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Realistic or Modern Family Ties: Weekly Character AMA

Bella - Roxie
  • Roxie Carriveau

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    Questions from Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    Roxie: looking at where you are now, do you regret the way your relationship with Syd ended?

    Jesus Christ, just getting right to the real shit aren't we? Uh...I mean everyone has regrets in relationships that didn't work out. There are a lot of things that I wish I would have done differently or more...that he would have done differently. At least that's the way I used to feel...since learning what I've learned about my cousin recently, I think a lot of the regret falls on me and my actions. Can't help but think that maybe if I would have just heard him out or listened more that we would still be together. But then again, I don't regret the way things ended because I feel that we both needed that time to mature...he's still the same man I loved but now he's...different. It's a great kind of different obviously but it feels a little weird sometimes. But if I'm being 100% honest...I wish things would have worked between us. He won't ever believe me but a part of me didn't stop loving him after we split, sure...I couldn't love him in the way we were in love but he's still someone I cared about. That was the hardest choice I ever had to make, not only did it affect him and me but it affected the kids...and even Matthew. Hell, if I would have just believed Syd I don't think I would be in the horrible position I'm in now...so to wrap it all up..yes, I do regret it.

    Bella: did you plan for Roxie to ever get as far as she has now?

    Honestly? No lol. Pyro and I decided to pair her with Syd to just test the waters and we were almost sure it was just going to be some sort of fling until we decided to get her pregnant. Roxie was only supposed to be a part-time character in the beginning but a few other players took interest in her and I decided to keep her around. She's definitely grown into a clone of me...and part of who I'd love to be. I'm glad I kept her :)
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    Roxie: knowing what you do now, what would you change about the past?

    Ah, I've always been told to not dwell on the past because then the present can just pass you by so quickly...but I guess there is a lot of things I would have changed. At first, many many years ago, I wish that I wouldn't have gone to James' birthday party...that was fresh into my breakup with Syd mind you. But I think about it and...I had so many connections to him in his family that I feel would have led me down the same path I am on now. Savvy, of course, would have most likely made me come to another family event. My family's stupid involvement in the whole gang war in New York would have most likely led me to the Porters and Sullivans as well. It seems as though Syd and I and our children were inevitable at any given point in my life but if I could go back and change one thing in my past it would have to be when I met Matthew. I had been insistent that I had a lot of baggage a lot of things that...could put him at risk, but it was hard not to fall in love with that charming personality and smile. I don't regret the relationship or the time I had with him but...just knowing what I know now...that I could have saved him from me. That absolutely breaks my heart.

    Roxie: who is the one person you feel you can trust the most and why?

    Well, when he was alive...my fiancé was the one who I could trust the most and he had proved it many times before. Before him and now that he is gone, I've put my trust back into Syd...before he lied to me, I trusted that man with my life because he saved it and our girl's lives. Despite the lying, I've always trusted him. Hell, I lied to him before he lied to me and that man has the biggest trust issues out of anyone I've ever known and he gave me a second chance. I guess it's why I've turned to him so many times since Matthew's death. The trust I had in him was shattered more than a decade ago but during that time I've watched him change for the better. He's always been extremely loyal to his family and friends when in his right frame of mind, unfortunately for me when we were together, he wasn't quite all there. So as of right now, Syd is the one person I feel I can trust the most because I've known him long enough to know that when he fucks up --which he does a lot of the time -- he only means well.

    Roxie: who is your favorite person?

    Do I really have to answer this question? Let me narrow it down for you, I know who my least favorite person is. Ricky is my fucking least favorite person who is living. But my favorite person...and please don't let this ever come back to the girls because I do love them with everything I have, they just are so mean to me lately. JJ is my favorite person. He is a mama's boy through and through and the connection I have with him is very different from the one I have with the girls. He's extremely attentive and sensitive, reminds me a lot of his father in that way, and he's always asking me how I'm doing...which, the girls don't seem to do anymore. He's always been concerned about me, even when he was smaller he seemed to sense when I was upset or hurt. Those are all traits that I was glad Syd passed down to him...he's a very loving boy and I love him very much.


    Questions from BasDorcha BasDorcha
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    Bella: What of Roxie, if anything, do you see in yourself?

    LOVE THIS QUESTION! ^.^ Mmmmmmmm I would say that like...70% of her is me lol. There are a lot of characteristics but to name the main ones. She's stubborn AF and that's like 100% me XD. My parents use to say that I would argue with God himself and my reply was "Ah yes I would and I would win." So Roxie and I have the same energy in that sense. I would also say I see myself in her ability to bounce back from terrible shit, I mean even before personal death in my family I had a pretty hard childhood and bounced back from it all pretty well (only 3 trips to the mental hospital lol). Finally, I would say her tenacious and go-getting attitude when it comes to doing the right thing is what I see the most of. Just doesn't know when to quit lol, could be a good or a bad thing but in my life, it's always been good so hopefully, that works out for her.

    Roxie: If Syd tried to win you back, would you consider it?

    ...Define win? I mean...I've spent the last year keeping him at a distance and while I have let him back into my life I'm not looking for any sort of...relationship at the moment. I think Syd and I are old enough to understand that this isn't necessarily a matter of winning me back. I'm not some sort of prize at a carnival. All I'm looking for is someone to back me up, someone to support me...someone who will be honest with me when I'm searching for honesty. Which I guess given time...could win me back? I don't know...all I'm looking for at the moment is companionship and someone who I can actually call my friend without them driving a knife in my back while smiling in my face.

    Roxie: What's your idea of a girls night out?

    Well, before I had kids it involved going to parties or clubs and getting so drunk that I couldn't even remember how I got home. BUT...now since most of my nights out also involve taking a break from any kind of heavy social interaction I like to split at least 3 bottles of wine with my girlfriends and watch horribly cheesy romantic comedies. Oh, and binge on chocolate, can't forget about the chocolate.

    Roxie: What is your favorite pastime?

    Reading. I don't necessarily do it as a hobby but I do enjoy it when I finally set my mind to it.

    Bella: If you could change one thing about Roxie, either in her storyline, her character, or anything, what would it be?

    Is it sad I immediately know the answer to this question because it's something I talk about regularly? Pyro and I were fully ready to have Syd and Roxie just be happily married in the 80s. Am I the drama? The answer is yes. I am the drama because I wanted to drive a fucking wedge between them and look I did. I blame Pyro for letting me run amuck ruining relationships left and right. MMM we thank you for your sacrifice.


    Questions from Pyroclast Pyroclast

    Bella: You say Roxie is the character most like you, but what's the biggest difference between you two in terms of personality?

    Honestly...it's that she doesn't put up with other people's shit and I tend to put up with it lol. I mean she dropped people left and right from her life because she didn't agree with what they were doing (your boi for example) and she had the strength to move on from that. I don't really possess that kind of ability or strength lol, that's something she has that I wish I had. Not so much to drop my FH cuz I love him to pieces but other people in my life. Roxie's very good at taking out the human trash...much respect to that.

    Roxie: What does a happy future look like to you?

    Honestly...the closest thing I had to a happy future was the one I was supposed to have with Matthew before I decided to take this stupid position. Was hoping to get away from all the drama of the mob, maybe settle down somewhere outside of the city after I bravely decided to quit my job. Create an environment that was stable enough for my kids so that they could grow up with some normalcy. That's all I want or that's all I thought I wanted. Now...now I'm just going to be happy if I even have a future at all. Things are starting to look pretty bleak."
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    Bella: If you had to kill Roxie, how would you do it?

    What an evil question...hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Honestly, I haven't given it much thought since the 70s. But for the most dramatic death probably being trapped in a burning building tied to something and just when you think she's gonna get free the ceiling collapses on top of her and crushes her like a bug. Oddly specific, but that's the first thing I can think of lol.

    Roxie: If you had to choose between success in career and success in love life, what would you prioritize?

    Welp, considering I'm a little burnt out at the moment career-wise I think I'd want to focus on my love life. However, that's really not changing anytime soon so by default focusing on my career and how things with this whole business are going to turn out is going to be my priority. Life isn't necessarily handing my lemons at the moment so I have very little control over which one I focus on. I was ready to throw myself into my love life...but I think the universe has it out for me in that arena.

    Roxie: What's something that no one knows is on your bucket list?

    Deep-sea scuba diving. No one knows because I never tell. Also, have this internal desire to go sky diving...but I'm too afraid of heights for that. So scuba diving is the closest diving I'll get without passing out.


    Questions from BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

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    Bella: During the discussion with Pyro, what made the two of you decide to make Roxie and Syd the couple that they are now?

    OOOF, that's having me tap into memories I have from almost 2 years ago now lol. I mean when I first decided to make Roxie she was supposed to be a part-time character and a potential love interest of Syd's. Pyro is very much someone who lets her characters decide for themselves and at the time that man was an absolute trainwreck (still is tho lol). Things got serious pretty fast between them which seemed natural for two intense characters like ours. Everything we planned between them made perfect sense but the direction we went in leading up to them breaking up was a little difficult. Mostly because we wanted to just see them both happy but...Roxie's too stubborn and headstrong to stick with someone who lies to her and Syd was too crazy not to lie and spy lol. So deciding on the couple they are now was pretty easy because personality-wise everything just made sense. The only part that didn't make perfect sense was the pregnancy (the first one with the twins) BUT that was something we wanted to throw in as a curveball because ✨DRAMA✨

    Roxie: Are you open to reconciliation with Ricky if presented with the chance? And what was your last interaction with him before his departure from Dublin?

    I'm not a naturally vengeful person...and I always try to side with forgiving rather than not. However, there are just some things in this world that I do not tolerate, lying, harming innocent people, and exposing children to violence. These were all things my asshole of a father was well known for within my family and they are the makings of a monster. Ricky understands this and yet here we are. If I felt that I could honestly trust him enough to forgive him then I would make the effort to, but at this point, I think he's already too far gone for such things.


    Questions from Misty Gray Misty Gray

    Roxie: Why don't you like the Church/Religion?

    Easy. Church and religion are something that only relates to androcentric ideals or in simpler terms, a male's perspective. Women aren't allowed to be in higher positions within the church and even though there is evidence throughout history women aren't praised in religion for the same accomplishments as men. Plus for me, the church was used as a form of punishment to an extremely abusive extent. Nothing makes you want to go to church less than being beaten into submission either physically or mentally by church officials. I also knew a lot of girls who had been physically assaulted within my church specifically and were forced to be silent about it. It really messes with your head...I mean...just look at my cousin. Religion can be a good thing when it isn't being forced down your throat and used as a punishment rather than a way of finding peace but the foundation and those in power are so far gone that there isn't really a way to save it. Religion is the cause of almost any war because people who follow are in a cult-like state and cannot stand when someone brings something different to the table. It's a violent practice. Something that brings that much violence, that much anger and fear is not something I align myself with...I've seen what it's done.

    Roxie: How much of Ricky do you think is inherently bad and how much is he a victim of mental illness?

    Ironically enough less than 15 years ago I used to think that no one was inherently bad. That was before I knew better. Ricky...I don't think is inherently bad. Inherently bad people have been bad people all of their lives. My cousin isn't just a victim of his mental illness but I think he's a victim to this whole mob system that expected him to be someone he wasn't, thus the personality disorder developed. He's always having to wear this mask, save a face for the men around him who decided that he had to be tougher than he actually was...that he needed to do, unspeakable things. While my cousin isn't inherently a bad human being he definitely isn't a good one now, but he is a victim nonetheless.
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    Roxie: Do you think Ricky is in need of psychological intervention or is it too late for that now?

    Well, psychological intervention seems to imply that he would need to agree that he needed it, at least to me. He is a grown man after all. But even if that were the case and he did agree to it...I think it honestly might be too late for him now. I know of the things that had happened to him in the past, I've known the things he was forced to do or I thought he was forced to do...but doing what he's done to his only flesh and blood, I think that in itself is an indicator that he's already too far gone. It's clear to me that he's not going to listen to any reason and that he doesn't care if he has to get rid of me to get out of his way...and that scares me because now I have to make the tough decision as to what to do with him. He's a danger to himself and to those closest to him now.

    Roxie: What's your favorite holiday destination?

    Greece. Love the beaches and love the food. 10/10 would go again.

    Roxie: How much did you think about Syd in a romantic sense whilst you were with Matthew?

    Short answer? Slim to none. Long answer...when Matthew and I first started dating, I was very unsure of how it was all going to go. I didn't want to put my kids through anything unnecessary in case things didn't work out between him and me and I found myself a lot of the time for their sake wishing that things would have worked out between Syd and me. There was a long time before I started my relationship with Matthew that I felt that I still loved Syd in a romantic sense and to a slight degree I did. But I had to differentiate the romantic love I had for him from the love I had for him as the father of my children in order to save myself the heartbreak. The romantic feelings I had for him slowly diminished and when Matthew and I got more serious they had basically disappeared because I knew I could be happy again...or I thought I could. Now everything is just a confusing emotional mess.
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    Pyro - Billy
  • Billy Christopher King


    Questions from Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    1638029640752.png Billy: Do you think you could ever let go of your worries and accept who you truly are?

    I dunno, let's see...gay men are gettin' beaten up, evicted, picked up by the rozzers, disowned by their families, losin’ their jobs, dyin’ left right and centre...Do you think I should want to accept that kind of life? I mean, I'm lucky I pay a mortgage instead of rent, and I ain't one those girly f*gs who can't hide who they are, but still. I've got multiple careers and a family who mean the world to me and the thought of losing all that just makes me feel like it ain't worth comin' out... It is a nice idea, though. Sometimes I look at what Spencer and Shona have and imagine having that sort of life with Erik, and you know... that'd be pretty nice. But I've gotta be realistic. I wish I could have a life with Erik because he's the only person I've ever wanted to share everything with, romantically and that... If I could live as freely and openly as Spencer, then I'd do it right now. I wouldn't have nothin' to hide, I'd ask Erik to move in with me and be his boyfriend out in public and all that. I just don’t see how that’s possible.

    Billy: What are some of your favorite memories from when you were young?

    I loved when Uncle Bruce and Darcey would take the four of us to the Christmas markets on Regents Street or Southbank, see all the lights and the big Christmas tree, and get us all hot chocolate. It’s always been my favourite time of year, that cosy, excited, festive feeling, and they always made it special. And I also loved going camping together in the summer. We didn’t go on holiday much but when you live in a big city, getting out into nature and cookin' up really basic cans of food over a fire you made yourself - or, helped Bruce and Darcey make - and telling stories ‘round the campfire, playin’ cards, makin’ shadow animals against the tent with a torch, and exploring in the woods. It’s just good fun, innit?

    Pyro: What sort of future plans do you have for Billy that you can share with the group?

    Well, when he's 56 years old he's going to ask Erik to marry him...LOL no I'm not sure really. I can see him slowly coming to terms with himself and his feelings, but I can't really speak for him on how smooth that journey is going to be. I've set him on quite a positive trajectory I suppose, falling in that rare kind of love with his best friend...but happiness is no fun, is it? Maybe I'll get him in some trouble to give Erik some angst or test his love, muahaha. Honestly though, I don't actually have much planned at the moment. But when the war with the Sullivans gets going I'm sure he'll get involved, which will no doubt keep him busy!

    Pyro: Where does the inspiration for Billy come from?

    Probably from a lot to be honest. It's really important to me to have a queer perspective in a story, especially when romance and identity is such a huge theme overall, and the fact that this one is set in the mid 80s makes it especially poignant to me. After watching It's A Sin, going to a Keith Haring exhibition and listening to a podcast about personal stories of the AIDS crisis all within a year or so, the whole thing has been on my mind for a while so I wanted to explore it in some way. Combined with the pressures put on men, the huge stigma surrounding gay men and the masculine traits valued in gang culture, Billy's character kind of wrote itself. Of course he's gonna be scared and repressed! Also after I created him you compared him and his internalised homophobia to Mickey Milkovich from Shameless and watching him struggle to come to terms with his sexuality was really inspiring! I'm sure you'll agree that the development of his relationship with Ian has inspired Billy and Erik's relationship in a few ways. 😉

    Billy: What's the most important thing in the world to you?

    The most important thing in the world? Uh...maybe just, having energy and drive and motivation. D’ya know what I mean? Like, the more you get used to putting in effort, the less of an effort it feels. If you talk to your friends and family every day, then it’ll never feel like an obligation. Get your head down and you’ll finish the project no matter how hard it is. Confront the guy who pissed you off and he’ll know he can’t walk over ya’. Stare that 7 year degree in the face and know you’re gonna get to the end. It just makes life so much richer when you’ve got the drive to go out and do things, and see the people you love. I can’t think of anything worse than losing that.

    Questions from Misty Gray Misty Gray

    1638029841336.png Billy: How do you think Spencer and Alex would react to finding out your sexuality?

    I reckon they’d rather not know. I think if I tell them, they’ll just wish I hadn’t and it’ll be awkward pretending like we never talked about it. I don’t really know what they think of me at the moment, since I’ve never really been in a relationship longer than a couple months, but even if it’s crossed their minds that I might be gay, I think they’d rather wonder forever than know it as a fact. ‘Cause then they’d have a gay brother, you know? I know Harper said coming out to her means I'm strong and not weak, but I’m not sure my brothers will see it like that, ‘cause we’re running the sort of business where individual reputations matter. When you think of the gays, you think of the skinny little twinks standin' on street corners in Soho or the ones with the effeminate voices or the flaming gay rockstars like Freddie Mercury...I mean, I wouldn’t think of guys like Erik or me. I just hope if…when they do find out, they don’t start associatin' me with all that stuff I don’t identify with. I just want them to see me as me.

    Billy: What do you think about the Sullivans as people?

    They're extremists. Right? I mean, they kidnapped a little girl right out of her school just to make a point. They full on attacked Spencer just because he said a few stern words to Sav down the dog n' bone. Some of 'em have got serious emotional issues, and control issues, and they seem to be okay with using their mad, unhinged aggression to their advantage rather than actually bein' rational. I remember when we used to get on - Conor has a good sense of humour, got on well with Bruce, and the family were on the whole perfectly nice. I used to see Sav as a sweet woman and a good mother, but now I think she's being selfish and unreasonable not letting Callum come and stay here in London. The kid wants to be here and he needs to grow up around us so we can treat him like family are supposed to and she's depriving him of that because of some baseless fear that we'd hurt her. There, I guess she's as extreme as the rest of her family.

    Billy: What is your favourite song?


    Billy: Do you wish you could have known your parents?

    Well, based on the memories Spencer and Alex have of them, they don’t sound like the greatest parents. I sort of remember my mum, but I mostly remember being scared of her ‘cause she’d be acting really weird, so. I’m actually kinda glad I never knew ‘em properly ‘cause I don’t think the memories would be very nice to have, and Bruce and Darcey were always good to us, they’ve been great role models. They’ve talked about my mum a bit and she sounded like a good person, kind and fun and all that...so I probably would’ve liked her if dad hadn’t got her hooked on drugs. I don’t really want to dwell, though. The fact is that if my parents had never met, my mum would probably still be alive, but my siblings and I would never have been born, so you know...it's just life, innit?

    Billy: What would you do if Erik had to return to New York to work?

    Well, if it really wasn’t his choice and he couldn’t stay here...then he’d have to go, wouldn’t he? I can’t even imagine what Gabriel Moretti would do if someone tried sayin’ no to ‘im. Honestly, it’s something I’m aware could happen, but I try not to think about it. My whole life is here, my home, all my work, my friends and family - London is who I am and it always will be. But even though he’s only been here two years, I can’t imagine bein’ here without ‘im. Walkin’ the streets we walk down together, goin’ to the bars we drink at together, walkin’ past his apartment building...hurts to even think about. So, I dunno. I’d probably just have to go with ‘im, wouldn’t I?

    Questions from BasDorcha BasDorcha

    1638030000007.png Billy: If Jeremy tried to woo Harper how would that make you feel? Would it be ok with you?

    Jeremy and Harper? Well I don’t know anything about that, but...I don’t know if I can see them together to be honest. Yeah, we both used to have a thing for him and he’s a good guy, but he’s also a charmer and a show-off and that sort of thing doesn’t impress Harper. She’s too stubborn to believe in people’s charm, and she hates, hates being patronised by men. So I mean, good luck to him! If he can get her to fall in love with him and he makes her happy, then yeah, I’d be happy for ‘em both. Harper’s a catch and so’s Jeremy, and I trust him not to hurt her.

    Pyro: What is your favorite part of playing Billy?

    I’m enjoying writing someone who is just really unconscious of himself. Like, Billy is this intelligent guy with a bank of skills and knowledge, but he just lacks self-awareness sometimes. All those things he did like burying his face in Erik’s laundry, drunkenly flirting and trying to have sex with him, placing a hand on his thigh before quickly retracting it, showing Erik a bit of extra concern when he got hit on the head or wet from the rain. He does all of that without thinking about it and I just find it fun knowing why he does those things, while he remains totally clueless haha. Of course now he’s come to his senses, but I’m really looking forward to him learning to express this part of him he’s never expressed before - being gay, and being completely, hopelessly in love with Erik.

    Billy: If you could go anywhere, where would it be?

    I’d like to visit New York, see where Erik is from and meet Ava. Course, I’d like him to come with me so he can show me around and take me to all his favourite places!

    Pyro: What's your favorite Billy memory?

    Honestly, I haven’t had the character for long enough to have all that many memories yet. I’ve enjoyed all his scenes so far though! Maybe a favourite bit was having him get blackout drunk and try to have Erik in the back of a taxi, because he just totally betrayed himself. He really let the truth out then haha.

    Billy: If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?

    I quite like my life, actually. I’m pretty happy. I’m close with my family, I have good friends, a nice house in the best city in the world, everyone down the pub knows me and I’ve got constant work that I enjoy doing. Sometimes I guess I get a bit jealous of Spencer, married with a baby on the way. And it pisses me off when Alex passes up spending time with his kid to go on party holidays, ‘cause I love kids and gettin’ in touch with my childish side, so if I was a dad I’d wanna spend all my time with them. I would say the one thing I would change is my sexuality, ‘cause straight people have it so much easier and I really just don’t identify with gay culture, but even if it sucks being gay, I don’t think I’d actually change that, ‘cause then I wouldn’t have Erik...and I really, really want to be with him. Even if we have to keep it a secret forever. So maybe the one thing I’d change is bein’ a dad. Yeah. I’d like to have a kid someday.

    Questions from Bellz Bellz

    1638030066352.png Billy: Who is your favorite sibling and why is it Harper?

    Did Harper ask this question by any chance? I get on with all my siblings and I love ‘em all. I have mad respect for Spencer for lookin’ after the rest of us when our parents didn’t. Even though he could be bossy and mean sometimes, he was always there to help me and I can still count on him now. I’ve always looked up to that guy and I’m proud of who he’s become and what he’s done with his life. Alex ain’t so reliable but we have a good relationship, me and him - he’s fun to banter with, and even though he’s a bit hedonistic it’s what makes him fun to hang out with. I can be a bit neurotic so bein’ around him helps me unwind and loosen up when I need to. And Harper, bless her...there’s a special place in my heart for my little sister. She’s stupidly strong and wise and I’m constantly learning from her. There ain’t a thing I can’t talk to her about, we always shared everything and always understood each other. I think sharing a bedroom when we were kids played a part in that - we used to stay up late after lights out and talk about anything and everything. She’s my best friend, really.

    Billy: First of all, how dare you? Second of all, would you really leave to the states if Erik had to go back?

    How dare I what? Hang on - Harper, is that you? Who let you ask the questions? Look, this ain’t a situation I like to think about, alright? I can’t imagine my life without any of you. But if I had to leave the family, I think I’d get on okay. Obviously I miss you all and I’d miss my home and everything else, but I know we’d always be in each other’s lives one way or another, forever. If Erik left, though...I think it’d be harder to keep in touch. It’d hurt talkin’ to him, knowin’ I could never have the relationship I want with him and that he’d end up with someone else. And then, I’d have to find someone else somehow...and I don’t want anyone but him. He’s the only person I’ve ever felt this much for. That’s too rare to give up. Besides, Harp, I thought you said you’d go wherever I went? I was hoping I wouldn’t just be buying one plane ticket in this stupid hypothetical situation!

    Pyro: When you were first thinking of making a King sibling what was your original plan for a character? Was your character always going to be secretly gay or was that something you came up with on the fly?

    Well this had me reading back in the GM chat! It looks like I was sort of making stuff up as I typed. I can’t remember where he stemmed from - whether it was the face claim, or the age, or the personality or what. But it wasn’t his sexuality. We were talking about Tatiana being a lesbian and Harper being bisexual and I just sort of felt like we needed m o r e g a y. Plus being a gay man in the 80s is a particularly interesting theme to explore imo because of all the stigma, and I’d never played a gay man in the rp before so it was something new for me that I knew I’d sympathise strongly with. My skeleton concept of Billy’s personality was this: “I have a feeling his head is actually on pretty straight. Very much an extrovert, cheerful, perhaps seemingly boy-next-door until you see him at work and then he'll show his gruesome side. Follows his older brothers' lead, respects them but wants his voice to be heard.” Since then, I’ve decided I don’t think he has much of a gruesome side. He wouldn’t back out of a fight though and he’s not afraid to put someone in their place!

    Billy: Out of the other three siblings, which ONE would you choose to save from a life or death situation?

    This is still you Harp, ain’t it? Well, I think it’d have to be my little sister. And I hope my brothers would say the same. Not that I don’t think she could save herself, ‘course - and I don’t want to think about any of ‘em gettin’ killed, neither - but I ain’t lettin’ nothin’ or no one hurt Harper. She’s my little sister and I’ll protect her forever.

    Billy: What’s your favorite animal?

    Mate, some animals are so clever. I’m not much of a pets person but I like animals that do really intelligent things, like the ones that build stuff and use tools and work together and that. I like makin’ little nests for bees and I’ve put some flowers in my garden to encourage them. Mason bees are my favourite, I love seein’ them at work!

