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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Get Out Alive (Closed)


Anne Boolean

One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Friday, October 31st, 20XX. Halloween at Santa Leone Academy, located in REDACTED Township, XX, USA. It is reaching 9 PM, which is when the facilities available to students start to close down for the night. It is expected for students to be, if not in their beds sleeping, at least in their rooms, although no staff walk the halls to monitor them. It's a Friday night, so like teenagers at any other schools, the students at Santa Freya getting together with their friends in each others' dorms or in the common areas of their residential halls. Being Halloween, they are doing so in costumes to boot. While boys are meant to stay in Freyer Hall and girls are meant to stay in Bjorne Hall, intermingling is common. The only thing they have to be wary of when going across campus is the night watchmen on patrol. Their jobs are more so to make sure no strangers step onto academy grounds, so they are fairly easy to avoid, and the punishment for student who are caught will not be anything more severe than being yelled at to return to their respective buildings.

During this night of celebration, six students have been targeted. It's unclear by who or what, but if they are not alone already, at around 8:50 PM they are separated from their peers and find themselves falling to the ground unconscious. Before anyone can find them laying there, they are swiftly whisked away. When they awaken, they find themselves in a room that looks like none other at the academy.

Kana.M. Kana.M. Taigakitt Taigakitt
When Yule and Claireese come to, they find themselves in a brightly lit room surrounded with white walls. In the center there is an operating table, with a chair nearby and a small metal rolling table, holding various small objects. Claireese is laid on the table with her wrists strapped at her sides, and her ankles are strapped down as well. Yule is seated on the chair with her wrists strapped to the armrests. On one of the walls is a counter with a sink and several drawers and cabinets. In one corner there is a small black dial combination safe. Near the corner just opposite, on the wall, just below the ceiling is a vent with large horizontal gratings.

The sound of a monotone female voice rings out from what seems to be an intercom somewhere. "Hello, subjects 1 and 2. Thank you for taking part in our trial! You have been administered a toxin which will take affect in 30 minutes. The antidote can be found somewhere in this room. Please attempt to find it. Good luck!"

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Ambiloquous Ambiloquous
Santiago and Bishal awaken in a room with dim lighting, hardwood floors, and pink walls. There is a large bed in the center with bedding of various shades of red. Bishal is laid on the bed with his arms outstretched and his wrists cuffed to each bedpost of the headboard. Santiago is sat up against the side of the bed with a pink bathrobe covering him over his other clothing. One of the pockets of the bathrobe is weighed down slightly by something. In the corner of the room there is a vanity with a drawer, and on the other side of the bed there is a nightstand with a few things on it, and a couple of drawers of its own. Lastly, there is a simple wooden door on one side of the room.

The sound of a monotone female voice rings out from what seems to be an intercom somewhere. "Hello, subjects 3 and 4. Thank you for taking part in our trial! A fire has been started in the closet. It will spread to and burn down this room in 30 minutes. The sprinklers will not turn on, as the fire detector on the ceiling above has had its batteries removed. The batteries are stored somewhere in this room. Please attempt to find them. Good luck!"

SugarSpiceMekoPicoCoco SugarSpiceMekoPicoCoco
Oakner and Rei wake up in a room of which two of the walls are grey concrete, one is brick, and one of the walls is iron bars. The two are sat up side to side with their backs against the far ends of a bunk bed, and both have one wrist cuffed to a bedpost. The only source of light is a sole dull bulb hanging from the ceiling. It illuminates a metal toilet with just a lever to flush, and a brick near Rei which is protruding from the wall around it. The light reaches outside the bars only enough to show that the same grey floor is there as in the cell. For each of the two, on one of their ankles is a black metal brace with a small sole red light.

The sound of a monotone female voice rings out from what seems to be an intercom somewhere. "Hello, subjects 5 and 6. Thank you for taking part in our trial! The bracelets you have on your ankles have been instructed to administer lethal voltage to you in 30 minutes. Please note, they will also administer the voltage if they are tampered with. There is a device which, if the correct code is input, will override the instruction. Both the device and the code can be found in this room. Please attempt to find them. Good luck!"
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  • 0BBF1D50-84D8-46B3-9107-A31EC0762F9D.png
    Wearing: Maid headdress, bright red diner waitress outfit, Pink Bathrobe (for a minute)
    ??? : Mysterious Object found in Bathrobe

    Bishal ( Ambiloquous Ambiloquous ) For GM things ( Anne Boolean Anne Boolean , Taigakitt Taigakitt )
    ~ ??? ~
    F**k It Up || Santiago’s CS File

    Pain gathered up at the back of his head, and not the kind he was used to from a typical hangover. The rustling at his thighs reminded him that whatever happened last night he’d never made it out of the damn candy cane diner outfit. Granted he didn’t much mind the jeers he got from the outfit, which was natural it was a punishment dare, he could just as easily flash a motherfucker to make them run to the hills. Judging by the heat and sweat covering him he either was fool enough to try to fight his pajamas over the dress or his roommates decided to fuck with him some more.

