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Fandom Fate/Drifters Part 2 OOC

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Btw have you settled on whether we pick each other or do you think random is better?

Players can decide for themselves who they think they will write best with. So long as both players agree, I'll accept the pairing. Or they can use to put their character in the slot-machine and leave it to me to randomize. Either option is fine. Just let me know which you would prefer.
I already agreed to be Fill's servant, but I think random is the fairest option, but I understand if that's not possible! Besides, I know some have certain pairs they want.
I already agreed to be Fill's servant, but I think random is the fairest option, but I understand if that's not possible! Besides, I know some have certain pairs they want.
For me I must worried if I can't find someone I'll be left in the dust like the last kid picked for dodge-ball and thats no fun
How many more is there to go?

I've accepted 8 sheets, so 6 more to go. Two of the six are WIP.

For me I must worried if I can't find someone I'll be left in the dust like the last kid picked for dodge-ball and thats no fun

There's an even number of players, so I doubt that'll be the case.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Maybe create a poll at the top of the thread for us to vote on?

I could...but everyone just stating which they prefer should be enough. LostHaven LostHaven already threw their character in for randomizing. If at any time they change their mind, let me know.
I've accepted 8 sheets, so 6 more to go. Two of the six are WIP.

There's an even number of players, so I doubt that'll be the case.

I could...but everyone just stating which they prefer should be enough. LostHaven LostHaven already threw their character in for randomizing. If at any time they change their mind, let me know.
I think I'll go with random for now and put it up to the gacha gods
Don't mind me. Just getting it all down so it's clear in my head:

4 Masters accepted.

Assassin, Saber, Caster, and Lancer accepted.

Berserker and Archer in progress.

So just 3 Masters and Rider unaccounted (though I'm sure they are being worked on)
Don't mind me. Just getting it all down so it's clear in my head:

4 Masters accepted.

Assassin, Saber, Caster, and Lancer accepted.

Berserker and Archer in progress.

So just 3 Masters and Rider unaccounted (though I'm sure they are being worked on)
Did we ever get some to take the position of Rider?
You all have either sad or really out-there characters, at least for the most part. Love it. Awesome work all around.
Uno mas drop for simj26 simj26 (and anyone else that may prefer discord to forum chats). If discord is not for you, feel free to ignore it. I'll try to keep both alive.

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