    Questions from BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

    1638112104039.png Billy - What was your first thought when Shona introduced you to Shirley?

    I thought she was very attractive, yeah. Shona talks about her a lot so I had a feeling she'd be nice - Shona's always been a good judge of character - and she seemed perfectly lovely. I know she's working for us as our private medic now, and even though I haven't seen her at work before I'm sure I'd be willing to let her patch me up if I ever needed it.

    --Follow-up: If she asked you out on a date, what would your answer have been?

    I'm ashamed to admit it, but lookin' back I think I saw her as like, a potential girlfriend, you know? Like a cover, so people wouldn't think I was gay. That's horrible, isn't it? So yes, I would have said yes if she'd asked, but I think I would have been panicking inside haha. And as much as I do want kids someday, it would have been stupid of me to date a pregnant woman. And I'm so glad that didn't happen because I wouldn't have actually enjoyed it - all the women I've dated before got bored of me because I couldn't think of romantic gestures, I wasn't keen on spending alone time with them and I treated sex like a chore. I would have just wasted Shirley's time when she deserves someone who'll actually love her.

    Billy - What is your Familial Relationship like with Alex? It seems like your relatives don't like him very much.

    Let me make it clear, we all love Alex. He'll always be our brother no matter what. I think the reason we're all a bit hard on him is 'cause...well he ain't really like the rest of us - he's not really into making commitments and he shies away from responsibility sometimes. He's never really made himself useful in the business and we've all had to watch him let Callum down too many times. I think for Bruce and Spencer he can remind them of Trevor a bit, the way he often puts himself first and isn't very responsible with Callum, so it can be hard to respect him at times. But we all love him. And I love havin' him around even though we clash over things sometimes. I think we're all just hoping he'll grow up and not go down the same path our dad went.

    Billy - What made you pursue a career as an Architect?

    I've always been fascinated by it. I remember as a kid learning about the great fire of London and the architect tasked with rebuilding the city, Sir Christopher Wren, and I went to see his gorgeous Baroque landmarks, things that might never have been built if it hadn't been for that fire. Whenever we walked around London I always noticed the different styles of architecture, and some of the city's landmarks like the High Victorian Gothic Westminster Abbey just looked impossibly complex. I just had to know more - how and why designs changed, how they reflected the time period, how they were built and the major architects responsible for defining London's skyline. I was always drawing and building things when I was little apparently, and I still do it now. So going into it was just natural to me.

    Billy - How do you balance your career as an Architect and your commitment in the Family Business?

    Ah, yeah, balancing it is definitely the hardest part. I've got a lot of energy for both, which helps. It depends on deadlines, what stage of a project I'm at, how many people I'm working with, who the client is and what they need doing. My reputation as an architect requires constant attention so sometimes I do have to prioritise it over the business, but other times I'm able to slow down with it and focus on the business, if that's more urgent. If my family were in danger and needed my help, then I'd be prepared to back out of projects and lose clients, but I try not to. A fair amount of the work I do is on the establishments my family owns, too, even just carpentry work, which makes it easier to get time off if Spencer and Bruce would rather have me elsewhere. I'm just happy to always have something to do!

    Pyro - What was crossing through your mind when Billy went into the Concept Stage of Character Creation?

    Well I love playing young adults who have a lot to learn. 27 year old Jason, 18-30 year old Syd, 33 year old Chase, they were all established adults but with certain areas they still needed to figure out: for Jason it was alcoholism, poverty, anger issues, criminal tendencies; for Chase it was overcoming shyness and learning how to take what he wanted; for Syd it was finding his self-worth, overcoming his grief, dealing with undiagnosed mental illness. I wanted something for Billy to struggle with, but I wanted him to be different - so I aimed to make him a stable, generally happy guy with a keen motivation to live. His struggles include accepting who he is and his feelings for Erik. He's a big drinker (mostly for fun) and sometimes uses alcohol to help him carry the burden of such heavy secrets - not just his sexuality but also Erik's addiction and mental health struggles . So there's room for him to struggle with that, but it looks like he's gonna be okay now that Erik is getting better!

    Pyro - Are you planning to give Billy any pets?

    Nah, I have no plans to give Billy a pet - he's never had one before so it's not something he feels like he needs in his life. He does like dogs and cats and animals in general though, and his house is big enough and he lives near a big park, so if Erik moved in with him and wanted to get a pet then he probably wouldn't object. I keep finding really cute pics and GIFs of Taron with puppies so I joke that if Erik really loved Billy he would get him one haha. But no, I have no real plans!

    Pyro - What is your next move for Billy in Character Development?

    Self-acceptance, definitely. That's something I'd like to see him achieve, though I can never be 100% sure that my characters will end up achieving what I want them to. It all depends on how it plays out, how his family will respond when he comes out to them, any challenges he might face and how his relationship with Erik turns out. But after being pretty strongly homophobic all his life and full of unidentified self-disgust, it'd be refreshing to see him come to realise that there's nothing wrong with him and that he doesn't have to feel ashamed of who he is. On top of that, I think I'd also like to see him learn how to engage in the war with the Sullivans… Despite his height and age, he's not afraid to stand up to people or get into fights and has carried out some violent jobs such as debt collecting, abduction, intimidation and interrogation. But this war with the Sullivans will be his first fight on such a large scale, and he's never killed anyone before. Witnessing Erik shoot his assailant dead sent him into shock so I'm not sure how he'll do when this war gets going. Whatever happens though, I'd like to see him grow from it!
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    Kawa - Harmony
  • ~Harmony Kiyoko Ryu~
    Questions from Pyroclast Pyroclast For HarmonyQ: Has spending so much time around Val and her family made you think about having a family of your own someday?
    A: Yes, I've gone back and forth about that. I do have my doubts about becoming a Mother and a Family Woman. What makes it even more discouraging is that I am, by technicality, mixed even if I am a full-blooded Asian-American, as my Father was Korean and my Mother is Japanese. I do not know if I can even bare the thought of my child (or children) facing discrimination for that as me and my Family did when I was younger. But given that I haven't even really scraped the surface of dating yet, I can't be thinking too far ahead. Though I did tell my Mom, back when I was seventeen, that I wanted to have five kids. Only time will tell, I guess. But I definitely would love to have a big family one day and hopefully move my Mother here to New York so that she can spend her later years as a happy and loving Grandmother.

    Q: What part of the job are you least confident/comfortable with and why? Is there any situation you don't think you would cope with?
    When I was assigned by Don Moretti to protect the Wycliff Family, I wasn't the most confident in child care because I wasn't always the best with children when I was teenager. While I wasn't mean to them or anything, I was always scared of them getting hurt because of me or because I wasn't being attentive. This carried into Adulthood for me, and resurfaced when I first met the three Wycliff Children. If not for Francis helping me through it, as he is the eldest and knows how to take care of his siblings, I'd probably tear my hair out.

    In terms of situations I cannot cope with, it would be if anything were to happen to the Wycliff Children. Cristina's kidnapping shook my confidence and PTSD fucked me really hard that day and I wish Val didn't have to see that. But I've never made it a secret that my Brother, Hanzo, died in a Drive-By Shooting when he tackled me to the ground and took most of the bullets that were mostly meant for me. Protecting these children is my way of honoring his sacrifice. If anything happens to those children, I can assure that I will burn down half of New York to kill whoever harms them.

    Q: If you could do anything knowing you couldn't fail, what would you do?
    A: Before I stepped into the Criminal Underworld, I was majoring in Politics during my tenure at the University of California. Had I finished my degree, I'd try my hand at the Political Game, knowing how dirty, dark and corrupt it is. My goal would be to make the community a better and safer place for Asian-Americans as a whole and speak out against discrimination and racism. So if I knew I could make my Community more safe, I would do that, one way or another.

    But if we want to talk smaller scale, probably help Val dye Cristina's hair without negative repercussions and to spite Gabriel because he needs to get with the times.

    Q: What did you think of the Morettis when you first came to work for them, and has your opinion of them changed now that you know them better?
    A: Knowing that they were at the top of New York City's Food Chain left me intimidated and nervous. I was also very surprised when I was hired and accepted into the organization because I am not even of Italian Descent on either side of my family. Over the last year, my opinion hasn't changed all that much. While yes, some of my co-workers are wonderful people, its the higher-ups that I am still terrified of. Being given the responsibility of protecting the Boss' Daughter, Son-in-Law and three beloved Grandchildren was not exactly easy and at the back of my mind, I often wonder what the consequences would be if anything happens to them. Thankfully, I wasn't blamed for Cristina's kidnapping, otherwise I probably wouldn't be here to answer these questions.

    For KawashimaQ: What would you say is Harmony’s biggest flaw? And what’s her greatest asset?
    A: Her biggest flaw? Holding onto the past. She never fully moved on from the deaths of her Father and Brother. Sometimes it keeps her from sleeping at night and she hasn't made peace with either event. While she has yet to use it as an excuse, she still thinks that she could have done more to prevent their deaths, such as being more vigilant and hearing the car that was speeding towards her and Hanzo in Chinatown, or being there for her Father when he was going through Chemotherapy when he was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. She refused to accept that it had a low chance of survival. He had passed away holding her hand and to this day. Unlike his Daughter, Mr. Ryu accepted and knew that he was going to pass. Had she gone through the stages of grief properly, Harmony would not be holding on the way she has been the last three years.

    Her greatest asset, probably her sociability. She can maintain a conversation with new people with ease and not get nervous or shut down. Like when Val introduced her to Ricky and Julia, she was able to hang out with them and it wasn't awkward because she wasn't sitting there quietly and just listening to them talk while wondering when she gets to go home. Sure, when Ricky almost made her cry, she didn't start blubbering, she kept a straight face and continued the conversation. If she wasn't a Bodyguard for Val, she would likely utilize this asset more often as an Assassin, because she can blend in at social gatherings and make her way to her target and people would be none-the-wiser.
    Questions From Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess For HarmonyQ: What made you want to work for Gabe?
    A: Given my history in Los Angeles, I didn't think I was really cut out to do anything else in life. Even after I entered my self-imposed exile, I was lost, wandering the streets of New York City. Just me, a small apartment and working for shady people to get by. But then Quadir Taylor came calling one night. After I had helped him and his Brother out of a jam, he decided to introduce me to Gabriel. After a conversation with Big Q, he had offered me a place in the organization. Admitted I was very surprised, as the Mafia mainly comprised of Italian or Sicilian-Americans (Though if I am not mistaken, today, one is only required to be at least half-Italian on their Father's side). From there, I accompanied Q to his business dealings and helped him seize control of the Cocaine Market in New York on Gabriel's behalf. But never did I think that he'd entrust me with the safety of not only his Youngest Daughter, but her entire family, from her Husband (His Son-In-Law) and his three Grandchildren. To be entrusted with that is an honor, one that very few have had. To this day, I wonder why he chose me, even after I've come to terms with it as I have grown close with his Daughter and Granddaughter alike and I am very appreciative of how kind the Wycliff Family has been to me.

    Q: Given your PTSD, why choose to accept protecting the Moretti children?
    A: Because I believe that is what my Brother, Hanzo, would have wanted. Protecting those children allows me to make up for what I see as my failure to protect my Family before it fell apart.

    Q: What does your love life look like?
    A: Non-existent. Haven't really met anyone. Nor have I really had the time. I haven't fallen in love since High School, and I've been scared of it because my last Boyfriend, who was Japanese, broke up with me because his parents were racist towards Koreans.

    For KawashimaQ: What sort of plans do you have for Harmony?
    A: Since Cristina's kidnapping, I haven't really considered Harmony's future, because her main job since her debut is to keep the Wycliff Family safe. Off-Screen, she has been learning new skills to improve her combat prowess. But for future chapters, I am hoping to see more action-oriented scenes for her, but that'll only happen if Valentina's life is in jeopardy, or that of her children and husband. But by the endgame, I am hoping to see her fall in love and at the very least have a wedding and depending on the gap between this RP and the next one (if there is going to be a next one), I hope to see her happily married with a family of her own. Most of all, I do want to see how Valentina would react if Harmony asks her to be the Godmother to her children.

    Q: What inspired you to create Harmony?
    A: This is not Harmony's first RP. In her original RP, she was written as a former US Marine turned DEA Agent with a troubled past, finding solace in music and performing as a DJ. She was also one of several Federal Law Enforcement Agents being recruited into a Task-Force backed by the CIA. But what inspired me to create her was having that one operative with a tragic and troubled past which ends up affecting their ability to perform in missions and, in turn, the rest of the team. After the mission that goes awry, she spends time in between missions coming to grips with the past and finding the strength (and willpower) to move on and letting go of the past. Years of lies and deceit really fucked with Harmony because she betrayed friends she came to care about, but ended up choosing her badge over the love of family. Because this did not fit with this RP, I ended up making a couple of changes to her character in order for her to fit in with both the RP and the time period that it is set.
    Questions From BasDorcha BasDorcha For HarmonyQ: Harmony: What's one thing everyone should know about you?
    A: I honestly don't care what others think of me. Gabriel very likely judges me for my Rainbow Hair and my Tattoos (And two of them thus far have come from his very own Daughter-in-law!), but it doesn't get in the way of my work, so why should it matter? Everyone comes from different walks of life, don't be so quick to judge, you never know what someone is going through, or what it is like in their shoes. Love me or hate me, its not my problem. What matters to me is that I get my work done before going home.

    Q: What is your favorite memory?
    A: My Brother taking me to Disneyland when I was fourteen. Probably the best time of my teenage years and the best weekend I've ever had in my life.

    Q: Who is your favorite person right now and why?
    A: Valentina Wycliff; although I was intimidated by the fact I was going to be protecting Gabriel's Youngest Daughter and her entire family, including her Husband and three Children, she was very welcoming and very kind to me from day one and so was her Daughter, Cristina. Since my vacation with them to Miami, which took place a few days after I was first assigned to them as a Bodyguard, I feel like it is easier for me to be myself around her, whereas it is much tougher with her Father and Husband. I don't know if she feels the same way, but she's the closest I have to a Best Friend in the cruel world we live in. If anything happened to her, I would never forgive myself and I would rain hell on anyone who does so much as a lay a finger on her.

    For KawashimaQ: What do you relate to most with Harmony?
    A: Her Sociability, where it is very easy for her to talk to people, have a conversation with them and probably be friends by the end of that day. My Cousin often tells me about how he finds it remarkable that it is easy for me to make friends IRL. One time, he left alone at a convention and by the time he got back, I made friends with three or four people and follow them on Social Media, where I, at minimum, like and comment on their posts and reach out from time to time, because nowadays everyone is busy due to adulting.

    Q: What inspired Harmony?
    A: As I had stated previously, this is not Harmony's first RP. Originally, she was written as a former US Marine turned DEA Agent, where she was frequently sent by them as an Undercover Agent to take down criminal organizations from the inside-out. In order to have her fit in with this RP, I changed her Military/Law Enforcement Background to a more Criminal-Esque one. Out of all the characters from her previous RP, she was one of the most troubled and had one of the worst pasts, as it affected her new team in a mission that went horribly wrong because of her. Overall, what inspired me to create her was having that troubled antihero who is having trouble coming to terms with what happened in their past and learning that holding on can do more damage then letting go. That is where she is at right now in the RP concerning her Father and Brother. She has yet to come to terms with their deaths and she has yet to move on. She misses the both of them every day and still believes that she could have done more to prevent their deaths. I do not know what it will take for her accept that they have passed away and move on with her life and look towards the future.
    Questions From Misty Gray Misty Gray Harmony ExclusiveQ: What do you think of Teddy?
    A: He is a Loving Husband and Father. Valentina and the Kids are blessed to have him. However, given recent events, I have grown weary of his temper and hatred resonates from him to where I find it draining to be around him. While I am not a stranger to overhearing him argue with Valentina, I constantly worry about a day where I have to intervene and break up the argument, which would put me in an awkward position. Given what I have overheard him talk about, I now worry that he is prioritizing his desire for revenge over the love of his family. I sincerely hope I am wrong on that. Revenge is very poisonous and toxic. That is why I left Los Angeles, because after my Father died, that was the only thing on my mind and I was terrified that it would put my Mother in harm's way after a while. Over time, I came to realize that it was more important to help my Mother find peace, then racking up a body count and destroy families the same way mine was. My Brother and I destroyed several livelihoods because we wanted to get back at the Korean Community for ostracizing us...and he eventually paid with his life when we unknowingly hit a store that was a front for the Korean Mob. I wouldn't want Teddy to go through that, to be so consumed by Revenge that his Family eventually pays the price. I hope that he will prioritize the love of his wife and children over his vendetta against the Irish Mob.

    Q: Do you plan on visiting your Mother at all?
    A: Yes. I do miss her dearly. But it's not like I cut her out of my life or ceased contact with her. At least twice or three times a month, I write her letters, and that is how we have been communicating for the past year. But the only way I'm gonna be able to do that is if Val plans a trip to L.A. If anything, I would like to plan a trip for me, her, Ricky and Julia, but no doubt Gabriel and Teddy are gonna be dicks about it...

    Q: Would you betray Valentina if Gabriel commanded it?
    A: No, I would not. While I may follow orders to the letter, stabbing Val in the back will NOT be one of them. She's been so kind to me and she's the closest person I have to a Best Friend. I don't know if she feels the same way, but all the same, I'd be devastated if she stabbed me in the back, no matter the reason. I'd rather be in a body bag then betray Val.

    Q: What is your favourite movie?
    A: Enter The Dragon, one of Bruce Lee's final films.

    Q: Do you think you'll always work for the Morettis?
    A: Until they betray me or leave me for dead, yes. I think I'll be working for the Moretti Family for a long time, until I can retire, assuming I live long enough to.
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    Bas - Jeremy
  • 1638936338006.png


    BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27


    What is your favorite puzzle to put together?

    I'm a big fan of mechanical style puzzles. I like to figure out how to put things together, pull them apart, how something that looks impossible works. Have you ever seen a puzzle box? Its a little device that looks like a solid box from the outside, but if you tap it just right, touch the right square, slide a side the right way, it can open up to hidden treasures inside. I've got a bunch of these around me house, some of them hold items in them, some of them are empty, some of them contain secrets that are in there for a reason. Who'd think a decorative box placed on the coffee table would hold a secret as serious as life and death? Me, that's who. Objects in plain sight are most often over looked.
    Favorite Musician?
    I like swing music, though I will listen to anything. There's just something about Louis Armstrong late at night, in a dark bar, drink in hand, and that smooth, jazzy sound filling the air. Have you heard May sing down at Mercury Nightclub? She sing's some great ballads from the 30's and 40's that I simply love. If you haven't, go check her out on any given night and ask her to sing One For My Baby. She'll knock your socks off. Make sure you get a spot in the back, looking at the stage. You'll know it when you see it, its dark in that corner but the stage lights up beautifully. Then you just sit back, listen to those bones play, and you'll be transported to another time and place.
    What was your first thought when you met Harper?
    Why do you ask about Harper? I watch her, nothing more, although, since you ask, I'll have to think back. Let's see, I met Alex and Spencer when I was a schoolboy, around twelve maybe? So Harper was pretty young. At that time, she was just a little, tiny tot, running around, crawling under foot, and generally in the way - not that things have changed much. She's still a pain in the ass. I suppose when I first met her, like with the rest of the King family, I thought they were the kind of family I'd like to have. It was just me and my uncle back then, I didn't have any siblings, and I liked the idea of having brothers. Sisters not so much, but I was a kid, you know, wanting other boys to rough house with and get into trouble. At that ages, girls might as well have been walking around with some disease. Not Harper, because she was to young for that. I guess maybe that's why I've always been protective of her. Being so little then, and always being so little in my mind for so long, she needed someone to defend her - even when she doesn't think she does. I'm sorry, I think I got off track, did I answer your question?

    BasDorcha BasDorcha
    What inspired you to bring Jeremy into this story?
    Jeremy is a character I've seen in my mind for a long time as someone I wanted to play opposite of. Since I never got to be the pair for Jeremy, I decided to bring him to life instead, as I could tell he would mesh with Harper. Initially, when I thought about the pair years ago, I planned on playing the Harper-esque character, and someone else would play Jerbear, but I'm happy with this set up as well, as I get to play him the way I always felt he should be played. After all, who can play something I have in my mind better then the person thinking it up?
    What is your least favorite trait that Jeremy has, but you can relate to it?
    His need to remain aloof because his emotions are too strong. For a long time I was shut off emotionally, because feeling anything hurt. It took almost a decade to get past it, and when I started allowing myself to feel and let people in, it was problem. I was over emotional, or not emotional enough, and I've spent every day since then perfecting the balance. It's no so hard any more, but I still have a lot of days or times where I feel like I either don't feel enough, or something that I shouldn't feel to strongly about hits way too hard. I blame it on tiktok - making me cry over 30 second videos.

    Misty Gray Misty Gray


    What do you think of the Sullivans?
    You mean the scum of the earth Sullivan’s? I think they are the lowest of low. Anyone who would use a child the way they have don’t deserve to have a place in this world. At the very least Conor Sullivan doesn’t. Sav seemed ok, until Alex messed up. Can’t say I blame her, but a boy needs his father. They need to work that shit out. Not having a father, albeit I did have an uncle, I feel it’s necessary. The Sullivan’s are a disgrace and need to get right with their God before they meet an untimely end.

    Which of the King brothers do you like the most and why?
    What you’re asking is like trying to ask a mum to pick their favorites. It’s hard. All of ‘em are like my family, and you care for each one in different ways. Spencer and me always related the most, even though he was a bit older than me. Alex, him and I were always in trouble, though Spencer was the first to start trying to be smarter about it. I suppose Alex and I were always close, just as I became close with Billy, but in the end if I had to pick one that I liked the most it would be Spencer. He’s my best friend after all. Alex and me don’t always see eye-to-eye, what with his like of the ladies, and Billy will always be Little King to me. I could no more choose which one to hate then which one I like the most.

    What personality traits do you least like in others?
    I distaste those who bully and prey on the weak, those who are ignorant by choice because they do not wish to educate themselves, and those who would harm the innocent. Its all well and good to be a tough guy, or girl even, but you have to have morals and a code, else you’re little less than an animal . I’ve had a lot of blood on my hands, working with the King’s, and I’ve never had an issue with handling business. One good turn deserves another, you know, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a line I have drawn. There is, and it is very defined, and there is no one that could make me cross it, not even the King’s.

    What's your favourite film?
    I’m not much of a fan of TV, I’d much rather be reading a book or using my mind for something more important. I have watched a few in my life though, and I would have to say my favorite was To Kill A Mockingbird, or Breakfast at Tiffany’s, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Monty Python.. I also like documentaries.

    How loyal would you say you are to your boss, Bruce King?
    Bruce King has always accepted me as one of the boys, alongside the King kids. I’ve known him as long as I’ve know them. He’s also gotten me out of trouble a few times, thought me things I needed to know, covered my ass, and given me a place in this world that accepts me as I am, not someone others want me to be. So I’d have to say as loyal as I’d be to H-… To anyone you love like family. Growing up an only child with none of my own parents, I got on well with the King’s because we came from the same kind of background. Bruce must have known that because once he decided I was alright, I might as well have been one of the family because he knocked heads and protected us as a group, regardless of whether we were related or not.

    Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    How do you feel about the King family?

    This is an easy one. The King’s are my family. Sure not by blood, but I’ve spent twenty plus years of my life with them, thick and thin, best and worst times. Bruce helped me pay for my education when I wanted to go to school, then brought me back to be an asset to the family. Its been nice handling some of the easy stuff for a while, but I’m slowly growing bored. Thankfully Bruce took care of that. I’ll never be bored again as long as I’m on this assignment. Fucking handful… *Mumbles the rest of the statement under his breath incoherently.*

    What made you want to stick around the Kings?
    Spencer, Alex and Billy were my best friends, I don’t think I need a bigger reason then that. They made me feel like I had brothers, something I desperately wanted when I met them. Plus all of us only had our Uncle to look after us – all of us had lost our parents very young. A lot of similarities. Hard not to feel like there’s a commonality.

    Would you have dated Billy if Harper wasn't in the picture?
    Ahahahaha, oh you go for the kill, don’t you? I’ve never been attracted to a man, but if I was ever going to give it a shot, I definitely would have done it for Billy – He’s the best sweetest of the bunch and definitely my first choice if I ever suddenly changed teams. Also, there is nothing going on with Harper. Seriously, why does everyone keep asking about her? It’s a job. I was assigned by Bruce. Do you all want Bruce to kill me for being unprofessional. *Sighs and scratches the back of his head.* Still… If I had to date a King.. *trails off with a daydreamy look.*

    BasDorcha BasDorcha

    What parts of Jeremy do you relate too?
    His love of books. Seriously, I love to read, and Jeremy’s passion for books easily came from me. I’ll read anything if its got a good enough hook.

    What do you see in the future for Jeremy?
    I see Jeremy finding himself much more involved in the family then he’s ever been – which is saying a bit considering how I structured his backstory. I’d like to see him fall into a whirlwind romance with Harper, but Jeremy is stubborn and so is she, so we will have to see who wins.

    Bellz Bellz

    What is your least favorite thing about Harper?

    *Rubs eyes with the finger and thumb of his right hand, seemingly frustrated.* Again with Harper. Sigh. Look, I’ll tell you a secret that apparently everyone knows already. My favorite thing about Harper? Her fire. Its like watching a dancing flame that draws in the moth. It shines light on everyone around it. Its beautiful, but dangerous. Dangerous because if any one of her brothers or her uncle found out I spoke about her this way they’d kill me. But the heat of the flame never kept the moth from drawing too close, and it seems the threat alone is not enough for me. Maybe I should tell her. My favorite thing about her is, simply, her... What do you mean you said least favorite? That's easy. She's a brat, stubborn, hard-headed, independent and like's to jump before the thinks things through if it's something she really wants to do.