    While his first instinct was to sleep away the throbbing pain in his head as he went to turn over he realized the uncomfortable feeling he felt was the fact that he was sleeping on the side of the bed instead of on it. He would have much rather found this out later but instead his head connected with the metal of the bedframe.

    “Ow what the fuck,” he started before he realized as he opened his eyes how very much this room was not his nor anyone’s he knew. “Oh fuck me.”

    Just then the intercom came on directing his attention further away from his own circumstances and the surroundings as the monotone feminine voice sounded off.


    He started to huff at the air as he smelt the familiar scent of wood burning. Oh shit if this was his roommates fucking with him they were pulling out all the stops. He forced himself up as he realized that there was a whole other person tied down to the bed in some odd BDSM bullshit.

    Pink? He was wearing some pink bathrobe. He tossed it off himself creeped out by the fact that someone felt the need to play up the atmosphere as if they took his clothes too. Unless that was just past him. Fuck you drunk self fuck you with the longest broomstick.

    Yet there was a thump as it hit the floor. Wait what. He searched through the robe pulling out something vaguely the size of his hand examining it under the light.

    “Huh? Hey you awake over there?”
Claireese Stonewright

Claireese.jpgTonight was the night! It's Halloween. She'd seen on her calendar it was supposed to be a full moon. She set a new cup she got from her parents on her shelf, next to the others. Grabbing the ears next to them, she settled them upon her wild, red hair. She didn't bother trying to style it. Tonight, she wanted to look absolutely wild. Going to the standing mirror, she took in her appearance and makeup. She wore a gray wolf tail and ears, and had a cute, fluffy gray jacket over a white t-shirt that hugged her curves. On her hands, she had slipped on some gloves that made it look like she had gray, fluffy paws with claws, and boots with a heel that were similar. The heel only served to make her taller than she already was. She never minded the tall jokes she'd heard every now and again. Her jeans were black and stressed at the knees and thighs. For makeup, she had used a dark liquid makeup for her nose and styled her eyes into a smokey eye. She was also wearing fake, yellow contacts to cover her green eyes.

"Perfect," she purred to herself.

Claireese fluffed her hair with her hands and adjusted the necklace before stepping out. She was ready to par-taaaay. She knew of one nearby, and had attempted to make her way there.

She never showed up.

The next thing she knew, the hair on her neck was standing on end and she couldn't move. Her eyes shot open, feeling tired from the contacts having been in her eyes at her nap... Or sleep cycle? She wasn't sure how long she was out. The blinding light of the room caused her to close them again, watering from the sudden brightness. Blinking them a few times to adjust, she looked to her side to take in the scenery.

"Did I fuck up again?"

The intercom got her attention, and infuriated her.

"Are you fucking KIDDING me!?" She roared her frustrations, attempting to pull on her restraints to sit up. It was to no avail, as she was stuck, tied down to the table. "THIS IS CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT!" She wiggled around, only being rewarded with sore wrists and ankles.

She remembered the intercom mentioned a second person. She looked around, trying to get sight of them. "Hey, you! How much can you move?"

Mentions: Kana.M. Kana.M. Anne Boolean Anne Boolean
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[ Bishal Jha ]

Bishal winced and scrunched up his face. The sunlight was way too bright for his sensitive, sleep-addled eyes, and he had no idea why anybody in his family would do something so peabrained as pulling open the blinds while he was still asleep. There was a reason why he had asked for blackout curtains as his window covering of choice, even though he had never ended up getting them.

Mumbling something that sounded like “gum midgets” or maybe “dumb idiots”, he tried to roll over to shove his face into his strangely silky pillows. His brain paused its incoherent, looping thoughts as he realized he couldn’t move. Or at least, he couldn’t move properly, especially around the wrist area.

