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Fantasy ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ต ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ooc

Iโ€™m having a hard timeโ€ฆ writing ;-; like I have ideas but itโ€™s hard to get them all into words you know
Lmfao damn right, you're not alone :'] Writing personalities especially, that stuff is the hardest boss of all bosses when it comes to character creation

And yet here I am, thinking of making two other characters for argena and yukio
for me, it helps to not focus on the writing initially or to just go improving little by little. i'll write in very simple phrases or maybe brief scenarios i see the character in. my draft for my character was this, initially:
  • no ambition
  • stiff
  • means well
i think what resonates with me was just finding a way to get started, so i'll think to myself, "it's okay if i write poorly now, i can fix it later."
That's a great process, I usually like to find songs or art to help inspire the rough edges of a character idea, then springboard from there

btw, I'm super stoked to see what kind of dynamic can be cooked up between prince maxence and the commander of the household/a third of the argena army
Sometimes I have ideas I think are difficult to write, so I just get it out on paper/word/something to have physically so i won't forget and can come back to. Of course, I have to *not lose* that physical copy too ๐Ÿ˜… :
Ooh that's very smart!! I'll keep that in mind!

for me, it helps to not focus on the writing initially or to just go improving little by little. i'll write in very simple phrases or maybe brief scenarios i see the character in. my draft for my character was this, initially:
  • no ambition
  • stiff
  • means well
i think what resonates with me was just finding a way to get started, so i'll think to myself, "it's okay if i write poorly now, i can fix it later."
Ahhh!! I adore that idea! I think I have a tendency to jump in with all the well-written stuff so I think writing it out poorly will really help me! Thank you!
Levathiel :
Ophelia (my jester thief) realizing she can use the ball as a distraction to finally steal stuff while Levathiel is not looking:
Lmfao damn right, you're not alone :'] Writing personalities especially, that stuff is the hardest boss of all bosses when it comes to character creation

And yet here I am, thinking of making two other characters for argena and yukio
And backstories for me. Cause like I have the idea but then itโ€™s like writing it out my brain goes โ€œโ€ฆ canโ€™t we just bullet point it?โ€ โ€œNO WE HAVE TO MAKE IT SOUNDS COOL!โ€
Ahhh!! I adore that idea! I think I have a tendency to jump in with all the well-written stuff so I think writing it out poorly will really help me! Thank you!
i did too! the mindset of writing poorly to help yourself feel less pressure to get started is a recent thing i came across. before, i would always write nicely before i had my character fleshed out, so i was very reluctant to change things that didn't work because i'd think, "well, this reads really nicely; it'd be a shame if i got rid of this part." in the end, it put unnecessary extra work on myself.

btw, I'm super stoked to see what kind of dynamic can be cooked up between prince maxence and the commander of the household/a third of the argena army
oh yeah! my first impression was maybe that of like "begrudgingly doing my duty," but then i was thinking that they've likely known each other all of max's life & maybe he's had some involvement in max's knight training, so i wonder how that'd affect things. like you said, i'm really interested to see what we can come up with ^^

i didn't want to reach out before your character was done, but if you're up for it before, don't hesitate to reach out!
And backstories for me. Cause like I have the idea but then itโ€™s like writing it out my brain goes โ€œโ€ฆ canโ€™t we just bullet point it?โ€ โ€œNO WE HAVE TO MAKE IT SOUNDS COOL!โ€
Lmfaoooo frrr, I'm pretty sure every person on this site has wished that they could bullet point everything on their character sheets at least once

i did too! the mindset of writing poorly to help yourself feel less pressure to get started is a recent thing i came across. before, i would always write nicely before i had my character fleshed out, so i was very reluctant to change things that didn't work because i'd think, "well, this reads really nicely; it'd be a shame if i got rid of this part." in the end, it put unnecessary extra work on myself.
Amen, pressure really kills the enjoyment. Whenever the perfectionism tries to wiggle in I try to remind myself that out of all the reasons, at the end of the day I do this for fun

oh yeah! my first impression was maybe that of like "begrudgingly doing my duty," but then i was thinking that they've likely known each other all of max's life & maybe he's had some involvement in max's knight training, so i wonder how that'd affect things. like you said, i'm really interested to see what we can come up with ^^

i didn't want to reach out before your character was done, but if you're up for it before, don't hesitate to reach out!
I'm totally up for some brainstorming, no matter the stage of cs development! I really dig the idea of Levathiel being in charge of max's training as a knight, as a kind of as you say, begrudging but kind of wholesome mentor dynamic. Maxence is quite the model prince for Argena so he'd stay pretty positively in Lev's books. We could even say Levathiel has had a hand in that - as a bit of a "Kingmaker", someone who has his back, but is always looking over the young prince's shoulder to make sure he stays on the "right path", and keeps his interests strictly in line with the nation's.

