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Exalted 3E Solars of the Sky - IC


Here at the red mark is the city-fortress of Lawless. It is a place where pirates, brigands, and a multitude of tribes have built common refuge. It is a bustling port hub overseen by ancient spirits of daring, cunning, and luck. The steel bound wooden barricades that declare the borders of Lawless are towered over by great totem idols erected by tribes of the dense mountainside black market. Above the lowland grounds lies a volcanic mountain, nigh impassible save for those that know the secret. Only the crew of Righteous Indignation have ever been privy to its secrets in the Age of Sorrow, though many of the hot spring patrons chatter and bicker over tall tales of what could or what might lie within. Thankfully for the circle, none have dared brave the paths to the Lawless Caldera in generations prior to Varrick's claim.

The crew returns home to roost, 2 months since the last shore leave, tired and starved for a good haul. Your holds grow scarce of provisions. Much of the easy prey from the Diamond Hearth bay and northward seems to have vanished. Townsfolk seem muted, superstitious, and downright terrified as many familiar horrors have also vanished. Your arrival is welcomed by your crewmates, tired, worried, and fraught with rumor and anxiety as to what could be happening to leave the land in such eerie silence. How do you begin to plot your next venture?

Note: Any character with Lore 3+, as a pirate of the area, you have free reign to make rolls to declare facts about the town as if you had a specialty in it. For now, we won't fret about timing between declarations.
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Axtis stands quietly as she watches her second in command, a boisterous man named Marius, give the various orders to have the Righteous Indignation tied down and secured in her berth. Soon enough, he comes up to her and gives her a jaunty smile. "All tied up and shut down, Cap'n. Unless a hurricane comes along, we're not going anywhere."

She gives him one of her rare smiles; everything was done so quickly and efficiently with no need for screaming. It shows Axtis that the crew really knows their stuff. "Good job, Marius, as usual. I see why I pay you all the jade that I do." Her smile widens just slightly as Marius straightens up just a little bit more with the praise she gave. "Crew rotation posted? I want at least three people on the ship at all times. Things have been a bit rough lately, not just for us, but for everyone here at Lawless, too. I wouldn't put it past any shady characters to try and raid our stores."

"Yes, ma'am. Everyone knows the rules, and the penalties for breaking them. I'll stay here to supervise the delivery of the supplies that you get sent over. I still have some of my ol' beer stash to hold me over until tomorrow."

Axtis nods. "Good. I won't be long; you know me well enough that I don't sleep as well on the ground as I do on the ship, even if she is in her berth." With that, she gives the long awaited order to the waiting crew that shore leave has begun. Axtis watches as they head for the gangplank. They are tired, but who can blame them? It's been too long since they have had a chance to let their hair down and relax. I must make sure not to work them too hard.

Grabbing up her bank ledger, she heads for the ground, her bow slung over her armored shoulder and a short sword on her hip. After all, this town can be a bit rough on a lady. First order of business is to replenish our dwindling supplies. Food, water and fuel. Then, I can look for a place to get a drink for myself. With one last fond look over her shoulder at the Righteous Indignation, Axtis heads for the marketplace to start making her purchases.
Stalking Tiger or as the crew knew him with the name was scaling down from one of the watching posts with some rope. He was standing next to air balloon as he saw sailors started to shore leave. This was third trip he took with the crew and he got used to working with them. Who knows maybe he would even give Axtis a discount for fourth time or maybe he asks him for a more permanent contract.

While he was thinking about these hanging from side of balloon on a rope, he saw Axtis heading towards ground. Well until he got his payment he is practically her bodyguard and he knew there were people who would like to get their hands on her treasures or body, some both. He decided to trail her as usual he does whenever she leaves the ship so he swung with rope and jumped off to land on a roof without making sound than trailed down to streets and blend in people with his heavy coat which barely hides his silken armor underneath. His razor claws were in concealed state and hardly shows the green jade when they are in fingerless gloves state.

