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Fantasy Forgotten Relics of Eberron



I love Emilia
The City of Sharn


Ja'Shaarat was built Thousands of years ago by the Dhakaani Empire. Carved into Jagged cliffs right next to the Dagger River. The Dhakaani built great monolithic buildings on the plateaus, which became the foundations of the many layered high rising city of Sharn. The City span across five plateaus and the banks of the Dagger River. Millennia of history has happen in this location and one very lucrative business is dungeoneering for ancient artifacts in the depths below the Cogs.

Forgotten Relics - Lyrandar Tower

An orange glow covers the top of Lyrandar Tower as the sun sinks in the sky. Above, the great airships of House Lyrandar float like leviathans surrounded by brilliant rings of elemental energy. Below, bridges crisscross at all levels of the city, connecting Sharn's great towers. The sounds of crying children, barking vendors, cursing skycoach drivers, and braying hippogriffs rise up to become a unique din that can only be heard in the City of Towers.

Natalie Drakenwood

'Where did I meet this Sgt. Vilroy again?'
Natalie pondered to herself of the source of a letter she received a day ago. ' Was it the time I worked on one of the lightning rails or one of the airships? I've met many of the Sharn Watch in my travels.' Her spear twirled when she had the room to freely do it as she walked down the road, otherwise she used it as a walking stick. Next to her, a clockwork bobcat looked up periodically towards it's master and then forward again. Occasionally it let out a mechanical meow, otherwise trotted along next to it's master.

Natalie's travel took a hour since she lived closer to the Dragon-marked House she served as an employee to; but she finally reached the destined Lyrandar Tower. She looked up at first judging the architecture of the building, it was an older tower built before the Last War closer to the times when airships were invented. The great airships with their rings of elemental energy drew her eyes in and one who looked at her could notice the stars in her eyes. Made of pure enjoyment, fascination and wonderment of those floating leviathans. "I want to be on one of those ships someday. Traveller, worker, mercenary. It doesn't matter, I will be on one of them." The evening orange of the night sky complimented the blues, greens and purples of the elemental energy that orbit the massive airships of House Lyrandar.

Natalie Drakenwood.jpg

The Letter from Sergeant Germaine Vilroy

"I'm calling on you for a job. I can't wrote the details, but it pays well and requires your skills. Meet me at the airship dock on top of Lyrandar Tower. Come armed"

Each of you were delivered a letter from a member of the Sharn Watch from Sgt. Vilroy. At one point in time you have met her and now she is calling on you.

Felix Felix RikuXIII RikuXIII darkborn darkborn
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{Rona Lok}
Rona Lok lowered Sergeant Vilroy’s letter, looking up at Lyrander Tower. She had only met the Sergeant once, on the introduction of Brether Ironhold. She hadn’t been expecting word so fast or like this. The not wanting to give details was a little worrisome. From a member of the watch, that could be anything from illegal activity to doing something some magistrate hadn’t signed off on. But, Rona needed work and, if this on the level, having a watch Sergeant has a satisfied customer would be good.
Folding the letter up and sticking it in her pouch, Rona took a deep breath and started in to the tower, but stopped when she noticed a young woman looking up at the flying ships. Next to her was a metal bobcat. Despite her impending meeting, Rona approached the duo, eyeing the mechanical feline.
“Sorry to bother ya, but did ya make this guy, or buy him off someone?” She asked Natalie.
Her accent clearly marked her as a non-native. On her right side was a scimitar, though her hands were well away from it.
“Not many artificers back home.” Rona continued. “Just stories, basically.”

Syvvaris Syvvaris
"Hey, do you have a moment to-"

"Fuck off!"

"Hey there ... never mind, have a nice day"

"Hey there, do you have a moment to talk about the oppression of the warforged?"

"No sorry, I'm in a hurry."

"Hey there, do you -"

"Don't you have anything better to do, Scrap Metal? Like shining my shoes?"

There was laughter from the human teenager's peers. Other people on the bustling bridge were slowing their pace to see what the commotion was about.

"Why would I do that? Your filth is a nice breeding ground for all kinds of molds." Morch replied. He was really angry, but maybe a lesson could be taught here.

"What did you just say?! Your kind is nothing but a speck underneath my shoe." The guy pretended to squash something underneath his boots.

Morch was trying very hard not to lash out. He was about to shout something nasty when an officer stepped in.

"Break it up!" he said to Morch and the teens, before turning to the crowd. "Nothing to see here folks, just move on."

The people began to dissipate.

"You too, scoundrels." He gestured the teens to move along.

The bully was about to protest, but his friends wisely pulled him away. Out of spite Morch sent out some spores to the guy. It wouldn't hurt him, but it would give him a nice rash.

The officer turned to Morch. "You. I have a letter for you." He handed the letter to him and immediately turned and walked away.

'Was it so hard to address a warforged respectfully?'' Morch thought as he opened the letter. Commander Vilroy, hmm? He didn't care about the money, though he felt like he owed her for the opportunity to talk to her soldiers. He was also quite fed up with this city and would love the chance to do something with his skills again. It did not take long to decide to heed the call. And just like that, he started walking towards the Lyrandar Tower.
A woman's voice interrupted Natalie's vision of grandeur of flying through the sky in an airship. "Wha.. uh. oh, yes!" She stumbled over the sudden surprise of someone talking to her. "Yes, I built her all by myself. It took years but she is my first automaton." Natale knelt down and petted the steel she tampered with her hands to make it's head and neck. "She's my little Joey." Joey pushed it's head against Natalie's hand much like a house cat would and licked her hand with a tongue of tin and meowed with utmost authenticy of a cat.

Natalie looked up to see the stranger's hair and a small whistle escaped her lips. "Your hair is soo pretty. Did you braid it yourself? She asked and taking in the person she is talking too. "I'm Natalie, what's your name?" She introduced herself, realizing the woman wasn't from Sharn like she was. "Almost half the people in Sharn are artificers in one way or another." she exaggerated slightly.

Felix Felix RikuXIII RikuXIII
Rona watched with fascination as the mechanical create reacted to its creator’s touch.
“That’s amazing.” She said, crouching to get a better look at the thing.
She was considering asking if she could pet it when Natalie asked about her hair and name.
“Oh, yeah.” Rona answered, absently touching her braids. “Learned from an old dwarf, with just being Da and me.”
Her voice trailed off for a moment. Her father always got on to her for talking too freely with strangers. He had a point, though you always he’d to give a little to get something.
“Anyway, I’m Rona Lok.” She said, standing up and extending a hand to Natalie. “Pleased to meet you, Natalie. Lived here long?”

Syvvaris Syvvaris Felix Felix

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