short to be worrying about the risks of somthing like this. Who knows you could get stabbed” when he says stab he pulls out his foldable knife that somehow just spears in his hand and points the blade at her. He then withdraws it, laughing.

“Wouldn’t be by me though.” He kicks back in his seat.
tumblr_p0ynnfRp6d1ttghg8o2_400.png Dylan Evergreen
Interaction: Open
Mentioned: Bill Nein Bill Nein jinkx jinkx Moka-chan Moka-chan

Location: Cleora Highschool Parking Lot - Hallway
After finishing her breakfast, eating quickly so she would have time to actually get what she needed for her first class, Dylan hoped off the trunk of her car, walking around to the passenger side door opening it to grab her book bag, and toss her trash inside. She was cleaning her car later, so it was fine. Anyway, Dylan shut the door, catching sight of a few students in the parking lot. Two girls, and a boy, who asked the girls of they wanted a smoke. He seemed a little weird, but Dylan decided to ignore them, and head inside.

Upon entering the school, she was bombarded with the chatter of pretty much every student in the hallway, making her sigh. "Everyone is too loud," she muttered, walking up to her locker, spending a few moments unlocking it, having to hit it to actually get it to open, before she began exchanging what she needed and didn't need for her first three classes.
Location: School Parking Lot | Interactions: Bill Nein Bill Nein jinkx jinkx Moka-chan Moka-chan (hope it's okay if I join you guys

Isabella was, much to her surprise, woken up by the sounds of her foster parents knocking on her bedroom wall. She found herself on her desk, wearing the same bloodstained clothes she'd worn last night, and with a pile of books next to her. Upon her inscription to the school, Isabella had been given a mountain of work and study guides in order to catch up with the rest of the students in her classes. To say she had procrastinated was an understatement. After returning home, the girl had tried to finish her week's worth of work in the few hours she had left until she had to get ready for school. The work had been so overwhelmingly boring and tiresome, it had managed to drive the vampire into a dreamless slumber. Something she hadn't done in years, for while she still had the ability to sleep, she hardly ever got tired and never found the need to sleep. It appeared however, that not only had she slept and gotten none of her work done, she'd also managed to oversleep. And was now running late for her first day of school.

With a groan, the girl got up from her chair and walked to the adjoining bathroom to take a quick shower. She hadn't bothered to wash after last night's hunting trip, and she absolutely reeked of death. Not to mention her hands, cheeks, and neck were covered in blood. A sight that would most likely frighten most of her classmates. (Then again, with so many vampires in the town, who knew what they were used to?). After she was clean and dressed for the day, she grabbed her bag from her room and headed downstairs to meet the others.

Her foster parents, John and Gwen Clarke, were probably the nicest couple one would ever meet. Two people who, upon discovering their inability to have children, decided to help orphans grow up and develop despite the absence of a family. While it was annoying to have someone tell her what to do, especially after 100 years of living as an adult without having to worry about her parents or any other parental figure keeping her on a short leash, Isabella liked them well enough. She had even gotten used to the other children in the house. Twins Adam and Abel, whose overly religious parents had landed themselves over ten years in prison, leaving their children in the foster care system. Isabella had been an older sister before, back in the 1920's while she still lived in poverty with her biological parents, and even her relationship with her siblings wasn't as strong as the one she had with the twins. Isabella greeted her foster family warmly once she arrived to the kitchen, where they were all huddled around the small tv in the kitchen counter watching the news.

"It's horrible, isn't it?" Gwen commented, wiping her tears with a napkin as the TV showed the gruesome images of the carnage that had taken place last night. "To think something like this would happen in such a small, quiet town. I wonder what kind of beast would be capable of such thing, maybe a wolf? God, that looks like something only a dragon would do."