Character Sheet
Stalking Tiger activates Monkey Leap Technique if he is too far away from a roof.
He uses easily-overlooked Presence Method to follow captain in the crowd spending 3 mote from personal

Personal: 13(11 if used monkey leap technique) / 16
Peripheral: 25 / 40
Committed: 15 (artifacts and hearthstone) + 3 (for easily-overlooked presence Method for the scene)
Griffon finishes tying off the rope she had been holding onto as the Righteous Indignation finally settles down in its docking cradle. She enjoyed working with her hands, even if that usually meant slipping them into some rich merchant's pockets to remove what money lies inside. But, even as good as she is at robbing people, she makes sure not to ply her trade as a thief with the members of the crew. That's just bad form, to steal from your fellows.

Griffon slips back to her bunk to grab her coin purse and her satchel with a few goodies that she's been holding onto for a while that she's been planning on selling once they got back to Lawless. Lucky for her, she knows a few good fences that can move merchandise for a small fee. After a quick check of her weapons to make sure that they are all secure, she heads for the ground.
Lawless' Lioness thinks to herself as they approach their home port, it's a bold name. In her time, she'd seen laws that protected and laws that exploited. It's often said that on a ship there are no law except for the captain's word, and to some extent that's true, but it's not just any word the crew will accept. The young woman sends a glance at their own Captain Axtis. She's better than most, in Lioness's inexpert estimation, she cares for her crew and takes no more than her fair share of their plunder - a trait the young Zenith can admire.

She rises from the side of the ship where she has been leaning against the railing, and looks out across the crew milling about and moving to depart the Righteous Indignation, she smiles briefly at the reminder of the name. Her eyes fall on the woman she now knows as Xilanada and those old conflicting emotions come up again, though none of it shows on her face. Were she on her own, she would depart the ship, find an inn, share drinks, hear stories, dance, laugh, maybe even fight. Were she to ask Xilanada to let her do just that, the other would probably agree, but that does not make it right. There's a debt to be paid, even if she feels it more keenly than her creditor.

Walking with a gait that brings the image of her namesake to mind and her long braid swinging softly behind her, Lioness approaches the woman who of everyone here comes closes to actually knowing her. As she comes close to Xilanada, she bows her head almost imperceptibly and waits for the other to speak first.

A wretched hive of scum and villainy, that's what many would consider this town. The fact it called itself Lawless was just... overdoing it. What was the point of calling your town Lawless ? That would be like someone calling himself Killer or Thief.... come to think of it, the crowd he traveled with did love their grandiose titles. Maybe cities were like that too.
Andyet, despite a name that apparently screamed to the world "Come at Me", the natives looked spooked. That was odd.... people rarely rolled out the welcome carpet for him, but that was different. Well, he would just have to keep his eyes open as he would arrange supplies. He saw that Axtis had similar plans and headed her way:

"Hey boss, if you're headed to arrange supplies, might if I tag along ? I want to do some quality control on the raw materials we get to repair the ship and gear. I might of plugged that whole port side for the time being, but I'd feel more comfortable if we used proper materials to fix it permanently."
Axtis nods. "Certainly. Your expertise will be much appreciated. Come join me. Between the two of us, we'll get our baby fixed up right in no time."
Two months since she'd last seen land.
Two months since she'd met the charismatic Captain of the Righteous Indignation and come to understand what, and who, she was.
Two months since there'd been any news of anything beyond the endless cycle of flight, searching and securing what the airship needed to keep profitable and keep afloat.

For Xilanada, stepping onto firm earth is a welcome relief. She stands off to the side as the crew begins to disembark and the Captain gives her orders. There's a familiar cadence in the other woman's authority, echoes of command Xilanada herself had once wielded. To disasterous results. So far, Captain Axtis had handled her responsibilities better. Time would tell if that remained true.

As the other Solars disembarked, Xilanada moves to join them, at least briefly. With the Captain and the other Twilight teaming for the market place, she's content to follow after them. Griffon probably has her own plans. And Stalking Tiger...where is the man? With a casual shrug, she walks, lost in her thoughts.