    What is your favorite season? (Summer, Winter, Fall or Spring)
    Fall, without a doubt. The world looks like its ending for a brief moment, then you remember there’s a rebirth coming. It’s the time of year where life takes a break before a nap and reawakening. Plus, with the onset of cold weather, there’s more time for reading and puzzles.

    What is your favorite animal?
    A wolf. Not afraid to be alone, but also a pack animal. Can be rough on the outside, but also a big puppy with the right handling.

    If you could only save two of the King Siblings who would it be and why is it Harper and Billy? (XD)
    Ohhhhhh, this question. Kind of cruel to make someone pick between their brothers. I’d have to say you’re right though. Harper and Billy, and only because I’d have faith that Alex and Spencer would find a way to save themselves. I’ve always looked out for those two, so I think if I had to make any split-second decisions, my instinct would go straight for them. Sorry guys, but you could handle yourselves, right? You don’t need my anyways.

    BasDorcha BasDorcha :
    How attached are you to Jeremy in this moment, say...if something were to happen to him? Would you be devastated or meh?
    I’d be pretty devastated. I think Jeremy is the character I have the most invested into at the moment, and was the easiest to step into. I might pull a Misty Gray Misty Gray and rage quit if something happened to him this soon.

    Who is your favorite person in the group to write with? (it's okay you can pick favorites!)
    … Just mean, because I like to write with you all! But I do especially love you Bells because we sometimes get into late night post offs where we get to go back and forth and that is my favorite. I love getting into the groove and getting to bang out a few back-to-back post while my mind is in scene.
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    Misty - Spencer

  • Spencer: What qualities in Trevor do you see in yourself and your siblings?

    Only qualities we've got from him are blood and genetics. Some of us got his damn blonde hair too. But don't ask me shit like that, because we're nothing like that prick. I mean... Unfortunately, I guess there are things...

    With me, I know I share his love of gambling and football. He'd take me to watch games, which was one of the very few times he did act like my dad, but that usually ended with us in the pub where I was dumped in the corner with pop & crisps while he got pissed up. I suppose I also inherited his blunt attitude, and apparently I can be cocky too. He was always a cocky bastard!

    Alex, it's definitely the flirting, aversion to commitment and trouble making sacrifices. Things with the Sullivans are absolute shite now, but before that, I thought the world of Sav. Alex had the perfect chance of settling down with a nice lass and their little lad, but he went and cheated on her. He got that from Trevor, for sure. But, I know there's hope for Alex - he's a million times better than that prick dad of ours.

    Billy has a lot of charisma, just like Trevor. Only, for Billy it's more genuine and natural, whereas Trevor knew how to switch it on to get what he wanted. There's also the banter and roughhousing, which again, Billy is nicer with. Trevor always took it all too far to the point where it was unpleasant.

    Harper never had to meet Trevor, luckily for her! However, I'd say the sarcasm and impulsive behaviour are things Trevor showed quite often too. Thankfully, she's got her brothers to look out for her so she doesn't get into trouble by acting on impulse.

    giphy-9.gifSpencer: How do you feel about becoming a dad?

    I'm scared of messing up the kid's childhood. Being involved in the business as heavily as I am, along with always being on the edge of getting in trouble... I'm worried I might not always be around when the kid needs me. I don't just mean being away from home a lot on business, but we all know doing what I do brings me closer to prison or death. Can't sugarcoat that. I also kind of worry that I might be more like Trevor than I've realised yet. What if once the kid is born, I realise I can't handle that kind of pressure? What if there's some genetic predisposition to running away from responsibility? I love Alex to bits, but he's already proof of that...

    Spencer: Do you think Alex is capable of growing up?

    Absolutely. I think he's already on that path and starting to show it. I can tell he genuinely wants to spend time with Callum and that Sav taking the kid to Dublin has been hard on my brother. He's also started taking more active interest in the business, showing up to meetings and taking on some responsibilities. So far, he hasn't given in to temptation and jetted of to Ibiza or some shit. Hopefully he can keep it up, but I won't give up on him if he does have a 'blip'.

    Misty: What inspired Spencer?

    I really wanted to use Charlie Hunnam sometime around first seeing 'The Gentlemen', so decided I'd use him when the 80s RP started. I did intend on Spencer being much more ruthless, violent and intimidating. Whilst he is capable of and has committed brutalities against his enemies, he turned out to have more of a soft and sentimental side than I first imagined.

    Misty: What plans (that you can share) do you have for ole Spency boi?

    I don't have many long-term plans for Spencer at this stage. I usually like to brainstorm ideas up to about four chapters ahead and I'm still deciding where I want Spencer to be at the end of this RP. However, I can say that Trevor is going to be a big deal for him in the upcoming chapters. I'd also like Billy to tell Spencer about his sexuality, hopefully before every other character figures it out, haha. Spencer is very nosy and protective when it comes to his family, so if everyone else figures it out before he does, it wouldn't seem logical. I also expect Spencer will have more direct interaction with some of the key Sullivans soon.

    Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    DADA.jpgSpencer: What's your greatest fear about being a father?

    That there really is some natural disposition in my genes about commitment and that I'll be overwhelmed by family life. The last thing I want is to be like Trevor and run away from my responsibilities... but what if it's genetic?

    Spencer: Do you trust Jeremy with Harper?

    Of course! I find it extremely difficult to trust others and let them into my family circle, but Jeremy's been around since we were kids. We've been mates for so long that he's practically family, so I'd trust him with Harper just as I would trust her safety with my brothers, Alex and Billy. Just like we'd look out for our sister, I expect Jeremy would too. The fact it's also his job to be a bodyguard to the family means I trust he'll be professional and won't take his eye off the ball. He probably thinks he's a glorified babysitter, but Harper is hard work and protecting my little sister is one of the most important jobs in this business.

    Spencer: What is one secret you'll take to your grave and why?

    About twelve years ago, Trevor showed up in London and paid me a visit. He claimed he wanted to see us all, y'know, my brothers and Harper included. After all of the shit he pulled when he was in my life and the fact he walked out on us, leaving Mum to die, there was no chance I was going to let him near any of us again. I'd toyed with the idea of having the prick killed or at the least have the shit kicked out of him, but in the end I decided that would only bring more trouble to my doorstep. In reality, I knew why he was sniffing around and it wasn't out of some keen desire to reconnect with his kids. I offered him a load of money to fuck off, and you know what? Even before I threatened I'd have him killed if he stepped foot in London again, he accepted my offer. He couldn't take the money quick enough!

    I suppose the reason I never told anyone is because I don't want them to have any doubts about the fact Trevor is nothing more than a selfish piece of shit. If any of them knew he'd tried to come back, they might start to wonder 'what if'. They might think there's some good in him, that he deserves a second chance because he tried to come back. He don't deserve a second chance, because he'll never change.

    Misty: What happens if Spencer dies -you seem pretty willing to sacrifice anyone at any given time, would Spencer be easily killed?

    it will be hard to kill him. I imagine it will have a big impact on the family and the business, seeing as he's second-in-command and has just become a daddy!

    Misty: When you do kill Spencer, how do you hope he goes, what do you imagine?

    i imagine it would be violent and bloody. It would be a brutal fight to the end kind of thing. Real messy, so not just a simple death by gunshot or explosion.

    BasDorcha BasDorcha

    f7586c4681f398979e8d6a60c8f893c2.jpgSpencer: When times get tough, who or what do you look to for inspiration, and why?

    That's got to be Bruce. He took us in when both our parents were gone and even though I'd looked after my siblings on my own when Mum was still around, he taught me a lot about being responsible and really looking out for those who depend on me. During high school, I could easily have get myself expelled and fucked about, but in the end I stuck with it to prove myself to him - and I went on to earn a degree in the end too! I have a lot of respect for my uncle, which is why he's the only person who gets to tell me what to do. Sometimes, if I'm not sure how to react to a situation, I try to think of how Bruce would act, especially as he's more patient and diplomatic than I am.

    Spencer: What’s something you wish you were better at?

    I suppose what I just said, really. Patience and diplomacy. I mean, nothing's ever going to stop me from wanting to smack Conor, Syd or Peter about for the shit they brought to my doorstep, but from a business perspective, switching on the charm will probably help me get a long way too. If we're talking fluffier subjects, then I'd love to be a better cook. I just don't have the patience for it and by the end figure it would have been more rewarding to just get a takeaway, but I'd love to be able to make Shona a decent meal. One where I'm certain she's not just pleased because I made the effort!

    Spencer: If you could meet your child self, what would you tell him?

    Kill Trevor, cos I'd get away with it while I'm still a cute little kid... Nah, I'm just mucking about. I'd probably tell myself not to take any notice of Trevor's put-downs, but also that the man will never change and maybe to ask Uncle Bruce for help. I don't know how shit would have played out and there's no changing the past, but maybe Mum could have been saved if she'd had outside help.

    Spencer: How do you think being the eldest child of abusive / neglectful parents has affected you? Has it given you any weaknesses, or just strengths?

    They change between being weaknesses and strengths, but it's made me very protective of my family and I find it difficult to trust outsiders. I think that's a good thing because it means those I care about are safer, but I know it makes me unpopular with them when I'm being 'bossy' - especially with Harper. I think it's also made me appreciate family more and that we should always have each others' backs, no matter what. It's why I was so determined to make sure Sav didn't take Callum away. I want him to know the King half of him loves him no matter what.

    The way Trevor treated me also gave me a thick skin and taught me to toughen up; to take pain on the chin. The bloke would often belittle me or give me a smack around the head if I talked back to him. I had to learn the hard way not to get upset or affected by criticism.

    Misty: What would you like to see Spencer achieve / overcome over the course of the rp?

    I'd like to see him resolve any unfinished business with Trevor, however that may be achieved! Also, for him take on more responsibility - show those who underestimate him what he's made of.

    Pyroclast Pyroclast

    source (1).gifSpencer: What was your first thought when you met Shirley for the first time?

    My first thought? No offence to her, but it was along the lines of "who is she, what is she after, who does she work for?" - y'know, the usual thoughts I have when anyone steps foot near my family. After that, it was that I hoped she was being genuine and honest with us, because I want Shona to have friends she can rely on. With things having gone to shit with Sav, I know Shona had lost the support she had from someone who understood the whole pregnancy stuff. I'm still a little on the fence about the backstreet medic profession, but so far, Shirley seems legit and so I'm glad she's there for Shona.

    Spencer: It is evident that you love your Nephew, Callum, very much. What would it take for you to make peace with the Sullivans so that both families can be a part of his life?

    All it would take would be an apology from Conor and an assurance they're not going to pull any more shit on this family. Sav's head got filled with all these nonsense ideas about how dangerous it was in London that she won't come here anymore because she's scared we'd do something to her. That's not the case at all. She's a princess and got all whiny about shit, but I know that's because she's not nasty like most of her family. Believe it or not, no harm would ever have come to her from us.

    [Following the above answer, the Mercury Nightclub was blown up]

    I'm afraid what I said back there doesn't mean shit now. I can't even begin to piece together what scenario will lead me to making peace with the Sullivans. Maybe Conor's head delivered to me on a silver platter would be a start?

    Spencer: Follow up from the previous question: What will it take for you to stop being such a dick to Savannah?

    I don't believe I was a dick to her. Maybe my tone wasn't softly-softly enough for the princess to handle, but all I did was remind her that she couldn't just pack her shit up and take Callum back to Dublin with her. The kid was born here and has lived here for all his life. Alex might not have been around as much as he should have been, but Callum had all of the Kings doting on him and he loves his dad. It wasn't right her taking him away from his real home and that's what I pulled her up on. She's the one who blew it out of proportion and I think I was nicer to her than I should have been. Up until then, I was always friendly and welcoming to her. Even though she's a Sullivan, I never made it difficult for her to join my family and hang out with Shona or Harper.

    Spencer: Are you and Shona hoping to have more Kids later down the road?

    We haven't planned that far ahead, other than casual chats about our future, but I would like to have more kids. I can't imagine growing up an only child, so I'd want my kid to have some siblings to grow up and knock about with.

    Misty: What was running through your mind when Spencer was still in his concept stages in character creation?

    I wanted to make a family less powerful than the Sullivans but growing in power and numbers as the RP went on. I didn't want to play the boss, but I did want to play the eldest sibling - one who was tough and abrasive on the outside, but showed a warmer and more human side to his family & friends. That's where he started!

    Misty: Do you have plans for a sequel RP set in the 90s, seeing that you have going through the 60s and 70s already?

    I would love to do a 90s RP and I have no intention of quitting RPs any time soon. Really, it all depends on players and interest. We need a solid 5 or 6 players who are wiling to commit to a long-term RP and post multiple times per week to keep the momentum/story going. So if I had my way, 90s would happen, but it can only happen with other writers able to take part.

    Misty: If you were to pick a setting in Asia to add to the RP alongside New York City, Dublin and London, which city would it be and why?

    I would probably pick Tokyo as it's the city (and Japan the country) I have seen and know most of already, both real world and regarding TV/movies and gangster references.

    BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
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    Mel - Alex
  • Alexander King

    Questions from Misty Gray Misty Gray :

    Alex: What was it that first attracted you to Savannah and why did you cheat on her?

    "We're just starting with the personal questions? Fuck, okay. It was her eyes. She's got this big, doe eyes that are just so... Enticing. You can get lost in 'em real easy if you aren't too careful. First time she looked at me I couldn't fuckin' breathe, which has never happened to me, and I dared to find out how she had such an effect on me. Even back when I went to Dublin for the last time and she looked at me with those eyes I could feel my heart pounding. Even if they were filled with pure hatred for me I was just... Lost. I could go on for hours about her eyes but then you'd tell her. As far as cheating goes, I-I don't know. I guess I just let the idea that I was never going to be good enough for her settle into my mind until it came true. Believe me, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about what should've been, but what's the point? There's no way I can fix that shit now."

    Alex: If you could have Callum live with you full-time, would you? How do you think you'd manage if you did?

    "That's a no-brainer, of course, he'd live with me. I mean, the few weeks he was here I think I did pretty well. It's a learning curve, sure, but I think we'd be fine. I learned what not to let him eat and all that shit so how much harder could it all be, right?"

    Alex: Who is your favorite sibling and why?

    "That's a rough one. All three of them are assholes and always on my case but if I had to choose one, Spencer. Not just because we've gone through the same shit with Trevor, but because I know that even if I fuck something up he's going to help me iron it out. Harper didn't talk to me for days after that shit with Sav and I'm pretty sure Billy pities me from time to time. At least with Spencer I know for sure he's got my back even when I'm being a screw-up."

    Alex: What do you really think about Trevor and him leaving his family behind?

    "That's a lot to unpack so I'll keep it short and sweet. Trevor's a piece of shit and if I could kill him I would. We were kids when all that shit went down and he abandoned us. We were his kids, his flesh and blood and he chose drugs and alcohol over us every single time. It should've been him who died and not mom. Now that I hear he's sniffing around again for some reason I'm going to make sure he gets the message that we don't want nor need him around. I don't care how Billy or Harper or anyone else feels about it."

    Alex: What is your biggest accomplishment?

    "Don't have any. I mean, Callum is an accomplishment, sure, but outside of that, I don't think I have any. I mean, I guess you could say my decision to change is an accomplishment but does that really count?"

    Questions from BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 :

    Alex: Why is your Son not your first priority? It's not like Savannah is forbidding you from seeing him, right?

    "Callum is absolutely my first priority, however, when your ex's family is full of bitter assholes it makes going to see your kid a little difficult. The last thing I'm doing is goin' to Dublin where Conor can chop my dick off and feed me to sharks or whatever. The problem isn't just his mother it's the whole goddamn family with Conor being the main bane of my existence. He doesn't know how to mind his own business."

    Alex: Was having an affair worth it?
    "No, actually, it wasn't. But if you were in my shoes, you'd understand the pressure I was under. How hard it was for me not to let my past affect my present. In the end, I failed, but I'm trying my damndest to make up for it and prove to Callum I do love him."

    Alex: Assuming that you and Savannah could make 50/50 Custody of Callum work, how would you go about it?
    "50/50 would never work because the kid has school. It'd be more like 70/30, with one of us having him for summers and holidays. And we'd still have to alternate holidays which means one of us will have less time with him. In order for 50/50 to work she would need to move back to London. But knowing her big brute of a fucking uncle he won't let that happen."

    Mel: What prompted you to have Alex cheat on Savannah?
    Alex was originally someone else's character! Unfortunately, they couldn't join us this time around but Alex was an integral part of the story so I volunteered to take over! However, I do believe his cheating on Sav was just something to create tensions between the two families, which is great as a catalyst. Otherwise, we wouldn't have as big of conflict as we do now.

    Mel: Do you have any major plans for Alex in the coming chapters?
    Indeed! But of course, I can't say what they are. However, I really do look forward to testing his growth and seeing how well he keeps up with his whole responsible act.

    Questions from BasDorcha BasDorcha
    Alex: Can you find it in you to not hate May for something outside of her control?
    "She has Sullivan blood, so no. Everyone can continue telling me that she didn't grow up with them and that her loyalty is to my family, but until I see that for myself, no. No one else finds it weird her desire to be around us or- or get closer but me. It smells suspicious and could be entirely coincidental, but again until she's proven she's loyal to my family I don't give a shit."

    Alex: How would you feel about your childhood friend Jeremy if he tried to date your sister?
    "I mean, Jeremy's a good guy. I'm almost pretty sure he's a virgin, so he's not just trying to get into Harp's pants. Make no mistake he's still going to be grilled and scrutinized at every opportunity. Just because he grew up with us doesn't absolve him from the treatment he gets from dating my little sister."

    Mel: How do you think Alex will react if Trevor shows up?
    Alex is going to lose his shit. A table is getting flipped, his fist is slamming across his face, the whole shebang. And not just because he left them either, but because Alex feels like Trevor cursed him. He thinks that if Trevor had never left then he would have been a better man for Savannah and not screwed things up. Oh, and yelling. Alex is really going to let him have it.

    Mel: What is your favorite pairing right now?
    Obviously Billy and Erik lmao. Like, I literally want to make a Webtoon comic based on the two of them and their shenanigans.

    Alex: What kind of woman do you think you'd fall for if you were to ever fall in love again?
    "I mean, I've tried the whole good-girl princess thing and while it was great, I don't think Sav and I were a good match in the long run. I don't think someone soft works for me. Don't tell Darcey this, but she's always said someone who sticks up for themselves and isn't afraid to play the same games is more my speed. Personally, I like a woman who is independent of me and I can go days without seeing and it's not a problem. But, she'd also have to be caring and soft sometimes..."

    Questions from Pyroclast Pyroclast :
    Alex: Who is the person you feel most comfortable talking to when you have a personal problem? (And who would you CRY in front of?)
    "Oh, that's a tough question. I mean, when I have a personal problem it's Spencer - no question. Not just because he's my older brother, but I trust him with almost anything. As far as who I would cry in front of, pfft. I don't cry."

    Alex: Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Ever experimented with another man or entertained the thought?
    "By no means am I attracted to men. Women take my fancy and have the only equipment I desire. I have not - nor will I ever be into dudes, alright? I men, I don't have a problem with gays - is that okay to say? Homos? Fuck, I don't have a problem with another guy wanting to do it with another guy at all but it's never gonna happen to me." (Alex is now visibly uncomfortable)

    Alex: What’s your strongest memory of your mother?
    "...Tryin' to make me cry? Shit, okay. Um... She'd make us cookies. It was before Harper was born, so just me, Spence, and Bill. Usually, it was after Trevor had gone and been a fuckin' asshole. The two of them would go at it with the screaming and the yelling, glass all over the place - it was a real mess. Anyway, I guess she wanted us to feel better about the whole thing and would bake us a shit ton of cookies. It'd be the only thing we ate all day, too, which was the best thing ever for a kid. Spence and I were just a little older so she'd let us split a beer. Shoddy parenting, sure, but we thought that it was super cool... I miss her."

    Alex: Quick! Your house is on fire and you can only take three things with you as you escape. What are the three things you would take? Don’t be a smartass and give practical answers - I want to know your prized possessions, sir!

    "Um, okay?! Assuming I've got Callum he's the first thing I grab. The kid's pretty alright, so it'd be a shame to leave him. The second would be my little black book. Gotta remember which woman I've slept with so I don't mix 'em up, ya know? And lastly? My leather jacket."

    Moi: Originally, Alex was a character designed by Enzyme. How did you find taking on an already-partially-created character?
    Hard but not hard! I think my main concerns are making sure I'm writing Alex as he was intended to be written when he was designed by Enzy. Some days I feel like I'm not, and others I figure it's okay! I know there wasn't a whole bunch already planned (I think - I have a horrible memory) so that definitely made it easier to build the Alex I write now around it! I just hope I'm making Enzy proud! <3
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    Bella - Harper
  • Harper King :bishiesparklesl:
    Harper Banner.jpg

    Questions from BasDorcha BasDorcha

    Bella - Why do you like tormenting me so much?
    Because that's my job as a GM, to torment people. It's in my contract ironically enough. Also because I love you so much :D

    Harper - What is your favorite memory?
    Hmmm, I guess I have a lot of favorite memories because my family has given me quite an interesting life. I guess I would have to say my favorite memory was when Savvy first brought Callum home. Realizing that I was more than just the little sister in the family and actually someone's Auntie was pretty cool. And of course, Shona is also an Auntie but my favorite memory to go along with this one is that Callum told me I was his favorite after giving him some sweets before dinner. If only they could stay that small forever and be easily bribed, I'd be the favorite Auntie forever.

    Harper - How crazy does it drive you to have Jeremy be so overprotective and why do you think he does it?
    Like with any of my idiot brothers, it bothers the fuck out of me. Jeremy might not be blood-related to me but he's no exception to the rule. It drives me absolutely crazy that I can't convince my brothers that I am well off without them looking after me all the time and the fact that Jeremy thinks the same thing feels a little demining. It's not fair, they can go out and have all the fun they want without feeling like someone is watching their every move. Hell, Billy gets to continue to be in the closet for as long as he wants because no one is following him. I wish I had that kind of power. And as to why I think he does it...honestly, he's very loyal to my family and I'm sure he could use the extra cash but at the end of the day, I just think he likes to torment me. Kinda like a boy on the playground who has a crush on you...except he doesn't have a crush on me. At least, I don't think he does.

    Bella - What do you love and hate most about Harper?
    What I love most about Harper is that she can say whatever she wants without feeling bad about it. Not to the point where she is flat-out mean but to the point where she can get what she wants across to people. That's a quality I've always wanted. I think what I hate most about Harper is that she can be a little overzealous and cocky about her ability to handle things. But I feel that the last chapter might have changed that for her or at least I'm hoping lol.

    Harper - Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    Hopefully doing something different than what I am doing right now. I've got a theater degree that I'm not using so maybe I could put that into use. That was the dream after all. Maybe I'll move somewhere where no one is too afraid to hire me due to my familiar connections. That would be nice. But what do you want me to say? I'll be married and have settled down with kids? I don't see that for myself at all in the near future. I don't even have a girlfriend or boyfriend right now. Maybe I'll take up owning a bunch of cats...I dunno.

    Questions from BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

    Harper - Given your Family's rather...strong attachment to Callum, how close are you to your Nephew?
    Well when Savvy and he were around, I would say I was the closest to him besides Alex, obviously. Despite not wanting any children of my own, I'm pretty good with them. Callum is such a sweetie and I think he's going to be a great man when he grows up. As long as he stays away from all the violence.
    Harper - What is your favorite memory?
    Hmmm...that's a tough one. I think my favorite memory is when I was about 6 or 7. Uncle Bruce had gotten me my first bike for Christmas and I was so eager to ride it that I forced him and all my brothers to go out into the rain with me and help me learn to ride it. I remember us all being really happy that day. A rare moment in time now that I think about it. I fell right on my face when the bike slipped out from underneath me from the slick pavement. I nicked my chin pretty bad and lost a tooth but when Spence, Alex, and Billy pulled me to my feet I was giggling like a mad man with blood all over my face. I think they were more scared than I was. Funny the same boys who told me not to be afraid of anything were on the verge of a breakdown that day. We all had a lot of fun that day and it's a time that I wish we could go back to...they were simpler.

    Harper - Do you have any involvement in the family business?
    Unfortunately no, the men in my family won't allow me to be. Billy has always had my back and thinks that I could be helpful with some things. But Spence and Alex along with my Uncle still think of me as this helpless little girl, which frustrates me to no end. And with Jeremy being my babysitter, they have made that point even more apparent.

    Harper - Who is your favorite brother? Are you close with this brother?
    Easy. Billy. No contest. Billy and I have an understanding of each other that I don't have with my older brothers and I'm pretty sure that's because of the age gap. I can tell Billy anything and he can do the same. We keep each other's secrets and we know more about each other than I feel Spence and Alex know about us. He's my best friend.

    Bella - Who is your oldest character? Not age-wise, like the first character you made for this RP Series?
    Lucy is :) She was the first character I made for Misty's 40s RP, her and James hit it off and the rest is history <3

    Bella - What is your next move for Harper?
    Allow me to answer with a gif.
    The Simpsons Cartoon GIF

    Bella - Does she have a love interest lined up for her?
    Uh...well, considering that Jeremy just walked out the door. Not at this moment in time. But who needs boys anyway, they smell.


    Questions from Misty Gray Misty Gray

    Harper - What do you think about Kerry? Would you say you're good friends?

    With Kerry? Oh god yes! I love her, I think she's an absolute sweetheart. I haven't hung out with her in a little while but I would love to hang out with her again. I think I'm over with hanging out with guys for a little while. I miss her.

