Hasterville [MAIN RP Thread!]


Avery tucked her head in slightly, almost like a turtle.  'Ah geez, i've been a jerk.  Some hero you are!'  She thought before looking into the pocket to find her phone.  She looked at the two before extending it to the girl.  "I have a phone, you can use it to call your sister."  This was turning out to be a awkward time and it would probably become worse when the girls sister came but she didn't want to think about that right now.
@JPax @Buckteeth

Ciara Ackermann

Ciara turned to M. "Her name's Pace. Pace Ackermann. I'm Ciara." She then immediately stepped back, behind M's arm once again, when the woman extended her arm. Ciara acted as if the phone was a gun."I...I don't remember her number. She changes it to avoid hacking, and it's always there on my phone. I...I guess I can still give it a shot." She looked at M, as if waiting for approval, before shaking it off and taking the phone. Again, her glance shifted up to M, and then back down at the phone. "What if she doesn't pick up?"

@Buckteeth @Shammy the Shamrock
M scratched at his head, "Well...uhh.." He racked his brain for an alternative, and felt the situation funneling itself into a narrow possibility of failure. Coming up empty, his mind wandered to how incredible it was that she was seeking comfort from him still, and he became strangely became self-conscious. Did he smell? He washed whenever he could, but when you lived in a sewer there were some things you couldn't avoid.

Suddenly, it hit him, and his eyes widened a bit in realization. "Well, do you have anything that was touched by her recently?" He tapped his slitted nostrils. "Got a pretty powerful sniffer on me, and I might be able to track her down with it. No use worrying before something goes wrong though, try to call her." He realized then that many things had gone wrong, but felt that his point was still valid.
Dylan Evergreen

"We had to take care or some douche a block away," Dylan explained kinda hidding her mouth so Jackson couldn't read her lips. Jackson shrugged, and sat on the couch. "So Henry, how'd your little case thingy go? He's a lawyer by the way, likes rubbing it in." 

@JPax @Safety Hammer

"It went fine, I guess.. I swear, I hate property dispute cases more than anything in the entire world... Well, except Nazis. Say what you will about them, but they put up hell of a good fight." Henry grumbled, before shifting his focus back to Pace. He scanned her up and down a bit, squinting as he did, before looking back up at her.

"There's a weapon in your throat, isn't there?"

(Yaaaay, detective skills... *Throws a lonely, one person nerd party*)

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Avery decided to go quiet, seeing as Ciara seemed anxious around her and pushing it wouldn't be her best option.  She tilted her head slightly when she talked about her sister changing the number but then remembered, this is Hasterville.  Her eyes then went to M who she was getting less and less nervous around as he didn't try anything and only wanted to help the girl.  She kept silent though, waiting to see if the call would work.

@JPax @Buckteeth
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Ciara Ackermann

"Oh, uh...I'd rather not call my sister on the phone of someone I can't trust. I don't want her saving my number and then stalking me like a creep, uh, more than she already is." Ciara had a hint of sneering in her voice, but it was clear that she was really put in an uncomfortable position with this woman. Now it wasn't fear anymore, it was just discomfort. She erased whatever she typed of Pace's number and dumped the phone back in Avery's hand. She then reached into her bag and pulled out a food bar. "She gave me this two days ago. Please ignore the fact it smells of vodka and cologne, she works at a bar."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Buckteeth

Pace Ackermann

"Wrong." Pace shook her head and put a hand on her hip. "I don't have weapons in my throat." Somehow, she could talk fluently, almost as if there were no weapons in her throat. The only thing she couldn't do was eat. Just to prove a point, she stepped back and bent over backwards at an angle that would surely kill her if there really was a weapon in her throat. "See? No weapons." She sprung back onto her hands and then onto her feet before patting down her dress and all.

