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Gale stopped laughing and crossed her arms before raising an eyebrow at Tiny "is that the best you got?"
The swallow shoved a wing between the two. “You’re crazy, Tiny! Stop!” She looked at their teacher, Gale, who looked unfamiliar in this scene. “Leave us alone, or else..or else...” Willow grasped for words but couldn’t find them, her show of strength quickly proving itself hollow. Still, she wasn’t going to let her and her friends die so pitifully. “Or else I’ll tell Eggman!”
The little mouse bite down hard on her lip to stop it from quivering. “I’m not crazy,” Tiny protested. “She’s the psycho!”

Keeping her makeshift weapon pointed at the wolf’s neck, she spat out another threat. “I mean it, lady! If you don’t let us go, right now, you’re gonna regret it.”
"ooohhh I'm scared" she chuckled for a few seconds "well considering my experiment has failed do to what it's was created for, I need to move on anyways" she replied and turned away from the children to one of the computers
"Ma'am you see I tried to talked them out coming here but that didn't work but if you going to kill us you'll have to face me." He said as he picked the lock with 2 of his spines "so don't go after my freinds go after me." He said plus shouldn't you be worried about your daughter there was a wolf that came in to the hospital with her shouldn't you be worried?" He asked
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"hmm...? No I'm not, she isn't my daughter, she's the failed experiment, now leave or I will kill you all" she replied and the security doors opened
She giggled a bit "I grew up, up in the north amidst a small tribe of arctic wolves" she replied
perking up more when he look back at her "but this is the happiest I've been since" he counted on his fingers "eleven years so yeah thanks for the boost."
Crystal smiled, she held her hands behind her back as she waited for him to catch back up
he caught back up to her and and smiled back "your the most wonderful person I've met ever in my life but i'm not sure why." he wondered aloud then turned bright red and sheepishly smiled
"hmm maybe cause" he took a deep breathe then blurted out "it's because i really really really like so that could be it." he turned bright bright red and look away
"no no no, it's not that, we just met, and I do seem to be less shy around you" she replied and caught up with him
"oh...ok." he said and walked away he hit his head "ahh!" he hit his head again "no not now." he said to him self
She checked on him "you just like running into polls don't you?" She chuckled
"no it is just my mind is a bad bad bad place to be and flash backs aren't great for keeping my anger, sadness, and hate in check, and when I look at you I get warm fuzzys, you see you make EVERYTHING better for me." he explained he looked at her golden eye and seemed to calm down
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