    Harper- Do you ever think about your father and what you would do if you met him?
    I don't know much about my father. All I know is his name is Trevor. Uncle Bruce and my brothers won't tell me anything other than the man was an asshole. I do think about him sometimes...but mostly because I just wonder why he decided to leave right before I was born. Sometimes I can't help but feel responsible for him leaving...like I was somehow at fault. *sigh* Anyway, I'm not sure what I would do if I met him. The rational part of me thinks I'd ask him why he left...but then the irrational side (the side I'm most familiar with) would probably just knock him in the teeth.
    Harper - What are your thoughts on the Sullivans?
    Well, I'm not entirely familiar with the Sullivans but from what I saw from Savvy I figured they were at least decent people. Now that I'm a flattened pancake...I'd like to give those Irish trash bags a piece of my mind. They have a lot of explaining to do, smashing me like that. *Shakes fist* You best believe that if I were left alone in a room with the one responsible that I would be giving them one hell of a time.

    Harper - What is your dream career?
    I went to school for theater. Graduated and everything. My dream has always been to be an actress. After realizing that my name was always going to be tied to what my Uncle and brothers did, I wanted to make a name for myself. I wanted to separate myself from all the things people would tell me they knew about my family. I realized quickly on that I would never be able to separate myself from the King name. A burden that I don't think any of my brothers realized I have to bear because of them. People are simply afraid of me because of who my family is. After this whole experience with being squished to near-death...I think I want to give acting another go. Maybe I'll go by a stage name now. Always thought about that. How does Helena sound? No last name is needed for a name that badass.

    Harper - How do you feel about Spencer and the involvement he's had in your upbringing?
    I love my big brother Spence but I feel like sometimes he tries to parent us younger siblings when he doesn't have to. Spencer has done a lot to protect me and while I appreciate it I think at this point I'm past protecting and being shielded from things he thinks I won't understand, you know? I feel like Spence's childhood had been robbed from him dealing with our parents and lack of parents...having to take care of his younger siblings with my Uncle Bruce couldn't have been easy. I just hope that he learns to relax a little now...have some fun. He deserves it more than any of us.
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    Misty - Sinead

  • Sinead: You’ve had a front row seat to everything your family has been through thus far. Do you ever wish you’d have left when you had the chance?
    I had a few chances to leave and when I'm at my worst, I often wish I had taken them, that I'd chased a normal life somewhere peaceful, like the Lake District. But that would mean leaving my family behind and I don't think I could do it. I hate all of the pain and suffering I've been through by sticking close to my loved ones, but I know I'd feel even worse if I was apart from them for so long. My family and friends are what keeps me truly happy,

    1642988575659.pngSinead: Who’s the one person you know you can always rely on?
    Always? Well, that would have to be Lucy. She's always there for me when I need her and even though I'm kinda old now, I still look up to my big sister for advice and inspiration. When we were kids I admired her so much, like, how strong and glamourous she was. Other than a terrible time when we fell out back in Chicago after Angel hurt her, she always been there for me.

    And I know, I know! I should also mention Petey and Ali, but you only let me choose one! I can always rely on Ali, but I guess I've known Lucy forever! And though Petey is here for me now, we have had a few rough patches where sadly I couldn't burden him with my troubles, and he was in jail, and he was really suffering... but I know he's always here for me now. Oh my God, and there's Finn, too. He's the sweetest person there ever could be and he never fails to make me feel better. He has a beautiful soul and I always know I can rely on him in my time of need.

    Sinead: If you could change anything about your life what would it be?
    To have been more involved in the career I dreamed of when I was younger. Although I did dabble for a while in singing and playing piano on stage, it was nowhere near what I truly aspired to. I would never resent having children, nor would I blame them for why I had to push my career aside, because I absolutely adore them with fibre of my being. The business, however, that holds much of the blame. From the night back in '48 when the Romanos opened fire during one of my performances, my dreams began being chipped away at. I had to stop performing with my lovely jazz band because I didn't want those guys to be in danger because of my family's battles. I feel it all spiralled from there. I'm just grateful Savvy was never deterred and was able to break away from this for long enough to follow her dreams. I pray she will never be forced to give up on her career.

    Sinead: Whats one of the happiest memories you have while living in Dublin?
    Ohhh, I've had so many already! Since we moved back to Dublin, Petey and I have been stronger than ever, and with Liam so young he was able to experience us at our best. Our other children were around when Petey was in jail and when we had bad patches in our marriage, but Liam's been able to have a more normal childhood... until recently, of course. But one of my happiest memories? That was probably as recent as weeks ago. Having Petey, all four of my kids, and both Callum and Hattie all living here at once. That's been the most perfect thing and I want to have them all here permanently. For the first time in a long time, my heart felt whole.

    Sinead: What advice do you have for the younger generation in your family as far as living in the Sullivan family goes?
    Don't let the family name and business dictate who you want to be. Your destiny is not to follow in the footsteps of other family members and you should stay well away from it if you can help it. Look at Savvy and Finn for inspiration there!

    Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    1642988592818.pngSinead: How do you feel about the bombing the just happened?
    To be honest, I feel awful about it. I was already upset with Conor for involving little Cristina in his business. And now he had that nightclub blown up, I just... For starters, it's like he completely forgot that my club was burned down in New York - during which poor Kerry was tormented and abducted, which is a whole other story about how members of my family need to start showing some more darn compassion! But not only did he arrange for a nightclub to be blown up - he did it to one of the Kings' clubs. Callum's dad and other family members could have been in there, which breaks my heart to think about. I lost my dad to an enemy. And Savvy never got to meet her dad. No matter that Alex broke my girl's heart, he's still Callum's daddy and it scares me that my own brother nearly had Callum's family killed. I'm scared Conor has gone for good and has been replaced by someone more like Vinnie Romano.

    Sinead: Did you think Michelle coming home will be a good or bad thing?
    Surely it will be a good thing, right? The more family we have here, the better and, you know, maybe it will help Conor too. Having his daughter and hopefully his grandchildren home might give him something else to focus on - let him cool it on the whole gang wars business and remember family comes first. Plus, Savvy and Michelle really got along when they were little girls, so hopefully they can be friends again and maybe give Savvy even more incentive to stay put here in Dublin.

    Sinead: What's your favorite past time?
    Oh, definitely singing and playing piano. Some days I can spend hours in my music room just playing the piano and getting lost in my own little dream world. That's definitely my peaceful place.

    Misty: What kind of death do you have planned for Mrs Sinny
    I feel like Sinead has suffered so much in her life, despite her desire to stay out of mob business, that I'd want her to have a peaceful/natural death. So it would be nature or an illness that would take her, rather than something relating to being murdered or caught up in crossfire. Not that we always get a choice in the matter... ^;3^

    Misty: What do you most relate to with her
    That's a tricky one, because other than her love of eating chicken and having milkshakes, there's not a lot about Sinead that I can relate to. She's far more girly, enthusiastic and talkative than I am.

    ...honestly, I'm sat here and coming up with very little. It's definitely easier to list how I don't relate to her. That must mean I'm an awful person, seeing as she's so nice.

    BasDorcha BasDorcha

    1642988604873.pngSinead: What was your first impression on James Edwards when Chase first introduced the former US Navy SEAL to you?
    Oh, he seemed like a friendly and handsome young man. I've met a lot of my family's employees over the years, some just by introduction and others have had to protect me and my family. I can usually get a handle on the kind of people they are; the strong and silent type; or the cold and ruthless... James Edwards came across as a nice guy - the kind I'm sure I'd be able to get a conversation out of and one who would show compassion despite the line of work he's now gotten himself into. Also, since Chase introduced us, James did pay me a visit in the hospital, which I thought was very sweet of him.

    Sinead: What motivated you to start taking Liam to Church?
    To be honest, it never crossed my mind until after Liam expressed interest. Him going to church had started off as a punishment for his fighting in school, and I figured it would be a punishment as religion was never a part of my upbringing, with my mum being especially dismissive of it all. I was quite surprised when Liam said he wanted to keep going to church, like, not because he had to but he really wanted to. Considering how much time I've spent trying to steer my grown-up kids away from the mob business, knowing Liam has no interest in it and would rather spend his free time in church is a breath of fresh air. I might not be into Catholicism, but I'd rather my boy was spending time in church than out on the streets getting into trouble. I also think he's in good hands - Father Healy seems like such a nice man and I have nothing but gratitude towards him for not only saving Liam but also being there for me when I thought I was dying.

    Sinead: Did you get to meet Lucy's new granddaughter yet?
    What a crazy question! A newborn baby has found her way into my family's lives and you're asking me if I've met the little angel yet? Of course I've met her! Gosh, I have a radar for when cute babies are on the scene, don't ya know!

    Sinead: Do you have any happy memories from your years in the United States? If so, which one was your favorite?
    I have plenty of happy memories from back then, especially in Chicago. Many of them are from when I was young - a teenager living with my parents and siblings. The little things, like playing games with Conor and Luce. Those games of hide and seek where I'd get really frustrated and even the time I got stuck under the bed. I was not amused at the time, but thinking about it now just makes my heart melt. How close we all were. How much I doted on Conor. How I miss Daidi so.

    And Chicago is also where Peter came into mine and Savvy's world...

    Sinead: How did you meet Peter?
    Petey came into my life when it felt like my world was falling apart. My father had been murdered months earlier. Savvy's biological father, Angel, had kidnapped Luce and James before letting them go and being gunned down by the cops. Luce hated me because she'd been told she couldn't conceive after the damage caused when Angel shot her. I was depressed and the only person keeping me from having another nervous breakdown was my little baby Savvy and my desperate need to keep her safe. But at the same time, Peter was employed as my personal bodyguard. He came into my life when I started to feel like hope was lost and he helped me find the light again. Petey helped me to piece my heart back together again.

    Misty: What inspired you to create Sinead's Character?
    At the time, I think I tended to steer towards playing male characters, or at least those who were dark, villainous, serious or brooding. I decided to give it a go playing someone very different to my comfort zone - a female who was typical girly, sweet and innocent. A character in a gangster RP who wasn't tough and street smart. I didn't think at the time I'd enjoy writing her as much as I did the male characters I'd made, but it turned out I actually loved playing my sparkly ball of feminine energy!

    Misty: What is your least favorite trait from Sinead?
    She can be a little too idealistic and too forgiving. Sometimes she gives people too many chances and the benefit of the doubt when they don't deserve it. She tries to find good in people that maybe isn't even there.

    BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

    1642988621098.pngSinead: If your husband didn’t work for the mob, you could have moved yourself and your family away from all the violence, lived a safer and more peaceful life…Do you ever resent Peter for his decision to keep working for the family business?
    There have been times when I have resented Petey for his decisions to work for the mob. It wasn't even so much that I wanted to live somewhere peaceful, but I just wanted to know he was safe and around in our children's lives. The biggest fears I've always had for him were that he'd be killed or sent to prison. The latter came true twice and I struggled beyond belief in the months and years he was gone. I definitely resented that at the time, because it stole him away from our children's lives for significant lengths of time and holidays. We had a lot of arguments every time he decided he wanted to return to his position in the mob. But now, I know it's his own choice to make and I trust he will be careful. I don't want to dictate to him what he can and cannot do, I just want him to be here for all of Liam's childhood.

    Sinead: You have been through so many traumatic events in your life (including multiple near-death experiences!) from an early age right up to the present. How do you pick yourself up and keep going?
    Family. In my younger years, I struggled to pick myself back up from all of the traumatic experiences and the hell the Romanos put us through, but my family helped me to stay strong. Then when I was pregnant with Savvy, it was my children who helped me unlock my strength and determination to keep going from then on. When members of my family told me to have a termination when they found out Angel was Savvy's father, it unlocked this strong maternal instinct. Not a single part of me considered having an abortion and this need to protect my unborn baby never left me even after she was born. Every time I've been at my lowest since, I've thought of my children and grandchildren and anyone else who needs me to be there for them. Whenever I've come close to just giving up, it's been my family and my heart that have made me keep on fighting.

    Sinead: Who has been the most influential person in your life and what impact have they made?
    When I was younger, it was always my father. He always knew how to encourage me and make me feel proud of my achievements. My mother and I didn't have the best relationship as she thought I was too soft and spoiled because I was squeamish about the family business. But my Daidi, who was the boss at the time, he never treated me differently. He knew I didn't like the business but he never tried to change me. I loved him so much, but after he was killed, by the man who I'd been having a secret relationship with, I didn't feel I had the right to express how much I held him dear to me anymore.

    Since then, it would be Luce. She's been through so much in her life and always manages to stay so strong. She's a real survivor and she somehow managed to live happily for so many years with a husband who was running this cruel business. She's a superhero!

    Sinead: What’s your take on the war between the Sullivans and the Morettis?
    Like any of the wars my family has been in, it should not be happening at all! It's bad enough that our families are running criminal empires, but the fact they always seem to let things get personal really grates on me. It's not often the leaders or their senior members who get hurt, but it's so often the innocent people. It frustrates me so much. All of the death and destruction could be stopped if these men would just start showing compassion and understanding - push their egos to one side. All of this money and power, but how can they truly be happy when they're denying their hearts?

    Sinead: Let’s talk about your grandson, Callum - what do you think is the best thing to do in this situation with the Kings? Have you given Savannah any advice?
    The best thing would have been for Conor not to stick his nose in and go on to upset the Kings. I did encourage Savvy to come live in Dublin with her family, but I believed an agreement could have been worked out, that she and Alex could ensure they both got to be stable parts of Callum's life. Now that doesn't seem possible. Savvy has said a few things that make me think she's had second thoughts about living in Dublin, that she feels guilty for keeping Callum away from Alex. However, I've had to tell her to stay put now, on account of it being too dangerous for her to be going to London. I've advised her to stay strong for now, in the hopes we can find a way to resolve it, but I'm worried things are going to get worse. All I know is, as difficult as it is to keep Callum away from his dad, it's the only safe option for Savvy. Since Conor attacked that nightclub, I worry there won't be a way for Savvy and Alex to share custody now.

    Sinead: What have you learned / what do you continue to learn from each of your children?
    Savvy has taught me that it is possible for members of my family to break the cycle of following in our elders' footsteps - that we can follow a different path and not be dragged into the criminal lifestyle. She's taught me that anything is possible - after everything she's been through and despite her introverted nature, she followed her career and is killing it on stage! Braden taught me not to suffocate my family so much. He's a brooder, like Petey, but I've learned from him that I can still show how much I love my family without wrapping them in cotton wool. Emery, oh boy, well she's taught me how to stand up for myself and to say what's on my mind more. Sometimes, people need to hear the truth even if it's not pleasant, and Emery sure knows how to speak her mind and get away with it. Liam, he's reaffirmed that not everyone wants to be in the mob. He's going through a lot right now, but he always bounces back and he's not afraid to stand up for the little guy - even if it does mean he hits the bullies. He's helped me to be more open-minded about religion too, which is something I always shut out of my life until more recently. I believed if there was a God, then he was a jerk for letting so much bad stuff happen, but I now see how faith can be helpful to others, including my boy.

    VyuHbNI.gifSinead: How’s married life these days?
    Married life is great! Petey and I have had a lot of rough patches over the years, especially during those super low times when he was in prison and then the aftermath of his release. But since we came back to Dublin, I feel like we finally understand each other properly. I'm not as scared that he'll be sent away again. We barely argue now. I feel like these years have been the best for us and I love him just as much, if not stronger, than back when we were young twenty-somethings!

    Sinead: What are the most significant ways in which you have changed since you were a young woman?
    I've grown stronger and more independent. After years of relentless loss, threats, and torture, I've had to develop a thick skin. Don't get me wrong, blood still makes me want to vomit and faint, but instead of becoming a trembling wreck in dangerous situations, I have more of my own survival instinct. I've also learned not to be as trusting and forgiving towards those who are beyond redemption. Whilst I still believe my relationship with Angel was genuine on both sides, I know I was a naive fool to think it was possible to change him - that he had enough of a good side to ever outweigh the terrible acts he committed against my family.

    Sinead: If when you die your life flashes before your eyes, do you think you’d like what you see?
    I think I would. I wasn't sure I knew what I'd see when I died, but when I was stabbed a few weeks back, I believe I gained some insight. As I felt like I was losing consciousness, all I wanted to think about was my family. I remember seeing many of them. My father, Petey, the children, Syd... I just kept thinking of good memories rather than the bad. So I think I will like what I see, because my mind will only look back on the good parts of my life.

    Misty: Sinead is one of your original characters, having been writing her for FIVE WHOLE YEARS! How has that journey been for you?
    It's been great! Sinead has gone through a lot of traumatic events, which in a sick way, I guess I've enjoyed. I love writing angsty, sad and upsetting scenes, and Sinead has had plenty of them for me to sink my teeth into! But also, she's had so many sweet moments too, whether romantic or motherly. She's gone through three faceclaims and a lot of character development. She started out as a naive young woman wanting a showbiz life in singing and music. Now she much stronger, independent and has become a great mother figure to her family, even if she had to sacrifice her dream career.

    Misty: Have there been any scenes or plotlines you would have liked to explore with Sinead but never got the chance?
    I think I've managed to cover a lot of ground with Sinead where I don't feel like I missed out on exploring any plotlines. I do know that moving forward, I want her to show her stronger side and stand up to those she disagrees with. In a way, that has already started with her tell Conor how she feels about his actions. But also, I want her to be able to support others who need her, especially the younger generation of the family, as she knows how it feels getting caught up in the family's wars.

    Pyroclast Pyroclast

    1642988672142.pngMisty: Why are you so mean to me?
    I'm not sure what I did to prompt this question, but I try to be mean to everyone. It keeps me going. :coolshades:

    Misty: What possessed you to create the sweetest person in the world besides Finn, of course? You tend to be a more chaotically evil person :P Sinny is too sweet.
    I think I just like to mix it up a bit and I like to keep things balanced. As fun as evil characters are, it's not fun only playing characters everyone hates, bahaha.

    Misty: Did you have any core plans to kill Sinead off? I know we've hurt her plenty of times but were any of those actually going to kill her at some point and did you change your mind at the last second?
    There have been times where it's crossed by mind to kill her off, such as the poisoning in the 60s RP and the recent stabbing, but in the end, I didn't have the heart. Besides, think of all the sadistic fun I get out of torturing her when she's alive!

    Misty: What is your least favorite thing about Sinny?
    She can be a little too idealistic and too forgiving. Sometimes she gives people too many chances and the benefit of the doubt when they don't deserve it. She tries to find good in people that maybe isn't even there.

    Misty: What traits of Sinead's do you relate to the most? Which ones are total opposites?
    That's a tricky one, because other than her love of eating chicken and having milkshakes, there's not a lot about Sinead that I can relate to. Maybe her love of classical music and theatre?

    Opposites: she's far more outgoing and maternal than I am!

    Sinead: Who's your favorite sibling? (In-laws can be included.)
    Hey now, that's such a cruel thing to ask. I can tell you who my least favourite is - that jerk, Carrick.

    There was a time when Conor was my favourite sibling. When we were kids we were so close; he'd always look out for me and I'd look out for him in return. I was one of the only people who could calm down that hot-headed temper of his when we were younger. But lately, maybe even before Jackson died, I don't recognise my brother anymore. I know him drinking and fighting was always causing problems for us, but at least I still got to see my sweet brother. Since he got out of prison and took charge of the business, I don't know him so well. It breaks my heart knowing there's a distance now.

    So these days, my favourite is Lucy and then Ali. They're always there for me and I don't think I'd have made it this far without them in my life.

    Sinead: What were your first thoughts of Peter when he was assigned to watch you and baby Savvy?
    Well, when he was first assigned to me, I was still mourning the death of Savvy's biological father. But I did feel safe with him. I thought he was sweet and we immediately bonded whilst playing the piano together. I did have a crush on him very early on and the way he was so natural with Baby Savvy just melted my heart. After everything that happened with my Daidi being killed and then Angel dying, I didn't think my heart could be put back together again. Petey quickly proved me wrong and he made me find my happiness once more. I knew he was special when I first met him and still love him so much now too.

    Sinead: If you could move anywhere in the world to escape all this bullshit, where would you go?
    Well, I always had a thing for the Lake District. I just loved how peaceful it was by the water. I know the weather isn't great in the UK and Ireland, but just anywhere where there's peace... with a lake, mountains or beaches. As much as I'd like to go to a warm country, I'm a pale little redhead and I don't want to have my skin on fire in the hot sun!

    Sinead: How do you feel about your son being a Jesus Christ Superfreak?
    I really didn't get it at first. Growing up, my family was never religious and my mam really hated the idea of it, given how strict her parents were. Not to mention, Petey has history with Catholicism too, having been raised by nuns in an orphanage. So Liam being into it all confused me because we've never encouraged it. I guess if his school wasn't so good I'd probably have tried to get him in at one that wasn't Catholic, but good look finding many of those around here.

    As for him being into religion - I will not call my baby a freak, by the way, I have enough on telling Emmy to quit it - I don't mind. I've spent my life worrying about my family being involved in the family business, with Petey, Brady and Emmy having me on edge with some of the jobs they do. So to have Liam wanting no part in it is a huge weight off my shoulders. I don't have to worry about him when he's in church, so I'm grateful he's staying out of the mob life, even if I don't believe in God like he does.

    Sinead: If you could go back in time and change anything, what would you change? And what do you think would have ensued because of that change?
    I don't know what I could reasonably change if I could do that. In an ideal world, maybe my Daidi was never murdered, or Petey never went to jail. But as much suffering and loss as I've had, I would certainly never change anything before Liam was born. I believe if I went back and changed even the smallest thing, it could change something huge in the present and that could somehow lead to me not having all of my children and grandchildren. Maybe more recently, I could go back and stand my ground, try make Savvy and Alex come to a more peaceful compromise. Or were I to have known, I'd have done everything in me to stop Conor from butting in and talk him out of having that damn bomb planted! I'm so upset it has come to this. Sure, our families had their differences, but I really liked the Kings, even if Alex did disappoint me and break my princess' heart.

    Bellz Bellz
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    Kawa - Stella
  • ~Stella Jin Kwon~
    jessica-jung.jpg2015-05-22_10-39-55_41d0e299ca1abeb2094852da042165c7.jpg9d5ff48f4d0f56a2093cbeb4d3907f08--jessica-jung-girls-generation.jpg9e99d64a-d2e7-11ea-88dd-6bec610be4a6_image_hires_141827.jpgunnamed (4).jpg
    Questions From BasDorcha BasDorcha For StellaQuestion: If you had to give your history in a short but sweet description to someone, what would you say?
    Answer: "Guns, Knives, Rainbow Hair, a Passion for Fashion and a Hot Temper. All sounds very lovely, I know."

    Question: What has been your favorite thing to happen so far?
    Answer: Date night with Emery. Well, if you can call it that. Sadly, she wasn't really one for Romance Movies like me. But at least she liked the Chocolates and the Flowers. I will admit, I am worried that this is one-sided and that she probably has her sights set on someone, at which point I'd be devastated. Oh well, I'm sure there's some Prince Charming or even a Cinderella out there somewhere that'll pick my sad ass back up and sweep me off my feet.

    Question: What are your future plans?
    Answer: Well, I've only been working as a Bounty Hunter for the Irish for about a year and I'm only twenty-three. I'm in my prime and I still have my whole life ahead of me. What's the rush? I guess if you're asking for more long-term, a loving relationship would be nice to have. Just seeing everyone around me married or in long-term relationships have made me realized how lonely I am and it sucks. So I would like to change that sooner rather then later. Other then that, it's just business as usual for my job as a Bounty Hunter; collecting debts, removing unwanted dumb fucks from the Boss' territory, capture 'fugitives' and turning them over to the boss, etcetera.

    Question: How did you end up working with the Irish Mob?
    Answer: I was in the underground/street fighting scene, which I started on at seventeen and at twenty-two, I got the attention of the Irish Mob after defeating one of his prominent fighters. Broke the guy's arm and knocked his ass out cold. Guess he thought that me fighting night after night was a waste of my talents, well, according to my Mentor anyway. He wasn't completely wrong and when he asked me to collect debts for him, I felt like I was moving up in the world. But then, I wanted more. He sent me to Chase for training. I learned how to use a gun, evade cops, how to subdue someone, knife combat...basically this man taught me everything I needed to know as a hunter in the Criminal Underworld. And here I am, collecting debts and hunting people down on behalf of the Irish Mob Boss himself. Feels good.

    For KawashimaQuestion: What inspired Stella?
    Answer: I wanted to have a character that had an "American Outlaw" vibe and ended up wanting to have a female version (and Asian) of the notorious Jesse James. From duel-wielding revolvers and using Bowie Knives and Lever-Action Rifles and Shotguns as her go-to weapons like Jesse James, I brought Stella into the cast. With that being said, her face-claim, Jessica Jung, was known as an Ice Queen in the Korean Pop Industry back when she was active. So I thought that the role of a Bounty Hunter would work, granted she isn't like the ones that have been depicted in Old Western Movies. Rather then hunting down criminals beyond the reach of the law, Stella hunts down people that have been marked by the Irish Mob and is sent to capture them, collect a debt or even kill them depending on what the Boss wants to be done. If the boss wants you dead, you're dead. If the boss wants you taken to him, done. He wants his money? Stella will come and take it, one way or another. And if you're broke...Better hand over the keys to the car...and the Boss will hold onto it until you can pay him.

    Other Characters I have modeled her after include Youngblood Priest (Superfly, 2018 Remake), Johnny Gat (Saint's Row franchise) and Red Harlow (Red Dead Revolver)
    Questions From Pyroclast Pyroclast For StellaQuestion: When fighting, what's your signature move / your favourite move to make in a fight?
    Answer: Depends on the type of fight. But you're probably asking about a knife fight or a fist fight, right? Since there isn't much for a gun fight since you gotta worry about staying alive rather then looking badass or flashy. A knife fight or even a fist fight gives more leeway. My signature move is a little something like this given my agility and flexibility:

    Question: What is your relationship with your twin sister like these days and what are you thoughts about it?
    Answer: I haven't spoken to her since that argument several months ago. We're not on talking terms and I haven't heard from her since. Given how much time has passed, I'm pretty sure she's about to pop if she hasn't given birth already. She wasn't happy with the path I chose in life, but at the end of the day I was just trying to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table and I didn't really care how I did it. Hopefully now she'll understand the sacrifices I made to ensure that we could live comfortably. While I am sad that I'll probably never get to meet my Niece or Nephew, I've since moved on from my loss and I find comfort and solace with the women of the Irish Mob, all of whom have been very kind to me since day one. They're my Family now. Wherever my Sister is, I wish her and her child well and best of luck in the years to come, but I won't hold out hope that I'll ever see them again since I don't know where she went after that night we argued.