As he heard a few “fucks” from nearby, he snapped his eyes open so hard that he almost got whiplash. Who was that? He stopped himself from taking a look at the person beside him, freezing in place instead and closing his eyelids to pretend he was still dead asleep.

With no idea of where he was — he was not in his room unless it had gotten completely renovated as he slept; not in his home, else his family would be up and about; and definitely not with someone here for an innocuous trick to celebrate All Hallows’ Eve — and no idea of what situation he had gotten himself into, he could only try and push the inevitable away a little longer. Although his lazily assembled Pac-Man costume was digging into his back and his last memory of wandering around the school grounds, being gifted sweets from friendly students and staff, made him want to fidget with nerves, he stayed motionless and pretended all was well.

An unexpected, tinny female voice sounded in the room, breaking his reverie, declaring that they were subjects and there was a fire in the closet like this entire farce was all a harmless game. He re-opened his eyes and paled visibly as she spoke. Oh dear. If what she was saying was true, this entire kidnapping scheme was much more dangerous than he had thought.

The other man in the room with him screamed a few loud sentences that cemented him as an unwilling participant in this activity and tossed something that made a thud, before turning to Bishal and asking him whether he was conscious.

“Erm, yes, I’m awake.” Bishal twisted his head to see a man in a… waitressing uniform with lethal, I-can-laser-you-with-the-force-of-my-glare type eyes. Tugging at the cuffs on his wrists, he smiled self-deprecatingly at his not-stuck companion. “Could you help me with this? I don’t think I have the strength to break them open.”
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Ambiloquous Ambiloquous BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

When Santiago threw off the pink bathrobe, as it hit the ground, a faint clattering sound could be heard due to the item stashed in its pocket. The item, which was tube-like in structure and could easily fit in his hand, under the dim light was revealed to be a make up brush. The bristles were of medium length and covered a fairly wide area, making it ideal for foundation and perhaps blush. Each of the hairs was a clean glassy white, with brown tips which most likely had yet to ever come into contact with any sort of powder.

Indeed when Bishal tried to tug at the cuffs, the chains holding them to the bedpost strongly endured the motion. The quality of steel used was professional grade, implying these cuffs were most likely ones that were meant to be used by law enforcement as opposed to adventurous individuals looking to spice things up in the bedroom.

  • 0BBF1D50-84D8-46B3-9107-A31EC0762F9D.png
    Wearing: Maid headdress, bright red diner waitress outfit
    Makeup Brush

    Bishal ( Ambiloquous Ambiloquous ) For GM things ( Anne Boolean Anne Boolean , Taigakitt Taigakitt )

    ~ ??? ~
    A woman || Santiago’s CS File

    A makeup brush? He didn’t exactly know why he had that. Honestly if he had to say he’d rather assume that it was the fault of whoever was trying to burn them alive and not drunk him. Honestly though there were no guarantees. He threw it into his apron pocket by it’s handle since his silly dress lacked any pockets. Women’s clothing needed to up their game, this was a waitress outfit for pete sake!

    He heard his new deathmate calling back and went to lean over the side of the bed to examine what he realized was probably an unwilling participant of this messed up party. White hair green eyes, he didn’t recognize him at all. Which by Santiago’s standards was pretty normal, and in no way meant he didn’t actually know the older male. Still he feels even himself would remember this loud of an individual, then again if he was the type to dress as pacman maybe not.

    “Well pretty sure i don’t know you. So the chances of this being a really twisted prank just lessened.”

    Looking down at the bed he realized that these were no BDSM cuffs, not unless someone wanted a truly real experience. He figured it was unlikely but still went to try to claw the cuffs off with little to no avail. Yanking out the makeup brush he tried to fit it under the shackles, which also didn’t work.

    “Hmmm looks like you’re stuck for now. Sucks, I could use a spare set of eyes. Hang tight I’ma see if the door happens to be open, it’d be easier to just buy some new ones. Or a fire extinguisher.”

    He went to the wooden door and tried at its handle.

[ Bishal Jha ]

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Anne Boolean Anne Boolean Taigakitt Taigakitt
(Apologies for forgetting your tag last time.)

Bishal puffed a laugh at the young man’s words. The other thought it might have been a twisted prank before the voice and himself and because of that, he felt a little better about this messed up affair. It was Old Hallows’ Eve, or it had been at least, and there was a reason why trick-or-treating had the word “trick” in it.

His temporarily lightened mood didn’t last.

