Hasterville [MAIN RP Thread!]

Pace Ackermann

Pace slid to the window and picked up one thing from before. Lexington's hat. In a pretty stupid attempt at attacking, she flung the hat like a frisbee towards Jason's leg, hoping it would do at least something. "Oh god, even Ciara would say that was pointless..." She muttered under her breath before diving out of the window and grabbing onto the ridge between the first and second floor. Pace looked up at the second floor window, then to the woman. "Okay, we better get the hell out of here before that masked guy shows up and thinks of throwing something!"

@FireMaiden @Yappi

Elaine Arini

Elaine couldn't help but smile a little when the children were reunited. "That's great you two are reunited, I guess. I caught the little bugger trying to rob a jewelry store and...well the rest is history." She turned towards her apartment. "This may sound a little off, but I have a bit of an infestation problem at home that I can't deal with alone." Elaine vanished for a split second, revealing nothing but floating clothes. "Even though I can do this, I think mice and rats can see me." She reappeared. 

"Don't worry, you're not in this alone. I have my cousins to help."

@Echo Dreamsong

The hat did next to nothing. It was a piece of leather. It was quite literally the worst decision in offense she could have made. Besides the point Jason grabbed the dresser from earlier and threw it at the window hoping to hit someone.
(A GUINEA PIG! OH MY GOD! I MUST HAVE IT!) (*Steals Guinea Pig from roleplay* Hi baby!)

Agathe blinked in confusion, taking in the two. "Uh, alright kids, tell me where it went and I'll see what I can do." Kynthia took several steps back. 

"It was the size of a fuc-freakin cat?!" Kynthia cried, changing wording until Agathe's stare. Matthew giggled in delight, shaking his rocker. "Buddy!" He cried, liking the word cat very much. "Where did it go then?!" Kynthia was suddenly among the kids on the bed, staring at the ground. "What if it's in the walls?! What then!?"

Agathe quickly handed Matthew to Elaine and went searching around the area. "Here buddy... Come here..." She called softly, using her charm speak. That was her power, using her voice to control others. It worked very well on animals, except those Matthew let in the house... Those never wanted to leave. 

Matthew in the mean while was staring at Elaine in confusion. He didn't really know who this lady was, or why she was holding him, but she didn't seem too bad, maybe just a bit uncomfortable. "'Ello" He whispered, not really meeting her gaze.

Pace Ackermann

Pace heard a wooden screech and quickly rolled off to the side, though the dresser managed to scrape the side of her arm. Pace let out a quivering sigh. "That was close..." 

Pace couldn't necessarily up and away from every situation. She glanced at Steel. "Pace." Pace dropped to the ground since it wasn't that far down, and turned to the street. "Alright, we need to get out of here now." 

@FireMaiden @Yappi
Dylan Evergreen

She dropped down as well, landing with a lid thud due to her weight in this state. "I have an apartment about. A black from here, I think If we're quick he won't see and can't follow," Dylan said, looking up from where theyes dropped from, then back at the girl. "Nice to meet you Pace, let's get going." 


Elaine Arini || Jax Arini || Nadia Arini

Elaine smiled. "Ello. I'm Elaine." She walked to the side with Matthew. 

Jax clutched Nadia's shoulders to the point he actually drew blood. The girl winced a little, but didn't mind it too much. As Agathe charmed the rat and the guinea pig into coming out, Nadia tightened the grip on the BB gun. The massive rat actually looked rather peaceful, leading to Nadia not wanting to hurt it. "N-Nadia...what are you waiting for?" The older girl froze up. "I can't hurt it Jax...just catch it or something please..." 

Jax held his hand out. Slowly, it began to turn into water. He leaned out from the bed and attempted to snare the rat into a water grip that wouldn't really hurt the creature. "Miss...can you bag the creatures please? Don't hurt them!"

@Echo Dreamsong


Pace Ackermann

Pace looked to the end of the block. "You know, I ain't taking any chances. Run the fuck away!" She began to make a run for it, but made sure to go slow enough so she knew that she was going the right way. 

"He isn't following us anymore, is he??"