@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden

[It makes no sense that he can just point out she has weapons inside her body unless he has a metal detector or something. It doesn't stay in her throat, it more or less disappears. Or else she'd be impaled every time she jumped out a window or something stupid. But, I'll let this one slide.]
"A sword? This isn't the medieval times. But hey, you still didn't answer my question. Why do you know about this sort of stuff at your age?"

Michael is getting a bit worried now. Was this lad a thief?

@Doctor Nope

Ciara Ackermann

"Oh, uh...I'd rather not call my sister on the phone of someone I can't trust. I don't want her saving my number and then stalking me like a creep, uh, more than she already is." Ciara had a hint of sneering in her voice, but it was clear that she was really put in an uncomfortable position with this woman. Now it wasn't fear anymore, it was just discomfort. She erased whatever she typed of Pace's number and dumped the phone back in Avery's hand. She then reached into her bag and pulled out a food bar. "She gave me this two days ago. Please ignore the fact it smells of vodka and cologne, she works at a bar."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Buckteeth

Pace Ackermann

"Wrong." Pace shook her head and put a hand on her hip. "I don't have weapons in my throat." Somehow, she could talk fluently, almost as if there were no weapons in her throat. The only thing she couldn't do was eat. Just to prove a point, she stepped back and bent over backwards at an angle that would surely kill her if there really was a weapon in her throat. "See? No weapons." She sprung back onto her hands and then onto her feet before patting down her dress and all.

@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden

[It makes no sense that he can just point out she has weapons inside her body unless he has a metal detector or something. It doesn't stay in her throat, it more or less disappears. Or else she'd be impaled every time she jumped out a window or something stupid. But, I'll let this one slide.]

(All right, here we go:

Henry is assuming that since Pace referred to Dylan as 'Steel', that she knows that she is a super. If she knows that, she must have either seen Dylan demonstrate one of her many powers. And since the basic human instinct to seeing something like that is to either run away or freak the fuck out, and seeing how Pace seems to be calm, it's only natural to assume that she has either experienced phenomena such as this before, or that she has powers herself. Henry is choosing the latter, seeing how it is more probable.

Going back to what Dylan said about them 'dealing with some douchebag'. Douchebag is usually a word reserved for a male, and seeing how it took both Pace and Dylan to take care of him, it is reasonable to assume that this man is quite strong. Since Pace doesn't seem to have the body type to be able to fight him unarmed, she would have to use a weapon. There would also most likely be some calluses on her knuckles from storing things in her throat. And seeing how she doesn't seem to be bulimic, it's reasonable to assume that there would be some reason for her hands being down her throat. 

Combining all of these facts with the prospect of her being a super, as well as poor Henry being kinda exhausted from work, would lead him to jump to said inclusion instead of reviewing the facts for a more probable option.

Sorry, I like doing these things.)
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Dylan Evergreen

"What the hell does that mean Henry?" Th woman asked witb a cocked eyebrow. "That seems really impractical and pretty uncomfortable. Im sorry Pace, he's a little odd." 

@Safety Hammer


Henry squinted a bit at Pace, before snapping back into his normal-ish personality. "Heh heh.. Sorry about that. I've gotten only around four hours of sleep. I think I might just be losing my head." The man laughed, and cracked open a soda. 

"I'm just gonna sit down for a bit, and try to keep my thoughts in order."
M took the bar between two of his fingers, raising it to his nostrils. He inhaled, the two slits in his face widening slightly as his olfactory organs processed the new stimulus. He analyzed through the sharp smell of vodka and cologne, past the inherent smell of the bar's foodstuff, and found...there. A faint combination of human female pheromones. He separated Ciara's scent, and memorized the assumed scent of Pace. He lowered his hand to return the bar. "Alright, now I know her, so let's see if I can find her." He turned to the woman, "Don't think we're done. She said the phone was her sister's first, so I guess that means you'll have to discuss payment with her." His voice, while stern, held no malice. Not anymore.

