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Fandom Fairy Tail Guilds of Fiore CS(Always Accepting)

Bores Freir
age | 16
gender | Female
sexuality | Bicurious
race | Human/Demon

occupation | Wanderer
"I don't ever want to go back..."
Alias: (She has not gained one yet, but her future title will be) "Bores the Ice Devil"

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 128 ib

Personality: Bores is a playful girl, she's extremely hyper and always likes to move around. As such, you will most likely never find her not moving. Both in and out of combat she's constantly moving around, and will always be found on her feet. Although at the same time she has a sense of chill to her, hyper and excited but also calming at the same time. She has a habit to make fun of people, even those who she finds as her allies. Most times in the forms of raps or rhymes. Bores also has a very strong sense of will and a code to follow, which tells her to do what she feels is right. She has manners and treats everyone with a certain level of respect, even her enemies. That is unless you piss her off, that's when she becomes annoyed and disrespectful. Bores, when affected by her demon mark, becomes much more cold and sadistic, even a bit monstrous.

Likes: The cold, cooking, running, magic, creating things

Dislikes: Evil, cocky people, religion

History: Demons Cult, that's what the people who aren't in the Cult not call it at least. The actual cult members themselves call it a name that Bores can't pronounce though. The cult is quite mysterious, and not many people know what they do. But one of their most secret projects is the creation of demon weapons. Soldiers, once human, that are able to fight as monsters. The cult has been kidnapping people, mostly orphans or by buying people off the black market, mainly people who for a lack of a better term, won't be missed.

Bores is one of these children.

Bores, if she tries, can remember life before the cult. But for the life of her, most likely due to a sort of memory manipulation magic, she can't remember anything more than two names. Grace and Ava, who she expects are either her mothers or her sisters, or something of that sort. But her earliest clearest memory is being pushed through a line of multiple children to be, what she remembers as "assessed". She remembers being asked a lot of questions and then being tested on magic capability, and she was able to use ice magic. Although for the life of her she can't remember ever even learning Ice Magic. After that, they fed her, treated her kindly, and she thought this was simply where she lived, that this was her life.

Over the next few years, they'd teach her how to fight, how to utilize her magic better, etc. etc. She built a life as a test subject, making friends and allies, relationships, she never even once asked why it was happening. She never asked who the people around her were or why they were doing these things to them, simply put she thought this was how life was for everyone. She went to school, learned how to write and read, and even went to church (the church of Zeref), as any normal child would. Although there were some odd things, such as the evaluations that were performed every month, where she'd be forced to show her capability over magic, her intelligence, and her physical capability. And each time she was graded. Bores was always the top of her class, she was able to use magic like no one else could, and could fight like no one else could. Every day her superiors told her and the other children that only those with the highest scores could move on and work for the church. It was imprinted into her mind from a very young age, she lived, she moved, everything was for Zeref.

Things changed when she turned twelve, her scores were high. Much higher than the children around her. As such, she was selected as a special person to work directly with the heads of the Church. She was happy, so so happy to the point that she grew ecstatic. And yet when it came down to it, her life was definitely changed, but not the way she wanted. She was put through multiple physically taxing trials. Every day she was forced to fight another one of her peers till either one of them were unable to fight any longer, she was taxed mentally and physically, as well as forced to push her magic to the limit. She could remember the red chair, it was called red because when you sat it in it'd force magic through your veins and make them glow red, causing you to feel intense pain as if your very blood was boiling, all to push forward her magic potential. She was told that everything she was put through was for the church, it was for Zeref. But as she grew up, relationships broken, people lost, she began to think just how twisted everything was. Just how... wrong this was. For what reason were they put through all of this? There couldn't be any good reason! The only bright light in that horrible world, the only thing that kept her moving, was Thomas Freir.

Thomas was a grown man, probably 30 years old, a man who had been through this process for years. He'd built up a sort of ideal that countered everything Bores was ever taught. He was strong, passionate, and was the only person to ever fight back against those who put them in such situations. He taught her things, how to properly use her magic, as well as how to properly fight and protect herself. He taught her about willpower, about being your own person. For so long Bores could never even fathom the thought of doing anything for herself, but now, he was re-installing that thought into her. Into many people. Before she knew it, Thomas had built up a small group of rebels who would fight back against the church. And one day he finally did it, he planned his strategic attack against their overseers. Bores herself was never allowed to know what it was, nor would she know what happened, all she knew was that he wasn't with them the next day. Or the day after that, or the day after that. Months after his disappearance, however, he reappeared. But he was... Long gone.

Whatever they had done to him, it had broken him. He was a cowardly, frail, ugly perversion of the hero that she once looked up to. Once she confronted him again, it only furthered her thoughts. He cowered in a corner and kept apologizing for being useless... It was the worst thing she had ever seen. To see someone so loved, so honored, so respected... To be reverted to this... this coward. It was too much. The Thomas she once knew... he was dead. But she wouldn't let him die completely. His thoughts, his ideals, everything would live on in her no matter what. Everyone was too scared to fight back again, but she would do what she could. No matter what she had to do, who she had to fight, she would continue to press onwards.

Things changed sometime after that, however. The torture grew more severe, much more severe. She was subject to pain that should have killed her, would have killed her as it did to hundreds of others. But every time she felt herself fading, she'd think of Thomas, and that very thought was enough to force her life to cling to her body. No matter how many wounds she endured or what happened to her body, she would push onwards, because that's what Thomas would have done.

One day things changed even further, after being subject to years of torture, she and a few others, those who were able to survive, were subject to one final test. She was told it was the final test, after this they would become full members of the Church. Once those words hit her ears, she tried to fight back against her oppressors. But was brought to her knees easily, whatever power they held, it was something she simply could not fathom. She was forced into a strange chamber type thing, and the last thing she saw from there, was a demonic type beast behind multiple priests. From there everything gets... fady. She could remember just barely being able to hold onto herself, her will, her consciousness. Whatever they had done to her, whatever monster they had made her out to be, she refused to let herself truly be lost. She can't remember what caused it, but all she could think about when it happened, was "I don't want this". And when that happened, she regained her body and her consciousness. And... She was naked, in a land of snow, in front of a crying child and the body of two grown men and women.

After clothing herself, she brought the child to an orphanage, guilt in her heart. She knew what had happened, you'd have to be an idiot to not know. But even so, she couldn't be held down right now, she was going to keep moving forward no matter what. After some searching, she realized that she was in Fiore, of which she recognized as the land that Lord Zeref originally died in. On more investigation, she even found out something about herself. On her right arm, there was a long black tattoo, which would cause black marks to spread over her body whenever she grew too emotional. Bores still doesn't know all about what happened to her or why it was happening, but she intends to find the cult that caused her so much pain, and break them down completely.

Magic: Bores was taught Ice magic when she was younger, which was expanded on by Thomas to use Molding Magic with it. Her Ice Magic then became the Catalyst of her use over Ice Devil Slayer Magic. Her control over her magic is high B level, although her magic goes a bit uncontrolled when she gets emotional. When she gets emotional the Devils Mark on her arm begins to spread, and as it spreads it makes her magic more potent but it also makes it extremely hard to control.
- Ice-Make Magic: She originally knew Ice Magic alone, but Thomas expanded it to Ice-Make Magic. This works wonders with her because of her creativity. Although due to this, this ice magic is constantly growing.

  • Ice Make: Freeze - A simple Ice Magic spell, this allows her to freeze over whatever she touches.
  • Ice Make: Shield - A large wall that is able to block incoming attacks.
  • Ice Make: Geyser - The user creates a large pillar of ice in front of them, to either freeze over someone, or stab them with ice spikes. She sometimes uses this magic below her to send her upwards.
  • Ice Magic: Clone - The user creates a clone of Ice of themselves. She's best known for her use of this to avoid attacks last minute by moving backward quickly and making the ice clone. Most times this makes whatever was attacking get stuck in the clone.
  • Ice Make: Culvalair - The user creates ice spikes on their arms, allowing them to attack with sharp edges on their arms.
  • Ice Make: Pistol - As it sounds, she creates two pistols of ice that shoot compressed ice magic shots. These bullets do not pierce, but instead, expand after they make impact and freeze over whatever they touch.
  • Ice Make: Knuckle - Multiple fists of ice come from any surface and slam against the enemy.
  • Ice Make: Cocoon - A quick technique, she surrounds herself in a cocoon of ice that protects her body.
  • Ice Make: Excalibur - One of her strongest techniques, here she creates a large sword of ice that freezes and cuts everything it touches.
  • Ice Make: Rose Garden - The user creates a long trail of ice flowers that wrap around and bind an opponent.
  • Ice Make: Rose Thorns - Much like Rose Garden, the user creates a long wave of Roses, although with thorns on their side that are used for an attack.
  • Ice Make: Gauntlets - One of her most used spells, she creates two large boxing gloves of ice, which she calls Pot one and Pot two. The gloves hold a strong punch and also leave a cold imprint on all they touch.
  • Ice Make: Pocket Knife - A simple but effective technique, she creates a knife of ice. She rather uses this than Excalibur. It may not be as strong, but it allows her to stay mobile.
- Ice Devil Slayer Magic: This magic was learned by her after she was turned into a Demon by the Demon Cult. She was able to combat the magic of the Demon with pure willpower, allowing her to over-ride that magic and instead of letting it take her over, she took it over. Her skill over this magic is quite low however because of her lack of knowledge over it. Whenever she uses this magic she more so uses it unintentionally than willingly. Any Ice created by Ice Devil Slayer is much denser, stronger, and colder than normal ice. As such its harder to break and to melt. This magic also her makes her immune to ice, as well as being able to eat it power her up.
  • Ice Make: An application of Ice Devil Slayer, she uses her Ice Make spells through Ice Devil Slayer. Making them purple.
  • Ice Devils Rage: Her strongest technique (currently) she lets out a large wave of purple magical energy that destroys and freezes all in it's path.
- Hand to hand combat:
- Creativity:
- Willpower:
- Inhumane amount of pain resistance due to the years of pain she's endured

High B Class | Wandering
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  • 578473
    Viera Xel

    Vi (Only those close to her)






    Blue Pegasus

    Viera is the embodiment of elegance and seduction. Her long flowing white hair, captivating golden eyes and pale skin paint the ideal fair maiden. When not in combat she is often found wearing elegant and stylish clothing. Ornate cocktail dresses are the norm when in the guild with trendy city-wear being her go-to choice when out on the town. There is an air of dignity and poise that surrounds her with every movement she makes seeming calculated and controlled.

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Nevms Spindlewheel





Around 80-100lbs

Fairy Tail (He is going to join IC)

Guild Mark Location:
On his right open palm.


Mage Class:
B Class

“Nevms Magic” -
A strange unnamed magic that will be unique to Nevms. The magic allows Nevms to bend & alter the laws of physics in his physiology and change its properties in a variety of ways. For example, making it so he doesn’t follow the laws of friction and slip & slide across surfaces, turning himself completely weightless, or giving himself a ‘bouncy body’ so he bounces from solid objects. He can only have one spell active at a time, and his physiology will be stuck that way until he switches again, possibly leaving him stuck a certain way if he runs out of MP (Magic Power) during that time. There are also large intervals between switches of physiology.

‘Reset’ - A spell which ‘resets’ Nevms physiology to its original state. Costs a minimal amount of MP.

‘Glow’ - A spell which makes Nevms body ‘glow’ a sickly yellow color. Helpful for traversing dark places, and can potentially be used to temporarily disorientate someone’s vision at close distances. MP cost varies depending on how ‘bright’ he wants to glow.
Side Effect: Using ‘Glow’ for an extended period of time will make Nevms sick, eventually leading him to barf up what looks like glowstick liquid. Effects can occur while using 'Glow'

‘Waterbreathing’ - A spell that alters Nevms physiology, and allowing him to breathe underwater. Takes a very minimal amount of MP to cast.
Side Effect: Waterbreathing gives Nevms asthma after use, making it difficult for Nevms to breathe for a certain amount of time. The time varying on how long he stayed in this state. Effects occur after 'Reset' or when switching.

‘Weightless’ - A spell which makes Nevms physiology no longer follow the laws of gravity, effectively turning him ‘weightless’ and allowing him to float around the place, however, due to his lack of control he can find it hard to move around the way he wants while floating. Takes a considerable amount of MP to cast.
Side Effect: Makes Nevms very heavy & sluggish afterward, making him feel as though his body is dragging him to the ground for a certain amount of time. The time-varying how long he was in this state. Effects occur after 'Reset' or when switching.

‘Frictionless’ - A spell which alters Nevms physiology so that he does not follow the laws of friction. Essentially making it so he can slip & slide around on solid surfaces as if he is ice-skating. Takes a considerable amount of MP to cast.
Side Effect: Extended use of frictionless will render Nevms unable to walk afterward until he is able to re-adjust walking around normally. How long it takes for him to readjust varying on how long he was in this state. Effects occur after 'Reset' or when switching.

‘Rubber Boy’ - A spell which changes Nevms Physiology, and essentially turning him into a ‘rubber’ boy. Giving his physiology the properties of rubber, nullifying (to a certain degree) most physical impact and allowing him to stretch out his limbs to varying extents.
Side Effect: Rubber Boy will give Nevms severe body cramps if used for an extended period of time depending on how long he was in this state for. These effects can also occur whilst in ‘Rubber Boy’.

‘Heat up!’ - A spell which alters Nevms physiology, and drastically raising the heat levels of his body to such a degree he is capable of slowly melting iron on contact. This making any kind of physical contact extremely dangerous for humans.
Side Effect: Heat Up! Severely dehydrated Nevms over extended periods of time, requiring a lot of water consumption. Effects can occur whilst in ‘Heat up!’.

‘Power up!’ - A spell which alters enhances Nevms overall physical abilities; speed, durability & strength by a specific multiplier. Currently, he can only use an ‘x3’ multiplier. This is basically an ‘ultimate’ spell of Nevms, and takes a large amount of MP to cast. Due to side effects, he can only use this for short periods of time as well, with the current max being 3mins before going into the ‘danger zone’.
Side Effect: Power Up! Burns off all the vitamins & nutrients in his body, requiring a large & varied consumption of food. Using for extended periods of time could potentially turn him into an almost skeleton-like figure. Effects can occur while in ‘Power up!’


‘Nevms Spindlewheel’, the aspiring mage hailing from a long line of ‘failed mages’. Nevms dreams of one day becoming one of the greatest mages in history, however, boasts no real talent, skill or intellect. Like his mother, Nevms has the strong tendency to ‘screw up’ almost any task he’s put on and only through the rigorous training under his previous mentor “Eon” has Nevms been able to reach his current level as a mage. Viewed as a generally ‘silly’ or ‘foolish’ boy, he is mostly upbeat and carefree in nature with a strong tendency to ‘goof’ off somewhere only to inevitably find himself getting into some kind of trouble down the road. He loves to adventure & explore, but usually to his own detriment as he easily loses his way; his overall sense of direction not being the greatest.

There are many who would believe the ‘Spindlewheel’ family is cursed with bad luck, and if that were to be true, Nevms would just be another example in the ‘wheel’ of bad luck running throughout their family. No matter where Nevms may wander off to, bad things are sure to follow; Nevms naturally finding himself always being in the ‘wrong places’ at the ‘wrong times’. Often finding himself getting into trouble almost wherever he goes despite his innocent intentions, many might be led to believe that Nevms is a bit of a trouble-maker. He is the ‘overactive’ type who is easily flustered & embarrassed, he tends to exaggerate his emotions quite a bit but overall can be good company to those willing to consider him a friend.

Internally, while he tries his best not to show it; Nevms feels somewhat ‘bound’ by the legacy of his family and often expects himself to fail, no matter what he tries to do. This, in a sense, holding him back from reaching his full potential, despite his expectation to always fail. Nevms is still very adamant in achieving his dream and is even willing to die in an attempt to overcome his failings. With a frail hope that he can perhaps one day redeem the legacy of his family name.

