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Quinn was glad that Iris eventually caught up with her somewhere along the way. It wasn’t that she cared whether she was alone or not, but at the same time, it was nice to have someone to talk to.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, she grabbed a bowl of fruit and a yogurt just as Iris had and claimed a seat next to her roommate.

The golden-eyed girl took in the room around her for a second before popping a piece of fruit into her mouth and focusing on the blonde fairy next to her.

"So, are you and Megan a thing now?" she inquired with a little smirk forming on her lips.

LOCATION: Hallway —> Cafeteria
INTERACTION(S): Iris PansexualPanic PansexualPanic


Location: Lunchroom
Interactions: gingingin gingingin (Enyu) Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig (Adam) PansexualPanic PansexualPanic (Circe) JuniperBoi JuniperBoi (Aeon)


Adam shook Michael's hand and complimented him. "Uhh, sure", Michael joked. He did not really enjoy praise for his smarts, because he feared that doing so would bias him.
"Akuji? Ah now I see, I talked to you yesterday! ...hang on...?," Adams odd comments on top of Akuji's oddness yesterday just utterly confused Michael. He was eating and visibly struggling to understand when the green haired horned girl greeted them.
"Hey..," Michael said distracted. He was shocked as she poured something suspicious into her drink, and he just stared at the cup worried. After Adam's joking welcome Michael relaxed again.
Another someone came over, and introduced themselves as Ian Merrak, and the horned girl introduced herself as Circe Nightshade.
Michael joined in on the introductions, "Hi guys I'm Michael, I think we're actually all new here", although they might have known his name from Adam already.
As Circe offered her drink to Adam, Michael looked over to him with a gaze slightly daring him to take it.

Circe explained that she was a vampire/succubus hybrid, which raised a lot of questions. Ian said he was a wind manipulator, and Circe took this to mean he was a human.
"So Ian, how do you become a 'wind manipulator'?" Michael asked.
Interactions: @BOKEH (Quinn)

Iris nodded at Quinn's question with a smile, "Yeah, I really like her" Iris said happily in love with Megan

Name: Adam Dancer
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic Tlaltetzu Tlaltetzu gingingin gingingin

Adam looked at the coffee offered by Circe, she seemed to be eager for him to drink the concussion of hers. He looked over to Michael and found him also staring at him in way that is encouraging him drink it.

Putting all his worries away, he took a sip of the drink. And he was immediately taken back.

"Oh wow that is strong." He stated, then he took a bigger sip. "Wow, that is strong."

He smiled and gave the coffee back to Circe, it was the first ever alcohol he had ever had since...well, since he was ever born. "Thanks for the drink, I would like to have more of your...special drink later. If you don't mind of course."

Was that Alcohol?

"Yes, Akuji, that was alcohol."

You're 17, under the age of legal drinking age. You shouldn't drink alcohol until you're of legal age.

"Akuji, we're in a magic school. Somethings tells me traditional laws don't apply here."

The little Enyu perked up, asking him about the dream he had last night. He almost choked on his food as he asked that. The dream...wasn't exactly something he would share. How old was he anyway, does even know the birds and the bees yet?

"Well...my dream is about two...men...and when um...two men..." He stuttered his words, face turning red. It's not like he was immature about this kind of subject, its just that he couldn't exactly talk to Enyu about it. He looked like a kid to him after all. "when they love each other very much...uh...fuck it, Akuji you take this one."


Name: Akuji
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic gingingin gingingin
Mentions: JuniperBoi JuniperBoi

Akuji was in control. He looked at Enyu smiling, happy to see that he was okay. "Adam dreamt about being with a large man...passionately. I don't remember much but I do remember I was involved somehow..."

He was smiling...smiling again. This time within the physical realm...what was happening to him.

Akuji looked at the two new comers. Circe and Aeon. He was quite puzzled by their existence. Aeon was born to manipulate wind, was it through magic or was he part of a species able to do such things. When Michael asked about Aeon's powers, he was curious of a closure, though the answer doesn't explain much. Circe was an odder case, being a hybrid of sort.