He raised his head and sniffed the air, grimacing at the ever-present stenches found in Hasterville. The heavy smell of car exhaust, garbage, and smokestacks. M never had gotten used to it. Sniffing again, M found the underlying layer of people-smell, guys and gals of all ages and sizes. He always found this ability of his the most interesting. Just from smelling, he knew things about people that could be miles away. He knew their gender, approximate age, even the gist of their recent mental state. But this was no time for sensory prying into random people's lives. He searched through to the best of his ability, spending around ten seconds just standing there and sniffing, before he caught it. He smiled and looked at Ciara, "I think I caught her trail. Seems pretty fresh too. Should take us to her." He looked around, taking in the street they were standing on. "You wouldn't mind taking the alleys there, would you Ciara? It's just...well...people don't usually have...uh...good reactions. To me." He shuffled in place a bit, feeling awkward. "But we probably wouldn't be seen in the alleys, and anyone who does probably isn't the type we'd have to worry about. At least, not with me around." He smiled, and shot a wink Ciara's way.


@Shammy the Shamrock
NOTES: (@Safety Hammer 

1: Pace could've very easily had super strength; muscle size =/= strength and while she may look like an acrobatic tabletop dancer [yes this is a thing] she still could

2: Energy-based attacks. Pace could be manipulating some sort of energy to attack others and therefore didn't need any weapons

3: Who has heard of someone who keeps weapons in their guts in a place like this?

I don't see why he'll just go to the highly unlikely conclusion that Pace has a weapon in her throat. She didn't take any weapons out of her mouth during the course of this fight. She doesn't throw up weapons the same way you would as a bulimic; she tilts her head up and uses the muscles in her throat to push the hilt up and then grabs it like any sword. Sword swallowers don't stick their hands in their mouth. Finally, her hands were nowhere near her throat in any post I've written. So...yeah. Your argument is somewhat invalid. But like I said, I'll allow it to slide since I didn't explain exactly how she eats weapons.)

Pace Ackermann

Pace laughed. "No, no, don't worry! I've seen WAY weirder than him, he's nothing compared to some stuff here." She didn't find any problem with the man. True, she was a little offset by the guess, but it was nothing to be worried about. She decided to get a little comfortable around the place. Judging by the fact at how easily the woman revealed her powers, she figured it was fair to assume those around her knew about it as well. Pace, however, leaned against the wall and looked at her feet. "Well. I can't imagine that this thing would go unnoticed. I suggest we tune into the news."

@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden

Ciara Ackermann

Ciara's eyes widened in delight as he deduced the location of her sister. "That's amazing! You know, I don't mind going in the alleys even though they are crawling with all sorts of shady figures. 'Least we got you to protect me, Mr...uh...what do I call you?" She knocked on her temple with a finger before turning back to the monster-man..okay she had no better name for him. "Oh, wait, wait...so she's not off the hook? So, we're basically taking her in prisoner or something?" Ciara picked up her backpack and put the bar away, before digging around. "Darn! I left my handcuffs at the bar-I mean...homeschool, I mean..." Ciara sighed. "Let's just go."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Buckteeth


Nadia Arini || Jax Arini

Nadia pet the guinea pig. However, her sadness couldn't be fixed so easily. It was just Matthew's pain, and that had to run its course inside her own body. She hopelessly turned on the bed, still alleviating the child's pain the best she could by taking it all into herself. It was designed to literally remove pain. Her eyes grew a bit dull as she drained the last of the pain. "C'mon...be happy..." 

Jax was growing a little irritated that Nadia had to do all this. He knew his sister couldn't stand seeing others in pain, but if removing it made others upset then it could really make her sick. "Hey, you're the sister right? Calm the kid down before Nadia starts bleeding from her mouth."

@Echo Dreamsong


Avery sighed as she was now a prisoner of the two.  She put the hood back on 'Handcuffs.....Nope!  Not going ask, I don't need to be thinking about that right now.'  She got ready to follow the two, her eyes regaining that dull look to them but she still felt nervous at negotiating with the sister.  She could probably work something out though so she'd be fine.

