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Fantasy Faray High OOC chat

I see I made a big mistake in confusing the two locations. Expect more dumb mistakes from me lol. Sorry everyone. Spencypoo Spencypoo can I retcon this illogical scene by making Michael's cold reactions not happen and instead just have him and Enyu gingingin gingingin talk about vampires? Then when we do enter the cold area I won't have to go into detail about the cold because we can already imagine what it would be like for Michael.
Tlaltetzu Tlaltetzu Yes it would be helpful to fix the location but you don't have to put so much detail if you don't want to. I mean it's not necessary. I just didn't mention it with Megan because she's basically always hot. But yeah, just do what makes you comfortable!
Just left them in Transport hall until I figure out what the place looks like.
I have written a small edit under each of my mistaken posts to help restore the space time continuum.
hey sorry I haven't posted yet today, feeling under the weather, will get at least one post in today, will try to make it meaty.

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