When his only comrade told him he was stuck in the cuffs, his stomach dropped to the level of the beautifully lacquered hardwood floor. When his only companion told him he was going to check the door, his stomach sunk below the beautifully lacquered hardwood floor. He had a plummeting realization that maybe, he wasn’t going to be getting out before the flames ate up the room, and that maybe, he was going to be alone when that time came.

The smell of smoke and burning wood made his eyes water. It definitely wasn’t because he was despairing his fixed state of being or that he was waiting for the devastation of being left alone when the only other person in the room escaped. No, not at all.

As a last-ditch effort, he called out to the variable at the door. “Hey! Before you go, was there a keyhole or something that you could see on the cuffs?” Squirming around uselessly, he requested pleadingly, “And if there was, could you please check the drawers for a key?”
BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Ambiloquous Ambiloquous

Although the cuffs were durable, they did indeed each have a keyhole for unlocking them, so all hope was not lost for Bishal. It seemed from the instructions given by the robotic announcer that the two were meant to have a chance of survival, so presumably the key for the cuffs would be found somewhere in this room.

Due to the fire behind the door continuing to grow, the door handle was extremely hot to the touch. Upon closer inspection, the door itself, although wood, seemed to be reinforced with metal bolts. Whoever put the two in this room really wanted there to be no escape for them.
Artist: ilya kuvshinov
Yule stayed silent for a moment after she awoke, and squinted eyes hard from the bright light illuminating against the plain white walls. "Where am I..? This room isn't in the school," She laughed tiredly, only remembering the goofy conversation she last had with her friends— before, this, whatever this was. She turned her head on the side, noticing first that she sat hunched over in a seat, so her torso hovered over her thighs, and her face hung slightly over her knees facing the floor. When her eyes eventually adjusted, she finally realized her bee helmet lay on the ground in front of her. When she reached to pick it up. That's when she felt her wrist bound, and her arms were elevated. She tried to pull her other hand but it was held too. Yule sat up, something finally clicked inside her mind that said something was wrong. Her widened eyes trailed down to her pinned hand, strapped down by a leather buckle. She managed to stretch out a raspy, "Wait where am I—" But the message of a monotone voice interrupted her.

At each sentence, Yule's face deteriorated from tired to scared senseless. "A Toxin!?" She whisper. She immediately pulled and tugged at her hand, and tried to free it with all the strength she could. Her speech became inaudible, babbly mutters, cut off yet again by an emotional yet, demanding voice. Yule remembered there was supposed to be another person in the room. She glanced up to see a woman tied down in front of her that lay on top of an operating table. Soon after she stopped bawling she nodded, "I can move my arms and my legs, but my wrists are tied down," she looked down at the chair legs, "And this chair isn't attached the ground, so maybe I can move around." Yule quickly looked around, searching first for something to free herself with, then she saw it. The metal rolling table next to her seat. She twisted around and scooted herself backward in the chair. over to the table, turning to take a look at the items.
Taigakitt Taigakitt Kana.M. Kana.M.

Although the metal chair didn't have wheels, it was not bolted to the ground either, and indeed possible to move it around. The sound of the steel legs scratching on the tile floor could be heard as Yule moved, but the irritating sound was probably the least frustrating thing in the current situation. When looked over by the young woman, it was revealed that the table held various items on it that would be common in a medical setting. There was surgical scissors, a suturing kit, and a scalpel. Along with that, there was also what looked to be a flashlight sitting next to them.
Claireese Stonewright

Claireese.jpgClaireese scrunched her face at the sound of the chair's screeching from its' short protests to the ground. She turned her head to face the other person. Claireese didn't recognize them, but could tell they were younger. Trying her best to see what's on the table, a lot was unfortunately just out of eye shot. She could at least see the top-part of what seemed like a type of light-producing object.

At this point, she had stopped trying to pull her arms free. It wasn't worth it at this point. As much as she despised having to have someone else free her, she had to let it happen. Poison wasn't her way to go out. Hell no.

As she let the other person mess with the table, she looked past them, looking at the sink and cabinets. It couldn't be as easy as thinking the antidote was on the table. Whoever set this up could be just as messed up as she could sometimes be, so they wouldn't make it that easy.

"What's there? Anything to cut us out?" She'll show this room a thing or two as soon as she was freed of her shackles.


