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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

Maid is also legit, but Chika's 10/10. Her VA's perfect too. Those low-tone responses she gives when someone's being retarded. "Huh? Ah, hai" shit always gets me.
Subject F is on the lower end of my rankings list for Kaguya, but she's still pretty good. Her VA adds a lot to her appeal, but the anime adaption for Kaguya is just 10/10 in general.
"Faffy!" Within Fafnir's cave, Ava had been waiting. The wallpaper aside, it really was a comfy place, and she'd very quickly become familiar with why dragons were so infamous for hoarding treasure. That wasn't to say that she was particularly enchanted by the wealth of the place; the first thing that she'd tried to do when Faffy had left was spending her way through the hoard, but she'd not even put a dent in it, so she'd gotten bored of that pretty quickly. Rather, there was just something satisfying about the glimmering sea of golden metal.

"You're back! How was the flight? Was there any turbulence?" A well-rested smile on her face, Ava appeared to Fafnir, as well as the newly arrived Master and Servant from behind a mountain of treasure and gold, observing them from its peak for a moment, before sliding down to greet them.

"And you guys must be the guests?" Speaking as she went, the white haired woman glided right past Fafnir's corpse-like form, only coming to a stop when she was almost nose to nose with the group's redhead. "So we're like, allies, right? I still don't entirely get what's going on, but my boss was pretty insistent that I be all nice to you guys and stuff, so we're probably supposed to get along."

They certainly weren't what she was expecting. Herself aside, when she'd imagined the Masters in her head she'd only been able to picture old farts and scary people like the Boss, so this fluffy-haired kid was a surprise and a half. The redhead she'd gotten an eye-full of over Fafnir's... Hologram thing, but the T-Shirt and shorts were still a surprising addition. Were Heroic Spirits even allowed to dress in modern clothing? She'd had thought there was like, a rule against that or something. Well, never the less, it wasn't like she was going to complain about it. One scary person in her life was well and truly enough, after all.

"So!" She started, raising her arms and giving the pair a friendly clap on the shoulders. "Let's work together. The uh, world needs saving or something like that, yeah?"

@Ian Temero @HellsHaven @DarkSuicune98
Royalties please.
Rider's frown dissipated when she noticed Vita's tone of voice. It had reminded a lot of her sister's childish behavior when they were alive. Maybe that is why they were summoned in this form, mostly because Vita resonated with the younger Rider better. Looking up at Vita, she quietly listened to Vita's request to be listened to. If that was what she wanted, then she shall have both of their ears. "Very well, but we'll have to talk about this later. My sister has told me she just got hit by a car," The older Rider said nonchalantly as if it wasn't something that big. Well, it wasn't to her since she was a Heroic Spirit. It would take more than a car to kill her sister. "Please be patient when she arrives, I'll try to calm her down." The last thing they needed was for Vita to expend her last command seal over something so trivial.

"She'll be here in an hour, or so do prepare yourself when the time comes." With that she looked down the street, a thought had occurred to her. "Hey, Vita. Can we go to a place called a 'cafe?' I've seen a lot of people go in there," The older Rider asked. It was a curiosity that had perked when she had scouted the city. The 'cafe' also smelled really nice when she took a peak inside. Needless to say, it seemed like a place where it was decently populated in the morning. Given that it was still early the morning, maybe Vita would want to go there.

Xel Xel
Saber of Darkness
Location: Laramie, Wyoming

Saber pressed a button on the vending, watching as the contraption spit out a canned beverage. Humans did come up with interesting things from time to time. Opening the can, Saber took a quick swig of the fizzy liquid before glancing back at the rented car he’d parked off the curb . His riding skill wasn’t the highest, but it was enough that he could take to the modern vehicle with relative ease. The Himelayas. Italy. And now America. Might as well call him a world traveler with the amount of locations he’d been sent to and all the sights he’s seen.

More than the average human probably.

His Master had everything prepared for him. Fake passports. Money in case he needed it. This war wasn’t like any other. Their allies were scattered all over the world. As were their enemies. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the first faction to gather and group up would have an advantage in the war. Now, with Valk and the boy, Alan Martin, that made six on their side. Their Assassin was surprisingly humble for a heroic spirit.

A rarity among humankind. Oddly friendly despite his grisly appearance as well.

Where was Valk now? Who knows? Saber certainly couldn’t sense him. The Scar-faced Assassin had disappeared as soon as they arrived in the town called Lamarie. They hadn’t even arrived at Cheyenne yet, but there was no doubt about it. A Servant was present. Somewhere.

Could it even be called a Servant though? The mana-level was surprisingly weak.

Tossing the can into a nearby trash-can, the human disguised Saber strolled to where a crowd seemed to be gathering. A car had swerved off the road and slammed itself into the side of a building. There was an injured human inside.

“Someone call 9-1-1!”

“ I saw it! I saw it! A girl was hit!”

“What girl? I don’t see a girl.”

“I saw a girl too…”

“Who cares!? There’s a bloody man inside right now!”

The humans were all whispering, some shouting, but none dared to approach the vehicle. Saber rolled his eyes. His job for now was to investigate for potential Master/ Servants…and a disappearing girl certainly sounded supernatural enough. At the very least, some form of magic was probably involved.

“Is this the girl you saw?” Saber raised the newspaper Alan Martin had given him, pointing out the image of the child giving a speech in Cheyenne to one of the humans that claimed to see a girl struck.

“I…I don’t know, tbh. It happened so fast. And I only saw it for a second…”

Saber sighed. He gave his surroundings one last glance, before shrugging and approaching the damaged vehicle. It seemed he would need the human alive in order to know the events that transpired.

Misuteeku Misuteeku
@simj22 (I god-modded a bit based on the plan of using Saber as bait, and figured it would give your char more freedom to do what you want as Assassin =P. If that isn't what Assassin would've done, let me know and I'll do the edits. Just means that Saber would've interacted with him instead of noting how he couldn't sense him.)
Go dark side!1551489523944.gif

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