But not for long. The silent presence of Lioness at her side is a continual reminder of certain obligations, of debts paid and retained, and of memories best forgotten. She'd also come to be the only person Xilanada can truly trust in her life now. Especially in this lawless black market that pretends to be a city. When they'd disembarked the Righteous Indignation, of course the Zenith had approached her for direction. Once, a man named Tepet Kian would have been only too happy to give it. Now, Xilanada found this last remaining responsibility a burden. Yet one she can't shed, for the sake of the other woman's honor...and because Lioness' freedom means Xilanada truly will be alone even in the midst of this crew. This couldn't be the life her courtesan had envisioned for herself, of course. It's not the life the Twilight has ever imagined for herself either! But now that it is theirs, Xilanada finds herself strangely reluctant to change the status quo. Not without an opportunity to change it in a favorable way, for them both.

"I suspect the Captain has the resupply well in hand," she says in a conversational tone to Lioness. "Though I imagine I'll be needed to finalize any deals made and negotiate a better price, of course. It can wait for tomorrow. I think I'd like an audience with the spirits who administer Lawless as well. You'll arrange an appointment tomorrow for me. Today, though..."

The Twilight Caste sighs and stretches. "Today, I'd like a bath in what passes for a nice room in this city, followed by a good meal and a chance to catch up on the gossip. Months on that airship leaves little opportunity to know what's moving in the world. And Lawless feels...unsettled, compared to the last time we were here, don't you think? Let's go to that inn you found last time and enjoy a little well deserved relaxation."
Lioness nods and leads the way through the crooked streets of Lawless. In a place such as this, most buildings are ramshackle, barely more than sheds held together with seal fat, frozen dirt, and the desperate home of those who depend on them for survival. In a place such as this, also, there are buildings that stand out from the norm. Lawless is a place of great inequality, and those who have wealth like to flaunt it, and one way of doing that is by showing everyone that you live in a bigger, better, and most notably, warmer house than they. Such houses are most often placed away from the others, partly so that the poor do not become too envious of their betters, and partly so that those betters need not suffer the drab vista that is a city mostly full of poor people.

The inn Lioness found during their brief stay in Lawless two months prior is such a place. It is built near the harbour on the edge of town close to a trio of small ponds that are kept eternally warm thanks to the molten rock of the near-by volcano, slumbering though it is. The building itself is three stories of brick and mortar reinforced with large granite rocks at the base and has a lively traffic of the wealthier merchants and luckier pirates coming and going.

Aboard the Righteous Indignation, Lioness has dressed practically for the hard work of helping sail the ship, and the hard work of killing their enemies when needed. Now, as they walk through the city, her clothes slowly change. To Xilanada who walks behind her, change is clear to see, but to others who notice her only in passing, it is entirely too slow, and inevitably it's not her clothes that draw the attention of the city's men and women. When they arrive, it is only the woman's well-toned muscles and the always-aware look in her eyes that reveals to onlookers that they are dealing with a warrior. Her motions are inviting rather than threatening, her braid is decorated with chains of gold and her mariner's garb has been replaced by a richly embroidered orange dress.

When they arrive at the door, she opens it for Xilanada and curtsies deeply, waiting for the other to enter before her.
As Axtis and Varrik walk through the city, Axtis looks about, trying to put her finger on what is bothering her about her surroundings. It was nothing obvious, but there was a general feeling that if she were to shout 'boo', the locals would leap out of their skin. She feels more and more tense, and turns her head to quietly say to Varrik, "Do you feel it? This whole city is on edge, and I don't like it. Watch your back while we are here."
Stalking Tiger was following Axtis and Varrik from a safe distance but he was at a distance where if he felt anything going bad he can react it to in time. His senses were on edge and he could feel the hair on his nape and arms standing under heavy cloak and armor underneath it. All of his instincts were screaming to him but he was not sure what was wrong. He didn't change his approach but he needed to fit in with crowd so he was acting a little terrified as well. This atmosphere felt familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. Was it that time when he almost failed to kill a target back in Nexus.... no although it is similar this is not it. Was it the feeling he got when he was betrayed and left in the mercy of guild slavers....no this does not felt like that time either, that time was not as intense as this he was already in motion to escape that time. Even during his training there were times Stalking Tiger felt desperate since results were not showing and training becoming unbearable but he never gave up no this atmosphere feels like people are unsettled beyond simple discomfort.