    Question: What do you want out of life? Do you ever think about settling down with someone, moving away from the criminal life, moving to a different country, having children or anything like that?
    Answer: Those aren't really questions I've really thought about. Sometimes I'm not even sure what I want out of life. I've spent the last year hunting people down on behalf of the Irish Mob, whether its a to collect a debt, capture or even kill. In terms of settling down, seeing how almost all the other women in the family are happily married, I would love to get married myself one day, but I can't really think about marriage if I can't even get into a relationship. With my crush on Emery being a little one-sided, I've been feeling very discouraged to be honest, but only time will tell. I'll get my happily ever after, like Lucy and Sinead before me.

    Moving away from my current life, I think would be a disservice to Chase, who brought me into this family. I don't think I'm really cut out to do anything else, at least not for the next fifteen to twenty years, but I know that I can't keep this work up forever, so if I live long enough, I'll ask Conor about retiring, but not leave the Organization. I also don't picture myself leaving Dublin anytime soon, because I don't even know where I'd go. Travel, sure, but not leave Ireland outright unless I was exiled.

    Other then that, in addition to getting married, I'd love to have children of my own. All of my colleagues have been able to make having a family work, so what makes me so different?

    Question: In what ways have you changed as a person since you joined the Irish Mob?
    Answer: Well, at first, I wanted to be able to provide for me and my Sister, but since joining the Mob, I've found that I enjoy the adrenaline rush that are brought on by fighting and the high-speed chases I engage in on a regular basis. I've become more hot tempered, more volatile, vengeful even. Like the two things I know better then anything are violence, hatred, anger and pain. I'm no battle-hardened soldier, but if you give me an excuse to use violence to resolve a problem at hand, you can bet that I will use it.

    For KawashimaQuestion: What aspects of Stella's personality do you most identify with and why?
    Answer: Her hot temper for sure. I was quite the hothead back when I was younger and as soon as I was given the excuse to use violence to resolve my problems, I would do so pretty much at the drop of a hat and have no qualms or regrets over it. I found comfort in hurting people for doing me wrong and didn't really work out my aggression in healthy ways. Now that I'm older, I've calmed down quite a bit and I'm no longer as quick to resort to violence. At the end of the day, if you ever hear about me being mean to someone, understand that they did something to deserve it.
    Questions from Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess For StellaQuestion: How did you feel knowing Leo and Ali had basically been kidnapped on your watch?
    Answer: I felt horrible, especially with the way I had found them. Because Ali has been one of the many women who has been kind to me since my early days in the organization, my failure to protect them will haunt my dreams in the months if not years ahead. If they had died, Conor probably would have me excommunicated if not killed. Had I been more vigilant instead of relaxed that day, I firmly believe that I would have been able to protect them. Just knowing that either of them could have died that day has me shaken up. I won't fail again...

    Question: What do you think about all the retaliation going on between the three families?
    Answer: While the Moretti Family has been a long-time enemy, I think its time to put it to rest. The fact that its stretched across the Atlantic Ocean is ridiculous and I find to be nothing short of a dick-measuring contest. My Boss went too far when he decided to kidnap a child to get the Morettis to back down and let James go home, even though I am sure that the new guy, Edwards, wouldn't have let anything happen to James if he is as good as he says he is. From what I hear, the Moretti Family may be strong and formidable, but with the way I hear James talk, I think he could have taken them. US Soldiers aren't foes I want to cross paths with, especially since they can kill someone at the drop of a hat. Of course, the Moretti Family went too far themselves when they attempted to kidnap Liam and hurt Sinead. But the cycle is rather vicious and it makes me want to ask both the Morettis and the Sullivans if that dick measuring contest, the constant hunger for vengeance and bloodthirst is more important then the love of Family, which both of them have in common whether or not they want to admit it. The rivalry shouldn't have to end when one of them dies. The cycle won't be broken that way...

    As for the Kings, I think that's more of Savannah's fault. But her Baby Daddy's a Jerk too, so I don't even know what to think. But it is clear to me that both sides love Callum very much. With that in mind, shouldn't they be working together and making compromises for his sake? They both want to be a part of his life, so why try to keep him from one side and alienate them? At the end of the day, the Sullivans and the Kings being at each other's throats will only hurt him in the end and he shouldn't have to grow up hating one side of his family because the other side is keeping him away. That young boy deserves to be loved by both sides of his family. And if the Kings want to alienate the Sullivans or vice versa, then I hope they know that its fucking child abuse. Both Families may have done a lot of bad things...But robbing a child of a genuinely loving relationship with either side of his family SHOULDN'T be one of them...

    Question: Would you want a bigger role in the Sullivan family?
    Answer: Well, a bigger role would mean more responsibilities. I'd like to think that I am ready for that. I want to show Conor that I am more then just an errand girl who collects his money day in and day-out. It would also be nice to take on a leadership position eventually, leading my own crew and all. But would Conor even let me do that? Because I'm not even Irish at all, not a single drop of Irish Blood in my veins, but I work just as hard as the rest of his people, what makes me any less of a mobster or even a person then the rest of my colleagues?

    Question: Are you ever going to try and patch up your relationship with your sister?
    Answer: I don't even know where she is. All I know is that she left Dublin the night that we argued and she dropped the bomb on me saying that she's pregnant. And I haven't heard from her since. No letter, no phone call, nothing. I don't think she really wants anything to do with me. Not after that argument over me working for the Irish Mob...TO KEEP A ROOF OVER OUR HEADS AND PUT FOOD ON THE TABLE!

    For KawashimaQuestion: What plans do you have for Stella?
    Answer: I would like to see her take part in more scenes with her Colleagues and spend more time with the other women involved with the Organization, part of it or not. Eventually, I would like to see her find her partner in crime and fall in love. Other then that, I'd like to see her in more fight or suspenseful scenes, like when she has her guns drawn and ready to insinuate a firefight, or even come face to face with a prominent member of the Moretti Family.
    Questions From Misty Gray Misty Gray ~Stella Exclusive~Question: Who are your favourite people to work with? Why?
    Answer: Chase Zegarra and Emery Callahan; Chase was my Mentor and brought me to the Irish Mob when I had hit a low point in my life, when my reputation in the Underground Fight Scene was declining and I was not winning as many fights while also getting my ass handed to me almost every night and wondering how I'm not dead after a few of them. When he brought me into the Irish Mob, he taught me how to use a gun, how to force an opponent into submission, how to ride a motorcycle and maintaining a workout regime. Without him, I would not be the woman I am today. Then Emery...I have a fat crush on her, I don't think I need to explain any further.

    Question: Who is your least favourite member of the mob? Why?
    Answer: My Boss, Conor Fucking Sullivan... He may be my Boss, but I lost a lot of respect for him after being told that he had a child kidnapped to get one of our home. No matter how much you hate someone, don't involve the kids. That poor girl must be traumatized from being kidnapped and now her Grandpa is escalating a dick measuring contest that ISN'T NECESSARY ANYMORE! And because of Conor, Sinead got hurt and Liam, HIS OWN NEPHEW, nearly got kidnapped in turn if it wasn't for that Priest at his church. Oh I don't know Conor, MAYBE THINK ABOUT YOUR FUCKING LOVED ONES BEFORE YOU PULL SHIT LIKE THAT?

    I may be a hot head...But I never want to see a child hurt because of me. If a child ever gets hurt because of me, that'll be the last straw and I'll be setting down my gun.

    Question: How do you feel about Emery?
    Answer: Upon meeting her for the first time, I started questioning my own opinion about love at first sight. She's beautiful, talented, smart and...I don't know where I'm going with this. I get butterflies in my stomach every time I see her. That date night could have been better. I really hope she enjoyed it, even if Romantic Movies aren't really her thing. But I hoped she at least enjoyed dinner, the roses and the chocolates. But right now...Right now I can't help but feel like my crush is gonna be turning into unrequited love. I've never dealt with that before so I don't know how I'm gonna take it when or if I see her with another woman...or even a man...

    Question: What's the worst action you've carried out whilst working for the mob?
    Answer: Probably beating a rival gang member to death after losing my temper after Chase got shot and I thought that he was going to die, so in a blind rage I chased him down, tackled him to the ground and started punching him in the face in repetition while he pleaded for his life. The last thing he saw was my Bowie Knife going into his heart and hearing my blood-curling scream. When I regained my senses, there were numerous people watching...and my hands were covered in his blood.

    Question: What is your favourite movie?
    Answer: The Way of The Dragon by Bruce Lee
    Questions From Bellz Bellz ~For Stella~Question: If you had to sum up your entire life in 3 words what would they be?
    Answer: This. Is. BULLSHIT!

    Question: What is one thing you hope to accomplish while working for the Sullivans?
    Answer: Showing that Women are just as capable as Men when it comes to dealing with the Criminal Underworld here in Dublin. There are several ways to do that of course. I can only wonder if Conor even acknowledges that I am just as capable as his men that he relies on to get things done. I only wish he showed that same respect to Emery. But at least my Mentor, Chase, sees my potential, taught me everything about being a Soldier for the Mob and doesn't treat me differently from the men who work with him. Sure, he may be slightly more protective of me at times, but he doesn't hold my hand through everything. He allows me to stand on my own two feet and he has shown me that he trusts me. Otherwise I'd probably be a sitting duck somewhere, or still getting my ass beat in the underground fight club...

    Question: What is your biggest regret?
    Answer: Not stopping my Sister from walking out that door after she told me that she was pregnant. I basically left a pregnant woman to fend for herself...and now I have with that for the rest of my life, because I don't even know where she is or where she's even at...or if she's even still alive assuming she didn't die before or during childbirth considering how long its been since she told me that she was expecting, or if anything's happened to her since that argument. All I know is that she isn't in Dublin anymore. But one thing is for sure

    ~For Kawashima~Question: Was there anything you had in mind for Stella before you decided to make her a mob member? Or what did you hope to have for her storyline?
    Answer: Considering that I modeled her after the late American Outlaw Jesse James, one other thing I did have in mind for her was being a Corrupt Cop on Conor's Payroll, but that idea was scrapped in favor of her being a full-fledged mobster. Like, I wanted her to be the East-Asian/Irish Feminine Jesse James, just minus the train robberies and I don't think Stagecoaches are really thing anymore... Her go-to weapons that James himself used back in his day; Revolvers, Lever-Action Rifles and Bowie Knives. Hell, she even has that duster and cowboy hat like ninety percent of the time!

    With her role as a Bounty Hunter, I was hoping to have her bring that Western vibe into the story, even just a little. Anyway, to answer your question on what I had hoped to have for her Storyline, I was initially hoping to see her bond with the other women connected to the Sullivan Family, but since she hasn't made too many appearances since the beginning, I am hoping to see that next chapter at least. In the future, I hope to see her promoted within the mob from a Bounty Hunter to a Lieutenant, but she's gonna have to put in the work for it, perhaps fight for it considering how Emery is currently being treated. But only time will tell I suppose.

    Question What is one thing you absolutely hate about her?
    Answer: What I hate about the character I created? Well, that's at tough one. I can keep this simple though. Probably the fact that she often acts on impulse, shooting first and asking questions later with that itchy trigger finger. If she doesn't put it in check now, it's gonna cause a lot of trouble later for Chase and Conor.
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    Mel - Teddy
  • Theodore Mathias Wycliff


    Interrogation tapes from one Misty Gray Misty Gray -

    Teddy: What are your three favourite things about Valentina?
    "I can only choose three?! I mean, if I had to narrow my list significantly then it goes like this - in no particular order, either, because if this gets out Val might not be happy. Anyway, Val's hot. And if the whole 'If you wanna see what your wife would look like when she gets older, look at her mom' thing is true then she'll be even hotter. Other than her looks she's an amazing woman. She's basically fucking superwoman - taking care of the hotels, her kids, and the house. I'm proud to call her my wife. Lastly, she does this thing in bed... Kidding. Last favorite thing about her is how passionate she is about something. Yeah, it gets annoying mixed with her stubborn attitude, but seeing her so fired up about something important to her reminds me of my mom - and she was an amazing woman too.

    Teddy: What is your relationship with your brother like?
    "Ugh, here we go. Antonio is the bane of my existence. We share a father but not a mother - thank god. Would rather be half than whole. He's a few years older than me and was the product of infedelity, of course. When his mom bailed my mother took him in and he hated her - always going on about how she wasn't better than his mom. We fought a lot because of that and I'm sure the guy hates me but I could give two shits because I don't exactly care for him either. He's always trying to one up me in school and he even fucked a few of my girlfriends and even an ex-fiancee... Dad gave Tony the empire while I got ties with Moretti and I feel like I got the better deal out of it. There was a quiet and mutual agreement that we would never acknowledge each other as brothers too. I haven't seen his smug face since we left Miami and I haven't told anyone about him - he doesn't even know my kids exist. He's an insignificant speck on the family tree and really, I want nothing to do with him.

    Teddy: Are there any parts of Gabriel you see in yourself? **giggity**
    Hopefully never? I'm very in love with my wife and screwing her father is the last thing I would ever want to do. If you meant personality wise, well, unfortunately yeah. Sometimes when I make a decision I want it to be final - I don't want to have a conversation or be questioned about it. But, being married to Val, I can't exactly do that. My moral compass used to be... Different, before I married Val - more like Gabe's in regards to protecting your family no matter what. Over the years, however, she's gotten me to see things a little bit differently and while I can't say I like it I don't hate it either.

    Teddy: If you hadn't started a relationship with Valentina, what do you think your love life would be like now?
    "Good question. I'm sure I'd still be married - just not to Val. After I was tortured and everything my life flashed before my eyes and things changed. I had a desire to get my shit together and to settle down and all that jazz."

    Teddy: What is the worst thing you've done whilst working for the Morettis?
    "I've become the one thing in life I didn't want to be - a murderer. Granted, my body count is only two but that doesn't take away from me never wanting to. My mother she instilled in me the importance of not getting violent and how much stronger a man was when he used his words. I felt like I let her down, but every time I found myself beating someone to death it's for my family. I like to think that it's okay to be a murderer when it comes to protecting the people I care most about in this world."

    Interrogation tapes from one BasDorcha BasDorcha -

    : If asked, what would your 60 second break down of your story be?
    "Let's see if I can do this quickly. Born to one of New Yorks most elite. Mom died when I was young, dad got in kahoots with a mobster, I start working for said mobster. Move to New York, get tortured, fall in love with Boss' daughter. Kill guys who hurt boss' daughter - realize I love her. Marry boss' daughter, have three kids live happily ever after."

    Teddy: Defend your actions - what did you do that you'd do again?
    "Kill Steve. Valentina and I may not have been together during this time nor had we admitted our feelings for each other. But I had been around when those guys fucked Valentina over all those years ago and she never deserved that treatment and she sure as hell didn't deserve what Steve did to her. She was innocent of everything and he knew it but he still hurt her. I'd kill Steve a thousand times over and never feel bad it whatsoever."

    Teddy: One regret, what is it and what would you change?
    "I regret not taking Porter's option to kill me instead of giving up the information. Granted, I'm very happy that I'm alive now and that I've had such a great life but. I don't know, I spent over a decade trying to win his approval and respect and trust and some days I don't feel like it was worth it. I'm sure some psych would probably say something about me wanting to prove something to my father and Gabe is like a psuedo father for me but I think it's deeper than that. There's only ever been one person who's opinion about me matters most in the world and that's been Val since that day in the hospital."

    Teddy: What's your personal hell look like?

    Teddy: What makes you happy?
    "Is it too cliche if I say my family? There was very little in life that truly made me happy and not just content until Val and I got married and we had kids. Now just seeing smiles on their faces and seeing them enjoy life makes me the happiest man in the world. I always promised them and myself I wouldn't be like my father and they would get more of me and being able to do that also makes me happy. I never thought I'd be here - figured I'd live the bachelor life forever. But I'm glad I'm not..."

    Interrogation tapes from one BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

    Do you value Revenge more than the love of your Family?
    "I don't, actually, I value my family and their safety more than anything. If they're hurt, then I'll make sure I get my revenge for them whether they're aware or not. Making sure no one hurts them or even thinks they can is very important to me and I'll make sure that message is clear."

    Teddy: Now that your grudge match with the Irish has spilled over to your Children, are you more willing to broker a peace treaty with the Irish rather then continuing the Irish-Italian Crime War? Because, whether you want to admit it or not, you both share one thing in common; loving your families and keeping them safe. Is continuing this war more important then spending time with them? Even James did not approve of the fact that Conor ordered the kidnapping of Cristina. Even there, he was ready to accept his death, but also wanted to go home to his own family. If you don't want your family to be in harm's way, why do that to someone else?

    "Sure, but peace treaties only work if they're not broken. I can guarantee we won't break our end of the bargain but not much can be said of Sullivan and him keeping his word. As far as spending time with my family goes, I actually spend a ton of time with them. It may not look like it because of how involved I am with planning and things of that nature, but the five of us are always doing family activities. Just a few weeks ago we went on vacation - something else we do frequently. Lastly, I don't think you remember who started this whole conflict. Sure, Conor may be in charge now, but the war and retaliation are all 'cause of Porter. James isn't innocent of the blood he has on his hands - mine included - so I don't want to hear any 'Take pity on an old man' comments about him."

    Teddy: What was your initial reaction to Harmony being assigned to your Family?
    "I was surprised Gabe had even hired her, let alone assigned her to my family. Not because of her hair or anything, but because she's a she. That and she's significant;y smaller than the other guards like Boscoe and Quadir."

    Teddy: Would it bother you if Harmony and Valentina became Best Friends?
    "Yes and no. Yes, because her job isn't to befriend my wife nor my kids or me but to protect them. How can she do that if she's helping the girls pick out nail polishes or spending time in an arcade playing games with the boys? No, her job should be to always have her head on a swivel and make sure they're safe, unlike the two who were supposed to be watching Christina. On the other hand, Tin seems to like her so who am I to deprive my wife of friends? Val only really talks to Julia, Ricky, and myself and I know she's getting tired of me. If Harmony can give her some more human interaction, then by all means - so long as she realizes her job comes first.

    Teddy: How do you feel about the Kings?
    "Based off the few meetings I've had with them and the things i hear from Erik, Tati, and Damian, they're an alright group of guys. Not super strict and stiff like Gabe tends to be, but not overly brash and emotional like Conor. They're level-headed and make concise decisions and - had my father met Bruce first - I'd enjoy working for them. Not to say I don't like working for Gabe considering everything he's done for me, but the sentiment remains.
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    Bas - May

  • 1644499668007.png

    Misty Gray Misty Gray :
    May: How do you feel about your mother?
    Well... That's a pretty loaded question. She my ma, so I love her. I don't like her, but I love her. She likes to use people, and I'm not okay with that. She used my and my brothers for years, still is. I'm sure Tom still gives her money. She kept us from our family, she left me to be the sudo-mom to my brothers because she was to busy being an addict and a loose woman. She ran off my dad... So yeah, its been tough. But what can you do? You don't pick your parents.

    May: Excluding family, who are you closest to and why do think you're close to them?
    I don't really have anyone I'm close to outside of the family. If I had to pick someone? Darcey. She's been amazing. While I loved working at Mercury before... you know... I am enjoying working even more with her, and she doesn't judge me. Erik is a new friend, but he's a sweetheart, and has kept me company before I moved to Darcey's business.

    May: If you were ever in the same room as Conor Sullivan, what would you want to say to him?
    That's simple. "Why were we not good enough to be a part of your family?" He obviously knew we were family and yet, we were never treated as such. I can't understand why anyone would neglect a child - especially ones who mother had obvious issues. It gives me little doubt that as a person, he isn't worth knowing.

    May: Who's your favourite member of the King family and why?
    That's hard. Spencer maybe, he was a good boss. I also like Harper, she reminds me of what I'd want in a sister. Alex... Well, he's an asshole, but I saw the way he treated his sister, his brother. I can't hate that, even if he hates me. Billy is amazing, he's so good natured. This is difficult question. I guess its definitely gonna end up being Harper or Billy, they've been the most friendly towards me.

    May: What qualities do you look for in a romantic partner?
    I haven't had a lot of 'romantic' partners in my life. One or two, enough to know my way around in the dark, but I haven't dated seriously too much. I guess I want someone who sees the real me, all of me. Someone who pays attention to the little things. *Laughs* And someone who can handle my clutziness. Plus you know, they gotta be able to sway me. Show me something different then what I've seen in the bar ever single night.

    BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 :
    Questions For May
    • What is your relationship like with your Brother, Tom?
    Tom and Alfie are my best friends - even though we haven't been around each other much the last two years. Growing up I feel like I raised them - as much as a child themselves can be expected - and now they've become the protective ones over me. Tom joining the military was a big change, leaving just me and Alfie, but he moved out shortly after, set on being his own man, so I moved away. I would give anything for those boys, and I'm sure they'd say the same. When the only friends and family you have are the same people, its hard not to be joined at the hip. We've since branched into separate lives but I'm sure that if we were all near each other again, it would be like we were never apart.
    • How would you feel about being a Aunt?
    I think that would be amazing. I always wanted a bigger family, more people... kinda got the shit end of that stick though, didn't I? One family that wanted nothing to do with us, and my fathers side who I don't even know. My dad - you know the man who I thought was my father for so long - didn't have any family, his folks had died when he was younger and he had no siblings or nearby cousins or anything. I thought everyone had small families growing up. When I realized it was just us that lived with the idea of just two parents and our siblings and most people had these giant group families, it was hard to accept. Having nieces or nephews would be wonderful, I'm not opposed to the idea of new family at all.
    • What was your initial reaction to Tom enlisting into the Irish Military?
    Honestly, at first, it terrified me. He was so young, I didn't understand why him or my mother would agree to it. I hated that he left. I was scared he'd never come back - he was always off doing things that we couldn't discuss or that kept him away for long periods. I see now it may have been for the best, getting him out of that situation, but I wish he didn't have to do it. I feel like its probably changed him on a base level, not necessarily in a good or bad way, just... different. Things like that affect you, the kind of things he must have done, especially at such a young age..

    Questions for Bas
    • How do you plan for May to meet Shinoa once she and Tom reach that point in their relationship?
    I haven't thought this one out yet. As it stands, May can't just up and leave due to how things are going in London - she has some unexplainable drive to impress and make happy the Kings around her, even I'm not 100% sure why I feel the need to write her that way. She just does. With Darcey's making it clear how it might look for her to return home or have to much contact with that side, I'm probably going to have to play it by ear and see what happens before then.
    • What is your favorite trait from May that she shares with you?
    I use to have a mask I wore in public, though for different reasons. May's insecure - I was insecure, depressed, and just trying to make it. But I get how when she gets uncomfortable she slides into this version of herself that's not really herself, because it feels like it protects you. She just hasn't realized yet that being yourself is much better.
    • Is it awkward to you that she is connected to the Kings while her Brother is connected to the Sullivan Family because of who employs him and who he is dating?
    I am hoping it leads to some lovely drama and entertainment for us. Its a big swing at dramatic affect, and hopefully it plays out like a good story and not some quick shot excerpt that is over before it got momentum. I feel there's a lot of potential for building towards something big for her and him to figure out how to make a family on different sides of the war work.

    Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    May: Who's the one person you can turn to when you need them?
    Tom. Definitely Tom. I also feel like I could probably turn to Darcey, but the downside to it is I know there are certain things that would be difficult for her if they were arose, given her relationship and the fact that I'm still in such an awkward spot between not existing to the world and being blatantly on display. My life went from boring to under a microscope over night. Still, I think Darcey would at least listen and be there for me as much as she could.

    May: How do you feel about Tom's sudden appearance?
    I missed my brother dearly. I was really happy to see him, though his timing was terrible. Still, afterwards he came back, we ended up going out and having a blast. We caught up on everything (well... kind of), he told me how he has been working at a shop fixing cars and has a girl he's been seeing. He even told me he met some of her family already. I was surprised by that - Tommy was never one to attach to a girl enough to want to see her family, but he is older now so maybe its just him growing up. He asked a lot of questions I couldn't talk about, and wasn't happy when I deflected, but he seemed to intuit that there must be a good reason behind it - and one day I will explain it all. He did ask me how I found out about Ma's family, and what that would mean for them. I told him it meant nothing, it was just a name in a family tree somewhere. I get the feeling he didn't feel the same, but we'll see.

    May: How do you feel about Tom working for the Sullivans?
    I just don't want him to get hurt. I've seen what they can and will do. I also don't want him to get his hopes up about having some kind of relationship with them because they don't seem like the kind of people who would be worth wasting the time on. They ignored us all this time, they're not going to want anything to do with him now. Tom may act like he doesn't get into his feelings much, but i know better then that. Plus, if he starts working for them - like REALLY working for them, more then just fixing cars, I worry what it'll do to our relationship.

    May: Why do you want to be affiliated with the Kings (Alex get the fuck outta here)
    I'm honestly not totally sure. I just find that anytime a situation arises where they have a chance to judge me, I feel the need to impress them not disappoint them. Its as unusual for me as it is for them, I'm sure. Maybe its because I look at them like my bosses, and I want them to know what a good job I've been trying to do. Some of it I think comes from the fact that Spencer gave me my first job away from Dublin, and that has helped me become more independent and to get away from the thorn I call mother. When you've spent your life around toxicity, to finally find some bit that isn't, its hard to let go of. Trust me I know its weird, but I just don't want them to look down on me for some reason.