Born in a rural village just outside the borders of Fiore, ‘Nevms Spindlewheel’ was the only child of a long line of ‘failed’ mages. All being turned away or expelled from the Mage Guilds of Fiore, with many of Nevms’ ancestors being responsible for calamities in the past which drove the family out of Fiore all that time ago. That wheel still continues today, with many who would say the Spindlewheel family was all terribly cursed by some crime they had committed long, long in the past.

Nevms grew up in a crooked, makeshift house on the edge of their rural village that had been part of their family for generations, and in constant need of repairs, the house’ structure looking as if the generations before him had connected & stacked different homes on top of each other. Never having any expectations growing up, all anyone ever expected from a “Spindlewheel boy” was to fail at anything he ever tried - and fail he did, at many things. He was never as fast as the other kids, nor was he as strong or as smart, but despite all of his shortcomings, Nevms had dreamed grand dreams. Aspiring to become one of the greatest mages in history. “The imaginations of a child”, “Naive boy”, “The dreams of a fool” gossiped the townsfolk, during the days & nights Nevms spent any waking moment he could trying to make steps closer to his dream becoming a reality, messing about behind the village houses - every moment he had spent ‘training’ by himself, often to no avail there would be another person there, sometimes a small group of villagers, watching with their judging eyes & musings..

Time would go by of the same things, Nevms screwing up all of his daily tasks and going behind the village buildings to practice alone & some of the villagers gathering together to watch, and judge as they always would. But on one of these days, long into the night all of Nevms’ efforts up to this point had finally bore fruit; a sickly glow emitting from his hand, and then his entire body, leaving the judging onlookers in bewilderment; “That boy just used magic!” one of them said, and the rest ignited into further gossip which Nevms couldn’t hear over his own chantings of success.

News spread fast around the village, and the very next day while Nevms was trying to keep his success to himself. His parents had been one of the first people to hear of the news and greeted him that morning with an extravagant feast made from his father & a cake made from his mother, that exploded everywhere the moment Nevms poked it with his finger. It was a good day for Nevms, and a proud moment for his parents Yabi & Newton. Life otherwise didn’t change much for Nevms over the course of his last few weeks in the village, and one day whilst he was being lectured by one of the village elders a stranger had come striding into their rural village. Dorned with tattered robes which masked the majority of his bulky figure, a gigantic bag strapped to his back by large ropes. The strange bulking figure strutting right up & towering over Nevms as he asked “Oooooo~ You the Spindlewheel boy? Hehe..Hehehe” nobody spoke.

Following the pursuing silence, Nevms spoke without thinking “Yup! That’s me, Nevms Spindlewheel...Err, but who are you?” the villagers stood still in silence & anticipation of what would happen next, many expecting the worst to come. The bulky figure simply stood tall and began laughing, slamming his large hand down on Nevms head in a pet-like fashion, leaving everyone in a stoop of what the hell was going on. “I am Eon, the most amazing wizard alive!! I have come at the wishes of your mother, who is a good friend of mine. Now boy! Lead me to your home at once!” he chanted, withdrawing his tattered cloak and revealing himself in all his glory and shifting the very nature of the atmosphere around him. While the villagers were left with strange expressions on their faces, most of them not so convinced about the honesty of “Eons” character. Nevms, on the other hand, asked no questions and instead, in a state of stupefied awe led Eon to his home whereas always; his mother had been working on a new experiment in the confines of their basement, with his father Newton as assistance.

Nevms led Eon inside to their home, the man barely fit through the gap of the door, and then led him down into the basement where his parents were. Yabi, who got caught off guard by their entrance, slipped causing one her ‘experiment’ to blow up in her face “AAAH!! You came!!!~” wiping away some residue from her face, Newton also gave Eon a warm smile and wave to welcome him. Making it clear to Nevms they all knew each other. Yabi leaned away from Eon’s bulky figure, her eyes meeting Nevms as they exchanged a silent conversation of expressions & hand gestures, which was basically Yabi shooing away Nevms while the adults had their ‘private talk’.

Almost as soon as Nevms steps could be heard leaving the basement, the three below had erupted into a full-blown conversation as if this had been a long term discussion they’ve had for years. Nevms couldn’t exactly make out all their words, but could understand enough to know the general direction the conversation was going. Eon & Yabi had been going at each other over something, loud grunts coming from Eon, Yabi most likely attempting to assert her dominance and Newton only interjecting every now & then. After what felt like an eternity, his parents emerged from the basement with Eon close behind with the first thing Nevms noticing was the swelling lumps protruding from Eon’s head.

Yabi was the first to explain what was going on; ever since they had first discovered the news about Nevms and his magic they had sent word to a family friend of theirs. Eon arrived, and after their private discussion, while Eon was reluctant it had been decided by all that Nevms would be taken under the aged wizard’s wing and undergo rigorous training. His bags were already packed, and by that night, Nevms had gotten to say his goodbyes to his family before leaving with his new mentor ‘Eon’, on a venture which would span across three years.

Three Years Later ~

With many adventures and tales to tell, after three years with his mentor ‘Eon’. Nevms had finally been ready to pursue his dream, finding himself sitting alone on one of the trains heading toward the city of Fiore. Nevms reflected on the three years of hard training he went through to get to this point and reflecting on the departing words of his previous mentor.

“Remember to smile, no matter what, no matter how sad you feel, how much pain you are suffering - in the face of adversity you must always smile!"

With those words of Eon in his heart, Nevms now looks to the future. To one of the Mage Guilds of Fiore, ‘Fairy Tail’!!

“Yabi Spindlewheel” - Nevms’ mother, she has a magic type which aids in her ‘alchemical’ endeavors, spending most of her time trying to successfully brew a potion to prove her worth to the Mage Guilds of Fiore but as of yet has had little luck. Yabi is very eccentric but mostly innocent in nature, who is always thinking about what things she should try mix for her next brew. Many would consider her a bit of a ‘wacko’ in Nevms home village. Yabi uses a type of ‘alchemy’ magic which allows her to mix just about anything together to produce different results, unfortunately, she is no expert in her craft and most of her ‘brews’ tend to backfire miserably on her.

“Newton Spindlewheel” - Nevms’ father, who doesn’t possess magic and works as a ‘goods peddler’ to traveling mages who happen by the village, or if need be, venture to Fiore to make a small fortune. Compared to Yabi, Newton is much more of a laid back personality who generally goes with whatever Yabi says or does.

“Eon” - Nevms previous mentor, an aged mage & family friend to the Spindlewheel’s. Taking Nevms under his wing for three years, just about everything Nevms has learned up to this point is owed to Eon. While well past his prime, Eon speaks many tales of his past and how he’d once been a great & powerful wizard in his own right. Eon is a tough individual, with a fairly strange personality. He tells many tall tales about his past and is a man full of half-truths. Eon uses a type of 'Hex' Magic, but Nevms has witnessed very little of what it can do.

- Magic & Magical Items, he has a general curiosity for all of things
- Daydreaming, about anything really
- Interacting with other people, especially mages although he tends to be afraid of most people he meets
- Not failing at something, being generally happy if he ever gets anything correct / done right
- Ramen Noodles
- Wizard Saints
- Guild Masters
- Exploring new & mystical places
- Wandering off by himself

- Night time or Dark Places, he’s afraid of the dark & dark places
- Failing at tasks (which he does often)
- People calling his family ‘failures’
- Getting upset, which also tends to happen quite often as he is also quite emotional
- Killing & Death (In extension, he isn’t a big fan of Dark Mages/Guilds)

“The Talentless Fool” - Like his parents, and the parents before them Nevms has no ‘real’ talents or skills. Struggling with even the mundane tasks of life, he isn’t really good for anything. With his only talent in life being to screw up everything he tries his hand at. (Never let him cook ANYTHING!) Some might even say he carries bad luck with him wherever he goes. Yet somehow, by some power beyond Nevms manages to survive everyday life.

- All art on this CS isn’t mine
- Spindlewheel Family House
- Future/Older Nevms FC

Nevms Spindlewheel





Around 80-100lbs

Fairy Tail (He is going to join IC)

Guild Mark Location:
On his right open palm.

Appearance(Picture Required):


Mage Class:
B Class

“Nevms Magic” - A strange unnamed magic that will be unique to Nevms. The magic allows Nevms to bend & alter the laws of physics in his physiology and change it’s properties in a variety of ways. For example, making it so he doesn’t follow the laws of friction and slip & slide across surfaces, turning himself completely weightless, or giving himself a ‘bouncy body’ so he bounces from solid objects. He can only have one spell active at a time, and his physiology will be stuck that way until he switches again, possibly leaving him stuck a certain way if he runs out of MP (Magic Power) during that time. There are also large intervals between switches of physiology.

‘Reset’ - A spell which ‘resets’ Nevms physiology to its original state. Costs a minimal amount of MP.

‘Glow’ - A spell which makes Nevms body ‘glow’ a sickly yellow color. Helpful for traversing dark places, and can potentially be used to temporarily disorientate someone’s vision at close distances. MP cost varies depending on how ‘bright’ he wants to glow.
Side Effect: Using ‘Glow’ for an extended period of time will make Nevms sick, eventually leading him to barf up what looks like glowstick liquid.

‘Waterbreathing’ - A spell that alters Nevms physiology, and allowing him to breathe underwater. Takes a very minimal amount of MP to cast.
Side Effect: Waterbreathing gives Nevms asthma after use, making it difficult for Nevms to breathe for a certain amount of time. The time varying on how long he stayed in this state.

‘Weightless’ - A spell which makes Nevms physiology no longer follow the laws of gravity, effectively turning him ‘weightless’ and allowing him to float around the place, however, due to his lack of control he can find it hard to move around the way he wants while floating. Takes a considerable amount of MP to cast.
Side Effect: Makes Nevms very heavy & sluggish afterward, making him feel as though his body is dragging him to the ground for a certain amount of time. The time varies how long he was in this state.

‘Frictionless’ - A spell which alters Nevms physiology so that he does not follow the laws of friction. Essentially making it so he can slip & slide around on solid surfaces as if he is ice-skating. Takes a considerable amount of MP to cast.
Side Effect: Extended use of frictionless will render Nevms unable to walk afterward until he is able to re-adjust walking around normally. How long it takes for him to readjust varying on how long he was in this state.

‘Rubber Boy’ - A spell which changes Nevms Physiology, and essentially turning him into a ‘rubber’ boy. Giving his physiology the properties of rubber, nullifying (to a certain degree) most physical impact and allowing him to stretch out his limbs to varying extents.
Side Effect: Rubber Boy will give Nevms severe body cramps if used for an extended period of time depending on how long he was in this state for. These effects can also occur whilst in ‘Rubber Boy’.

‘Heat up!’ - A spell which alters Nevms physiology, and drastically raising the heat levels of his body to such a degree he is capable of slowly melting iron on contact. This making any kind of physical contact extremely dangerous for humans.
Side Effect: Heat Up! Severely dehydrated Nevms over extended periods of time, requiring a lot of water consumption. Effects can occur whilst in ‘Heat up!’.

‘Power up!’ - A spell which alters enhances Nevms overall physical abilities; speed, durability & strength by a specific multiplier. Currently, he can only use an ‘x3’ multiplier. This is basically an ‘ultimate’ spell of Nevms, and takes a large amount of MP to cast. Due to side effects, he can only use this for short periods of time as well, with the current max being 3mins before going into the ‘danger zone’.
Side Effect: Power Up! Burns off all the vitamins & nutrients in his body, requiring a large & varied consumption of food. Using for extended periods of time could potentially turn him into a skeleton afterward. Effects can occur while in ‘Power up!’


‘Nevms Spindlewheel’, the aspiring mage hailing from a long line of ‘failed mages’. Nevms dreams of one day becoming one of the greatest mages in history, however, boasts no real talent, skill or intellect. Like his mother, Nevms has the strong tendency to ‘screw up’ almost any task he’s put on and only through the rigorous training under his previous mentor “Eon” has Nevms been able to reach his current level as a mage. Viewed as a generally ‘silly’ or ‘foolish’ boy, he is mostly upbeat and carefree in nature with a strong tendency to ‘goof’ off somewhere only to inevitably find himself getting into some kind of trouble down the road. He loves to adventure & explore, but usually to his own detriment as he easily loses his way; his overall sense of direction not being the greatest.

There are many who would believe the ‘Spindlewheel’ family is cursed with bad luck, and if that were to be true, Nevms would just be another example in the ‘wheel’ of bad luck running throughout their family. No matter where Nevms may wander off to, bad things are sure to follow; Nevms naturally finding himself always being in the ‘wrong places’ at the ‘wrong times’. Often finding himself getting into trouble almost wherever he goes despite his innocent intentions, many might be led to believe that Nevms is a bit of a trouble-maker. He is the ‘overactive’ type who is easily flustered & embarrassed, he tends to exaggerate his emotions quite a bit but overall can be good company to those willing to consider him a friend.

Internally, while he tries his best not to show it; Nevms feels somewhat ‘bound’ by the legacy of his family and often expects himself to fail, no matter what he tries to do. This, in a sense, holding him back from reaching his full potential, despite his expectation to always fail. Nevms is still very adamant in achieving his dream and is even willing to die in an attempt to overcome his failings. With a frail hope that he can perhaps one day redeem the legacy of his family name.

Born in a rural village just outside the borders of Fiore, ‘Nevms Spindlewheel’ was the only child of a long line of ‘failed’ mages. All turned being turned away or expelled from the Mage Guilds of Fiore, with many of Nevms’ ancestors being responsible for calamities in the past which drove the family out of Fiore all that time ago. That wheel still continues today, with many who would say the Spindlewheel family was all terribly cursed by some crime they had committed long, long in the past.

Nevms grew up in a crooked, makeshift house on the edge of their rural village that had been part of their family for generations, and in constant need of repairs, the house’ structure looking as if the generations before him had connected & stacked different homes on top of each other. Never having any expectations growing up, all anyone ever expected from a “Spindlewheel boy” was to fail at anything he ever tried - and fail he did, at many things. He was never as fast as the other kids, nor was he as strong or as smart, but despite all of his shortcomings, Nevms had dreamed grand dreams. Aspiring to become one of the greatest mages in history. “The imaginations of a child”, “Naive boy”, “The dreams of a fool” gossiped the townsfolk, during the days & nights Nevms spent any waking moment he could trying to make steps closer to his dream becoming a reality, messing about behind the village houses - every moment he had spent ‘training’ by himself, often to no avail there would be another person there, sometimes a small group of villagers, watching with their judging eyes & musings..

Time would go by of the same things, Nevms screwing up all of his daily tasks and going behind the village buildings to practice alone & some of the villagers gathering together to watch, and judge as they always would. But on one of these days, long into the night all of Nevms’ efforts up to this point had finally bore fruit; a sickly glow emitting from his hand, and then his entire body, leaving the judging onlookers in bewilderment; “That boy just used magic!” one of them said, and the rest ignited into further gossip which Nevms couldn’t hear over his own chantings of success.

News spread fast around the village, and the very next day while Nevms was trying to keep his success to himself. His parents had been one of the first people to hear of the news and greeted him that morning with an extravagant feast made from his father & a cake made from his mother, that exploded everywhere the moment Nevms poked it with his finger. It was a good day for Nevms, and a proud moment for his parents Yabi & Newton. Life otherwise didn’t change much for Nevms over the course of his last few weeks in the village, and one day whilst he was being lectured by one of the village elders a stranger had come striding into their rural village. Dorned with tattered robes which masked the majority of his bulky figure, a gigantic bag strapped to his back by large ropes. The strange bulking figure strutting right up & towering over Nevms as he asked “Oooooo~ You the Spindlewheel boy? Hehe...Hehehe” nobody spoke.