Character Sheet
Still under effect of easliy-overlooked presence method to prevent being overt he fits himself with crowds actions.
Personal: 13(11 if used monkey leap technique) / 16
Peripheral: 25 / 40
Committed: 15 (artifacts and hearthstone) + 3 (for easily-overlooked presence Method for the scene)
As the crew hops off the Righteous Indignation, Marius and two arms men stay to keep the ship. A man with a wide vulpine grin, dusty clothes, and narrow eyes tags along with Griffon, holding a ledger and holding out coin purses, blades, and other miscreant deterring miscellany hidden among his more innocuous effects. Max Venture, resident bookkeep, priest, and compulsive prankster often serves as the guide for the darker pawn shop operations both above and below the feigned innocent front of Lawless as a priest to its patron god.

In the center of the cabins, tents, and sprawling tribal camps lies one totem above them all, that honoring The Crooked Warden, patron of Lawless, northern thieves, luck, and commerce. Upon this totem are etched doctrines many, especially Max, hold to heart as the one true creed of northern skullduggery.

1. Thieves Prosper
Thieves prosper is the foundation of Lawless, as the threat of divine wrath and mortal retaliation usually keeps "the peace" in the city of Lawless. Thieves form crews, crews form families or as outsiders dub, gangs. Five families, run by their leading Capa, establish the foundation of mortal power upon the town, each comprised of a multitude of crews, led by their Garrista, with well-established turf demarcations that are sadly still disputed in secret wars outside the walls. All thieves pay the tithe to their Garrista, Garristas to their Capa, Capas and priests to the Warden. Worth noting, priests of the Warden are duty bound to aide thieves in need so long as it does not favor them against another thief.

2. The Rich Remember
The Rich Remember forms the purpose of the council of Capas, to ensure that no man, merchant, king, or otherwise, can feel safe from the Warden's reach. For this reason, those in the know or involved directly in the circle of Capas trade information so long as status, turf, and tenets are honored.

Layout-The Overcity
The Overcity to all those with black in their blood and gold in their dreams is naught but a blatant front for weary travelers deliciously ignorant to the weight of larcenous genius hanging above their heads. It serves as the district for tribal residences, commodity exchanges, workshops, bathhouses, breweries, and inns. Polite folk can sometimes find a pass here, assuming they are either too tough to contest or too poor to bother.

The Foxway
The Foxway is but a cute moniker for a subterranean stone palace, complete with altars to the Warden, thriving black markets, gambling dens, fences pawn shops, brothels, gladiatorial shark fights, and more. Every Capa holds their bases here, each rolling off from the fountain monument directly beneath the central totem.

Compared to the far north, Lawless is actually a beacon of optimism right now though still somewhat more muted than it otherwise would be. Many crews have come to roost to enjoy the harvest of shadows. Rumors fly like pigeons about various troop movements, superstitions, confidence gigs, wet-works gigs, ruins, wyld hunts to the south, Guild hunts, beast gods, dark gods, dead gods, undead, war, and most of all the peculiar silence of the far north.

Axtis, Lioness, Xilanada, Varrick, and Stalking Tiger, your tasks see you to the Overcity where provisions, commodities, crafts flow like rivers, albeit somewhat dirty ones. Many tents and small shacks serve as storefronts and warehouses making good use of the north's most abundant feature, cold, to keep the food. What do you seek first? Given the reputation of the crew, you gain +1 success to any bargain roll in the Overcity, though not all of them are gentle negotiators. Worth noting, Axtis has a list from Max of used provisions over the last two months and some suggestions for filling the hold with supplies.