"Half vampire and half demon?" He questioned Circe, he voice monotone as ever. "I never knew two widely different species can produce such a seemingly healthy offspring. You are quite fascinating."
Interactions: Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig (Adam/Akuji)

Circe handed Adam a piece of paper with her dorm number on it, "yeah sure, this is my dorm come by any time my roommate is hardly ever in the dorm" she then regarded Akuji asking about her species hybrid, "Um well actually my parents were a demon specifically succubus father and human mother, my vampire side happened when I was attacked in an alley by a vampire after my mother died and my dad dumped me on the street because he didn't want me" Circe replied to Akuji
Interactions: Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig

Enyu politely listened to what the boy said before the vampire's cheeks turned red. He knew what he was talking about now that the real (?) Akuji was back. He couldn't even make eye contact and continue whatever conversation they were having. He managed to get out a "oh" before laying his head on his arms as an attempt to hide how hot and red his face was.

He was quietly listening to the conversation though.. Due to him being interested in what Circe was.. And if there was another vampire here besides him. They both kind of had the same experience when it came to becoming a vampire too.

His mind slipped back into what Akuji was talking about a few seconds ago. Why, again, is he thinking like that!? He silently cursed the fact that he was a teenager and that Akuji had told him.. Why had Akuji, of all people, tell him!?

Name: Akuji
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: gingingin gingingin PansexualPanic PansexualPanic

"...oh." Akuji muttered, hearing Circe's less than pleasant back story regarding her vampirism. It made him wish he hadn't asked her about it, feeling bad to make her bring out an upsetting memory. "I apologize for making you talk about your past, I didn't meant to upset you...I lost my soul from a jealous witch. I know what it feels like."

Akuji saw Enyu acting oddly, he noticed that his face was red and seemed to be flustered.

"Enyu are you okay?" He said as he put his hand on Enyu's head. "Have you developed a fever?"
Interactions: Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig

Circe replied to Akuji apologizing about asking about her past, "it's okay it wasn't all that bad growing up on the streets it made me tough I know how to kick some ass if someone tries to attack me or do anything sketchy. As a girl living on a street corner a lot of guys assume you're a hooker and will sometimes try to um I'll put this delicately "have their way with you" so you gotta now how to defend yourself. There's also a lot of people who walk around which makes getting blood easy and then I would get food and stuff from the people I drank from" Circe answered not even fazed by the words coming out of her mouth

Name: Akuji
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic gingingin gingingin

As Circe explained her struggle but also learning from her experience, he couldn't help but be impressed by her. He never really struggled in his life, he often stayed within his mansion where everything was done for him. Hearing Circe talk about her past made him realised that life was harder to most people.

"Its nice that you were able to learn through your struggles. I'm...what's the term...inspired? By how you handled yourself. If you need any financial assistance, I would be able to help. I have fair amount of money from my parents but I rarely use them." He said as he kept stroking Enyu's head.
Interactions: Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig

Circe replied "That is very generous but I think I have everything I need from stealing from the humans and the school seems to take pretty good care of us. I like being self sufficient but thank you for the offer. Can I ask you what could be a favor though?"
Location: Cafeteria

Aeon was a bit confused at Akuji. He seem to act like a completely different person. Does he have a split personality? It seems so. It's very interesting to see someone with a spilt personality. As he never met one before. He'll have to keep an eye on him.

Mentions: Akuji ( Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig )
(don't remember what happened to me sooooo)

I woke up in my dorm and decided to venture of almost imeadiatly running into a group of people.

Name: Akuji
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic

"Oh, Adam?" Akuji questioned. "I actually have little control over whether he'll be in control or not. In all honestly he's more in control than I am-"


Name: Adam Dancer
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic

"You want to be friends so soon huh?" Adam mocked, taking over Akuji's body yet again. "Huh, well I already like you with that...special drink. Not to mention, you have a cool style. I mean anything would better than just suit and tie. What am I oldman?"