Following the pursuing silence, Nevms spoke without thinking “Yup! That’s me, Nevms Spindlewheel...Err, but who are you?” the villagers stood still in silence & anticipation of what would happen next, many expecting the worst to come. The bulky figure simply stood tall and began laughing, slamming his large hand down on Nevms head in a pet-like fashion, leaving everyone in a stoop of what the hell was going on. “I am Eon, the most amazing wizard alive!! I have come at the wishes of your mother, who is a good friend of mine. Now boy! Lead me to your home at once!” he chanted, withdrawing his tattered cloak and revealing himself in all his glory and shifting the very nature of the atmosphere around him. While the villagers were left with strange expressions on their faces, most of them not so convinced about the honesty of “Eons” character. Nevms, on the other hand, asked no questions and instead, in a state of stupefied awe led Eon to his home whereas always; his mother had been working on a new experiment in the confines of their basement, with his father Newton as assistance.

Nevms led Eon inside to their home, the man barely fit through the gap of the door, and then led him down into the basement where his parents were. Yabi, who got caught off guard by their entrance, slipped causing one her ‘experiment’ to blow up in her face “AAAH!! You came!!!~” wiping away some residue from her face, Newton also gave Eon a warm smile and wave to welcome him. Making it clear to Nevms they all knew each other. Yabi leaned away from Eon’s bulky figure, her eyes meeting Nevms as they exchanged a silent conversation of expressions & hand gestures, which was basically Yabi shooing away Nevms while the adults had their ‘private talk’.

Almost as soon as Nevms steps could be heard leaving the basement, the three below had erupted into a full-blown conversation as if this had been a long term discussion they’ve had for years. Nevms couldn’t exactly make out all their words but could understand enough to know the general direction the conversation was going. Eon & Yabi had been going at each other over something, loud grunts coming from Eon, Yabi most likely attempting to assert her dominance and Newton only interjecting every now & then. After what felt like an eternity, his parents emerged from the basement with Eon close behind with the first thing Nevms noticing was the swelling lumps protruding from Eon’s head.

Yabi was the first to explain what was going on; ever since they had first discovered the news about Nevms and his magic they had sent word to a family friend of theirs. Eon arrived, and after their private discussion, while Eon was reluctant it had been decided by all that Nevms would be taken under the aged wizard’s wing and undergo rigorous training. His bags were already packed, and by that night, Nevms had gotten to say his goodbyes to his family before leaving with his new mentor ‘Eon’, on a venture which would span across three years.

Three Years Later ~

With many adventures and tales to tell, after three years with his mentor ‘Eon’. Nevms had finally been ready to pursue his dream, finding himself sitting alone on one of the trains heading toward the city of Fiore. Nevms reflected on the three years of hard training he went through to get to this point and reflecting on the departing words of his previous mentor.

“Remember to smile, no matter what, no matter how sad you feel, how much pain you are suffering - in the face of adversity you must always smile!!"

With those words of Eon in his heart, Nevms now looks to the future. To one of the Mage Guilds of Fiore, ‘Fairy Tail’!!

“Yabi Spindlewheel” - Nevms’ mother, she has a magic which aids in her ‘alchemical’ endeavors, spending most of her time trying to successfully brew a potion to prove her worth to the Mage Guilds of Fiore but as of yet has had little luck. Yabi is very eccentric but mostly innocent in nature, who is always thinking about what things she should try mix for her next brew. Many would consider her a bit of a ‘wacko’ in Nevms home village. Yabi uses a type of ‘alchemy’ magic which allows her to mix just about anything together to produce different results, unfortunately, she is no expert in her craft and most of her ‘brews’ tend to backfire miserably on her.

“Newton Spindlewheel” -
Nevms’ father, who doesn’t possess magic and works as a ‘goods peddler’ to traveling mages who happen by the village, or if need by venture to Fiore to make a small fortune. Compared to Yabi, Newton is much more of a laid back personality who generally goes with whatever Yabi says or does.

“Eon” - Nevms previous mentor, an aged mage & family friend to the Spindlewheel’s. Taking Nevms under his wing for three years, just about everything Nevms has learned up to this point is owed to Eon. While well past his prime, Eon speaks many tales of his past and how he’d once been a great & powerful wizard in his own right. Eon is a tough individual, with a fairly strange personality. He tells many tall tales about his past and is a man full of half-truths. Eon uses a type of 'Hex' Magic, but Nevms has witnessed very little of what it can do.

- Magic & Magical Items, he has a general curiosity for all of things
- Daydreaming, about anything really
- Interacting with other people, especially mages although he tends to be afraid of most people he meets
- Not failing at something, being generally happy if he ever gets anything correct / done right
- Ramen Noodles
- Wizard Saints
- Guild Masters
- Exploring new & mystical places
- Wandering off by himself

- Night time or Dark Places, he’s afraid of the dark & dark places
- Failing at tasks (which he does often)
- People calling his family ‘failures’
- Getting upset, which also tends to happen quite often as he is also quite emotional
- Killing & Death (In extension, he isn’t a big fan of Dark Mages/Guilds)

“The Talentless Fool” - Like his parents, and the parents before them Nevms has no ‘real’ talents or skills. Struggling with even the mundane tasks of life, he isn’t really good for anything. With his only talent in life being to screw up everything he tries his hand at. (Never let him cook ANYTHING!) Some might even say he carries bad luck with him wherever he goes. Yet somehow, by some power beyond Nevms manages to survive everyday life.

- All art on this CS isn’t mine
- Spindlewheel Family House

- Future/Older Nevms FC

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Name: Shade Yamikaze

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'0 ft.

Weight: 154 LBS

Guild: None. Ex member of Blue Pegasus


Class: A

Magic: Shade utilizes dark magic, the kind which trick and confuse his targets, as well as Teleportation. The skill list of magic is as follows:

Doppelganger: Shade makes a copy of himself, that is used to confuse his target. It vanishes if it gets hit once. A total of ten copies can be made at a time.

Darkbright: A intense shining violet light eminates from his eyes for a brief second, which blinds onlookers for a total of 30 seconds, which he then follows up with either attacking or hiding.

Shadow Teleport: By using the shadows, he can travel to another area in shadow in an instant. He can only use it once however, for using it anymore in a day will wear the user down.

False Wall: Shade creates a sheet of fabric that looks like whatever solid surface he is standing against. Used for espionage and sabotage.

Personality: Shade is a person who prefers working alone. He doesn't talk much, but annoying people get on his nerves quickly, which can result in him knocking that person out just to have some quiet. He does tend to stalk pretty women However.

Bio: Born to a clan of ninja who have no magic, he was the first to actually possess magical abilities. However, due to his difference of a Magical aspect, he was tossed away as soon as he performed his first magical skill, Doppelganger. He was fortunate that he was adopted by a small band of thieves, who welcomed his talent.

Fast forward to several years later, he was in Juvie, for using his magic for illegal reasons, and so he was given some lessons on how to use his magic for the good of others. He would quickly soon join a guild afterwards, Blue Pegasus. He however later disbanded from the guild only because of the very attractive Guild Member there who he always had some friction with, which ended with being too much for him to handle.

As of current, he sits at the local Bar, waiting for whatever job there is that requires his services, weather it's assassination or thieving, or something else that needs his talent.

Likes: Beautiful women, Gold

Dislikes: Annoying people

Skills: Reverse grip sword fighting expert, Martial arts training, thieving and assassin skills.

- A reoccurring joke is that whenever he speaks after using the False Wall spell, the cover rolls down like a poster. This is a reference to when Let from Rave Master did a similar incident.

- The Woman mentioned in this is none other than Viera Xel.

" Happiness is what you make of it my sweet, cherish the things you live for
and you too will soon
find bliss."
( -
Valencia Villeneuve ) [/font]


(Didn't draw any of these FCs, obviously.)

Valencia V. Villeneuve
Maradis S. Mephis

Voluptuous Valencia , The Lavender Noble , Maiden Villeneuve.
Maradis The Evil Sorceress, Mephis The Matron of Pain, Etc.


Lawful Good.
Chaotic Evil.


Human <3
Dark Entity



Lamia Scale

Guild Mark Location:
LS Marking can be discovered on Valencia's right
wrist, 'engraved' on the under side.

Miss Valencia's Appearances:

Class(C, B, A, S):

Mystic Pursuit of Pain - Sado-Sorcery.
Sadism Embodiment/Empowerment (Deadly Dominatrix):
Maradis has the unnatural capability of drawing power from other people's agonizing pain and emotional
suffering. Known to her as "Sado-Sorcery", this barbaric form of magic can also inflict waves of physical,
mental, and spiritual suffering onto anyone unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of it!

A combination of devouring precious energy from others and being entertained by doing so has allowed
Mardis to gain a twisted sense of pleasure from watching her victims squeal as they beg for their
ceaseless torment to end.
Allows Maradis to transport herself from one location to the next by using someone's distress as
a means of traveling to said location. There are of course limitations to this technique, she's unable
to reach areas that are restricted by repelling magic, attempting to do so will result in nothing

Pain Regeneration:
Unlike normal regeneration, this kind of healing involves exploiting other's emotions to
assist in sealing mortal wounds. Lacerations, broken bones, and even unsightly blemishes
can be cleared away as long as there's someone in the vicinity to provide her with enough
misery to make them vanish.

Paralyzing Ecstasy:
Counting as more of a 'weakness', if she were to absorb too much misery at once she'll
go into a state of paralytic pleasure that'll make Maradis unable to maneuver herself
around properly, rendering her in a 'blubbering' state of inability.

Nevertheless, this adverse effect will provide her with an immensely powerful forcefield
that'll deflect a great deal of magic before being rendered useless, this will give her a large
window of time to recover from this status unless White Magic is used, this will easily wipe
away her shield and leave her vulnerable.

Reconfiguring herself takes a scarce amount of her magic as it's a simple trick used
by numerous entities to lure unsuspecting Humans to their fate. Maradis can use her
shapeshifting application to transform into many things, including spectacular creatures
from fables, yet without the benefit of the magic they possess.

She'll occasionally spy on people or deceive others with her false appearance in order
to acquire information she'd not get in her regular form, furthermore, Maradis can
take on the presentation of male and female magicians! Guild member's outward
characteristics can easily be copied by her, a useful but dangerous tactic that can
land her in hot water if she's discovered.

Depression Possession:
Depression Possession is a fairly new discovery by Maradis, it gives her the
opportunity to manipulate the mind of those who are emotionally distraught.
Magical users that have a strong will to rebel or a high-ranking are unable to be
swayed by this cheap tactic.

Those that are under the influence can be given orders and will do so without
hesitation, it can be cleverly used in battle by the user to turn adversaries against
one another and have them throw into disarray, a chaotic disadvantage that'll
frequently lead to their doom.

(This can only last for a few minutes for a passive character. If it's an NPC, it'll
last up to an hour before wearing off.)

Telekinetic Dismal:
Unprepared fools may see themselves being at the opposing end of this attack.
Someone connecting with her sinister aura can be turned into one of her play

Meaning if Maradis's visible energy touched a magician without them
pushing it away with their sorcery, she could practically use her aura to latch onto
them before tossing them around.

More often than not she'll try doing this on inanimate objects since it requires
very little effort to take control of a lifeless substance and heave it to her target
with ease.

(More might be added later on.)

Mistress of Misery (Soul Wrenching Aroma):
Soul Wrenching Aroma spell will emit a noxious perfume-like substance from her
skin, from a visual perspective it'll look like a visible purple gas that'll sluggishly
encircle the woman's body, enveloping them and the atmosphere around them
in this odd essence.

Do not be mistaken though, this 'perfume' isn't to freshen up her smell! If somone
were to in inhale this vapor they'll almost automatically observe their muscles
tense up, their body now aching with a tremendous force before experiencing an
excruciating sensation that feels as if their body was being set on fire.

(This doesn't cause lethal harm to a person, it may put them in a comatose
condition if the pain grows to an unbearable extent.)

The Binds of Damnation (Claws Of Undying Agony):
A horrifying spell which manifests her maroon-hued aura into several sprouting
appendages, giving the impression of mangled arms wildly extending out from her
radiant outline of magic. Maradis may try to overwhelm a magician by bombarding
them with multiple arms at once, hoping to gruesomely shred into them with their
craggy nails.

It's up to her discretion whether or not she wants to create physical or 'emotional'
damage, usually marking their skin with a ghastly incision or just making them feel
like something had sliced through them.

(Emotional damage will not kill or main an enemy.)

Harrowing Harvest (Insects of Pain.):
By far the most disturbing spell she can muster up would be the 'Harrowing Harvest'
incantation, a goosebump-inducing conjuration of insects will spread through the
air after forming from the unholy markings on her gloves. Upon announcing this
phrase, an aperture will form in the center of her hands, expelling a great deal
of insects around the area.

You might be thinking that these are ordinary pests, however, you are wrong!
Regardless of their similar looks, they are far more deadly and can almost act
like ravenous piranas if a swarm of them were to blanket them. Incisors, claws,
and other offensive properties can cause a person a great deal of pain, even
making them bleed to death if Maradis chooses.

Supernatural Conditioning:
Being a Dark Entity, Maradis is far-far more physically-able than an ordinary Human,
sometimes she's even able to outdo other Evil spirits as far as strength! Alas, she
isn't the type of entity that can lug around heavy things and swing them around
like they're weightless toys!

This conditioning mainly amplifies her other skills
such as endurance, granting her the resolve to withstand destructive spells.
Speed is also an attribute that's greatly raised, Maradis's brisk magic-casting
can engulf an opponent if they're unprepared or underestimating her.

Maradis easily avoiding a swordsman's blows with her pinky, deflecting it
away without much effort. (Had it been a skilled user or a magical blade
it would be different.)


Maradis Mephis, 'The Matron of Pain'. Surely this nickname alone gives a clear indication of what kind
of character this vindictive woman really is! She sincerely believes that the only way of fulfilling her life
is with the sorrow of others, their prosperity and overall well being is nothing of her concern, these
simpletons that surround her on a day-to-day basis are thought to carry the same importance as
sheep in her mind.

Exploiting them and using them for pawns in her own sadistic pleasures is all that matters to Maradis,
simplistic morals that confine weaklings like them do not hold someone like herself, a code of 'honor' is
laughable and but an unreasonable obstacle in the way of achieving triumph. Conforming to anything
that resembles a connection to Humanity is something she tends to avoid, Maradis having a sincere
unbridled hatred for the likes of them after exorcising her father.

Using people and throwing them away like garbage is just an ordinary day for her.

Conceived in the darkest depths of the 'Unknown', Maradis was born into this existence by two distinguished
entities that served as the thrones of this mysterious realm, holding such power meant they basically belonged
in a hierarchy class that was considered to be of 'nobility' by society's standards. That being said, Maradis's
awakening was treated with optimism, upon birth she was delegated to be a forthcoming 'influencer' in the
social-ranking of her fellow unholy spirit's.

Bequeathing an undertaking such as this was far from accustomed for her kind, if anything it was typically rare
and seen as an honorable bestowing as it entrusted Maradis with a very important assignment, an objective
that could forever turn the tides of the Unknown. Aspirations of engulfing the Kingdom of Fiore and everywhere else into
a realm molded for those like her, using the corruption of souls as an impetus that would weaken the invisible
restraints holding the rest of the inhabitants of the Unknown in their own domain, allowing them to be sent back to Earth.
Reconstructing the line of dominance is what Maradis strives for, an endeavor that would lead to the everyday
Human or any other deemed not 'unholy' race being discounted as a submissive slave that would indulge in the
pleasures of other malicious spirits, appeasing their delights and often being used as expendable cattle to satisfy an
evil spirit's appetites! This dreadful task was once appointed to her father before he was discovered by the Magical
Counsel who ensnared him in an 'inescapable' relic, bounded by several powerful mages.