Agathe nodded, pulling out a large garbage bag that she put the rat in. The guinea pig got to sit on her arm because admin can't bare to put a little sweet guinea pig in a bag. To say the  least, Matthew was getting a new friend. All of the sudden, Agathe shrieked, backing up as all the other animals ran out and surrounded her. She was practically tackled by the friendly thing. "Holy hell holy hell! Um, get in the bag!" Agathe placed the bag down and all the animals eagerly ran in. Even Muffet (Guinea pig) tried to crawl in, but Agathe stopped her. "Okay! I will, um, donate them to a, uh, zoo!" She proclaimed, taking the bag to the hallway. "And to all rodents, stay where you are until I tell you." Then she came back in and held Muffet up to Matthew. The little boy squealed in delight and began petting the animal, instantly a fan. 

"Buddy!" He smiled, taking Muffet into his arms.

"Thanks for holding him..." Agathe sighed, taking the boy and guinea pig back. Kynthia stared at the rodent, looking traumatized. 

"DON'T TELL ME WE'RE KEEPING IT!" Kynthia shouted, scooting backwards. Agathe just laughed. 


Elaine Arini || Jax Arini || Nadia Arini

Elaine chuckled and looked to the kids. "Trust me, the thing's harmless. Anyways...here's some compensation." She dug out under the bed and pulled out a box. She handed two blue envelopes to Agathe. "There are one thousand dollars that I was supposed to pay the exterminator, but Nadia kicked him out the door for being mean." Elaine pointed to the innocent 15-year-old sitting on the bed, who had her legs crossed and a smile on her face.  "He was really, really mean." Meanwhile, Jax was busy fiddling with the BB gun. "Elaine, 'm tired." 

Elaine sighed. "We have guests over. Show some respect, talk to them. I'm going to go procure food." Without another word, Elaine walked off, leaving Jax and Nadia staring blankly at the three. 

"She's Nadia."

"He's Jax."

Both awkwardly sat there, Jax hiding behind Nadia's shoulder.

@Echo Dreamsong
Dylan Evergreen

"No and I'm not waiting around till he does," Dylan said, he jogging beside Pace. She was back to normal skin, tough she did look a little gray now, but th at would go away soon. "Okay, turn left! Building with the angry old sitting on a green chair out front."

Kynthia grinned, looking at the two. "Well, I'm Kynthia! It means moon in greek!" She proclaimed proudly, looking very happy until little Matthew was placed in front of her. "Why do I have to watch him?" Her arms crossed, she glared up at Agathe who glared right back. 

"Because he's your brother and I'm helping with dinner. Don't lose him." Agathe sighed and headed off to help Elaine.

"And... This is Matthew... He's two..." Kynthia huffed, staring at Matthew's face. The little boy was not happy, looking very nervous as he clung to Kynthia.

Pace Ackermann

"Phew, that should give me some time to uh...change my pants." Pace was joking but at the same time not joking. Clothes that belonged to Hasterville bar dancers weren't exactly designed to take punishment. She didn't lose control of her bladder, however.

She made the left turn and came to a stop in front of the door. "Green chair?"


Jax Arini || Nadia Arini

Jax held his hand out from under Nadia's arm, still sort of hugging her from the back. "Nice to meet you, Kynthia." Nadia lowered her head and blew on a strand of hair that fell across her face. "What's the deal with her anyways?" Nadia motioned to the kitchen, where Agathe just went.

Elaine Arini

Elaine was extremely busy in the kitchen. Things were being moved various places at lightning speeds, as if Elaine did this for many years in a row and never changed a thing about it. It would be considered superhuman, but if someone with super speed did this a lot of things would just straight up break. "Agathe, please take a seat if you're not going to tend to the kids. I'm a little busy." She stopped for a split second to sprinkle some salt over a slab of meat, before going back to zipping around the kitchen like a madwoman. 

@Echo Dreamsong
Kynthia sighed, shrugging a bit. "Eh. She's been like this for a while. I don't think she likes me, but I provide for her too!" The girl was starting to get a bit angry, thinking about how Agathe never really showed her anything but anger. "Maybe if she would just listen to me we'd all be better off." Matthew sniffled a bit at the anger before just bursting into tears, hugging Muffet gently.

Dylan Evergreen

"Well, yeah. He sits sout here in a green chair and yells at people," Dylan said pulling her keys out. "Well, his chair us out here at least, see right there," She quickly pointed to a beaten up old office chair that looked like it was covered in dark green snot. "Okay, front doors open, third floor, I'll be up in a second." @JPax
M suppressed a smile when the girl touched his arm. She wasn't scared of him! Or she feared the woman more, but listening to their explanations, he thought he could safely rule that out. "You're welcome, kiddo. Glad I could help out." He looked at the woman, "Alright, so you overreacted, I can buy that." His anger seeped back into his voice, "But if you're gonna do this whole masked mystery woman thing, then you've gotta be able to keep your cool. Otherwise, you could end up in a testy situation that could have been avoided." M leaned down, picking up the two pieces of the phone. "Now you've broken someone's things just 'cause you acted without thinking." He held the pieces up, the plastic and circuitry diminutive in his oversized palm. He looked to the girl. "Say, you wouldn't know how much this costed, would you?", he said, unaware of his misuse of the word. He looked back to the woman, "After all, you wouldn't mind paying for something you broke, would you?"