There's nothing wrong with formal wearing-

"I'm not talking to you Akuji." Adam informed. "Anway, I would love the be friends with you. You're certainly less boring than most people here. Not to be weird Circe but do you clothes that could fit me? I don't mind wearing girl clothing. Never saw the point of gendering clothing. I always curious of what would I look like in gothic clothing, especial since I don't really have clothes of my own"
Interactions: Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig

Circe smiled, “I’m sure I probably do, You’re welcome to come to my dorm any time. My roommate is never there so I’m always boreddd.” Circe hands him a piece of paper with her dorm number on it
Interactions: Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig

Enyu was about to answer Akuji's question when he felt a hand on his head. He slowly lifted up his head to reveal the fact that his blush had gotten even worse.
"U-um! I'm fine! Just.. a bit.. erm.." Enyu couldn't say what he was feeling without stuttering. He, however, didn't mind if Akuji kept stroking his head.. In a way.. it made him feel.. safe.

He was a bit sad to hear about Circe's painful backstory.. His way of becoming a vampire wasn't as bad as hers. So he felt like he couldn't really relate..

He sighed before he heard a sudden change in Akuji's voice, or at least way of talking. He had later introduced himself as Adam.. So with that information, the boy quickly concluded that Akuji has a split personality. As a way to make Adam "feel at home" he gave the boy a wave, even if he wasn't paying attention to him.
Piper and Violet
they dissapeared along the way so i can focus on this rp better. ill bring them back later probably.

I wander around for a bit outside soaking up the warm sun in my dragon form.
~Ridley and Crimson's POV~
Crimson stood there kind of just yelling at Ridley. Then Ridley started yelling back. They both looked uncomfortable. One could tell that this was their first fight; well at least the first serious one. Ridley was made of pure anger and confusion. Where as Crimson was a mix of tons of emotions. She was angry, Jealous, sad, Happy, relived, and somehow excited. They didn't quiet know what was going on. Neither of them quiet knew why they were fighting or what they were fighting about. Their screams kind of just were a jumbled mess; no real words or reason behind it. Then Crimson started crying. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LOVE ME!?" and suddenly she couldn't hold it back anymore. She let it all out. "I have tried for years to make you proud of me! I have tried for years to make you see that I'm not less than you! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SAID I DID SOMETHING GOOD!? Every time it's 'Crimson this is wrong.' Or 'Crimson work on this'! Never 'Good job!' Or 'That was great'. I've been trying, but you can't seem to notice!" And then she turned and ran. Ridley reached out for her; her own expression being that of shock. She thought about what Crimson said; as Crimson herself was running away crying. "What have I done?" Ridley asked to no one.

Name: Adam Dancer
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: gingingin gingingin PansexualPanic PansexualPanic

Adam happily took the piece of paper with her room number on it. It's nice to have someone to have the same mindset as him and actually see him as a person of his own instead of just an extension of Akuji. It made him feel normal, like his little curse was non existent and Akuji was not something he was stuck with. "Thank you, I will make sure to visit once I have time."

The boy that was clearly flustered around Akuji waved at him. He poked an eyebrow as he waved backed. Didn't they just met before, though he could have confused him for Akuji. "Um...hi?"
Interactions: Office Worker Craig Office Worker Craig
Location: Cafeteria -> Hallway

He then silently processed what he did before seeing how weird it was to just wave at someone out of nowhere.. He gave the boy a nervous laugh before finishing up his food and standing up.

"Well! I'm.. uhh.. going to walk around for a bit!" He said, averting his eyes from Adam. He then smiled once more, though anyone could tell it wasn't really genuine. The small vampire walked off, picking up his pace before exiting the cafe and leaning on a wall.

He slumped down until he was sitting by the wall and covered his face. Why did he always have a habit of freezing up and running away?! He sighed and just stayed there for a while, waiting for breakfast to end.

"Stupid Akuji.. or Adam.. or whatever his name is..!" He said under his breath, burying his face even further into his arms.

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