    May: Why stay in London knowing some of the Kings will never fully trust you? :pout:ALEX!
    It's not about the few that don't. HE WHO WILL NOT BE NAMED doesn't have to like me. He's not my boss. I get it - he's had some shit luck with that genetic line I come from, but I didn't choose them, and I'm still not choosing them. You would think that someone who comes from a Gombeen Fecker and couldn't choose not to would understand that blood doesn't always determine who you are. Choices make you. Loyalty makes you. And I've given my loyalty to Darcey, and Spencer. Plus, I like it here.
    Gombeen Fecker -
    Gombeen is term used in Ireland for a shady, small-time 'wheeler-dealer' or businessman who is always looking to make a quick profit, often at someone else's expense or through the acceptance of bribes. So, basically – a little squirrelly crook who'd peel an orange in his pocket so he wouldn't have to share. Fecker - gets away with murder. In other words, she called him a shady, cocky ass crook. And incase you missed it, that was Trevor she was referring too.

    Bellz Bellz :

    May: What is one thing you wish you had in your childhood that you didn't get?
    I think I must sound like a broken record now, but again, I wish I had more family. It was always weird thinking that of all the people in Dublin, we were only related to each other and Conor. Now I realize how wrong I was. I also wish my dad had never left - I'm not talking about the genetics donor but my actual da', the one who raised me. It broke my heart when he left because he realized I wasn't his.

    May: If you had to choose to punch one member of the King family and one member of the Sullivan family who would it be (can be without cause and you don't have to know them personally, just go off punchable faces. EX. Alex King has a very punchable face.)
    Alex. Hands down. I did slap him once, that was nice. His constant paranoia and accusations leave something to be wanted, and I feel like no matter how hard i work, he'll always be there to add some doubt to it. For Sullivan's I'd hit my mother. She's a hoor and not likely to ever change.

    May: How do you feel about the feud between the Sullivans and Kings?
    I feel like its going to be like WWIII. Eventually, its going to be the downfall of a lot of things, I just hope to be on the side still standing - The Sullivan's are not good people.

    May: What is the one thing that annoys you to no end in a man?
    Does a name count? Alex. That annoys me. No but really, let's think... Cocky arrogance. I hate that.

    May: What are your aspirations in life?
    I want to one day be more then just a bargirl, or a secretary. I'm not sure what yet, but Darcey is a big inspiration - she runs a company and makes it all look easy. I want to be respected, and I want to have a family - as big as possible. Whether that means marrying into someone with kids and a ton of cousins and such, or maybe having a bunch of babies of my own (in the far future), I hope to see it happen.

    Pyroclast Pyroclast
    These questions were taking at a later interview, some time during chapter 13...

    May: How do you feel things are going with Christian? What do you like about him?
    I'm not sure what you mean? Christian is just my friend... At least, I'm hoping he's my friend. I don't know if you've noticed, but everyone has been acting a little weird. I think maybe he just puts up with me because he has too - I did ask him to look into my father for me. Plus he works for Darcey and Bruce an all 'em, so its hard to avoid me completely. Still... Maybe not. I do like his honesty. Plus there's just this energy I feel from him. I can't quiet explain it. I feel it every time he smiles at me. May blushes lightly. Maybe if things settle down some, I can convince him to spend some non-work related time with me. Ask me again after that.

    May: Is there a part of you that feels conflicted about getting friendly with the Kings, knowing your brother is currently in Dublin under the employment of an Irish mobster? What's currently stopping you from going to live with your brother?
    My brother works at their garage, that doesn't make him a mobster. Based on what I know now, half of Dublin is likely related to the Sullivan's, that doesn't make them bad people. Tommy didn't even know he was working for them at first, he just applied for a random mechanic ad in the paper. Stranger coincidences have happened. I haven't talked to Tommy since he called to let me know he was back home, but I'm sure if something changed he'd let me know. As for what's stopping me from going to live with my brother? There's nothing that can make me go back to Dublin where my mother is. A part of me will always love her, she's my mother, but she's toxic, and I will not live in any city where she's at. I've built a life here, and I'm not just giving up the last two and a half years. I'm friendly with the King's because they gave me somewhere to start on my own when no one else was. Sure they didn't know me from Eve, and I maybe just lucked out on my interview, but it still was the first step into my own life and that means something to me. It was my first step at staying away from the woman who lied to me about my father, drove away the man I knew as my father, and basically uses me and my brothers as a bank and throws a tantrum when you say no.

    May: What's your impression of each of the King siblings: Spencer, Alex, Billy and Harper? Do you think you could come to get on with them all, and if so, how?
    Hmmmm, good questions. So Spencer is kind of how I would picture an older brother being. He takes care of his siblings, he protective, and he's understanding. I've never heard anything about him mistreating his brothers and sister, and I saw him the night of the Mercury, how much he was willing to do to make sure everyone was safe. I can't help but wonder if I was in trouble if anyone would have come back for me the way Spencer went back looking for his siblings then anyone who was remaining. Alex is a dick, but that's probably just me being biased because he accused me of working for someone I don't even know. I know he just wants to protect his family from the Sullivan's, but its clouded his vision. I was never a part of my family, and the one relationship I had that was connected with them - my mom? -you couldn't pay me enough to interact with. He's go so much negative energy stored up towards them, its poising the well water so to speak.

    As for Billy and Harper, they're both sweet. Billy always makes me think of the kind of gentle and kindhearted guy I want to someone find for myself. Harper is a spitfire and sassy, and the few times I've been around her she always makes me smile. I was sad to see everything that's happened to her, and I am praying for her to recover without issues. If anyone deserves a second chance at life, its that girl. She's never done anyone wrong that I've heard of - and as a bartender, we tend to hear all the bad things about people.

    May: Did you ever ask your mother or anyone else questions about your dad? If you ever tracked him down, what kind of man would you be hoping for?
    I tried to speak to my mother about my father - I never had anyone else around to ask about it. I've never met my grandparents, or any cousins, aunts or uncles if I have any. Except Conor, but his appearance in my life was very sporadic and sparing. For the first few years of my life, I thought I knew my dad. Arthur Thatcher was the only man I ever knew as my father until he found out that I wasn't his kid and it destroyed his marriage with my mother. After that, when I found out the truth, she never wanted to talk about the real man who was my da'. Once or twice she's mentioned him, but only to say it was a fling and nothing more, and that he man had no interest in staying around, and she was sure even if she had told him she was pregnant he still would have left. In the end though, he left before she even found out. She did send me a picture recently, which I asked Christian to look into, but honestly my hopes aren't high. Any guy who uses a young girl (and she was young, mum was barely of legal age at the time), then leaves without a word when the grow bored or have gotten what they wanted likely isn't a man worth knowing. Do I hope I'm wrong? Sure, who doesn't want to find out there's someone that could be a loving parent they didn't know about? But do I think that's really going to happen? I doubt it. If it hadn't been for the fact it was a good excuse to reach out to Christian, I probably wouldn't have followed up at all.

    Bas: What was the inspiration for May?
    May is literally based who I wanted to be. Not history wise or anything, but personality wise. I was always shier and wanted to be more outgoing, I wanted to be someone who others were drawn too. I tried to make May that way. I realized though as an adult that a lot of people like that had to mask to be that way - and that's the reason May tends to mask when she gets uncomfortable and that practiced personality comes out. Lately she's been trying to be more herself, but put her in a difficult situation she's likely to fall back onto her practiced performance every time. It helps on stage as well, since she likes to sing and play the piano - two things I always wanted to do.

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    Pyro - Syd
  • Syd Porter


    Questions from Misty Gray Misty Gray

    1653320260382.png Syd: Who do you believe should replace Conor as Boss when he dies?

    I've been trying to prepare for this role myself in recent years. I doubt myself a lot, 'cause I do have a shaky and unfortunately public history of my mental health crises and I'm probably the most unstable person in the organisation. But at the same time, when it comes for me to do my part, I'm not going to shy away from it. I would owe it to my dad and my Uncle Conor, who both have dedicated years of their life fronting the business and taking on the hardest work. And my Godfather, Jackson, who died believing I would take the mantle some day. They all have spent a long time training me and preparing me, so I see it as a duty of mine, though one I hope I won't have to take up any time soon.

    Syd: What are two of your favourite memories?

    One comes to mind straight away - it’s a hazy one, but I guess a lot of them are. Ironically, it was one of the toughest times in my life, and happened to also be a pretty traumatic night. But it was the night we rescued Roxie from her father...and also the night the twins were born. It was an emotional day, and I wasn’t in my best state of mind, but I don’t believe in a level of happiness higher than what I felt when I held my two daughters in my arms for the first time.

    And a second memory…I wanna say it was when my parents had their second wedding, back when I was 18, 19. I wasn’t there the first time around but I know how it went down, how traumatic it was, so to see them finally get the wedding they deserved after all that time…one of the strongest couples I’ve ever known and the people that changed my life celebrating their lifelong marriage, that’s gotta be one of the happiest untainted memories I’ve got.

    Syd: Are there any people you feel you can trust completely? Who are they?

    Completely? No, I don’t think so. I’d like to say yes - I mean, I’d put my life and my childrens’ lives in the hands of my mam, my dad, my uncles and aunts, Adam, Chase…but when you have this disorder that I have, you can get confused about what’s the best thing for yourself. And so, when other people with a clearer head know better and start trying to control you for your own sake, it’s hard to remember that they’re on your side.

    Syd: Snog, marry or kill: Maddox, Ricky and Gabriel.

    I’m not playing this stupid game. I’ll kill them all.

    Syd: If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

    Oh, there are many. Many, many things I’d like to change. I guess one major thing is listening to my mam when she told me to stay out of the business for a while. I should have checked myself into a hospital as soon as I started getting unwell. I hurt a lot of people, emotionally and physically, as well as myself. Should have done a background check on my old therapist before I shared all that private information with him. Should have been more open with Roxie, instead of spying on her family behind her back. We lost a lot of years together, and I blame myself for that.

    Questions from Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    1653320049300.png Syd: Do you regret what happened between you and Roxie?

    ‘Course I do…I don't think I need to say why.

    Pyro: How does it feel to have one of your original characters last this long?

    It’s lovely. I’m so proud of him. I feel like we’ve been through a lot together, because he’s changed so much since I was first writing him back in 2018. I think I brought him into the rp in April or something that year, so it’s been just over 4 years I think, and even though he’s changed enormously through age and experience, I still relate to him. He’s a significant part of me, and he’s got me through some shit for sure.

    Syd: Top three people you know you can always turn to and why

    Top three? Why would I rank them? I’ve got loads of people I can go to - this family is a big, loving safety net and we’ve always got time for each other, no matter what the problem is. Mam, dad, Sinead, Aliana, Conor, Savvy, Adam, Chase, Gwen…maybe even Roxie. They’ve always been the ones I know I can open up to, it just depends what I need help with. I guess I’ll leave them out if I think they’ve already got more on their plate than they can handle…gotta think about whether my problems are worth their time and stress.

    Syd: If asked, do you think you would be able to step up and take over the family business?

    I know this business inside out and I know what to do if it ever comes to that, so yeah, I think I’m well-equipped to do the job. Much as I hate to think of why that might happen, I’ve got to remain prepared for the possibility - it’s more likely to be a sudden shift than a gradual one and I can’t let that catch me off guard or the whole family and business will become vulnerable, and it’ll be on me.

    Pyro: What would you like to see happen with Syd this time around? (That you can share, ofc)

    I’d love to see him find love again because he’s a big romantic and I know it’s something he really wants, but I can’t promise that it’ll actually happen. When Bella and I set him up with Roxie back in the 70s, we never intended for them to break up, but we realised it had to happen. It doesn’t really matter what he wants or what I want for him, because it’s hard to predict how anything will turn out in the end!

    Questions from BasDorcha BasDorcha

    What do you think your life would be like if you had never met Roxie?

    Emptier…empty and sad. If I was still alive at all.

    What would you do if Conor died?

    I’d support Aliana, like I know she’d do for me. And his kids, and my mam and Sinead and everyone else. The structure of things would all change - I’m the one set to take his place if anything happens, so it’d be on me to reorder everything before any of our business has time to fall apart. So that’s what I’d want to do…but in reality, I know I’d be falling apart, too. And I can’t speak for myself when I get like that. I’d be in pieces if I lost my uncle.

    Who is your favorite employee and why is it not Your friendly neighborhood guy Tom?

    I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really like people that much. It’s pretty amazing that I was adopted into this huge, loving family, because without them I really don’t know if I’d have learned to care about people the way I care about them. ‘Cause everyone else has a motive, you know? You’re talking to them, meanwhile they’re gauging what they can get from you, how they can use you, how weak you are. It’s like a big game of poker, figuring out when to call someone’s bluff. And Tom, you know, he shows promise at what he does, but he’s so cheerful and smiley all the time, it gives me this sort of creepy feeling, like…he’s hiding something. And he’s been a soldier out on the field - I’d be willing to bet serious money that that guy’s got some demons he’s not telling me about.

    Did you ever think Syd would develop the way he did?

    In terms of his mental health, not initially, no. It was only when I was writing his history between the 1960s and 1970s rps that I realised he was quite an unwell guy - but I go into that further in a question down below. However, in terms of his progression in the family business, I did expect that. I think it was always hinted at throughout, with Jackson (his godfather, now deceased) always telling him he’ll be at the top someday, as well as his core desire to belong, to be a contributing member of the family who had earned his place at the table, factoring into his efforts to rise up within the business. The only thing that made that uncertain for me as a writer was how his illness would take hold, and whether or not he would actually make it that far - of course I didn’t want to kill him, but he did try to kill himself many times and by the end of the 70s rp, he still wasn’t in great shape. But I think Roxie breaking up with him was a huge wake-up call for him, as well as becoming a father of three, and so I think he spent a lot of the 13 years between the last rp and the start of this current one doing his best to become better.

    What is your biggest regret and favorite thing about Syd?

    My biggest regret about Syd? Oh god, that’s impossible to answer. I love every stupid thing he’s ever done. I don’t think I regret anything that he ever did - a lot of it was upsetting, and deeply traumatic for him or his loved ones, but everything he’s done has shaped him. And I think he’s learned something from all of it, too. My favourite thing about him is hard to pinpoint too because he’s a very special character to me, my most special character in fact. I guess I love his sensitivity - from his painfully relatable insecurities to his deep-rooted love for family. He’s a messed up guy but is sweet at the core, like he used to be when he was young and largely untouched by trauma. Being highly sensitive and without necessarily having a strong grasp on his emotions also means he can lash out, doing and saying things that most other people would refrain from saying, which can get him into a fun spot of trouble. Dramaaaa!

    Questions from Bellz Bellz

    1653321848055.pngQuestions for Syd:
    1. In the last 13+ years, how would you say you have grown in terms of your mental illness?

    I mean, it's a daily effort still, and some days are really a challenge. It's kinda up and down, I guess - losing Roxie kinda pushed me to start getting help again, but it still took me a few years to trust the services enough after what happened with my therapist in New York, and then going to prison kind of ruined all my progress there and almost took me right back to square one. But I don't know. The diagnosis and treatment I'm currently getting have definitely helped me. I'm at least more aware of it than I used to be so I'm more equipped to help myself and other people deal with it. But yeah, it's still something I think about every day…it kinda fucks with me sometimes. Am I overreacting? Am I getting bad again? Am I being delusional again? But still, I'm just glad I'm better than I used to be.

    2. Looking back on everything now, do you regret having children, and furthermore, do you regret not letting Roxie make her own choice about having your children?

    What kind of person asks a parent if they regret having kids? Are you sick? Of course I don't regret having kids. Jeanie, Jane and JJ are my biggest achievement in life, my main source of strength, the reason I'm alive. They are everything to me. As for Roxie…yeah, I feel bad about the way I treated her then. I get now why it should have been her choice and that I was wrong to pressure her, but at the same time, if she'd chosen to abort them, we wouldn't have the three beautiful kids that we have, and Roxie would probably still be living in New York, a total stranger to me. So, I don't know. It's a hard one.

    3. If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?

    I don’t think it’s good to think too much about this question, so I’ll be vague. I wish I could have a marriage like my parents. Relationships are hard for me ‘cause I’m not easy to handle - my involvement in the family business, for one thing, but mostly my fucked up head. There were two times in my life I thought I could have it - true love in a lifelong partnership - but neither one went to plan. I’m 44 now and I’ve just had to accept that maybe it’s not on the cards for someone like me.

    4. What is the one thing you hate about being in a mob family?

    The way it affects my kids. The number of times I haven’t shown up for them because I’ve been called away in an emergency elsewhere, I’m surprised they haven’t made more attempts to run away. I want to put my kids first, like any loving father, but I’m often needed in more places than one and you know…I have to make choices. Unfortunately, it's not always the best idea to choose to spend time with my kids.

    5. If you weren't so deep into the mob business...what do you think your life would have been without it? What kind of job do you think you would have had? Family? etc.

    First of all, I'm deep in this business out of choice. I didn't trip up and fall into it. I can't really imagine not being a part of it, but if I'd still been able to run all my other businesses without the support of the mob, then I guess I'd do that. I love my children's shelter and my cars, and something I really, really love, that I miss, is my nightclub in New York, The Lomax. So if the family business didn't exist, I'd like to imagine myself making my living from my own businesses, but really, I wouldn't have got that far without my family.

    Questions for Pyro:
    1. What traits of yourself do you see in Syd...if any?

    This is hard to answer without oversharing…it’s funny, the way he’s grown, I think I still relate to 30 year old Syd more, whereas 44 year old Syd is more like who I want to be, in some ways. So he’s grown beyond me a bit. I think we share a lot of the same psychological flaws - the deep-rooted insecurity, low self-worth, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, sinking depression with a side order of unreliable memory - and a similar intensely empathetic trait that makes you sick and crazy worrying and obsessing about someone you love. We’re not stable people, and I didn’t mean to design it like that, but it has helped me to be able to channel some of my shit through someone else. I also feel bitchy and unfriendly sometimes like he does, all bushy-tailed and reserved when someone makes a bad first impression on me. We’re both loving and hateful, and feel everything intensely, escaping into a childish dream state one minute and then slipping into despair the next.

    2. What is your overall goal for Syd in terms of plotline that you can share with us?

    I would like to see him in a healthy, stable relationship by the end of the RP, like he always wanted. But it's hard to know with Syd if that'll ever work out for him. As sweet as he can be, he's an unpredictable guy with a personality that's hard to live with.

    3. Before deciding on Sebastian Stan, did you have any other FCs lined up for Adult Syd? (me knowing you the way I do, I think not but I'm curious)

    Haha. That’s an interesting question, and I reckon there might have been a couple, but I’m pretty sure as soon as I thought of Sebastian, all the other ones went out the window. I knew straight away that he was the one.

    4. If you had one gif or meme to describe Syd, what would that be?


    5. Did you intend for Syd to become so mentally ill? What were your plans for him before you decided to mess him up? XD

    I didn’t, but it naturally went that way. To be honest, when I joined this rp by making Syd, I had never been in a rp that had lasted more than a couple weeks, so I wasn’t really thinking of an arc when I designed him - he was just some happy-go-lucky kid, hardly troubled at all, just keen to model himself on his loving parents and in the midst of falling in love for the first time. Because he was so cheerful and naive, that made me realise how traumatic his first job was going to be for him, and so that night ended up unlocking his more serious and emotional side. Then it was losing Tommy, watching his father get beaten within an inch of his life, and finally Skye developing cancer and watching closely as she spent the next few years slipping away. I don’t think I intended for him to get quite so messed up, but I also didn’t not intend it - it just made sense with all the trauma building on top of one another when he was in some very formative years of his life. I also had no idea that he was suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder until you pointed out that he ticked every box, so thank you for that!

    Questions from BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
    • What motivated you to become a gangster/mobster?
    Well, I’d grown up around it since I was adopted into the family. I’d never felt love before from anyone, so when I entered this huge loving family I wanted to be just like them. I thought everything they did was noble and strong, before I even really understood what they were doing. I always knew I wanted to join the business - quit school at 16 ‘cause I was learning more from my family anyway - and then I officially joined when I was 18. It was a shock to the system but I’ve never considered quitting, not even when I was really ill. It’s where I belong.
    • If you had not gone down the path of a gangster, what would you have done instead?
    My family run other businesses - clubs, bars, garages, gyms, things like that. I started up my own nightclub back in New York before the age of 30 and I loved every aspect of it, so I’m sure I would’ve followed in my family’s footsteps and just gone down the legitimate business route.
    • Now that your Father is back in Dublin, do you plan to spend more quality time with him?
    I’d always like to spend more time with him. I feel bad for not visiting him while he was gone, but I don’t do well being away from home…so, I don’t know, it might take some getting used to, being back in other’s lives. I wanna try and get as close as we used to be though, sure. I’ve missed him a lot.
    • Are you the first in line to become the head of the Sullivan Crime Family should anything happen to Conor?
    I am, yeah. And I’ve already decided that Adam would be my advisor. I’d ask my dad, course, but he’s earned his retirement and I wouldn’t want to burden him with things I can handle without his input.
    • What was your reaction to your Uncle Conor ordering the kidnapping of Moretti's Granddaughter?
    I didn’t like it, but I understood why he did it. Gabriel’s a hard man to move, so it takes a lot to take his power away and we needed a bargaining chip that meant enough to him that he’d be willing to let my dad get back home safe in exchange. Using Cristina was easy and effective but I hated that she was involved. Even though she wasn’t physically hurt, I don’t ever want to do that again. I can’t own a shelter for abused kids and simultaneously inflict trauma on other kids. It doesn’t make sense. I love my uncle, but I hope he never goes down that route again.
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    Misty - Conor

  • What is your biggest regret in your career as the head of the Irish Mob?
    My biggest regret is falling into Moretti's trap where me and my team were ambushed. I lost Jackson and a number of my employees that night. Not only did I lose a best friend - a brother - but Blake lost her husband and two children lost their father. The blame for us entering that ambush is on me for believing Kerry's lies.

    tumblr_ljm3bpxyEF1qdjeipo1_r1_500.gifDid you see no alternative to kidnapping Cristina Wycliff?
    The only alternative I saw to kidnapping Cristina was letting Jimbo be killed at the hands of the Morettis. If it hadn't been Cristina, it would have been Paolo. I can't pretend anyone or anything else would have made Moretti back down. People have told me I could have targeted his wife or daughter, but I have no reason to believe a man so cold would have buckled under those circumstances. It was one of his grandkids or it wasn't going to work.

    Now that James is back home, do you plan on continuing to lead the Family, or are you going to step down?
    I have no intention of stepping down, nor do I believe Jimbo has any intention of leading the family. When James retired from the business in '72, it was final. He was exhausted and done with it all by that point. It was only because I wasn't ready to lead the business when my dad died that James stepped up in the first place. This position - this burden - is one I inherited and as grateful to Jimbo as we all are for maintaining control for as long as he did, it has to be me running this shit now. It ain't a responsibility I'd recommend to anyone, not if they value their happiness.

    If you can make peace with the Moretti Family, do you believe you can make peace with the King Family as well?
    I'm not sure how easy that would be. With the Morettis, there's no family ties and a much bigger distance between us. With the Kings, we've got Callum involved and I'll be damned if the kid ends up living in London when he belongs here in Dublin, with his mother. Then there's the fact that the likes of Spencer and Alex will never fail to grate on me, the cocky little arseholes. Bruce was easy enough to deal with as he was smart and knew his place in all this, up until recently. They're trying to be bigger than they are and now they've enlisted in Moretti, I'll admit they have a better chance now. But it's only a matter of time before that goes tits up - Gabriel doesn't like sharing, so there's bound to be some kind of catch to his help.

    BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

    2.jpgHow does it feel to be at the mercy of the King boys you've tortured so much. Do you like it you sick fuck?
    They can try all they want, but those jumped up thugs are way out of their depth. Added to that, they're not innocent in all of this. If they didn't want any trouble then they wouldn't have chosen the way of life they had. Spencer and Alex wouldn't have intimidated Sav nor acted as cocky as they do towards my family.

    Do you wish Michelle had just stayed in Portugal, or do you think her issues are something else just venting the wrong way?
    Not at all. I'm glad she came home and I'm hoping she'll bring the kids too. Sullivans stick together, so I'd rather have Michelle and the kids here, not in Portugal or anywhere else. However, that doesn't excuse her behaviour towards Ali. She owes my wife an apology for upsetting her. It could never have worked with her mother, not only because I loved Ali, but because of all the crap the Romanos put me through back in Chicago.

    If you could change your life to a normal, more modest one, would you?
    Absolutely. When I was younger it was always just expected that I would replace my dad in this business. I struggled with trying to be who everyone thought I was supposed to be. Deep down, I know it was never who I wanted to be. But... when Jimbo stepped down it was my responsibility to step up. Some would argue I should have stepped up when my dad first died. I wish it wasn't too late, because a normal life always did sound good.

    As a good catholic, do you think you'll end up taking it up the rear in hell as your punishment for being a dick? What do you think will happen if you die?
    People will laugh and others will cry. Meanwhile, I'll just be rotting in the ground. As for the business, I expect Syd would take over at this stage. I know Leo wants to do his part, but he's not ready to run things yet, just like I wasn't at his age.

    What do you think you'd miss most, being gone?
    Ali and the kids. My sisters. The rest of my family and friends. Food. That order.

    BasDorcha BasDorcha

    3.jpgConor: If Tommy hadn’t died and Alex stuck around, do you think you’d have tried to make things with Ali work or let her be with Tommy?
    Things with me and Alex wouldn't have worked, so no matter what happened to Tommy, I wouldn't have stayed with Alex. I would hope things would still have worked between me and Ali even if Tommy wasn't killed. Having said that, I wouldn't have forced her to choose me nor would I have acted badly towards Tommy for it. Despite some resentment I've had over the years, Tommy was a friend and a top lad.