This could be a bit of a reach, but assuming perhaps that Maxence's parents died early in his life, maybe due to an earlier conflict with the Kingdom of Yukio, (pls correct me if I'm wrong lmfao) and therefore, Argena is being ruled by proxy through some royal council until Max comes of age, Levathiel could act as a bit of a surrogate father figure? < Can also apply without the whole 'parents dead' thing
Hello folks ! I'm another interested planning to make a chara for Lumina (the literally poor kingdom deserve some love and good city management dang it ๐Ÿ˜‚) Does anyone know if we have any lore about Lumina beside them being said to be smarter but less developed then Argena and Yukio ? I just wish to know more so I can brainstorm
Hello folks ! I'm another interested planning to make a chara for Lumina (the literally poor kingdom deserve some love and good city management dang it ๐Ÿ˜‚) Does anyone know if we have any lore about Lumina beside them being said to be smarter but less developed then Argena and Yukio ? I just wish to know more so I can brainstorm
It is pretty free for you to brainstorm, I would say just whatever ideas you are having communicate with the other players playing characters of Lumina and Sign.

They are known for magic as well despite their poorness/lack of development.

I also intend to bring a kitsune priestess there. She will come after Yukito though.
I'm totally up for some brainstorming, no matter the stage of cs development! I really dig the idea of Levathiel being in charge of max's training as a knight, as a kind of as you say, begrudging but kind of wholesome mentor dynamic. Maxence is quite the model prince for Argena so he'd stay pretty positively in Lev's books. We could even say Levathiel has had a hand in that - as a bit of a "Kingmaker", someone who has his back, but is always looking over the young prince's shoulder to make sure he stays on the "right path", and keeps his interests strictly in line with the nation's.

This could be a bit of a reach, but assuming perhaps that Maxence's parents died early in his life, maybe due to an earlier conflict with the Kingdom of Yukio, (pls correct me if I'm wrong lmfao) and therefore, Argena is being ruled by proxy through some royal council until Max comes of age, Levathiel could act as a bit of a surrogate father figure? < Can also apply without the whole 'parents dead' thing
though i'm totally down for dead parents, let's have Sign decide their fate; they might have plans for the king/queen of Argena. either way, we can definitely do the surrogate father figure even if they're alive, like you said! i love that idea, by the way! maybe the parents left the childrearing entirely to staff & would just see the kids for dinner, if that. max would definitely be closer to lev, at that point.

as for the present & how max sees lev now, i'm imaging like an adult child/parent dynamic! that sounds so weird LOL i mean to say that usually there's a bit of butting heads between the eldest & their parents as a result of the kid growing more independent; as the shift is going on, parents tend to struggle to loosen their grasp. maybe now, as an adult, max might feel a lack of trust from having lev constantly look over his shoulder. in line with that, lev has a duty to raise a good king or maybe still sees max as a kid.

alternatively, maybe they've moved past that stage of max being difficult. i can definitely imagine max keeping lev close by as a sort of righthand man who he might confide in for advice related to the kingdom. it'd be interesting to see how their positions conflict with their relationship; like on the one hand, max was raised by this guy, but on the other, he hold a higher position than him & could abuse his power. it'd be interesting if max gave him a poor order & lev is faced with a decision where he might have to disobey the prince in the interest of acting like a father, should the situation call for it.
Hello folks ! I'm another interested planning to make a chara for Lumina (the literally poor kingdom deserve some love and good city management dang it ๐Ÿ˜‚) Does anyone know if we have any lore about Lumina beside them being said to be smarter but less developed then Argena and Yukio ? I just wish to know more so I can brainstorm

Hey! Sorry for such a late post. I've been on bed rest with antibiotics (thankfully no covid, but still ill) so I haven't gotten the chance to really touch my characters yet. More than likely I'll try to finish by either tonight or tomorrow.

