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Fantasy Faray High OOC chat

Well no one except the staff and the older students are in there right now
The newer ones are not permitted to be there until attendance is finished
Hope this wont be a trend, having so many posts in the small amount of time I'm at work is a bit of a pain to come back to and actually reply to stuff.
Posted, if I make any mistakes I am more than happy to change anything. I know from experience I make plenty of dumb mistakes when posting lol.
Yeah im going to make a introduction post and then get some sleep, just reading up first to work it out.
Spencypoo Spencypoo

Guys, there's like a huge mixup here and my head is going to explode. Featherine & Cassandra are supposed to be already at Faray High Theatre waiting to welcome the new arrivals. Everyone else is in the transportation building
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Well yes, i'm sorry for the confusion everyone. Featherine and Cassandra can only interact with each other since they aren't with the others

The only thing you have to edit out is the cold and any mention of our lovely trio
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Since Circe is already pretty messed up from her past, emotional wounds cut the deepest with her.
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so sorry I fell behind so badly guys! First I fell asleep due to meds, then my account got locked out due to google crashing... it was a mess, Spencypoo Spencypoo and everyone what do you think is best way for me to have Ravan catch up?
so sorry I fell behind so badly guys! First I fell asleep due to meds, then my account got locked out due to google crashing... it was a mess, Spencypoo Spencypoo and everyone what do you think is best way for me to have Ravan catch up?
Yeah that happened to me as well so I changed emails Um I think I would suggest maybe just reading the last page of the main

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