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Fantasy Game Over (OOC)

Hey StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 , you're nearer to the western gate, yes?

I'm assuming so, since I vaguely remember you trying to get involved with the Celestrial Howl quest, but I wanted to make sure before I make any mention of your position in my post
And Kishune Kishune , what's the general landscape of the area outside the city? More specifically, the western side. If I'm reading the color key on the map correct, it begins with plains and then continues to forest and woods, right?
Yep. It's in the information thread. You can find the scaled out version of it by clicking the tab that says 'map'. But I find it much easier to click the tab 'Chordata' under Nomicon, and then 'Areas'. The zoomed map for our area is D,2
And Kishune Kishune , what's the general landscape of the area outside the city? More specifically, the western side. If I'm reading the color key on the map correct, it begins with plains and then continues to forest and woods, right?
Close to Calista ^^ (is there a map...? 0-o)
Yep. It's in the information thread. You can find the scaled out version of it by clicking the tab that says 'map'. But I find it much easier to click the tab 'Chordata' under Nomicon, and then 'Areas'. The zoomed map for our area is D,2
Ace you are correct on the landscape and Stone my characters' posts will alway have a link to the created map that they are currently in. with ions to represent the character's location. (not 100% accurate.)
no...just working with a broken keyboard. T-T

Haha I had forgotten about that. I'm getting in posts for Sildryn and Pyroc right now, and it's a bit lengthier than my other ones, so bare with me. I had fallen asleep for like an hour after your post Kish, my bad :P I would have got the post in a bit sooner If I hadn't
Haha I had forgotten about that. I'm getting in posts for Sildryn and Pyroc right now, and it's a bit lengthier than my other ones, so bare with me. I had fallen asleep for like an hour after your post Kish, my bad :P I would have got the post in a bit sooner If I hadn't
no problem. you work your studying you deserve that rest. and my keyboard has finally kicked the bucket for the last time. now I am using my phone as a mouse and keyboard as it is easier than just going to the site on my phone and going from there. at least it's faster to type with speech to text.
no problem. you work your studying you deserve that rest. and my keyboard has finally kicked the bucket for the last time. now I am using my phone as a mouse and keyboard as it is easier than just going to the site on my phone and going from there. at least it's faster to type with speech to text.

Thanks. When's the new keyboard supposed to come in anyway?
Ah alright, so that's not too long of a wait then. I mean as long as you don't desperately need to type something up right now. Are you gonna be good posting through your phone for now?
yeah I should be fine posting through my phone. it might just take me about 4 times longer than a usual post.
yeah I should be fine posting through my phone. it might just take me about 4 times longer than a usual post.

That's no problem with me, my time frame is limited anyway. I think half the others are asleep by now, so I think I 'm going to head off. I'll check in throughout the night for messages and stuff, but I wouldn't expect a large post from me until tomorrow morning. G'night, the rest of you awake folk!

And my post is up by the way. i'll try to wake up early enough to give me time to respond, but no promises.
Alright so... my post is basically at a thousand words now and I'm debating if I should continue or wait... x3 (I get carried away when not interacting)
very good post. you took a few liberties that's fine just remember these next time. first off, levels not a thing, seeing hp bars of enemies not a thing either. second, is the wolfman more human looking than wolf like your character?
Those aren't the first time I've mentioned those things, and with you not catching it and it being more of a "game" setting, I simply assumed as it would make sense. I can edit it, however. Tomorrow though. xP

This is what he looks like.
Those aren't the first time I've mentioned those things, and with you not catching it and it being more of a "game" setting, I simply assumed as it would make sense. I can edit it, however. Tomorrow though. xP

This is what he looks like.
no need to edit. I didn't inform anyone that those weren't going to be a thing. and is this character going to be a part of the celestial moon mission?

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