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Fantasy Faray High OOC chat

I can't wait until Jamie and Circe meet, also I tried to interact with you Neo Alice. Since Iris was in the group with Megan and Quinn she introduced herself to Cassie
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Oh yeah, i know, i'm waiting for Megan and Quinn to reply as well. That way i reply to all 3 of you in a single post n.n
So the door to the school goes to the Transport building or the Auditorium? I'm lost. Also RPN disconnected again so hadn't been getting email updates.
Also something about papers and randomly appearing food?. People really need to slow down for others. You slepp/work and the location has changed and 2 dozen posts appear.
Also something about papers and randomly appearing food?. People really need to slow down for others. You slepp/work and the location has changed and 2 dozen posts appear.

Sorry, Spencypoo Spencypoo wrote a post which introduced the food and papers with an @ everyone to represent that it effects everyone, which doesn't do anything, and you might have missed that. There are a lot of characters in this rp. Maybe we need a way to let everyone know if a post is affecting everyone or the setting? idk.
Right, guess i missed that post, ill need to try and find it for some context as this is getting a little overwhelming. It doesn't seem to be the amount of characters more that some people are going back and forth so much it floods out the rest of the RP for those not able to be there constantly.

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