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"Hmm..." Luke said lazily rocking/swaying with each step his horse too. "You talk an awful lot..." He muttered softly letting his eyes open slowly, he wasn't one for talking. A good soldier knows to stay quiet...
"Huh....sure....when you're in a foreign country, you try to see if there's things you find interesting about it. Unlike you, I come from a warmer country.....and I'm not used to these cold climates." Katudo grunted.
“If you had traveled as much as I have you would able to adapt to the climate changes...”. Luke turned to look at Katudo on his right. “If you’re cold say so. You can use one of the bedding blankets.” He sat up straighter in his saddle and stretched his arms up over his head with a little grunt. “Don’t need you ill or dying...”. He added, sounding annoyed by this whole thing.
Katudo nodded then did so. Grabbing one of the blankets from a pack on the horse saddle, he wrapped it around his shoulders. "Hey....thank you....and....sorry that you got stuck with this boring assignment." He said quietly.
Luke let his hands fall to his sides again, his left hand tapped the hilt of his sword absentmindedly. "You're in need of training... That falls on the shoulders of your Queen, for not making ensuring you were prepared." He said turning to look forward again, his left leg was resting gently against the horn of his saddle and he kept lazily letting his body sway left and right with each clop of the horse's hooves.
Katudo didn't respond to that as he took a gander at his surroundings. I didn't think Eddis would have this much beauty in rocky places....it seems....unnatural. Well, they are....children of Hephestia. He thought as he clutched the reins of his horse and his blanket covering him.
Luke let his eyes close again, he wasn't tired he was just trying to get rest while the trail was easy. They were still in the wooded areas, once they past the treeline it was just rocks and cliffs until they reached the edge of Attolia. The skies had started to darken as the sunset and the snow storm started to blow in, the gentle flurry was going to change soon...
Katudo flinched from the weather change and shivered a little. The dark skies seemed only to form a grim mood in him, rather than a curious one. You wouldn't understand this....what I've been through...you've got it good for you because you're born in a palace. He thought.
Luke’s horse started to snort and stomp his hooves, he hadn’t spooked due to his training but something had put him on edge. The horse stopped and pawed at the ground letting out angry little grunts and puffs of air.

Luke moves slowly, careful not to add to his horse’s stress and slid from his saddle down to the ground. His boots crunched the snow under him, it was the loudest movement he’d made in weeks... “Shhh...”. He soothes the the horse and pats it’s neck softly. “We’ll have to find shelter... The storms coming in faster and harder than we’d thought it would.” He said it gently but there was a bit of concern to his voice.
Katudo didn't respond to Luke and nodded in response. He let go of his horse's reins and jumped off it from the side, grinning a little. He moved his blanket around his shoulders again.
Luke glanced over at the grinning devil and felt himself sigh again, what was this Katudo up too? He’d gone from sullen and grimacing to grinning like a fool. “Grab your gear.” He said flatly before he turned back to his horse and removed his satchel and one saddle bag. He then removed the horses bridle and bit, hanging them over the saddle horn. “Good Bria...” He whispered to the horse before he placed his against his mare’s forehead. The horse Bria, gently started mouthing at the cloak Luke was wearing.
Katudo grabbed his pack and nodded but he still held the blanket around his shoulders like a cape. He gave out a low whistle. "Wow...." He muttered as he removed the same bridle on his horse.
Luke turned his head to look at Katudo, amusement in his eyes. “Come on. I hope your survival skills are better than your spying skills.” There was a low chuckle to his tone, without another word he started walking into the tree cover. Bria followed closely behind her master, stepping almost as gently as Luke was. Careful soft steps over large roots and fallen limbs.
"Jerk...." Katudo muttered under his breath as he started after Luke, having his borrowed horse follow him. He shook his head a little as he eyed the area. If I had Nahar back, we would be out of this mess....but he's all the way out in Attolia...oh gods, what will my Queen say about this? He thought fearfully.
Luke and Bria had grown up together, Luke was nine when his father gifted him with the little filly. The two of them had gone through the very difficult training to be soldiers in the Queen's Guard and Luke had disappointed both of them... His Father... And his Queen. No matter how hard he works, he perfects his skills, he's still a disappointment to everyone.
As they walked Luke's back had gotten more rigid and stiff, his thoughts were dark and troubled. He'd made a mistake... One simple mistake and he'd failed everyone in his life. Bria huffed softly, she could tell her boy was heading down the dark path in his mind.
"Known your faithful steed long?" Katudo asked, trying to start up a conversation with the other thief and hoping that he wouldn't be reluctant or annoyed to respond.
"What?" Luke was pulled from his own troubled thoughts so abruptly that he had to blink and few times before he understood what was asked of him. "Uh," he looked at Bria and smiled lightly. "She's like my kid sister. I've known her for her whole life."
"She's like your sister and your best friend? I like that.....I've got one too, a white stallion....He's....kinda like a brother but he knows what I feel." Katudo shrugged.
"Bria is my only friend." Luke reached out and touched her muzzle softly. "Stallion's aren't good for battles..." Luke hooked his thumb at Bria, "She'd flirt and drive him crazy. A gelding or a mare like my Bria is a better choice for a war horse."
"I don't ride Nahar for battle....I have time off....a lot of time...." Katudo responded, "And I don't think he would be interested in Bria. He's kind of a lone wolf...."
Luke snorted and laughed softly. "That's not how nature works..." He laughed again, it was a true laugh. "If Bria, or any mare within six miles were to go into heat..." He laughed again with a shake of his head. "Your 'lone wolf' stallion will rise to the occasion and make little baby horses." He reached up with his left hand to push his hair out of his face. "How young are you? You seem far to innocent to be out in the world unwatched after."
Instead of keeping silent, Katudo glared at Luke. "Another remark like that and you could get yourself a knife between the ribs." He warned, not liking the fact about being called too young for the outside world again. It was simple, he would kill or not kill.
"What knife?" Luke asked with a smirk. "I do believe I am the one who's armed." He waved his hands aimless. "I'm not holding you captive, you don't like my company? Then go. No one from your Kingdom even knows where you are or that you failed, you could simple just leave." Bria snorted at Luke, his tone had been one she didn't care for. "I won't stop you."
"It's not captivity....honestly, I rather enjoy you. Strangely, you sound like an older brother or cousin." Katudo shrugged, "No, I think I shall stay. I cannot survive out here in the cold.....nor would I gather of the wolves that live here."
Luke stopped walking and looked the boy head on for the first time, the darkened skies cast shadows over Luke's face and made the scars on the left side of his face stand out. The surgeons had done an amazing job, they weren't easily noticed in daylight the faint white lines around his left eye, down his jaw and back toward his ear. "I am not your brother... If you stay near me, it's my duty to keep you alive and safe. That's all this is. I am doing my duty, to my kingdom and my Queen."

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