Griffon, your fencing trip lands you in the Foxway at one of Capa Drasca's pawnshops. An older gentleman with an optics piece resting over his head greets you with a familiar, crooked grin. Terrance is a known crook, a tough seller, and a tougher buyer, though he's well known for keeping to the peace, his word, and his secrets... What do you bring to show him? Assuming the priest assists, you gain +2 successes to any bargain roll in the Foxway.
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Axtis works her way through the marketplace, making the easy purchases first: general supplies and provisions. After that, there is the issue of having to fix some of the sails and rigging that got damaged in the last storm they couldn't outrun. All the while she is making arrangements for the supplies to be delivered to the ship, Axtis is keeping her head on a swivel, keeping watch around her carefully. Something is wrong here, and the sooner I spot the source, the better it will be for everyone involved.
Spending 3m from Personal Essence to activate Keen Sight Technique
Over the course of the shopping trip, Axtis is able to see many regulars of the Foxway above ground, shopping, socializing, and occasionally casing a mark. Many nod, smile, and wave to her as she passes. Some former partners make small talk of days long past, inquiring as to the health and well-being of herself, her children, and her crew. From what you hear from them, as well as overhear from neighbors, is that many have come into town to enjoy the haul from a few big gigs, but the tension between tribes has escalated noticeably from the norm. Capa Drasca, Bjorna, Falkavi have been mentioned a few times as well, they seem dissatisfied having to extend some of their thugs to break up frequent brawling in the Overcity.

Merchants seem to be fretting over the distinct lack of Fae activity. Though one doomsayer speaks of an apocalyptic war between the courts, that seems fairly ordinary among the booze-soaked rabble of Lawless.

Exports of Lawless heaven seem to have spiked as well, much of the neighbor's paranoia seems to have sparked a taste for forgetfulness.

Gathering this much information consumes about 4 hours due to the bustling foot-traffic and rowdy company are frequent interruptions. Unless there are rare materials necessary
Griffon greets the proprietor with a smile and wave. "Good to see you again. I have a little something to show you, and I'm hoping for a good response from you about it." Waiting for the go-ahead, she pulls a cloth wrapped bundle from her jerkin and sets it on the counter between them. After being unwrapped, he can see that it is a jewel encrusted dagger of exquisite manufacture. "This baby was a ceremonial knife. You can tell that it was never meant to be used for fighting. Hell, I doubt that its old owner did anything else than polish the blade and show it off to his friends. He made the mistake of thinking he could out-play me in a game of poker."

At this point, she begins the slow dance of negotiation with Terrance, trying to counter his every complaint on the blade with praise heaped up on top of the quality of the gemstones, but it would seem that she's just getting out-negotiated. Damn! And here I was, hoping for a better take on that dagger!

As they haggle, she asks, "So, what's the latest gossip on the streets? A girl has got to stay in the know to keep her skin in one piece, after all."
Terrance seems like his brain stops for a moment, then strokes a whispy trail of chin hair in thought. "Oh! Right... Boss's been makin a big fit over havin to police the recent stink between tribes. Somethin about raids or some such. I'm not too keen to go pokin my nose around though. Not after seein the bloody noses and broken limbs. Hells, I think they might've even killed a man! Can you believe that? By the time they've marched all the way out here, man still has his blood boilin so hot he'd kill a man on neutral turf. Whatever's goin on, rest assured I want less than nothin to do with it! I oughta make like the fae and piss right the hells off to somewhere else that's for sure!" Once again he pauses. "Well damn, then I'd have to move all this..." and he continues to grumble himself out of making a rash decision for the effort it'd take.
Griffon nods in understanding. "Sometimes its best to just keep to your own self, and don't get involved." She continues to try and boost the take on the knife, but finally lets out a sigh. I guess that there are days that are better than others. This was not my day. "You drive a hard bargain, Terrance, but I'll take it. No need for me to keep a hold on this when I can make use of the cash I can get. Speaking of cash, it looks like I might be in Lawless for a few days. Any word on some work that might need to be done? Or do you know of any cargo that needs to be moved, no questions asked? Captain Axtis is always looking for a good payday for her and the crew."
After several hours taking care of the needs of the ship and crew, Axtis finally looks over at Varrick. "I've seen nothing that would explain why everyone seems so anxious. What about you? Have you caught wind of anything unusual? In any case, I'm now in the mood for a good bottle and some hot food." She pulls her cloak around her tighter to try and keep the chill at bay. "Perhaps everything will be clear after a mug of mulled wine and something off of the spit."
"Vetter. All settled in as Garrista now, aren't you? Good. It's nice to see the gold helped."