@Shammy the Shamrock


Avery kept her eyes to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with the two.  She let out a sigh before patting her sides, indicating she didn't have the money on her.  "I don't have money on me at the moment.  Really didn't think I would need it tonight."  She glanced up, staring at the broken phone and shaking her head.  "But I did break something.  I'll have to go home and get the money there."  

@JPax @Buckteeth
"Honestly I usually use a sword in my battles, but there have been times where I've picked up somebody else's gun during a fight."

He hadn't been in a lot of major battles, but whenever he did get into one it usually led him to picking guns off of the ground from fallen police officers  or criminals when the opponents were too far away.

"The SMGs just felt easier for me to use, I guess. Aiming has never really been my thing."

@The Fabulous Emerald
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Jax Arini || Nadia Arini

Nadia began to grow a sad expression on her face as soon as Matthew began to cry. She extended her hand out and a wispy transparent-red current in the air began to radiate from the baby's head, towards her hand. She was alleviating his pain altogether and transferring it to herself. Jax stayed close, knowing exactly what was about to go down. "Nadia, it's...it's a baby." Nadia didn't care. The same reason the baby was crying transferred to Nadia and soon, her reddish eyes welled up with tears. She scooted back on the bed, covering her mouth with a hand, and letting the tears fall silently down her face. "Y-You guys shouldn't fight, you're family...and should help each other out..." She buried her head away in her knees. Jax frowned slightly at Kynthia. "Sorry, she does this a lot."

@Echo Dreamsong

Ciara Ackermann

Ciara mumbled something and took the broken phone. "She doesn't have to pay for it. It's not mine, anyways, it's my s-sister's, she bought it for m-me..." She shuddered at the very thought about Pace getting upset. More importantly, she was worried about what Pace would do to the woman. Hopefully, Ciara's sister went easy or didn't even talk to the woman in the first place. "Problem is...without the phone...I can't find her." Now she was talking to M. Even though Avery looked more human than the beast that had shown up, Ciara figured that he'd understand more than the woman who broke it in the first place. Ciara's eyes widened in concern for a few seconds before she buried her head in the front of her jacket.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Buckteeth

Pace Ackermann

"Anyone else living with you? Actually, doesn't matter." Pace sprinted up the stairs and to the third floor. She didn't bother with going in anywhere, for she just hung around. As she waited, Pace pulled out her phone (which was conveniently located in the front of the dress) and attempted to call her sister. "Hey, Ciara, I'm-" Her heart sank a little bit as she realized that Ciara didn't pick up. She then pocketed the device and waited for the woman.


[NOTE: Hasterville seems pretty empty right now, so I'm gonna introduce some uhhh...politics. Making things more realistic.]
Dylan Evergreen

Dylan quickly checked in her guest, which was something weird she had to do, but she quickly joined Pace upstairs. She unlocked her apartment, 3A, being greeted with Jackson who seemed like he was going to open the door anyway. "Hey kiddo!" She said with a smile, signing as well. "Sorry, I had to help someone out with my new uh...my new friend here," She entered, beckoning the other girl inside. @JPax

Jax Arini || Nadia Arini

Nadia began to grow a sad expression on her face as soon as Matthew began to cry. She extended her hand out and a wispy transparent-red current in the air began to radiate from the baby's head, towards her hand. She was alleviating his pain altogether and transferring it to herself. Jax stayed close, knowing exactly what was about to go down. "Nadia, it's...it's a baby." Nadia didn't care. The same reason the baby was crying transferred to Nadia and soon, her reddish eyes welled up with tears. She scooted back on the bed, covering her mouth with a hand, and letting the tears fall silently down her face. "Y-You guys shouldn't fight, you're family...and should help each other out..." She buried her head away in her knees. Jax frowned slightly at Kynthia. "Sorry, she does this a lot."