The news peaked Isabella's interest, and she lightly shoved one of the twins away in order to take a better look at the television. As she watched the news, she found herself agreeing with her foster mother. Such carnage had to be the work of a supernatural creature. No normal animal would be able to do such damage. Then again, wouldn't she have noticed the presence of another supernatural creature last night? She, as well as the other vampires, could sense other creatures even from a far away distance. Isabella made a mental note to ask the others if they'd seen or heard anything last night, perhaps they had seen something she'd missed. For now, all she could hope was the corpses of her victims wouldn't be discovered by the FBI. She didn't need any more trouble with the police, after all.

"Right, well, we're late so we should probably g-" Isabella began, only to be interrupted John. "Wait! You haven't had breakfast yet!" The man called out, holding up a plate of bacon and eggs in his hand. "That's sweet, John, but I'll just grab a bar on my way there. See you tonight!" Gwen and John called out for the teenager once again, to no avail. For she had already walked out the door, the twins following shortly after for their "sister" to drive them to class.

After a short drive to the school (mostly because of Isabella's outrageously fast driving rather than because of the distance), Isabella parked in the school's large parking lot. The twins, eager to get out of the car and the hands of such a careless driver (it wasn't like car crashes could kill her), jumped out of the car as soon as possible and made their way towards the main building. Isabella, on the other hand, decided to study her surroundings before heading towards the building. She was able to make out Annie's blonde hair rather close to her, she was talking to two other people she didn't recognise but assumed were her friends, so she walked towards the group. Happy to find a friendly face so quickly.

"Hey stranger," Isabella said, placing a glove-covered hand on Annie's shoulder. She felt a slight tinging sensation on her cheek, and adjusted her hat so the sun wouldn't hit her face. She usually used an umbrella to shield herself from the sun whenever she went out, but with the supernatural population in Cleora, she didn't want to seem suspicious to any of the humans around. Instead choosing to shield herself from the sun with as many layers as she could manage. "I'm Isabella, pleasure to meet you," she commented with a smile, now referring to the two other teenagers she hadn't met. "I hope you don't only hang out cigarettes to your friends, though. I though not that many teenagers smoked anymore. Y'know, with all the health campaigns."
Location: parking lot
Interacts: jinkx jinkx fancries1 fancries1 Bill Nein Bill Nein
Annie nodded at Evies description of Jackson, even she knew about him from classmates and she wasn’t in any of his classes. When he offered a cigarette she looked at it warily, her brother smoked cigarettes occasionally but mostly stuck to marijuana. She wasn’t fond of the taste and was paranoid of the health consequences, that and if her parents found out she would get more than a scolding.

She shook her head, “thank you but I’m good.” Annie heard Isabelle approaching them and gave her a smile when the other made herself known. “Hiya yourself.” Part of her suddenly worried for her friends safety, of hunters started crawling around they would eventually find the school. She had no real proof that Isabelle was supernatural, and part of her hoped the other wasn’t. On the chance she was Annie hoped she was staying safe, maybe she should warn her? She dismissed the idea on the chance she was wrong about Isabelle.
Jackson Andrews
Location: school parking lot
Interactions: Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx fancries1 fancries1
Jack scowls at the new person who join and pockets his pack of cigarettes.

“these are not my friends. Nor do I plan for them to be so. Unless they buy me a drink, then maybe I would consider it.” he takes a puff of his cig “The clock isn’t gonna last for ever. So are we gonna sit with our dicks in our hand, or are you guys gonna go to class.”

His eyes have a hint of annoyance as he starts his car up

“if you guys are up, we could have a looksie at those dead body’s”

He takes another puff of his cigarette.

Nickoli Syr
Interaction: fancries1 fancries1 Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx Bill Nein Bill Nein
Mentioned: fancries1 fancries1 Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx Bill Nein Bill Nein

Location: School Lot
Nickoli sped towards school his mind entirely on the murders, and he could not get any rest from the information as it seems everyone was thinking about it. Every house he passed had their TVs turned to the News Channel. Groaning he turned his music on cranking the volume on the highest level. "A Team" by Ed Sheeran played loudly as he pulled into his High School parking garage. Turning the volume down he grabbed his backpack stepping out of his car.