  • 0BBF1D50-84D8-46B3-9107-A31EC0762F9D.png
    Wearing: Maid headdress, bright red diner waitress outfit
    Makeup Brush

    Bishal ( Ambiloquous Ambiloquous ) GM Stuffs ( Anne Boolean Anne Boolean Taigakitt Taigakitt )
    ~ ??? ~
    Bipolar || Santiago’s CS File

    Hot! He yanked his hand back as he realized this door was the only thing that was holding the fire back. A lone. Wooden. Door. Yeah no, he had no time to bullshit around it seemed. Certainly no time to waste doing shit half assed without his supposed partner in crime. He took a step back and looked for any smoke escaping the door for a short moment before hearing Bishal call out.

    “Huh? Oh there’s no going anywhere. The only door out is the only thing holding these flames back, and they are very real.”

    He went back to the bed and did a quick glance over at the cuffs. Yeah they did have a key, good. He was worried for a second that they would make him try to saw off them or something equally crazy. He was already unsure if the batteries would really save them considering they could just as easily die from smoke inhalation if it got too close but he didn’t feel like bumming out the poor fool that couldn’t even try to save himself.

    “Hmmm a key huh? I’ll look for something for it. If we’re lucky it’ll be easy to get but I doubt it’ll be that easy for the batteries.”

    He stepped towards the vanity and started opening the drawers one by one grabbing anything he found and tossing it up on top of the vanity.

    “So obviously they trust my brains no more than a bag of beans considering you’re the one tied down, I assume that means there’s at least one part only you can do unless the assholes just really like fucking with us. Either way keep talking whitey.”
BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Ambiloquous Ambiloquous

The smoke that Santiago was looking for seeped out from the closet through the space between the wooden door and the frame above. It moved towards where the smoke detector was on the ceiling, and would have definitely been enough to set it off had it had batteries.

The vanity that Santiago approached didn't have all that much on the table. There was a perfume bottle, a few more brushes, and a tube of lipstick. Inside the drawer was more make up. There was palettes of eye shadow, blush, concealer, and bottles of foundation. One item that was out of place sitting in the middle of these things was a hammer.

When looking into the mirror of the vanity, one's reflection was split due to the cracks in the glass. There was a fragment of it towards the edge which had been chipped off as well, revealing some markings in red behind it.

[ Bishal Jha ]

Knowing that they were both stuck in the room and that the fire was actually behind the door didn’t much make Bishal feel better. Not that he thought it would have, but he thought at least he would have some peace of mind now that he was sure he had a static partner with similar goals.

When the other person in the room casually insulted himself and commended him on speaking up, Bishal felt a little guilty for formerly wishing he would linger around. That and some mixed emotions from being called Whitey of all names. It wasn’t inaccurate, but it was so blunt and direct of a moniker that it just sounded uncaring. Which it was, considering that they had never known each other before this.

“My name’s Bishal,” Bishal said, answering the demands for more talk. “And — is that a hammer? Could you break my cuffs with that?”

Scanning through the items carelessly tossed onto the vanity table, he was mildly disappointed with the rest of the clearly normal, everyday cosmetics and application tools. Nothing that looked particularly out of place in the vanity, other than the hammer, which might have been to put emphasis on the one object that was. Perhaps that was it. They were trying to take away attention from the real clues that should be examined, the makeup articles! That or he was just thinking too much about it. This wasn’t a game, after all.

Or was it?

“Maybe the makeup palettes and the brushes have some importance?” Bishal commented. “There are so many simply lying around, and a cosmetic brush was the first thing you found. If you could just get my cuffs open, I could help you pull them apart.”

  • 0BBF1D50-84D8-46B3-9107-A31EC0762F9D.png
    Wearing: Maid headdress, bright red diner waitress outfit


    Bishal ( Ambiloquous Ambiloquous ) Gm Things: ( Anne Boolean Anne Boolean Taigakitt Taigakitt )
    ~ ??? ~
    Hijack || Santiago’s CS File

    His first thought was that this dude was a lot braver than he seemed at first. He wouldn’t trust himself to hammer him out of cuffs. But there was still something he could do with the hammer. He grabbed all the makeup and other cosmetic stuff and dumped it on the bed with Bishal.

    “Keep this stuff, dunno what they’re meant to be but the mirror gives me an idea.”

    Without a care in the world or any proper explanation to his partner, who wasn’t chattering it up as he was supposed to, he took the hammer and smashed right in the middle of the crack. There was something behind it and even if it turned out to be nothing then at least he would have vented some of his frustration.