After becoming relegated to this ongoing effort to overturn the Kingdom of Fiore, Maradis had also taken it upon
herself to liberate her father from the 'chains' that held him inside his tomb, eventually leading to a pathway of
immeasurable chaos that has become almost like an urban legend to those that have seen the aftermath of her
unquenched wrath. One could pave the cobblestone streets of Magnolia in the amount of blood that this woman
has spilled in her lifetime, in the quest for her father's redemption she wanted vengeance on mankind itself, making
them suffer for their insolence, resulting in the 'Grant Tomb Massacre.'


From her eyes this was a 'rescue' mission but in reality, it was a pure slaughter of men, women, and children that
were there that day when she was retrieving back the sealed relic containing her parent. The sheer aftermath of the
bloodshed had created a widespread stir that had many paladins looking for Maradis, alas their search parties came up
empty-handed, leading to the escape of her and the heart-shaped vessel holding her father. Discovering how to unseal
this object came as a difficulty to Maradis despite her tremendous power, it was soon realized that she needed the
love of two strong Humans to free the ancient spirit, leading up to her meeting with Ned.

She'd offered a deal to revive him in return for doing her bidding, being the gullible idiot when it comes to a woman's
seduction he took this without much thought, unbeknownst to Ned, he now held the 'heart' of her father.
(Soon adding Rasil / Sin's story.)

- Compassionate deeds.
- New interactions!
- Adventurers.
- Friendship.
- Happiness.
- Art/Music/Poetry.

- Corruption.
- Unholy creatures. (Dark spirits, Imps, Monstrosities.)
- Unrelenting suffering.
- Manipulation.
- Widespread chaos.
- Evil people.

- Immoral beings! (Evil things are just so icky!)
- Being insulted.
- Confrontations.
- Darkness! (She's afraid of places where she can't see.)
- Tragedies.
- Weapons. (Scared of them.)

- Weaklings. (Nothing but worms.)
- White/Holy Magic.
- Humans.
- Priests/Paladins/Etc.
- Failure.
- Magic Counsel.

- Mental Manipulation:
Mind games is what Maradis excels at! Ensnaring others into a false sense of
safety and then 'devouring' them once it's too late for them to realize they've
been duped. To her, life is like a theatre and she's the main actor!

Trying her best to perform a certain role and tricking others into doing awful
things by mistake is what she lives for, a purpose without cause other than to
create a detrimental amount of chaos.

- Unholy Familiarity:
Call it an 'instinct' of hers but she's more than capable of determining an
unfamiliar presence, well mainly unholy ones such as Demons, Imps, Ogres, and
so on!

Whenever there's a dark essence nearby she's able to feel it, it comes as more
of an indication to distinct regular people apart from her 'kin', helping her avoid
an unnecessary altercation with them.

- Master Of Disguise:
Mimicking a person's physical quirks and personality comes without much thought,
only if she possessed the individual she's acting as or has studied them long enough
to get a feel for what kind of person they are.

Furthermore. Unless someone has seen her transform into this person or they're able to sense
a twisted presence, It's highly unlikely for anyone to figure out who or what she is when disguised
as someone else.

(If she's disguised as someone's best friend, it's more reasonable for someone to find a difference
in their actions, leading to Maradis getting found out.)

- Black Magic Understanding:
She's not all that familiar with all Black Magic, but things like forbidden languages sealed in dark runes
can be unveiled by her. Maradis has only a moderate understanding of dark sorcery and can provide all
sorts of knowledge about it unless it's something way beyond her comprehension.

- Dark Arts Resistance:
Kind of self-explanatory here! Being someone who has adapted to the torturous conditions of the Unknown,
Maradis is more than able to take on sinister magic because of her familiarity with it. This makes this
evil mistress incredibly difficult to take down with things like 'shadow magic' or 'necromancy' or
anything that inhabits the more unholy side of magic.

(She's still able to be hurt by the Dark Arts, it just requires more effort from a caster.)

- Maradis is the personification/embodiment of 'Wrath'. 'Loathing' doesn't even begin to describe her
everburning hatred for the Human-race, certain that they're disgusting wretches that are too feeble to
be held accountable for running 'their' world! Apart from her primary objective of releasing her banished
father, Maradis wishes to bring down the pecking order which will leave Humans and others underneath
her race, only to utilize them as 'cattle' and slaves once the realm is overrun by her kind.
(She fuels off hatred, distress, and suffering.)

- Contrary to hating Humans, she doesn't have any issues with 'flirting with them'. Romanticizing them
on the other hand, is a completely different story as getting into a relationship with a Human is a
thought deemed to be 'appalling' in her mind. Succumbing to lustful instincts is completely natural for her
and she'll sometimes use her seduction as a helpful tool for manipulating those who are drawn to
the hedonistic lifestyle.

- As stated above, obtaining an emotional relationship amidst those who aren't like her, more specifically
Humans is very difficult to achieve. However, this doesn't make it impossible for her to gain some kind of
connection with them! Sin and Rasil are a notable exception when it comes to this, her years of interactions
with Humans have admittedly 'changed' Maradis by meager amount but still enough for her to develop
a bond with them.

- Maradis Mephis's Original Human Appearances:
(First human manifestation she has had since her transition to the Human's realm.
Maradis kept it because it stuck with her, she uses this to blend in with the other


- Maradis Mephis's REAL Appearance:

List of Possessions/Personas:
Valencia Villeneuve - (Status: Shy handmaiden of Lamia Scale guild .)

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O-Oh! The bakery in Margaret Town is absolutely exquisite , you should go there! The lemon cake is to die for!

  • Name
    Alexander Morne

    - Lord Alexander Morne
    - Dragon Claw’s Second
    - The Tactician of Lamia Scale (Former)





    139 lbs

    Guild & Guild Mark Location
    Dragon Claw
    Violet. Located on the back of his right hand.
    Lamia Scale: Former

    - Senior S-Class of Dragon Claw

    - Maya Morne: Paternal Grandmother
    - Damien Morne: Father
    - Mizuki Morne: Aunt
    - Susanna Morne (Mae): Mother
    - Decim Mae: Uncle
    - Irene Mae: Aunt
    - Katherine Mae: Cousin Britt-21 Britt-21
    - Sora Marvell: Aunt (adopted by Maya Morne)
    - Darius Hartley: Uncle (married to Sora)
    - Amaya Hartley: Cousin (more like big sister) Kyuubey Kyuubey
    - Three Unnamed Cousins
    - Two Unnamed Siblings

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Name: Melia Triumvirate

Age: Unknown (Appearantly 18 Physically)

Gender: Female

Race: Succubus (Demon)

Height: 5'5 ft.

Weight: 95 lbs

Bust Size: DD

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Guild Mark Location: Between breasts.


Class: A

Magic: Possessing the ability to make herself look however she wants but remain the same height and weight is her inherited ability as a Succubus. Her true magic comes from the ability to transform into two separate forms of herself, each with her own abilities, or Summon a giant version of herself, that is a unification of the two which she rides on the back of like a battle Mecha. She controls the giant from this spot or else it can't make an action without it's master. In her normal form, she uses a wand to project heart shaped blasts of energy that give her opponents heart attacks, unless they don't have a heart, or are not able to feel pain.

Alternative form 1, Melia gains two large claw weapons, and her outfit changes, with her bust size becoming DD+. She is somewhat less Mobile in terms of travel speed, but in combat her melee strikes are swift and deadly. She can also shoot her claws out like rockets if needed, which retract magically afterwards.


Alternative form 2, Melia's bust size shrinks to C, and has hardly any lower clothing. Instead, she wears steel panties, actually made of steel, and weaponized steel leg guards and sabatons. The sabatons have blades protruding from the bottom that can cut through a wooden tree with a single Slash. In this form, her speed significantly increases, but she loses durability, easily getting kicked off balance or knocked out just by a normal wooden club.


The Giant Melia uses whenever the situation calls for it. It takes the best of both Terra form and Kaze form, making a artificial version of Melia that has no weaknesses of the previous two, except for that she needs to be able to hear Melia to be able to do combat or services.

Personality: Melia is how you would consider an mentally unstable girl. She may appear Happy, and in dire need of a mate or few, but if you tick her off, you will be sorry. Otherwise, she is very concerned about the people she cares about, and will try and keep them from getting themselves hurt or injured.

Bio: Daughter of a powerful demon Warlord, but not interested in studying for world conquest, she used a magic circle to appear in Fiore, to find herself a job other than her father's line of work. She eventually found employment at Blue Pegasus due to being just as attractive as Viera Xel, The Guildmaster who hired her for her beauty. She finds competition with the other girls however, as well as attraction, but it is really dependant on if they are potential love rivals or not.

Likes: Boys, Girls, pretty things, Hot springs, people who blush at her appearance, stealing first kisses.

Dislikes: Ugly things, her father's line of work, rapists.

Skills: She likes cooking and setting up baths for her guildmates, sometimes tricking them into giving her a kiss. She also is good at using her sex appeal to get people to give her what she wants.

The images for these characters are from Type-Moon.

Her last name Triumvirate, is taken from the term of a ruling council of three in ancient Greece. It also is a reference to her three alternative forms. Terra being the best in close combat, Kaze being the best at rushing attacks, and Terrakaze being the best of both of them.
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Rasil Brandhart

Name: Rasil Brandhart

Age: 200

Gender: Male

Race: Reject soul!/human

Height: 5'11

Weight: 140lbs

Guild: unknown

Guild Mark Location: unknown

Appearance(Picture Required):

Class: S class Antagonist (not a normal OC)

Magic: Masochism Magic:

Paineater: This ability is the base of all his abilities. It allows him to grow stronger from pain, and damage inflicted. His physical prowess increases with the more pain he takes. He can also build up energy from pain and use them as destructive blast to send at his targets from a distance. The more pain he receives the stronger he becomes. But this power also comes with a side effect. Rasil cannot be numbed to pain, so no matter what he always feels pain. Meaning he can always get stronger from attacks.

Masters gift: this ability allows Rasil to heal by using energy he's built up after being Injured. Although using this ability uses up his built up energy and weakens him. The amount he can heal also depends heavily on how much energy he's built up from getting injured.

Ultimate climax: this is Rasil’s ultimate ability. It has two variations. One being his ultimate attack, and the other being his ultimate form. By removing his eyepatch he unleashes great power he has stored up from past battles. His ultimate form turns him into a Demon like form, increasing his strength tenfold to the point where if he's not careful he could destroy his own body. Although in this form he can no longer grow stronger from attacks but anyone who gets close to him would be injured due to the power radiating off him.

His ultimate attack is similar at least in how it's activated. By removing his eyepatch he can unleash a devastating explosion from his body. It's strong enough to take out a small town, at least Rasil believes it is. It's a last resort as not only is it devastating to those around him, but it's also devastating to his body. Damaging him to the point that if left alone he would surely die.

Curse of the rejected: Rasil is a rejected soul. Booted out of hell itself. It's not common in the least, and means that he's been kicked back to the mortal realm. But not without a few curses. First being he doesn't stay dead. It might take from a day, up to a week. But he always gets kicked back to his body. Now that might not seem all that bad. But the waiting process for Hell is just soo boring. One day in the mortal world is like a decade in hell. Plus, he is incapable of killing people! He can hurt them sure! But no amount of pain, or damage inflicted by Rasil will kill anyone. It might hurt, but they won't die.

Personality: Rasil isn't sure why he is like he is. Nor does he care all that much. He has always had a great love for pain. To such a point that he's wanted to share his pain with others. He's a nice guy, just really twisted. He think pain is a kindness,and relishes in it. When he reaches a new place, and experiences kindness he has an overwhelming urge to share pain with those kind to him. However when he has pain inflicted on him, he generally accepts it gladly. So overcome by the pleasure of pain that he doesn't mind the fact he's being attacks.

He is madly in love with his Demon Mistress Madaris, and would gladly toss his life away for her...and has...several times. As a matter of fact the only thing he could compare to his love for her, and pain. Is his desire to go back to those molten gates of Misery, in the deepest darkest pits of hell. He regrets being kicked out. He enjoyed himself so much that the guards had no choice but to kick him out. Otherwise he would have amassed so much power that he would have blown up hell. So he often longs for the hot fiery embrace of hell. However he absolutely hates the processing for the afterlife, and even though he's been there plenty of times before, he still has to wait!! So he tries his best not to be killed, although he tends to be careless at times. Usually when he is enjoying himself a bit too much. Now he's happily back in the world spreading his joy with those kind enough to share theirs with him, and helping his beloved with something she seems to be trying to do.

Bio: Rasil Brandhart was one of the world's most notorious killers during his time. Little was know about him. Except that he was obsessed with pain. He enjoyed inflicting it upon others, and receiving it. His streak of terror would go down in the books as one of the darkest times in Fiore history. You see Brandhart never struck with any pattern or reason behind his actions, he only wanted to spread his gospel of pain. He would come into a town and decimate it. Leaving behind a trail of broken individuals, all driven insane by his actions, and words.

It wasn't until some time later that Brandhart was caught after having been hunted by Fiore's finest mages. Where he was swiftly judged, and sentenced to a painful death and was burnt alive. Now about two hundred years later, a copycat killer has appeared. Using the same methods, and ideologies as the sick and twist Rasil Brandhart. Even leaving behind the same calling card, a heart branded into his victims. However unlike the previous killer this man seems to have a female associate, along with a child traveling with them. It's believed they are a family, or the child is a hostage the couple has taken for protection. If you notice anyone suspicious come to your town lock your doors and get in contact with the Magic council, your local guards, or if possible nearest Mages Guild. Thank you for watching. I'm Hugh Dunnit, and this has been Fiore's most wanted. Have a nice night.

"Oooh, that sounded scary. It seems there's a killer on the loose. I sure hope we don't run into him. Don't you agree Grandma?" A rustic voice called from the love seat of a dark living room, but received no reply. The only sound being the quiet sobs of a woman, and her child huddled together in the corner of the room."Oh, what's that? Don't tell me Grandma went an kicked the bucket already? What a shame, guess I'll need to get the ole brand out again." The man said, raising himself from the couch, and moving to the fireplace. He lifted the brand and approached the body of the elderly woman, driving it into her arm only to be startled as she let out a scream of agony."Oh, oops. Sorry, forgot I can't actually kill people. Usually my girlfriend does the killing but she was busy so I figured I'd get started without her. But it's looking like I'll be having to head off soon. So I'll be seeing you ladies some other time perhaps. I do hope you enjoyed my visit, I know I did. Never forget the pain we shared on this day! Anyway! Tata for now!" The man said before making his way out of the house, leaving the women to sob hysterically, a sound which the man ignored as he looked towards the horizon, and the next location that he'd be spreading his gospel to."Ah, a fine day's work. I should probably go find my beloved. I believe she said she'd be heading towards...Magnolia town?I hear its lovely at this time of year! Oh well! Guess its time to head on over an say HELLOOO!!! CUZ RASIL BRANDHARTS BACK FROM THE DEAD, AND READY TO SPREAD SOME PAIN!!!"







Spicy foods

Terrible foods

Terrible music
Being ignored

Dislikes: people who don't attacks

People who hurt Maradis


Any music considered good

Doing nothing or being bored

Skills:escaping from tight situations

Psychologically scarring his foes

Blocking attacks


Surprise attacks

Inflicting pain

Other: He has two identical pistols he can use to better focus his energy blast. Although they fire normal ammo as well.