Already hearing the voices of almost every student in the building he closed and locked his car, hearing the familiar voice of Isabelle and Annie they stood next to two other people he did not really know. Both were 'older' than him and in the same classes as his older brother. Jackson was an odd one, he would say psychotic, just a few minutes listening to the guys' thoughts and it almost drove him insane. He also knew the guy was a hunter, trained by the government. Going against the guy would definitely end up with him mortally hurt or dead. Shaking his he turned to the other girl Evie, he didn't much about her except that she'd gone through some traumatic event that had changed her.

Walking to the group he put on a smile, he would say good morning and move on. With hunters in Cleora, he wasn't sure hanging around Annie or Jackson would be the best idea. He knew that Annie had some doubts about her family field and was reluctant to cause harm on anyone but he'd heard her parents thoughts a few times and they would happily decapitate him. He didn't want to give them a reason to be in their line of fire, and being seen chatting with their daughter was definitely a call for trouble.

"Hello Annie, Isabelle, Evie and Jackson," he said once he reached the group smiling politely at everyone. Pretending not to have heard Jackson's comment on going to the murder site "So are you guys heading to class?"
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Jackson Andrews
location: School lot
Interactions: Colelovesrp Colelovesrp

“The only place I’m going to for sure, is hell” He mutters under his breath. He then says “I can’t be bothered with school today” he says.
Not like his grades are awful. He has A’s and B’s in most. He looks at the new comer, suddenly fascinated...and cute. Lucky him, he is sedated so the most he can manage is a somewhat warm blank stare.

“And Who might you be” he says. His natural blank stare helps the fact he is totally checking out the goods. It sucks that he has history of betrayal.

Nickoli Syr
Interaction: Bill Nein Bill Nein
Mentioned: fancries1 fancries1 Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx Bill Nein Bill Nein

Location: School Lot
Hearing him clearly Nick nodded nervously, "Yeah school could be boring", he says smiling slightly. He didn't need this hunter being fascinated by him whatsoever. But responded to the question "Um...my name is Nickoli, you might know my brothers better Lev and Laius"

Being able to read minds had a downfall, this was one of them. He didn't need to know that Jackson was checking out his 'goods' cluelessness was a blessing he would never be granted. "So you're heading to the crime scene?" he asked. Here he was a big bad Vampire afraid of a mere human, granted the guy was a highly skilled hunter but still... man if Rodrick saw him now he would probably fall over from laughing.
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Location: school lot
Interacting: fancries1 fancries1 Bill Nein Bill Nein Colelovesrp Colelovesrp jinkx jinkx
Annie felt suddenly wary about Jackson, wanting to check out the dead bodies of what were probably innocent wolves set off a red flag. “No, I’d rather go to class honestly.” When Nicky showed up she felt the flag raise at how openly Jackson was looking, she gave him a quick look she hoped convey a warning. Maybe she was wrong about Jackson, she really hoped she was, but just in case Nick needed to be careful. Part of her wanted to leave but she was also feeling oddly protective of the small group and even the new comer Evie.
Jackson Andrews
Location: school lot
mentions: Colelovesrp Colelovesrp Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx fancries1 fancries1
He sighs and finishes his cigarette. Damn. He is cute. Sucks I’m an absolute mess

Yeah, I was planing to go, though at this point I’m going to get a drink

He says. He says this mostly since he is more bareable which some alcohol in his system.

“You know what, that’s my plan. A good drink. Can’t be bothered with school today.”

He knows he is being extremely apethetic, but he doesn’t really care.


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Location: School Parking Lot | Interactions: Bill Nein Bill Nein jinkx jinkx Moka-chan Moka-chan Colelovesrp Colelovesrp

"Well aren't you a sweetheart?" Isabelle replied, a her upper lip going on in a sneer she hoped Jackson would notice under the shadow caused by her hat. The boy, despite the fact she didn't know him, seemed oddly dangerous to Isabelle. He seemed like the kind of men who held little to no regard for his wellbeing and, more importantly, the well being of others. She'd encountered people like him in the past, of course, herself not being too far away from people like him. But Jackson and his eagerness to look at dead bodies made him even stranger than the others, perhaps even more dangerous. Worst of all, was the fact that she actually wanted to go on with his idea.

