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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Are you guys really going to judge a book by its cover? I mean, for all I know, it could suck but so what?
I've yet to hear a good review of the movie and when it was announced to be showing on FB, the comments blew up with people saying to not see it and that it was worse than Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Lioness075 said:
I've yet to hear a good review of the movie and when it was announced to be showing on FB, the comments blew up with people saying to not see it and that it was worse than Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Did it release?

I'm usually weary of reviews from hardcore otakus. I try to keep a neutral approach.
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[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]Did it release?
I'm usually weary of reviews from hardcore otakus. I try to keep a neutral approach.

I didn't read any reviews from hardcore otakus and it did release already. At least, it did in the US. I've heard that if you've seen the TV show and/or read the comics then you won't like the movie.
I'm going to be the wierd and say that I didn't find avatar that horrible...then again I don't remember much of the movie cuz my face was attached to my gf at the time :/ But!!! I have to. This kind of stuff doesn't happen often. And if it fails, I want to say it failed from a first hand experience. Only thing I saw in the previews that got me miffed was them adding a love connection, or making it out to be more than the manga makes it. But that's what happens when u give directors creative freedom. Still, I hope I at least enjoy it.
From what I remember of the Avatar movie, it was terrible, but that's my own opinion. Let me know what you think of AoT.
AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back from the weekend. Hello everyone :3 how was everybody's weekends?
zCrookedz said:
Awww, Sorry to hear that Lion. anything particular?
Yeah, it was drill weekend for me and instead of drilling with my unit in the Nat. Guard, I have to drill at my school during the academic year. So, we had a PT test on Saturday and it was like a hurricane outside with the ridiculous amount of rain that never stopped all day. I can't do a PT (physical training) test because I had surgery on my left big toe about 4-5 weeks ago and it's an 8-10 week recovery for it. Due to the fact that my toe is also an open wound currently and they used chemicals on it during the surgery, I can't swim in any open bodies of water, due to the uncleanly water, or in a pool, due to the large amounts of chlorine in it. Thus, when we spent all Sunday (up until 3PM) doing water training in the school pool, I had to just sit around and do absolutely nothing productive when I had a project to complete that day (which also involved me needing to go visit an art gallery in town) and I had to study for my Chinese midterm, which I had this morning (and aced btw :3). But yeah, it was just a lot of me sitting around and doing nothing productive while wasting my time when I had more important things to get done.
dang. well at least they were nice to let you heal up before throwing you back into the game. In high school, we had a gym teacher who made the kid with a broken leg (cast and everything) play kickball. Threatening him with a failed grade for the day if he didn't. That gym teacher got in trouble. it was funny ^_^ congrats on your Chinese test!
zCrookedz said:
dang. well at least they were nice to let you heal up before throwing you back into the game. In high school, we had a gym teacher who made the kid with a broken leg (cast and everything) play kickball. Threatening him with a failed grade for the day if he didn't. That gym teacher got in trouble. it was funny ^_^ congrats on your Chinese test!
Lol, they're only letting me heal because I have a medical profile for my toe and have been to a doctor for it. If I didn't have a medical profile, they'd make do stuff despite the injury. Also, I was indirectly called a jackass for quietly laughing to a joke someone whispered to me while someone was giving us instructions on how to do something I wasn't even going to be able to do anyways. And what's wrong with that gym teacher? O.o Sheesh. And thanks. :3
The power went down a few times at my college on Saturday. It went down a few times yesterday, too.
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zCrookedz said:
lol, @Aldur Forgehammer your title is clever.
I have SkyGinge to thank for that idea. If he never gave me an orc-hestra for the Character Challange I might have missed the cleverness.
Where art thou, Silver? >.>
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@Morgrim Hey, the timing of your interaction with Luness doesn't really make sense after I made such a large post with her not interacting at all with Morgrim after she got the flask. It might make more sense if you ask her for it after we've all arrived at the djinn camp and whatnot. Cause with the timing of your interaction, I can't really have her respond lol.
Hey @SilverFlight

Could you give a notice whenever you're gonna do a big post? It would be nice and it'd help me manage my time so that I can reply in time and not get behind.
Damn I missed alot. Sorry I've been Mia. Too much crazy at work and home, will catch up after work :/ btw AoT was....well it was different lol. I went in with an open mind, good thing. Didn't follow the manga too closely, but the way I saw it. The manga/anime was just a basis for a plot. The guidelines for the movie. Not a written scriptide that the movie needed to follow 100% He'll I wish 1 of the added characters from the movie was in the manga lol. But they did have Sasha, which was good lol and jap. Actors are always over the top lol well, part 2 later this month :o
Aldur Forgehammer]Hey [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3029-silverflight/ said:
Could you give a notice whenever you're gonna do a big post? It would be nice and it'd help me manage my time so that I can reply in time and not get behind.
Not really no, I don't plan them, but you can be sure one is coming whenever we finish a fight and move on. If you analyse it, there really isn't much there besides description and individual interaction, so I doubt the size of your own post needs to change very much.
Lioness075 said:
I've yet to hear a good review of the movie and when it was announced to be showing on FB, the comments blew up with people saying to not see it and that it was worse than Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Worse than Shyamalan's royal eff-up? I don't believe it. Nothing could be worse than that...

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