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[div class=background][div class=slider][div class="Tabs tab01"]basic[/div][div class="Tabs tab02"]personality[/div][div class="Tabs tab03"]history[/div][div class="Tabs tab04"]magic[/div][/div][div class=centerimage][/div][div class=contentwrap][div class="scrollbox page01"][div class=title]Basic[/div]
[div class=title]name[/div][div class=text] Sinbad Vulcan[/div]
[div class=title]aliases[/div][div class=text] Sin[/div]
[div class=title]pronoun[/div][div class=text] He/him[/div]
[div class=title]age[/div][div class=text] 13[/div]
[div class=title]gender[/div][div class=text] Male[/div]
[div class=title]race[/div][div class=text] Human[/div]
[div class=title]occupation[/div][div class=text] Mage[/div]

[div class=title]appearance[/div]
[div class=title]height[/div][div class=text] 4'8"[/div]
[div class=title]weight[/div][div class=text] 88 ib[/div]
[div class=title]hairstyle[/div][div class=text] golden, short and sharp[/div]
[div class=title]eye colour[/div][div class=text] light brown[/div]
[div class=title]outfits[/div][div class=text] TBA[/div]

[/div][div class="scrollbox page02"][div class=title]likes[/div][div class=text] Fire, heat, hot chocolate, doing stunts, dangerous things, Valencia (and Meridith), beautiful busty babes[/div]
[div class=title]dislikes[/div][div class=text] The cold, pina coladas, pineapples, soda and juice, big swords[/div]
[div class=title]quirks/habits[/div][div class=text] Sinbad's most known quality is his extreme stubborness, as well as his naivety[/div]

[div class=text]Sinbad is a generally kind and open person, although sometimes known for his cunning and pettiness. He hangs around wealthy people and strong people mostly for his own personal gain, although those who gain a certain level of respect are the people he'd never take advantage of. He is quite generous and kind however, seeing as no matter his position he always tries his best to help those around him. Due to his high level of education as a boy, he is extremely skilled in negotiations and is more intelligent than he lets off. Just like his caretaker he is quite manipulative, while he doesn't do anything as severe as her, he has learned that not everyone is meant to be your friend. As such he isn't against using other people for his own gain. Sinbad suffers from a strange conflict within his mind, that being between what he grew up within the Sun Village, and the mindset he gained with Valencia. He hates people who stay and wallow in power while those around them are in pain, he absolutely loathes it, however, Valencia's magic completely revolves around this. She herself revolves around this idea, it's where his obliviousness and naivety comes into play. He is against hurting others, killing others, but when it comes to her she is the exception. Because she is the one person in this world that he truly loves.

Sinbad is at heart a kind person, he's dedicated to helping others and can't stand seeing people in pain. Combined with his hard headedness he tends to rush into battle without thinking beforehand if he sees someone hurt or in pain his body acts on its own and he jumps into the fray. Most times he also heads into battle with only himself out of pride, for him, he always has the feeling that he needs to prove something, so fighting alongside other people is a rarity. Along with that as another big flaw of his, is his naivety. Towards most people it's non-existant, he doesn't trust people just straight up, but towards those he loves or respects, he would do anything for them. Regardless of anything they ever did or will do his love or respect for them pushes away any crime they have ever committed or will ever commit. As such he listens to them and follows them blindly.
[/div][/div][div class="scrollbox page03"][div class=title]relationships[/div][div class=text] Valencia/Meridith: Many years ago as he fell onto the steps of the LS guild hall, he was met by her. She took him in and raised him as her own child.

Lamia Scale Guild: He sees the Lamia Scale guild as sort of his second family. While not on Valencias level, they have helped him, taught him a few things, even a bit of his swordplay comes from them.
[div class=title]other[/div][div class=text] WIP[/div]
[div class=title]biography[/div][div class=text] WIP

[div class=title]Other[/div][div class=text] WIP[/div][/div][div class="scrollbox page04"][div class=title]Rank[/div][div class=text] C - Rank[/div]
[div class=title]magic[/div][div class=text] Sin is a fairly new user of magic. While he has had his magic within him for years, he has only been truly using it and training in it for the last year. His training allows him to activate hismagic, but he only has a small amount of spells at his disposal.

Sinbad utilizes a Magic known as Draconian Magic, although he calls it Draco Magic. This allows him to use the abilities of the Fire Dragon. More specifically the power of one of the first Fire Dragon Kings, Molteen, and an accumulation of fire dragons over the centuries. Such as the manipulation of flames, resistance to flames, and the absorption of flames through the use of ones Catalyst.
  • Purgatory Dragons Raging Claw: Sinbad covers his dagger in flames, and then slashes it. Creating a wave of fire that burns and cuts anything it comes into contact with.
  • Purgatory Dragons Wings of Hell: Sinbad creates two wings of blazing fire from his back, these wings allow him to fly for short periods of time. Although he can glide for much longer.
    Purgatory Dragons Blazing Roar: Sinbad drops his blade and releases an intense wave of fire and heat that destroys and burns all in it's way.
  • Purgatory Dragons Burning Fang: Sinbad first gathers a large amount of fire at the tip of hid dagger, and then lets it focus around the blade, and compress into it's sharp edge. He then rushes forward with incredible speed and slashes at the enemy, both cutting them and severely burning them.
[div class=title]extra[/div][div class=text]
  • Through Draco Magic, Sinbad is able to communicate with the spirit of Molteen. Molteen helps him train with his magic.
  • Sinbad is color blind, the rarest kind actually, he can not recognize any color. Only seeing the world in a gray scale, with certain grays being either darker or lighter than the rest.
[div class=text]N/A[/div][/div][/div][div class=loadpage][div class=greeting]おはいよう[/div][div class=enter]click me[/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
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Kimi Flaria





122 lbs


Guild Mark Location:



Script Make MagicKimi uses a customized brand of Script magic infused with Make magic. Normally on their own they have pretty decent abilities all around, depending on the user and the specific brand of Make Magic. Kimi however has absolutely no offensive capabilities to speak of. Which is all well and good considering she can't really fight good anyhow! Kimi's magic is entirely utility and defensive based. After all, life as a repective(her own word she made up mixing reporter and detective) snooping around places and such is sometimes pretty dangerous!

Though the Make portion of her magic is presently mostly used to mass produce both permanent and temporary newspapers, fliers, what have you directly into the recipients hand or anywhere else she can presently see. Nifty huh? Though, she does use it to make talismans that hold weaker versions of her Script spell.

Her main focus is her Script magic. While she could theoretically make a paper shield...paper defenses won't really help anything at all.

Her Script spells are as follows:

Detective's Eye
This spell in particular requires full focus and attention, as wel as for her to have a certain goal in mind. She can't just use it to randomly try and find a sack of gold or something, nor are any results necessarily immediately beneficial. Essentially, this buffs her with the ability to seek out clues on a case. Requires a minor passive mana drain to keep active. For herself only when in talisman form causes a point of interest in an objective to shine briefly, entirely possible to miss.

Detective's Shroud
This particular magic essentially turns her trenchcoat into an invisibility coat. She must have the coat on at all times for the spell to work. If she is damaged by a spell it immediately cancels. Likewise if the coat is incinerated or totally destroyed in any way she must acquire a new one for it to work and she must inscribe the special Script on the inside that allows the spell to function. She can be smelt and otherwise heard, she simply cannot be seen without some form of magic or magically enhanced eyewear. Spell requires a medium mana drain to keep active. Spell lasts roughly fifteen seconds in talisman form, essentially an emergency or strategical use.

Detective's Silver Tongue
The bread and butter of her trade. Effects vary based on ones' mental fortitude and susceptibility to such magics. When speaking to Kimi you're more likely to tell her what she wants, be it your name or anything else. Those that are weak willed will more than likely spill their guts to her, others likely just feeling potentionally swayed into thinking its a good idea to co-operate. Solely used by use of talisman. Spell lasts roughly two minutes.

Fleet Foot
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Allows her to run exceptionally fast. Sometimes when you recieve a hot tip you just gotta get from Point A to Point B as fast as you can! No other magic can be used while this is active, talismans or otherwise. Minor-Medium mana drain while active. Spell gives roughly 20 seconds of enhanced speed when used in talisman form.

Kimi has always been an inquisitive person. She asks questions quite often, some that probably should never be asked. She isn't shy in the least and she's not afraid to say(or publish) her opinions on anything! A bold gal with not too many fears she doesn't tend to shy away from danger. That said, she does know when to beat a hasty retreat or when she's simply said to much and thus when to put herself as far away from the person she annoyed as humanly possible as quickly as possible.

She's always upbeat and rather energetic, always searching for the next big scoop or case! She stops at nothing to achieve her goals...well...almost nothing! She's incredibly reliable and loyal more often than not, especially to her friends. There hasn't been a case yet she hasn't solved! She tends to try and get along with everyone she meets and often succeeds, just don't make fun of her outfit or you'll get her angry! She's also quite cunning and manipulative even without the use of her magic, a woman well versed in reverse psychology and the like.

All in all she's a pretty nice gal out to make herself famous and mke friends along the way!


Juicy stories/gossip
Antiques & Ancient Artifacts

A case running cold
Cold Tea
Going for long periods of time without a story.

Kimi analyzes everything around her nearly constantly, this includes people. She easily picks up on mannerisms, fighting styles, even speech patterns. Due to this she's able to guess what someone is going to do or say with relative ease depending on how long she's observed something. She also overall just picks up on smaller nuances far better than most people, thus letting her piece together situations and scenarios more accurately and easily than others. With enough time studying it, this also includes dissasembling as well as building many objects some obviously easier than others.

Kimi is quite amazing at baking though doesn't do it much. Her signature desert are strawberry cupcakes.

Kimi has amazing eyesight and can see accurately farther than most, she's also able to focus close on small objects better than others.

Not my artwork.​

"Nevms. You might be wondering just how 'Magical'
I truly am, well, i'll have you know that i'm so magical that even my
own magic has its own magic, that's how incredibly magical I am."
- Messei Mavison


She's pretty much the biggest protagonist in the RP, like you might as well make her the main character.
She's a main but not a very useful one. (As far as fighting is concerned.)
(Didn't draw any of these FCs, obviously.)
Messei D. Mavison

The Most Magic Lady In Fiore, Magical Messei, The Mistress Of Sorcery, and Master Magic!
(Mainly referred to as "The Oracle" by members of the guild.)

- 1,000,000 (She's so young she's practically in her prime.)

Neutral Good





105 lbs of PURE MUSCLE.


Fairy Tail

Guild Mark Location:
Nearly all 'guild markings' are hastily and poorly drawn on Magic Messei's back
with a permanent marker. She tries to avoid getting herself soaked with water
so they don't smudge.

The only one that's real is the 'Fairy Tail' marking.
Casual Appearance:

Class(C, B, A, S):

SSSSSSS+ - Essentially, Messei is the 'Chad' of wizards.
Just barely a C.

Ultra Rare Magic - Satira Reliefia Sorcery.
Satra Reliefia, is a type of magic revolved around Satricial Relief, it's primarily
contingent upon the circumstances and has a 50/50 chance of benefiting the
user or negatively affecting them!

Considering that Mavison is someone who is almost 'always' unlucky, her
incantations will rarely hold up in a practical altercation with someone. Despite
not always being useful, it sometimes helps the user make interesting
interactions with people.

("Messei's Famous Techniques")
Satra Reliefia, Explodey Kablodey!:
A startling bit of magic, a kinda cheap technique but one that can throw her
opponent off guard if they're not expecting it. Using firecrackers summoned
from the tip of her wand, Messei will toss them at a person's feet and dive to the
ground, giving the impression that it's an actual bomb!

This'll often dupe the person she's up against, letting them take their attention
away from her as he crawls in the opposite direction, hoping to hide somewhere
safe until they become uninterested in using Messei as a punching bag.

"Feel the power of my Maaaaagggiicc! Explodey Kablodey!"

Satra Reliefa, Blindis by Sandis:
Perhaps her only truly 'offensive' spell! Blindis by Sandis is an unorthodox
method of attack as it requires Messei to create a handful of sand from her

After this has been done, Mavison will toss the sand into her enemy's
eyes with all of her might, effectively blinding them for a time being as she
tries to make her escape.

"Now you see me, now you don't! Blindis by Sandis!"

Satra Reliefa, Blamo Kachingo!:
When in a serious 'pickle' of a situation, there'll be times where Messei
might have to use this technique, a 'forbidden' sort of spell that is seen as
'complete insanity' by others, an ultimate sacrifice.

Blamo Kachingo involves the user constructing a sphere of coins from their
pocket's loose change before hurling it at their aggressors, sometimes giving
them a window of escape.

"This'll hurt me more than it'll hurt you, Blamo Kachingo!"

Messei is a woman who lives with a carefree lifestyle, to her a world without major
responsibilities bogging her down is a world that's worth living. Rarely will you see
her trying to actually pull her weight around without being bothered to do so, most
Messei's actual work doesn't even require lifting a finger unless it's being used to flip
some of the pages in a book.

She's always willing to make-up over the top lies about herself to make it seem like
their contributions to the Fairy Tail guild and the Kingdom of Fiore are without a doubt
the greatest acts of selflessness, nearly all these fabrications boasts about how she's able
to perform feats of unattainable magic that could slay even the most wicked and
gruesome of beasts!

Having a tendency to be a very emotional person, it'll often mean that Messei's reactions
to things are pretty over the top and theatrical. There's really never a dull moment when
she's around, these exaggerated performances she has are often shown after she's
consumed a good portion of alcohol.

Unlike a few people that are in her guild, Messei didn't exactly have a rough childhood
and compared to theirs it could be seen as a really healthy and kind environment without
that much worries! She'd spent most of her life in Magnolia helping her family sell cabbages,
a side profession that they had which helped earned a little bit more money for the more
frivolous things in life.

Things, however, weren't exactly the best for her while growing up! At a very earlier age
she was introduced to magic, afterward, becoming obsessed with the very concept of it
although not being very good at it. Nevertheless, she believed that by learning, studying,
and practicing it she'd be able to gain all sorts of fascinating magic! Yet this was never the

Messei never found herself being all too 'bummed' out about this, it seemed that it didn't
really stop her from gaining interest from other people like her ex-husband and the Fairy Tail
guild for that matter, inducting her into their rankings because of the previous scholarships
she has had, not to mention the strange gift that has allowed her to see obscure glimpses into
the future which has made her an invaluable member of the guild.

- Bragging.
- Loads of compliments.
- Being a 'liar pants'.
- Magic!
- Drinking a lot.
- C A B B A G E S!

- Cruel, nasty, and wicked magic users.
- Those skeptical of her powers.
- Exercise.
- Scary situations.
- Monsters.
- Disgusting bugs.

- Begging / Pleading:
Guess you really couldn't call this an adequate skill but it's lead to her
being spared from a couple of beatdowns throughout her life, Messei's
'ability' to beg for forgiveness is unrivaled even by the biggest of cowards.

From obnoxious sniffling and unending screaming, all the way to nonsensical
blubbering, she'll do almost anything to get her way or be forgiven.

- Hiding from Danger:
Getting into fights is so overrated! Besides, it's not like she is able to win any of
them anyway since she doesn't have any 'good' magic. So, instead of trying to
be a 'hero' and put her life on the line, she'll do the next best thing!

Shoving herself away from sight, into anything that'll get her away and out
of the danger zone so that she doesn't have to risk being hurt or having to
deal with a situation that could potentially hurt her.

- Oracle (Future Seeker):
Perhaps a gift from the gods themselves! Hapless as she may be, it seems
that her lapse of 'true' magical abilities isn't all as bad as it appears.
Throughout her life she was able to foretell strange occurrences.

These incidents have the potential of foreshadowing events to come,
whether they be good or bad. Yet, Messei cannot always predict events as
it's very rare to see her sober whenever she has these visions.

- Coincidental Luck:
Messei has proven time and time again that she isn't the most fortunate of
people but that doesn't mean her luck has completely run out, if anything
it's just a tad bit 'different'.

Even if she is always in the wrong place at the wrong time, Messi somehow
manages to escape and survive the ordeal, it's almost like a constant cycle
that she deals with in everyday life.

However, she fears that one day this 'luck' of hers will end.

- Encyclopedia of Knowledge:
Surprisingly her vast knowledge of 'magic' was how she was accepted into
the Fairy Tail guild. Contrary to having significant sorcery, Messei has learned
about several magics and how they 'operate'.