Xilanada sat across the table from Vetter Tae, a new Garrista running the Onyx Crew out of Onyx Street. Like most in service to the Crooked Warden, he stole for a living but running a crew meant being approachable. Months ago, when she'd first arrived in Lawless, Vetter had stolen from her. And when her bound Luminata hunted the man down for her, she'd found it more useful to leave him alive. Not just alive but prospering, for a man on the rise in the ranks of the Crooked Wardens was a man who might hear whatever she wanted to know. An evening of elemental magic had left a Mercury Ant slowly boring its way through a hill bordering the city-fortress of Lawless, an elemental who would leave anything valuable it found in a covered depression that only Vetter Tae knew of.

In the several months since she'd last been here, clearly he'd used that newfound source of wealth to buy his way up in the ranks. Just As Planned.

The blonde Sorceress smiled as she signaled for drinks for their table. The Lower Pelt was really a brothel that only pretended to be a restaurant, bar and inn for wealthier travelers. But she found the food adequate, the company typically better behaved and they had the best baths in Lawless. The Twilight yearned for that bath. But this evening would have time enough for real pleasures. In the meantime, business first.

"You remember Lioness," she said, ostensibly to be polite but mostly to remind the man of her ferociously physical escort. "We've just returned to port. Two months out on the ice. Two months away from the happenings in Lawless, happenings anywhere for that matter. I'm interested in the local politics, in war and rumors of war, in famous births and deaths, pretty much anything interesting that's happened. So, why don't I buy you a meal and you can enjoy the company of two lovely ladies while we hear all about what's happened while we've been away?"
Stalking Tiger once again reminded how popular Captain Axtis is in the Lawless. Ever since they entered into marketplace not only not even one pickpocket tried to approach her but peope were actually wishing her, her family and her crew well being which is not something happens that easily. At this point Stalking Tiger was almost at earshot of captain thanks to crowd getting a little bit tighter around her and Stalking Tiger this way can hear what she is saying. He ofcourse didn't catch whole sentence despite being this near after all he can't afford to be look like interested in captains talk but a couple of words would be enough to deduct 'mug of something wine' Usually Stalking Tiger would head to a tavern ahead of time and would wait for them to arrive but he didn't like the atmosphere of the city, he is also not sure which tavern that captain will decide to stop in and lastly this will be Sun knows how many times he will be 'just in the tavern' they were going to although she might not suspect anything it is better to keep 'coincidences' low.

Character Sheet
Still under effect of easliy-overlooked presence method to prevent being overt he fits himself with crowds actions.
Personal: 13 / 16
Peripheral: 25 / 40
Committed: 15 (artifacts and hearthstone) + 3 (for easily-overlooked presence Method for the scene)
Varrick has let Axtis do the talking during negotiations. She was far better at these thnigs than he was, there was no argument there. Instead, he made sure to inspect every supply that was brought, checking the quality and ensuring she knew exactly what she was buying.
He did quietly listen around but couldn't pick up anything remarkable himself beyond the usual ravings.
"Yeah, I could use some R and R too. I guess we'll soon find out one way or the other what the fuss is about. That's pretty much how my life goes."
By contrast to his employer, Varrick wasn't really bothered by the cold, as usual not wearing anything above belt level, a habit he acquired from the scorching heat of the forges and his Manse.
As she enters the room in Xilanada's wake, Lioness's keen eyes quickly take in their fellow patrons of the Lower Pelt. It's a mixed crowd, but not an overtly threatening one. Of course, in Lawless that does not necessarily mean much.

As Xilanada strikes up conversation with Vetter, Lioness silently takes her seat on the other's right. In another place, she might have remained standing, but in this place being overly formal would help neither of them. She catches the man's eyes as he glances her way and with a crooked smile that could equally well be read as threat or temptation, she silently informs him that she certainly remembers him.

Activating Wise-Eyed Courtier Method with Personal Essence to get a feel for the room. I'm assuming my descriptions count as a rank 1 stunt, otherwise drop the last two dice.

