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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

I pray to which ever god that is out there, that this isn't going to bring too much trouble. Or, I can ask Quirky if I can have A+ Luck. Maybe that will work.
I see. I don't think I need to announce the name of the Noble Phantasm. It's a constantly Noble Phantasm and the War Elephants are apart of said Noble Phantasm. Though, I don't know if I'm correct on that part of the spectrum.
I see. I don't think I need to announce the name of the Noble Phantasm. Its constantly Noble Phantasm and the War Elephants are apart of said Noble Phantasm. Though, I don't know if I'm correct on that part of the spectrum.

Yup, you are correct

Though, might as well just throw up the NPs name. Even Saber knows your identity by now.

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