Having had an interest in both the subjects of reading and magic, Messei
spent a large chunk of her life studying about hexes, spells, incantations,
and so on!

Guess that's why she's the FT guild's go-to 'librarian.'

- Partaking in festivities, celebrations, or anything of the sort will most likely
result in her getting completely 'smashed' and getting into trouble or creating
an embarrassing scene for everyone that she's near.

- People tend to make a big deal of her 'age' because of how young she looks,
granted she's not someone who is in their fifties or anything like that! Mavison
is frequently told she looks around the age of eighteen.

- She's actually divorced, well not really. Her previous husband was actually
killed by one of the random dark guilds in Fiore, it's the main reason why she
drinks so heavy. (Messei tries not to talk about it.)

"Who would've guessed?" - Maradis

- Is Nevm's second mentor.

Only the most MAGICAL of Music!"

Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool
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Man, I’m so lucky to have such a beautiful Guid Master, her long silver hair and porcelain features are enough to make any man go numb! She has pretty big boobs too! Don’t tell Yama I said that!
S. Vandalay Kotobuki

  • Name
    Satoshi Vandalay Kotobuki

    - The Angel of Blue Pegasus
    - Perverted Bastard





    156 lbs

    Guild & Guild Mark Location
    Blue Pegasus
    Icy White - Located on the back of his neck.

    - A

    - Yamato Vandalay Kotobuki: Older brother - Jackaboi Jackaboi

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明智 浩作 寅之助




68 kg

Blue Pegasus

Guild Mark Location:
Back, center


Requip: Katana
Altair only learned this magic because apparently, it is not very socially acceptable to be carrying a weapon out in the open everywhere one goes. He has access to only two weapons, which is honestly more than enough for him, with this magic:

Kagetora: A standard uchigatana. It has no special features, other than its scabbard is emblazoned with Altair's family name. The sword is otherwise extraordinarily well-maintained, and Altair takes especial care to ensure it is so. It has proven itself worthy in times of need, much more than any living human being has been, so it should be treated with the same amount of respect. Its name means Shadow Tiger.

A 'cursed' uchigatana. It boasts the ability to sever any magical source, allowing it to literally cut through many, if not all, magical walls, spells, and suchlike as a heated knife through butter. It has also been said to halve its wielder's lifespan, placing a curse of death upon them. Altair scoffs at this idea, for good reason. That curse is nothing more than a lie perpetuated by the greed of man. It is, in actual fact, blessed with the spiritual fire of a fox spirit of yore, hence its name, and it is Altair's one prized possession that he holds dear to his heart. While it does not need maintenance on account that it is a weapon of magical nature, he treats with as much respect and care as he possibly can. Kitsunebimaru is described as the weakest weapon in the hands of a fool, but a sword that can cut down gods in the hands of a beloved one. Its name means 'fox fire circle'.

A lonely man who looks to the stars for guidance on a quiet night. Altair is a very level-headed and calm individual. While some who remember him from years past describe him as having been a hot-headed young man, it seems the years have taken its toll on his fire, replacing it with a cool, unmelting ice that grants him more insight than any flame ever could. He is described as a fairly hands-on person, and learns more from experience than reading things. As such, he is quite a legend in some circles, purely for his expertise on the battlefield. He has honed instincts and reactions, allowing him to nearly almost accurately read his opponents.

As a person, Altair is said to be a fairly kind man, if his eyes did not pierce as deeply into another's soul. He is known to have made time for others even when he is clearly busy with something else. He spends most of his time meditating in his own quarters or practicing with his sword, but according to some, he is always open for chatting or just hanging out. He speaks in a fairly antiquated way. However, he is still capable of some rather scathing remarks, made all the more burning due to his speech. He displays his rather sarcastic and sharp-tongued side more often to people who bother his guildmates, as well as towards his guildmaster's many suitors. His sharp wit, never mind his blade, tends to act as a deterrent, though it may come off as a challenge to banter for some others.

Altair's tale is of a fool who fell in love with a being that he could never hope to be with, and a being who fell in love with the fool, knowing he could never hope to be with her. Nevertheless, despite their star-crossed fates, they loved, and still love, each other, even across untold distances.

The swordsman was but a fledgeling member of the Blue Pegasus, some 6 years ago. While he boasted skill and capability with a blade, he was not as the swordsman that he is today. Still, he bore the pride that he deserves today, and was more or less shunned for it. It did not matter to him. While his magical ability was lacking, he would be sure to double his efforts to match it with his own skill. While he certainly displayed ability, however, he could never actually rise above the dreaded C rank. Distraught and angered, the young man sought power and strength with his own hands, determined to prove to his guild master that he was worth his weight in salt. He departed in search of said proof, in spite of his guild master's wishes.

He would lend his services unto an unsavoury group of tomb raiders who were apparently trying to claim a relic for a local lord, and his blade was invaluable to their cause as he cut through traps, guardians, and the like. His fury was unmatched, and so was his blade. After days of scouring some dank tomb, they finally came upon the relic, an uchigatana not unlike his own, perched upon an altar. Though its surroundings were caked in dust and webs, the sword remained untouched by age. It was as if it were protected by something. Consumed by envy, the swordsman said nothing, allowing his companions to head for the sword first. The first three that passed a threshold were instantly vaporised by some manner of magical trap. The remaining managed to disable the trap, but upon touching the sword, the raiders' leader's hand was cleaved in half by an unknown force. Taking his chance in the sudden confusion, the swordsman struck down the remaining raiders, and stepped forth to claim the blade, ready to face any trial remaining. However, to his surprise, a voice spoke to him instead, the moment he touched the scabbard of the sword.

"You know you only survived because you look cute, right?"

The spirit of the sword materialised in front of him, taking the appearance of what one would call a fox spirit, then proceeded to chide him for his craven practice, much to his annoyance. While he retorted that honor and victory were two different matters entirely, the sword did not seem to like shutting up, and continued to berate him. He ignored the spirit and declared his intention to return her to the lord who had ordered her retrieval. The sword changed her tone at this, insisting that he did not do so. Why, she'd rather an eternity in this musty tomb than be in the hands of someone unworthy, were her words. At the mention of worthiness, the swordsman's interest was piqued, and he queried if he was worthy to wield her. She replied that only if he broke her seal of being confined within the sword, would he be worthy.

Motivated, the swordsman set off to do so. He brought the sword, and its spirit, back to Blue Pegasus, and had her formally write up a contract. His reward was the sword, of course, and all he had to do was find a way to free the damn fox. Then, the swordsman vanished for five years. He took on a pseudonym of Altair, named after the stars, and went searching.

As they travelled, the fire in the swordsman's heart, the eagerness to prove himself, gave way to something else. He did not know it, but he had fallen in love with the spirit. As time went on, he realised he cared less about proving himself, and for the ownership of the sword, but more about giving his companion her freedom. He also wanted to give her more than just freedom- he wanted to give her happiness. He declared this to her one night, under the stars, awkwardly going through his prepared script. Her response was simply to kiss him deeply.

In truth, he accomplished his duty by the third year. However, he was not prepared to return to Blue Pegasus. Instead, he chose to spend his time with his beloved, both under pseudonyms: Altair, a swordsman in love, and Vega, an unknown immortal being of untold power, too, in love. Altair had reason to believe she was but a piece of a God, but he did not say much. He elected, instead, to spend as much time as he could with her, realising that if this were true, then their time was limited.

Indeed, their time came to an end. However, their love did not. Vega had to leave for places unknown. It was in her fate to go, but Altair need not fret. She would return once every full moon to see him, if it were possible for both of them. The swordsman, while he accepted these terms, was not content. When he returned to Blue Pegasus, he was a changed man. More than 6 years have passed since some have last seen him, and more than 5 have passed since he had seen the guild. He wasn't the only one who changed, it seemed. Still, the change did not hold his attention. There must be a way for him to be together with his beloved forever, and he was going to look for it. He remains to this day, a member of Blue Pegasus, with his ears on the ground for something, anything, that would aid his cause.



Swordsmanship: If there was ever a 'master' of swords, Altair would be a living, breathing version of it. He is capable of wielding his sword with unparalleled skill, and is learned in many styles of wielding it. The speed at which he draws the blade is nigh impossible to catch with the naked eye, and he has been said to have been able to cut through lightning itself. More notable of his feats are- slicing through clothing without touching a hair on his target's body, creating a blast of wind sharp enough to slice through stone with a swipe of his sword, and light his sword on fire through oil alone, all of which are not tied to his sword's magical powers. He more than makes up for his inability to wield magics with his skill.


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Name: Riwane Silverleaf

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height: 4'10

Weight: 89lbs

Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Mark Location: Inner right forearm, near the crook of her elbow. Light Pink.


Image does not belong to me

Class: B

Healing Magic

  • Riwane can create a light green mist that heals all people within a five feet radius, no matter whether they are friend or foe. This mist doesn't heal herself and it lasts one minute before disappearing. It doesn't completely heal life-threatening wounds, instead it's basically a light touch of healing before she can get closer and make a more in depth heal.

Riwane is usually very cheerful and happy but with a definite bite of sarcasm and crudeness. In fact, it could be said that swears and curses are her main form of communication. She likes to tease others and threaten them with curses that she cannot possibly conjure. There have a been a few times that she has planted snakes (never her pet snake, Noodle) or other forms of pond life into the beds of people who have gotten on her nerves, however. This is usually done in the name of fun and not done with malicious intent. Usually.

She does have her solemn moments when situations demand it, usually when she needs to heal someone grievously injured. These moments of seriousness don't last for very long until she's back to her usual crude, loud mouth self, expressing exasperation at her patient's lack of self awareness.

Riwane acts as though she's put upon whenever someone asks for her help, but secretly she craves to be needed. Being physically weak, she often needs to be protected herself so she feels as though she needs to work overtime to show that she's worth that protection.

As a young girl, Riwane was usually very weak. She could never run fast, lift heavy things or reach very high. She was picked last for games because of her physical ineptitude. Even so, she wasn't very motivated to change herself. Riwane remained the same, staying in the same place for years until she met a stranger covered in blood. In a peaceful place like Fiore, this was very unusual. Panicking, Riwane didn't know what to do. She was too tiny to drag him to someone to help. She couldn't run fast enough to find someone to help. And so he died due to her ineptitude. This changed her. Riwane tried to rework herself to be stronger but her health stood in her way.

During one of her many hospital visits, though, Riwane meet someone that would change her life. A mage named Caesar, learned in the arts of Healing, that had visited the hospital to train and hone his practice. She begged him to train her, to no avail. Instead she was forced to look over his shoulder and learn in secret. She continued to do this until Riwane felt confident enough to try it out.

Her patient was a friend of her's, with a simple scrape of the knee. Once she cast her magic, the bleeding only grew worse. Panicking, she tried it again. This only seemed to make the cut grow bigger. The event was spotted by an adult, who did the responsible thing and took him to the hospital. There, Caesar learned of Riwane's trial and error and chewed her out for it. Still, even after her mistake, Riwane wouldn't back down. If Caesar still refused to train her, this would continue to happen. And so, she was trained at the threat of being a menace to society.

As her skills grew, she looked to join a guild. Finally looking to get rid of her, Caesar tossed her through the doors of Fairy Tail and the rest was history.

  • Sweets
  • Causing mischief and pulling pranks
  • Snakes
  • A happy atmosphere
  • Being needed

  • Being reminded of how useless she is in a fight
  • Being useless in general
  • Genuine insults
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Having to be serious
Along with her Healing magic, she's also memorized several books on medicinal herbs and remedies. Riwane is also a wonderful baker and cook.
Has a pet snake named Noodle

I don't own this image either
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Don't touch my hair, or mess with my guild mates, and I won't have to break your face in.
Ikora Susanno
Ikora Susanno
Mad Monk Kora
Badass Female
Human Monk
Fairy Tail
Guild Mark Location:
White, Right side of her arm
Class(C, B, A, S):

~White Lightning Magic~
White lightning is a rare variation of lightning magic taught to her at a young age during her training as a monk. White Lightning is similiar if not the same as regular Lightning Magic, except that the lightning generated by this form of Magic is white and is considered "holy". This Magic has holy properties, and as such, allows them to destroy dark forces. This includes demons, as this lightning can prove to be fatal to demons. Also due to its holy properties, this Magic has healing spells unlike regular Lightning Magic, which is usually focused on destruction. It allows the user to heal allies with holy jolts of lightning. Despite this Magic having many healing based abilities, this Magic does not lack in offense, and intrestingly, is much more powerful than standard Lightning Magic.
~White Bolt: A simply spell where the user fires a bolt of white lightning.
~White Pulse: A spell where the user fires a shockwave of white lightning, shocking the opponent and repeling any projectiles fired at the user.
~Holy Healing: The user put their hands on a person's chest, delivering a quick jolt of lightning that infuses itself in the nerves and accelerates their healing prossess.
~White Lightning Flash: The user uses their white lightning to create a bright light to blind the opponents.
~White Lightning Eruption: The user causes a white lightning bolt to come strait out of the ground underneath the opponent and electrocute them.
~Holy Lightning Lance: The user creates a lance made of pure white electricity and throws it at the opponent, creating a large explosion.
~Holy Lightning Blade: The user creates a raw blade of white lightning to use against the opponent. This blade can cut through nearly everything it touches.
Holy Storm: The user causes a large bolt of white lightning to erupt from the sky and onto the opponent, and draining her magic greatly.
~White Lightning Body: The user turns their body into a living lightning bolt. The user can travel at high speeds and electrocute anything that comes into contact with them.
~White Static Charge: The user places a charge on any conductive surface, creating a electrical landmine. If the opponent touches the conductive surface, they will be violently electrocuted.
~Holy Ion: The user creates a small sphere of white lightning which they throw at the opponent. The sphere gets larger and larger and hit the opponent, electrocuting them entirley.
~White Lightning Punch/Kick: The user creates a orb of lightning around either there hands or their feet, allowing them greater striking power from their unarmed blows.
~Arms of Durga: Utilizing her white lightning, Ikora is able to manifest four arms on each side of her body. These arms are used as an extension of her very on body, to either attack her opponents with lightning damage, of to defend herself or others.
Despite Ikora's monk training, and lifestyle from her past, she's nothing like you'll expect how a monk would act. She isn't just a brown skin female, with beautiful natural hair, and vibrant light brown eyes. Nor is she the peaceful, obedient, spiritual monk she tried to be. She is truly an intelligent, very temperamental, and passionate woman. She can never keep up her monk act up because she is easily angered and quick to resort to violence if talking isn't getting anywhere. She the loves her guild and everything that comes with it. Like the thrill of fighting with Keira, reading intellectual books with Cerelia, and drinking with a few of her guild mates till she can't even stand up on her own. When Ikora is fighting, she'll always hold a grin on her face whether if she's winning or losing. It's the thrill of facing an opponent and bettering her skills that takes over. Ikora is very passionate about women's equality. She feels that a women can do anything men can and better. She gets angered whenever she sees women basically throwing themselves towards men for comfort or love. She loves encountering strong willed woman, who doesn't really much on men.


-Being Angered
-Being underestimated
-Sour food
-People touching her hair without asking

Disregard Ikora's magic and magic power, she's an excellent and skilled hand to hand fighter. She's has an incredible condition which makes her stronger, faster, and more durable than others. Her stamina and reflexes are incredible keeping her going for long time. Despite being a unarmed fighter Ikora does have some expertise in a variety of weapons like swords, staves, spears, maces and rope weapons. She however prefers unarmed combat, but if the occasion arrives she won’t be in distress.
Now throwing in her magic, Ikora is pretty much an unstoppable force. Her magic further increases and speed and strength allowing her to make quick attacks holding create force behind it.

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Yamiko Nightflower


Yamiko Nightflower





95 lbs


Guild Mark Location:
On upper right of right breast.


Blaec utilizes black magic, but instead of using it for villainous purposes, she uses it to help people.

