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Fantasy Even dragons || OOC || have their ending

You’re good. I’m already two beers (technically four, they’re big) deep (unfortunately I do not share Meredith’s metabolism) and won’t be finishing up for a few more hours, so I most likely won’t be able to read anything till tomorrow morning anyway.
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That's strange. I didn't have to wait for this board or for the actual rp board to be approved...at least, I don't think I did?
Unless they got approved quickly enough that I just didn't notice...?
Mine was as uneventful as ever, to be honest.

Still, the incorporated village I live in put on a good show, like always.
Yeah, I mean she can be. I left it open in case Teddy had anything else to say, otherwise you’re good to move on.
Mikotsuhime Mikotsuhime , quick question for you!
How old and well-known is the Domina sect? Kaida's people decided to withdraw from the world a long time ago (at least a hundred years, maybe more) and while some news did still reach them, there are many things that wouldn't have. So I'm trying to figure out if she'd recognize the name of the sect, or just be like 'oh, that's nice' and have no idea who they are or about the negative view most people take of them. ^w^
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