She didn't care about the damage, the people affected, or the gore found in the scene of the crime. The only reason Isabelle even considered goof was because she needed to know what had caused such a horrifying attack. Cleora was filled to the brim with supernatural creatures, it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to make contact with them all. She'd spent too long trying to be human for her liking. It was time for Isabelle to embrace the powers she was gifted (not cursed) with. To do so, she would have to surround herself with as many supernaturals as possible. That, and she still held the suspicion of hunters being in Cleora. If that was the case, then they would need a large group to defend themselves.

"What's your plan anyways? She asked, giving Nickoli a friendly smile and a wave before raising her eyebrow at Jackson. "Waltz in to an FBI-controlled area, tell the nice folks at the bureau we're just here to take instagram pics with the bodies and go have tea and cookies with the animal that killed them?" She chuckled. While Jackson struck her as odd, she wasn't afraid of him. She was a vampire, after all. Much more powerful than a high school student could ever hope to be. She still kept her caution, though. One never knows who's got a torch ready to be swung in a moment of fear, or bloodlust.

When Jackson seemingly abandoned the idea of going to the crime seen, Isabelle didn't try to hide her disappointment. "That's what I thought," she muttered. It wasn't the best idea anyways. Isabelle figured it would be better to go during the night, where she would be hidden by the dark of the night. All she would have to do would be to hypnotize a couple of agents and find the beast herself, seemed like a piece of cake. "Well, you have fun with that. Guys, should we go?"

Jackson andrews
Location: lot
Mentions: Moka-chan Moka-chan Colelovesrp Colelovesrp jinkx jinkx fancries1 fancries1

For the sake of clarification he’s threatening fancries1 fancries1 character
Jackson heard what Isabelle said. He pulled out one of his knives and quickly put it back not yet. Maybe later.
He sighs and climbs out of his car. Already pissed. He looks at her, he might be 5’3” but something about him makes him seem dangerous.

He decides fuck it, one of his knives from his armbands appear in his , his face completely serene, but the look in his eyes some like he is looking st a burning building. His knives are also infused with holy water with some silver fibers.

Maybe I do, huh, maybe I also would like to carve up your pretty little face.”

His voice sounds serious, and his face is just a smile. He actually looks like he will stab her.

“ So how about you fuck off”
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Location: parking lot
Interacts: fancries1 fancries1 Bill Nein Bill Nein Colelovesrp Colelovesrp jinkx jinkx
Annie immeaditly drew herself up to her full height the minute Jackson pulled out his knife. Yeah they were the almost the same height but she could be dangerous when necessary. “Drop the knife and nothing happens.” She reaches one hand slightly out and the other grabbed at her own hidden knife always kept close to her persons. It didn’t matter if Isabelle could handle herself and was a badass, Annie wasn’t about to let it play out sitting on the sidelines. Not if it meant her friend could get hurt.

Nickoli Syr
Interaction: fancries1 fancries1 Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx Bill Nein Bill Nein
Mentioned: fancries1 fancries1 Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx Bill Nein Bill Nein

Location: School Lot
Fearing for Isabelle's safety and for the rest of the girls he quickly stepped in between both of them "wow wow, okay everyone lets just calm down. No need for violence" he said staring at the knife in Jackson's hands. Although the guy looked calm his thoughts and vibe were way off, he was sure that Isabelle would be able to handle herself but he didn't know how well either one of them fought and he did not need any bloodshed so early in the morning. "How about we go get that drink, uh, I have an easy first period and the teacher loves me so she wouldn't mind if I make some stupid excuse as to why I missed class" he turned his head slightly shaking it "put your knife away Annie, Jackson and I will go for a drink and you girls head to class"
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Jackson Andrews
Location: lot
Mentions; fancries1 fancries1 Colelovesrp Colelovesrp
That shaped jack out of his daze. He simply holds his knife to his neck in a threwtening manner at Isabelle

“Don’t fuck with me. You can’t win a fight with someone who has” he stops his sentence nothing to lose

He says and his knife disappears into his sleeve. He motions Nikoli to his car.