Her following spells are as follows:

Shadow Bolt: A bolt of dark purple lightning is shot from the pointer and middle finger of Blaec, zapping the target it hits with 5000 volts of electricity.

Dark Vortex: A black portal is created that acts as a shield to catch magic based ranged attacks only. Physical weapons bypass the effect, and cause it to vanish if struck by a physical Weapon.

Nightmare Mirage: Placing her left hand on the ground, Blaec created a terrifying illusion that fills all but the user with horror upon looking at it. The user has to stay still while projecting the image, and if she moves it breaks the concentration.

Black Hammer: A physical Warhammer is materialized in Blaec's left hand, which is then thrown at a target. There are two effects that are used depending on what the enemy is. If the enemy has armor on, the armor shatters and the hammer vanishes afterwards. If the enemy has no armor, their speed and mobility are greatly hampered, as if the Gravity became 5x more than normal.

Responsible, hardworking, and always dislikes fooling around, Blaec Hardy has time to make friends. She is however, very good at arguing her case with using black magic, and always will explain her reasons for using it if needed. She dislikes anyone who disses the Sabertooth Guild, and will fight to the death to protect her adoptive family.

She also has enhanced speed, reaching a Max of 650 mph

Blaec was born into a family of two. One parent was a black Knight, the other, a dark wizard. She herself was just 4 when she became subject to the wizard's experiments, aiming to make a super soldier of sorts. It was only fortunate that several members of the Sabertooth guild during that time were on a mission to hunt the Wizard and Black Knight, and in turn, rescued the girl from her wicked and abusive parents.

She would however always be scarred due to her ability to now utilize Black Magic, where before, she had none. In the beginning, it was always used on accident, sometimes hurting her adoptive family. However, she would managed to get control over her powers soon afterwards, and has been a excellent member ever since.

Guild Sabertooth

Her past being brought up
People accusing her of being a villain
Being treated like an outcast
People who hated her guild.

Expert Lance fighter
Clothing making

Image belongs to the people at Idea Factory and Compile Heart.​

"As long as I have her,
as long as she's with me,
I don't need anyone else.
She is the only thing that matters."
- Sinbad Vulcan


Sinbad Vulcan



Lawful/Neutral Good


Being a Kid



88 ib


Guild Mark Location:

Class(C, B, A, S):

C Class

Draconian Magic
Draconian Magic, also called Draco Magic, allows Sin to use the abilities of the
Fire Dragon. Due to the research and life led by his ancestors, their mistake, and
his luck, embedded within his blade is the raw, unadulterated power of the Fire
Dragon Emperor Molteen. Although due to his inexperience he is only just barely
able to conjure the smallest possible fracture of his magic. This magic grown with
the user, allowing them to train and use more of the dragons power the stronger
they get. This magic requires a catalyst that's important to the user for it's use, and
can only be utilized through the use of that catalyst.

With his Magic, Sinbad can generate and manipulate heat and flames, he's extremely
resistant to heat and flames as well. His physical abilities are passively increased and
allow him to absorb heat and fire into his blade to increase his magic. This magic also
shares a strong resemblance to takeover magic. As the more of the dragons magic you
utilize, the more dragonic in appearance you become, and the more your catalyst grows,
in stages of course.

(This is what stage one looks like)

Purgatory Dragons Raging Claw:
By focusing magic onto his blade, Sinbad conjures up deep red flames that cover
the small dagger's blade. He then slashes with it, cutting and burning whoever
it comes into contact with. This also extends the reach of his small dagger.

(he can also use this as a slashing attacking. shooting out a small crescent of flames
that cut and burn)

Purgatory Dragons Wings:
One of his supportive spells, here he creates two long wings of glames on his back
that allow him short periods of flight. Or allow him to glide for much longer periods.

Purgatory Dragons Blazing Roar:
Currently the strongest spell in his arsenal. Here he focuses all of his magic power
into the blade and releases a powerful concussive force of burning flames, in the
shape of a roar.

Purgatory Dragons Burning Fang:
Here Sinbad generates an intense amount of flames. These flames then compress
into the blade. Making the blade incredibly hot and giving it's cutting edge more
cutting power. He then rushes forward and slashes at the opponent, cutting and
burning them at the same time.

Sinbad is one of the most stubborn brats you'll ever meet in your life. He's been told by
many people that his magic is not Draconian Magic, but his magic is the ability to never
give up. Although he is just a child, which puts him in deadly situations if he ever wasn't
careful. He's not fearless, however, not by a long shot. He's scared of needles, he's scared
of the dark, and even more so he's scared of being alone. But no matter what situation
he's put in, no matter how scared he is, instinctively he just refuses to stand down. He
could be held at gunpoint, piss running down his legs and his entire body shaking, but he
would never give in. He never loses hope and he never despairs. This is because a long
time ago, he lost everything dear to him. His family, his friends, his home, he truly lost
everything. He swore that would be the last time he was sad.

Sinbad tends to act a bit mature for his age, or at least he tries to. He's young but he likes
to believe that he's older than everyone else around him. He loves cute and adorable things
but refuses to acknowledge them out of fear that it makes him seem childish. He loves to
play outside but would rather go outside and train because it makes him feel more like an
adult. This contrast is best shown with how he interacts with Maradis, his caretaker. He acts
like he doesn't care about her but he loves her more than he loves anything. He's a tsundere
in the way that he'll give her so much love but then claim that it's not because he cares about
her. On the inside his feelings are clear, he finds himself extremely lucky to be in the presence
of someone like her. He doesn't praise her or see her in such a light as a devout follower would
see a goddess, he does not respect her because of her power or because of what she's done
for him, he loves her because of who she is. She loves her, in his own word, because he loves
her. He needs not a reason for caring about her nor does he intend to find one. On this same
level, it feigns slight ignorance on his part. The naivety that's found in children who stay with
absuive parents is the best comparison. No matter what happens, no matter what she does,
he will still follow and love her.

Sinbad is also rather protective. He likes to see himself as a sort of cool lone wolf bad guy, but
in fact, he hates being alone. He loves being around people, although holds himself back out
of fear of it making him not look cool. He's most protective over Maradis, he gets extremely
defensive if anyone badmouths her, it's gotten him into more than his fair share of fights
when he was younger. He becomes extremely judgey over anyone that Maradis brings into
their house, and decides personally that if he doesn't like them that they don't deserve Maradis.
(He also believes that every man that enters the house is after her house, and is even more
judging of them)

Sinbad is at heart a kind person, he's dedicated to helping others and can't stand seeing people
in pain. Combined with his hard headedness he tends to rush into battle without thinking
beforehand if he sees someone hurt or in pain his body acts on its own and he jumps into the
fray. Most times he also heads into battle with only himself out of pride, for him, he always has
the feeling that he needs to prove something, so fighting alongside other people is a rarity.
Along with that as another big flaw of his, is his naivety. Towards most people it's non-existant,
he doesn't trust people just straight up, but towards those he loves or respects, he would do
anything for them. Regardless of anything they ever did or will do his love or respect for them
pushes away any crime they have ever committed or will ever commit. As such he listens to
them and follows them blindly.

Many, many years ago..... There was a tribe of people known as the Draco Tribe. They were known
best for their study and experimentation with the power of Dragons. They were seen as a Taboo
tribe, due to how much they loved dragons and affiliated themselves with them. During the war
against dragons, however, they quickly became the first line of defense. Over the years the tribe
began to die out, with more and more people leaving the tribe to pursue their own livelihood and
ideals. Until only a handful of them remained. Sinbad is one of the last living members, if not the
only living member. About 9 years ago, a battle ensued with the clan head and his brother, who
had affiliated himself with a dark guild. The clan head wanted to protect the remaining dragon magic
they had accumulated, while his brother wanted to use that power to overthrow the magic council
in the name of their lord. A long battle ensued, which reached it's climax as the brother broke the
pot of sealing, which held the body and magical power of the once known emperor of fire, Molteen.
It resulted in a cataclysm of magical power that decimated the landscape. For many days and many
nights rune knights would investigate the area, which was burned and charred but would find nothing.
There was no trace of the tribe, their existant was nothing but a fairy tale. That day, every member of
the tribe died.

Everyone except for Sinbad.

Sinbads parents were of the few who were against the thought of war. They didn't like their tribe's
old ways, but they didn't want to use the power of the dragon to overthrow the magic council. So
they had initially planned on destroying the magic power. But it proved useless on their first attempt,
so they then decided on freezing it over with as much magical power that they could gather. They
had gathered just enough to at least attempt it on the very day the magic went loose. They had only
one choice now, to protect their son. So they used the spell on their own son to encase him in ice,
protecting him from the chaos and trapping him in a cryo-stasis like state. When the spell came undone,
he awoke to find that everything was gone. To his childlike mind, the gravity of the situation never hit
him, he couldn't even understand what was happening. What he did know, however, was that it was
dark and that he was alone with nothing but his clothes and a dagger left by his father as a family
keepsake. There was nothing, no one... except for Molteen.

The release of his power had caused much destruction, and after it was over, he was left as a traveling
mass of power and consciousness. But one cannot exist as such, he was going to disappear in time.
But then he saw the young boy, lost and alone. The lone survivor of the destruction caused by those
before him. He took pity on him and bound himself to Sinbad, using Sinbad's dagger as a catalyst. It left
Sinbad with one companion, the "Imaginary friend", which he named Mal (since at the time he couldn't
pronounce Molteen). Although it didn't give him much solace in the world he was left in. He had nothing,
he could only remember glimpses of his old life but some parts stayed strong. He knew that this was his
home, that he had a family, but now that family was gone.

For years he'd wander the world. Gaining most of his food by stealing or by begging, although found that
he didn't need to eat much to sustain himself (thanks to Molteen). One boy and one dragonic parent
weren't enough to keep him going strong though, he became more and more hungry as the years went by,
and found it harder and harder to find food. That's when he landed in Lamia Scale, thin and weak Maradis
took him in as his caretaker. He's been with her ever since, training, learning from her and growing from her.
To him, she is the only reason that he's still alive today. He views her as a powerful ray of light that brightened
up his otherwise dark life.

- FIre/Heat
- Maradis
- Fighting
- Eating
- Mal
- Candy
- Sweets
- Swimming

- The Dark
- The Cold
- Pain
- Sharp objects
- Giving up
- Death
- Hunger

- Adapting:
He is extremely good at adapting to new situations. While he has a tendancy
to not let things go, when he's in a new environment or experiencing something
new, he's best at making that new thing work best for him. This allows him
extremely fast growth when it comes to both magic and fighting, as well as people.

- Not giving up:
You might as well call this a skill. His stubbornness and refusal to give up defies
reasoning. He isn't an idiot by any regard but when he wants something he
really wants it, and will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

- Efficient:
Efficiency is one of his greatest skills. He's able to make the most out of anything
and any situation. No matter what the task he is constantly able to find the best
way to use what little resources he has to give the best results.

- Cooking:
Sinbad is, surprisingly, an amazing cook. Call it a gift of the gods but his understanding
of food, flavors, and the process of those two is unnerving. He can cook better
than your mom and your grandma, working together.

- Stealth:
Sinbad is extremely good at sneaking around and staying under the radar. He built
this skill up when he was young and stealing to support himself. He is a skilled pit
pocket, finds it extremely easy to erase his presence, and does this weird trick
that makes him completely just disappear.

- He calls Maradis Mom, or big sis
- If he loses his dagger he is not capable of utilizing his magic
- Molteen knows exactly the kind of person Maradis is, but won't tell Sinbad because
he knows he won't listen to him.
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  • 96e0b25740290839184cd94498efc42b.jpg
    Robin Acedia







    Guild Mark Location:

    With her short height the heavy-set young woman is almost always clad in fancy, flowing clothes that are easy to move around in. She is usually adorned with various belts and bags containing phials and flasks of all manner of liquids for her job. Her brown hair and brown eyes give her a fairly benign color palette in Earthland but she does her best to pretty herself up with all manners of accessories from bows and hairclips to wristbands and anklets.


Kai Zahara

  • Name: Kai Zahara

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Height: 5'3

    Weight: 118 lbs

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Ferra Nari

  • Name: Ferra Nari

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Height: 4'11

    Weight: 95 lbs


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Don’t you just love shiny armour? I love shiny armour.

  • Name
    Cerelia Alv
    Princess Cerelia Helradima Alvarez

    Warrior Princess of The Alvarez Empire




    A woman of peerless beauty, Cerelia is exceptionally beautiful. Her figure is slender and slim, yet curvaceous in all the right places, her hair long, sleek, and seemingly perfect in every single way. Cerelia isn’t from Fiore, and this has taste in clothing is much different than the natives of the land. She dons elegant armour almost all the time, and always makes sure to carry her lance on her person at all costs.



    Guild & Guild Mark Location
    - Fairy Tail
    - Baby blue in colour, on her left thigh.

    - High A
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Maev Maximillian

Maev Kana Altair.png

Nickname: Mae, M.
Gender: Female
Age: 12 1/2
Height: 5'2"
Hair Color: Cream
Eye Color: Pink

Guild Statistics
Guild: Sabertooth
Mage Rank: B-Class
Guild Tattoo Location: Right side of the neck.
Guild Tenure: 2 years.
Opinion of Guild: Indifferent. All she cares about is that they're not actively trying to kill her brother..

Maev Maximillian shows nothing in the way of emotion. She is stone-cold, calculated, unfazed by things that would bring most kids to tears, and she comes with a bite. The several negative experiences have hardened her, as it was her job to keep her brother safe. It still is. Her brother is one of the only people who can actually draw emotions out of her. When she's caring for him, a softer side reveals itself, but barely. If her brother is ever hurt or put in danger, she becomes a violent foe. She protects her brother with reckless abandon, and uses protecting her brother as an excuse to unleash the real hatred she's built up for the world.

Character Strengths: Strong-willed, Thick skinned, Capacity to be caring.

Character Flaws: Distant, Unemotional, Hair trigger for defending her brother, Sharp.

Likes: Cards, Her cat ear cloak, Her brother, Freebies, Defending her brother, Bringing evil to those that are evil.

Dislikes: People who try to hurt her brother, People in general, Genuine evil, Drama.

Maev and Morik Maximilian were born as future heirs to the Maximilian estate. The Maximilians were among the wealthiest and most respected families in Crocus, the capitol of Fiore. They were best known for their lineup of magical cards. While there were other families in the business of dealing cards, the Maximilians were by far the best in the industry.

Despite their wealth, reputation, and arsenal of magical cards, the family still had enemies. One in particular was a rival family that copied their cards in a cheaper quality that were not nearly as reliable. This rival family was ready to take over the market, and the only thing standing in their way was the Maximilians. As such, they hired mercenaries to rid of the esteemed family.

Only two members of the family managed to survive the onslaught that ensued. Instead of becoming paralyzed with fear, Maev escaped with the family's prized deck of cards -- the Master Deck; utilizing the cards along with her small stature to bring her and her brother to safety in the mountains outside of Crocus.

However, once in the mountains, the two kids got lost, and Maev was forced to use the cards over and over again to protect her brother and her from the various groups of bandits hiding in the mountains. This continued until one day when they found a strange hall on the other side of the mountain range. That hall was none other than the Sabertooth guild hall. Although Morik was hesitant, Maev insisted on bringing them into the guild. At least that way they'd have a place to stay and call home, around people that at least weren't actively looking to kill them.

Magic Ability: Card Magic
Advantages: Card magic is a sort of caster magic that allows the user to utilize a wide variety of spells through casting their cards. Basic cards can be used in combination as well to create entirely new and unique spells. It works well for mages who are particularly crafty.

Disadvantages: Unlike other caster magics, Card magic is restricted in that spells from cards can only be cast once per battle. Once used, a card needs time to recharge the magical energy required to be used. While larger decks can provide greater variety, it also makes it harder to find desired spells. Having the largest deck isn't always a good thing. If the caster cannot come up with an effective use of the cards during a battle, they could be caught without anywhere to go. Also, without the cards, a card caster is nothing. Their magic relies heavily on the cards.