    He was careful to brush off all the mirror shards into an empty drawer. He didn’t want to leave it on the floor or anything, he wasn’t in the mood to get hurt when rushing. He was meticulous to smash till there was none left on the vanity.

    The red was now more obvious.

    “Hmm. Well I did a thing. I can still try to hammer you out of the cuffs but even I wouldn’t trust me that much.”


[ Bishal Jha ]

As his companion proceeded to ignore his pleas of hammering him out of his predicament and instead dumped all the cosmetics he had found onto the bed and in turn, onto himself, Bishal grimaced. He could indeed “keep” the stuff, but he couldn’t do anything with it, so he really didn’t understand the point of his request.

With that thought in mind, he said, “What’s the point of giving me things I can’t even touch properly?” To punctuate his argument, he shifted atop the bed and bumped a lipstick onto the floor with his stomach.

After his smashing of the mirror, which Bishal at first wasn’t sure what for until red was revealed behind the mirror — he should have known, mirrors in rooms where people happened to have been locked in were always suspicious items — he did something surprisingly conscientious in comparison to how he acted and spoke and dusted the shards into the drawer. Even he couldn’t responsibly say he would have remembered to move the shards away before studying whatever was behind the mirror.

“That was smart,” Bishal remarked, “I didn’t think of breaking the mirror.”

His partner’s little comment on how he couldn’t be trusted with a hammer changed his opinion on using it from right away to conceivably never. “Maybe as a last resort then. Who knows? There could be a key somewhere else. Like, say, the nightstand?”

He couldn’t nudge him any more obviously than that. Being in handcuffs at the edge of the chasm of possible panic wasn’t doing any good for his already few brain cells that controlled subtility.
BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Ambiloquous Ambiloquous

After the mirror was smashed and the shards were out of the way, it was able to be seen that the red that had been showing through the cracks was marks of lipsticks. The marks made letters, and the letters made words. When put together, there was a message for the two test subjects: "A monster's biggest fear is being seen."

Alongside the shattered glass, a fall key also fell onto the vanity table. It was small enough to fit behind the small space between the glass and the backboard, as well as had the same black steel color as the cuffs around Bishal's wrists.

  • 0BBF1D50-84D8-46B3-9107-A31EC0762F9D.png
    Wearing: Maid headdress, bright red diner waitress outfit
    Hammer, Small Key (Used, perhaps needed again), Lipstick

    Bishal ( Ambiloquous Ambiloquous ), GM Things ( Anne Boolean Anne Boolean , Taigakitt Taigakitt )
    ~ ??? ~
    Dreaming || Santiago’s CS File

    A monster’s biggest fear is being seen? Is that a hint or an insult. He felt irritated, hint’s should make sense when the puzzles fail condition is death. At least he got what looks like a key out of the insult. He went back to the bed to free Bishal from the clutches of the kinkmaster that left them to become barbeque chicken.

    “You’re in luck the assholes hide it in the mirror. They really didn’t want you missing the sauna. They also left us some lipstick messages behind it, I'm used to on the mirror but this psycho must be pretty decent at building to just casually take apart and put a mirror back together again. ”

    The key was a tiny one, a single wrong move and he could easily lose it. Luckily though he got the shackles untied without a hitch. Well at least now they could get some real searching done, two heads were better than one and all that garbage. He picked up the lipstick and opened it up looking to see if it was the same one used in the writing.

    “A monster’s greatest fear is being seen… so you wanna climb under the bed or should I?”


[ Bishal Jha ]

As soon as his partner — who he still didn’t know the name of — came around the bed with a black key in his hand, Bishal could hear choirs chorusing and orchestras crescendoing in the background, classic pieces of triumphing over evil and damsels being saved from wicked dragons. Or maybe they were just 8-bit video game tunes, he wasn’t really paying attention. It all culminated when his new best friend unlocked him from his immoral steel prison, freeing him to the greater privilege of wandering around in a locked room that was going to burn down in thirty minutes. He almost cried. In fact, he maybe did cry just a little bit.

His new best friend said something about the mirror and the message and maybe the bed after he was unlocked, but Bishal couldn’t hear it over his own exhilaration. “I’m free!”

He kipped up from the bed in a fit of energy, landing way off the mattress and smashing his knee into the floor. Whimpering and regretting his decision to make decisions in a frenzy of newfound passion, he clutched at his knee and rolled on the very, very sturdy hardwood floor. “Ow.