“Let’s go then” he paces back into his car and turns the engine on. He revs it, his flat 4 boxer engine making a loud noise.

(I'm on mobile, sorry for crappy formating)

Isabelle quickly stepped back when Jackson drew his knife, ready to attack him if necessary. She could smell the silver fragments and holy water in the knife, the stench so sickening Isabelle felt bile coming up her throat. He knew what he was dealing with. Holy artifacts and silver were well known vampire weaknesses, something every experienced monster hunter would know and keep with them on the job. Despite the fact others had her back and jumped to her defense, Isabelle didn't back down. Nickonli was probably out of danger, seeing as how fond Jackson seemed to be of him, and he didn't seem to hate Annie as much as he hated her. Isabelle knew very well, if he truly wanted to hurt her, it might take more than Nickoli and Annie to stop him.

"You keep that knife away from me before I bite your arm off and make you eat it," she growled, flaring her sharp fangs as her eyes turned red in anticipation. She assumed there would be no need to pretend for Jackson anymore, as he had taken out a knife specifically for vampires.

When Jackson finally got back into his car, Isabelle remained in the same attack position. Ready to run if he tried to run her over or decided to go for the kill with his knife. Isabelle wouldn't admit this under torture; but she felt afraid. She'd met hunters in the past, but this was the first time one specifically threatened her. As she calmed down and her eyes returned to her usual color, she found herself wondering how many other hunters lived in the town. "Fucking psycho," she hissed, noticing a few students had caught their fight and were now approaching to see what the problem was. "Come on, let's head to class before this asshole decides to play again."

Nickoli Syr
Interaction: fancries1 fancries1 Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx Bill Nein Bill Nein
Mentioned: fancries1 fancries1 Moka-chan Moka-chan jinkx jinkx Bill Nein Bill Nein

Location: School Lot
Sighing in relief Nick nodded staring back at the girls "I'll be fine, and I'll see you both later. It was nice meeting you Evie", he said reaching into his backpack for his homework handing it to Annie "Could you turn this in for me, please. Tell the teach I had to go back home for something", smiling calmly at the girls he went around back getting into Jackson's car. He probably had the girls fooled that he was perfectly calm, but he felt anything both that, if he had a heartbeat it would be beating 100 beats per minute.

He saw Lev's car pulling in with Laius in the passengers' seat, they all made eye contact as he closed the door, "What the fuck are you doing?!" they both thought knowing he would hear them, the fact that they'd thought the same thing in the exact same voice would have been funny if they were in a different situation. "I'll be fine, don't tell mom or dad. Please" he said to them taking notice of the shock on their faces. His parents would definitely kill him if they found out.
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Annie didn’t like the idea of Nickoli going off alone with Jackson who had just proved he was unstable, it she had a feeling that if he didn’t that a fight really would break out. She was confident she could land some good hits but he was blood thirsty and she was just trying to defend her friend. Looking over to Nick she took the paper she bit her bottom lip, “I will, be careful. Please.” She didn’t really bother keeping her voice low and she got the sense that Nick wasn’t as calm as he appeared. No on would be. As he loaded into the car Annie hoped it wouldn’t be the last time she saw him, turning her attention back to the others she gave a small smile. “Let’s head to class then.”
Jackson Andrews
Location: the road
Mentions Colelovesrp Colelovesrp
Jack pays no attention to Isabelle and drives off he gives a sarcastic wave to the twice before flooring it.

“I’m guessing they are your brothers” he says.

He’s probably doing this just so he could de escalate that situation he says to himself.

If you actually want to go to school, I can just drop you off.”At this rate I should just go home he sighs. He stops at the stop sign.
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