@JPax @Buckteeth
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NOTES: (@Safety Hammer 

1: Pace could've very easily had super strength; muscle size =/= strength and while she may look like an acrobatic tabletop dancer [yes this is a thing] she still could

2: Energy-based attacks. Pace could be manipulating some sort of energy to attack others and therefore didn't need any weapons

3: Who has heard of someone who keeps weapons in their guts in a place like this?

I don't see why he'll just go to the highly unlikely conclusion that Pace has a weapon in her throat. She didn't take any weapons out of her mouth during the course of this fight. She doesn't throw up weapons the same way you would as a bulimic; she tilts her head up and uses the muscles in her throat to push the hilt up and then grabs it like any sword. Sword swallowers don't stick their hands in their mouth. Finally, her hands were nowhere near her throat in any post I've written. So...yeah. Your argument is somewhat invalid. But like I said, I'll allow it to slide since I didn't explain exactly how she eats weapons.)

Pace Ackermann

Pace laughed. "No, no, don't worry! I've seen WAY weirder than him, he's nothing compared to some stuff here." She didn't find any problem with the man. True, she was a little offset by the guess, but it was nothing to be worried about. She decided to get a little comfortable around the place. Judging by the fact at how easily the woman revealed her powers, she figured it was fair to assume those around her knew about it as well. Pace, however, leaned against the wall and looked at her feet. "Well. I can't imagine that this thing would go unnoticed. I suggest we tune into the news."

@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden

(Henry is sleep deprived, and has not seen the fight, nor does he know how she takes the sword out. I was doing the whole thing from his perspective, hence the ignorance of the fight. And speaking of sleep deprived, this is gonna be my last post for the night. Thank you for pointing out the mistakes.)
"Oh, I'm a newbie superhero" Aryn just now realised how stupid he may have looked while saying that. "Ok, I might not look like it, but I'm working on it!"

A thought came to him suggesting he get a cape or something. "And my sword isn't medieval, it's modern.... with a laser edge and stuff."

@The Fabulous Emerald
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Pace Ackermann

Pace laughed. "No, no, don't worry! I've seen WAY weirder than him, he's nothing compared to some stuff here." She didn't find any problem with the man. True, she was a little offset by the guess, but it was nothing to be worried about. She decided to get a little comfortable around the place. Judging by the fact at how easily the woman revealed her powers, she figured it was fair to assume those around her knew about it as well. Pace, however, leaned against the wall and looked at her feet. "Well. I can't imagine that this thing would go unnoticed. I suggest we tune into the news."

@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden

"Speaking of the news, would you two mind telling me what happened?" Henry asked, already into his third can of soda, as well as he second slice of pizza. "Cuz if it's so bad that it's gonna make the news, we might have to lay low for a couple days."



Nadia Arini || Jax Arini

Nadia pet the guinea pig. However, her sadness couldn't be fixed so easily. It was just Matthew's pain, and that had to run its course inside her own body. She hopelessly turned on the bed, still alleviating the child's pain the best she could by taking it all into herself. It was designed to literally remove pain. Her eyes grew a bit dull as she drained the last of the pain. "C'mon...be happy..." 

Jax was growing a little irritated that Nadia had to do all this. He knew his sister couldn't stand seeing others in pain, but if removing it made others upset then it could really make her sick. "Hey, you're the sister right? Calm the kid down before Nadia starts bleeding from her mouth."

@Echo Dreamsong

Kynthia looked around, fairly panicked. "B-But he doesn't like me!" She cried before snatching Matthew up. "Hey bugger, calm down! Here, have your buddy?" She begged, handing Matthew the polar bear. He perked up a bit, but tried to look at Nadia even when Kynthia turned his head back. "Sh, stay calm."
"Nothing beats a good bullet in my opinion. Or a missile from one of these bad boys."

He says as he affectionately pats a nearby stand; a display containing a M6A4 bazooka. A personal favourite, if he does say so himself.