@Echo Dreamsong

[NOTE: Hasterville seems pretty empty right now, so I'm gonna introduce some uhhh...politics. Making things more realistic.]

(YAAAAY! Politics!)

Kynthia stared at Nadia sadly, looking down in shame. "S-She just doesn't listen though! A-And she never has time for us... She's always off with someone... I wish she would at least act like she liked us!" She cried, crossing her arms and staring down at Matthew who was crawling over to Nadia. The little boy sniffled a bit and held up little Muffet the orange, white, and brown guinea pig. 
"'Ello?" He asked, looking very sad himself.

Pace Ackermann

Pace waved, not too worried about having to say anything. She took off her shoes and walked into the apartment, before turning to Dylan. "Thanks, I guess? For what you did...I think." In reality, Pace had seen worse things happen in Hasterville, but that didn't stop her from acting grateful. 

"Any reason, in particular, you invited me over?"


Dylan Evergreen

Dylan quickly checked in her guest, which was something weird she had to do, but she quickly joined Pace upstairs. She unlocked her apartment, 3A, being greeted with Jackson who seemed like he was going to open the door anyway. "Hey kiddo!" She said with a smile, signing as well. "Sorry, I had to help someone out with my new uh...my new friend here," She entered, beckoning the other girl inside. @JPax

Pace Ackermann

Pace waved, not too worried about having to say anything. She took off her shoes and walked into the apartment, before turning to Dylan. "Thanks, I guess? For what you did...I think." In reality, Pace had seen worse things happen in Hasterville, but that didn't stop her from acting grateful. 

"Any reason, in particular, you invited me over?"



Just then, a pizza toting Henry came through the door, somehow managing to hold his briefcase, a six pack of Coca-Cola, two boxes of pizza, some cheesy bread, and a small plastic bag, but also open the door to the apartment after Dylan had closed it. He noticed that someone was currently standing next to Dylan, but disregarded it as another in a long line of girlfriends that she had had. 

"Oh hey. You're home early." Henry commented, as he laid the pizzas and the sodas down on the counter. Then he shifted his focus from Dylan to the other woman. "And, uh.., who is this?"
Just then, a pizza toting Henry came through the door, somehow managing to hold his briefcase, a six pack of Coca-Cola, two boxes of pizza, some cheesy bread, and a small plastic bag, but also open the door to the apartment after Dylan had closed it. He noticed that someone was currently standing next to Dylan, but disregarded it as another in a long line of girlfriends that she had had. 

"Oh hey. You're home early." Henry commented, as he laid the pizzas and the sodas down on the counter. Then he shifted his focus from Dylan to the other woman. "And, uh.., who is this?"

Pace Ackermann

Pace waved, not too worried about having to say anything. She took off her shoes and walked into the apartment, before turning to Dylan. "Thanks, I guess? For what you did...I think." In reality, Pace had seen worse things happen in Hasterville, but that didn't stop her from acting grateful. 

"Any reason, in particular, you invited me over?"



Dylan Evergreen

"Laying low for a few minutes is a goo- Oh hey Henry, that's uh, a friend," Dylan said, Jackson rushing past her to attack the box of cheesy bread. "Also, what do you mean home early, I worked this morning." Jackson took a peice of the cheesy bread and offered it to Pace, giving her and small smile though his mouth was full of food.
M kneeled down to as close to the girl's level as he could without being bent out of shape. He put a tentative hand on her shoulder, "Hey now, don't worry. I'll help you get to her. We just gotta stop and think. Sure, the phone's gone, but if you know the number you can dial it from anywhere." His head turned to the woman briefly, "You've got a phone she could use, right?" He turned back to her, "Say kid, what's you and your sister's names?" He just wanted to get her mind somewhere other than wherever it was now. He couldn't help her if she was upset, after all.


@Shammy the Shamrock

Pace Ackermann

Pace returned the smile but turned down the offer for the bread with a hand gesture. "It's okay, I ate when work ended." She looked to the window, then to Dylan and Henry. "I'm Pace. I wouldn't say I'm friends with Steel just yet, but we did meet earlier because of...circumstances?" She didn't feel like elaborating it in front of a kid, especially if he could realize how much in danger they were in.

@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden
Dylan Evergreen

"We had to take care or some douche a block away," Dylan explained kinda hidding her mouth so Jackson couldn't read her lips. Jackson shrugged, and sat on the couch. "So Henry, how'd your little case thingy go? He's a lawyer by the way, likes rubbing it in." 

@JPax @Safety Hammer

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