Level of Expertise: Effectively skilled, but still has much to learn.

Magic Ability: Healing

Advantages: There are obvious advantages to having the ability to heal others. If someone is hurt, this ability can be used to nurse them back to health. It is effective against most ailments as long as the magician is aware of them.

Disadvantages: There is no offensive or defensive qualities about this magic. It is used solely to care for those who have been hurt. Also, Maev can only use this magic in conjunction with her brother, Sean. She cannot do it alone.

Level of Expertise: Fairly skilled, but requires her brother to use.

Battle Equipment: Famed Maximilian Master Deck, thought to be lost.

Non-Combat Items: Cat ear cloak.

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Morik Maximillian





110 lbs.


Guild Mark Location:
Palm of Right Hand

B-class, but has A-class skill. Has potential to be S-class one day

Dragoon Magic. Think of it as a mostly successful attempt to recreate dragon slayers. You see, after Dragon Slayers disappeared other wizards attempted to recreate it, but only got Dragoon Magic. It focuses all of a certain elemental magic to your hands and legs, making gauntlets and boots of the magic. Less actual magic constructs and more just the magic surrounding those specific body parts. This makes you just as fast and strong as a dragon slayer, maybe even more so. You get ranged attacks, special abilities and melee attacks based on your element, but unlike dragon slayer magic there is no eating your element and no consistent way to keep endurance up without outside help. This magic is considered a far cry from what it was trying to be, but it's still powerful lost magic.

Morik specifically uses Shadow Dragoon Magic. Consider it like being a ninja with heavily destructive capabilities. There are many spells to this specific type of Dragoon Magic that make the user very hard to fight close range, however it is still insanely powerful long range.

Spell 1: Shadow Step
This ability is very effective for keeping one step ahead of your opponent. It allows the user to temporarily fade into the shadow plane and use the shadows within their vision as steps. Basically he can use shadows to accelerate his movement. This means if your shadow is close, so is Morik. This happens so fast not even most wizards can see it and it allows him to evade and deliver sneaking attacks that deal massive amounts of damage.

Spell 2: Shadow Volley
This is Shadow Dragoons only distance spell, but it is also so versatile that it is the only one Morik needs. This spell takes magic shadows and condenses them into dense orbs. Then, using the orbs as ammunition, Morik can fire them up to a range of 1,000 feet. These orbs can be small like a marble or as large as a car. However, the larger they are, the more time it takes to form them. As an added bonus, this attack can function as a wide spread damage attack or a singular target spell. The singular target requires a lot of accuracy, but the wide spread affect can deal damage to everything within the vision of Morik, but it sacrifices accuracy and leaves him wide open for attack

Spell 3: Negative Shadow Burst/Shield
By far this is the best spell for handling any defense. This ability creates thin shadows and can either send them out as a burst from Morik's body or a smaller shield from a designated line drawn by Morik. Negative Shadow Shield blocks damage in a specific area based on the line Morik draws. He can move his hand along a line in front of his body and a six foot shield of shadow will appear on the line he draws with his palm being the center. Negative Shadow Burst is more of a specialized defense for fighting multiple opponents, but has it's uses in singular combat. This version allows Morik to use the same thin shadow barrier, but sends it out like a blast wave from his body. This allows him to defend against many attacks from all angles, but also has it's limits. As it gets farther from his body it gets weaker, so secondary attacks will get through. Also, this ability is very good at pushing an enemy back to a safer distance.

Spell 4: Shadow Claw/Talon
As one would expect, this is just a scratch and a kick with shadow magic put behind it for maximum damage. It is considered unavoidable, but there are ways around it. Mainly just be faster than him or have a way to grab something that is nonphysical.

Spell 5: Shadow Double
Despite its title, this spell is not making copies. Rather this ability is an evolved form of Shadow Step. This version is so fast it leaves an after image for the opponent to attack, but it also sacrifices accuracy, so Morik mostly uses it to get away from opponents by faking attacks, but when he is into it, he will use this ability to have a little fun.

Advanced Spell: Shadow Suture
This spell allows Morik to use shadows to stitch himself and others to any solid surface. It requires a massive amount of magical accuracy and control, but if done right there is no way to escape it and he becomes immovable. This spell requires physical touch to apply to another person.

Advanced Spell: Shadow Gear Scythe
This spell allows Morik to conjure and use a scythe made entirely of shadows. Each Dragoon Magic user can create one magical construct with their element and most of them are weapons. This scythe is deadly even by magical standards. It can pass through walls and objects without a trace and cut an opponent. It is a dangerous and powerful weapon, so as a rule, Morik does not bring it out unless he has no other choice or he decides to take a fight seriously.

Trump Card Spell: Shadow Beast
This ability coats his body in shadows. As a plus all his physical abilities are quadrupled, but when he does this he becomes no more than a mindless killing machine. This will not stop till he runs out of magic or someone he cares about deeply stops him using kind words and such (so at this point only his little sister is capable of doing it).

Morik is, by design, very untrusting of people. Yes, he will work with others, but that does not stop him from keeping a few back up plans for killing you just in case you decide to betray him. However, the strong silent type mask he puts on is not his real personality. It was the one created to overlay with his own natural personality. He had layered his personality quirks to make himself hard to read. He is easy to get along with, but hard to talk to. He lives to protect people he cares about, but earning his trust is hard and nearly impossible for some. He yearns to find someone to love, but doesn't even care to show the others his face to make sure they can't leave him due to certain things. He is a walking pile of self made contradictions. Not even his little sister has a clue which side of him is real, but they are so close that they don't really care to know what's real. He loves all of her and he knows she loves all of him. He loves hard and not so often. Not to mention he has some need to keep his face hidden. Not even Maeve knows why, but he seems to have a reason. Basically, earn his trust. He might be confusing, but earn his trust and you will find no one more dedicated to keeping you safe and happy.

Maeve and Morik Maximilian were born as future heirs to the Maximilian estate. The Maximilians were among the wealthiest and most respected families in Crocus, the capitol of Fiore. They were best known for their lineup of magical cards. While there were other families in the business of dealing cards, the Maximilians were by far the best in the industry. The children were expected to be card magic users, but Morik didn't feel the same way. The idea of using that magic seemed like cheating to him and he went behind his families back to learn a new magic. He managed to learn a lost magic, but in return he was found out and shunned by his family, Even Maeve.

Despite their wealth, reputation, and arsenal of magical cards, the family still had enemies. One in particular was a rival family that copied their cards in a cheaper quality that were not nearly as reliable. This rival family was ready to take over the market, and the only thing standing in their way was the Maximilians. As such, they hired mercenaries to rid of the esteemed family.

Only two members of the family managed to survive the onslaught that ensued. Instead of becoming paralyzed with fear, Maeve tried to escape. During her run she fell and was at the mercy of an attack. Before she was about to be blasted and cut down, Morik stepped in. Rather than fight and risk losing his sister as he had their parents he covered her with his body and took the full force of all the attacks. He was burned and cut and beaten, but refused to leave his sister there. Soon he managed to rise and jump from a window, taking the full brunt of the fall as well. They managed to escape and Morik even managed to get the family's prized deck of cards for Maeve; which she utilized along with her small stature to bring her and her brother to safety in the mountains outside of Crocus.

However, once in the mountains, the two got lost, and Maev was forced to use the cards over and over again to protect her brother and her from the various groups of bandits hiding in the mountains as Morik healed from all the damage. This continued until one day, shortly after Morik had finally been brought to full fighting capacity once more, when they found a strange hall on the other side of the mountain range. That hall was none other than the Sabertooth guild hall. Although Morik was hesitant, Maev insisted on bringing them into the guild. At least that way they'd have a place to stay and call home, around people that at least weren't actively looking to kill them. This also seemed rather appealing to Morik, so he went along with Maeve's plan and simply joined with her.

Meat, Silence, Peace, Alone Time, His sister and Polite People

Loudness, Annoying People, People who ask to fight him and Boredom

He has very high hand-to-hand combat skills. His style mainly focuses on rapid heavy attacks followed by an immediate change in angle or position of another attack to make sure he is hard to block, read and stop. This style has 0 actual defensive moves, so he created a few of his own. Aside from that he is just your average guy who disappears into shadows and has a habit of hitting people who say something stupid in front of him. So, he does a lot of hitting.

He does not hold back when dishing out your punishment for a stupid thought said in front of him. If your not prepared, you could end up needing a hospital visit. Or maybe a few over night stays. Or maybe a sleep in the bed for a month. Depends on how hard he hits or kicks you. Just, be careful what you say around him.
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Megan Nukem




4'9 ft

95 lbs

Owner of a Non Official Guild

Guild Mark Location:
Above her butt, below her back
Looks like a red plus sign


Minor Note - Megan wears the eyepatch just for looks. She doesn't really have anything wrong with her eye in reality, but will lie about it being cursed or the patch 'Seals her true power'

Self proclaimed X
B Rank

Ironically, Megan only has a set of three spells. That doesn't stop her from pulling pranks with one, or ending something's existence with another.

Tactical Nuke
Explosion - A large 10 meters in diameter circle of magic appears in the distance, before anything inside of it gets blown up by a huge burst of magical expansion. The spell in itself wears the user out. Not from casting it, but from talking a really long made up casting chant just to sound more threatening.

Panties Snatch
Item Teleportation - Megan can swipe anything from anyone secretly, as long as she focuses on the location of where said object is. It's usually reserved for pranks and perverted mischief, And hasn't really helped in any useful way.

Lewd Poke
Alluring Shot - A pink orb is fired from Megan's wand, and whoever is struck by it becomes Megan's lover until she decides to break the spell. To break the spell, she must utter this line, "Slimmity, Sloppity, you are no longer my property!"

A slight Chuuni, Megan is pretty good at making others hate her for her pranks. Megan is able to make friends, but she prefers being solitary, mainly so she won't get in trouble if she had friends. She does have an rival (Forced *cough cough*) who she claims is just a 'Con artist' and will normally try to bully her whenever she sees her. She can be a bit forgetful at times as well.

A wandering mage looking for good pay and lots of fun. She was born into a family of non magical people, making her a rare exception. However, her limited amount of spells, as well as her Chuuni tendencies landed her as a B rank.

Bullying Messei D. Mavison
1 night stands
Big Rods (the magic wands of course, what did you think I meant?)

Messei D Mavison
Giant Toads

Being sneaky in combat, by being pervy with her attacks. like grabbing boobs

Making others around her think she's a child.

Using the second skill on a grown Person to get them arrested. (Best prank by far)

Can beat any challenge

Megan always carries a wand with her, as well as a bag of tricks that seems bottomless. She got the bag from a pervy old man and The bag of tricks has three effects that Activate at random.
- Blow a light wind that moves other females skirts upwards.
- Creates a sentient blue blob that lives only to harass females that didn't Summon it.
- Cause a tentacle plant to grow and attack everything In the area.
The Face Claim is Megumin.
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Name: Tyson Redd







Guild Mark Location: left forearm red in color

Appearance(Picture Required):

Class: A

Magic: Thunder Titan magic: this magic basically make Tyson an embodiment of Thunder, and lightning. Not only can he use them as weapons, but his physical abilies are boosted as well. Making him as fast and powerful as lightning. He can also somewhat control the weather with it. Allowing him to create thunder clouds at will.

Thunders Herald: Tysons normal form. He is struck by a bolt of lightning which boost all his physical abilities. Essentially making him the embodiment of Thunder.

Smite: Tyson forms a a giant arm made of lightning and strikes his foes with it.

Skyfall: Tyson causes a volley of lightning to rain down onto his foes. It covers a 30 foot radius around his foes.

Thunder clap: self explanatory. A massive clap of his hands powered by thunder. The ability is extremely destructive, and can knock most foes out of action. Or at least deafen them. However it's not safe for others who might be around him at the time. He's deafened several allies with this spell, luckily only temporarily.

Titans wrath: two giant arms made of lighting rise from behind Tyson and begin smashing the area the foe is located at.

Behemoth Killer: this is a mighty thunderbolt stronger than all of Tysons normal bolts. It's capable of taking down even giants. But it drains a lot of Tysons magical energy so he can't use it more than once, or twice per battle.

Thunder Titan form: Tyson's body grows until he takes on the form of a massive 40ft Titan made of red electricity. Aka thunder, and or lightning. This form is much slower than his normal form. But allows for more powerful attacks, as well as increasing the number, and distance of his ranged attacks. But he can only stay in this form for about an hour per day. After which he is completely exhausted. Even unable to move. He also takes the damage he receives while in this form. His durability is just increased.

Personality: Tyson is a very indifferent individual. He's always been this way. From the moment he was born he would just stare off indifferently at things. Nothing really bothers him, and his interest mostly consist of fighting, drinking, eating, and sleeping. He has other hobbies just not anything anyone knows about. He does have emotions, however. As little as his expression might give away. He quite often feels anger, and he can show a more cheerful side if given the right situation. Mostly lots of booze, and the right company. He doesn't fear much, even those stronger than him. He's never really cared about his life either. Ever since he could remember he has always just been drifting through life, doing what he felt necessary. Never more, or less. He believes in fairness, and judgment. So if he catches you doing something he deems worth his attention, and feels he can do something about it he will. He's loyal so long as you're loyal to him, and can also be rather blunt about things. He also tends to be clueless when it comes to certain things mostly involving pop culture, and stuff of that sort. He's not really the most up to date, in the loop kind of guy. But luckily that doesn't stop him from being a help on the battlefield. He admires strong people, such as the guild masters. He doesn't have much in the way of a goal. He always seems to be trying to figure out exactly what he's doing with his life, only ever finding solace in training, or battle. It's kind of like binge-eating because you're sad. Except he works out, and doesn't really get sad. Just depressed.

Bio: Tyson was always an odd guy. Even when he was a baby he would just stare at people with his indifferent stare. It really unnerved most people, and tended to be the reason he was alone. Which didn't really bother him any. He enjoyed being alone. It was a quiet time of reflection that he often used to question life's greater mysteries, as well as think about his own life.

Eventually, his little brother Miles was born, forcing Tyson to give up his alone time, as well as being more sociable. But he didn't mind that either. He found his little brother amusing, and when he got bigger he made a great sparring partner. Eventually, Tyson found that he actually cared about his brother, even so much as to join the Sabertooth guild with him. Although he had already contemplated the idea beforehand.

Tyson soon found a place in the guild and found plenty of people who actually didn't mind his indifferent stare quite so much. Although at some point his brother had turned into a delinquent. So there was that. But as always it didn't really bother Tyson. The only thing that did was finding his place in the world. Something that forced him to leave the guild to travel with their father for a time. He traveled in hopes of finding something. Maybe himself, or a higher purpose. Although the results of his travels are yet unknown. However, he did get a bit of training in.

Likes: contemplating stuff, being alone, quiet places, the heat of battle, strong people, his guild, family, righting wrongs. Eating, training, fighting.

Dislikes: injustice, loud people, obnoxious people, his nagging thoughts about his life, cruelness, unfair advantages, cheating, (not much else, and even then this stuff just barely counts as dislike for Tyson)

Skills: Grappling, no not the hook kind. The fighting kind. He is really good at most forms of fighting. Almost as good as Wilson, although not nearly as powerful.

Cooking, you'd be surprised what a Redd can cook up.

Massages, he knows the human body well. He can send you to pure bliss with his hands, or pure agony.

Building things, houses, statues, just about anything so long as he has the material. He has had a lot of time to himself so he spent a bit of it making forts and what not.

Weapon handling, he has spent lots of times with plenty of different weapons. Although he prefers using his hands. He can use almost any weapon with at least above average skill.

Other: Brother of Miles Redd The Elder The Elder
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