    Conor: How do you feel about your marriage right now?
    I feel like things are really rough and I'm not sure if we'll get through it this time. I've done some terrible things and I've upset Ali along the way, so I wouldn't be surprised if she could never get past that. I love her, but I'm not sure she feels the same way anymore, not like she used to.

    Conor: Do you think Aliana overreacts sometimes?
    Usually it's justified, I suppose. Still, she does overreact sometimes. I mean, the Cristina thing was the right amount of reaction, but some of the other stuff she needs to chill out with. She's already had a heart attack and I don't want her worrying too much on my behalf.

    Conor: What is the happiest memory you have?
    Any of the vacations I had as a kid. With both my parents and all of my siblings, just having fun and some kind of normality. I haven't had very much normality in my life, but those holidays at the beach, well away from the family business, they were the best times.

    Misty: What plans do you have for our poor boi? (That you can reveal)
    Genuinely... I could go a number of different ways following the current scenes...

    Conor: Biggest regret in life?
    Believing Kerry, which led to Jackson and the others being pulled into a trap with me. I should have checked it out more and taken further steps to protect everyone that night.

    Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    brad-pitt-black-and-white-photoshoot-wallpaper-preview.jpgConor: If you hadn't been born into a mob family, what would be the ideal life for yourself?
    As cheesy as it sounds, just a normal life. Wife and kids. I'd like my own business, but nothing dodgy. I'd still want to run my own pub and maybe my own gym too, like Adam does. I wouldn't have minded being into sports, seeing as I'm really competitive and love working out.

    Conor: Who is your biggest role model?
    That's got to be my dad. Even when he was kicking off at me for getting into trouble, I still appreciated everything he was telling me. I still think about him a lot now, granted, wondering if he'd be disappointed in me.

    Conor: Are you worried about the choices that you are making affecting your children? What do you think will be the long-term consequences from your choices as a mob boss on your family?
    I'm always worried about that. I've repeatedly had to make the choice between acting by doing something that goes against my heart, or not acting - which could risk my family's well-being even more. I worry they're all going to resent me for the choices I've made so far. The long-term consequences I imagine will be the same as they were for me, Luce and Tink... that every generation is going to be tied into the mess of their parents. This isn't a life you can just walk away from.

    Conor: If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice...what would that advice be?
    Leave while I still can...

    Conor: Are you worried about the strain all of this is putting on your marriage? What do you intend to do about it?
    Things have been rough lately and we don't spend much time together. When we are together we tend to be arguing or Ali's pissed off at me for something I've done. I do worry about the strain it's putting on our marriage. At times I wonder if she'd be happy walking away from me, but I love her too much to lose her. I hoped getting the Morettis out of our hair would make things easier for us and the business, but now we've got the Kings trying to cause shit. In this business, you can't just let people like that do what they want and not retaliate, otherwise it would make my family look weak.

    Misty: What was the motivation behind creating Conor?
    When I originally created him I just really wanted to play the kind of guy who was funny, had a big heart and a gentle nature with his loved ones, but at the same time had an uncontrollable temper that made him dangerous to his family's enemies. I wanted to play someone who was battling internal conflict, struggling between wanting to live a fun life and knowing that wasn't what was expected of him being Emmet's heir.

    Misty: Did you intend for Conor to live this long throughout the installments?
    Right from the start Conor was intended to be my main character and Emmet Sullivan's next in line. As it happened, James took that spot and stepped in to running the business in the 60s/70s. Still, I think there's only been one time where I had been seriously on the verge of killing Conor and that was when Tommy died. I had to choose between the two. So other than that, I guess I have intended for him to live this long. So far...

    Misty: Do you see yourself in Conor at all? What examples could you give us of what you see? if any?
    There aren't a lot of things I see of myself in Conor - I'm definitely not into drinking and partying. The main thing I see of myself in Conor is his humour; he jokes a lot as do I. I think I'm joking more times than people realise! He also likes to jokingly wind people up, as do I. :D

    Misty: Use one gif or meme that perfectly describes Conor.
    Right now, it's...

    Misty: What is the best memory you have of playing Conor? Could be good or bad doesn't have to be happy or anything. Just something that you enjoyed writing.
    One of the main ones that stands out if when he was tortured by Vinnie Romano and his goons. That scene was just so traumatic, including for Lucy and Jimbo. The fact Conor still remembers it now probably reflects that I do too.

    Bellz Bellz



    Pyroclast Pyroclast
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    Kawa - Edwards
  • ~James 'Ed' Edwards~
    ~Edwards Exclusive~ From Misty Gray Misty Gray Q: Now you're out of prison, what are your goals in life?
    A: Well, straight out of prison and I am now a Sicario for the Irish Mob. The world's no place for a trained killer like me, so since I'm not really cut out to do anything else, I guess making a career as a Sicario is all I got going for me right now. For years, all I've done was kill. Back then, I killed for my country. This time, I kill for family. Well, aside from pointing my gun and shooting those who the mob wants dead, other goals I have includes going down as one of the most feared hitmen in Dublin if not the most feared. Other then that, making sure my new family is happy I suppose.

    Q: What is your biggest regret?
    A: Leaving Bradley behind. He's just a kid. But I didn't think I was gonna be getting out of Riker's Island so soon. Pretty sure that no-good Nicholas had something to do with it. And its a hell of a coincidence that I got out around the same time as James Porter. If there had been a way to take him with me, I would have. Either way, I hope he's alright and I wish him nothing but the best in his future, whatever awaits him. But if he comes to hate me for leaving him, I wouldn't blame him at all.

    Q: What do you think of the Irish mob?
    A: They welcomed me with open arms, so they're not bad people. Sadly, as fresh blood in the mob, I can't really say too much since I know very little about life as a mobster and what it brings aside from the occasional firefights and fist fights. However, this is my life now, so I may as well get used to it.

    Q: Who would you say are your favourite people?
    A: Sinead for sure. She was among the first people I've met when I first came to Dublin with James and out of everyone, she was the most welcoming and the kindest to me. Then we also have James, the first person I met from this organization, or well, family. If not for him, I don't know where I'd be after Riker's Island. He brought me to a new city, new country and I've been given a chance to build a new life after the Military. Overall, I'd love to get to know the rest of this family, and hope that they feel the same way, otherwise it'd just be back to when I was a Soldier, where I was just an expendable tool that was good at his job.

    Q: Have you ever done anything that goes against your beliefs and how do you justify it to yourself?
    A: Well, I'm not proud of all the lives I've taken. Sure, in my mind, I was a hero fighting against tyranny, but to many of the foreign soldiers that I've fought, I was just a stranger unwelcome in their home. I told myself that they were bad people who clearly needed to be taken out, even if I was just following orders. Some of these deaths still haunt, especially since I knew I was taking parents from their children, people from their families. I didn't know who they were, or what they did other then what I was told. But when the time comes, I will be ready to face God for my sins. The people I've killed, the things I've done, I have to answer for it, one way or another. I have much to answer for...and I've come to terms with that long ago.
    From Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess ~For Edwards~
    Q: What's your biggest reasoning for sticking with the Sullivans?
    A: James helped me out a lot during my time in prison and if not for him, I'd probably be worse off. Joining the Sullivan Family is me taking his kindness and paying it forward. It is also my chance at a new life seeing that there is nothing really left for me in the United States. Sure, I may be a decorated American War Hero, but that died when I decided to partake in an Armed Robbery. Sure, I did the right thing and surrendered instead of trying to run. While I regret what I had done to land myself in prison, meeting James was one of only two good things that came out of it. I may have played a part in bringing him home to his Family, but I still have more work left to do. As I had said previously, the world is not a place for a trained killer. May as well make use of my skills before they dwindle and fade...

    Q: What do you think about Reina Richards - the Biancardi Security Leader?
    A: Well, I barely just met her. Of course our first day working together ends up with a firefight with a rival gang. Good first impression, but given how she was nonchalant about me and James getting shot at, I am kinda wondering if she understands the concept of teamwork. Or the fact that we gotta help each other in sticky situations. The Biancardis and the Sullivans are close, aren't they? So...shouldn't the Sullivan and Biancardi Employees work together a bit better? Sorry, I'm sure its just my old training as a former US Navy SEAL kicking in; our greatest weapon wasn't our training or the guns we were armed with, it was teamwork.

    Q: What are your biggest concerns while working for the Sullivans?
    A: I've been through worse as a Sailor for the US Military. Whatever the Sullivans throw at me or get swept up into, I'm sure its nothing I can't handle. Granted Gangsters and Guerilla Warfare Fighters are completely different entities. The only concern I really have is innocent people getting swept up or even harmed because they get caught in our crossfire.

    ~For Kawa~
    Q: What are your plans for Edwards?
    A: Considering that he has gotten his foot in the door for character development, I am hoping to see him evolve into the Sicario that the Sullivans need him to be. He has combat experience that many of his co-workers do lack and I hope for a chance to display his combat prowess, perhaps earn him the attention of the bosses, granted he already has, given his part in getting James home. Other then utilizing his skills as a former SpecOps Soldier, I hope to also see him befriend Liam, Sinead's Young Son, and believe that Edwards would be a good role model for him. They already attend church together, so I'm sure that we can build from there.
    From BasDorcha BasDorcha ~For Edwards~
    Q: What is one secret you'd never tell anyone?
    A: During the Vietnam War, when I had a skirmish with the Vietcong on the streets, I threw a grenade while injured and it resulted in five civilians getting killed. While I confessed to Command about what happened, I wasn't court-marshalled even though I think I should have been. Five innocent people, who haven't done anything wrong, are all dead because of me, my recklessness. One of them actually died in my arms as I tried to patch him up and I closed his eyes when he had passed. After that, I promised myself that I would never allow my anger to cloud my judgment on the battlefield ever again. This is one of many sins that I must face God for when I leave this world. But this isn't something I think I'll be able to open up about with the Family I am with now. At least not for a while. This is my burden to carry...and mine alone.

    Q: What do you wish you could change in your life?
    A: The fact I tried to rob a Jewelry store owned by an elderly couple. While yes, it did end up bringing me to the Sullivans, the fact that I pointed a gun at elderly people I will regret for the rest of my life. I should have said no. If I had, would I still have met James and found myself as a Sicario for the Irish Mob in the capital of Ireland? Truth be told I don't know, but I think I would have met James one way or another, under different circumstances then the ones I had when I first ended up on Riker's Island.

    Q: If you had a soft side, what would it look like?
    A: Well, I wouldn't be some gruff battle-hardened Soldier, probably would just be a regular guy living a normal life. That's as charming as I'm gonna get, sweetheart. Other then that, I don't know what it would look like. Probably would be better with kids though, or at least taking care of them and all. Or Cats, I'm a cat person. But its not something I've really thought about since my Wife divorced me. So...Only time will tell, I suppose, assuming I reach that milestone again.

    ~For Kawa~
    Q: What inspired Ed?
    A: I wanted to have a Battle-Hardened Soldier type of character, one that was fresh out of the Military. Perhaps even a dark-side Captain America. I also wanted to know what a battle-hardened ex-soldier could bring to the Mob and how effective the combat skills of a Navy SEAL would benefit a criminal organization. Characters that inspired Edwards include the following: Michael Corleone (The Godfather Trilogy), Lincoln Clay (Mafia III), Vito Scaletta (Mafia II) and Jack Silva (13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi).

    Q: Do you relate to him?
    A: Not necessarily. I'm not a Battle-hardened Soldier who has seen the worst in war. There aren't very many things I could share with Ed, in sharp contrast of my other characters. Aside from being an American, liking firearms, loved ones in the military (though for me, its mainly friends as IRL I have several who come from Military Families). At a few points in my life, I considered enlisting into the Military, but stepped away from it because I wasn't thrilled at the idea of fighting a war I didn't agree with or believed in. Since then, the only I would enlist is if I am to keep a promise I made to one of my Best Friends, but that is not something I am gonna talk about here on RpN.
    From Pyroclast Pyroclast ~Edwards Q&A~
    Question: What's a motto you live by?
    Answer: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum." - If You Want Peace, Prepare For War.

    Question: What would you say are the most significant ways in which your experience in the military has changed you?
    Answer: My experiences at war left me emotionally distant and cold. Losing my Brothers in battle have left me shaken, especially since I have outlived many of them. Being able to go home and see my family eventually became a privilege. And being familiar with death is not something I'd wish on anyone. From carrying the coffins of fallen soldiers, to seeing bodies on the streets after a firefight, when you become familiar with the sound of gunfire and explosions, you won't be phased by much. A normal person would flinch or panic. Me? I just keep a straight face and fight for my life. So I guess you can say that war has dulled my sensitivity a lot and it's the biggest change by far. If there is anything else inherent for a battle-hardened soldier, I'm not sure if I know where to start, because the list is probably lengthy.

    Question: What's something about yourself that you don't like other people to know? (Promise I won't tell!)
    Answer: Well, I don't really like sharing about Survivor's Guilt, considering that I've outlived many of my fellow soldiers who went overseas with me, but never returned home. The only time I'll openly talk about that is in confession at Church. I won't talk about it anywhere else.

    Question: What does the word 'family' mean to you? Has it changed over time?
    Answer: For years, I've believed that family goes well beyond flesh and blood. So far in life, that's been proven true to me. My experiences at war have proven one thing, Family isn't who you're born with, but who you'd die for.

    ~Kawa~Question: What's your favourite and least favourite thing about Edwards?
    Answer: My favorite thing about Edwards? Adaptability; his adjustment to life in the Mob and in Dublin is going very well despite the Sullivans being the verge of war with the Kings. And even though he is fresh blood, his familiarity with war will help him through the impending one if things continue to escalate. My least favorite thing? Edwards is a Soldier down to the bone and once had a strict training regime, so he has trouble learning new things and doesn't really look beyond his next fight and as a result, is always ready to draw or raise his gun at the drop of a hat.
    From Bellz Bellz ...Questions Not Detected...
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    Bas - Tom

  • Thomas 'Tommy' Thatcher

    Bring me your questions

    BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

    Questions For Tommy:

    What motivated you to join the Irish Military?
    Well I decided to join due to watching the struggle my sister and mother went through to support us. Alfie moved out and got a job as soon as he could, I decided to join the military instead. I hated seeing how miserable my sister was staying around to make sure we were taken care of because of the way mum acted, so I left, decided it was the best move for my sister and myself, then I could help out in return. I joined the day after I was old enough to be accepted.

    What was your role during your enlistment?

    It started out like any enlistment – a grunt in a grunts place. It didn’t take long for the higher ups to realize that I was a quick learner, light on my feet, and quick with my draw. By the time my enlistment ended, I was part of a special ops team, with my own specialty being in infiltration and stealth. They got a kick out of the fact that nothing scared me I guess, and started testing me on things that made the other men a bit nervous, or unsure. I finished up as the youngest to ever be accepted into the special ops team.

    Would you re-enlist if you had the chance?

    I think so. I enlisted very young, so I never had a chance to have much of a life, you know? I joined before I technically was out on my own, and just recently got out, so I’m just now learning to be my own kind of man, on my own, without the military to back or support me. So yeah, maybe on down the line, I’ll join again. For now though, I am enjoying being a free man in the world and making my own choices about what I do or do not do.

    First impression on Shinoa Bradford?

    Oh, she’s a right stunner, ain’t she? She’s sweet as can be, and I’m looking forward to get to know her more. I get the feeling she’s been through a lot, based on what she’s said and all, but there’s still a lot of innocence there. I like that. One of us has got to be the good one.

    After your Enlistment, what drew you to the Autoshop for a post-military job?

    I have always liked working on engines. I started by building a ratty bike with my sister when I was a teenager. I almost went into mechanical in the army – almost. So when I got out and found the ad for a mechanic that seemed simple and uncomplicated I went over. There something about working a full days work with the grease and grime that makes me feel like I’ve done something useful.

    Questions for BasDorcha:

    How do you think it would have gone if Tommy had met Shinoa while she was pregnant (Considering that she was in the final stages by the time he made his debut)
    I’m not real sure. My brain immediately says he for sure would have approached her with more caution and patient with his trying to talk to her. Still, he has a very soft, soft spot for women and children, the weak and undefended, and Shinoa would have appeared right up that alley, and may have been the same result.

    Aside from being tied to Syd, how will he be swept up into the Mobster life?

    I haven’t quite determined that yet. I’m hoping to incite a Brother VS Sister, family VS family kind of thing with May and Tom instigating it. I thought it would be interesting to play out what it was like on opposite sides of the war, and the struggles that come with that. Eventually, I have plans for one of them to turn-coat and help the other, but who and when and why will still be the mystery, if one of them doesn’t end up un-alived before then.

    Because he is Ex-Military like Edwards, what experience can he bring to the table that other members of the mob may not be able to?

    I think its just a strategic move in general. Tom has training in stealth and infiltration, he’s quick with a gun, and he doesn’t have things that bother him. Fearless soldiers are good for cannon fodder if nothing else. Plus if he starts building relationships with Leo he can help get him trained up and good to go for any upcoming war.

    What is your next move for him?

    I mostly want to keep working on getting him more incorporated. I think by getting him in deeper with the Sullivan side it will cause more troubles for him and his sister, if she’s not voted off the island. It would be interesting to play with the dilemma to choose between picked a side and choosing her brother or her friends, her life or his.

    As he was one of your first characters, what inspired him?

    Straight up, Todd from Breaking Bad. Todd seemed like such a sweet kid, who just fell into the wrong group, right up until he
    killed a little kid for no reason other then he saw them in the wrong place at the wrong time
    . It was such a psychopathic move, and I decided I wanted a character just like that. Super likeable, super chatty, very personable, and totally a killer psycho underneath.

    What made you choose Rupert Grint to portray him?
    Rupert is my favorite red head and being Irish born, and based on a red-haired inspiration, I kept him a Ginger. Had to be a ginger.

    Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    Tom: If you had to choose a side - your sister or the Sullivans - whose side are you choosing?
    Right now, I don’t have to choose and I’ll keep it that way as long as I can. I haven’t enough information o form an opinion on either side. At this second, I’d choose my sister if I had nothing more to inform me about it, but I also don’t know nothing about the other side of this spat, so whose to say I shouldn’t be trying to save my sister. I really just don’t have the right information. But, when it comes down to it, if I couldn’t convince her to come to me, I’d do anything to protect her.

    Tom: What role are you looking to play in the Sullivan family?

    I just want to work and be useful. If that means as a mechanic at the Pitstop, then so be it. If they want to put my better skills to use, I have no qualms about that either. I didn’t take this job because I knew it had anything to do with the family, or because I even knew I was related to the family. I took this job because it was hiring and I had the skills for it. Do I want to make more money? Sure. Do I think I could be a good soldier for them? Sure. Do I have any intent on forcing myself into the role? Absolutely not. I take life one day at a time, and what happens, happens.

    Tom: Out of everyone you’ve met this far, who do you get along with the most?
    Hmm, Leo I’d have to say. We’re around the same age, so its easy. Shinoa is easy to get on with since she’s pretty. I think the only one I don’t really get on with is Syd, and that’s just cause I talk too much for him. -Tom laughs, grinning cheekily.- But I like him too.

    Bas: What are your plans for Tom?
    Really, I’d like to start a lot of drama, help start a war, maybe kill a few blokes, let him score with a few finers and just live his best life.

    Bas: What was the inspiration behind creating Tom - why’d you create him?
    I wanted to play a character like Todd from Breaking Bad, it was such an impressing character that I wanted to see if I was up to the challenge.

    Misty Gray Misty Gray

    Tom: How do you feel about your mother?
    Look, I’m a good catholic boy, I love my mother, just like I’m suppose to. I may not like some of the things she’s done, I may not think she was the best, but I love her just the same. Overall though, I don’t think me and my brother would have made it without my sister being there, especially once dad left. Mum drive him off, and we were close with our dad. The drinking and the drugs helped with that choice I think. These days I just feel sorry for her more than anything. She’s a sad woman, working a sad job in a sad bar, living in a sad flat, and stuck in her same sad habits. Still, I will always take care of her, she’s my mother.

    Tom: What are your thoughts about May living in London? Do you find it concerning?
    I did at first. When I went to see her, something felt off, but I just kind of figured it was due to us being separated for so long. It could also be that she has become buddy buddy with these King blokes, and she knows we’re both on the other side of that. I’m not sure. May is a big girl though, she can take care of herself.

    Tom: How do you feel about your employer's mob ties?
    Don’t really bother me, one way or the other. Work is work, is work. I’ve worked for the “good guys” doing bad things, and I have done good things for bad guys, everyone’s doing something. The mob is just another job, nothing to feel anything about. I don’t know to much about it yet, but I pay attention, I’m learning more each day.

    Tom: What is your proudest achievement to date?

    Joining the military. I told everyone I was going to do it as soon as I was old enough, and I did it. Not only did I do it, I also excelled in it. I won all kinds of combat badges during my time, but for me it was just about doing it and doing it right. I entered a boy, and left a man.

    Tom: What is your biggest regret?
    That I wasn’t older when my dad left. I wish I had known him better, and been able to talk to him as a man about things men talk about, but that’s not possible. No one knows where he is these days, if he’s alive or dead, so getting to know him really isn’t in the cards.

    Pyroclast Pyroclast

    Tom: Given that your mother and father aren't around, what is it that makes Dublin feel like home to you?

    I think just these old familiar streets. I ran ‘em as a boy, I knew them like the back of my hand, always running around with other boys getting into trouble. Plus, I love the weather here. I can’t even name some of the places I’ve been thanks to the military, but I remember some of them as being terribly hot, humid and nasty. Ugh, no thank you.

    Tom: When you think about your time in the military, are they mostly fond memories or traumatic ones
    I would say they’re neither. It was a job, different then others I guess, but still just a job. I don’t know if I even remember all the things I did while I was in there, just some of the bigger, more important things. I enjoyed being given a task and seeing it accomplished. I enjoyed the challenge. I also enjoyed being a part of something.

    Tom: Do you think you'll reenlist someday, or stay a civilian working as a mechanic for the rest of your days?
    I think there is to many roads before me to pick one right now. I don’t know what the future holds, or where I’ll end up, and I like it that way. Every day can bring change, and we don’t always know where those changes are going to take us.

    Tom: What's the longest relationship you've ever had, and are you interested in settling down with Shinoa?
    I have never had a long term relationship. I’ve had some nights with some lasses, but that’s the end of it, don’t know if I’ve ever seen any of them more then a few times. Before the military, there was no one. Once I was in the military, I was primarily focused on my job. Shinoa is a nice change up, and I look forward to maybe spending time with her if she lets me.

    Bas: What aspect of Tom's personality do you find the most interesting to write?
    That’s easy, the unrevealed for characters in story psycho-mode, and his fearlessness. Seriously, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to scare him in my head, and its hard because I have a response for how he wouldn’t be scared every time.

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    Mel - Leo
  • Leo Sullivan


    Questions from BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

    Leo: How involved are you with the 'Family Business'?
    “Not as much as I would like to be. I mean, I only just started to be honest. Mom was really adamant about not letting me do it but I guess she’s changed her mind. Which, I’m happy about. Now I won’t have to sneak behind her back and make things harder for myself.“

    Leo: Who trained you in the use of firearms?
    ”Both of my parents taught me the basics with handguns. Uncle J taught me heavier guns with some input from Tom.“

    Leo: What sparked your passion for Cars?
    ”I wouldn’t exactly say I have a passion for cars. The only reason I work at the garage is because it was the ultimate outlet for me and my anger issues. As long as I keep my hands busy working on something I won‘t end up beating up someone.“

    Leo: Who is your favorite relative?
    ”Thomas of course! We grew up together but even if we hadn’t I think we’d still be as close. Though we just started getting our relationship back on track and everything, it doesn’t feel like a whole lot has changed.“

    Leo: Follow-up: Who is closest to you in your immediate family?
    ”Definitely Rhiannon. We're a little similar and have similar interests - I used to be into ice skating when I was younger too. I think that brought us even closer considering I'm her coach and everything. We also push and encourage each other and though I don’t like her, I love her a lot.”

    Leo: Second Follow-Up: Who would you consider your Best Friend?
    ”Though technically Thomas is my best friend, it would be shitty of me not to include Natasha. She grew up with us too, and even though there were times Thomas and I shooed her because she was a girl, she was still our friend. When Thomas moved away and got shipped out Nat was there. We got super close and she’s been there for me through literally everything. And despite how slow I am sometimes she stuck around and now we’re dating. I wouldn’t trade what I have with Nat for the world.”

    Leo: Why do you think your Mother is so hell-bent on keeping the whole family business talk from you?
    ”…I think it has to do with some of the people in her past. I don’t know every last detail about them but i do know that my uncle and a guy my mom cared about were killed because of the family business. Nat’s dad was killed and that hit both her family and my dad hard. I was a kid when that happened but I still remember how everything felt. Mom’s been over-protective because of it all and everything else that’s happened and it’s not her fault… But, still. She needs to let me make my own decisions.”

    Moi: Were there any other face claims you were considering for Leo before settling on Max Thieriot?
    Not that I remember! I had to remember that he’s a mixed kid but thanks to the fact that genetics is a crazy little thing I was able to… Ignore that fact - at least, physically hehehe.

    Moi: What is the next step for Leo?
    To do more gang stuff! And try and get over some of his PTSD. A couple of arguments and fights but nothing I can really share (mostly bc I have no clue yet lmao)

    Moi: Do you and Leo share the same favorite car?
    I know nothing about cars lmao I really like the new Hyundai Elantra though! But I’m sure Leo would prefer something more masculine.

    Questions from BasDorcha BasDorcha :

    Leo: Do you think this latest is going to drive you apart from your girlfriend?
    ”I don’t think so. Nat’s never been the type of person to leave when someone’s going through a hard time. And I know that I’ve been leaning on her - probably a bit too much - but Natasha’s understanding and caring in that way. If anything was going to mess up our relationship it’ll definitely be because of the decision I made... But I’m hoping she’ll understand.”