That hit knocked some sense into his head. Glancing up at his new best buddy sheepishly, he asked, pretending he wasn’t still cradling his knee like a newborn, splayed on the floor with not-tears in his eyes, “Could you repeat that again?”
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Halloween night, the night where she could wear anything she wanted. The thought made her excited since she didn't have to be stuck in her plain uniform for once. If course, she had to go for her favorite character of all time Boa Hancock. Though some of her clothing choices were a bit revealing she wanted to go all out for this since it was only one night in the year and she was glad she made that choice.

Rei looked at herself in the mirror, amused on how she was able to pull if the snake princesses outfit. "I look pretty good..." She snickered as she fixed her hair, throwing it over her shoulders so all if it was resting on the back of her white cape. The girl was pleasantly surprised to see how detailed the outfit turned out. "Well, time to go..." She grinned as she slipped on her red heels, leaving her room beginning her walk through the the girls dormitory though she didn't get to the party.

Rei suddenly woke up, feeling light-headed as she looked around the room she was in. It was almost all concrete besides one brick wall and one with iron bars. She was confused, wasn't she just on her way to a Halloween party? A groan escaped her lips as she felt she had a bit of a headache. She went to reach up and move the hair out of her face, still trying to figure out what the hell was going on but she was surprised to feel one of her arms was held in place. Pulling harder didn't do anything and when she looked back she realized one of her hands were cuffed. Her eyes went wide as she realized this wasn't some type of dream either.

A feeling of fear washed over her and her heart began racing. She heard shuffling next to her and whipped her head around to see a guy with brown hair was sitting next to her. "Hey! Hey get up, what's going on?" She questioned accusingly but was interrupted by a monotone female voice echoing through the room.

As the speech went on Rei leaned against the bedframe feeling a sense of hopelessness in the situation, they were cuffed how were they supposed to get up and search the room? Her breathing became shaky as she slowly sat up and looked around the room, seeing if there was anyway she could get out of the cuffs.

Their was no way this was a dream and she wasn't going to mess with the thing on her ankle to find out. She looked over to the boy next to her. "O-Ok... You... You heard her, we have 30 minutes..." She took a deep breath to try and calm down, if there was a way out she wasn't going to find it if she started crying. Looking around the room, she searched for something that could get them out of the cuffs.

She laid eyes on a brick sticking out of the wall next to her. "Maybe we... we can use this..." She thought out loud, a shaky hand going to grab it. It took a bit more effort than she first thought it would as she tried pulling the brick out of the wall.

Oakner Reyes

Oakner was not going to go in drag this year for Halloween, but he was of course still going to wear something sexy. He had chosen to wear the outfit of a male belly dancer, which in reality was a pair of pants, no shirt, some gold armlets, and gold coins around his waist and neck which would make jingling sounds as they collided. Thankfully, this year the weather was not too harsh on old Hallow's Eve, so he was not at as much of a risk of catching a cold or something. Even if it was chillier though, Oakner still would have worn something just as a revealing, and just grinned and bore it.

There was a party his friend was throwing in the girls' dorms, but as he was walking across the quad the brown-haired man suddenly found himself getting dizzy. He had pregamed with some friends, who had on ahead while he made some final adjustments to his costume, so he figured it was just the booze finally kicking in. He continued on his way unconcerned until he felt his body going numb and his vision blurring. Eventually all motor skills failed and he fell to the ground, blacking out.

When he came to, he found himself in a room that had a depressing atmosphere. Grey as far as the eye could see, only offset by the red of a brick wall. The first thing that caught his eye was the toilet across the room. Strangely, it was out in the open, and looked to be as if it was made out of metal. Only when he scanned the rest of the room and noticed the bars that blocked the only opening of the cube they were in did he realized where they were.

"What the hell..." he muttered, trying to move his hand to his aching head, but finding it resisting. He turned to see the metal cuff around his wrist, with the chain connecting it to the opposite cuff which was around what looked to be the bed post of a bunk bed. He let out a groan. How did he get here? What was going on? Did someone spike his drink or something? From what he remembered all the bottles were unopened... Maybe one of his friends sneaked something in while he wasn't looking.