@Doctor Nope 
Dylan Evergreen

"Trust me kid, he gets worse," Dylan chuckled, grabbing the TV remote. It took her a few minutes to get it to turn the TV on, they another few to find batteries. "Henry, you seriously need to stop trying to organize.  You stop half way through and it only gets- here we go." She got it to the news channel, or the one they used, butit was in the middle of weather. "Guess we'll find out inn a few minutes," She said, sliding the remote into the table, before getting up to pour Jackson some soda, smacking Henry on the back of the head for already drinking half the six pack. "Just some big guy with a hook and hillbilly mechanics. Killed three people I think," She said. "Hey, where's Jackson's favorite cup? I don't see it."

@JPax @Safety Hammer

In the shadows of hasterville..... Something dark was creeping in the alleyways.... In the rooftops.... In everywhere.... Since his first appearance, rumors spread like wildfire throughout hasterville. The devil, the redemption, the shadow, the night..... He has many names, but he is known most for one name: The knight. The vigilante has a notorius reputation for putting down over 5 crime lord in the first 2 months of his career, and stopping countless of crimes. He is also one of the few vigilante who work with the police, communicating and helping them.


Currently the knight is watching over 3 people. M, Avery and Ciara over the rooftop. He is using his normal suit as he has nothing to do but recon and patrol as of right now, so he's well equipped enough to go in a fight and come out with minor injuries but not strong enough to win a 3v1 unprepared. He's watching silently through the shadows.... Like a silent guardian or a stalker, probably a combination of the two. 


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Pace Ackermann

"I'm twenty-one, I'm not a kid." Pace said bluntly. "It's okay, I'll leave you to it anyways." She switched walls to lean on, and tuned into whatever weather was happening. Weather reports didn't seem too exciting for the most recent of times. There was pollution, always pollution. Sometimes, there was enough pollution to block out the rain. Sometimes, the pollution was the cause of the rain. It was disgusting. Hasterville was disgusting. "Tsk. If Ciara was here." She mumbled to herself before closing her eyes.

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer

Nadia Arini || Jax Arini

"Thank you." Jax crossed his arms and lay down next to Nadia, who was still busy absorbing pain. "Jax...I'm hungry...is Elaine done with food yet, she's almost always done by now." She closed her eyes and strained her face, as if she was really frustrated and tired. Jax turned to Kynthia. "Oi. Little girl. I think your sister's doing more harm than good in the kitchen. Let Elaine do her work."

Elaine Arini

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Elaine didn't look up from her cooking, but she did slow down a little bit to address Agathe, who had just seemed to have wandered in. It didn't look like Elaine needed help with cooking, seeing as it was something she did almost all the time.

@Echo Dreamsong
Dylan Evergreen

"I call everyone kid....well, most everyone, don't take it personally," Dylan said, still looking for the cup. "You know, I wonder if it'll actual be on. Wouldn't they try to cover it up? I mean, an entire, almost entire, family, a cop, and then was kinda stopped by two girls." 

@JPax @Safety Hammer
"Yeah....explosions are fun too..."

Now Aryn's thoughts were more focused on whether or not he should get a cape. If he got a cape, he'd need some kind of mask to go with that, right? He'd have to think on this more when he got home.

@The Fabulous Emerald

He quickly checks his watch. He notices that Aryn seemed deep in thought, so he decides to get back to work.

"It's nearing closing time, by the way. I'll have to ask you to make your way out in the next ten or so minutes so my colleagues can lock up. You're welcome to join my tour tomorrow, if you like."

@Doctor Nope
"...oh? Oh, right!" Aryn came out of his daze after having brainstormed a few possible costume ideas. "I'll look forward to tomorrow, then!" Aryn proceeded to leave the museum.

As he walked down the darkening street to get home, he became distracted once again by his thoughts, not paying much attention to the things around him but still going in the right direction.

(Open to interaction)
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