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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

I dunno how it works. Like, I'm visualizing it as like thermal/infrared style, but then you have two giant masses which are saber and rider. And Vita would basically be the same as all the other random civis. So it's entirely dependent on how it actually works.

No idea how mana signatures work lol. Maybe every person has a different one (like chakra signatures). I'm leaving that to sim.
Then the site I was using was wrong.

No, I understand the confusion. Some people depict Skirnir as a god because he serves Freyr. However, lore never directly stated it. In fact, he's been referenced to alfheim many times, suggesting he's an alf. At the very least, that's how I'm lore-ing it =P
I dunno how it works. Like, I'm visualizing it as like thermal/infrared style, but then you have two giant masses which are saber and rider. And Vita would basically be the same as all the other random civis. So it's entirely dependent on how it actually works.
lmao, he thinks it's that ability.
Misuteeku Misuteeku Xel Xel QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel I edited the post to reflect the unknown identity of the Servant twins, though i might have missed one, and put him on street level, since the snow would be thicker there, and there'd be a labryinth of streets to try and find him, and to shut Xel up about wah his bullet cannot shoot through rooff
Misuteeku Misuteeku Xel Xel QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel I edited the post to reflect the unknown identity of the Servant twins, though i might have missed one, and put him on street level, since the snow would be thicker there, and there'd be a labryinth of streets to try and find him, and to shut Xel up about wah his bullet cannot shoot through rooff
Even though it can.
Don't worry, I'm going to bullshit my way through to save Vita. I have one last important skill that can save us due to my incompetence in actually adding details.
Yeah well, sometimes you gotta let kids have their way.

Shooting through the roof was never my issue. Servants plow through buildings all the time. It's the aiming that I take issue with.

Also reminder that if you land your shots, you also kill Saber rofl. I wasn't kidding when I said you hit Saber. He's standing behind Vita, any round capable of going through a building and killing servants would go through Vita like she was made of paper. And if the shots are too much for Rider to react to, due to the various distractions, that also applies to Saber.

Literally teamkilling.
ALSO! If we wanted to be realistic here, Assassin basically has to treat Vita like a Zombie. Head shot or heart shot only. Because he'd end up over-penetrating. The bullet would just cleanly go in one side and out the other, doing minimal damage.

Lots of ways to deal with things when you think things through. Lots of consequences for the choices made.

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