Lumina, as stated by the other fellow roleplayers, would be the poorest out of the three kingdom. Although this is true, the royalty wield magic ( which the other humans cannot wield), which keeps up to the other kingdoms. This us why their kingdom is still very much alive and can still catch up to the other two kingdoms. Their people and royalty are also intelligent than the others, and if they had the opportunity to gain more access to wealth, they would probably have a more advanced technology. Unfortunately, they rely on their agriculture and engineering skills that keeps the income flowing to the kingdom.

I will be putting out the kingdom lores in a separate thread, and if anyone( such as Weatheringwings and supermartinbros) have any ideas for the other two kingdoms or Lumina, definitely do put it here! I didn't want to be too strict on the lore so that you all could be creative in freely making your characters, but we can slowly input it in based on everyone's characters.

Kingdom lores will and can be slowly developed since essentially we are more focused on trying to "rebuild" the relationship with each others' Kingdoms. Hopefully after that we can more on to another arc, possibly a villain arc or something after if it stays alive!
The ball will take place in Argena! The kingdom of humans that are generally intolerant of other kinds and are the wealthiest among the three

So it would be a good idea for him to wear a hooded cloak to hide his ears and tail to avoid trouble with the locales?
So it would be a good idea for him to wear a hooded cloak to hide his ears and tail to avoid trouble with the locales?
It's already known that the kingdom of Yukio will be attending, so more than likely locales would either be curious or don't even care. So that's up to you!
Hey sign, is there a status on the kingdoms' rulers? Do they all have a king and queen (in other words, is it assumed all the princes and princesses have a mom and dad that are doing king/queen things?)

I'm just asking since there was an idea tossed around earlier that perhaps the rulers of Argena (aka the parents of mizton mizton prince maxence & other sibs in wip) died early thanks to a historic battle years before between Argena & Yukio

If you've already got lore and stuff planned in that regard, you can put that under the rug lmfao
Sign Sign
Hey sign, is there a status on the kingdoms' rulers? Do they all have a king and queen (in other words, is it assumed all the princes and princesses have a mom and dad that are doing king/queen things?)

I'm just asking since there was an idea tossed around earlier that perhaps the rulers of Argena (aka the parents of mizton mizton prince maxence & other sibs in wip) died early thanks to a historic battle years before between Argena & Yukio

If you've already got lore and stuff planned in that regard, you can put that under the rug lmfao
Sign Sign
The rulers will always have a King and Queen, although it is possible that they have taken the spot in if that occurs (as an example, it is possible that the parents of Macence and siblings' parents can die during the historic war, and maybe their uncle/aunt has taken throne in place of them). Such things can and do occur so of course! Open for ideas! There isn't any strict rules unless it's way off of the kingdom's lore lol
The rulers will always have a King and Queen, although it is possible that they have taken the spot in if that occurs (as an example, it is possible that the parents of Macence and siblings' parents can die during the historic war, and maybe their uncle/aunt has taken throne in place of them). Such things can and do occur so of course! Open for ideas! There isn't any strict rules unless it's way off of the kingdom's lore lol
Oh awesome! Lol thank you. I forgot to mention that part of the earlier idea tossed above was that Maxence and co.'s parents died and in their places, an emergency royal council was assembled to manage the realm's affairs until Max was of age to ascend the throne. < how does this idea sound
Oh awesome! Lol thank you. I forgot to mention that part of the earlier idea tossed above was that Maxence and co.'s parents died and in their places, an emergency royal council was assembled to manage the realm's affairs until Max was of age to ascend the throne. < how does this idea sound
Yes definitely works! As long as the others in the same kingdom is perfectly fine with it ^^
Yes definitely works! As long as the others in the same kingdom is perfectly fine with it ^^
Aye aye captain o7 It's also cool to think this extra background of a war between Yukio and Argena could act as more context as to why there is bad blood between both kingdoms, compounded by Argena's technological advancements and wealth acquired in the years since
i love the idea of there being a war between Argena & Yukio; definitely would make tensions high at the ball!
i love the idea of there being a war between Argena & Yukio; definitely would make tensions high at the ball!

Agreed! Makes sense to imagine a younger, adolescent Levathiel fighting in that war and perhaps being old enough to remember the deaths of the King and Queen - it could definitely add layers to the kind of relationship we've cooked up between him and max (and theoretically the other sibs - except perhaps NyanNyanYummy NyanNyanYummy , her gal's a half-demon rip)

And it definitely means he would NOT have the best outlook with Yukio's royalty and anyone associated ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ weatheringwings weatheringwings
supermartinbros supermartinbros -ferret- -ferret-

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