4 sux on dice + 2 from the Charm, 6 in total. That should cut through most people's Guile.
"Lovely indeed, if memory serves." Vetter rubs his temples, trying his best to forget much of his less than stellar past and focus on the moment. "Things here are going well. Abroad, on the other hand, is another matter. Much of what I have to say should be uttered only in private, but for now I can say this much. Haslanti aristocrats, or whatever equivalent they have, have pushed against the Ice Walkers with uniforms." He leans in and lowers his voice, but Lioness can still pick out the message. "They had a famine. The old herd raids? That cold war has officially gone hot. Haslanti feel backed into a corner, and the only choice they got is to pillage the Bull for new emeralds to replace lost farmland and livestock. I have more for you, but not here. Let's meet on the ship after dark." With that, he passed a sack of mixed silver and jade on the table. "Your cut, by the way. Again, I have more, but the Capa grows suspicious. We're gonna have to stay more...circumspect, to keep from bein made a head shorter, savvy?" Vetter sits back, eyes shifting as if he watches for rival ears and decides to ease himself by trying to divert to less sensitive topics. "If'n ya don't mind my questions... what've you two been up to since ya last made port?"

Lioness can detect a handful of Foxway regulars, some in cover, some not. Where their allegiances really lie remains uncertain, but she detects no reaction from these marks as the discussion takes its course.

Terrance pipes up to Griffon( Psychie Psychie ), his pride as a man of the market showing in his aged voice. "That's easy! Food! Any foodstuffs ya can snag will get ya a pretty score here lately. It seems mildy elevated now, but just you wait! I promise you the value of good eatin stock will rocket over the next season. 'Specially with how rare league ships have been the last month or so. Other than that? Any arms you all could snatch from the satrapies would fly off the shelves as well. Tribes are buyin em up faster than usual. If yer just lookin for a haulin gig though..." The man once again sifts through his thin beard. "I reckon you could move Lawless Heaven to Icehome for a quick upsell."
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Xilanada digests the information the way a gourmand might approach a meal; with a long pause and a refusal to rush things. Instead, her eyes grow distant as she considers the implications. The League and the Bull were the two great powers with any regional reach. Other nations had a degree of might as well but typically restricted themselves to a single concentrated location. On the balance, the conflict favored the Bull given his Exalted resources, to say nothing of his holding more fertile land. The Haslanti were limited in their ability to even recruit more numbers, given their relative inability to feed excess population without importing. But then, the League had its airships...and the Icewalkers came from a subsistence living modality that had never successfully handled an expansion of scale before. It would be interesting to see which way the war would go.

At last, she nodded. "Yes, by all means let's be circumspect," she said in a tone that was warm with amusement and soft to avoid carrying. "I'm very much an advocate for your success, Vetter. I don't want to do anything that could jepordize what you've gained or limit what heights you may aspire to. And if you've a mind on how to aspire higher, let's have that private discussion on how I could help you with that."

"As for us, we've been..." Xilanada glances over at Lioness and her arm twitches. It's well controlled but, to a discerning eye, it's plain her reflex was to reach out and probably put a hand on the other woman's lower back. A habit she seemed to be trying to break now. "Successful," the Twilight continues after choosing the word she wanted. "We're finding our way to prosperity, much as anyone might in these troubled times. And times do seem troubled for many. I don't think I've seen so few targets to raid...or so few raiders to do the raiding for that matter. The North feels like they've felt a cold wind blow and are still deciding if it's the first onslaught of winter on its way."

Shaking her head to dispel the melancholy that came too frequently for her now, Xilanada is relieved to see the arrival of food and drink. She catches Lioness' gaze and glances at the sack as Xilanada reaches into her coin purse to pay for the meal. Carrying a coin purse at all felt strange the former Dynast but it couldn't be helped. Besides, Lioness now has the greater sum in her charge and the lovely escort is a much better defender than the Twilight herself.

Xilanada is then perfectly happy to tuck in, though trading bodies did little to hide her reflexively excellent table manner. As soon as she can reasonably excuse herself, she rises and says "Vetter, I look forward to continuing our fruitful discussion tonight. Lioness..." she pauses, hesitating at the sight of the other woman as she so often does. A smile flashes across her face, like a warrior realizing their shield had dipped and is now determined to keep their protection up. "You're welcome to enjoy yourself however you see fit. As for me, I hear a bath calling my name."

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