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Dice Fire Emblem: Anamnesis Characters/OoC (6/9)

My final's on Saturday; earliest I'll be posting next is later that day, and it may be pretty late at night. Sorry, but feel free to NPC Theo if necessary, or since he's injured, maybe he should sit out the next battle?
Agent Agent
I'll direct Theo around in combat. I'll follow directly behind with Dingo and make sure he gets plenty of action while avoiding any serious danger.

I'm just trying not to make Dingo fight anything because he gets pretty much nothing out of it. Fortunately, the overpowered guy is never needed so early on.

Also what is the penalty for getting defeated in combat?
official clown business official clown business eldorado eldorado
The penalty for being defeated in combat is -4 to Atk/Skl/Spd in the very next chapter, as well as -20% starting Hp. The reduced stats will restore themselves by 1 point at the start of every turn. If the wounded unit sits out the next chapter, the penalties will be removed.

Theo can't sit this next battle out because of how early it is, and since it'll probably be pretty short, so i'll only give him -3 to his stats.
Oof I gotta sleep. Sorry guys, I'll post in the morning.

Toyotasomi no Miko Toyotasomi no Miko
Yes, people can act from where they're standing after talking, trading, etc. Attacking, using an item, visiting, or healing ends the unit's turn.

Oh and while you're at it, mind editing your post and rolling 2 d100 dice? You double and are guaranteed to hit, but it's for your critical chance.
alright, done

since it's 12:12 am over here i'm going to bed, if you guys need to auto-move holly within the next 7-8 hours go right ahead
NemoTheSurvivor NemoTheSurvivor Toyotasomi no Miko Toyotasomi no Miko
I was hoping showing the hills before the archers went on them would help, but looks like no one will notice them still.

Yep, so the archers are standing on hills giving them an extra 15 evasion (and 5 more hit chance). You'll need to roll for your hits with this in mind, but the good news is even if you miss once the archer is guaranteed dead once you go for him next round.
Toyotasomi no Miko Toyotasomi no Miko
You can discard the axe if you want, but it can be worth selling (it sells for less than the purchase price of a vulnerary) or keeping for when someone promotes into a class that can use axes.

Since you doubled (having 4 more speed than the enemy) you would've wanted to roll two more dice for your second hit, but I got you covered.
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Agent Agent
Vianna is going to hold her ground directly next to the boss. Staffs/Tomes only have a range of two, and the 1 range only applies to counterattacks, right? Which means if the boss wants to attack, she'll have to leave the fort tile.
Agent Agent
Sorry to be blunt, but this boss was poorly designed and I'm gonna end this battle myself before it drags out.

I can list out all the reasons why if you'd like, but you can look at it yourself and see what's wrong.
Man, I sure do wonder when eldorado will come back on. He has a pretty good character going and I'd hate to delve too far into the plot without him.
On the bright side, most of us are nearly out of school and that sweet sweet winter break is closing in. Two weeks left for me.
hey, i'm back!! i love theo too, and i think he and dingo have an interesting dynamic.

it was a crazier weekend than expected, and the next few days will be pretty hectic, but i'll be here when i can!
Okay guys so next chapter is ab- whoops. Dropped something.

Uhh... anyone want it? I'm tired of carrying it cause it's pretty heavy. Any takers?
Axes aren't my thing. And anything with that style of font would probably be high risk/reward. That's just not my thing either.
It is a high risk, high reward weapon for sure. There's a low chance it backfires on you. But, there is only one reason anyone would use it:

I asked Agent about all the promoted classes, and he told me almost all classes gain access to a second weapon upon promoting, with axes being an option for every physical class that promotes. If you plan to dominate the weapon triangle, you want another melee type of course. But when you learn them, you only have access to crappy weapons and it'll take some time to build up to the level of your first weapon type.

That's where the Devil Axe comes in. It's risky to use, but since we have lots of health/luck at the start and don't actually die, it is well worth the risk to master axes at the speed of light.

Even if you don't like it... you should definitely give it some consideration.

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