    Leo: What do you think about your sister Michelle being home? Would you say you have a good relationship?
    ”I mean it’s been fun. When I first learned I had an older half-sister I was a kid and it didn’t make any sense to me. She was able to keep coming around and it got to the point where it was normal. So, having her home just feels like any other visit. I guess when it comes to our relationship it’s alright. Granted, it’s been a little… Awkward after the argument but it should be okay.”

    Leo: One day, do you think you'll step into Conor's shoes, take over the family? If you don't, what do you think you'll be doing?
    ”I hope so? I won’t say it’s a dream or anything like that or that I feel like it’s only right… I do feel like it’s right but it’s not like pressure, you know? I’m aware that if I choose not to take it that Syd or someone else will but... I don’t know how to explain but I want to do it. If not, I’d probably but doing engineering somewhere. I haven’t narrowed it down just yet.”

    Moi: What do you think Leo's future will hold?
    Lots of bullets, tears, and bruises! A few spicy moments *wink wink* but hoping to see some growth from my boi

    Moi: Kiss, marry, kill: Leo, Alex, Sinny?
    As the writer of Leo’s mother, that feels gross so he‘s getting killed. Marry Sinny, kiss Alex.

    Questions from Misty Gray Misty Gray

    Leo: What do you dislike most about each of your parents?
    ”Let’s start with my mother. She’s so overbearing sometimes and super emotional. She’s always talking about my temper or dad’s temper when really hers is worse than ours. I know it all comes from a good place and I appreciate it, but for fuckssake, she needs to back off. When it comes to my dad, well, there’s not a whole lot to say. I guess I would’ve liked him to think more about what he does and the consequences for them. It’s not his fault, but the fact remains. Sometimes I feel like he doesn’t remember that when he makes decisions. He could also make more time for the girls. I know business is important but they need to see more of him and be there. Rhi's had so many competitions and shows that he's missed and it sucks for her. Syd is still a kid, so she doesn't notice as much but the fact remains."

    Leo: How many of the recent problems do you blame your father for?
    ”That’s…. A tough question. I-… I can’t exactly blame him because he wasn’t the one who hurt us, but at the same time, he knew that they would retaliate and he didn’t do anything to prevent it. Sometimes I feel he thinks he’s- we’re invincible and that no one would dare lay a finger on him or his family when that’s not the case.”

    Leo: If Conor died today, who should replace him?
    ”There’s a couple of options… Syd and Adam. Uncle J definitely wouldn't. Mom, maybe? Actually, not her. I don't know. I just know that I’m not ready and I would fuck it all up. ”

    Leo: Why did you let Spencer and the others walk away after they nearly killed your father?
    “I don’t know. It could have been because I was scared or because I was thinking about Callum but I just couldn’t force myself to pull the trigger. Maybe I’m a coward because of it or maybe even a disappointment but I just couldn’t. But knowing that I had the ability to kill him right then and there eats me up inside. My parents are both known for getting revenge against those that wronged them and here I am. Letting the culprit go when I had him right in front of me… It won’t happen again, though. With Spencer or anyone else.”

    Leo: Who is your favourite aunt?
    “That is an excellent question and a hard one to answer. I don’t know, it’s hard to choose between the three of them, really. They all have qualities I love… But if I had to choose, then Aunt Sin. She’s just always been so reassuring and caring - even when something bad has happened. We all have that one sunny character in the family - Sydney being one of them - and it’s definitely Aunt Sin for everyone. You can always count on her to make sure you're feeling heard and understood and loved, which is crazy important in this family.”

    Leo: Are there any family members you dislike? Why?
    “I don’t think so. Everyone’s pretty great and I get along with them. I mean, maybe not Michelle right now, though. Not that I dislike her overall or anything but after hearing what she said to mom? Yeah, it’s been rough. She’s already gone through enough and having to deal with that on top of everything else is just going to stress her out which isn’t what she needs. Though I only know a bit of the story I know my mom would never do something like mess up a relationship… I think…”

    Questions from Pyroclast Pyroclast :

    Leo: You've been through a shitload of trauma lately. Has it changed how you feel about being a part of the family business?
    “No and yes. No, because I want to protect my family. How the hell am I supposed to do that if I’m off doing whatever? No, I need to be close and around - readily available if anything goes down. Yes, because I see how worried both mom and Nat get. That and because of Natasha. She doesn’t want me to join because of everything with her dad but I don’t think she understands. I don’t want to lose Nat over this and some days I feel like I might, which plays a role in my struggle.”

    Leo: What's something you would go to your mum to talk about, before going to Natasha?
    “These days everything. I don’t know if it’s because I want to give mom fewer burdens to carry or simply because talking to Nat about things is easy. Fuck, she's such a great listener and knows when to give advice and when not to. Sometimes I might end up with a lecture or two, but I can just kiss her to get her to shut up.”

    Leo: Okay but like...are you okay? How are you holding up?
    “Fuck. No. My mind is constantly racing and the only things on it are the attacks - both decades ago and recent and even ones that haven't even happened. Nightmares keep me up and even though the girls have tons of security watching their every move, the thought of something happening to them makes it hard to focus. Security has been beefed up and things changed but I’m still on edge. I feel tense all the time but I have to deal with it, right? As the older brother - the only brother - it’s a burden I have to shoulder… Right?”

    Leo: What's your greatest comfort? The activity/food/person that you know will calm you down the fastest?
    “It used to be my gran, Seana. When I was a kid she helped me manage my anger and teach me how to be aware of my emotions. Whenever I was feeling overwhelmed she was there to hold my hand and make me feel better. Her presence calmed me down immediately and even the thought of her used to help but it’s been so long since she passed that I don’t even remember what that feels like anymore. Natasha often reminds me of it and her presence feels similar; warm and comforting but it’s definitely different. Maybe because of how I feel about her. Oh, and maybe even skating?”

    Leo: What lesson(s) have recent events taught you that you think will help you in the future?
    “Don’t hesitate and always keep your head on a swivel.”
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    Misty - Adam

  • Adam: How did you start for the Sullivan Crime Family?
    As soon as I finished school I started an apprenticeship at a nearby garage, much to my parents' distaste as they wanted me to drag my ass to college. Whilst I was training up as a mechanic, I got involved with a local gang in the Bronx. Drug dealing, getaway driving, intimidation, all the fun stuff, for some extra cash, of course. Soon enough I was carrying out contract kills too. Turned out the gang worked beneath the Sullivans and just before my first incarceration I'd caught the attention of Jack & Liam Sullivan. I spent two years in jail and once I was released in '62 I reconnected with the gang, but I found myself being handed jobs directly from the Sullivans themselves. Then when Liam learned I was fluent in Spanish, he started bringing me along on his business trips to Cuba. All happened pretty fast, but up until then I hadn't had any kind of direction or career aspirations. Working for the Sullivans just felt right. It was a risky business, but I always did like taking risks, not to mention it paid well!

    b56c1d0d9191e734143996eb49154415.jpgAdam: What's the distance on your Longest Kill Shot? What Weapon did you use for that kill shot?
    (Misty doesn't know yet).

    Adam: Any plans for retirement?
    Definitely not. I've lived a busy and hectic life for as long as I remember. I can't imagine retiring any time soon. When I was recently shot and Conor forced me to take some holiday time those were the slowest two weeks of my life. Sure, there's Blake and Elena now, but I don't want to overstay my welcome and get under their feet. I'm sure I could find some things other than running the gym and fixing up cars, but I just can't imagine retiring from the mob any time soon. It's all I've know since I left school and with the shit that's currently going down, the best way I can protect those I care about is by helping run Conor's security teams.

    Adam: You work a lot, when's your next vacation? What's your next vacation destination?
    I haven't planned on a vacation, but I'm sure one could be arranged. In the past, vacations to me meant going out with the lads every night and sleeping with a different woman each time. I stopped doing those a while back so I guess vacations look different these days. I wouldn't mind heading off to one of the Spanish islands, though. Maybe a nice family-friendly vacation with Blake or Elena... or both. Maybe it's a bit soon for that right now, though? I'm sure Jasmine would let Chase extend his next overseas business trip and we could have a civilised lads holiday soon.

    Adam: Pistols, Rifles or Shotguns? Which one and why?
    Rifles have definitely been the best at getting the job done, especially on some of our big missions and where a distance needs to be maintained. If there is any choice in it, I prefer pistols, though. I don't ever get sentimental about killing the enemy, but a kill feels more earned if you've got up close and not fired that bullet from the safety of distance or a hiding place.

    BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27

    1bcd466ff1f0fa5831b2977c030379fd.jpgAdam: What is your favorite thing about Blake? Were you looking for love before you found her?
    I ain't just going to stop at one favourite thing. She's strong, independent, and has the best sense of humour Not to mention, she's smokin' hot! I wouldn't say I was actively looking for love, but I was certainly starting to think it was about time I settled down after pissing about with women my whole life. Turns out the right woman may have already been right in front of me for some time.

    Adam: What was it like finding out you had a daughter? For those of who don't know, what happened to make you unaware of her birth?
    It's pretty shocking, to be honest. It's not that I can't handle it and accept responsibility, but the hardest part is learning I've had a daughter for 20 years and I've only just found out. There's no way to deny it, but it does hurt knowing I've missed Elena's entire childhood and she's already all grown up now.

    The reason I didn't know about her is because back when I met her mother, I was too busy sleeping around with different women each night. Granted, I hooked up with Isabella on two consecutive nights... but beside the point, of course. It was during a business trip to Havana with Liam Sullivan. Isabella was hanging around the fancy hotel we were staying in and I ended up sleeping with her a couple of nights. No strings attached and all that. Then a few months down the line I was in Havana again and Isabella tried to speak to me, but I basically blew her off. I was pretty rude to her. Now I realise that was probably the one chance I had at finding out about Elena before she was born. Clearly I upset Isabella, so she never tried to contact me again and basically told Elena I was some kind of bastard who didn't want his kid and wasn't worth knowing.

    Adam: Now that you have found love in both a woman and a daughter, what do you think your future will hold?
    I imagine a lot more dates with Blake and plenty of bonding with Elena. Y'know, normal stuff, I guess. Which I suppose means a lot of readjustment for me and figuring out how to do normal. I want that kind of life now; settled with a woman and a family. It's just, a new learning curve. And it will be something that I fit in with work - I have no intentions of stopping where my position in the mob is concerned. It's all I've really known and I don't know how I'd cope without that part of my life. The adrenaline and all that.

    Misty: Do you relate to Adam at all? If so how, and what are some things you could never have in common? (you know... besides killing people)
    I don't think there's many areas where I relate to Adam. He's sarcastic and to the point, which I can often be. He doesn't like tea nor does he like slow drivers, which I'm definitely on board with.

    Adam is a bit of a whore, which I could never have in common, due to lacking both the looks and the desire to be that way. He's also very active and physically motivated, whereas I'm not, as much as I wish I could be! Adam can be very decisive and ruthless, switching off personal feelings to go a job done. I wouldn't be able to do that, I'd overthink it and let personal feelings influence me. Thankfully, I'll not planning on joining the mob and being a hitwoman, so it's fine.

    Misty: What alternative history would you give Adam, if this one never happened?
    Maybe the opposite, in a way. Rather than only just finding love and family, he'd have had all that to begin with. Started out with a wife and kids. Of course, I would have made him lose his family and essentially lead him down the same path, because I'm mean. Let's face it, if Adam was going to have lost his loved ones in the past, the Morettis would be the ones I'd pin it on!

    BasDorcha BasDorcha

    491f88f6583fc91ea5afdb55a1d716d9.jpgAdam: Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to Jackson?
    Not at all. Jackson was a top bloke and I had nothing but respect for him. I get that he was Blake's first real love and the father of her kids, ain't nothing going to change that. I'm not here to replace Jackson and I believe Blake doesn't want that either. She'd taken time to grieve for him and now she's moving on. I'd never compare myself to anyone else because it's irrelevant. I'm a new chapter in Blake's life, not a replacement for Jackson. I'd do anything to look out for her kids too and hope they'd welcome me into their lives, but their dad will always be Jackson.

    Adam: Is there anything about your life you would change?
    I could say I'd stop fucking about when I was younger and try to settle down sooner, but then I wouldn't get to be having what I've got with Blake right now. I'm really not about regrets and wishing my life had been different, not when I was old enough to make my own choices. That being said, the one thing I would change is that I would have listened to Isabella that day. No part of me believes it would have led to us becoming a happy family together as I doubt we would have lasted long at all, it was just sex. But I would have wanted her to have been able to tell me she was pregnant, then I would have had the chance to be in Elena's life from the start.

    Adam: Are you excited for the double dates?
    I guess so. Depends on the situation. I mean, it'll be great not to be third-wheeling Chase and Jasmine. I also expect double-dates with Ali and Conor, which I think will be great.... once Conor stops acting like Blake's protective dad or some shit. I get that it's out of loyalty to Jackson, but he needs to relax.

    Misty: What sort of things do you have planned for poor, poor Adam?
    I have some drama planned for Adam next chapter. 1970s RP Adam probably got off pretty lightly as he was disconnected from any personal relationships to the point where he was always confident and safe doing what he did, without concern for risking the lives of loved ones. He was always comfortable with the idea of sacrificing himself for the business as he didn't believe he had people who he'd leave behind. He was basically a soldier, focused entirely on his missions. 1980s Adam now has a Elena, Blake, his godchildren, and close friendships, with Chase practically his brother. All I'm saying is, he's going to have to experience what it's like having the lives of people he cares about depend on him.

    Misty: Did you foresee this path Adam is on when you first created him?
    When I created Adam I intended to have a soldier for the Sullivans who wasn't afraid to get dirty and cross lines. At the time, most of the main Sullivan characters were relatively decent, showing empathy and mercy even to their enemies. Adam I created as someone not held back by sentiment and more than willing to kill or torture their enemies, regardless of who they are. I guess as his character has developed and the 80s RP has progressed, he has got a bit mushy. Despite that, there's still plenty of the old Adam left yet!

    Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

    ezgif-4-608b7bfd5b.gifAdam: Before Elena, were kids ever something that you wanted? What influenced you to choose to have an active role in her life?
    Up until the last few years, I never really entertained the idea of having kids. My family practically disowned me and I lead a very risky lifestyle, so I suppose I didn't want to bring a kid into my complicated life. The more time I spent with my godchildren did start making me think maybe I could have had a family and my own kids.

    As for taking an active role in Elena's life, why wouldn't I? At the end of the day, I'm not a coward and I'm not afraid to take responsibility for my actions. I fucked around when I was younger and now I have to accept the consequences of my actions. Any bloke who would ditch their kid, no matter their age, is a piece of shit. Basic decency aside, why wouldn't I want an active role in her life? Elena's a great lass. Sweet, determined, strong - she's spot on. The more time I spend with her, learning about her, the prouder I am. Can't think of anyone else I'd want to call my kid.

    Adam: Is there any scenario you can imagine which could result in letting your biological family back into your life?
    They'd have to grovel to me for that and accept me for who I am. I can't see it ever happening and I'm cool with that. They have my brother and sister to keep them proud. This is assuming none of my family is dead - I haven't had tabs on them for a few years. The boring bastards.

    Adam: What do you think is the biggest difference between you and Conor? Has he ever made a choice you disagreed with, and if so, what was it?
    I'd say Conor holds onto the past and lets it influence him too much. Call me a heartless bastard, but you've just got to let shit go after a while. You dwell on trauma for too long and it'll mess with your head, influence your objective decision making. Take that Kerry one, for example. I wanted to shoot her the night we were ambushed and team mates of mine were killed. I'm not saying I wouldn't want to kill her if she walked into this room right now, but that would be more a matter of principle. She doesn't live in my head. Conor, on the other hand, he's got a lot of people from his past living rent free in his head, even from way back in the 40s.

    You're not going to tell him all this, are you? He is a top bloke and a great boss. I happen to value my life these days. ;)

    There's been a few choices I've disagreed with and I feel I'm in a position where I can voice that. Granted, Conor overrules me the majority of the time and I don't argue with that - he's the boss. Latest decision I disagreed with was blowing up the nightclub down in London. I would have gone in there with guns and focused the attack. Make sure the right people got killed.

    Adam: What something you miss from your past that you know you'll never have in your future?
    There isn't much I do miss from the past. I feel like all the best parts of my life are still happening now - Elena, Blake, my godchildren. I wouldn't mind getting my more youthful looks back, though I think I'm still doing pretty well for myself in that department anyway.

    Misty: I know you enjoy writing Adam (and I also enjoy you writing Adam) but what is it about him that makes him one of your current favourites?
    I think he's just a very versatile character who I still have a lot of development to explore with. I can get humour, romance and mush from him, but I can also get brutality, action and serious scenes from him too. I feel he still has a lot to deliver even though I've been playing him for a while now.

    Pyroclast Pyroclast

    ERR0R 69: Questions not found

    Bellz Bellz
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    Kawa - Shirley
  • ~Shirley Haneul Kwon~

    ~Shirley Exclusive~ From Misty Gray Misty Gray Question: What kind of career do you imagine your children having when they grow up?
    Answer: Both my Son and my Daughter are only a few months old. Whatever career they do end up choosing twenty years from now, I just hope they don't follow in their Aunt's Footsteps or even mine, they will have my full support in life. No matter what path they take, I want them both to live different and better lives then what I have right now. Though if we're gonna be honest, I can see my Son taking after his Grandfather and becoming a Pilot, though I don't know how I would feel about him enlisting into the Military. As for my Daughter, she might follow my footsteps, but if she is gonna choose to do that, I would want her to do so the right way, like going to medical school, and working at a hospital and saving lives.

    Question: What do you really think about Spencer King?
    Answer: He's a loving husband. A bit on the gruff side, but he isn't a bad person. Though after he found out what I did for a living, he was kind of a dick about it. Granted I don't blame him. At the time we met, I was pregnant with my twins and single (still am). I never made it a secret that the pregnancy was the result of a one-night stand and I couldn't track down the Father. If we're gonna be fair, I think I'd be asking questions too if a heavily pregnant woman was giving me stitches and knew exactly what she was doing in my living room. Overall, I don't really have anything negative to say to or about him. I just wish he didn't treat me differently after finding out what I do for a living. I mean, we all gotta do what we need to survive, right?

    Question: Do you plan on reconnecting with your sister? Do you want her to meet the twins?
    Answer: Because I know for a fact that she works for the Irish Mob, I'm not so sure. I do want her to meet her Niece and her Nephew, but...considering that she was always a troublemaker when we were growing up and it escalated to being a member of the Mob makes me want to stay away. And to make things even worse, I'm Best Friends with the wife of a mobster from a rival family. And if I recall, both the King Family and the Irish Mob are currently at each other's throats, so until that cools down, I think its best I keep my distance from Stella. Since she never knew that I was expecting twins, she's in for a big surprise if we ever see each other again.

    Question: What is the worst medical job you've have to deal with? What was so bad about it?
    Answer: While I've had my fair share of medical horror stories, all of which took place in my living room, there is one that really takes the cake. Around this time, I was thirty-six weeks pregnant. Luckily for my patient this night, I wasn't popping and the twins were being stubborn about staying in my belly. But that's beside the point. So my patient, a guy in his late twenties, early thirties, showed up with three of his friends covered in blood and clothes were riddled with bullet holes. I was shocked that he was even alive. Even after getting him into my living room, treating him was a pain because my belly, which was by that time the size of a pumpkin was mostly in the way, even if I was sitting down. But that's the least of it. This man was lucky. While he had been struck multiple times, none of the bullets hit any vital spots that would require more professional help. Much to my dismay, he had one bullet stuck in each butt-cheek. He was screaming for me to get them out and complaining about how much it all hurt. My response silenced him. "Sir, I'm nine months pregnant with twins, I don't wanna hear it about pain and discomfort." After that though, I found a bullet stuck where I really wish I hadn't...Right up main street. He screamed and started crying because I yanked that one out fast...Hope he doesn't drink coffee for a while. Three bullets to the ass was bad, but getting them out was the worst. I ran out of gloves, so I had to wash my hands and dip my fingers in alcohol, which I think agitated the wounds even more. Hopefully this kind of ordeal is once in a lifetime...

    Question: What would be your dream vacation?
    Answer: A small town by the beach and a hotel where I have a nice view of the ocean. I don't need a super fancy vacation. It's nice to appreciate the simple things in life.

    Questions From Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess ~For Shirley~
    Question: What happened between you and your sister?
    Answer: While cleaning up around the house and putting her clothes away, I found a gun in one of the drawer, loaded and stashed away. I already didn't like what she was doing for a living, which was street fighting for money. Sure, it paid well, but I really hated how she was always coming home with cuts and bruises. Then she came home with gunshot wounds one night, so I confronted her. Because street fights don't involve guns, I don't think. When we started arguing and shouting, she confessed to working for the Irish Mob. Now by this time, I just found out I was pregnant, so right then and there I really didn't want to be around her anymore because her work could endanger my child (Before I found out I was having twins). When she asked why I was leaving, that was the last thing I told her. The shock was long enough for me to pack my bags and leave the apartment, and catching the earliest flight out of Ireland.

    Question: How do you think she would feel knowing you work for a crime family?
    Answer: Because she is working for the Irish Mob and I'm working for the Kings? She won't be happy about it at all. Although I have mostly stayed out of that conflict, last I heard they were at each other's throats. So she'll probably feel betrayed, even though she has zero room to talk.

    Question: Do you think you’ll continue your crime work now that you have a child?
    Answer: Yes, I need to be able to provide for my children. Keep a roof over our heads, put food on the table. Granted that's been very difficult on its own because I am currently recovering from two broken legs which I sustained in a car accident because someone ran a red light. Once I can walk again and now that I don't have a big baby bump in the way, I can go back to treating wounds without too much trouble. One thing I also do hope for is getting access to Medical School so that I can learn more complicated medical treatments to reduce the likelihood of turning wounded people away.

    ~For Kawa~
    Question: What plans do you have for Shirley that you’d like to see played out?
    Answer: Right now, she is recovering from two broken legs and childbirth. Her wrist and her back should be okay by now. Other then that, she's wheel-chair bound, so it is hard for her to do anything. Eventually, I would like to see her fall in love and get married, but I know not a lot of men (or other women for that matter) are warmed up to the idea of marrying a Single Parent (Mother or Father alike), so it's a slow-burner on the romantic front. But before that, I would at least like to see her return to work as a Street Doc, though once she resumes, she will be working exclusively for the King Family, so many of her regulars will no longer be treated as some of them are part of rival gangs or drug rings in the area. So maybe her next appearance will likely be giving stitches to one of the Kings if not Spencer again with Pyrrha and Perseus (Her Daughter and Son) sleeping nearby and hopefully not wake up crying while she is treating a patient.

    Question: What was the inspiration for Shirley and her pregnancy?
    Answer: She was created in conjunction with Stella. As the younger twin and in contrast of Stella, who carries the whole 'tough chick with an attitude', I wanted the opposite for Shirley, who is a soft-spoken and kind young woman who is lost in life. And in some fictional works, be it shows, books or even movies, pregnant women have been placed in tough and relatively intense situations, so I wanted to see how that would go. And out of all my characters before the RP began, I thought Shirley would be the better fit as a Mother (I just couldn't find a mate for her in time, but that's beside the point), but in the end if worked out because she became Best Friends with Shona and a part of the King Family.

    Questions From BasDorcha BasDorcha ~For Shirley~
    Question: For those who don't know, break down your history in 60 seconds or less.
    Answer: I'm the youngest of two identical twins. My Sister's a Gangster started working for the Irish Mob around the same time I got knocked up...At a party. Oh and I had a relatively lonely pregnancy up until I befriended another expectant mother who happened to go to the same hospital as I did for prenatal appointments. Last but not least, closer to the end of my pregnancy...with twins, I got into a really nasty car accident. While my babies were okay, I suffered burns on my back, a fractured wrist and two broken legs which I am still recovering from. One more thing, childbirth sucked with two broken legs...

    Question: How are the twins coming along?
    Answer: Despite the car accident that broke my legs, the twins were healthy post-delivery and I was lucky to have no major complications during pregnancy. Being in the delivery room really sucked because nurses had to support my legs in the delivery room. So that, coupled with the pain inherent with childbirth...I was screaming and crying 80% of the whole way through. But after that, it was smooth-sailing. Taking care of them while rolling in a wheelchair is tough, but I've managed so far.

    Question: Do you think you'll become more active at any point in the future with the full on mob life?
    Answer: Yes, especially once I am able to walk again. With what I do for a living, I think my expertise would be an asset to the Kings. But I will need to learn more complicated treatments and possibly even surgeries so that I can treat more intense or more serious injuries. And with me, the Kings won't have to worry about going to a hospital. If I recall, medical staff, be it nurses or doctors, if they see knife wounds or gunshot wounds, the first thing they're gonna do is call the police...and that's what my patients usually don't want, so that is why I am around. It pays well, keeps a roof over my head and I am able to provide for my children. I gotta do what I can to survive.

    ~For Kawa~
    Question: What alternative history would you give Shirley if you could go back and re-write her?
    Answer: Instead of a Single Expectant Mother with Twins, I probably would have written her as a Medical School Student in her final year and about to transition into the medical field. Although outside of school and the hospital, she would still start providing her services to criminals so that they can avoid the hospital and being left at the mercy of law enforcement, though she would be much more proficient at her job then she is now.

    Question: What would you like to see happen for Shirley?
    Answer: I would like to eventually introduce her Son and Daughter. Like some of the others, see her fall in love. For the foreseeable future though, I do want to see her become more active as the King Family's Go-To Medic. The only reason she has not is because she is currently recovering from two broken legs and that can a minimum of six to eight weeks, but likely longer. After that, she will have to learn to walk again in rehabilitation and physical therapy since she hasn't walked since the thirty-seventh week of her pregnancy and was mostly stuck in a hospital bed from then all the way up until delivery, only getting out to go use the restroom, or to take care of her hygiene, but even there she had to use a wheelchair.

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