His attention was caught by the sound of a girl's voice directing the same questions he had towards him in an accusatory tone. "Wha- ... I don't know! I'm in the same situation as-" The sound of another female voice, this one more robotic and without a source Oakner could pinpoint, cut him off. Unlike Rei though, Oakner's reaction was just one of annoyance. "Alright guys, ha ha... you got me..." he called out. Based on how rich some of his friends' parents were he could totally see them being able to orchestrate something like this. He turned to Rei, assuming she was in cahoots with them and ready to tell her to cut the crap, though when he saw her expression his assumption changed. "Guys, it's one thing to prank me, but why'd you have to get her involved? I don't even know her, and she's terrified! This is really mean!"

He let out a few grumbles before taking note of the brace around his ankle. "Man... they really went all out..." Despite the warning given by the announcer, he started to fiddle with it, trying to pull his foot out. He pulled his hands back with a small yelp as a jolt ran through his body. "Ow..."

"Warning! Do not tamper with the ankle braces! A warning shock was given! The next shock's voltage will be fatal!" the same robotic voice as before announced.

"Ugh... they just don't know when to drop it..." Oakner muttered. He turned to Rei once again, who mentioned the thirty minute time limit, and let out a sigh. "Yeah. Guess we have to play along until then." He wasn't buying the whole lethal shock bit, but he didn't want another jolt. "What'cha got there?" He asked, as his brown eyes hovered on the girl as she pulled out a brick from the wall and reached into the space behind it.

SugarSpiceMekoPicoCoco SugarSpiceMekoPicoCoco Taigakitt Taigakitt
Artist: Ilya Kuvshinov
"There's scissors here, a scalpel, a flashlight, and some stuff for medical sewing? I'm going to use the scissors to try and cut the strap." Yule leaned forward and grasped the surgical scissors tightly in her teeth, then jerked her head side-to-side roughly. The shaking caused the then closed scissors to open. Yule maneuvered the bottom blade underneath the leather strap and around the silver buckle. She nestled the finger hole in between her wrist and chin, then carefully pushed the thumb hole down with her nose. Voila! Free right hand, her wrist even had two or three scratches to show for it— yippie. Yule quickly grabbed the scissors and cut the strap binding her left hand. She cheered inside, "I'm free," but hastily stood to her feet and hurried over to her bound counterpart, "We're not out of the ballpark yet!" Yule finally freed her, snipping her hands free first and then releasing her feet. "Are you okay? Let's that antidote before we die," she probed in a joking manner, that sounded rather cold without meaning to. But, she brushed it off for the moment. Escape death now apologizes later.

She turned around and immediately walked toward the safe she previously eyed in her seat and tried to pick it up. No luck; darn heavy box. She looked it over again, more intently this time. "Looks like it needs a code..." She murmured "Where could a code be," Yule looked around. She looked over to the counter, and her eyes trailed off to a drawer. "Aha!" She slapped a first into her palm before striding over to the setup. It took Yule less than a minute to pop open all of the drawers, "lets search through these," she called back to her inmate, more like fellow abductee but it sure felt like a prison to Yule. The thought made her sweat, her mind was racing so fast from the adrenaline that she forgot the situation she was actually in.
Claireese Stonewright

Claireese.jpgFrom her position on the table, she could only partially see what the other person was doing. She could see the scissors at least, and what they were doing with their mouth. Claireese focused in on that, staring intently with fake yellow eyes. She was brought out of her thoughts when they announced themselves being free. I swear, if they don't cut me out...

As soon as she felt all of her limbs freed, she instantly hopped off the table, stumbling a little, probably feeling some of the effects of whatever the evil beings had drugged her. She didn't fall though as she did her best to keep her feet firmly planted until she felt stable. With clenched teeth and anger in her eyes now, she turned and threw her foot at the accursed table, "FU-ck." It didn't go without saying that a full-force kick hurt, and her toes weren't exactly protected with a dressy boot.

Tears in her eyes and needing to turn her attention elsewhere, she decided to make herself useful. She turned to her partner-in-crime (as she still viewed this as punishment for something they must of found out she'd done), "Okay Honey Bee, thanks for freeing me-" she had noted the costume choice of the other "-and yes, I'm fine, more or less."

Now that she could fully see the room, she turned a full three-sixty, eyes taking in the full area. She noted the safe, and seeing that the other said there was a code and moved on to some drawers. One in particular couldn't open, and was also locked.

"AGH! I hate puzzles!" She eyed the chair, wondering if there was something they were supposed to smash, though she wasn't sure how strong it was exactly. She did promise the room she'd show it a thing or two... Grabbing it up, she threw it at the wall that was embedded with the vent.


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